Electrical Infrastructure - Plants and Switchyards: Design Standards No. 4
Electrical Infrastructure - Plants and Switchyards: Design Standards No. 4
Electrical Infrastructure - Plants and Switchyards: Design Standards No. 4
Electrical Infrastructure –
Plants and Switchyards
Chapter 3: Plant Machine-Voltage Equipment
Phase 4 Final
Electrical Infrastructure–
Plants and Switchyards
DS-4(3)-13: Phase 4 Final
December 2015
In addition to these design standards, designers shall integrate sound engineering judgment,
applicable national codes and design standards, site-specific technical considerations, and
project-specific considerations to ensure suitable designs are produced that protect the public’s
investment and safety. Designers shall use the most current edition of national codes and design
standards consistent with Reclamation design standards. Reclamation design standards may
include exceptions to requirements of national codes and design standards.
Proposed Revisions
Reclamation designers should inform the Technical Service Center, via Reclamation’s Design
Standards Web site notification procedure, of any recommended updates or changes to
Reclamation design standards to meet current and/or improved design practices.
Chapter Signature Sheet
Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Service Center
Electrical Infrastructure –
Plants and Switchyards
Chapter 3: Plant Machine-Voltage Equipment
Electrical bus
Mechanical interlocks
High- and medium-voltage breakers
Disconnect switches
High-voltage cables
Fault withstand of electrical equipment
DS-04(3)-13 refers to Design Standards No. 4, chapter 3, revision 13.
Prepafed by:
Technical Approval:
Eric T. Mendlin, P.E. Date
Electrical Engineer, Electrical Design Group, 86-68430
Peer Review:
Manager, Electrical Design Group, 86-68430
Security Review:
aan Date
opower Diagnostics and SCADA Group, 86-68450
4 / 2.s-
Thomas A. Luebke, P.E. Date
Director, Technical Service Center
Figure Page
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of Design Standards No. 4 – Electrical Infrastructure, Plants and
Switchyards, Chapter 3, “Plant Machine-Voltage Equipment” (DS 4-3) is to
briefly explain important concepts pertaining to the electrical infrastructure
design of power system equipment for Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation)
hydroelectric powerplants and pumping (electrically operated) and
pump-generating plants. This chapter is not intended to be a complete
handbook of electrical engineering. Topics that are not discussed in this chapter
are listed below, along with recommended references for obtaining that
3.1.2 Scope
Reclamation electrical infrastructure designs at plants include various types of
plant facilities, with the power equipment arranged therein. These designs are
discussed in a general way in this chapter. Topics in this chapter include all major
power system equipment located in or at plants, except as follows:
Generator step-up unit (GSU): A unit power transformer used for stepping up
the generator machine-voltage to transmission voltage.
Two companion reference books for electrical power systems are the Standard
Handbook for Electrical Engineers, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company,
and Electric Power Engineering: Reference and Applications Handbook, by
C.J. Agrawal.
3.2.3 Clearances
Electrical clearances shall be maintained for outdoor equipment with
exposed components above 1,000 V (i.e., bushings, insulators). Refer to
DS 4 - chapter 5 for the requirements. The same requirements also exist for any
indoor, exposed, live components, including metal-enclosed cabinets and
Clearances for personnel and working space shall be maintained. This includes
space considerations to properly gain access and to remove components from
equipment such as drawout breakers. These regulations are specified by the
Government standards (RSHS, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
[OSHA]), and by industry standards (National Electrical Safety Code [NESC®]),
and they are further discussed in DS 4 - chapter 5.
All power equipment (except metal-enclosed bus) shall receive unique equipment
identification designations. In addition, power-switching equipment receives
switch-operating numbers. Refer to DS 4 - chapter 1 for detailed descriptions and
design tests are not available, are outdated, or the equipment is not identical, the
contract should require actual design tests.
For large pumping plants and all power and pump-generator plants, incoming/
outgoing power is provided by power transformers located either on the plant
deck or in a switchyard.
In addition, IEEE® 693, provides guidance on seismic design for transformers and
other electrical equipment within plant structures, as well as within switchyards.
3.2.12 Finishes
All housing surfaces shall be painted, except stainless steel. External and internal
surfaces are coated with at least one coat of corrosion resisting paint. Most
manufacturers prefer the color ANSI gray No. 61 for exterior surfaces and white
for interior surfaces. Other special colors may be requested depending on any
specific décor that may be required for the installation.
3.2.13 Terminations
Never make solid conductor connections from bus bar/tube to another solid piece
of equipment. The designer(s) shall allow for temperature expansion, contraction
for materials used, and vibrations caused by equipment such as breakers, motors,
and generators. Therefore, flexible or slip connectors must be used when making
a connection to terminals on switchgear, generator, motor, transformer, etc. If
flexible or slip connectors are not used, there is potential for damaging or
destroying equipment such as bushings, bus, etc. Bus manufacturers typically
design the bus with expansion and contraction joint, as necessary, depending on
length, number of bends, or transitions in the bus. Ampacity of any flex
connecter should not be less than the rated continuous current of the bus
In outdoor or high humidity installations, rigid bus should be specified with space
heaters. The heaters help prevent condensation buildup in the housing.
This bus is available for either indoor or outdoor installation. The construction
is intended specifically for use with metal-clad switchgear. The bus typically has
momentary current, insulation, and temperature rise ratings equal to the
associated metal-clad switchgear equipment. The bus structure may be
conveniently terminated with a housing throat for connection to flanges on
either power transformers or generators. The housing construction is
mechanically coordinated with that of metal-clad switchgear to ensure
convenient connection to this type of equipment. The nonsegregated-phase bus
is available at voltage ratings from 600 V to 38 kV and current ratings from 600 A
to approximately 5,000 A. However, at current ratings 4,000 A and above, the
nonsegregated-phase bus loses the advantages of being coordinated mechanically
and electrically with the associated switchgear.
The isolated-phase bus is designed for use on circuits with an importance that
requires the utmost in reliability and complete freedom from any elements that
might result in phase-to-phase faults. The isolated-phase bus is available in
maximum voltage ratings of 15.5, 27, and 38 kV, with continuous current ratings
up to 24,000 A; however, higher currents may be achievable. The use of an
isolated-phase type bus should be considered for current ratings greater than
4,000 A.
At large current ratings, when the size required for self-cooled designs becomes
too large to be economical, forced-air cooling is available to reduce dimensions
and weights to reasonable limits. Moving air is channeled down the bus
between the housing and the conductor, and the accumulated heat is removed by
air-to-water heat exchangers. The size of housings and conductors for an
isolated-phase bus is largely determined by the current rating, the maximum
allowable temperature rise, and the prevailing ambient temperatures; therefore, it
is not practical to establish current ratings that would necessitate a change from
self-cooled to forced-cooled bus. Busway
A busway is a type of nonsegregated-phase bus consisting of sectionalized,
prefabricated bus bars that are rated 600 V or less. Its main use is in small
pumping plants as a power connection between the transformer and the MCC. Types
The cable bus is available for either indoor or outdoor installation and typically
has louvered side members for ventilation. It should be noted that nonventilated
cable bus designs could be supplied, but the current-carrying capacity of this
design is approximately 60 percent of the capacity of the same cables in a
standard ventilated design. The construction is intended specifically for use with
metal-clad switchgear, and the bus has momentary current, insulation, and
temperature rise ratings that are equal to the associated metal-clad switchgear
equipment. The bus enclosure may be conveniently terminated with a housing
throat for connection to flanges on power transformers, generators, or motors with
the insulated cable continuing inside of equipment for final termination. The
housing construction should be mechanically coordinated with that of metal-clad
switchgear to ensure appropriate connection to this type of equipment.
At current levels of 2,000 A or above, the cable bus should have multiple parallels
(three or more per phase) that require special interface considerations at the
terminating equipment.
The cable bus has more flexibility during installation because field adjustments
can easily be made onsite versus rigid bus that needs to be manufactured with
exact dimensions. Structures
The bus manufacturer typically determines support structure location; however,
the TSC Civil/Structural (C/S) engineers should be consulted for best locations
and any other issues, such as building joints and safety. Specifications
The TSC electrical designer(s) have developed guide form specifications for
various types of bus (previously discussed) and they are presently titled as
follows: Standards
The following standard should be consulted and followed in the course of
working on metal-enclosed bus:
For cable bus, in addition to IEEE® C37.23, all the cable standards discussed
elsewhere in this chapter also apply, in addition to the particular requirements
in the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the applicable requirements of
NEMA VE 1, Metal Cable Tray Systems, and NEMA VE 2, Cable Tray
Installation Guidelines.
UL 857, Busways
‘disconnected’ position, the unit may be rolled out of the switchgear cubicle for
maintenance and moved around via use of a pallet jack, manufacturer provided
truck, or other means of moving the breaker.
The breakers are equipped with self-aligning and self-coupling primary bus
contacts and secondary disconnects. Today, the type of breaker used is a vacuum
interrupting type; however, in the past, air-blast units were used, and a few may
still exist at some Reclamation plants.
The standard ratings range is typically from 4.76 kV to 38 kV, with continuous
current ratings of 1,200, 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 A.
compressor, motor starter, air storage tanks, accessory control, and safety
protective equipment. The air supply system is assembled on a frame and
separately mounted near the circuit breaker. The air supply unit is also
connected to the station compressed air system as an emergency air supply.
This type of gear, using air-blast breakers, is applied in higher current applications
that are typically outside the range of metal-clad vacuum breakers. However, this
type of breaker is no longer manufactured. Vacuum breaker ratings are steadily
increasing to fill this range; however, at the higher currents, especially
interrupting currents that are greater than 80 kA, SF6 gas breakers can be used to
replace this equipment or can be provided in a new installation.
Note that no exact industry standard exists for this type of switchgear; however,
parts of other standards, such as IEEE® C37.04, C37.013 (for generator breakers),
and C37.20.2, would apply to these breakers and gear. Insulated bus should be
required to meet IEEE® C37.20.2. Selection
Motor controls will range from small, single unit LV plants to medium size,
multi-unit, 480-, 2,400-, 4,160-, or 6,900 V installations. Individual controllers
for LV plants consist of a combination molded-case circuit breaker and motor
contactor. Individual controllers at medium-voltage plants have fuses and Enclosures
Motor controls are installed in prefabricated sheet metal enclosures. MCCs are
used for LV controllers. MCEs are used for medium-voltage controllers. The
enclosures contain compartments for the incoming power feeder and for
controlling each motor. MCEs have separate compartments for the motor
contactor and the LV motor controls. Control circuits are provided for each
controller. Power for the control circuits is obtained from a fused, control-circuit
MCC enclosures can be either NEMA 250 Type 1 or Type 12 for indoor
installations. Outdoor MCCs consist of a NEMA Type 12 enclosure mounted
inside a weatherproof enclosure. MCE enclosures can be either ungasketed or
gasketed for indoor installations. Outdoor MCEs consist of a gasketed enclosure
mounted inside a weatherproof enclosure. Specifications
The TSC electrical designer(s) have developed guide form specifications for this
equipment, which are presently titled as follows:
The TSC presently does not have a guide form specifications for station-type
switchgear, although the guide specification for Medium-Voltage Metal-Clad
Switchgear could be edited for this type of equipment.
to keep the temperature rise of magnetic materials near the bus from exceeding
specified limits. Equipment layout shall be coordinated with other equipment that
it will be connected to, in order to provide convenient and rapid assembly of the
equipment at the jobsite. In addition, equipment shall be rated to withstand all
forces encountered under normal operating conditions and during short circuits.
The contractor may be required to furnish the services of an erecting engineer to
supervise the installation of the bus and associated equipment. Standards
The following standards and their amendments should be consulted in the course
of working on medium-voltage switchgear:
3.5 Switches
3.5.1 General
Disconnecting switches are used to isolate power equipment for maintenance. In
the machine-voltage circuits, they are used to isolate the unit circuit breakers, or
they may be installed in-line in the bus to isolate sections or feeder bus, such as
bus to station service systems. A phase-reversal switch is a special type of switch,
which is not used to isolate, but to reverse phases of a pump-generator unit(s).
Another special use is a grounding switch that is/may be used to ground the
machine-voltage bus.
Switches shall have safety glass windows so that the contact position may be
visually verified. The switch-operating handle should be located away from the
blast zone (access door to the switch), when possible. Warning plates with
cautionary operating instructions should be attached to the outside of the switch
cubicle. Structures
For in-line switches, the bus manufacturer typically determines the support
structure location; however, the TSC C/S should be consulted for best locations
and any other issues, such as building joints. Specifications
There is no guide form specification for switches. Switches are included in the
guide form specification for medium-voltage switchgear. Standards
In addition to the standards for switchgear, the following standard should be
consulted and followed in the course of working on disconnect switches and
ground switches:
FIST 5-1, Personal Protective Grounding for Electric Power Facilities and
Power Lines
becomes very high. Power cable is also better adapted to installations where the
rigid bus would pose a problem, such as obstacles that the bus (which comes in
standard section lengths) would have to be routed around. Rigid bus is better
suited for continuous current requirements that approach or exceed 2,000 A.
MV power cables may also be used on station service systems in and around the
plant or facility. See the section on station service systems in DS 4 - chapter 6. Insulation
The insulation (EPR) is extruded onto the conductor, and its thickness determines
the voltage rating of the cable. The industry refers to this as the ‘insulation level.’
The selection of the cable insulation level in each particular installation should be
based on the applicable phase-to-phase voltage and the general system category,
as outlined below. Screens
There are typically two screens applied (extruded) to dielectric cables. The first
screen is referred to as the ‘conductor’ or ‘strand’ screen, and the second screen is
known as the ‘insulation’ screen. Shielding
Shielding of an electric power cable is the practice of confining the electric field
of the cable to the insulation of the conductor(s). Shielding should be considered
for nonmetallic covered cables operating at a circuit voltage above 2,000 V for
single conductor cables and 5,000 V for assembled conductors with a common
overall jacket. Nonshielded constructions (constructions not having an insulation
screen and metallic shield) are not recommended for use above 5 kV. Jacket
The final layer on a power cable is referred to as the jacket and typically consists
of a coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). However, better flame-retardant and
low halogen jackets are available and may be considered in special applications,
such as areas that are open and exposed to other equipment and/or personnel.
For safe and effective operation, the shielding should be grounded at each end of
the cable and at each splice. For short lengths, or where special bonding
arrangements are used, it may be satisfactory to only ground at one point. All
grounding connections shall be made to the cable shield in a way that provides a
permanent, low resistance bond. The wire or strap used to connect the cable
shield ground connection to the permanent ground must be of ample size to carry
fault currents.
Industry, with help from IEEE®, has developed another test procedure that uses an
AC voltage, but is performed at a very low frequency (VLF). This test, referred
to as a VLF test, can be considered in lieu of the DC hipot test.
Cable sizes are selected from the ampacity tables in the NEC and other standards
Voltage drop is typically not an issue with the lengths of MV cable installed at
plants. Voltage drop should be considered during design; this process is
discussed in DS 4 - chapter 6. Specifications
The TSC electrical designers have developed a guide form specifications for
MV power cables, which is presently titled as follows:
used. The IEEE® VLF test standard 400.2 lists several waveform types.
Presently, Reclamation has no preference.
Note also that medium- and high-voltage power cables should be indicated on
switching and single line diagrams with the triangular-shaped cable terminator
symbol, and it should be placed at each end of each continuous run of MV cable.
IEEE® 400.2, Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems
Using Very Low Frequency (VLF)
IEEE® 422, Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Power
Generating Stations
IEEE® 525, Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems in
NEMA WC 74, 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission
and Distribution of Electric Energy
AC alternating current
ATS acceptance testing specifications
CT current transformer
DC direct current
EPR ethylene-propylene rubber (insulation)
GCB generator circuit breaker
GSU generator step-up unit (transformer)
hipot high-voltage potential (test)
HV high voltage
HVCB high-voltage circuit breaker
Hz hertz (60 cycles per second)
LV low voltage
IEEE® 422 Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems
in Power Generating Stations
IEEE® 525 Guide for the Design and Installation of Cable Systems
in Substations