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IBM Training Catalog 2010

IBM Training
Hands-on Labs

A smarter planet starts with you­—

build your skills with IBM training.

Catalog 2010

IBM Training for Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

IBM Education Pack Mainframe Systems Platform
Extend your training euros. Use it for
IBM public and onsite courses, IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, Linux on System z) . . . . 9
conferences, e-learning and more!
Modular Systems Platform
IBM System x and BladeCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Power Systems Platform

Onsite Training from IBM IBM i & IBM System i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Bring top-notch classroom
instruction to your location, IBM System p, AIX and UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
customized to your needs.
Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Storage Systems Platform
IBM System Storage and Storage Networking . . . . 24

IBM e-Learning courses Technology Partner Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
e-Learning exists in multiple
formats: find out what suits
you most
IBM Software Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Application Development/Java Technologies . . . . 30
Professional Certification
from IBM Object Technology

Laying the groundwork for your
personal journey to become a world- Java
class resource to your customers,
colleagues and company. SOA
CICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Information Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
IBM Training for Systems Data Management

Check here for systems training
in today’s most vital technologies: Enterprise Content Management
green efficiency, virtualization,
IT optimization and more. Information Platform and Solutions (IPS)
Cognos Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

IBM Software Training Lotus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

For products that are open, scalable,
Rational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

secure and innovative. Become
more flexible, make the most of Tivoli and Service Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
current resources and control costs
with green training options. WebSphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
WebSphere ILOG
WebSphere Application Server
Business Process Management
Application Integration
WebSphere Voice
WebSphere Commerce
IBM Software Premium Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

ibm.com/training/nl 3
IBM Education Pack – Saving You Money

Companies today have

ramped up their efforts to
reduce costs, conserve
energy and find new ways
to save time and money.
Together, we are all making
a difference.

The IBM Education Pack has

been saving you green from
the get-go. It’s the only
pre-paid debit account that
saves you on your IBM Save Resources Example Savings With the
No paperwork to sign up, no multiple IBM Education Pack
training, every time you train. P.O.s. – no hassles. Simply open your Account Your Your
account and save hundreds on top-rated Value* Cost Savings
IBM training courses. (Euro) (Euro)

¤ 2.500 ¤ 2.375 5%
Reduce Travel
The IBM Education Pack is good for hundreds ¤ 5.000 ¤ 4.600 8%
of IBM offerings, such as Instructor-led online
classes (ILO)*, self-paced virtual classes*, ¤ 10.000 ¤ 9.000 10%
e-learning, mentoring, and private onsite
training brought to you.You can also use your
IBM Education Pack for public classes, and
IBM Technical Conferences (in-country).
Just register online!*

*not available in all countries

Save Time
Activate your account and use it as often
as you like within 12 months, for anyone in
your company.You can even purchase your
account now and delay account activation for
up to 60 days.

Please visit our website to find out more about the different
Edpack Values and other discounts we offer.
Belgium: ibm.com/training/be
Netherlands: ibm.com/training/nl

Onsite Training – Just the Right Training. Just For Your Team.

Onsite Training from IBM is Consider your training needs If you answered “Yes” to two or more
to see if onsite training is right questions, Onsite Training from IBM could
one of the fastest-growing for you:
be the best solution for your training needs.
To learn more, including dozens of true
solutions for business and • Do your employees have various levels of stories about the above-and-beyond
experience or skills? nature of Onsite Training from IBM, visit
technical training. Why? ibm.com/training/us/onsite/casestudies.
• Do employees require topics that off-the-shelf
When you bring an IBM courses don’t cover? You’ll see success stories such as the one
instructor to your location, you • Is it difficult for your employees to be away from Sears Canada, which recently planned a
from the job? major SOA implementation (Service Oriented
get exactly what you want. • Do you have a limited travel budget?
Architecture). The lead IT architect at Sears
Canada knew that the smoothest transition
• Do you have a unique IT environment or depended on knowledge – for everyone from
business? senior management to system administrators.
IBM delivered a custom multi-tiered solution:
• Do you require solid participation and high for upper management, executive overviews
ratings for courses and instructors? that helped embrace the SOA concept were
informative but not too technical; for the IT staff,
comprehensive WebSphere training.

Find out how IBM can solve your unique training needs.
We’ll even help you plan your solution, space, dates, times,
equipment and more.

Save more with the

For more information, visit your website:
IBM Education Pack! Belgium: ibm.com/training/be
The IBM Education Pack
can automatically save Netherlands: ibm.com/training/nl
you on your
onsite training.
or call Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40

ibm.com/training/nl 5
IBM e-Learning

e-Learning is a general term that consists of mutiple course formats. Find

below a description of these different formats to see what suits you most:

Course format Description Availability Benefits

Instructor-led online Live virtual courses Scheduled Live classroom
(ILO) delivered over the instruction on your
Take your training program to Web using VOIP and desktop without the
new heights with the e-learning hands-on labs need to travel

options from IBM Training. A Self-paced virtual Online courses with Scheduled and Learn at your own
web-based On demand pace with content
perfect complement to class-
assignments, content support from subject
room training, our e-learning support, and hands-on matter experts and
labs in most classes access to remote labs
menu offers something for from your desktop
every need and every budget.
Online Learning Self-paced, web-based On demand Learn at your own
training covering a pace with training that
e-Learning from IBM Training is: variety of IBM and is completely self
non-IBM technologies. contained from your
Available as single desktop without the
Flexible – learn when it suits titles or course need for additional
bundles. instructor access
you, wherever you happen to be

Personal – learn at your own

pace or in a peer environment

Smart – save on travel costs,

cut down on travel time

Visit our website to find out more

about the e-Learning courses we offer:
Belgium: ibm.com/training/be
Netherlands: ibm.com/training/nl

Professional Certification from IBM

You are your company’s

best resource.
Your certification proves it.

Every company has a few go-to people,

the ones that clients and colleagues tap
for ideas, answers, and inspiration. Why not
make known your know-how with an IBM
Professional Certification? This rigorous
training path upgrades your career by providing
an industry-standard validation of your expert
skills in specific IBM technologies.

Signing up couldn’t be easier – simply visit

ibm.com/certify and select the certification
program you’re most interested in.You’ll find:

• IBM certifications listed by hardware,

software and other product solutions

• A step-by-step checklist for achieving


• Test information including number of

questions, duration, passing scores,
prerequisite skills, and sample tests

• Recommended training resources,

preparation tips, test updates, and revisions

• Your own member site for accessing your

certification history and activity

• IBM’s e-newsletter, Certification Today,

announcing personal success stories, salary
surveys, industry analyses, and technical
conferences that offer you certification testing
at deeply discounted rates

If brilliant could be bottled,

you’d be it.

For more information about

IBM Professional Certification
visit ibm.com/certify

Systems and Technology Training




Mainframe Systems Platform

IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, Linux on System z)

Modular Systems Platform

IBM System x and BladeCenter

Power Systems Platform

IBM i & IBM System i

IBM System p, AIX and UNIX


Storage Systems Platform

IBM System Storage and Storage Networking

Technology Partner Offerings

The prices listed in this catalog are subject to change. ibm.com/training/be
+32-2-655 52 88
+31-20-513 39 40

8 1-800-IBM-TEACH (1-800-426-8322)
Mainframe Systems Platform

IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, Linux on System z)

Up-to-date Offering Training Delivery Methods

Most of our courses are already updated to
reflect the latest features of the hardware Most of the System z courses can be delivered
System z10, as well as the additional features in one of the following formats:
introduced in the latest z/OS releases (currently
• Classroom (public or private)
• ILO (“Instructor-led Online” Training)
Furthermore, our certified and skilled • Web-based e-Learning
Mainframe teachers are able to complement
Private classroom trainings can be delivered in
the course materials by teaching you on the
Curriculum Overview latest capabilities of the System z platform. an IBM certified Training Center or at the
customer site. If needed, the standard course
The System z curriculum is designed to
As a consequence, the students have the content can be tailored to specific customer
improve the skills of your people in such a way
warranty to receive state-of-the-art technical needs to improve the effectiveness of the
that your company can realize measurable
information on System z. training. In any case, practical exercises are
benefits in categories such as productivity
possible on Mainframe Servers that are
gains, reduced System z resources usage,
dedicated to the IBM Training Services.
savings in technical support calls, improved
customer service, increased employee loyalty. ITSO Workshops on System z ILO courses are to be considered as live
From time to time, System z Experts from the (scheduled) classrooms that are remote
ITSO Organization are delivering Advanced accessible by the students. Without leaving
their work or private environment, the students
Audience of the System z Technical Workshops on System z. The
are linked to the teacher in a live, interactive
curriculum offering speakers are selected in the team who is
designing the IBM Redbooks on System z. learning experience.
A lot of IBM courses on System z are aimed at
Don't miss those unique opportunities, by Web-based e-Learning is an on-demand
enabling newcomers in System z to become
looking frequently at our System z curriculum training method that is completely self
familiar with the IBM Mainframe environment,
web site. contained from your desktop. It is a perfect
either to become Application Programmers (in
complement to our classroom training, also for
COBOL as well as in Java) or to become
skills assesment and from time to time
System Engineers (in z/OS, z/VM, or zLinux).
knowledge refreshment.
Other more advanced courses are designed to
improve the skills of Mainframe users in areas
such as:

• Advanced RACF Security Facilities

• Parallel Sysplex implementation and


• Workload Management and Tuning,

• z/OS Problem Determination,

• z/OS Unix System Services.

Most System z courses are enriched with a lot

of practical exercises that are running on a
“live” IBM Mainframe Server available to each
Student from a PC workstation.

The various System z training roadmaps help

you to identify the specific courses that are the
most appropriate to enhance your skills and
improve your job performances.

ibm.com/training/nl 9
Mainframe Systems Platform
IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, Linux on System z)

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descriptions and schedules.
z/OS Duration
BE87 Effective RACF Administration C/H 4,5
ES07 z/OS Job Control Language and Utilities – Updated to reflect current software C/H 5,0
ES10 Fundamental System Skills in z/OS C/H 5,0
ES15 z/OS Facilities C 5,0
ES20 z/OS System Services Structure C 5,0
ES26 SMP/E for z/OS Workshop C/H 5,0
ES27 z/OS Operations – Updated to reflect current software C 3,0
ES32 FICON Planning, Operation, Implementation, and Problem Determination C/H 3,0
ES41 z/OS Installation C/H 5,0
ES42 Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop – Updated to reflect current software C 5,0
ES48 ISPF Panels Using Dialog Manager C/H 5,0
ES52 Writing REXX Programs for z/OS C/H 5,0
ES54 Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager (WLM) C/H 4,5
ES65 Implementing and Using LDAP on z/OS C/H 4,0
ES66 Advanced z/OS Security: Crypto, Network, RACF and Your Enterprise C/H 4,0
ES68 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Implementation – Updated to reflect current software C/H 4,5
ES71 JES2 for z/OS Facilities and Implementation C/H 4,0
ES82 IBM System z Mainframe Training: Technical Overview of the HW and C/H 2,0
SW Mainframe Evolution
ES84 Implementing RACF Security for CICS C/H 4,5
A complete Web-based e-Learning
program on ISPF, JCL, REXX, RACF, ES85 Advanced z/OS Performance: WLM, Sysplex and UNIX Services C 4,5
JES2,... is now available at a very ES88 Exploiting the Advanced Features of RACF C/H 4,0
competitive price, thanks to our strategic ES96 z/OS HCD and I/O Configuration – Updated to reflect current software C/H 4,0
partnership with InterSkill, leader in the IBM
MV90 Parallel Sysplex Operation and Recovery – Updated to reflect current software C/H 3,0
Mainframe e-Learning solution.
OP05 Introducing z/OS UNIX System Services C/H 3,0
More details on our Mainframe e-Learning OP25 z/OS UNIX System Services Implementation C/H 5,0
offering? OP29 zFS – The USS Filesystem Implementation and Migration from HFS C/H 2,5
OZ61 WebSphere Application Server V6: Problem Documentation and Diagnostics C/H 3,0
ibm.com/training/be (Belgium)
ibm.com/training/nl (Netherlands) OZ83 Integrated WebSphere Messaging Into a Service Oriented Architecture C/H 3,0
OZ85 Maximizing WebSphere Performance on z/OS C/H 4,5
ES24 IBM System z HNC Operations C/H 2,0
ZL10 Linux for Sytem z Implementation C/H 3,0
SZ81 z/OS RACF Implementation and Customization C/H 4,0
OZ96 System z Chanel Architecture, Planning and Operations C 5,0

C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
10 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Mainframe Systems Platform
IBM System z (z/OS, z/VM, Linux on System z)

z/OS and System z z/OS Operation and Parallel Sysplex

IBM System z Mainframe

An Introduction to the z/OS
Training: Technical Overview of
New to Environment
HW and SW Mainframe
IBM System z Yes Evolution
environment? ES05
ES82 Classroom
Classroom New z/OS
Operator? Yes EZ05
No Instructor-led online

IBM System z9 and zSeries

990/890 Technical Update and Fundamental System Skills
Implementing Configuration Guidelines in z/OS
IBM System z Yes Z890 & z990
z/OS System Operations
Processors? OZ05
Classroom ES10
Classroom ES27
No EZ10 Classroom
Instructor-led online
An Introduction to the z/OS Fundamental System Skills No
Environment in z/OS

New to z/OS? Yes ES05 OR ES10 OR z/OS Job Control Language z/OS JES2 Operator Training
Classroom Classroom and Utilities
EZ05 EZ10 ES28
Instructor-led online ES07 Classroom
Instructor-led online

z/OS Job Control Language
z/OS Basics ISPF Panels Using Dialog
and Utilities Writing REXX Programs for z/OS
Need REXX Manager
skills? Yes
ES06 OR ES07
ES52 ES48
Classroom Classroom
Classroom Classroom
No Instructor-led online No
IBM System z Hardware
z/OS VSAM and Access Management Console (HMC)
Method Services Operations
Yes ES24
SS83 HMC skills?
Instructor-led online
z/OS V1R6 to z/OS V1R7
z/OS V1R7 to z/OS V1R8
Update: Enhanced Scalability
Update IBM System z Hardware
and Autonomics
No Management Console (HMC)
OZ93 OZ95 Operations
Classroom Classroom
Update z/OS? Yes ES24
z/OS V1R6 to z/OS V1R8 Instructor-led online
z/OS V1R8 to z/OS V1R9 Operating a
Update: Enxtending the
Update Parallel Sysplex Yes
Enterprise-wide Role Environment? or
No OZ97 ES99
Classroom Classroom Parallel Sysplex Operations and Advanced Parallel Sysplex
Recovery Operations and Recovery

zSeries Channel Architecture FICON Planning Operation No MV90 ES90

Planning, Operation and Implementation and Problem Classroom Classroom
Implementing Problem Determination or Determination
ESCON or Yes
Classroom Classroom Parallel Sysplex Training
Environment in Environment (PSTE)
your Yes
installation? ES97


Complex Systems Availability

and Recovery zSeries


ibm.com/training/nl 11
Modular Systems Platform

IBM System x and BladeCenter

Certification IBM Technical Conferences –

Professionals requiring formal credentials Clients Tell Us That Attending
validating skills in IBM BladeCenter and is Time Well Spent
System x Server products may pursue IBM To hear for yourself, visit
professional technical certification. IBM offers ibm.com/training/conf
hands-on lab training with real-life problem and click on “It’s Time
solving opportunities on IBM System x and Well Spent”. IBM offers
BladeCenter servers. These courses and technical conferences
associated tests lead to certification through around the world this year.
the Professional Certification Program from Also, check out our
Curriculum Overview IBM. Course content focuses on underlying technical conferences listing on page 6.
IBM System x server is designed to be technology, in addition to specific products, to
integrated into robust, flexible IT infrastructures. maximize value and provide transferable skills.
The System x and BladeCenter server family This training is available through System x and
combines industry standards and openness BladeCenter education included in this catalog.
with IBM innovations and technology to offer
extreme performance and scalability with The professional roles certified by IBM are:
acclaimed IBM reliability, manageability and • IBM Certified Specialist – System x
serviceability. The name System x originates Technical Principles Onsite Training from IBM – Let Us
from IBM X-Architecture™ technology, an Bring the Training to You
• IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert –
initiative to bring the best IBM enterprise IBM can provide
System x High Performance Servers
server features, functions and services to convenient, cost-effective
the x86 processor-based server segment. • IBM Certified Specialist – IBM BladeCenter
and customized training for
The result is an industry leading server family • IBM Certified Specialist – System x IBM groups as small as 3
of, towers, racks, blades, high end scalable Director to groups as large as 14 or
servers and multi-node superclusters, that are more. Get the same quality
• IBM Certified Specialist – System x High
ready for your dynamic on-demand business education we deliver in our
Performance Servers
needs, and can help you achieve your price classrooms, brought right to your site or
performance goal. one that IBM arranges for you. Save money,
Leverage IBM enjoy greater flexibility, gain more control
IBM System x Training and achieve stronger results with Onsite
IBM has a breadth of training offerings to
Education Packs
Training from IBM. Get even greater savings
meet almost every customer requirement. Did you know that by using
In the x86-based server space, here are just you can use the IBM an IBM Education Pack – see page 4.
a few of the topics our courses cover: Education Pack – online To talk with someone about an onsite
account to pay for your class, contact an IBM Training Customer
IBM BladeCenter – scale out with x86-based IBM training? Leverage Service Representative.
processor blade servers for smart modular IBM Education Packs for
computing. any IBM training,
including our classroom,
Enterprise X-Architecture™ Technology and onsite courses. It’s a great option for
continued leading-edge eX4 scale up companies that need
technology in the x86-based server space. to train multiple employees.
This technology helps to provide for the highest Visit ibm.com/ training/be or
levels of performance and memory protection ibm.com/ training/nl for details. It’s Smarter for Companies to
as well as remote I/O. Train Than to Recruit
Increased competition
Systems Management – IBM Director for the best workers is
hardware workgroup manager using innovative causing CEOs to focus on
technology combined with years of systems talent development and
management experience and customer management as a top
feedback to create a solution that stands priority. One of
above the rest. Using standard help-desk the best ways for
features and advanced monitoring and alert companies to keep
management capabilities, IBM Director is skilled IT employees is to provide them
tailored for superior management of Intel with training opportunities. Read more
processor-based systems. about this issue in Winning the Battle for
Talent at ibm.com/training/us/talent

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
12 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Modular Systems Platform
IBM System x and BladeCenter

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descriptions and schedules.
Technical Training
XTR11 IBM System x Technical Principles (Enhanced) C/H
XTR21 IBM System x and Fiber Channel Storage C/H
XTR44 IBM Director Overview C/H
XTR45 IBM Director Advanced C/H
XTR46 IBM Sytem Director V6.1 Introduction C/H
XTR47 Managing IBM System x and BladeCenter Server with IBM Systems Director - Base C/H
XTR50 IBM System x Enterprise Servers, Architecture and Product Overview C/H
BladeCenter Training
XTR30 IBM BladeCenter Fundamentals C/H
XTR31 IBM BladeCenter S Workshop C/H
XTR32 IBM BladeCenter E Workshop C/H
XTR33 IBM BladeCenter H Workshop C/H
XTR34 IBM BladeCenter E & H Workshop C/H

C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 13
Modular Systems Platform
IBM System x and BladeCenter

System x Training System x BladeCenter Track

3 Training Areas

System x Proceed to training path:

Technical Yes A A: System x Technical Training

BladeCenter S Workshop


BladeCenter Proceed to training path:

Track Yes B B: BladeCenter Track or

BladeCenter E Workshop

XTR32 You may be ready for:

IBM BladeCenter Fundamentals Classroom
Certifiction Test 078
BladeCenter H Workshop



BladeCenter E and H
System x Technical Training

System x and Fibre Channel

System x Technical Principles
XTR11 Classroom

You may be ready for:

Certification Test 071

Enterprise Server Architecture

High Performance Track and Product Overview


Enterprise Server
Implementation and

You may be ready for:

Certification Test 084

Proceed to training path: BladeCenter Track

IBM Systems Director v6.1

IBM Systems Introduction
Management Track

Managing IBM System x and

BladeCenter Servers with IBM
Systems Director 6.1 Base

14 1-800-IBM-TEACH (1-800-426-8322)
Power Systems Platform

IBM i & IBM System i

Some courses we want to experienced programmers. Functions are

Highlight 'referential integrity' and 'triggers'.

I577 IBM WebSphere Express

IBM i Learning Academy Administration on IBM i
Everybody knows classroom training where The purpose of this Learning Academy
you have a teacher and a group of students. course is to provide students with a solid
The teacher teaches the same content to foundation of administration skills for
everybody at the same time. Next to classroom WebSphere Application Server -Express V6
training IBM also offers the Learning Academy for System i - iSeries. Students are likely new
where students from different courses sit to the WebSphere Application Server product,
together in one room studying and so the course provides a gentle introduction.
experimenting at their own pace. They are
Curriculum Overview coached and helped by a trainer who is an I586 IBM i: Application Developing Using
The curriculum IBM i - System i covers all the expert in all the courses running at the same WDSc
needs associated with this integrated time. The coach will also take time regularly to The purpose of the course is to introduce
POWER Server. For those not familiar with take a subgroup apart to discuss subjects of System i - iSeries application developers to
the IBM i - System i, we offer basic training, student that are at the same pace. This way using WebSphere Development Studio Client
being the AS24 (New Operator Workshop) or you can study in your own pace, come as long (WDSc) to develop iSeries host applications
the QI10 (Condensed Technical Course). as you need and leave when you are ready. (RPG, COBOL, and CL). The hands-on
exercises show developers to perform the
Then specific training paths are aimed at And another advantage: you only pay for the same tasks they do in PDM and/or SEU as
specific professions like: actual time spent studying. Learning Academy well as highlight features that are unique to
is especially useful when you master the basics WDSc.
■ System administrators and want to study more at your own time and
pace. Instructor Led Online courses
■ Network Administrators
■ Traditional language developers The Learning Academy currently offers a wide OV28 BRMS Implementation and
list of i courses covering RPG IV, ILE RPG, Administration IBM i-System i
■ Java – WebSphere developers
COBOL, WDSc, CL, DB2, Query, DB2 Web This course covers the features and functions
■ Operators Query, SQL, Embedded SQL, WebSphere supported by the *BASE portion of 5761-BR1;
■ End users Express, WebFacing, HATS, etc... Backup and Recovery Media Services. In this
course, we discuss the backup and recovery
The sessions are organized during fixed weeks capabilities provided by BRMS for a single
Most of our i courses:
in Belgium and on appointment in The IBM i-System i. The lectures describe how to
Netherlands. In the table you can find an perform the supported functions when using
WDSc, Embedded SQL, SQL, Printer File,
overview of the L.A. offerings in Benelux. a 5250 emulation session. Students then
WebSphere Express, Query/400 and DB2 Web
have the opportunity to practice what they
Query are available in Learning Academy. It is Learning Academy courses have learned in lab exercises.
a self-training assisted by an experienced
coach and embellished with a multitude of I502 DB2 Web Query OV52 Hardware Management Console
exercises (in Belgium the Learning Academy is This Learning Academy course explains you (HMC) for IBM i - System i
opened 2 weeks each quarter). how to use, implement and support the new Learn the installation, configuration and
Web-based query and report writing product operation of the Hardware Management
We now also started with the organization of IBM DB2 Web Query for System i that offers Console (HMC) for Power i servers. Begin
Instructor Led Online (ILO) courses, training you enhanced capabilities over the IBM with an overview of HMC functions, followed
with no travel required: these are live virtual Query for iSeries - Query/400 product. by detailed information on how to install a
courses delivered over the Web using VOIP
new HMC, configure network settings and
technology and hands-on labs. I539 Using Embedded SQL in the HMC user profiles, create a connection to a
Development of IBM i Applications managed system, and upgrade an existing
This course is designed primarily to teach HMC. Explore the HMC's Graphical User
experienced System i RPG IV or Cobol Interface (GUI) to manage an IBM i - System
programmers how to use embedded SQL in i. Through online presentations and quizzes,
System i programs. develop the basic skills for backing up HMC
and managed system configuration data,
I552 IBM i: Experience the Productivity performing HMC and microcode software
Gain of the ILE Environment maintenance, and creating logical partitions
ILE' is not only a concept, it is also a (LPAR). Additionally, learn how to configure
productive way to organize System i - iSeries the HMC as a Service Focal Point, enable the
programs into modules to facilitate their service call home function, add or replace
maintenance with as main purpose to let use hardware, and work with Capacity on
your existing programs in an e-business Demand.
environment. This Learning Academy course
let you discover how easy it is to convert OV55 DB2 Web Query for Advanced
existing programs into the ILE environment Users, Administrators, and Programmers
and let you experience the productivity gain This workshop explains how to use,
you'll get. implement, and support the new Web-based
query and report writing product, IBM DB2
I553 IBM i: 1 Advanced DB2 UDB Web Query for System i, through lecture and
Workshop for Experienced Programmers hands-on labs.
This Learning Academy course teaches you,
with a lot of exercises, the advanced
functions of DB2 UDB very useful for ibm.com/training/be
ibm.com/training/nl 15
Power Systems Platform
IBM i & IBM System i

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descrip- Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descrip-
tions and schedules. tions and schedules.
Programming: Fundamentals e-business (WebSphere, Java)
OL20 IBM i & IBM System i Control Language Programming Workshop C/H AS08 Java for RPG Programmers C/H
OL49 IBM i Programming Facilities Workshop C/H AS16 OS/400 V5.1 TCP/IP Basic Implementation C/H
Programming: RPG AS17 OS/400 Version 5 HTTP Server Implementation (Apache & Original) C/H
AS06 IBM i & IBM System i AS18 Enabling i5/OS Network Security C/H
RPG IV Version 5 Programming Fundamentals Workshop C/H AS77 IBM WebSphere Application Server Express V6.0 Administration
AS07 IBM i & IBM System i on IBM i & IBM System i C/H
RPG IV Version 5 Programming Intermediate Workshop C OV07 IBM i: Communications Overview ILO
AS10 IBM i & IBM System i RPG IV Version 5 Programming Advanced Workshop C AS94 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Administration
OE85 Moving from RPG/400 to System i RPG IV C/H on IBM i & IBM System i C/H
QI51 RPG IV and RPG Free Format Update Advanced Workshop C/H OW78 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Performance
QI53 Advanced DB2 UDB Workshop for Experienced Programmers C/H for IBM i & IBM System i C/H

QI54 ILE RPG IV : Address Pointers, User Spaces and APIs' Advanced Workshop C/H OW86 IBM i & IBM System i Application Development Using WDSC Version 6.0 C/H

QI55 Open RPG to e-business C/H OW87 IBM i: Application Development Using WDSC Version 7.0 C/H

QI56 XML for RPG C/H OV90 WAS 7.0 Administartion on IBM i ILO

Programming: SQL DB2 Programming

OL37 Accessing the IBM i & IBM System i Database Using SQL C/H OD04 DB2 WebQuery Getting Started C/H

OL38 Developing IBM i & IBM System i Applications Using SQL C/H OD05 DB2 WebQuery for Advanced users, Developers, and Administrators C/H
OD30 PHP on i5/OS C/H
System Administration
QI76 IBM DB2 for i5/OS SQL Performance Monitoring and Tuning Workshop C/H
AS30 IBM i & IBM System i Integration with BladeCenter and System x –
Now includes the latest labs C/H System i Learning Academy
AS51 Change Management for IBM i & IBM System i C/H AS00V1 Learning Academy
AS53 Logical Partitioning (LPAR) on IBM i & IBM System i C/H I501V0 IBM i & IBM System i Query for End User 1
AS54 IBM Power HA for i, Clustering, and Independent Disk Pools Implementation C/H I502V0 IBM i & IBM System i - DB2 Web Query 2
QI64 Performance Analysis Workshop for i5/OS C I507V0 RPG IV Basic Programming 6
AS65 IBM iDoctor for IBM i C/H I508V0 RPG IV Advanced Programming 4
OL19 IBM i & IBM System i Administration and Control C/H I509V0 Advanced Printer File Usage on the System i 1
OL50 IBM i & IBM System i Security Concepts and Implementation C/H I520V0 Control Language Programming ( CL ) Part 1 3
OL51 IBM i & IBM System i Recovery and Availability Management C/H I521V0 Control Language Programming ( CL ) Part 2 4
OL95 IBM i & IBM System i Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning C/H I531V0 COBOL/400 Programming 6
QI10 IBM i & IBM System i Condensed Technical Courses C/H I532V0 COBOL/400 Programming with Subfiles 4
QIIC IBM iCluster Essentials C/H I537V0 Using Interactive SQL on the IBM i & IBM System i 2
OD09 Virtualization C/H I539V0 Using Embedded SQL in the Development
AS97 Open Storage for IBM C/H of IBM i & IBM System i Applications 2

OV12 Migrating Intergrated Storage to SAN Storage for DS5000 ILO I550V0 IBM i & IBM System i - iSeries Application Development Utilities 2

OV11 Migrating Intergrated Storage to SAN Storage for DS8000 ILO I552V0 Experience the Productivity Gain of the ILE Environment 2

OV06 Systems Director for IBM ILO I553V0 Advanced DB2 UDB Workshop for Experienced Programmers 1

OV29 BRMS Update ILO I562V0 IBM i & IBM System i DB2 UDB Coding & Implementation 2

OV92 IBM i: Sorage Solution ILO I577V0 IBM WebSphere Express Administration on IBM i & IBM System i 2

AS52 SAP Solution on IBM i: (Implementation and Operation) C/H I586V1 IBM i & IBM System i Application Developing Using WDSc 2

System Operations C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs ILO = Instructor-led Online Class
AS24 System Operator Workshop for IBM i & IBM System i C/H
AS27 Advanced System Operator Workshop for IBM i & IBM System i C
AS28 Backup and Recovery Media Services (BRMS) for IBM i & IBM System i C/H
AS93 IBM System Storage Solutions for i5/OS C/H
OS02 Query/400 Workshop C/H
OS17 IBM Power Systems i V6R1 Update C/H
Developed in cooperation with STG Lab Services La Gaude
QI71 Security Overview and Implementation Workshop C/H
QI72 Simplifying Sign on Processes and Eliminating Passwords
with Single Sign on (SSO) C/H
QI73 Protecting Sensitive Information in your Database
with IBM i - i5/OS Encryption C/H
QI75 DB2 Universal Database for i Technical Education C/H
QI76 DB2 and SQL for i Performance Workshop C/H

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
16 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Power Systems Platform
IBM i & IBM System i

System Administrator Application Developer

DB2/400 Database Coding and

System Operator Workshop IBM i Condensed Technical IBM i Programming Facilities
Implementation Using DDS and WDSc Development V6.0
for IBM i or Course Workshop
CCL Commands
AS24 QI10 QI49 I562 (LA) I586 (LA)


Recovery and Availability Security Concepts and Structure, Tailoring and Basic
Management for IBM i Implementation for IBM i Tuning for IBM i IBM i Development Utilities

OL51 OL50 OL23

I550 (LA)

You need SQL knowledge

Back-up and Recovery Media IBM i V5.1 TCP/IP Basic Performance Analysis Workshop
Services (BRMS) Implementation for IBM i

AS28 AS16 QI64 Accessing the IBM i Database Control Language Programming ILE RPG IV Programming
Using SQL (Part I) (Part I)

I537 (LA) I520 (LA) I507 (LA)

IBM i Solutions with IBM Total DB2 WebQuery Administration

SAP on IBM i
Storage and Advanced
Developing IBM i Applictations Control Language Programming ILE RPG IV Programming
AS93 OD05 AS52 using SQL (Part II) (Part II)

I539 (LA) I521 (LA) I508 (LA)

IBM i Virtualization Open Storage for IBM i LPAR on IBM i

OD09 AS97 AS53 DB2 UDB for IBM i Database

Advanced Programming

I553 (LA)
System Operator

Hardware Management Console System Operator Workshop for IBM i Advanced System
(HMC) IBM i Operator Workshop v5 You are an experienced RPG Programmer

QI12 or OV52 (ILO) AS24 AS27

DB2 SQL Performance

WebSphere/Java I552 (LA) QI76

WDSc Development v7.0 Java for RPG Programmers Learning Academy (RPG, ILE, COBOL, CL, WDSc, DB2, Query, DB2 WebQuery,
SQL, Embedded SQL, WAS Express)
OW86 AS08

Learning Academy
IBM WebSphere Express
Administration AS00

AS77 or I577 (LA)

ibm.com/training/nl 17
Power Systems Platform

IBM System p, AIX and UNIX

System Administration Courses Instructor-Led Online (ILO)

The System Administration courses provide Starting in 2010, selected courses from the
the knowledge and skills to help System System p/AIX curriculum will also be offered as
Administrators maximize system performance. Instructor-Led Online (ILO). Now you can
System Administrators can learn about: attend the classroom course, including the
installation and implementation; problem labs, from the comfort of your own home or
determination; performance management; office. This saves valuable travel time and as
storage management; logical partitioning; each session is recorded, you can always recall
virtualization and a lot more. the classroom session you attended later on.
Watch the website for details.
Curriculum Overview Our popular System Administration courses are
now updated to AIX 6.1 and are appropriate for
IBM System p™ servers, with POWER6™ both AIX 5L and AIX 6 system administrators
processors, demonstrate IBM’s continued based on Power Architecture™ technology. New Course Codes
commitment to organizations of all sizes. Early 2010 all System p courses will get a new
In addition to energy conservation and Network Administration Courses course code. In the table you will find the old
virtualization technologies, System p servers The Network Administration courses provide and the new codes, including the codes for the
offer jaw-dropping performance. the knowledge and skills to: configure TCP/IP; ILO course.
perform basic network installation management
AIX operates on IBM Systems based on and problem determination.
Power Architecture™ technology. Most of the
new features of AIX 6.1 are available on the HACMP Administration Courses IBM Training for Systems Helps
earlier POWER platforms, but the most IBM provides courses to teach you how to: You Go Green
capability is delivered on systems based plan, implement and troubleshoot HACMP
on the new POWER6 processors. Implementing POWER6, Virtualization and
effectively. AIX 6.1 for POWER5/AIX 5L Administrators
AIX 6.1 extends the capabilities of the (AN02)
Advanced POWER Virtualization and
AIX OS to include new virtualization Logical Partitioning Courses
approaches including the ability to relocate “Going green” is a red hot topic in business
Our POWER Virtualization and LPAR courses today. Companies realize that transforming
applications between systems without teach System Administrators to: plan; install;
restarting the application, new security power hungry IT infrastructures into leaner,
implement advanced configurations; and greener operations goes beyond altruism to
features to improve and simplify security measure, analyze, and tune AIX subsystems
administration, new availability features bottom line realities. IBM is leading this green
for optimal performance. evolution with Project Big Green, a $1 billion
inspired by IBM legacy systems and
numerous features designed to make the AIX investment in new energy efficient products
Hands-on Labs and services. Businesses that implement this
OS easier and less expensive to manage. Most of our courses include plenty of hands-on green portfolio of products and services can
lab exercises to reinforce the lectures and let expect energy savings. That translates into big
If you are a POWER5/AIX 5L Administrator you practice the skills taught in class.You will
who is responsible for managing an IBM green bucks for the bottom line! If you like to
leave class with the added confidence that only learn more about the features available with
System p POWER6 server, be sure to take comes from hands-on experience.
a look at AN02: Implementing POWER6, the new POWER6, HMC v7 and AIX 6.1
Virtualization and AIX 6.1 for POWER5/AIX 5L environments, check out this course.
Be sure to visit our Web site to learn more.
Administrators. IBM is the right source for all of your System p IBM Training for Systems can help you go
and AIX training! green. If you want to know more about how to
We offer a complete and robust curriculum for
AIX Users, System Administrators, Network optimize your IT environment by decreasing
Administrators, and HACMP Administrators your energy consumption visit ibm.com/
to help them effectively understand and training/us/greener
implement the latest technology.

Our training courses are created by

experienced course developers with close ties
to IBM’s hardware and software developers.

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
18 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Power Systems Platform
IBM System p, AIX and UNIX

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descriptions and schedules.
2009 Title Delivery 2010 new 2010 new ILO
course method classroom course code
code course code
AIX Users
AU13 AIX Basics C/H AU13 AT13
AL23 Shell Programming C/H AL23 N/A
AL24 Perl Programming C/H AL24 N/A
AIX System Administration
AU14 AIX System Administration I: Implementation C/H AN11/AN12 AX11/AX12
AU16 AIX System Administration
II: Problem Determination C/H AN15 AX15
AU07 AIX Network Administration C/H AN21 AX21
AU08 AIX Network Installation Management (NIM) C/H AN22 AX22
AU18 AIX System Administration
III: Performance Management C/H AN51 AX51
AU19 AIX System Administration
V: Workload Management C/H AU19 N/A
AU20 AIX System Administration
IV: Storage Management C/H AU20 N/A
AU47 Implementing AIX Security Features C/H AU47 N/A
Logical Partitioning and PowerVM
AU73 System p LPAR and Virtualization
I: Planning and Configuration C/H AN11/AN30 AX11/AX30
AU78 System p LPAR and Virtualization
II: Implementing Advanced Configurations C/H AN31 AX31
AU75 System p LPAR and Virtualization
III: Performance Management C/H AN31 AX31
AU79 Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) C/H AU79 N/A
AU31 GPFS System Administration C/H AN81 AX81
AU54 HACMP System Administration
I: Planning and Implementation C/H AN41 AX41
AU61 HACMP System Administration
II: Administration and Problem Determination C/H AN42 AX42
AU62 HACMP System Administration
III: Virtualization and Disaster Recovery C/H AN43/AN44 AX43/AX44
Update and Jumpstart Courses
AW18 AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals C/H AN14 AX14
AN02 Implementing Power6, Virtualization and
AIX 6.1 for Power5/AIX 5L Administrators C/H AN02 AT02

C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 19
Power Systems Platform
IBM System p, AIX and UNIX

Trademarks in this Catalog

AIX, AuditStage, BladeCenter JS22 Express, BladeCenter JS22 or
Power Architecture blade, CICS, CICS/ESA, Cube Views, DB2, DB2
Connect, DataStage, DFSMS, DFSMShsm, DFSMSrmm, DRDA, AIX Users AIX Jumpstart Track
DS4000, DS6000, DS8000, energy capping, energy savings mode,
, ESCON, FICON, FlashCopy, GDPS, IBM, IBM BladeCenter, Shell Programming AIX 6 Basics
AIX Jumpstart for Unix
IBM eServer, IBM IntelliStation, IBM Lotus Quickr 8, IBM Lotus
Expeditor, IBM Lotus Mobile, IBM Maximo, AL23 AU13 AW18
IBM Power Architecture, IBM SureONE, IBM SurePOS,
IBM System i, IBM System i5, IBM System p, IBM System p5, IBM
Perl Programming and CPAN
System Storage, IBM System x, IBM System z, IBM System z9, IBM extensions for Open Systems
Systems, IBM TotalStorage, IBM Virtualization Engine, i5/OS, iSeries,
ImagePlus, Informix, JS22 Express, JS22 Express server, JS22
Express blade, JS22 Express blade server, Lotus, LotusNotes, AIX System Administration
MetaStage, MQSeries, On Demand Business, OS/390, Parallel
AIX 6 System Administration I: Implementing AIX Security
Sysplex, Power availability, Power offerings, Power operating Implementation Features
systems, Power platform, POWER processor-based blade, Power
AU14 AU47
servers, Power Systems, Power systems management, Power
Systems programs, Power Systems revenue, Power Systems
servers, Power Systems share, Power Systems Software, Power user
groups, Power virtualization, PowerVM, POWER6, POWER6 or AIX Network Management I: AIX 6 System Administration II:
TCP/IP Configuration Problem Determination
POWER processor, POWER5+ 595, Power 520, Power 595, Power
550, ProfileStage, RACF, Red Brick, RS/6000, S/390, the Power AU07 AU16

server, the POWER6 processor-based server, Tivoli Access Manager,

Tivoli Business Services Manager, Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager, AIX Network Installation AIX System Administration III: AIX System Administration IV:
Tivoli Dynamic workload Broker, Tivoli Identify Manager, Tivoli Management Performance Management Storage Management
Monitoring, Tivoli Netcool, Tivoli Provisioning manager, Tivoli Storage
AU08 AU18 AU20
Manager, Tivoli System Automation, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, Tivoli
zSecure, VisualAge, VM/ESA and 9406-MMA are registered
trademarks and AFP, DFSMS, IMS, MVS/ESA, QualityStage, QMF, AIX Workload Manager (WLM)
Profile Stage, pureXML, Rational, Rational Unified Process, Red
Brick, Sametime, SP, System Storage DS, System i, System i5, AU19
System p, System p5, System Storage, System x, System z, System
z9, Take Back Control,Tivoli, Tivoli Enterprise Console, TotalStorage, Power 5/6 Logical Partitioning System p LPAR and
Integrated Virtualization
& Virtualization Virtualization I: Planning and
UniData, UniVerse, VisualInfo, VSE/ESA, WebSphere, z/Architecture, Manager
z/OS, zSeries, z/VM, zVSE, z9 are trademarks or registered AU73 AU79
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Advanced POWER Virtualization
Chumby© and the Chumby Logo are the registered trademarks of Implementation and Best
Chumby Industries, Inc.

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. IBM Power Systems
Performance Management
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Visual Basic, Biz Talk and the
Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United AU75
States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark in the Clustering
United States, other countries, or both and is licensed exclusively
through X/Open Company Limited. Cisco and Cisco Internetwork HACMP Administration I:
GPFS 3.1 System Administration
Operating System are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. Oracle
System 7 is a trademark of Oracle Corp. Red Hat, the Red Hat AU54 AU31
“Shadow Man” logo, and all Red Hat-based trademarks and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.,
HACMP System Administration
in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered II: Administration and Problem
trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Determination
SuSE is a registered trademark of SuSE Linux AG. AU61

The z/VSE operating system can execute in 31-bit mode only. It does
not implement z/Architecture, and specifically does not implement
64-bit mode capabilities. The z/VSE operating system is designed to
exploit select features of zSeries hardware.

All other company and product names mentioned are used for
identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their
respective owners.

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
20 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Power Systems Platform


Linux Professional Institute (LPI) IBM Training for Systems Helps

Approved Training Materials You Go Green
With so many Linux training vendors, you “Going green” is a red hot topic in business
need the assurance that you are getting today. Companies realize that transforming
quality training. IBM is one of a select few power hungry IT infrastructures into leaner,
vendors that offers courseware designated greener operations goes beyond altruism to
as LPI Approved Training Materials (LATM). bottom line realities. IBM is leading this green
Products designated as LATM have passed evolution with Project Big Green, a $1 billion
stringent quality assurance testing to assure investment in new energy efficient products
Curriculum Overview all LPI test objectives are covered within and services. Businesses that implement this
the content. In fact, LPI recommends that green portfolio of products and services can
There are many Linux training providers, but certification candidates seek LPI Approved expect energy savings. That translates into big
there are few that can match the experience of Training Materials to optimize your ability to green bucks for the bottom line! If you like to
IBM’s Linux instructors and the maturity of our pass the exam. learn more about the features available with
course content. Most of our courses provide the new POWER6, HMC v7 and AIX 6.1
hands-on labs based on the two leading Linux IBM provides a complete curriculum that environments, check out this course.
distributions, Red Hat Linux or Novell SUSE prepares you for the Linux Professional
Linux. The choice is yours. Institute’s (LPI) Level I and Level II exams. IBM Training for Systems can help you go
IBM is the right choice for your Linux training! green. If you want to know more about how to
optimize your IT environment by decreasing
your energy consumption visit ibm.com/

ibm.com/training/nl 21
Power Systems Platform

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descriptions and schedules.
System Administration
LX02 Linux Basics and Installation C/H
LX03 Linux System Administration I: Implementation C/H
LX07 Linux Network Administration I: TCP/IP and TCP/IP Services C/H
LX15 Linux Jumpstart for UNIX System Administrators C/H
UNIX and Open Source
AL32 Korn and Bash Shell Programming C/H
AL24 Perl Programming for Open Systems and the World Wide Web C/H
Developers and e-business
LX24 Linux Network Administration II: Network Security and Firewalls C/H
LX25 Linux as a Webserver (Apache) C/H
LX26 Linux Integration with Windows (Samba) C/H
Linux on POWER
LX10 Supporting Enterprise Linux on IBM System p5 C/H
System Administration
QL01 Linux System Administration School C/H
QL16 Linux Troubleshooting C/H
QL18 Linux Advanced Performance and Security Management C/H
QL30 Linux Deep Space C/H
QL22 Perl Programming (Condensed) C/H
QL24 Advanced Perl Programming C/H
System Administration and Programming
QL51 Embedded Linux C/H
C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
22 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Power Systems Platform

Linux Users Preparation for Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Certification


Linux Basics and Installation Are you

Linux Basics and Installation Linux Jumpstart for UNIX
System Administrators
® Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
LX02 LX15
Classroom Classroom
Visit lpi.org for more information about the LPI Certification Program

Linux System Administration I:



Linux LPI Level 1

Linux System Administrators Certification Preparation
You may be ready for:
you a UNIX LPI Certification Test 101
No Yes

Linux Integration with Windows

Linux System Administration I: Linux Jumpstart for UNIX
Implementation System Administrators LX26
LX03 You may be ready for:
Classroom Classroom Linux Network Administration I: LPI Certification Tests
TCP/IP and TCP/IP Services 102 and 201


Linux Network Administration I: Linux as a Webserver

TCP/IP and TCP/IP Services (Apache) Linux Network Administration
II: Networking Security and
LX07 LX25 Firewalls
Classroom Classroom LX24
Linux Professional Institute TM
® Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
LPI certifies that LX02, LX03, LX07, LX22, LX23, LX24,
LX25 and LX26 covers all the LPI exam objectives.
Visit lpi.org for more information about the LPI Certification Program You may be ready for:
Visit lpi.org for more information about the LPI Certification Program LPI Certification Test 202

® Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States,

other countries, or both.

Linux Topics for Developers and e-business UNIX and Open Source

Linux Network Administration

II: Network Security and Perl Programming for Open
Firewalss Systems and the
World Wide Web
Classroom AL24

Linux as a Webserver
Korn and Bash Shell

®Linux is a registered trademark of Linux Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

Linux Integration with Windows



® Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

Visit lpi.org for more information about the LPI Certification Program

Linux on POWER

Supporting Enterprise Linux on

IBM System p5


® Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

ibm.com/training/nl 23
Storage Systems Platform

IBM System Storage and Storage Networking

Network-based Virtualization, IBM Training for Systems Helps

Replication and Consolidation You Go Green
If you need to get training to support
network-based virtualization, replication “Going green” is a red hot topic in business
and consolidation techniques, these courses today. Companies realize that transforming
are for you and all of them can be delivered power hungry IT infrastructures into leaner,
at your location. greener operations goes beyond altruism to
bottom line realities. IBM is leading this green
• Introduction to Storage Networking (SN70)
evolution with Project Big Green, a $1 billion
• Planning and Implementing a Storage Area investment in new energy efficient products
Network (SAN) (SN71) and services. Businesses that implement this
Curriculum Overview
• Supporting IBM N series (SN78) green portfolio of products and services can
To stay competitive in today’s marketplace, expect energy savings. That translates into big
companies need storage technologies that can • Data ONTAP CIFS and NFS Administration
(SN79) green bucks for the bottom line! If you like to
quickly adapt to ever-changing processing learn more about storage courses that cover
requirements. Making the appropriate • SAN Volume Controller (SVC) – Planning and green products, check out these courses:
investments in network-based virtualization and Implementation (SN82)
replication is an important step. Providing the • SAN Volume Controller (SVC) – Planning and • SS59 IBM System Storage DS8000
right training to IT professionals is the next step. Implementation Workshop (SN83) Implementation Workshop for System z
IBM offers an integrated and comprehensive
• IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center • SN83 SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Planning
set of courses covering a wide range of storage
Implementation and Configuration (SN85) and Implementation Workshop
products and solutions. This includes courses
for SANs, NAS and storage virtualization. • TotalStorage Productivity Center for • SN85 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
Replication Workshop (SN88) Implementation and Configuration
The IBM System Storage and Storage IBM Training for Systems can help you
Networking curriculum enables you to IBM Disk Storage Systems go green. If you know more about how to
maintain your leading-edge skills in If you need to get training to install and optimize your IT environment by decreasing
storage technologies such as: maintain one of IBM’s Disk Storage Systems, your energy consumption visit ibm.com/
• Storage Area Networks (SAN) these courses are for you and all of them can training/us/greener
be delivered at your location.
• Network Attached Storage (NAS)
• Getting Started with the IBM System Storage
• SAN Volume Controller (SVC) DS4000 Storage Server (SS78)
• TotalStorage Productivity Center (TPC) • Hands-on Technical Training for DS4000 (SS77)
• IBM System Storage DS Family • IBM DS4000 Advanced Workshop (SS79)
• Storage Management Software • IBM System Storage DS6000 Implementation
• ESCON/FICON Workshop for Open Systems (SS48)
• IBM System Storage DS8000 Implementation
Workshop for Open Systems (SS49)
• IBM System Storage DS6000 Implementation
Workshop for System z (SS58)
• IBM System Storage DS8000 Implementation
Workshop for System z (SS59)
• IBM System Storage DS6000 and DS8000
Copy Services for Open Systems (SS44)
• IBM System Storage DS6000 and DS8000
Copy Services for System z (SS54)

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
24 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
Storage Systems Platform
IBM System Storage and Storage Networking

Visit ibm.com/training/global and select a country to see detailed descriptions and schedules.
SS48 IBM System Storage DS6000 Implementation Workshop for Open Systems C/H
SS49 IBM System Storage DS8000 Implementation Workshop for Open Systems C/H
SS54 IBM System Storage DS6000 and DS8000 Copy Services for System z Environment C/H
SS59 IBM System Storage DS8000 Implementation for System z C/H
SS77 Hands on Technical Training for DS4000 C/H
SS79 IBM DS4000 Advanced Workshop C/H
SS81 Catalog Management and Availability in z/OS C
SS83 z/OS VSAM and Access Method Services C/H
SSW5 IBM High End Disk Solutions for Open System Technical Workshop C/H
Storage Networking and Virtualization
SN70 Introduction to Storage Networking C/H
SN71 Planning and Implementing a Storage Area Network (SAN) – Updated for new SAN hardware C
SN78 Supporting IBM N series C/H
SN79 Data ONTAP CIFS and NFS Administration C/H
SN83 SAN Volume Controller (SVC) – Planning and Implementation Workshop C/H
SN85 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center Implementation and Configuration C/H
SN88 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Workshop C/H

C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 25
Storage Systems Platform
IBM System Storage and Storage Networking

IBM Certified Specialist – High End Disk Solutions IBM Certified Specialist – Open Systems Storage Solutions

Planning & IBM System Storage DS8000 Planning

implementing a Implementation Workshop for to implement Introduction to Storage Planning and Implementing a
Yes storage net- Yes
DS8000 on open Networking Storage Area Network (SAN)
systems? Open Systems working?
SS49 SN70 SN71
Classroom Classroom Classroom
No No

Planning &
implementing a IBM System Storage DS6000
DS6000 on open Yes Planning & Yes
Implementation Workshop for
systems? implementing
Open Systems DS4000?
No Classroom or

Planning & IBM System Storage DS8000 Getting Started with the IBM
IBM System Storage DS8000 Hands on Technical Training for
implementing a Copy Services in System z System Storage DS4000
DS8000 on Yes Implementation Workshop for DS4000
Environment Storage Server
System z? System z
SS54 SS78 SS77
Classroom Classroom Classroom

IBM DS4000 Advanced

Planning & IBM System Storage DS6000
implementing a Yes Implementation Workshop for
DS6000 on SS79
System z? System z Classroom
No SAN Volume Controller (SVC) -
Planning and Implementation

SAN Volume Controller (SVC) - Classroom
Plng. & Planning and Implementation
implementing Yes Workshop Plng. &
SAN Volume implementing
Controller? SN83 SAN Volume Yes or
Classroom Controller?

No SAN Volume Controller (SVC) -

Planning and Implementation
Plng. & IBM TotalStorage Productivity No
implementing Yes Center Implementation and
TPC? Configuration Classroom

No Classroom
Planning IBM TotalStorage Productivity
and implementing Yes Center Implementation and
TPC? Configuration
Need IBM High End Disk Solutions for
High End Disk Yes Open System Technical SN85
Refresher? Workshop Classroom

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
26 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Training for Systems

Technology Partner Offerings

IBM partners with a variety of companies that are leaders in the

technology community. Be sure to visit our Web site and see details on
a variety of highly recommended partner classes available from IBM.

Cisco Certified Training

Today’s organizations that rely on the Internet you achieve success in today’s IT workforce.
and complex internal networks need highly Additionally, IBM can provide onsite,
qualified IT professionals to keep them working customized Cisco training right at your place
smoothly and expanding seamlessly. IBM, an of business, and can tailor the training to your
authorized Cisco Learning Solutions Partner, company’s educational requirements.
delivers Cisco-developed training content,
which includes traditional, instructor-led IBM offers a full range of Cisco training,
classroom as well as e-learning formats. including courses for the following certifications:
The portfolio of Cisco courses range from CCNA, CCNP, CCVP, CCSP. Please see url
introductory to advanced topics, which helps for training paths and a complete list of training
to prepare IT professionals at all levels. Cisco available.
certification and specialist training can help


VMware Training
VMware authorized training is available only and experience to deliver VMware training
from VMware Authorized Training Centers solutions that simplify IT and help companies
(VATCs). IBM is pleased to announce its leverage their storage, network, and computing
newest training partner, VMware. IBM’s resources to control costs and respond faster.
VMware certified instructors use their expertise


Core Education
Core Education is the primary Storage Core Education offers a wide variety of Storage
Education partner for IBM. Situated in education (including IBM courses) and is active
Eindhoven IBM can offer teachers, courses and as a reseller of IBM Training.
classroom from Core Education to student in
the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Global Knowledge
Global Knowledge is IBM’s partner for Global Knowledge offers the complete,
Microsoft, Cisco and VMware education and is integrated blend of delivery options that match
Europe's largest independent IT training your specific training needs. In cooperation with
company with over 40 dedicated training IBM we developed Collaborative Learning
centers in 12 countries, 8 of these training Services designed to support IBM customers
centers are located in the Benelux. The quality and employees in achieving their goals and
of Global Knowledge training has been that fit in with their strategy.
endorsed by leading worldwide technology
vendors who have authorized us to deliver their As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for
training including IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Learning Services we deliver not only
VMware and more. authorized training content but we also adhere
to the quality commitments of Microsoft.

ibm.com/training/nl 27

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
28 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40


Application Development/Java Technologies

Object Technology




Information Management

Data Warehousing

Data Management

Enterprise Content Management

Information Platform and Solutions (IPS)

Cognos Software



Tivoli and Service Management


WebSphere ILOG

WebSphere Application Server

Business Process Management

Application Integration

WebSphere Voice

WebSphere Commerce

Belgium: ibm.com/training/be
+32-2-655 52 88
Netherlands: ibm.com/training/nl
+31-20-513 39 40

IBM Software Training

Application Development/Java Technologies

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

Java and object oriented programming
WD150 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java Examples 3 Days C/H
WD152 Java SE 5 Programming Fundamentals 5 Days C/H
★ WD160 Developing Applications with Java Persistence API (JPA) 3 Days C/H
XML and related technologies
XM302 Introduction to XML and Related Technologies 3 Days C/H
Curriculum Overview WD221 Programming XML with Java 3 Days C/H
This curriculum gets you on the launch pad WD241 Introduction to Programming XML and Related Technologies with Java 5 Days C/H
for developing dynamic applications with Web services
technologies like Java, XML and Web
services. It includes core prerequisite courses XM281 Introduction to Web Services with IBM Rational Application Developer V7 2 Days C/H
for curricula such as WebSphere Application XM481 Intermediate Web Services with IBM Rational Application Developer 3 Days C/H
Server as well as advanced training for WD506 Web Services Development for IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 5 Days C/H
application design and integration.
Our courses are currently organized into
several skill-building areas: WS007 Getting Started with SOA 2 Days C/H
WS008 Designing SOA Solutions with the IBM SOA Foundation 3 Days C/H
Object Technology Other Application Development Courses
A strong understanding of Object Technology
OF37 Advanced Assembler Language Coding Workshop 4 Days
is a must for application developers with
today’s programming languages and JV09 Architecting Software 3 Days
technologies. Our portfolio includes training in JV06 Architectural Thinking 3 Days
Object Technology concepts, analysis, OF36 Assembler Language Coding Workshop 5 Days
design, methodologies, and architecture.
AD00 Informatics: Basic Knowledge’ 2 Days
Java CO01 COBOL Structured Programming 5 Days
Java is the industry standard for developing CO02 COBOL Structured Programming 2 4 Days
Web applications. No matter what your JV08 Introduction to ArchiMate 1 Day
background or what platform you use, we
OB86 Programming in C 5 Days
have a course to help you develop Java
applications or prepare for developer OS02 Open Source J2EE Development 5 Days
certification from IBM. OS05 Building Professional AJAX Web Applications 3 Days

XML C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Knowledge of XML is essential for
understanding J2EE, Web Services and
more. Our curriculum helps you design,
develop and deploy robust, multi-tier
applications using XML with the latest START HERE...
Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
implemented standards. Training
Paths Training Newsletter
Web Services
Web Services is a key component of a Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email
service-oriented architecture (SOA), allowing the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
you to integrate diverse applications with a recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
dynamic set of reusable business services. within this curriculum.
With our curriculum, you can learn how to ibm.com/training/us/trainingpaths
build service-oriented architectures using the
latest Web Services standards

Service-oriented architecture is an application
framework that makes it easy to reuse and ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers
combine the discrete business processes and
services that make up your business. The ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
escalating demand for service oriented typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
architecture (SOA) can be daunting for practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
companies looking to hire experienced IT produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
practitioners with SOA skills.Often, the speed workshops usually are taught by
with which companies deploy SOA and the Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
extent to which their SOA initiatives reach about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl
across their organizations depends heavily on www.redbooks.ibm.com/projects.nsf/
the availability of SOA skills. WorkshopIndex/

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
30 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training


Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

Introduction courses
WM800 CICS V3.2 Fundamentals 3 Days C/H
★ WM900 CICS V4.1 Fundamentals 3 Days C/H
WM840 CICS V3.2 CICSPlex System Manager Introduction 1 Day C
WM880 Getting to Know IBM TXSeries 5 Days C/H
★ WM900 An Introduction to IBM Session Manager 1 Day C
WM820 CICS v3.2 Additional System Programmer Topics including SOA and Web Services 5 Days C/H
Curriculum Overview
System programming
The CICS curriculum contains a robust set of WM810 CICS V3.2 Basic Tailoring 5 Days C/H
learning-edge courses that will enable you to
productively use the latest releases of CICS WM850 CICS V3.2 CICSPlex System Manager Administration 4 Days C/H
Transaction Server. ★ WM901 IBM Session Manager Administration 4 Days C/H
Application programming
Take a look at our new courses designed for
WM860 CICS V3.2 Command Level Coding 5 Days C/H
the recent releases of CICS Transaction
Server. Update your skills and add new ones ★ WM864 CICS V4.1 Command Level Coding 5 Days C/H
for CICS Transaction Server. These versions ★ CI821 CICS TS Version 3.2 Web Support Programming Workshop 5 Days C/H
strengthen application development ★ CI834 CICS TS Version 3.2 Structure and Debugging Module I 5 Days C/H
capabilities and extend ICS applications to a
service-oriented architecture. CICS has ★ CI844 CICS TS Version 3.2 Structure and Debugging Module II 5 Days C/H
become an efficient and effective Advanced Topics
environment for applications written in WRZ011 CICS Transaction Server 1 Day C/H
COBOL, PL/I, C, C++, or Java. WRB032 IBM CICS and Web Services 3 Day(s) C/H
Our courses provide you with the information WRB053 Integration CICS Applications in an SOA 3 Day(s) C/H
and skills you need to install, tune, and debug
the CICS products, and to design and code C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
applications for these systems. This
curriculum provides entry-level to advanced
in-depth training, and is also task-oriented,
which means you can attain the desired skill
level with a minimum number of courses.

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors.You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 31
IBM Software Training

Information Management

Data Management’
Data Management their business value by becoming experts in
the latest innovations from IBM. With training
To leverage information as a strategic asset
courses written by experienced course
in today’s unique market, many organizations
developers and delivered by skilled
rely on database technology to manage
instructors with direct access to IBM
information and enable effective business
Software Labs, Data Management training
decisions.Today’s organizations demand
equips students with the skills they need to
highly skilled database experts to propel
maximize their productivity and enhance
technology into business innovation. IBM
Curriculum Overview database performance. Data Management
Data Management, comprised of, DB2, IMS,
professionals can choose from a variety of
Only Information Management Software has the Informix, Optim and U2, offers a strong
learning formats, including our green
end-to-end capabilities to help you manage your collection of training courses and
Instructor-Led Online, traditional classroom,
data and content, and pull together trusted professional certifications designed to allow
and private onsite classroom.
information that cuts across diverse silos, and Data Management professionals to extend
gains valuable insight to optimize your business.
With a comprehensive portfolio of over 400
courses, Information Management provides Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
training that supports a complete range of skill
needs from the basics to programming and DB2 Family
advanced administration. Multiple delivery DB00 DB2: Introduction 1 day C
formats, including traditional classroom, private CF031 DB2 Family Fundamentals 2 days C
customizable onsite, and instructor-led online CG130 Query and Manage XML Data with DB2 V9 4 days C/H
courses offer flexible learning options to meet
both the budget and time constraints of our CF18 Relational Database Design 4 days C/H
students CE120 SQL Workshop 2 days C/H
CE821 Using InfoSphere Data Architect 2 days C/H
CG10 Using Xquery to Query XML Data with DB2 9 2 days C/H
DB2 UDB Distributed
CL461 DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Administration for Experts 5 days C/H
CL310 DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 9.1 2 days C
CF60 DB2 Connect DRDA Implementation with TCP/IP 4 days C/H
CL411 DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Performance Tuning and Monitoring Workshop 4 days C/H
CG11 DB2 for Unix, Linux and Windows Programming using Java 4 days C/H
CF23 DB2 for Windows and Unix: Database Administration Workshop 5 days C/H
CF10 DB2 Programming Fundamentals 3 days C/H
CF49 DB2 UDB Advanced Recovery and High Availability Workshop 4 days C/H
CF24 DB2 UDB Multipartitioned DBA Workshop for Unix 5 days C/H
CL281 Fast Path to DB2 9 for Experienced Relational DBAs 2 days C
CG16 Manage XML Data with DB2 V9 2 days C/H
DB2 UDB for z/OS & OS/390
CV910 DB2 9 for z/OS Advanced System and Disaster Recovery Workshop 4 days C/H
CV960 DB2 9 for z/OS Application Performance and Tuning 5 days C/H
CV721 DB2 9 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop 3 days C/H
CV830 DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Part 1 5 days C/H
CV840 DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration Part 2 5 days C/H
CV850 DB2 9 for z/OS System Administration 5 days C/H
CV950 DB2 9 for z/OS System Performance Analysis and Tuning 4 days C/H
CV30 DB2 9 for z/OS Transition Workshop 4 days C/H
WRB023 DB2 9 for z/OS: Performance Topics 3 days C/H
WRZ012 DB2 for z/OS 1 day C/H
CF89 DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 Application Data Recovery 3 days C/H
CF95 DB2 for z/OS System Performance Analysis and Tuning 5 days C/H
CF31 DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 Data Sharing Implementation 3 days C/H
CF32 DB2 for OS/390 Data Sharing Recovery and Restart 2 days C/H
CF81 QMF on S/390 Workshop 2 days C/H
CV040 z/OS and DB2 Basics for DB2 for z/OS DBA Beginners 5 days C/H
C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
32 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training
Information Management

Enterprise Content Management

IBM Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
helps organizations make better decisions
faster by managing content, optimizing IBM FileNet
associated business processes, and enabling F040 FileNet P8 Prerequisite Skills 4.5 - New 2 days C/H
compliance through an integrated information F898 IBM FileNet BPF Foundation 3.5.x 3 days C/H
F007 IBM FileNet BPM Administration Add-on 4.0 5 days C/H
IBM ECM training empowers your organization F009 IBM FileNet BPM Java API Programming 5 days C/H
to get the most out of its technology investment F021 IBM FileNet BPM Process Design 5 days C/H
by making sure the people it relies on to F005 IBM FileNet Content Manager Java API Programming 5 days C/H
architect, design, deploy, maintain, and support
its ECM systems have the knowledge and skill F016 IBM FileNet eForms Design for Workplace 4 days C/H
to succeed. F984 IBM FileNet eMail Manager Administration Add-on 3.7 1 day C/H
F051 IBM FileNet IS Advanced Configuration and Performance 4 days C/H
F050 IBM FileNet IS Advanced System Administration 4 days C/H
IBM FileNet P8 Prerequisite F906 IBM FileNet IS Support 4 days C/H
Skills 4.5 F458 IBM FileNet IS System Administration 4 days C/H
Develop the knowledge and skills required to work F042 IBM FileNet P8 Platform Administration 4.5 5 days C/H
with IBM FileNet P8. This course serves as the F045 IBM FileNet P8 Platform Installation 4.5 5 days C/H
foundation for more advanced IBM FileNet F018 IBM FileNet Records Manager Administration Add-on 3.7 3 days C/H
courses. For more information and the course
F028 What's New in IBM FileNet P8 4.5 2 days C/H
description, visit ibm.com/training/be or
ibm.com/training/nl and enter the course code IBM DB2 Content Manager Family
F040 in the search box. IR10 Classification Module Workbench for Omnifind Discovery Editions 1 day C/H
IM12 Content Manager OnDemand User Client 1 day C/H
DM47 Document Manager V8 Implement. and Administr Part 1 4 days C/H
DM49 Document Manager V8 Implement. and Administr. Part 2 3 days C/H
L1236 IBM DB2 CommonStore V8.3 for Exchange Server 2 days C/H
IM15 IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand System Administration 3 days C/H
IM25 IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 API Programming 5 days C/H
IM40 IBM DB2 Content Manager V8 Implementation and Administration 4 days C/H
IM11 Introduction to IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand 4 days C/H
IR30 OmniFind Discovery Edition for Business Users 1 day C/H
IR20 OmniFind Discovery Edition: System Administration 2.5 days C/H
IM14 OnDemand Application Workshop 3 days C/H

IM50 Using IBM Records Manager 3 days C/H
Training L1246 IBM DB2 CommonStore V8.3 for Lotus Domino 2 days C/H
Paths DW43 Introduction to OmniFind Enterprise Edition 3 days C/H

Visit the training path homepage to select C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
the path you need. Each path shows the
recommended sequence of courses
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
Training Newsletter planning of our courses per curriculum in
typically feature materials created by
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our To subscribe, email Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by be: educ@be.ibm.com
Redbooks authors.You can find courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 33
IBM Software Training
Information Management

Information Platform and Solutions (IPS)

Information Platform and Solutions (IPS) Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
Learning Services is a full service team
made up of your Learning Services Account Federated Databases
Executive, Technical Architect, Delivery DW440 DB2 Classic Federation for z/OS Implementation Workshop 3 days C/H
Manager, and Certified Instructor. The Learning DW480 DB2 Federated Database with WebSphere Information Integrator: Up and Running 3 days C/H
Services Account Executive will guide you in
DW490 DB2 Federated Database Performance and Tuning and Advanced Topics Worshop 2 days C/H
the business planning and scheduling of your
training needs. Paired with a Learning Services DX900 Federation Server Essentials 3 days C/H
Technical Architect, the couple will expand the IBM Information Management System
education planning and implementation to CM01 IMS Fundamentals 2 days C/H
cover technical aspects of your requirements
and really meet the technical training needs of CM17 IMS Database Application Programming 3 days C/H
your students. The addition of your Delivery CM20 Introduction to IMS Database Recovery Control (DBRC) 2 days C/H
Manager to your team will ensure the smooth CM22 IMS Physical Organization of Databasess 4 days C/H
execution of your classroom setup, delivery
CM30 IMS Database Performance and Tuning 5 days C/H
of your curriculum, and scheduling of your
Certified Instructor. Lastly, your Certified CM43 IMS Security 4 days C/H
Instructor is an experienced professional that CM61 IMS Shared Queues 2.5 days C/H
is focused not only on articulating to your CM908 IMS Delta V8 to V9 2 days C/H
students how to use the software, but also on
CM999 COBOL and PLI Application Development for IMS Workshop 1 day C/H
teaching students in a manner that allows them
to apply the skills in their own environments. IBM InfoSphere Information Server
DX134 DataStage Essentials for Mainframe 3 days C/H
Our IPS Learning Services experts have DX334 DataStage Essentials for Server Edition 4 days C/H
experience with our products, and understand
what it takes to insure the greatest level of DX344 DataStage Server Essentials V8 4 days C/H
success during implementation and product roll DX434 DataStage Essentials for Enterprise Edition 4 days C/H
out. Our team, in conjunction with your team will DX436 Advanced DataStage for Enterprise Edition 4 days C/H
develop a learning initiative that fits your situation DX437 DataStage Administration 3 days C/H
best.Your IPS Learning Services team will use
whatever types of learning delivery that fits your DX444 DataStage Enterprise Edition Essentials V8 3 days C/H
needs.Your Education Plan will most likely utilize DX447 InfoSphere Information Server Administration 3 days C/H
blended learning – Instructor led classes, online DX711 Information Analyzer Essentials 2 days C/H
courses through our FlexLearning and/or
DX730 QualityStage Essentials 4 days C/H
eClassroom offerings, and possibly different
modalities of Extended Learning. DX736 Advanced QualityStage 4 days C/H
DX741 QualityStage Essentials V8 4 days C/H
DX746 QualityStage Advanced Concepts V8 3 days C/H
DX800 What’s new in DataStage/QualityStage V8 5 days C/H
Master Data Management
DC30 WebSphere Customer Center Inside Out 2.5 days C/H
DC31 WCC 7.0 New Features for Business Specialists 2 days C/H
DC40 WebSphere Customer Center Fundamentals 5 days C/H
DC41 WCC 7.0 New Features for Technical Specialists 2 days C/H
DC61 WPC: Implementing WebSphere Product Center 5 days C/H
DC62 WPC - Advanced Scripting 5 days C/H
C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
Visit the training path homepage to select
the path you need. Each path shows the
recommended sequence of courses
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
Training Newsletter planning of our courses per curriculum in
typically feature materials created by
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our To subscribe, email Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by be: educ@be.ibm.com
Redbooks authors.You can find courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
34 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Cognos Education

Cognos Software

Cognos Software
IBM Business Intelligence (BI) and Financial Performance Management (FPM) solutions provide
world - class Enterprise Planning and BI- Software and services to help companies plan,
understand and and manage financial and operational performance.
IBM BI and FPM training enables you to get the right training based on your role and your IBM
Cognos product. Choose when, where and how to lear. Select from a variety of training options to
suit your needs and budget; from classroom courses to eLearning options. Learn from experts to
accelerate deployment and adoption; user performance and productivity; and return on investment.

Curriculum Overview
IBM Cognos Education offers you a
comprehensive curriculum of in-depth technical
training, delivered by certified and experienced
instructors - from targeted, customized self-
paced learning solutions, trough to complete
“user adoption” programs.

Choose from an extensive curriculum covering

the following IBM Cognos Software products:

• IBM Cognos 8 BI
• IBM Cognos Now!
• IBM Cognos TM 1
• IBM Cognos Planning
• IBM Cognos Cotroller
• IBM Cognos Series 7 Public Classroom Training Instructor-led Online Courses
Get out of the office and away from distractions. Save travel costs and travel time. Connect from
Our public classroom structure delivers training almost anywhere. Train a virtual team from
with knowledgeable instructors and standard multiple locations. Our education team is
materials in a collaborative environment. pleased to offer courses in an exciting new
learning format instructor Led Online (ILO).
Onsite Classroom Training Students are offered a similar experience to live
classroom training, with the convenience of
Bring the classroom to your office. Our certified having it delivered directly to their desktop. For
instructor will come to you to deliver the in-depht more information, visit
training needs.
You can reduce costs per student and facilitate
valuable team interaction. User Adoption Services
IBM Cognos Learning Assessment IBM Cognos User Adoption Services assist
customers in identifying specific readiness
The IBM Cognos Learning Assessment service nees to your business users and based on the
extends the value of Cognos business intelligence assessment, we develop and deliver unique
and financial performance management solutions training tools and solutions to empower users
via customized education plans for functional to be successful with the IBM Cognos
users, technical users and business users. The solutions.
Learning Assessment ensures that education
Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t I B M objectives and requirements are captured and e-Learning
Co g n o s Co u r s e s o r t o o r g a n i ze a communicated, and that customer tested proven
p r i v a t e / c u s t o m i ze d c o u r s e : practices are implemented into your education IBM Cognos e-Learning courses provide a
plan. convenient and cost effective way to train
For Belgium individual users or to reach out to a large
Self-Paced Training and/or diverse end-use community. Whether
Call Kirsten Rochtus, Education Manager at you are looking for off-the-shelf materials in the
+ 32 2 655 56 20 or +32 473.52.01.88 or send an Self-Paced training courses are the perfect form of Computer Based Trainings (CBT) or the
email to kirsten.rochtus@be.ibm.com complement or alternative to classroom training convenience of live virtual classroom trainings
when you prefer to learn at your own pace. Web delivered to the your desktop (Virtual
For the Netherlands Based Training (WBT) is delivered to your desktop Classroom), IBM Cognos Education has the
and available when you need it most right solution for you.
Call Sylvia van den Beuken, Education Manager
at +31 652.61.32.79 or send an email to

ibm.com/training/nl 35
IBM Cognos Education

Your Business Benefits Computer Based Training To make the tool even more accessible, we can
organize a Q&A session afterwards
• Access to latest content with little or no IBM Cognos Education has radically revamped
(classroom, virtual classroom).
distribution cost. computer-based training courses that have an
intuitive and instructionally superior user CBT’s are available in different languages:
• Available anytime, anywhere in consumable interface and are developed in a modular English, Dutch, French, some in Chinese and
lessons fashion with the right blend of multimedia and Spanish.
• Uniform delivery of knowledge and learning
across the enterprise This interactive tool combines different learning
styles: product demonstrations, spoken/ written Customized Course material / Train
• Learning is on-going, not a point-in-time event (manuals) guidelines, hands-on learning de trainer
activities, assessment, progress check
• Engaging and high with rich multimedia and questions, This package includes:
interactivity the unlimited use of award winning course
The CBT is available on CD-Rom or for hosting material, Right to copy (PowerPoint slides,
• Scalable and cost effective training solution on the Learning Management Systems (LMS). student guide, instructor guide and course
data) train the trainer session
As organization you can monitor which persons
has successfully finished the various modules
and grant access afterwards to work with the
IBM Cognos products.

It’s really interesting tool to train a big audience

in a short time frame and it’s easy to train
newcomers in the organization. At the same
time you diminish the workload of your internal
helpdesk and create a broad platform for the

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

Cognos BI 8.3/8.4
B23/2410 IBM Cognos 8 BI What's New (v8,4) 1 Day
B23/2408 Overview of IBM Cognos 8 BI (v8.4) 1 Day
B23/2432 IBM Cognos 8 BI Essentials for Project Management (v8.3/ v8.4) 2 Days
B23/2455 IBM Cognos 8 BI Administration (v8.3/ v8.4) 3 Days
B23/2454 IBM Cognos 8 BI: Reporting and Analyzing Data For Business Authors (v8.3/ v8.4) 2 Days
B23/2450 IBM Cognos 8 BI Query Studio: Building Ad Hoc Reports (v8.3/ v8.4) 1 Day
B23/2451 IBM Cognos 8 BI Analysis Studio: Analyze Data (v8.3/ v8.4) 1 Day
B23/2458 IBM Cognos 8 BI: Report Studio: Authoring Professional Reports Fundamentals (v8.3/ v8.4) 3 Days
B23/2459 IBM Cognos 8 BI: Report Studio: Authoring Professional Reports Advanced (v8.3/ v8.4) 2 Days
B23/2461 IBM Cognos 8 BI: Report Studio: Authoring Reports with Multidimensional Data (v8.3/ v8.4) 2 Days
B23/2452 IBM Cognos 8 BI Framework Manager: Design Metadata Models (v8.3/ v8.4) 5 Days
B23/2457 IBM Cognos 8 BI Metrics Manager: Design Scorecards (v8.3/ v8.4) 3 Days
B23C08BE IBM Cognos Metrics Manager for Government/ Industry 3 Days
B23/2482 IBM Cognos 8 BI Transformer: Design OLAP Models (v8.3/ v8.4) 4 Days
B2480 IBM Cognos 8 BI Data Manager: Build Datamarts with Enterprise Data (v8.3/ v8.4) 5 Days
B2470 IBM Cognos 8 BI Essentials for Cognos 8 BI (Fasttrack) 5 Days
B2405 IBM Cognos 8 BI Essentials for Cognos 8 BI: Supplement for Metadata Modelers (v8.3/ v8.4) 2 Days
B1601 IBM Cognos 8 Now! Workbench: Designing Applications (v4.6) 2 Days
B2473 IBM Cognos 8 BI Powerplay: Explore and Build Reports 2 Days
B2474 IBM Cognos 8 BI Powerplay: Web Exploration 1 Day
B2475 IBM Cognos 8 BI Powerplay: Powerplay Administration 1 Day

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
36 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Cognos Education

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

Cognos BI 8.1/8.2/ Reportnet
B2150 Ad hoc Querying 1 Day
B2158 Report Authoring Part I 2 Days
B2159 Report Authoring Part 2 3 Days
B2152 Metadata Modeling Part I 3 Days
B2153 Metadata Modeling Part 2 2 Days
B2155 Content Administration 1 Day
B2156 Server Administration 1 Day
B2170 BI Report Authoring and Modeling Fasttrack 5 Days
B2151 BI Analysis 1 Day
B0180 ReportNet Fasttrack 5 Days
Business Intelligence
Z3303 Report Building with Impromptu 2 Days
Z3304 Advanced Impromptu Reporting 1 Day
Z3302 Impromptu Administration 2 Days
Z5301 Powerplay Exploration & Report Building Client 2 Days
Z5304 Powerplay Web Data Exploration 1 Day
Z33C01 Impromptu en PowerPlay Fasttrack 5 Days
Migation courses
B24X5BE IBM Cognos 8 BI Migrating from Series 7 Professional Workshop 2 Days
B2411 IBM Cognos 8 BI PowerPlay: Migrate from Series 7 PowerPlay (v8.4) 1 Day
Financial Performance Management: Planning & Consolidation
P1401 IBM Cognos 8 Planning Analyst: Build Models (v8.4) 4 Days
P1405 IBM Cognos 8 Planning Contributor: Develop Applications (v8.4) 3 Days
P1407 IBM Cognos 8 Planning: Administer the Technical Environment (v8.3/ v8.4) 3 Days
P1409 IBM Cognos 8.3/ 8.4 Planning: Essentials for Managing Planning Projects 2 Days
P3401 IBM Cognos 8 Controller: Develop Applications (v8.4) 5 Days
P34C01BE IBM Cognos 8.3/ 8.4 Controller Application Setup 2 Days
P34C02BE IBM Cognos 8.3/8.4 Controller Consolidation Setup + Report Generator 2 Days
P6410 IBM Cognos TM1: Essentials (v9.4) Fast track 5 Days
P6407 IBM Cognos TM1: Analyzing Data (v9.4) 3 Days
P6402 IBM Cognos TM1: Designing and Developing Application (v9.4) 5 Days
P6405 IBM Cognos TM1: Administer the Technical Environment 2 Days
P6404 IBM Cognos TM1: Executive Viewer (9v4) 1 Day
P1402 IBM Cognos Planning: Leverage Integration between Cognos 8 BI and TM1 9.4 4 Days
P7401 IBM Cognos 8 Business Viewpoint: Manage Dimensions (8v4) 2 Days

Special courses
B23C05BE BI Competence Center (BICC) Discovery Workshop 1 Day
B23C03BE IBM Cognos BI on IBM Cognos Controller 1 Day
B23C04BE IBM Cognos BI on IBM Cognos Planning 1 Day

ibm.com/training/nl 37
IBM Cognos Education

IBM Cognos 8 BI - Professional Author Role

IBM Cognos 8 BI – Professional Author Role


training or
eLearning Instructor-led training

IBM Cognos 8 BI Cognos IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio:

Connection for Consumers Author Professional Reports
(v8.4) Fundamentals (v8.4)
B2488 B2458
eLearning Instructor-led training (3 days)

IBM Cognos 8 BI: Report You may be ready for:

IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio:
Studio: Author Professional
Introduction (v8.4)
Reports Advanced (v8.4)

Cognos training Paths and B2425

Instructor-led training (2 days)
IBM Certified Designer
IBM Cognos 8 BI Reports

Curriculum Fact Sheets

Not sure what course to take? Use the training
IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio:
paths or interactive curriculum fact sheets to Intermediate (v8.4)
find a course, view its description, and register. B2426
Plus, print or save a copy of the PDF for
reference at a later time.

IBM Cognos 8 BI Report Studio: You may be ready for:

Author Reports with
Multidimensional Data (v8.4) IBM Certified Designer
B2461 IBM Cognos 8 BI
Instructor-led training (2 days) Multidimensional Reports

Prequisite Path
Recommended Path

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors. You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
38 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training


Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

Notes and Domino 8.0 / 8.5
D8420 Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8 1 day C/H
D8425 Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8 6 hours SP
D8510 Fundamentals of IBM Lotus Domino 8 Application Development 4 days C/H
D8520 Building Web Applications with IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8 2 days C/H
D8530 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 8 Applications - Intermediate Skills 3 days C/H
D8550 Developing Composite Applications for IBM Lotus Notes 8 1 day C/H
D8555 Developing Composite Applications for IBM Lotus Notes 8 6 hours SP
Curriculum Overview D8625 Creating Web Services using LotusScript 6 hours SP
Lotus training and education is essential for D8720 Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino 8 Administration 2 days C/H
heightening business results. D8725 Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino 8 Administration 12 hours SP
These results are dependent on broadening
and maintaining the software skills of the D8750 IBM Lotus Domino 8 System Administration Operating Fundamentals 1 day C/H
people developing and supporting these D8760 Building the IBM Lotus Domino 8 Infrastructure 2 days C/H
powerful applications within your D8770 Managing IBM Lotus Domino 8 Servers and Users 3 days C/H
D8730 Exploring New Features in IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Administration 1 day C/H
IBM Lotus offers a complete training
curriculum to elevate any organization’s D8L75 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Fundamentals 1 day C/H
performance to its most effective efficient D8L76 Building the IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Infrastructure 2 days C/H
level. In fact, the Lotus method of Education D8L77 Managing IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 Servers and Users 3 days C/H
introduces role-specific training for each
D8L89 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Bootcamp 5 days C/H
member of your team matched to every stage
of an IT deployment. Leverage your N8355 Help Desk Fundamentals for IBM Lotus Domino 8 6 hours SP
investment in IBM Lotus technology with the N8360 Help Desk Basic Troubleshooting for IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 2 days C/H
right skills at the right time. Choose Lotus Notes and Domino 7
N7D02 Introducing IBM DB2 Concepts 4 hours SP
Education offering: N7D20 Maximizing Your Productivity with IBM Lotus Notes 7 4 hours SP
N7D35 Help Desk Fundamentals for IBM Lotus Domino 7 4 hours SP
Messaging and Collaboration
N7D36 Helpdesk Basic Troubleshooting for IBM Domino 7 2 days C/H
Provides enterprise email plus the capabilities
to build collaborative, Web-based applications N7D51 Fundamentals of IBM Lotus Domino 7 Application Development 4 days C/H
and ready to use communication and N7D52 Building Applications for the Web using IBM Lotus Domino Designer 7 2 days C/H
collaboration capabilities usable in context of N7D53 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 7 Applications: Intermediate Skills 3 days C/H
managing tasks, projects and activities. ND535 Developing IBM Lotus Domino 7 Applications: Intermediate Skills 15 hours SP
- IBM Lotus Notes / Domino
- IBM Lotus Quickr N7D54 Using LotusScript in IBM Lotus Domino 7 Applications 3 days C/H
N7D62 Creating Web Services Using LotusScript 6 hours C/H
Unified Communications and N7D75 IBM Lotus Domino 7 System Administration Operating Fundamentals 1 day C/H
Collaboration Software
N7D76 Building the IBM Lotus Domino 7 Infrastructure 2 days C/H
Uses presence awareness, instant
messaging, Web conferencing to enable N7D77 Managing IBM Lotus Domino 7 Servers and Users 2 days C/H
quick connections, and meetings. N7D78 Configuring IBM Lotus Domino 7 Web Servers 1 day C/H
- IBM Lotus Sametime N7D80 Advanced IBM Lotus Domino 7 Messaging Administration: Labs 6 hours SP
ND785 Configuring IBM Lotus Domino 7 Web Servers 6 hours SP
Social Software
Innovation drives growth. Social software for C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs SP = Self-Paced
business empowers you to be more
innovative and helps you execute more
quickly by using dynamic networks of
coworkers, partners and customers.
- IBM Lotus Connections

Provide personalized access to a variety of
applications and aggregate disparate content
sources and services.
- IBM WebSphere Portal

Portal Family products

IBM Lotus business solutions, strategic
dashboards and other composite applications
are designed to give decision makers the
real-time visibility they need to proactively
monitor business performance and drive

ibm.com/training/nl 39
IBM Software Training

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings. The fastest, most affordable way
Quickr to learn Notes!
QR700 Administering IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1 Services for IBM Lotus Domino 1 day C/H The IBM Multimedia Library for Lotus Notes is
an exciting new offering from Lotus Education
QR800 Administering IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1 Services for IBM WebSphere Portal 1 day C/H
for all Notes users.Containing more than 1000
Sametime short video clips, the IBM Multimedia Library for
ST850 Implementing an IBM Lotus Sametime 8 Infrastructure 1 day C/H Lotus Notes will quickly teach your employees
ST735 Implementing an IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 Infrastructure 1 day C/H the essential skills they need to be successful
with Lotus Notes. New employees will learn key
ST745 Implementing an IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 Infrastructure 6 hours SP
tasks, like archiving and calendaring, and
Connections seasoned employees will learn new features
CN710 Implementing IBM Lotus Connections 1 day C/H and productivity tips. "What's New" tutorials
WebSphere Portal teach valuable skills and benefits of new
features. This is the ultimate training solution for
WP610 IBM WebShpere Portal 6.0 Application Development 4 days C/H end users, administrative assistants, mobile
WP710 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 Administration - 1 3 days C/H users and tech support teams.
WP720 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 Administration - 2 2 days C/H
WP730 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.0 Administration - 1 & 2 5 days C/H
Lotus Professional Certification
WP611 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 Application Development - 1 3 days C/H
The IBM Certified Professional for Lotus
WP621 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 Application Development - 2 2 days C/H
Software program offers professionals a means
WP631 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 Application Development - 1 & 2 5 days C/H to receiving recognition for their software
WP711 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 System Administration - 1 3 days C/H mastery and expertise at many levels of
WP721 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 System Administration - 2 2 days C/H competency and achievement.
WP731 IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 System Administration - 1 & 2 5 days C/H To learn more visit
WP416 IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.01 Developer Fundamentals 3 days C/H
WP516 IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.01 Advanced Developer Topics 1 day C/H
WP440 Developing Web Sites Using IBM Workplace Web Content Management 6.0 3 days C/H
WP470 Using IBM Lotus Component Designer 6 1 day C/H
WP520 Using IBM WebSphere Dashboard Framework 6.0 2 days C/H
WPL46 Creating Forms Using IBM Lotus Forms 3.5 3 days C/H

C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs SP = Self-paced Virtual Class

Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
Paths Training Newsletter

Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email

the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors. You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
40 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training


Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of courses and prices.

Requirements and Analysis
★ QN140 Requirements Writing Techniques 1 Day C/H
★ QN131 Principles of Requirements Management Foundation 1 Day C/H
★ QN135 Principles of Requirements Management Practitioner 1 Day C/H
★ RRB01 Rational Requirements Management Boot Camp 4 Day C/H
RR331 Essentials of IBM Rational RequisitePro v7.0 1 Day C/H
★ QN162 IBM Rational DOORS Foundation 1 Day C/H
★ QN161 Telelogic DOORS Foundation 1 Day C/H
★ QN112 IBM Rational DOORS Practitioner v 8.3 1 Day C/H
Curriculum Overview ★ QN127 IBM Rational DOORS IT Manager v 9.2 1 Day C/H
IBM Rational software helps organizations ★ QN121 IBM Rational DOORS Information Architect, v 9.2 1 Day C/H
automate, integrate, and govern the core RR621 Business Modeling with UML 1 Day C/H
business process of software and systems RR611 Requirements Management with Use Cases 3 Days C/H
delivery via the IBM Rational Software Delivery
Platform. Offering an array of products, ★ RR350 Essentials of IBM Rational Requirements Composer, v1.0 1 Day C/H
services, and best practices, this open, Quality management
modular, and proven solution spans the entire ★ QT105 Introduction to TTCN-3 2 Days C/H
software and systems delivery lifecycle. ★ QT125 TTCN-3: Executable Test Suite Development 2 Days C/H

The Rational training portfolio is designed to RT101 Principles of Software Testing for Testers 2 Days C
help meet your skill building needs in the five ★ RTB01 Rational Tester Boot Camp 5 Days C/H
lifecycle categories of Requirements and RT522 Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, v7.0 2 Days C/H
Analysis, Architecture Management, Change
and Release Management, Process and
★ RT524 Essentials of IBM Rational Performance Tester, v8.0 2 Days C/H
Portfolio Management, and Quality RT422 Essentials of Manual Testing with IBM Rational Manual Tester, v7.0 1 Day C/H
Management. ★ RT280 Essentials of Manual Testing with IBM Rational Quality Manager, v1.0 1 Day C/H
★ RT281 Essentials of Manual Testing with IBM Rational Quality Manager, v2.0 1 Day C/H
Requirements, Analysis & Architecture
RT441 Essentials of Test Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest 1 Day C/H
Architecture management is a discipline, which RT402 Essentials of Test Management with IBM Rational TestManager, v7.0 1 Day C/H
focuses on governing changes with software ★ RT270 Essentials of Test Management with IBM Rational Quality Manager, 1.0.1 1 Day C/H
architecture and ensuring architectural integrity RT542 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting, v7.0 2 Days C/H
and alignment with current requirements and
implementations. Our curriculum provides skills ★ RT545 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Java Scripting, v8.0 2 Days C/H
with industry-leading architecture management ★ New and Updated this Fall C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs C = Classroom continued on following page
tools for architecture and design modeling,
model-driven development, component testing,
static and runtime analysis activities.

Quality Management
Quality is the subjective impression felt by end START HERE...
users about how well an application addresses Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
their needs. The IBM Rational toolset provides Training Newsletter
guidance, best practices and integrated tools,
which supports a broad range of heterogeneous
Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email
applications to help organizations achieve
the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
improvements in cost efficiency, quality metrics
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
and time-to-value for business-critical projects.
Our curriculum empowers teams to build quality within this curriculum.
into their products, using automation capabilities ibm.com/training/us/trainingpaths
to accelerate discovery and diagnosis, ensuring
clean communication between the business,
development, quality assurance and IT
ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers
ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors. You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 41
IBM Software Training

Process and Portfolio Management Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of courses and prices.
Process and Portfolio Management Process
RT544 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, .NET 2005 Scripting, v7.0 2 Days C/H
and portfolio managers need to prioritize
investments across projects and accurately RT546 Essentials of IBM Rational Functional Tester, .NET 2005 Scripting, v8.0 2 Days C/H
scope, estimate, schedule and manage RT550 Essentials of Functional Testing with IBM Rational Tester for SOA Quality 1 Day C/H
resources. IBM Rational delivers with tools RT551 Essentials of IBM Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality, v8.0 1 Day C/H
to manage the IT project portfolio lifecycle,
RT511 Essentials of Functional Testing with Rational Robot 2 Days C/H
reusable processes to manage project work,
application lifecycle management solutions RT308 Essentials of IBM Rational AppScan Developer Edition V7.8 1 Day C/H
to bridge development and operations, RT350 Essentials of IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition v7.7 2 Days C/H
and proven expertise in facilitating the RT355 Essentials of IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition v5.4 2 Days C/H
organizational transformation that is essential
RT360 Essentials of IBM Rational Policy Tester v5.4 2 Days C/H
to aligning IT with business objectives. Our
curriculum helps customers by training them on QT116 Software Testing using Telelogic Logiscope TestChecker 1 Day C/H
the proper use of proven tools and practices. QT121 IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Training, 7.5 1 Day C/H
Process and Portfolio Management
Requirements, Analysis & Architecture
Management RPB01 Rational Unified Process and Iterative Development Boot Camp 4 Days C/H
Architecture management is a discipline, which RP601 Mastering the Management of Iterative Development, v2 2 Days C/H
focuses on governing changes with software RP401 Essentials of Rational Unified Process, v7.0 2 Days C/H
architecture and ensuring architectural integrity
RP215 Basic Method Authoring with Rational Method Composer 7.5 2 Days C/H
and alignment with current requirements and
implementations. Our curriculum provides skills QP120 Using Telelogic Focal Point 1 Day C/H
with industry-leading architecture management RP501 Integrating IBM Rational Portfolio Manager and IBM Rational ClearQuest 1 Day C/H
tools for architecture and design modeling, QG126 Efficient Document Production with the IBM Telelogic Publishing Engine 1 Day C/H
model-driven development, component testing,
QP105 Configuring Telelogic Focal Point 1 Day C/H
static and runtime analysis activities.
QG107 IBM Rational System Architect Publisher Add On, V11.3 1 Day C/H
QG116 IBM Rational System Architect Publisher Add On - Report Considerations 1 Day C/H
Web-based Training: A green QG110 Telelogic Change Writing Reports 1 Day C/H
Alternative to Traveling to Class QS110 IBM Rational Change Writing Reports 2 Days C/H
Help reduce your carbon footprint while Architecture Management
building skills. QQ110 Data Modeling with Telelogic System Architect 2 Days C/H
Web-based courses and course collections QQ127 IBM Rational Rhapsody Essential Tool Training for System Engineers, v 7.5 4 Days C/H
are priced as a portfolio of courses and RDB50 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Rational Software Modeler Boot Camp 5 Days C/H
available on a per user basis for one year. RD221 Essentials of Visual Modeling with UML 1.0 1 Day C/H
Besides in-depth product instruction, each
course collection has user authentication and RD201 Essentials of Visual Modeling with UML 2.0 1 Day C/H
tracking/reporting, and is specifically designed RD631 Mastering Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 1.0 4 Days C/H
to bring self-paced courses and information RD601 Mastering Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML 2.0 4 Days C/H
“front and center” for the student. RD591 Mastering OOAD: UML 1.x to UML 2.0 Migration 1 Day C/H

To learn more about the WBT courses offered QQ176 IBM Rational Rhapsody for DoDAF Training 4 Days C/H
through IBM Learner Portal, visit QQ146 IBM Rational Rhapsody Essential Tool Training using UML for Software Engineers C 4 Days C/H
ibm.com/training/us/ QQ005 Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody v7.5 for Software Engineers (C) 4 Days C/H
QQ136 Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody v7.5 for Software Engineers (C++) 4 Days C/H
QQ151 Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody v7.5 UML Tool Training Ada 4 Days C/H
QQ141 IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add On™ Training 2 Days C/H
Rational Professional Certification
QQ275 Rhapsody ReporterPLUS Training 1 Day C/H
Validate your technical and sales expertise
by certifying your skills. QQ120 Introduction to Telelogic Tau for SysML 3 Days C/H
QD110 Application Generation with Telelogic Tau for AgileC 2 Days C/H
Differentiate yourself and join the ranks of
technical professionals who expand and QD105 Application Generation with Telelogic Tau for C++ 2 Days C/H
promote their skills by becoming a part of the RD582 Essentials of Rational Systems Developer for Systems Development, v7 1 Day C/H
IBM Certified Community! Each exam offered RD406 Essentials of IBM Rational Asset Manager V7.1.1 1 Day C/H
relates to a specific certification path, which
RD541 Essentials of IBM Rational Software Architect v7.0 2 Days C/H
consists of a series of tests specifically
designed to validate one’s technical proficiency. RD565 Essentials of Modeling with IBM Rational Software Architect, V7.5 2 Days C/H
To learn more about exam requirements, RD420 Domain-Specific Modeling with IBM Rational Software Architect, V7.5 1 Day C/H
certification description, test objectives, RD270 UML Model Reporting with Rational Software Architect and BIRT 1 Day C/H
recommended educational resources and
estimated testing time, visit ibm.com/certify C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs continued on following page

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
42 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of courses and prices. Change and Release Management
Software development is an increasingly
RD571 Essentials of IBM Rational Software Architect Extensibility, v6.0 1 Day C/H complex and dynamic activity. Development
RD521 Essentials of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software 2 Days C/H frequently occurs in teams that perform
RD195 Essentials of Rational Software Analyzer, v7.0 1 Day C/H parallel development on the same application,
often in geographically distributed locations.
RA902 Architecting Services with IBM Rational Software Architect v7 2 Days C/H
Our curriculum helps software and systems
RD197 Architecting Services with IBM Rational Software Architect v7.5.4 2 Days C/H development teams empower the business by
QQ105 Using UML2 for Model Driven Development 4 Days C/H accelerating software delivery, making global
QQ115 Introduction to Telelogic Tau 3 Days C/H teams more efficient, and governing end-to-end
software processes.
RD420 Domain-Specific Modeling with IBM Rational Software Architect v7.5 1 Day C/H
RD810 Mastering Servlet and JSP Development with RAD V7.5 5 Days C/H
RD794 Mastering Web Application Dev’t with Rational Application Developer V7 5 Days C/H Get Your Skills in Gear with
RD815 Mastering Web Application Dev’t with Rational Application Developer V7.5 5 Days C/H Rational Boot Camps
RD795 Mastering JSF Development with Rational Application Developer V7 3 Days C/H
Finding time to get your skills updated is never
RD805 Developing COBOL with IBM Rational Developer for System z 3 Days C/H easy. There are always projects that need
Change and release management attention and it's hard to tear yourself away.
QS130 Telelogic Synergy Developer 1 Day C/H This is why IBM Rational Training now offers
you Rational Training in boot camp format.
QS171 IBM Rational Synergy Developer 1 Day C/H
QS125 Telelogic Synergy Build Manager 2 Days C/H Boot Camps are designed to give you more
QS181 IBM Rational Synergy Build Manager 2 Days C/H training in less time. This format has
proven to be wildly popular with IT
QS191 Telelogic Synergy Process Tailoring 1 Day C/H
professionals giving you the ability to
QS191 IBM Rational Synergy Process Tailoring 1 Day C/H broaden your skill portfolio, save time and
QS120 Telelogic Synergy Administration 1 Day C/H save money too!
RS504 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for Windows v7.1 2 Days C/H
Boot Camp Benefits
RS521 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase UCM for Windows, v7.0 1 Day C/H
• Save money up to 20% over the cost of
RS524 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase UCM for Windows, v7.1 1 Day C/H taking each class separately
RS303 Essentials of Configuration Management with Rational ClearCase 1 Day C/H
RS402 Essentials of Configuration Management with ClearCase UCM, v7.0 2 Days C/H • Save time away from the office while getting
an intense learning experience
RS404 Essentials of Configuration Management with ClearCase UCM, v7.1 2 Days C/H
RSB01 Rational ClearCase Administration Boot Camp 5 Days C/H • Gain approval for multiple classes at one time
RS602 Mastering IBM Rational ClearCase Administration for Windows, v7.0 2 Days C/H
• Use an IBM Education Pack and save
RS604 Mastering IBM Rational ClearCase Administration for Windows, v7.1 2 Days C/H
even more
RS614 Mastering IBM Rational ClearCase Administration for UNIX, v7.1 2 Days C/H
RS622 Mastering Rational ClearCase Multisite Administration, v7.0 2 Days C/H The Rational Boot Camps are condensed,
RS624 Mastering Rational ClearCase Multisite Administration, v7.1 2 Days C/H in-depth courses, targeted for specialists.
RS319 Essentials of ClearCase UCM Using the ClearCase Remote Client, v7.1 1 Day C/H
Special Rational Bootcamp Promotion
RS316 Essentials of ClearCase Using the ClearCase Remote Client, v7.1 2 Days C/H For all Rational legacy courses, the Boot
RS322 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase Basics for UNIX, v7.1 1 Day C/H Camps offer a free certification for a period of 6
RS512 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for UNIX, v7.1 1 Day C/H months starting at the end of the course !
RS533 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase UCM for UNIX, v7.1 1 Day C/H
RS544 Essentials of IBM Rational Build Forge, V7.1 1 Day C/H
RS204 Essentials of IBM Rational ClearQuest, v7.1 1 Day C/H
RS631 Mastering IBM Rational ClearQuest Administration, v7.0 3 Days C/H
RS633 Mastering IBM Rational ClearQuest Administration, v7.1 3 Days C/H
RS643 Mastering IBM Rational ClearQuest Multisite Administration, v7.1 3 Days C/H
RS800 Essentials of IBM Rational Team Concert V2.0 1 Day C/H
RS815 Mastering Project Administration in IBM Rational Team Concert v2.0 C/H
QS185 Telelogic Synergy 7.0 Administration 1 Day C/H
QS186 IBM Rational Synergy 7.0 Administration 1 Day C/H
C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

ibm.com/training/nl 43
IBM Software Training

Tivoli and Service Management

IBM Service Management Get Trained to Prepare for New

IBM Service Management solutions from Tivoli Tivoli Product Certifications
can help you efficiently and effectively align IT Each month, new IBM Tivoli Certifications are
performance to business goals. Let IBM help added to our extensive offerings. Training from
you take back control, address your top IT IBM can help you build your skills so you are
challenges and accelerate your return on ready to sit for the exams.
investment with a better way to manage the
business of IT. IBM Tivoli training offers a
complete portfolio of Service Management
courses to help you meet your business and IT Infrastructure Library
Curriculum Overview IT challenges. If you’re looking for the best practice approach
Demanding times require intelligent to IT service support and delivery in your
solutions. Integrating your IT infrastructure business to improve customer satisfaction
has become a business necessity. Intelligent and reduce IT costs, get the skills you
IT Management Solutions for
management software from Tivoli helps need to do it right the first time with four IT
you realize maximum business value by Growing Mid-Market Businesses Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Training Courses
enabling you to integrate, manage, and IBM’s solutions help mid-market businesses from Tivoli.
secure your e-business infrastructures grow. Tivoli offers the visibility, control and
and processes end-to-end. automation to deliver solutions in asset Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure
protection and security, systems management Library (ITIL) is one of the hottest trends
Tivoli software adopts one of the most open and automation, and data backup and in IT service management today. ITIL is a non
standards of any systems management recovery. proprietary set of best practices that have
software provider today, and integrates become the de-facto international standard for
data warehouse technology that leverages IT service management. Don’t be left behind –
infrastructure performance data gathered learn a systematic approach to management
from across the organization. We can The Greening of IBM Training and best practices with Tivoli’s ITIL training
therefore help your organization evolve from Going green is a necessity companies must courses. Visit ibm.com/training/us/catalog/
focusing on the fundamental demands of embrace to reduce infrastructure costs and tivoli to learn more.
e-business to the more complex business remain competitive economically. Incorporating
requirements of an on-demand world. IT training into the process is key to maximizing
ROI in the software needed to operate new,
Intelligent solutions demand world class energy-efficient data centers.
Tivoli and Maximo Asset
training. Training is not an option for Management
companies that want to remain competitive; Tivoli and IBM Maximo takes the power,
it is a critical component of a successful performance and possibilities of asset
business strategy. IBM offers an extensive Learn, Anywhere, Anytime
management to an entirely new level. Built
portfolio of courses to help you gain critical Tivoli Training provides over 400 e-learning on a single software platform, Maximo Asset
skills for every Tivoli Solution. offerings including Web-based training with Management delivers a comprehensive
remote hands-on labs, complimentary Web view of all asset types – production, facilities,
Visit the IBM Tivoli Training home page to seminars, whitepapers and other resources. transportation and IT – across your enterprise.
view a complete listing of our technical Each meets the needs of users and This holistic perspective allows you to see
training courses and material including administrators at various skill levels. The all of your assets, as well as identify all of the
instructor-led online, classroom, onsite, remote labs allow you to receive hands-on untapped potential within them. You gain the
web-based, and whitepapers. experience with actual Tivoli software in an knowledge and control you need to closely
online environment, enabling you to understand align your organization’s goals with the overall
ibm.com/software/tivoli/education/ and master Tivoli technologies outside of a goals of your business.
production or testing environment.

Onsite Training from IBM –

Complimentary IBM Tivoli Support
Let Us Bring the Training to You
Technical Exchange Web Seminars
IBM can provide convenient, cost-effective
Do you need more technical information about and customized training for groups as small
Tivoli products? Product experts deliver as 3 to groups as large as 14 or more. Get the
support related discussions containing product same quality education we deliver in our
information, deployment and trouble-shooting classrooms, brought right to your site or one
tips, common issues, resources and other that IBM arranges for you. Save money, enjoy
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are interactive, informative, and best of all stronger results with IBM onsite training. To
– free! Hear it straight from the experts! To learn more, visit ibm.com/training/us/onsite
learn more visit ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
44 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training
Tivoli and Service Management

Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.

IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-Business
TW10V1 IBM Tivoli Access Manager for e-business 6.1 Deployment and Sys Administration 5 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Business Services Manager
TM33V4 IBM Tivoli Business Services Manager 4.2 for Administrators 4 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager
TK01V0 IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager 8.5 Installation 1 day C/H
TK03V0 IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager 8.5 Administration and Reporting 3 days C/H
TK05V1 IBM Tivoli Compliance Insight Manager 8.5 Advanced Implementation 5 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Directory Server
TW08V0 IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.1 System Administration 3 days C/H
TW23V0 IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.1 Advanced Deployment 2 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager
TW24V0 IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.0 Differences and Migration 3 days C/H
TW25V0 IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.0 Basic Implementation 5 days C/H
TW26V0 IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 5.0 System Administration 3 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
TV28V0 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2 for Operators 1 day C/H
TV30V1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2 for Administrators 3 days C/H
TV35V1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2 for Implementers 3 days C/H
TV37V0 IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.2 Historical Reporting and Data Collection 1 day C/H
IBM Maximo
TR54V0 System Administration for IBM Tivoli Enterprise IT and Asset Management 7.1 2 days C/H
TR56V0 Tailoring and Configuring for Enterprise and IT Asset Management 7.1 3 days C/H
TR570 IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.1 Fundamentals 4 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Netcool
TN02V1 IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.2 Administration and Configuration 5 days C/H
TN04V0 IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact 4.0 Administration and Implementation 5 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Security Operations Manager
TP13V1 IBM Tivoli Security Operations Manager 4.1 - Installation and Administration 2 days C/H
IBM Service Management
TM16V0 IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.1 3 days C/H
TM11V1 IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database 7.1 Fundamentals 3 days C/H
TM12V1 IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database 7.1 Implementation 5 days C/H
TR61V0 IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager 7.1 Fundamentals 3 days C/H
TR62V0 IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager 7.1 Implementation 5 days C/H

C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs continued on following page

You need the right skills and experience to

manage your IT services and to leverage
your most valuable assets – your people.
They need the knowledge to maximize the
IBM technology in your environment. IBM
Software Services for Tivoli has a proven
approach to prepare your staff and assist
them to architect, build, deploy and
support your IT management solution. ibm.com/training/be
ibm.com/training/nl 45
IBM Software Training
Tivoli and Service Management

IBM Technical Conferences – Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
Clients Tell Us That Attending
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
is Time Well Spent
To hear for yourself, visit TM50V1 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Implementation and Administration 5 days C/H
ibm.com/training/conf TM51V0 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Operations 3 days C/H
and click on “It’s Time TM52V1 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting 5 days C/H
Well Spent”. IBM offers
TM56V1 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition 5.5 Disaster Recovery 3 days C/H
technical conferences
around the world this year. TS610 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 Implementation and Administration 2 days C/H
Also, check out our technical conferences IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS
listing on page 6. SM92V4 IBM System Automation for z/OS 3.2 Introduction and Operations 4 days C/H
SM93V3 IBM System Automation for z/OS 3.2 Implementation and Administration 5 days C/H
IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler
TM40V1 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS 8.3 for Schedulers 4 days C/H
TM41V1 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS 8.3 Implementation 5 days C/H
TX30V1 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.4 Scheduling and Operations 3 days C/H
TX31V1 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.4 Administration 2 days C/H
Onsite Training from IBM – Let Us
Bring the Training to You IBM Tivoli zSecure
IBM can provide TK20V0 IBM Tivoli zSecure Admin 1.9 Basic Administration 1 day C/H
convenient, cost-effective TK21V1 IBM Tivoli zSecure Admin 1.9 Basic Reporting 2 days C/H
and customized training for
TK23V0 IBM Tivoli zSecure 1.9 CARLa Auditing and Reporting Language 3 days C/H
groups as small as 3
to groups as large as 14 or TK25V0 IBM Tivoli zSecure 1.9 RACF Management Workshop 2 days C/H
more. Get the same quality C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
education we deliver in our classrooms,
brought right to your site or one that IBM
arranges for you. Save money, enjoy greater
flexibility, gain more control and achieve
stronger results with Onsite Training from
IBM. Get even greater savings by using
an IBM Education Pack – see page 4.
To talk with someone about an onsite
class, contact an IBM Training Customer
Service Representative.

It’s Smarter for Companies to

Train Than to Recruit
Increased competition START HERE...
for the best workers is Training Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
causing CEOs to focus on Paths Training Newsletter
talent development and
management as a top
Visit the training path homepage to select To subscribe, email
priority. One of
the path you need. Each path shows the be: educ@be.ibm.com
the best ways for companies to keep
recommended sequence of courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com
skilled IT employees is to provide them
with training opportunities. Read more within this curriculum.
about this issue in Winning the Battle for ibm.com/training/us/trainingpaths
Talent at ibm.com/training/us/talent

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
typically feature materials created by planning of our courses per curriculum in
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by
Redbooks authors. You can find courses be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
46 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training


WebSphere ILOG
G e t I L O G Tr a i n i n g

ILOG, an IBM Company, provides fast and Do you need to complete a Java prerequisite
efficient training programs to empower students class to register for an ILOG class? Why not
to utilize ILOG's optimization, business rule, consider the IBM Java classes on the
visualization and supply chain applications Application Development page!
Curriculum Overview
IBM WebSphere Education delivers a Knowledgeable instructors lead small classes
comprehensive portfolio of education services that feature hands-on lessons, practical
to help you successfully deploy Service- exercises and individual attention.
Oriented Architecture (SOA) and integrate
IBM’s WebSphere middleware products to
achieve the maximum benefit. Our curriculum Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
provides a unique training value built on
exclusive product knowledge, a complete WebSphere ILOG
education experience and flexible training ★ WB274 ILOG JViews Maps 4 Days C/H
options. WebSphere Education provides ★ WB278 ILOG JRules 6 Delta Training 2 Days C/H
training that spans the spectrum of skill needs
from introductory product overviews to
★ WB280 ILOG CPLEX Concert 3 Days C/H
advanced programming and administration. ★ WB281 ILOG CP - Solver 5 Days C/H
★ WB283 ILOG CP - Scheduler 3 Days C/H
• WebSphere ILOG 43 ★ WB285 ILOG CP - Dispatcher 3 Days C/H
• WebSphere Application Server 44 ★ WB287 Learning Mathematical Programming for ILOG OPL Development Studio 1 Day C/H
• Business Process Management 44 ★ WB288 Optimization with ILOG OPL Development Studio 3 Days C/H
• Application Integration 45 ★ WB289 Build Your Application with ILOG ODM 1 Day C/H
★ WB290 Extending and Integrating ILOG ODM 2 Days C/H
WebSphere Professional ★ WB291 ILOG JViews Charts 2 Days C/H
Certification ★ WB293 ILOG JViews Gantt 3 Days C/H
Va l i d a t e y o u r t e c h n i c a l a n d s a l e s ★ WB294 ILOG JViews Diagrammer 5 Days C/H
ex p er t i s e b y c er t i f y i ng y o ur s k i l l s . ★ WB295 ILOG JViews TGO 5 Days C/H
★ WB296 ILOG JViews Bundle 5 Days C/H
Differentiate yourself and join the ranks of
technical professionals who expand and ★ WB297 ILOG LogicNet Plus XE 3 Days C/H
promote their skills by becoming a part of the ★ WB298 ILOG Inventory Analyst 3 Days C/H
IBM Certified Community! Each exam offered ★ WB299 ILOG LogicNet Plus XE Advanced Training 3 Days C/H
relates to a specific certification path, which ★ WB300 Developing Business Rule Apps. with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0 5 Days C/H
consists of a series of tests specifically
designed to validate one’s technical ★ WB301 Capturing & Authoring Business Rules with IBM ILOG JRules V7.0 5 Days C/H
proficiency. ★ WB302 Capturing Business Rules with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0 3 Days C/H
★ WB303 Authoring Business Rules in IBM WebSphere ILOG Rule Team Server V7.0 2 Days C/H
To learn more about exam requirements,
certification description, test objectives,
★ WB304 Developing Business Rule Apps. with IBM ILOG Rules for .NET V7.0 5 Days C/H
recommended educational resources and ★ WB332 Configuring, Extending, & Integrating ILOG Optimization Decision Manager 3 Days C/H
estimated testing time, visit ibm.com/certify. ★ WB333 Configuring IBM ILOG Optimization Decision Manager Enterprise Apps. 2 Days C/H
★ WB350 Implementing Skills for IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE V7.0 3 Days C/H
★ WB351 Business Analyst Skills for IBM ILOG Inventory Analyst V7.0 2 Days C/H
★ WB352 Advanced Training Skills for IBM ILOG LogicNet Plus XE V7.0 3 Days C/H

★ New and Updated this Fall C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

ibm.com/training/nl 47
IBM Software Training

WebSphere Application Server

Curriculum Overview Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
IBM WebSphere Application Server is a Administration for distributed systems
comprehensive J2EE application server that
WU701 Transition to WebSphere Application Server V7 and Java EE 5 3 Days C/H
provides a scalable, security-rich deployment
environment for SOA. With multiple ★ WA370 IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Administration on Windows 5 Days C/H
configuration options, the WebSphere ★ WA570 IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Administration on Linux 5 Days C/H
Application Server family offers capability levels WA571 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Problem Determination 4 Days C/H
that meet your current infrastructure needs and
allow for seamless migrations to more ★ WA572 IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Problem Determination 5 Days C/H
advanced versions. Adding to the robustness of WA661 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Scripting and Automation 5 Days C/H
the WebSphere Application Server family is IBM WA761 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Advanced Administration 3 Days C/H
Rational Application Developer for WebSphere WA821 IBM WebSphere V6.1 Advanced Administration on Windows & Linux 5 Days C/H
Software, a comprehensive integrated
development environment that enables software WebSphere Application Server development
developers to quickly design, develop, analyze, ★ WA963 Developing Applications for WebSphere eXtreme Scale 3 Days C/H
test, profile and deploy SOA, Java, J2EE, and ★ WA964 Developing Applications for WebSphere Compute Grid 2 Days C/H
portal applications.
★ WA972 Application Development for eXtreme Scale V7 3 Days C/H
With topics such as WebSphere Application WD792 Mastering Servlet and JSP Development with RAD V7 5 Days C/H
Server administration and advanced WD320 Developing AJAX Applications with WebSphere Feature Pack for Web 2.0 3 Days C/H
management, Servlet and JSP Development WD352 Developing EJB 3 Applications for WebSphere Application Server V7 5 Days C/H
with Rational Application Developer, and
WD370 Java EE 5 Development for WebSphere Application Server V7 4 Days C/H
WebSphere Application Server problem
determination and performance tuning, this WD371 Java EE 5 Development for WebSphere Application Server CE 2.0 4 Days C/H
comprehensive curriculum can help you and ★ New and Updated C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
your team leverage the business benefits of an

Business Process Management

Curriculum Overview Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
Key products, such as IBM WebSphere WebSphere Business Modeler
Business Modeler, IBM WebSphere Business
WB171 Using IBM WebSphere Business Modeler, Monitor, & Process Svr. for BPM 2 Days C/H
Monitor, WebSphere Process Server and
WebSphere Integration Developer can help your ★ WB282 IBM WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2: Proc. Mapping, Simul. & Analysis 5 Days C/H
organization leverage the Business Process ★ WB284 IBM WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2: Process Mapping and Analysis 3 Days C/H
Management (BPM) tools and skills that ★ WB286 IBM WebSphere Business Modeler V6.2: Process Simulation and Analysis 2 Days C/H
underlie a businesses’ capability to respond to
WebSphere Process Server implementation and development
unexpected challenges in the marketplace.
WB115 Human Task Management with IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.1 3 Days C/H
The BPM-oriented WebSphere curriculum ★ WB211 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 - I 5 Days C/H
mirrors IBM’s holistic approach to BPM with a
deep set of courses across the WebSphere
★ WB212 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 - II 5 Days C/H
products and the IT and business roles that WebSphere Business Monitor
enable BPM. A comprehensive set of training WB189 Designing for Performance Measurement Using WebSphere Business Mon. 3 Days C/H
offerings supports all phases of the BPM life ★ WB292 IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V6.2: Implementation and Administration 5 Days C/H
cycle, from modeling – WebSphere Business
WebSphere Process Server administration
Modeler, through development – WebSphere
Integration Developer, deployment – ★ WB221 Administration of IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 5 Days C/H
WebSphere Process Server and monitoring of ★ WB222 Administration of IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 on Linux 5 Days C/H
business processes with WebSphere Business WB127 IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.1 Performance and Tuning 3 Days C/H
★ WB224 IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 Performance and Tuning 3 Days C/H
★ WB225 IBM WebSphere Process Server V6.2 Problem Determination 3 Days C/H
WB129 WebSphere Process Server V6.1.2 High Availability 3 Days C/H
★ New and Updated this Fall C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs

Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
48 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40
IBM Software Training

Application Integration
Curriculum Overview Visit ibm.com/training to view our complete list of course offerings.
To meet the broad skill requirements for WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus
developing an application integration
infrastructure, the WebSphere Application
★ WB213 Developing Applications for IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.2 5 Days C/H
Integration curriculum provides courses ★ WB223 WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.2 Administration 3 Days C/H
spanning introductory to advanced topics WebSphere Transformation Extender
across key roles, including system administrator WE210 IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.2 Fundamentals 3 Days C/H
and application developer. From implementation
WE213 IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.2 Advanced Transformation 3 Days C/H
courses for WebSphere ESB to WebSphere
Adapter development topics and WebSphere WE214 IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.2 Using XML 2 Days C/H
MQ system administration classes, this WE215 IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.2 / Message Broker V6.2 Int. 1 Day C/H
curriculum arms you or your team with the core WebSphere Data Interchange
skills to leverage WebSphere application
integration software to achieve immediate WE334 WebSphere Data Interchange Implementation with ANSI X12 5 Days C/H
business impact. WE335 WebSphere Data Interchange Implementation with UN/EDIFACT 5 Days C/H
WebSphere MQ
WM100 Technical Introduction to IBM WebSphere MQ 1 Day C
★ WM150 IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7 Workshop 2 Days C/H
★ WU601 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Implementation for Experienced MQ Personnel 2 Days C/H
★ WM501 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Application Development (Windows labs) 3 Days C/H
★ WM510 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Publish/Subscribe Implementation 2 Days C/H
★ WM201 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System Administration (Windows Labs) 4 Days C/H
★ WM300 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 System Administration for z/OS 4 Days C/H
★ WM210 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) 3 Days C/H
WM250 IBM WebSphere MQ: Designing and Architecting Clustering Solutions 4 Days C/H
WM310 IBM WebSphere MQ V7 Advanced System Administration for z/OS 4 Days C/H
WebSphere Message Broker
WM662 IBM WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 Developer Workshop 5 Days C/H
WM642 IBM WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 System Administration Workshop 4 Days C/H
WM690 IBM WebSphere Message Broker Administration on zSeries 3 Days C/H
WebSphere Partner Gateway
WB151 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway V6 Implementation 5 Days C/H
★ WB251 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.2 Implementation 5 Days C/H
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
WB521 IBM WebSphere Service Registry & Repository for Application Developers 3 Days C/H
WU522 IBM WebSphere Service Registry & Repository for Administrators 2 Days C/H
WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances
Training ★ WB555 Accelerate, Secure, & integrate with IBM WebSphere DataPower 5 Days C/H

Paths ★ WB557 Administration of IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances 3 Days C/H
★ WB556 IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances - Advanced Topics 3 Days C/H
Visit the training path homepage to select ★ New and Updated C = Classroom C/H = Classroom with Hands-on Labs
the path you need. Each path shows the
recommended sequence of courses
within this curriculum.

ITSO Courses Quarterly Schedule Flyers

Subscribe to the IBM Benelux
ITSO workshops in the BeNeLux On our website you can find the quarterly
Training Newsletter planning of our courses per curriculum in
typically feature materials created by
practitioners during residencies that the quarterly flyers.
produced IBM Redbooks. Our To subscribe, email Don´t hesitate to take a look!
workshops usually are taught by be: educ@be.ibm.com
Redbooks authors. You can find courses nl: education@nl.ibm.com be: ibm.com/training/be
about the actual topics also at: nl: ibm.com/training/nl

ibm.com/training/nl 49
IBM Software Premium Support

An Indispensable Part of Your Software Strategy

You’ve spent quality time and your

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just the right IBM software for your IBM Software Premium Support is your single Build on Your Team’s IBM Training
organization’s needs. Wouldn’t point of contact for this kind of ultimate support
IBM Training offers excellent courses and
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Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
50 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40

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Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
52 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40

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Belgium: +32-2-655 52 88
54 Netherlands: +31-20-513 39 40

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