Lab Reports: Survival Guide

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Survival Guide

What is a lab report? Title
The title should be brief and informative,
Lab reports convey the findings allowing a reader to quickly deduce whether
of scientific research. This guide the study is relevant to their purposes.
examines the structure of lab reports and
explains how to write the different sections. Abstract
The abstract succinctly summarises the
Structuring a lab report entire report. It should contain information
from each section in the same order it
A lab report is structured like an hourglass: appears in the report. It may be easier to
 The introduction starts with the broad return to the abstract after completing the
context of the research and then narrows other sections of the lab report.
to the specific research aim;
 The methods and results of the study Introduction
are then presented; and An effective introduction clearly
 In the discussion section, specific identifies the context and
research findings are discussed before purpose of the research. It often
expanding out to broader implications. spans at least two paragraphs.

Scope\ . When writing your introduction, try to:

narrows  Begin with a general statement about
the topic and its relevance/significance;
 Introduce background information,
define key terms and theories, and
briefly review relevant literature;
Results  Introduce the research aim; and
 State the hypothesis or hypotheses.
Scope nsh
broadei/ Discussion

Components of a lab report
The research aim is a statement of the
While the exact format may vary between overarching goal of the research, e.g., The
disciplines, most lab reports include: study aimed to investigate the impact of a
 The title of the experiment; study partner on student motivation.
 An abstract that summarises the report;
 An introduction that establishes the A hypothesis is a testable statement that
context and purpose of the research; specifies the key variables studied and the
 An account of the methods used; predicted direction of the effect, e.g., It was
 A description of the main results; hypothesised that students with a study
 An interpretive discussion section; partner would be more motivated to study
 A list of references cited; and compared to students without a partner.
 A list of appendices (if necessary).

Assignments 1
The methods section includes a description  Next, interpret your results in light of the
of how the experiment was carried out, research aim. Discuss how the results fit
details about any subjects or participants, with or differ from the research you
and an account of the materials used. described in the introduction.
 Finally, discuss the broader theoretical
You may be required to divide the methods and/or practical implications of the study,
section using subheadings (e.g. subjects, key limitations, and suggest possible
materials, procedure). Be sure to check the directions for future research.
specific requirements of your unit.
TIP List the sources you cited in the lab report
using the required referencing style.
Include enough information so the study
could be replicated by another researcher. Appendices
This section is optional. Include information
Results that would distract from the flow of the
The results section provides a description report but may still be useful to the reader,
(not interpretation) of the main findings. e.g. raw data, measurement tools,
Focus on the results that are relevant to calculations, and experimental stimuli.
your specific aims and hypotheses.
Use different tenses for different tasks:
Use tables and figures to summarise  Use the past tense when discussing,
complex information. Each table or figure previous research (e.g. Previous
should be clearly labelled, numbered studies found…), describing the
sequentially, and referred to in your report methods and results (e.g. over 5% of
(e.g. “As shown in Figure 1... ; Descriptive participants reported…);
statistics are displayed in Table 2.”).  Use the present tense when discussing
tables and figures (e.g. Figure 5
Discussion indicates…) and referring to the
The discussion is where you comment on, significance and interpretation of
interpret and explain your results: results (e.g. Removal of the agent
 First, state whether the results supported appears to reduce…); and
the hypotheses. In scientific research we  Use the future tense to suggest future
never “prove” a hypothesis; it can only research (e.g. Further research will
be supported or not supported. determine the outcome…).

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