Poster-Nike and Business

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CREATIVE CHANGE AND INNOVATION – POSTER PRESENTATION                                                                             9


Change model program Change management models Change management program

• This model has persisted over a long period and is most
• Change management is the process that • Understanding that change is the only accepted among other change management models.
constant, many researchers gave different This model as the name depicts, has seven steps of
implements and executes these changes implementing a change in the business (Hanafizadeh
by specific tools and techniques (Paton theories in support of changes in the and Ravasan, 2011)
and McCalman, 2008). business (Mokhlesian and Holmén, 2012).
Style: it refers to the non-problematic way of leading
• adopted by Davison Canners ltd to Some of the most accepted models of •
employees and underlying projects towards their
change management are: betterment.
implement a change in the business • Staff: it refers to the inclusive workforce or the
project for achieving higher positions in the • Lewin’s change management model employees and their competencies in the
market. • Mckinsey 7 S model • Skills: it refers to the ability of the employees and their
• Kotter’s change management theory skills to carry out different projects.

• Nudge theory
Kubler- Ross five-stage model

Advantages as well as
Change model work program • Bridge’s transition model
• ADKAR model disadvantages
• Change management with a business
• Advantages
perspective refers to the changes that are Mckinsey 7S model of change • Gives in-depth insight and understanding of the
applied to attain specific set goals for the organization
business. management • Combines both emotional and practical aspects of
the change and help the employees in the transition
• Team leaders can adopt these changes state of the change.
• This model as the name depicts, has seven • It addresses every part of the organization and
by supporting the employees by making steps of implementing a change in the understands its importance.
them comfortable with the applied business (Hanafizadeh and Ravasan, 2011) Drawbacks
changes (Todnem, 2005). •
• Strategy: it is a step- by- step way to do • Due to interdependency of the steps, a complication
• For carrying out the changes, different future planning to reach the set goals
in one can halt the whole process
It is a very complex model of change management.
processes of change management are without facing any major hindrance in the

considered to achieve the business goals: business.

• Structure: it refers to the breakdown
structure of the business that makes
managing a bigger project
Economic and technology analysis uncomplicated.
• Inflation, foreign exchange, interest, saving rates • System: it refers to how the everyday
and governmental regulations are the factors activities are scrutinized for any
determining the aggregate demand and complications and if found they are
investment in the economy which is showing that resolved effectively.
Nike could easily penetrate the market with its • Shared values: leadership, teamwork,
less economical issues. The cyber computing communication and cooperation are the
technologies system would be helpful to values that are followed for the smooth
strengthen the communication program running of the organization.

CREATIVE  CHANGE AND INNOVATION – POSTER PRESENTATION                                                                            10


Effective management of the

• new projects require effective planning of the References
financial and labor resources before
implementing the plan. • Dooley, L. and O’Sullivan, D., 2003. Developing
• Set goals to be achieved: to achieve a goal, it a software infrastructure to support systemic
is important to set them and understand the innovation through effective
importance of their achievement. management. Technovation, 23(8), pp.689-704.
• Embracing the change: people resist changes • Hanafizadeh, P. and Ravasan, A.Z., 2011. A
because changes are complicated and not McKinsey 7S model-based framework for ERP
easily understood. However, to achieve readiness assessment. International Journal of
success in the marketplace it is important to Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 7(4),
embrace the changes and support the growth pp.23-63.
of the business. • Mokhlesian, S. and Holmén, M., 2012. Business
• Communication: effective communication is model changes and green construction
the key to develop any business. lack of processes. Construction Management and
communication leads to the destruction of the Economics, 30(9), pp.761-775.
organization. • Paton, R.A. and McCalman, J., 2008. Change
• Patience: patience is crucial to embrace the management: A guide to effective
changes because it is not quick and rapid but implementation. Sage.
a slow process (Dooley and O’Sullivan, 2003). • Peters, T.J. and Waterman Jr, R.H., 2013. In
Search of. Excellence: Lessons from America's
• Todnem By, R., 2015. Organizational change
management: A critical review. Journal of
change management, 5(4), pp.369-380.

Impacts of change in business

• Implementation of a change in organizations
are confusing and chaotic but it also has
following positive impacts on the business:
• Enhance the confidence of the employees
• Flexible towards the implementation of change
helps in maintaining the consistency of the
organization and it becomes more competitive
in the market.
• The adoption of the change breaks the status
quo and enables growth effectively in the
• Changes are implemented to remain dynamic
in the marketplace

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