ICT v. Sales
ICT v. Sales
ICT v. Sales
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing 6 Id., at pp. 71-77; penned by Associate Justice Florito S. Macalino and
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales concurred in by Associate Justices Mariflor P. Punzalan-Castillo and Ramon M.
No. 10-11004-07; and 2) the CA’s May 28, 2012 Bato, Jr.
7 Id., at pp. 78-103.
Resolution6 denying petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration7 of 8 Id., at p. 173.
the herein assailed Decision.
Factual Antecedents
Petitioner ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (ICT) — now 292 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
known as Sykes Marketing Services, Inc. — is a duly ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
registered domestic corporation engaged in the business of Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
providing outsourced customer relations management and and incentives. However, no action appears to have been taken
business process outsourcing solutions to various clients in on her complaint.
government and in the financial services, insurance, Respondent was then transferred to the Bank of America
telecommunications, health care, information technology, account on July 30, 2007. Without prior notice to respondent,
media, energy, and hospitality industries. petitioner scheduled her for training from July 30 to August 6,
On February 22, 2006, petitioner hired respondent Mariphil 2007 on the very same day of her transfer. On the third day of
L. Sales as its Customer Service Representative (CSR) or training (August 1), respondent was unable to attend. When she
Technical Support Representative (TSR), and assigned her to reported for training the next day, respondent was informed
its Capital One account. On August 21, 2006, respondent that she could not be certified to handle calls for Bank of
became a regular employee, and her monthly base salary was America due to her failure to complete the training. From then
increased to P16,350.00 and she was given monthly on, respondent was placed on “floating status” and was not
transportation and meal allowances. given any work assignment.
On February 21, 2007, respondent was assigned to the In a September 28, 2007 letter9 to petitioner’s Human
Washington Mutual account, where she was awarded with a Resource (HR) Manager, respondent tendered her resignation
certificate for being the “Top Converter/Seller (Second Place)” from work, effective upon receipt of the letter. Respondent
for the month of April 2007.8 wrote:
I was forced to resign due to the reason that my employment with a certificate as “top converter (seller)” for the month of
was made on “floating status” effective August 4, 2007 and up April and was supposed to be included again in the top three
to present (almost two months). I haven’t receive [sic] any highest converter[s] for the month of May, but unfortunately
notice from you or the HR department to report for work irregularities were committed, that is why I filed the
despite my repeated follow-up [with] your office thru aforementioned complaint [with] your office.
telephone and mobile phone text messages. Hence, I consider On August 1, 2007, a few days after my transfer [to] Bank of
your inaction to my follow-up as an indirect termination of my America, my coach, angelo [sic], informed me that I will be
work with ICT. having a training on that same day with Bank of America
The reason I was placed [on] floating status is that, I was which is really unexpected. I was not given a notice in
absent during the third day of my training with Bank of advance about the training. My coach informed me only three
America, the account to which I was transferred from hours before the said training. Later on during my training
Washington Mutual (WaMu). However, my absence during with Bank of America I was [placed on floating status]
such period was justified by the fact that I was sick and I need indefinitely due to a single absence even though I am a regular
[sic] to undergo a medical checkup on that date. employee having worked in ICT for almost two years.
Furthermore, I see my transfer from WaMu Account to Bank Another instance [of] discrimination [sic] and bad faith on the
of America and the continued floating status of my work was part of ICT management is that, all my fellow agents who
prompted by the fact that I lodged a complaint were [placed on floating status] for the same reason were all
ordered to return to work except me [sic]. Moreover, ICT is
continuously hiring TSR’s which only shows that there are
9 Id., at pp. 147-148. still accounts open or work available in ICT. However despite
the availability of work, I was still on floating status.
Based on the aforementioned facts and circumstance[s], it is
very clear that the harassment, pressure, and indefinite
293 floating of my employment with ICT are retaliatory acts
VOL. 770, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 293 perpetrated by the company because of my complaint/request
for investigation on the irregularities being committed by
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
certain company officials.
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
against managers/supervisors assigned in WaMu account
regarding irregularities in the handling of funds given by ICT
clients which were supposed to be distributed as prizes to 294
TSR’s assigned with WaMu. After the filing of the said 294 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
complaint, through your office, I was transferred to another ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
account (Bank of America) for no apparent reason. I was not
even included in the original list of those who were supposed Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
to be transferred because my performance record with WaMu Thus, I can no longer bear the above mentioned abuses and
is satisfactory as proven by the fact that I was even awarded discrimination committed against me by ICT management.
Therefore, I have no option but to sever my relationship with 16 Id., at pp. 133-137.
the company, as my continued floating status had already
prejudiced me emotionally and financially.
Ruling of the Labor Arbiter VOL. 770, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 295
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
On October 2, 2007, respondent filed a complaint for Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
constructive dismissal against petitioner and Odom before the bationary status, and not to regularized employees. In any case,
NLRC NCR, Quezon City, docketed as NLRC-NCR Case No. the “New Hire Training Bay” used by petitioner was for the
10-11004-07. Capital One program. She also pointed out that during her
In her Position Paper,11 Reply,12 Rejoinder,13 and indefinite suspension or “floating status,” petitioner continued
Surrejoinder,14 respondent claimed that for complaining about to hire new CSRs, as shown by its newspaper advertisements
the supposed irregularities in the Washington Mutual account, during the period.17 Finally, she asserted that her resignation
petitioner discriminated against her and unduly punished her. was not voluntary, but was forced upon her by petitioner as a
Although she was not included in the original list of result of its unlawful acts. Thus, respondent prayed for the
CSRs/TSRs for program transfer, she was transferred to recovery of backwages, separation pay, P100,000.00 combined
another account, and then placed on “floating status,” which is moral and exemplary damages, and attorney’s fees equivalent
tantamount to suspending her indefinitely without due process, to 10 percent (10%) of the total award.
despite her satisfactory performance. Respondent averred that In its Position Paper,18 Reply,19 Rejoinder,20 and
petitioner’s claim of multiple absences is not true, because not Surrejoinder, petitioner prayed for the dismissal of the
once was she penalized therefor, assuming such charge is true. complaint, arguing that respondent was transferred from the
Respondent also alleged that her one-day absence during the Washington Mutual account as an exercise of management
training for the Bank of America program cannot justify her initiative or prerogative, and due to infractions 22 committed by
being placed on a “floating status” because the “no-absence her, as well as attendance and punctuality issues that arose. It
during training” requirement cited by petitioner — using her claimed that respondent could not be certified for the Bank of
employment contract15 and the “New Hire Training Bay”16 as America account for failing to complete the training. It
bases — applies only to new hires on pro- maintained that respondent was placed on standby status only,
and not suspended or constructively dismissed. In fact, she was
10 Id. directed to report to its HR department, but she did not do so. It
11 Id., at pp. 149-162. also insisted that respondent resigned voluntarily. It denied
12 Id., at pp. 203-223. committing any act of discrimination or any other act
13 Id., at pp. 251-269. _______________
14 Id., at pp. 286-302.
15 Id., at pp. 127-132.
17 Id., at pp. 232-236. was indeed remised of [sic] her duties due to her punctuality and
18 Id., at pp. 104-126. attendance problem of committing twelve (12) absences alone
19 Id., at pp. 183-196.
incurred in July 2007 [sic], why was there no disciplinary action
20 Id., at pp. 237-248.
21 Id., at pp. 270-278. taken against her like reprimand or warning[?]
22 a) June 23, 2006 — respondent was issued a Formal Written Warning x x x x
for giving misleading information to a customer on June 22, 2006. And its effect, complainant is entitled to her claim of separation
b) July 12, 2006 — she was again warned for selling to the wrong person pay, moral and exemplary damages of P50,000.00 pesos [sic]
on June 27, 2006. including an award of attorney’s fees.
c) Another written warning on March 20, 2007 for wrong disposition of a WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is rendered
ordering the respondents to pay complainant of [sic] one month pay
per year of service as separation pay in the total amount of
P32,700.00, P50,000.00 moral and exemplary damages plus 10% of
296 the award as attorney’s fees, hereunder computed:
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
23 Id., at pp. 304-314; penned by Labor Arbiter Antonio R. Macam.
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
which rendered respondent’s employment impossible,
unreasonable or unlikely. Finally, it claimed that prior notice of
her transfer to the Bank of America account was made through 297
an electronic mail message sent to her; and that respondent has VOL. 770, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 297
no cause of action since she resigned voluntarily, and thus ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
could not have been illegally dismissed. Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
On April 30, 2008, the Labor Arbiter rendered a I Separation Pay
Decision23 finding complainant to have been constructively 2/21/06 - 8/4/07 = 2 yrs.
dismissed and awarding separation pay, moral and exemplary P16,350.00 x 2 yrs. = P32,700.00
damages, and attorney’s fees to respondent. The Labor Arbiter II Damages P50,000.00
held: P82,700.00
x x x Complainant was indeed constructively dismissed from her 10% Attorney’s Fees P8,270.00
employment and she quitted [sic] because her continued employment P90,970.00
thereat is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely.
Complainant’s resignation was sparked by her transfer of
assignment and eventual placing her [sic] by the respondent
company of [sic] a “on floating” status. Ruling of the National Labor Relations Commission
x x x [T]here was no x x x evidence x x x that complainant’s
transfer was due to the request of a client. Further, if complainant
Petitioner appealed before the NLRC arguing that the Labor that she attended only two (2) days of training on July 30 and 31,
Arbiter erred in ruling that respondent was constructively 2007, did not report on August 1, 2007 and again reported for
dismissed. It also argued that Odom was not personally liable training on August 2, 2007. It was then that ICT’s Operations
as he was merely acting in good faith and within his authority Subject Matter Expert, Ms. Suzette Lualhati, informed the
complainant that she cannot be certified for the program because she
as corporate officer.
failed to complete the number of training days, and there was a need
Respondent likewise interposed an appeal25 arguing that the for her to report to Human Resources for further instructions. As the
award of backwages should be computed from the date of her complainant did not report to Human Resources, and due to her
dismissal until finality of the Labor Arbiter’s Decision; and that derogatory record, the respondent company could not find another
the proportionate share of her 13th month pay should be paid to program where the complainant could be transferred.
her as well. From what has been narrated above, We come to the conclusion
On February 16, 2009, the NLRC issued a that the respondent company cannot be faulted for placing the
Resolution,26 declaring as follows: complainant on “floating status.” And there does not appear to be
We reverse. any ill will or bad faith that can be attributed to the respondent.
Upon an examination of the pleadings on file, We find that in the Finally, it is well to emphasize that the complainant tendered her
past the complainant had been transferred from one program to resignation on October 1, 2007. There is no evidence that the
another without any objection on her part. Insofar as the instant case complainant has presented that would indicate that duress or force
is concerned, it appears that the complainant, aside from having been has been exerted on her.
given a warning for wrong disposition of a call, had been All told, We are of the opinion that the findings of the Labor
Arbiter are in stark contrast to the evidence on record.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the decision appealed
24 Id., at pp. 312-314.
from is hereby reversed and set aside. Addordingly [sic], a new one
25 Id., at pp. 348-355. is entered dismissing the complaint for lack of merit.
26 Id., at pp. 377-381; penned by Commissioner Gregorio O. Bilog III and SO ORDERED. 27
308 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Moreover, as the appellate court correctly observed, even if
respondent had attendance and punctuality issues, her over-
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing _______________
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
evidence suggests that at the time respondent was transferred 43 Rollo, pp. 232-236.
44 Rongavilla v. Court of Appeals, 355 Phil. 721, 740; 294 SCRA 289, 307
from the Washington Mutual account to the Bank of America
program, petitioner was hiring additional CSRs/TSRs.43 This
simply means that if it was then hiring new CSRs/TSRs, then
insure their satisfaction, while simultaneously being conscious
309 of the need to insure efficiency at work by improving
VOL. 770, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 309 productivity and a high level of service; subjected to excessive
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing control and strict surveillance by management; exposed to
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales verbal abuse from customers; suffer social alienation precisely
all performance as a CSR/TSR was certainly far from because they work the graveyard shift — while family and
mediocre; on the contrary, she proved to be a top performer. friends are at rest, they are working, and when they are at rest,
And if it were true that respondent suddenly became lax by family and friends are up and about; and they work at a quick-
way of attendance in July 2007, it is not entirely her fault. This paced environment and under difficult cir-
may be attributed to petitioner’s failure to properly address her
grievances relative to the supposed irregularities in the
handling of funds entrusted to petitioner by Washington 310
Mutual which were intended for distribution to outstanding 310 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
Washington Mutual CSRs and TSRs as prizes and incentives. ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
She wrote petitioner about her complaint on July 3, 2007; Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
however, no explanation was forthcoming from petitioner, and cumstances owing to progressive demands and ambitious
it was only during these proceedings — or after a case had quotas/targets set by management. To top it all, they are not
already been filed — that petitioner belatedly and for no other exactly well-paid for the work they have to do and the
useful purpose attempted to address her concerns. This may conditions they have to endure. Respondent’s written query
have caused a bit of disillusionment on the part of respondent, about the prizes and incentives is not exactly baseless and
which led her to miss work for a few days in July 2007. Her frivolous; the least petitioner could have done was to timely
grievance should have been addressed by petitioner; after all, address it, if it cared about its employee’s welfare. By failing to
they were serious accusations, and have a bearing on the address respondent’s concerns, petitioner exhibited an
CSRs/TSRs’ overall performance in the Washington Mutual indifference and lack of concern for its employees — qualities
account. that are diametrically antithetical to the spirit of the labor laws,
Respondent’s work as a CSR — which is essentially that of which aim to protect the welfare of the workingman and foster
a call center agent — is not easy. For one, she was made to harmonious relations between capital and labor. By its actions,
work the graveyard shift — that is, from late at night or petitioner betrayed the manner it treats its employees.
midnight until dawn or early morning. This certainly takes a Thus, the only conceivable reason why petitioner
toll on anyone’s physical health. Indeed, call center agents are transferred respondent to another account is the fact that she
subjected to conditions that adversely affect their physical, openly and bravely complained about the supposed anomalies
mental and emotional health; exposed to extreme stress and in the Washington Mutual account; it is not her “derogatory
pressure at work by having to address the customers’ needs and record” or her “attendance and punctuality issues,” which are
insignificant and thus irrelevant to her overall performance in offer involving a demotion in rank and diminution in pay. Likewise,
the Washington Mutual account. And, as earlier stated, constructive dismissal exists when an act of clear discrimination,
respondent’s “attendance and punctuality issues” were insensibility or disdain by an employer has become so
attributable to petitioner’s indifference, inaction, and lack of unbearable to the employee leaving him with no option but to
forego with his continued employment. (Emphasis and 45
sensitivity in failing to timely address respondent’s complaint.
underscoring supplied)
It should share the blame for respondent’s resultant
Thus, in causing respondent’s transfer, petitioner clearly The instant case can be compared to the situation
acted in bad faith and with discrimination, insensibility and in Veterans Security Agency, Inc. v. Gonzalvo, Jr.,46 where the
disdain; the transfer was effected as a form of punishment for employee concerned — a security guard who was brave
her raising a valid grievance related to her work. Furthermore, enough to complain about his employer’s failure to remit its
said transfer was obviously unreasonable, not to mention employees’ Social Security System premiums — was “tossed
contrary to experience, logic, and good business sense. This around” and finally placed on floating status for no valid
being the case, the transfer amounted to constructive dismissal. reason. Taking the poor employee’s side, this Court declared:
The managerial prerogative to transfer personnel must be True, it is the inherent prerogative of an employer to transfer and
exercised without grave abuse of discretion, bearing in mind the reassign its employees to meet the requirements of its business. Be
basic elements of that as it may, the prerogative of the management to transfer its
45 Peckson v. Robinsons Supermarket Corporation, G.R. No. 198534, July
VOL. 770, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 311 3, 2013, 700 SCRA 668, 681, citing Blue Dairy Corporation v. National Labor
ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing Relations Commission, 373 Phil. 179, 186; 314 SCRA 401, 408-409 (1999).
Services, Inc.) vs. Sales 46 514 Phil. 488; 478 SCRA 298 (2005).
justice and fair play. Having the right should not be confused with
the manner in which that right is exercised. Thus, it cannot be used
as a subterfuge by the employer to rid himself of an undesirable 312
worker. In particular, the employer must be able to show that
the transfer is not unreasonable, inconvenient or prejudicial to
the employee; nor does it involve a demotion in rank or a ICT Marketing Services, Inc. (now known as Sykes Marketing
diminution of his salaries, privileges and other benefits. Should Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
the employer fail to overcome this burden of proof, the must be exercised without grave abuse of discretion. The exercise of
employee’s transfer shall be tantamount to constructive the prerogative should not defeat an employee’s right to security of
dismissal, which has been defined as a quitting because continued tenure. The employer’s privilege to transfer its employees to
employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely; as an
different workstations cannot be used as a subterfuge to rid itself of Services, Inc.) vs. Sales
an undesirable worker. ance on the job, but on their ability to toe the line set by their
Here, riled by respondent’s consecutive filing of complaint employer and endure in silence the flagrant incursion of their
against it for nonpayment of SSS contributions, VSAI had been rights, zealously protected by our labor laws and by the
tossing respondent to different stations thereafter. From his Constitution, no less. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)