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Blood & Guts - Inside Vossburg Supermax (Print)

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Blood and Guts:

Inside Vossburg Supermax

by Charles Rice
Joseph Wigfield

Clayton Bunce

NPC Statistic Blocks

Paul King



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Inside Vossburg Supermax
Welcome to Inside Vossburg Supermax, where we take you
inside one of the most dangerous places imaginable: a Level Prison Primer
6 super-maximum security prison. This sourcebook will give
you all the information you need to use the Vossburg prison Prisons are broken down into six different security levels.
as a recurring location in your campaign, the setting for a Predatory (prisoners who prey on other prisoners), violent,
one-time adventure, or as the focus of an entire campaign. and escape risk prisoners are incarcerated in facilities with
To bring Vossburg Supermax to life we provide you with better security. This also serves to keep these inmates away
new allegiances, advanced classes, prestige classes, skills from non-violent and first time offenders.
and feats for those who guard the worst of the worst and for
those who are the worst of the worst. Level 1 (Low Security)
A full map of the facility is also provided, along with a These prisons often have amenities others do not and tend
selection of NPCs who inhabit the Vossburg Supermax. to be small facilities where prisoners live in dormitory
Finally a series of campaign models that revolve around the style housing. Only non-disruptive prisoners who have not
prison are presented. been convicted of a homicide, sex crime or kidnapping are
So enjoy your time inside. Here’s hoping it’s not more assigned to level 1 prisons. Prisoners deemed an escape
time than you can handle. risk are also ineligible for assignment to a level 1 facility.
Prisoners in these facilities are often in work-release
programs and similar rehabilitation programs, actively
working to reenter society.
Assignment Criteria: No murder 1 or 2, robbery, sex-
related crime, kidnapping, felonious assault flight/escape,
carjacking, or malicious wounding. No escape risks. No
disruptive behavior.

Level 1 (High Security)

Level 1 High Security prisons house prisoners who have
committed more serious crimes including robbery and
assault but still do not house criminals convicted of murder
or sex offenses. Inmates who have a history of disruptive
behavior (who are not eligible for assignment to Level
1 Low Security) but have not engaged in disruptive
behavior for the past two years may also be assigned
to Level 1 High Security.
Assignment Criteria: No murder 1 or 2, sex offense,
kidnapping, escape history. No disruptive behavior in the
last two years.

Level 2
Level 2 prisons house criminals who have been given
life sentences, but are eligible for parole, as well as those
who have attempted to escape in the past. These facilities
sometimes have on-site work centers such as farming or
manufacturing facilities allowing inmates to work and
contribute to society in a secure structured environment.
Assignment Criteria: No escape history within five
years. Single life sentence if eligible for parole. No
disruptive behavior in the last two years.

Level 3
Level 3 prisons house criminals who have already served
a great deal of time and have still longer to serve for
extremely serious offenses.
Assignment Criteria: Single and multiple life sentences.
Inmate must have served twenty years or more. Minimum
two years without disruptive behavior required before
transfer to Level 2 facility will be considered.

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Inside Vossburg Supermax

Level 4 activity or continue to orchestrate criminal activities to

Level 4 prisons house dangerous long-term offenders who associates on the outside.
are a risk to the population as well as their fellow prisoners. Assignment Criteria: Disruptive, assault-prone, severe
Level 4 facilities will also hold inmates at risk from other behavior problems, predatory behavior, severe escape risks.
inmates in protective custody. Minimum two years without disruptive behavior required
Assignment Criteria: Long-term sentences including before transfer to Level 5 facility will be considered.
single and multiple life sentences. Minimum two years
without disruptive behavior required before transfer to Level
3 facility will be considered.
Inside Vossburg: Physical
Level 5
Level 5 facilities house dangerous inmates with a history Vossburg has four main cellblocks A-D. Each of these
of escape attempts and predatory behavior toward other cells house 2 prisoners in a dormitory style environment.
inmates. Level 5 facilities are also where death row inmates Cellblocks A-D are High Security cells. The doors have a
are held in special solitary populations while awaiting hardness of 10, 120 hit points, and a break DC 40.
execution. Any damage inflicted on a cell door, whether that damage
Assignment Criteria: Long-term sentences including succeeds in breaking the door or not will activate an alarm.
single and multiple life sentences. Minimum two years Sensors in the security station will tell the guards there
without disruptive behavior required before transfer to Level which cell has been damaged. The guard in that station will
4 facility will be considered. hit the panic button locking down the entire cell block and 1-
2 guards will arrive every 1-10 rounds.
The cells are controlled from security stations located
Level 6 between each cellblock. A key is required to activate the
These prisons are the home to the worst of the worst.
security board in these rooms, and then each cell may be
Prisoners assigned to Level 6 facilities have often killed
individually opened or closed, or a panic button may be
prisoners while incarcerated, are involved in prison gang
pushed locking down all cells and separating the cellblocks

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
from each other. For a longer campaign, characters of the SOG could be
Activating the security systems in these stations to open or called to Vossburg to help contain a massive riot and fire. In
close individual cells without a key takes a Disable Device the aftermath, it is discovered that a dozen prisoners escaped.
check (DC 25). It is impossible to use the Disable Device The PCs could then be given the assignment to track one or
skill to open a cell door from inside the cell; this can only more of them down, returning them to Vossburg.
be accomplished at the security stations. Pushing the “panic Or the SOG agents could be assigned to protect the
button” to lock down a cellblock does not require a key and warden or a prisoner from a death threat, in preparation for
is a move action. an upcoming trial of immense importance. If the warden or
Getting into a security station would be the goal of any guards at the prison turn out to be corrupt, or a riot breaks
escaping prisoner, especially one looking to seize control of out during the PCs’ stay at the prison, this assignment could
Vossburg (which would be easily done by releasing all the get extremely dangerous in a very short period of time.
inmates). Each security station is a high security area with
a hardness of 10, 120 hit points, and a break DC of 40. The Inside
locks to these rooms can be picked with a Disable Device This is a very dark and gritty campaign model and not for
check of 20. the faint of heart. The players take the roles of inmates at
Vossburg, serving hard time. Most inmates at Vossburg will
High Security Areas be in prison for the rest of their lives, and the PCs are no
Cellblocks E, F, G and H are for more dangerous prisoners exception.
(including most of the NPCs detailed later in this volume) Adventures will involve protecting yourself (and your
and house one prisoner per cell. These cells are ultrahigh close personal friends) from predatory inmates, buying and
security with a hardness of 20, 150 hit points and a break selling contraband (perhaps to other prisoners or guards
DC of 40. They are individually controlled and monitored to purchase favors or protection). The ultimate goal of the
from an ultrahigh security monitoring room. Taking any campaign could be simply to exist peacefully, riding out your
suspicious action (including approaching the cell doors) will time in Vossburg and being transferred to a less dangerous
result in immediate action from the guards in this area. Off prison. Alternatively, the characters might band together
duty sharpshooters are stationed near these cells and prisons to expose a corrupt gang of guards, or remove a dangerous
that contain SORT teams (like Vossburg) will also have those predator from their midst. For some the ultimate goal will be
forces stationed in a ready room near these areas. escape and a life of freedom.
A dangerous twist on this campaign model could have
The Yard one or more PCs be undercover police or FBI agents sent
The most dangerous times for prisoners and guards at to Vossburg for some reason. Perhaps clandestine contact
Vossburg are meal time and recreation time. These are is needed with a prisoner, who would be killed if seen
the only times the prisoners are allowed to congregate in talking to a federal agent. Perhaps charges of corruption are
numbers. During recreation time, sharpshooters are stationed so rampant at Vossburg that the government has decided
on the catwalks above Vossburg’s two baseball and two to conduct a sting operation. Either way, this is a very
basketball courts. Guards, including K-9 units, are stationed dangerous assignment for any character. As prisoners,
on the ground to break up minor disturbances. But the they will have to protect themselves like any other inmate,
captain of the guard can order sharpshooters to take care of and deal with the guards to coexist. Should their role be
any potentially destabilizing situation, including an attack on discovered, things could be much, much worse… surrounded
the guards themselves. by prisoners who would love the chance to vent their
Note that high security inmates are never allowed to frustrations on a helpless police officer (and if the guards are
mingle with the general population of prisoners. These corrupt as well, there would really be no one to turn to).
inmates eat in their cells and take recreation individually.
You want me on that wall,
Campaign Models you need me on that wall
The players are part of the guard contingent at Vossburg;
Bring ‘em back alive outnumbered by inmates ten to one; protecting society from
The players are part of the U.S. Marshals Special Operations the worst of the worst. The players could be regular prison
Group (SOG). Members of the SOG could come to guards, or elite members of a SORT team.
Vossburg for a number of reasons in keeping with their Characters will be responsible for both preventing the
unit’s assignments. The characters might be called in to escape of inmates and also protecting inmates from each
assist guards in putting down a riot, or be asked to transfer a other. During meal time or recreation time, when inmates
dangerous prisoner to another institution. They might even congregate, this can be especially difficult, and might require
be asked to track down an escaped inmate and return him to a character to get between two convicted murderers.
Vossburg. Characters will also engage in cell and prisoner searches,
looking for contraband, and will be on the lookout for any

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
gang activity, from congregations of known gang members,
to the flashing of a subtle hand signal, a perceptive character Claus, Maxwell “Santa”
could prevent the murder of an inmate. Level 14 (Charismatic Hero 2 / Dedicated Hero 2 /
Smart Hero 3 / Organizer 7): CR 14; HD 14d6 + 14; hp
NPCs 63; massive damage 12; AP; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30’;
Defense 21, Touch 21, Flat-footed 19 (+9 class, +2 Dex);
BAB +6/+1; SQ Shadow contact (low-level, mid-level),
Bartholomew, John Small bills, Wealth +3; AL Al-Qaeda; Occupation Academic
Level 12 (Strong Hero 5 / Tough Hero 7): CR 12; HD (Knowledge (business, history, theology and philosophy));
5d8 + 7d10 + 39; hp 100; massive damage 16; AP 6; Init +1 Reputation +2; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +12; Str 11, Dex
(Dex +1); Spd 30’; Defense 18, Touch 18, Flat-footed 17 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
(+7 class, +1 Dex) (Defense increases by 1 against melee Skills: Bluff +8 (7), Computer Use +17 (15), Craft
attacks); BAB +10/+5; Full Atk +16/+11 (1d4+7/19-20/x3 (writing) +10 (8), Decipher Script +4 (0), Diplomacy +18
unarmed lethal or 1d8+7/19-20/x3 unarmed non-lethal); SQ (17), Gather Information +13 (12), Intimidate +11 (10),
DR 3/-; AL Hell’s Kitchen gang; Occupation Athlete (Climb, Knowledge (business) +22 (17), Knowledge (current events)
Jump, Swim / Brawl); Reputation +3; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, +10 (8), Knowledge (history) +8 (6), Knowledge (tactics) +7
Will +3; Str 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9 (5), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +7 (5), Profession
Skills: Climb +15 (8), Jump +12 (7), Knowledge +9 (0), Read/write language (Arabic, English, French, Gaelic
(streetwise) +14 (15), Swim +6 (0) (Irish), German, Spanish) (5), Research +9 (+11 when
Feat: Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Athletic, Brawl, searching computer records) (5), Sense Motive +15 (12),
Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Heroic Surge, Speak language (Arabic, English, French, Gaelic (Irish),
Improved Brawl, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved German, Spanish) (4)
Knockout Punch, Knockout Punch, Simple Weapons Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Conviction
Proficiency, Streetfighting, Toughness (Al-Qaeda), Information Network, Low Profile, Personal
Talents: Advanced Melee Smash, DR 1/-, DR 2/-, DR 3/-, Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Studious,
Improved Melee Smash, Melee Smash, Remain Conscious Windfall (x6) Talents: Coordinate, Linguist, Plan, Skill
Background: John grew up in New York City, in the Emphasis (Knowledge (business)) Conviction: +1 to-hit and
Hell’s Kitchen area. He was always in and out of juvenile saving throws when supporting your allegiance
hall for brawling in the street. He joined up with the gang Class Information: The Organizer class is taken from
Hell’s Kitchen after his fifth time in juvenile. He has been RPGObjects’ Blood and Guts: War on Terror. Necessary
an enforcer for them ever since. As an adult, he’s been in class abilities are summarized below.
and out of jail for various lengths of time. Finally, to make Information Network: +1 on Gather Information or Spot/
an example of him to his gang cohorts, he was thrown in a follower dedicated to keeping tabs on things
maximum security prison for life under the “3 strikes” rule. Shadow contact: contacts in shadow organizations
Small bills: +5 on Investigate skill checks to trace money
Adventure Hooks Wealth: Bonus feat of Windfall
The Enforcer: Bartholomew is accused of killing a fellow Background: Maxwell was born into a wealthy family
inmate during an altercation in Vossburg’s yard during a in Hamburg, Germany. He went to school to become a
recreation period. Officials feel Bartholomew performed this businessman, just like his father. While at university, he
killing as a favor to a high-ranking prisoner with gang ties. became close friends with people who were associated with
While awaiting trial on charges of first degree murder, the the terrorist organization, Al-Qaeda. Deeply moved by, as he
PCs’ superiors give them the assignment to get Bartholomew saw it, their fight against America and Israel, he pledged his
to turn on the person who gave him the assignment. support. After graduating, he became a front for Al-Qaeda
However they are not allowed to plea bargain with the transactions…literally millions of dollars passed through
hardened criminal, since the District Attorney can’t appear his hands at his bank. He became an aggressive trader for
soft on crime during an election year. Al-Qaeda, and was soon discovered by German authorities.
The Informant: Having recently provided testimony on He fled to the US. Unfortunately for him, a crack team of
a high-ranking gang official (testimony possibly wringed US Marshals found and arrested him. He is now awaiting
from the hardened criminal by the PCs in The Enforcer) extradition back to Germany.
Bartholomew has been targeted for death by that gang. The
PCs are called in to protect Bartholomew until he can testify. Adventure Hook
However Warden MacTavish has an ambitious plan to net Prelude to the Past: The PCs are assigned to escort
even more gang members, and suggests to the PCs that they “Santa” to the airport for his extradition to Germany. While
stage an unprotected moment on the prisoner to see who has en route, they are attacked with a coordinated military strike,
accepted the contract to kill him. The PCs must either turn but one using only non-violent weapons such as tear gas and
the Warden down outright, risk their star witness, or put a smoke. Claus escapes in the confusion, and the PCs learn
decoy into the line of fire to catch the hit man.

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
that those who attacked them are Mossad agents illegally her power of a decidedly supernatural nature. Now any
seeking Claus for his involvement in a new world-wide man who looks at her can’t resist her, a power she will use
Aryan/Muslim front targeting Israel and Jews everywhere. to wreak as much havoc as possible in Vossburg before
These agents are willing to cooperate to recapture Claus her escape. An excellent way to segue a Blood and Guts
but will turn on the PCs as soon as he is in hand to insure campaign into Blood and Relics.
he goes to Israel, not Germany. Can the PCs deliver their
prisoner to the proper authorities and prevent an international Jones, Frederick “UberHack”
incident? If what the Israelis believe is true, should they? Level 15 (Smart 3 / Techie 3 / Shadowjack 9): CR 15; HD
15d6; hp 52; massive damage 10; AP 47; Init +1 (+1 Dex);
Hayes, Gwendolyn Spd 30’; Defense 18, Touch 18, Flat-footed 17 (+7 class, +1
Level 13 (Charismatic Hero 3 / Dedicated Hero 5 / Dex); BAB +6/+1; SQ Careful progress, Electronic empathy,
Personality 5): CR 13; HD 13d6 - 26; hp 19; massive False trail, Improved degradation, Install backdoor, Online
damage 7; AP 6; Init +0; Spd 30’; Defense 16, Touch 16, presence, Online spell resistance, Pass firewall, Read/write
Flat-footed 16 (+6 class); BAB +6/+1; SQ Bonus class code, Walking database; AL revenge (kill Alycia Mentor);
skill (Knowledge (arcane lore)), Royalty, Unlimited access, Occupation student (craft (electronic), knowledge (popular
Winning smile; AL Faith (fountain of youth); Occupation culture, technology)); SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +13; Str 8,
Celebrity (Perform (art, dance, sing)); Reputation +8; SV Dex 13, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 8
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9; Str 9, Dex 11, Con 7, Int 11, Wis Skills: Computer Use +28 (18), Craft (electronic)* +28
15, Cha 20 (18), Craft (mechanical)* +16 (9), Decipher script +25 (18),
Skills: Diplomacy +26 (16), Gather Information +13 (6), Disable device +23 (18), Hide +6 (3), Knowledge (arcane
Knowledge (arcane lore) +18 (16), Knowledge (history) lore) +13 (8), Knowledge (history) +25 (18), Knowledge
+13 (11), Perform (act) +17 (10), Perform (dance) +13 (physical sciences) +16 (9), Knowledge (popular culture)
(6), Perform (sing) +17 (10), Perform (stand-up) +2 (0), +26 (18), Knowledge (technology) +26 (18), Read/write
Profession +12 (7) language (English, German) (1), Repair +25 (+27 with
Feat: Creative (Perform (act, dance, sing, stand- electronic or mechanical items) (18), Research +25 (+27
up)), Educated (Knowledge (arcane lore, history)), Iron when searching through computer records) (18), Speak
Will, Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Studious, language (English, German) (1)
Trustworthy, Windfall (x3) Feat: Builder (Craft (electronic, mechanical)), Defensive
Talents: Charm, Empathy, Faith (fountain of youth), Fast- Martial Arts, Dodge, Educated (Knowledge (history,
talk, Skill emphasis (Diplomacy) physical sciences, popular culture, technology), Gear Head,
Background: Gwen was a knockout from the get-go, Jack of All Trades, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy,
having the kind of look others would die for. Little did Studious, Windfall (x3). *while in prison, these skills are
people around her realize that she suffered from anorexia- at a –4 because Frederick doesn’t have the proper tool kits
bulimia. She was active in the choir and drama club, and was in prison; nor will the guards allow him to have the proper
captain of the cheerleading squad during her senior year in toolkits in prison.
high school. She also modeled during high school, and it Talents: Savant (Computer use, Craft (electronic)
was there that she was discovered. Background: Frederick is not your standard Supermax
Right after high school, she left her sleepy town of prisoner. He is a geek’s geek, and tries to know as much as
Knoxville, PA, and accepted a modeling contract in New possible about computers. Constantly picked on by the larger
York City. Gwen was able to get steady work in soap boys in his class, Frederick turned to martial arts to avoid
operas during this time, as well as steady modeling jobs. combat, when possible, and to avoid taking the blows when
Unfortunately, age and constant applications of beauty it wasn’t possible to avoid combat, itself. As he continued
products began to take their toll on Gwen. She was still a his education, his knowledge and abilities in the field of
very attractive woman for her age, but the cosmetic houses computers grew. Frederick earned a job with a successful
were no longer calling on her to be their spokesperson. computer company, but moonlighted on the darker sides of
Becoming obsessed with finding the fountain of youth, or the ‘Net after hours.
some other method to reverse the effects of time, she turned What drove Frederick to prison was a girl; Alycia Mentor.
to the occult, and found passages that implied by eating the She was his first girlfriend, and Frederick couldn’t be
flesh of youths, and bathing in their blood, she would be able happier with his luck. However, Alycia didn’t understand
to look young again. She is now awaiting sentencing for his obsession with computers or his love of RPGs; so
twenty-three known counts of homicide…her oldest victim she dumped him after only a few months. Frederick was
was 13. incensed, and plotted revenge for this slight. Frederick
found out that Alycia was due to take a flight on a major
Adventure Hook commercial airline, and found out her flight number. He
Do you believe in magic? Perhaps Gwendolyn is not as hacked the FAA’s computers and managed to cause her plane
insane as the authorities believe. Her sacrifices have given to crash into another plane.
In a bit of irony, Alycia survived the crash, but several

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
hundred others did not. Frederick was sentenced to serve very long, as his unit was activated and sent off to Vietnam.
consecutive life-sentences with no possibility of parole. To During his two tours in Viet Nam, Samuel was decorated
add insult to injury, he was also sentenced to never touch a numerous times, culminating in the Medal of Honor.
computer again. After coming back to the states, he joined the FBI.
He continued with the Army Reserves as well, and
Adventure Hook was transferred to an MP unit. Because of his military
Ghost in the Machine: Following the arrest of warden background, Samuel was a prime candidate to receive
MacTavish (see Bad Cop below) the PCs are sent to training in SWAT methods and procedures. After ten years
Vossburg to investigate how that came to pass. Federal with the FBI, Samuel transferred over to the US Marshals,
authorities believe that the evidence against the warden was though he would frequently be seconded back to the FBI.
in fact fabricated by the brilliant UberHack, in an attempt to Samuel recently retired out of the US Army, spending thirty
engineer the demise of his hated enemy. If the PCs are able years, mostly in the reserves.
to prove MacTavish was framed, they must discover which When the position of warden of Vossburg became
of the guards accepted a bribe to allow the evil genius access available, Samuel applied and was hired. Now in his late
to computers to carry out his revenge. fifties, he is thinking about retiring soon. His recent winning
of a sizable sum in the lottery is certainly contributing to his
thoughts of retirement.
MacTavish, Col. Samuel
US Army Ret., Level 18 (Fast Hero 5 / Tough Hero 5 /
SWAT 3 / US Marshal 5): CR 18; HD 13d8 +5d10 +36; hp Adventure Hook
122; massive damage 14; AP 9; Init +4 (+2 Quick response, Bad Cop: The players have been given a grim task: to
+2 Dex); Spd 30’; Defense 31, Touch 25, Flat-footed 31 arrest the warden of Vossburg for corruption. Slated to retire
(+6 equipment, +13 class, +2 Dex); BAB +11/+6/+1; Full because of a “lottery windfall,” the government believes the
Atk +12/+7/+2 melee (1d3+1 unarmed or 1d4+1 tonfa) or Warden has actually gained this money by taking bribes,
+12/+7/+2 ranged (2d6 Beretta 93R or 2d8 Beretta M3P); allowing prisoners to come to harm in exchange for huge
SQ Defensive Position +1, DR 2/-, Federal Jurisdiction, sums of money. If the PCs played The Informant adventure
Hard Target Search +1, Harm’s Way, Non-lethal force, Quick the warden’s plan could have actually been created to give
response +2, Sonic/concussion resistance 2; AL Good, Law, the killers one last chance to silence Bartholomew.
Active Duty (FBI); Occupation Law enforcement (Gather
information, Knowledge (tactics) / Personal Firearms Matthews, Rich
Proficiency); Reputation +6; Wealth 16; SV Fort +11, Ref Level 14 (Charismatic Hero 9 / Dedicated Hero 5): CR
+11, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 13 14; HD 14d6; hp 49; massive damage 10; AP 7; Init +0; Spd
Skills: Climb +1* (5), Gather information +22 (21), 30’; Defense 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 16 (+6 class); BAB
Hide +9* (13), Intimidate +15 (12), Investigate +18 (16), +7/+2; AL Faith (self); Occupation Religious (Decipher
Knowledge (tactics) +23 (21), Listen +13 (10), Move script, Knowledge (arcane lore, theology and philosophy));
silently +7* (11), Profession +3 (0), Spot +17 (14). *Includes Reputation +12; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +11; Str 10, Dex
–5 armor check penalty 11, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Feat: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Armor Skills: Bluff +15 (12), Craft (writing) +17 (15), Decipher
Proficiency (light, medium), Defensive Martial Arts, Elusive script +21 (17), Diplomacy +17 (12), Gather information
Target, Endurance, Personal Combat Training, Quick +17 (12), Intimidate +15 (12), Knowledge (arcane lore) +22
Reload, Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Teamwork (17), Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +19 (17), Knowledge
(police), Windfall (x2) (theology and philosophy) +25 (17), Read/write language
Talents: DR 1/-, DR 2/-, Evasion, Sonic/concussion (Akkadian, ancient Greek, ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic,
resistance, Uncanny dodge 1, Uncanny dodge 2 English, Latin, middle Egyptian, Sanskrit) (9), Speak
Possessions: Beretta 92F, Beretta M3P, Tactical vest, language (ancient Greek, ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, English,
Tonfa, miscellaneous gear Latin) (4)
Background: Samuel is the warden of Vossburg, his last Feat: Educated (Knowledge (arcane lore, theology and
assignment, he hopes, with the federal government. The son philosophy)), Home turf, Information network, Iron will,
of a police officer, Samuel wanted to follow in his father’s Leadership, Renown (x2), Simple weapons proficiency,
footsteps from the very beginning. He was a member of Boy Studious, Trustworthy, Windfall (x3)
Scouts, starting as a Tiger Cub and ending as an Eagle Scout, Talents: Captivate, Charm, Dazzle, Empathy, Faith (self),
as well as being inducted into the Order of the Arrow. He Fast talk, Favor, Skill emphasis (Knowledge (theology and
was also on both the soccer and track teams, and was able philosophy))
to get a partial athletic scholarship for college; Army ROTC Background: Rich was a depressed young man, never
picked up the rest. gaining much respect or support from family growing up.
Upon graduation, Samuel was commissioned as a 2nd At college, he delved into ancient texts, hoping to gain
Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. His reserve time didn’t last some insight into the purpose of life. During his research

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
into these ancient texts, he had the epiphany that he was of of hand +21 (16), Speak language (Arabic, English, French,
divine heritage, and it was his holy duty to father children, to Mandarin, Korean, Russian) (5), Spot +3 (0), Tumble +9 (6)
continue his holy line. Feat: Alertness, Cautious, Deceptive, Educated
He would travel from town to town across the US and (Knowledge (current events, civics)), Information network,
Canada, preaching his version of religious truth. His powers Leadership, Low profile, Nimble, Personal firearms
of persuasion were such that several came to believe him, proficiency, Run, Simple weapons proficiency, Stealthy
and followed him. Over the course of fifteen years of Talents: Evasion, Savant (Computer use), Trick, Uncanny
wandering, it is estimated that he fathered over a thousand Dodge 1
children, many on women who were not yet of legal age at Background: Bill was never a very strong person
the time. As his following grew, he founded a permanent throughout high school, and was constantly picked on due
village in a remote area of British Columbia. This was his to this fact. One day, Bill overheard some teachers talking
downfall. about searching a known drug dealer’s locker. On a whim,
US and Canadian authorities, fearing another Jonestown, Bill told the drug dealer about this conversation. From that
swept in fast and hard and captured the upper echelon of the day forward, Bill had some friends who wouldn’t let others
village. After several months with psychologists, members of harass him. This taught Bill that knowledge was power.
the village and other women who had now stepped forward After graduation, Bill disappeared to the underworld,
as victims of Rich admitted that the sex was not, for the most becoming an information broker. More often than not, he
part, consensual. Rich targeted naïve and young women, would break into corporate offices and take files and then
preferably both, to preach to. He convinced them that if turn around and sell them to competitors. While corporate
they did not have sex with him, they would be damned for espionage paid well, he found he could make more by
all time. He is awaiting sentencing in Vossburg for multiple actually spying upon the US government itself.
counts of rape. He developed his own spy ring to gather information, and
would sell to the highest bidder. The last “bidder” Bill sold
Adventure Hook to was an undercover FBI agent. Bill has been sentenced to
I always knew I would be an apostle: A new and dangerous life imprisonment with no possibility of parole.
storm of religion is sweeping Vossburg, and Matthews is at
the eye of that storm. He has formed a large segment of the Rico
prison population into a “holy army” under his command Level 13 (Strong Hero 3 / Banger 10): CR 13; HD 13d8;
and orders them to attack the “unclean” prisoners who have hp; massive damage 14; AP 6; Init +0; Spd 30’; Defense
not yet joined their group. He gets orders to his followers 17, Touch 17, Flat-footed 17 (+7 class); BAB +13/+8/+3;
despite being completely isolated in his cell, leading Warden Full Atk +18/+13/+8 melee (1d8+5 non-lethal unarmed or
MacTavish to believe that even the guards have fallen under 1d4+5 lethal unarmed); SA Streetfighting (extra 1d4 damage
his sway. The Warden has secured a transfer, knowing that once per round); SQ Commission, Contraband, Gang
without Matthews this cult will break apart. However, as the signs, Ganglord, Street cred, Turf +3; AL Blood in blood
PCs arrive to transfer the prisoner, his followers (with the aid out; Occupation Criminal (Hide, Knowledge (streetwise) /
of some guards) stage a massive revolt that has the potential Brawl); Reputation +15; SV Fort +10, Ref +5, Will+5; Str
to deliver the prison into the hands of the inmates. 17, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff +12 (+17 in home territory) (10), Climb +6
Quentin, Bill “San” (3), Disguise +2 (+4 to imitate gang dress) (0), Diplomacy
Level 14 (Fast Hero 3 / Smart Hero 3 / Infiltrator 8): CR +2 (+7 in home territory) (0), Forgery +1 (+3 to imitate gang
14; HD 3d6 + 11d8; hp 60; massive damage 10; AP 7; Init signs) (0), Gather Information +2 (+11 in home territory)
+3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30’; Defense 24, Touch 24, Flat-footed (0), Hide +3 (+7 in home territory) (3), Intimidate +12 (+17
24 (+11 class, +3 Dex); BAB +7/+2; SQ Improved evasion, in home territory) (10), Knowledge (current events) +11
Improved sweep, Improvised implements, Improvised (10), Knowledge (streetwise) +18 (+22 in home territory,
weapon damage, Skill mastery (Computer use, Disable +28 dealing with gangs, +32 dealing with gangs in home
device, Disguise, Escape artist, Hide, Move silently), Sweep; territory, +33 to interpret and identify gang signs, +34 in
AL Chaos; Occupation Criminal (Hide, Move silently / home territory to interpret and identify gang signs) (16),
Personal Firearms Proficiency); Reputation +2; SV Fort +4, Knowledge (popular culture) +7 (6), Knowledge (tactics)
Ref +12, Will +6; Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha +7 (+11 in home territory) (6), Navigate +1 (+5 in home
14 territory) (0), Sense Motive +10 (+12 against
Skills: Balance +9 (6), Bluff +4 (0), Computer use +12 gang members) (10), Spot +10 (+14 in home territory) (10),
(6), Demolitions +8 (3), Disable device +21 (16), Disguise Survival +0 (+4 in home territory) (0)
+14 (10), Escape artist +17 (12), Hide +22 (17), Knowledge Feat: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Brawl, Combat
(civics) +11 (6), Knowledge (current events) +22 (17), Martial Arts, Gang Affiliation, Home Turf, Improved Brawl,
Knowledge (streetwise) +9 (6), Listen +13 (10), Move Information Network, Leadership, Personal Firearms
silently +22 (17), Research +9 (6), Search +11 (10), Sleight Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Streetfighting
Talents: Improved Melee Smash, Melee Smash

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Background: Rico grew up on the streets of LA, running Sanderson, Eric
early with the Bloody Knives, a gang notorious for its drug Level 15 (Fast Hero 4 / Soldier 6 / Sniper 5): CR 15; HD
distribution and lethal means of persuasion. He worked 5d6 + 4d8 +6d10 +15; hp 83; massive damage 12; AP 7; Init
himself up the hierarchy of the gang, sometimes making sure +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30’; Defense 25, Touch 25, Flat-footed
that a rival would “disappear” so that he could advance. He 21 (+11 class, +4 Dex); BAB +12/+7/+2; Atk +16/+11/+6
quickly took over the drug distribution of lower LA, and was melee (1d4+2 unarmed); SQ Improved critical (sniper rifle),
able to increase his powerbase because of the money flowing One shot one kill +3d6, Tactical aid, Weapon specialization
in. (sniper rifle); AL Self; Occupation Adventurer (Move
Rico bided his time until he saw his most opportune silently, Spot / Personal Firearms Proficiency); Reputation
moment. He then performed a coup within the gang, taking +3; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int
over control. Rico was ruthless in his control of the gang, 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
and in putting down any of the other gangs who tried to Skills: Balance +11 (7), Hide +15 (9), Knowledge (tactics)
challenge him. Rico thought that he was untouchable, and +3 (3), Listen +11 (+6 when sleeping) (10), Move silently
grew cocky and arrogant. This was the beginning of the end +17 (12), Speak language (Arabic, Cantonese, English,
for him. German, Hebrew, Korean, Mandarin, Russian) (7), Spot +19
DEA agents working on an anonymous tip (the street (15), Survival +20 (15)
rumor places the informant as a rival within the gang) were Feat: Advanced firearms proficiency, Armor proficiency
able to run a sting operation that captured Rico and several (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Burst Fire, Combat
of his lieutenants. Martial Arts, Commando Training (Dex), Far shot,
Marksman (sniper rifle), Personal firearms proficiency, Point
Rodrigues, Maria blank shot, Precise shot, Sharpshooter (sniper rifle), Simple
Level 13 (Fast Hero 3 / Speed Demon 5 / Daredevil 5): weapons proficiency, Weapon focus (sniper rifle)
CR 13; HD 8d8 + 5d10; hp 61; massive damage 11; AP Talents: Evasion, Uncanny dodge 1
6; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 40’; Defense 25, Touch 25, Flat- Class Information: The Sniper class is taken from
footed 21 (+11 class, +4 Dex); BAB +7/+2; SQ Action RPGObjects’ Blood and Guts. Necessary class abilities are
boost, Adrenaline rush, Fearless, Hit the weak spot, Need for summarized below.
speed, Nip-up, Nursing the turns, Uncanny dodge 1, Vehicle Advanced Training: MOS Infantry 1 (Hide, Spot,
empathy; AL thrill seeker; Occupation Adventurer (drive, Survival), MOS Infantry 2,
pilot / Personal firearms proficiency); Reputation +3; SV SERE. Advanced training feats are like occupations, taken
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +5; Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 14, Wis as feats, they represent advanced training, in this case by the
14, Cha 12 military.
Skills: Concentration +11 (9), Craft (mechanical) +8 (6), Special Operations Training: Cat Nap +5, Mental
Disable device +18 (16), Drive +22 (16), Escape artist +19 Toughness +5, Silent Kill 1
(15), Hide +12 (6), Move silently +12 (6), Navigate +7 Cat Nap: can survive long periods of time on 4 hrs sleep/
(5), Pilot +22 (16), Repair +7 (5), Sleight of hand +10 (6), night; add special
Tumble +10 (6) ops levels to Listen checks when sleeping.
Feat: Aircraft operations (helicopters), Endurance, Marksman: use up to 1/2 your Spot skill to offset range
Force stop, Personal firearms proficiency, Simple weapons penalties
proficiency, Stealthy, Vehicle dodge, Vehicle expert, Vehicle Mental Toughness: add special ops levels to saving throws
specialization (civilian aircraft, civilian cars, civilian to resist fatigue, hunger, torture, brainwashing, feat, combat
motorcycles) fatigue and intimidation
Talents: Improved increased speed, increased speed MOS Infantry 1: grants class skills and Advanced Firearms
Background: Maria always sought out the fastest cars Proficiency
when she was growing up. This brought her to the attention MOS Infantry 2: +2 on promotion checks and gain one
of the law in the form of speeding tickets. Her driver’s rank
license was suspended three times before her driving One shot one kill: gains stated bonus when attacking a flat-
privileges were permanently revoked. This, of course, didn’t footed or surprised opponent with a ranged weapon
stop her from driving. She would steal cars, planes and SERE: +2 hide and survival, +2 Will to resist intimidation,
helicopters and take them on joy rides whenever she felt like interrogation, torture and brainwashing
it. Police found and arrested her on three separate occasions, Sharpshooter: +1 to-hit and +2 damage with chosen
but she always managed to escape before getting to prison. weapon
Finally, on her fourth arrest, two officers were constantly Silent Kill 1: receive +1d6 sneak attack damage against
assigned to watch her to insure that she did not escape yet surprised, flat-footed or flanked targets; if target fails MDT
again. She is in Vossburg as a high escape risk convict. saving throw, enemy dies silently (Listen DC 30 to detect).
Background: Eric grew up on a farm in rural,
northwestern Pennsylvania. Hunting was a popular past time
in that area, and Eric quickly showed that he had a knack

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
for handling a rifle. The day after he graduated high school, Turf (Citizens for a Better America compound), Information
he went to the Marine recruiter, signed up and shipped out Network, Iron Will, Leadership, Personal Firearms
that same day. He wanted to leave the dull life of the farm Proficiency, Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Track
behind and do something different. Talents: Aware, Empathy, Faith (Citizens for a Better
The Marines quickly noticed Eric’s knack with rifles, and America), Intuition, Skill Emphasis (Knowledge (history))
encouraged him to further develop his skills. After a while, Background: Pat grew up in rural North Dakota. He
he was sent on to sniper school to further hone his skills with and his family firmly believe that the U.S. Government is
the rifle. Part of his training included the Defense Language completely corrupt and needs to be torn down and rebuilt
Institute training because, it was assumed, he would have to in his image of the perfect America. He has spent his time
spend time on his own in foreign countries, thus he would slowly gathering followers, and has a ranch compound for
need to learn the languages of various areas. While stationed like-minded individuals. Because of his extremist views, the
in Southeast Asia on an assignment, he was offered a side- FBI and Secret Service placed him on a watch list. As he
job to eliminate a known murderer-rapist. was found to meticulously follow the law, law enforcement
He took the job and completed it expediently…and was officials were unable to legally move against him.
paid quite well. This experience changed his life, and he Unfortunately for Pat, some of his followers were not
went AWOL, selling his services to the highest bidder. able to remain quiet among their other associates, and
The military quickly dispatched people to find him, due to the FBI received an anonymous tip that he was building
his extensive training, and potential leaking of sensitive bombs to detonate in Washington, D.C. After a raid of his
intelligence information. Unfortunately for the military, it compound by the FBI, BATF, and Secret Service, which
was an FBI agent who captured Eric. He is now in prison turned up several detailed schematics and blueprints, marked
while the Departments of Defense and Justice wrangle about for strategic placement of explosive devices and timed
who has jurisdiction over him. to coincide with presidential visits, he was immediately
Adventure Hook
The Specialist: The CIA has learned that Sanderson’s Adventure Hooks
last assignment was to kill a high-ranking terrorist leader. Unholy Alliances: Pat Smith and Rich Matthews share
With the approval of the government they have gotten him a dangerously common ideology: that the United States
to agree to lead a group of special operations soldiers to the has lost its way, its special relationship with God, and that
terrorist and then return to prison, with a greatly reduced a new government must replace the Godless leaders of
sentence and extra privileges. The PCs are assigned to America, returning the nation to “one nation under God”
take custody of Sanderson, go behind enemy lines in the again. These two prisoners could escape and join forces,
company of a known psychopath on a dangerous assignment. combining military fanaticism with a powerful religious
An excellent way to get Blood and Guts active military cult of personality, forming a group capable of sparking a
characters involved in Vossburg (for instance the religious revolution. The government would place the highest priority
riot in The Apostle could happen as Sanderson is being on the capture of these two and the destruction of their new
returned, or Mossad could strike to obtain Claus, triggering organization by nearly any means. This adventure could
the military to call on the PCs to track down the rogue Israeli involve special operations, US Marshals, CIA and almost
special ops team, and so forth). anyone else the government believed could bring this
dangerous duo to justice.
Smith, Pat
Level 12 (Dedicated Hero 10 / Guerilla 2): CR 12; HD Von Tassle, Capt. Duane
10d6 + 2d8; hp 44; massive damage 10; AP 6; Init +1 (+1 Level 15 (Strong Hero 5 / Martial Artist 10): CR
Dex); Spd 30’; Defense 18, Touch 18, Flat-footed 17 (+7 15; HD 15d8 +15; hp 82; massive damage 12; AP 7;
class, +1 Dex); BAB +8/+3; SQ Guerilla warfare (+1 to Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30’; Defense 23, Touch 23, Flat-
Home Turf bonuses); AL Citizens for a Better America; footed 20 (+10 class, +3 Dex); BAB +15/+10/+5; Full
Occupation Rural (Swim, Survival / Personal Firearms Atk +20/+15/+10 melee (1d10+6/19-20/x3 unarmed)
Proficiency); Reputation +7; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +10; or +18/+13/+8 ranged(2d6 Beretta 92F) or +16/+11/+6
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16 +16/+11/+6 ranged (2d6 Beretta 92F); SA +20 charge
Skills: Craft (chemical) +12 (10), Craft (writing) +15 (13), (1d10+16/19-20/x3 Flying Kick) or +16/+16/+11/+6
Investigate +4 (0), Knowledge (civics) +17 (13), Knowledge melee Flurry of Blows (1d10+6/19-20/x3 unarmed);
(current events) +17 (13), Knowledge (history) +20 (13), SQ Iron Fist (all attacks), Living Weapon 1d10; AL
Knowledge (tactics) +17 (13), Navigate +4 (0), Sense Active Duty (Vossburg Security Force); Occupation Law
Motive +18 (13), Survival +19 (13) Enforcement(Intimidate, Knowledge (tactics) / Personal
Feat: Attentive, Conviction (Citizens for a Better Firearms Proficiency);Reputation +3; Wealth 8; SV Fort +7,
America), Educated (Knowledge (civics, current events, Ref +11, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10,
history, tactics)), Enemy (U.S. Government), Guide, Home Cha 12

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Skills: Intimidate +19 (18), Jump +24 (18), Knowledge
(tactics) +19 (18), Tumble +5 (0) Sharpshooter: Level 3 (Fast Ordinary 3): CR 2; HD 3d8
Feats: Acrobatic, Advanced Combat Martial Arts, + 6; hp 19; massive damage 14; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30’;
Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Brawl, Combat Martial Defense 22, Touch 16, Flat-footed 20 (+6 equipment, +4
Arts, Combat Reflexes, Defensive Martial Arts, Improved class, +2 Dex); BAB +2, Full Atk +4 ranged (2d10 HK
Brawl, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Two- PSG1); AL Active Duty (Vossburg security); Occupation
Weapon Fighting, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Law enforcement (Knowledge (tactics), Listen / Armor
Weapons Proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting, Unbalance Proficiency (Light)); Reputation +1; SV Fort +3, Ref +5,
Opponent Will +2; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Talents: Advanced Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash, Skills: Hide +8 (6), Listen +8 (6), Move silently +8 (6),
Melee Smash Spot +7 (6)
Equipment: 2 Beretta 92Fs, miscellaneous equipment Feat: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dead Aim, Far
Background: Duane von Tassle was always interested Shot, Home Turf (Vossburg), Simple Weapons Proficiency
in martial arts, having been introduced to the concept by Advanced Training: Prison Guard
watching older martial arts movies with his father while Equipment: HK PSG1, Tactical vest, miscellaneous
growing up. Seeing his son’s interest, Duane was enrolled possessions
in a dojo in second grade. He excelled, and quickly earned
his black belt, and also achieved numerous tournament wins.
He went on to college, majoring in Criminal Justice. He New Allegiance
applied to the Bureau of Prisons, and was hired to work as a
guard in their higher security prisons. Quickly approaching Blood in Blood out
middle age, Duane hopes to become warden of his own This represents an allegiance to a violent gang. Blood in
prison soon. refers to the requirement of an applicant to kill at the behest
of a senior gang member to gain admittance to the gang.
Ordinary Guards Blood out refers to the fact that the only way to leave the
gang is death.
K9 Guard: Level 3 (Dedicated Ordinary 3): CR 2; HD
3d6; hp; massive damage 12; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30’;
Defense 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 17 (+6 equipment, +2 New Advanced Class
class, -1 Dex); BAB +2; Full Atk +3 melee (1d4+1 tonfa)
or +1 ranged (2d6 Beretta 92F); AL Active duty (Vossburg Banger
security); Occupation Law enforcement (Gather information, The banger is a member of a violent criminal enterprise,
Listen / Personal Firearms Proficiency); Reputation +1; SV commonly referred to as a gang. These gangs run the gamut
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 10, Wis from groups banding together in locations of extreme
15, Cha 14 violence for mutual protection to extremely organized
Skills: Forgery +2 (0), Handle animal +10 (6), Knowledge widespread criminal organizations paramilitary in structure.
(civics) +1 (0), Listen +9 (6), Ride +1 (0), Search +5 (3), These groups have taken hold both in the inner city and in
Spot +8 (6), Survival +8 (6) prisons where inmates raised under gang rule continue the
Feat: Animal Affinity, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), same behavior for profit and protection.
Meticulous, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Track
Advanced Training: K-9 Requirements
Possessions: Beretta 92F, Tactical vest, tonfa, To qualify to become a banger, a character must fulfill the
miscellaneous possessions following criteria.

Table 1-1: THE Banger

Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Gang Signs +1 +1
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Street Cred +1 +1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Turf +1 +2 +1
4th +3 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat +2 +2
5th +3 +4 +1 +1 Contraband +3 +2
6th +4 +5 +2 +2 Turf +2 +3 +2
7th +5 +5 +2 +2 Commission +4 +3
8th +6 +6 +2 +2 Bonus Feat +4 +3
9th +6 +6 +3 +3 Turf +3 +5 +3
10th +7 +7 +3 +3 Ganglord +5 +4

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(Current Events, Streetwise) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and
Spot (Wis)
Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int. modifier

Class Features
All of the following are features of the banger advanced
Gang Signs: You add your banger levels to the roll of
any Knowledge (streetwise) skill check dealing with gangs,
including checks to identify gang signs.
Street Cred: At 2nd level, the banger adds his Reputation
bonus to Charisma skill checks in his home turf, or in
situations involving others of his chosen allegiance(s),
including those with the gang affiliation feat. These
skills include Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and
Turf: Gangs have carefully defined turf and defend it
viciously often marking their turf with gang signs in the
form of graffiti. The banger adds this bonus to attack and
skill bonuses granted by his home turf feat. Obviously, this
means that one gang can expand its power by expanding the
size of its turf or reducing the turf of a rival gang and this is
often the source of gang warfare.
Contraband: One of the advantages of “rank” in a
gang is control over illicit sales of contraband. Depending
on where your character’s turf is, this could be drugs on
the neighborhood corner, or cigarettes in a prison where
smoking is prohibited. You add your reputation bonus to
your wealth score.
Commission: You have entered the ruling council of
your gang’s organization and you may, in consultation
with the other members of the commission, order
murders and otherwise influence gang affairs.
You add half your banger level to your reputation
when dealing with characters that possess a gang
allegiance as well as those who possess the gang
affiliation feat. Your control over contraband
sales also adds this bonus to your wealth.
Ganglord: You are a very high-ranking member
of your criminal gang and only other characters that have
the ganglord class ability will dare question your decisions.
You add your banger level to your reputation and your
absolute control of large segments of contraband sales adds
Base Attack Bonus: 3+
your banger level to your wealth as well. You may also
Skills: Knowledge (streetwise) 6 ranks
kill members of your own gang with impunity, suffering
Feats: Home Turf, Brawl
no leadership penalty for the deaths of your fellow gang
Allegiance: Blood in blood out
members (see the Leadership feat for more information).
Bonus Feats: At 4th and 8th level the banger gains a bonus
Class Information feat from the following list: Home Turf (for new territories
The following information pertains to the banger advanced far removed from your current turf; for example sending a
class. loyal gang member to a distant city to set up operations),
Hit Die: 1d8 Information Network, Leadership, Renown, Tactician,
Action Points: 6 plus one-half character level, rounded Teamwork, and Wealth (characters with the contraband
down. ability will gain wealth by the renown feat as well;
Class Skills: The banger’s class skills (and the key ability however for such characters this feat represents legitimate
for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Drive (Dex), investments not gained through criminal activity).
Gamble (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge

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New Prestige Class

U.S. Marshals Special Operations
The United States Marshals have an elite team
that serves nationally in the role of Witness
Protection, Fugitive Retrieval, and the
protection of judges and lawyers in high-
profile cases who might be endangered or
intimidated. These capable officers also assist
the DEA, FBI, and local law-enforcement
when called to serve. Some serve in this unit
full time, but most are regular marshals
who serve in a rotation.

To qualify to become a member of a U.S.
Marshals Special Operations Group,
a character must fulfill the following
BAB: 5+
Feats: Alertness, Personal Firearms
Proficiency, and Teamwork (Police)
Skills: Investigate 5 ranks, Spot 3 ranks, and
Gather Information 3 ranks

Class Information
The following information pertains to the U.S.
Marshals Special Operations Group prestige
Hit Die: d8
Action Points: 7 plus one-half
character level, rounded down.
Class Skills: The U.S. Marshals
Special Operations Group’s class
skills (and the key ability for each damaged or destroyed.
skill) are Climb (Str), Computer Use Police Combat Training: Marshals are given
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), extensive training in subduing subjects without
Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), harming them unnecessarily. At 2nd level you gain
Intimidate (Cha), Investigate (Int), Knowledge this feat as a bonus feat, provided you meet the prerequisite.
(civics, current events, streetwise, tactics), Listen (Wis), If at any time after second level you gain the prerequisite,
Research (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) you immediately gain this feat.
Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int. modifier Hard Target Search: You have extensive training in
fugitive retrieval. You gain the listed bonus to attack rolls
Class Features and Computer Use, Gather Information, Investigate and
All of the following are features of the U.S. Marshals Special Research skill checks made against the felon you have been
Operations Group advanced class. assigned to apprehend.
Federal Jurisdiction: Federal Marshals are authorized Harm’s Way: Once per round, if you are adjacent to an
to use local law enforcement to aid in their operations. You ally who is targeted by a direct melee or ranged attack (but
add your U.S. Marshal level to any requisition check to not an area effect), you can subject yourself to the attack
obtain equipment or manpower from local authorities. Any in the ally’s stead. If the attack hits you, you take damage
equipment is expected to be returned in good condition, and normally. If it misses, it also misses your ally.
failure to do so will result in the loss of this class ability You must declare your intention to place yourself in
in the city or state where the requisitioned equipment was harm’s way before the attack roll is made. You select your

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Table 1-2: U.S. Marshals Special Operations Group
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +1 +1 +0 Federal Jurisdiction +1 +0
2nd +1 +2 +2 +0 Police Combat Training +1 +0
3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 Hard Target Search +1 +2 +0
4th +3 +2 +2 +1 Harm’s Way +2 +1
5th +3 +3 +3 +1 Defensive Position +1 +3 +1
6th +4 +3 +3 +2 Hard Target Search +2 +3 +1
7th +5 +4 +4 +2 Sentinel +4 +2
8th +6 +4 +4 +2 Defensive Position +2 +4 +2
9th +6 +4 +4 +3 Hard Target Search +3 +5 +2
10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Counter Attack +5 +3

ally either prior to combat or immediately after you make Home Turf
your initiative check. You can’t change your ally for the You know every nook and cranny of your home territory,
duration of the combat. gaining advantages when fighting to defend it.
Defensive Position: You are trained at fighting Effect: You gain a +1 to hit, and a +2 to the following
defensively. Any time you fight from cover you gain the skill checks in your home territory: Gather Information,
listed bonus to attack, defense, saving throws, and initiative. Hide, Knowledge (streetwise, tactics), Navigate, Spot, and
Sentinel: While on duty (a maximum of eight hours per Survival. This territory may be an area as small as a single
day), you gain a bonus to Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive neighborhood or a prison (often the “turf” for bangers or
skill checks equal to your class level. prison guards) or as large as medium-sized state (Florida) or
Counter Attack: If an ally you are protecting is attacked, a small country (Israel).
you gain a +2 morale bonus to attack, saving throws, and
skill checks. This ability has a duration of one round per U.S.
Marshals level. Rappel Master
You are an expert at rappelling and creating rappelling rigs.
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus on all Climb and Use Rope
New Skill skill checks.

Knowledge (Streetwise) Int Advanced Training

Trained Only
Gang Signs (DC 20): You can recognize gang signs and
identify the gang they belong to by tattoos, graffiti, clothing, Police Training
scarves, and colors. A successful skill check will also give The following are specialized police fields. A character that
a little background on the gang in question including their is a member of a police organization may take one of these
favored criminal activities, affiliated gangs and rival gangs. training packages as a feat any time he is entitled to a bonus

New Feats Gang Investigation Division

You are knowledgeable in gang affairs, and investigate
Gang Affiliation these subtle criminal organizations, as well as training your
You have run with a gang on an informal basis, or perhaps fellow officers to recognize gang signs. Since many gangs
just grew up in a neighborhood rife with gangs, learning use sophisticated codes in their letters in and out of prison
their ways. to order deaths and criminal activity on the outside, gang
Prerequisite: Knowledge (streetwise) 3 ranks investigation officers are also skilled in the detection of these
Effect: You gain a +2 on all Knowledge (streetwise) codes. Finally, this specialization includes subtlety in order
checks to interpret and identify gang signs. In addition, to facilitate community awareness and peace between rival
you gain a +2 bonus on all Forgery and Disguise checks to gangs.
imitate gang signs and dress (the penalty for doing this with Bonus Feat: Gang Affiliation.
any blood in blood out gang is death if you are discovered), Skills: Add three of the following to your permanent
and also gain a +2 on all Sense Motive skill checks made class skill list: Computer Use, Decipher Script, Diplomacy,
against gang members Disguise, Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate, Investigate,
Knowledge (civics, current events, streetwise), Research,
Sense Motive. If a skill the character gains is already a class
skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks
using that skill.

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Prison Guard SORT Firearms Specialist
You are skilled in psychological and physical control of Provides expert marksmanship as well as maintenance of the
prisoners. team’s weaponry and instruction of teammates in combat
Bonus Feat: Home Turf (one prison). techniques.
Skills: Add three of the following to the character’s Skills: The following skills are added to your permanent
permanent class skill list: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather class skill list: Craft (mechanical), Demolitions, and Repair.
Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (civics), Listen, Sense If a skill the character gains is already a class skill, he or she
Motive, Spot. If a skill the character gains is already a class receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks Bonus Feat: Advanced Firearm Proficiency
using that skill.
SORT Rappel Master
SORT Training Provides training in rappelling insertion techniques. During
SORT is the Special Operations and Response Team used by operations the rappel master will be responsible for the
the Bureau of Prisons as a special operations unit to handle creation of rappelling rigs needed by the team.
prison disturbances and support law enforcement during Skills: The following skills are added to your permanent
civil unrest and natural disasters. To take one of these feats, class skill list: Balance, Tumble, and Use Rope. If a skill the
a character must have at least one level in the SWAT class character gains is already a class skill, he or she receives a
(in effect, SORT teams are specialized SWAT units). A +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
SORT team usually consists of 15 members, drawn from Bonus Feat: Rappel Master
the specialties below. At least one of each specialty will be
present on any given SORT team. SORT Security Systems Expert
Provides expertise in security and locking systems, allowing
SORT Blueprint Expert the team to move freely even when a prison has been locked
The blueprint expert knows the inner workings of prisons, down by prisoners, or its security systems damaged.
and has detailed files on prison layouts to allow the team to Skills: The following skills are added to your permanent
move freely, arrange ambushes, and plan assaults. class skill list: Craft (mechanical), Disable Device, and
Prerequisite: Home Turf Repair. If a skill the character gains is already a class skill,
Effect: Research is added to your list of permanent class he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using
skills. If you make a Research skill check (DC 15), you are that skill.
able to apply your home turf feat to any prison. If you have Bonus Feat: Cautious
access to prison blueprints, this Research skill check takes
30 minutes. If you must obtain blueprints you do not have on SORT Tactical Procedures Expert
hand, this Research skill check takes the normal 1-4 hours. Provides expert tactical planning, and leadership in the field.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Cha 13
SORT Emergency Medical Specialist Skills: +2 to all Knowledge (tactics) skill checks.
Provides care to injured SORT teammates, injured prisoners, Bonus Feat: Tactician
and guards.
Skills: The following skills are added to your permanent
class skill list: Craft (pharmaceutical), Knowledge
(behavioral science), and Treat Injury. If a skill the character
gains is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1
competence bonus on checks using that skill.
Bonus Feat: Medical Expert

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Inside Vossburg Supermax
Table 1-3: Feats and Advanced Training
Feat Prerequisites Benefit
+2 on Knowledge (streetwise) vs gang signs; +2 to Forgery,
Gang Affiliation Knowledge (streetwise) 3 ranks
Disguise and Sense Motive checks vs gang members
Three of the following: Computer Use, Decipher Script,
Diplomacy, Disguise, Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate,
Gang Investigation Division Investigate, Knowledge (civics, current events, streetwise),
Research, Sense Motive become permanent class skills; bonus
feat: Gang Affiliation
+1 to hit; +2 to Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge
Home Turf (streetwise, tactics), Navigate, Spot and Survival in your home
Three of the following: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
Prison Guard Intimidate, Knowledge (Civics), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
become permanent class skills; bonus feat: Home Turf
Rappel Master +2 on all Climb and Use Rope skill checks
Research added to permanent class skill list; successful
SORT Blueprint Expert Home Turf Research check adds Home Turf bonuses to any prison;
Research time lowered if you have access to blueprints
Following skills become permanent class skills: Craft
SORT Emergency Medical Specialist (pharmaceutical), Knowledge (behavioral science), Treat Injury;
bonus feat: Medical Expert
Following skills become permanent class skills: Craft
SORT Firearms Specialist (mechanical), Demolitions, Repair; bonus feat: Advanced
Firearms Proficiency
Following skills become permanent class skills: Balance,
SORT Rappel Master
Tumble, Use Rope; bonus feat: Rappel Master
Following skills become permanent class skills: Craft
SORT Security Systems Expert
(mechanical), Disable Device, Repair; bonus feat: Cautious
SORT Tactical Procedures Expert Int 13, Cha 13 +2 to all Knowledge (tactics) skill checks; bonus feat: Tactician

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