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Application Print PDF
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Sector F-5/1, Aga Khan Road,Islamabad
Website: Date Applied
Fax: 051-9213386-9203410 Online Application Form for Candidate's Record 17-Oct-2019
UAN: 051-111-000-248 FOR RECRUITMENT TO BS-16 and ABOVE POSTS 03:44:02 PM
Consolidated Advertisement No. 10/2019
Case No. F.4-226/2019-R
Subject (If Applicable)
Name of Post Applied for INSPECTOR(BS-16)
Application Fee Paid of Rs. 300
Fee deposited Date 15-OCT-19
Bank Branch and Code 0515 kot radha kishan
Bank Location District KASUR
16) Declaration: I certify that the statements made by me in the answers to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I fulfill all the requirements including educational qualification, experience, age, domicile etc. required for
the post. Submission of fake/ forged documents and any misrepresentation or omission discovered even after appointment may
render my appointment liable to termination in addition to the action decided by the Commission. I have also carefully read the
General Instructions to the candidates and I am bound by the terms and conditions contained therein.
17) Warning: A candidate who knowingly furnishes any information or particulars which are false or suppresses material information, or
attempts to influence the Commission, or officers or members of the staff of the Commission, or tries to obtain support for his/her
candidature by improper means, or deliberately submits forged certificates, or tampers with the entries in his/her age, educational
and other certificates, or misbehaves in the examination hall, or uses unfair means, or uses objectionable language, or is found
guilty of mis-conduct during examination/ test/ interviews shall be dis-qualified from this examination or subsequent
examinations/selections. He/she could also be debarred from future employment.
Applicant's Signature