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Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 14, Number 4—Fall 2000—Pages 23–48

Beyond Computation: Information

Technology, Organizational
Transformation and Business
Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M. Hitt

H ow do computers contribute to business performance and economic growth?

Even today, most people who are asked to identify the strengths of computers
tend to think of computational tasks like rapidly multiplying large numbers.
Computers have excelled at computation since the Mark I (1939), the first modern
computer, and the ENIAC (1943), the first electronic computer without moving parts.
During World War II, the U.S. government generously funded research into tools for
calculating the trajectories of artillery shells. The result was the development of some of
the first digital computers with remarkable capabilities for calculation—the dawn of the
computer age.
However, computers are not fundamentally number crunchers. They are symbol
processors. The same basic technologies can be used to store, retrieve, organize, transmit,
and algorithmically transform any type of information that can be digitized—numbers,
text, video, music, speech, programs, and engineering drawings, to name a few. This is
fortunate because most problems are not numerical problems. Ballistics, code breaking,
parts of accounting, and bits and pieces of other tasks involve lots of calculation. But the
everyday activities of most managers, professionals, and information workers involve
other types of

y Erik Brynjolfsson is Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management,

Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts and Co-director of the Center for eBusiness at MIT. Lorin M. Hitt is
Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management, Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Their e-mail addresses are
^ and ^ and their websites are
24 Journal of Economic Perspectives
^ and ^;lhitt&,
thinking. As computers become cheaper and more powerful, the business value of
computers is limited less by computational capability and more by the ability of managers
to invent new processes, procedures and organizational structures that leverage this
capability. As complementary innovations continue to develop, the applications of
computers will expand well beyond computation for the foreseeable future.
The fundamental economic role of computers becomes clearer if one thinks about
organizations and markets as information processors (Galbraith, 1977; Simon, 1976;
Hayek, 1945). Most of our economic institutions and intuitions emerged in an era of
relatively high communications cost and limited computational capability. Information
technology, defined as computers as well as related digital communication technology,
has the broad power to reduce the costs of coordination, communications, and
information processing. Thus, it is not surprising that the massive reduction in computing
and communications costs has engendered a substantial restructuring of the economy. The
majority of modern industries are being significantly affected by computerization.
As a result, information technology is best described not as a traditional capital
investment, but as a “general purpose technology” (Bresnahan and Trajtenberg, 1995). In
most cases, the economic contributions of general purpose technologies are substantially
larger than would be predicted by simply multiplying the quantity of capital investment
devoted to them by a normal rate of return. Instead, such technologies are economically
beneficial mostly because they facilitate complementary innovations.
Earlier general purpose technologies, such as the telegraph, the steam engine and the
electric motor, illustrate a pattern of complementary innovations that eventually lead to
dramatic productivity improvements. Some of the complementary innovations were
purely technological, such as Marconi’s “wireless” version of telegraphy. However, some
of the most interesting and productive developments were organizational innovations. For
example, the telegraph facilitated the formation of geographically dispersed enterprises
(Milgrom and Roberts, 1992); while the electric motor provided industrial engineers more
flexibility in the placement of machinery in factories, dramatically improving
manufacturing productivity by enabling workflow redesign (David, 1990). The steam
engine was at the root of a broad cluster of technological and organizational changes that
helped ignite the first industrial revolution.
In this paper, we review the evidence on how investments in information technology
are linked to higher productivity and organizational transformation, with emphasis on
studies conducted at the firm level. Our central argument is twofold: first, that a
significant component of the value of information technology is its ability to enable
complementary organizational investments such as business processes and work
practices; second, these investments, in turn, lead to productivity increases by reducing
costs and, more importantly, by enabling firms to increase output quality in the form of
new products or in improvements in intangible aspects of existing products like
convenience, timeliness, quality, and Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M. Hitt
variety.1 There is substantial evidence in both the case literature on individual firms and
multi-firm econometric analyses supporting both these points, which we review and
discuss in the first half of this paper. This emphasis on firm-level evidence stems in part
from our own research focus but also because firm-level analysis has significant
measurement advantages for examining intangible organizational investments and
product and service innovation associated with computers.
Moreover, as we argue in the latter half of the paper, these factors are not well
captured by traditional macroeconomic measurement approaches. As a result, the
economic contributions of computers are likely to be understated in aggregate level
analyses. Placing a precise number on this bias is difficult, primarily because of issues
about how private, firm-level returns aggregate to the social, economy-wide benefits and
assumptions required to incorporate complementary organizational factors into a growth
accounting framework. However, our analysis suggests that the returns to computer
investment may be substantially higher than what is assumed in traditional growth
accounting exercises. Furthermore, total capital stock (including intangible assets)
associated with the computerization of the economy may be understated by a factor of
ten. Taken together, these considerations suggest the bias is on the same order of
magnitude as the currently measured benefits of computers.
Thus, while the recent macroeconomic evidence about computer contributions is
encouraging, our views are more strongly influenced by the microeconomic data. The
micro data suggest that the surge in productivity that we now see in the macro statistics
has its roots in over a decade of computer-enabled organizational investments. The recent
productivity boom can in part be explained as a return on this large, but intangible form of

Case Examples
Companies using information technology to change the way they conduct business
often say that their investment in information technology complements changes in other
aspects of the organization. These complementarities have a number of implications for
understanding the value of computer investment. To be successful, firms typically need to
adopt computers as part of a “system” or “cluster” of mutually reinforcing organizational
changes (Milgrom and Roberts, 1990). Changing incrementally, either by making
computer investments without organizational change, or only partially implementing
some organizational changes, can create significant productivity losses as any benefits of
computerization are more than outweighed by negative interactions with existing
organizational practices (Brynjolfsson, Renshaw and Van Alstyne, 1997). The need for
“all or nothing” changes between complementary systems was part of the logic behind the
organizational reengineering wave of the 1990s and the slogan “Don’t Automate,
Obliterate” (Hammer, 1990). It can also explain why many large scale information
technology projects fail (Kemerer and Sosa, 1991), while successful information
technology adopters earn significant rents.

1 For a more general treatment of the literature on information technology value, see reviews by Brynjolfsson
(1993); Wilson (1995); and Brynjolfsson and Yang (1996). For a discussion of the problems in economic
measurement of computers contributions at the macroeconomic level, see Baily and Gordon (1988), Siegel
(1997), and Gullickson and Harper (1999).
26 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Many of the past century’s most successful and popular organizational practices
reflect the historically high cost of information processing. For example, hierarchical
organizational structures can reduce communications costs because they minimize the
number of communications links required to connect multiple economic actors, as
compared with more decentralized structures (Malone, 1987; Radner, 1993). Similarly,
producing simple, standardized products is an efficient way to utilize inflexible, scale-
intensive manufacturing technology. However, as the cost of automated information
processing has fallen by over 99.9 percent since the 1960s, it is unlikely that the work
practices of the previous era will also be the same ones that best leverage the value of
cheap information and flexible production. In this spirit, Milgrom and Roberts (1990)
construct a model in which firms’ transition from “mass production” to flexible,
computer-enabled, “modern manufacturing” is driven by exogenous changes in the price
of information technology. Similarly, Bresnahan (1999) and Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson and
Hitt (2000) show how changes in information technology costs and capabilities lead to a
cluster of changes in work organization and firm strategy that increase the demand for
skilled labor.
In this section we will discuss case evidence on three aspects of how firms have
transformed themselves by combining information technology with changes in work
practices, strategy, and products and services; they have transformed the firm, supplier
relations, and the customer relationship. These examples provide qualitative insights into
the nature of the changes, making it easier to interpret the more quantitative econometric
evidence that follows.

Transforming the Firm

The need to match organizational structure to technology capabilities and the
challenges of making the transition to an information technology-intensive production
process is concisely illustrated by a case study of “MacroMed” (a pseudonym), a large
medical products manufacturer (Brynjolfsson, Renshaw and Van Alstyne, 1997). In a
desire to provide greater product customization and variety, MacroMed made a large
investment in computer integrated manufacturing. This investment also coincided with an
enumerated list of other major changes including: the elimination of piece rates, giving
workers authority for scheduling machines, changes in decision rights, process and
workflow innovation, more frequent and richer interactions with customers and suppliers,
increased lateral communication and teamwork, and other changes in skills, processes,
culture, and structure (see Table 1).
However, the new system initially fell well short of management expectations for
greater flexibility and responsiveness. Investigation revealed that line workers still
retained many elements of the now-obsolete old work practices, not necessarily from any
conscious effort to undermine the change effort, but simply as an Beyond Computation:
Information Technology and Organizational Transformation

Table 1
Work Practices at MacroMed as Described in the Corporate Vision Statement
(introduction of computer-based equipment was accompanied by a large set of
complementary changes)
Principles of the “old” factory Principles of the “new” factory

• Designated equipment • Flexible computer-based equipment

• Large inventories • Low inventories
• Pay tied to amount produced • All operators paid same flat rate
• Keep line running no matter what • Stop line if not running at speed
• Thorough final inspection by quality assurance • Operators responsible for quality
• Raw materials made in-house • All materials outsourced
• Narrow job functions • Flexible job responsibilities
• Areas separated by machine type • Areas organized in work cells
• Salaried employees make decisions • All employees contribute ideas
• Hourly workers carry them out • Supervisors can fill in on line
• Functional groups work independently • Concurrent engineering
• Vertical communication flow • Line rationalization
• Several management layers (6) • Few management layers (3–4)
inherited pattern. For example, one earnest and well-intentioned worker explained that
“the key to productivity is to avoid stopping the machine for product changeovers.” While
this heuristic was valuable with the old equipment, it negated the flexibility of the new
machines and created large work-in-process inventories. Ironically, the new equipment
was sufficiently flexible that the workers were able to get it to work much like the old
machines! The strong complementarities within the old cluster of work practices and
within the new cluster greatly hindered the transition from one to the other.
Eventually, management concluded that the best approach was to introduce the new
equipment in a “greenfield” site with a handpicked set of young employees who were
relatively unencumbered by knowledge of the old practices. The resulting productivity
improvements were significant enough that management ordered all the factory windows
painted black to prevent potential competitors from seeing the new system in action.
While other firms could readily buy similar computercontrolled equipment, they would
still have to make the much larger investments in organizational learning before fully
benefiting from them and the exact recipe for achieving these benefits was not trivial to
invent (see Brynjolfsson, Renshaw, and Van Alstyne, 1997 for details). Similarly, large
changes in work practices have been documented in case studies of information
technology adoption in a variety of settings (Hunter, Bernhardt, Hughes and Skuratowicz,
2000; Levy, Beamish, Murnane and Autor, 2000; Malone and Rockart, 1991; Murnane,
Levy and Autor, 1999; Orlikowski, 1992).

Changing Interactions with Suppliers

Due to problems coordinating with external suppliers, large firms often produce
many of their required inputs in-house. General Motors is the classic example of a
company whose success was facilitated by high levels of vertical integration. However,
technologies such as electronic data interchange, Internet-based procurement systems, and
other interorganizational information systems have significantly reduced the cost, time
and other difficulties of interacting with suppliers. For example, firms can place orders
with suppliers and receive confirmations electronically, eliminating paperwork and the
delays and errors associated with manual processing of purchase orders (Johnston and
Vitale, 1988). However, even greater benefits can be realized when interorganizational
systems are combined with new methods of working with suppliers.
28 Journal of Economic Perspectives
An early successful interorganizational system is the Baxter ASAP system, which
lets hospitals electronically order supplies directly from wholesalers (Vitale and
Konsynski, 1988; Short and Venkatraman, 1992). The system was originally designed to
reduce the costs of data entry—a large hospital could generate 50,000 purchase orders
annually which had to be written out by hand by Baxter’s field sales representatives at an
estimated cost of $25-35 each. However, once Baxter computerized its ordering and had
data available on levels of hospital stock, it took increasing responsibility for the entire
supply operation: designing stockroom space, setting up computer-based inventory
systems, and providing automated inventory replenishment. The combination of the
technology and the new supply chain organization substantially improved efficiency for
both Baxter (no paper invoices, predictable order flow) and the hospitals (elimination of
stockroom management tasks, lower inventories, and less chance of running out of items).
Later versions of the ASAP system let users order from other suppliers, creating an
electronic marketplace in hospital supplies.
ASAP was directly associated with costs savings on the order of $10 to $15 million
per year, which allowed them to recover rapidly the $30 million up front investment and
approximately $3 million annual operating costs. However, management at Baxter
believed that even greater benefits were being realized through incremental product sales
at the 5500 hospitals that had installed the ASAP system, not to mention the possibility of
a reduction of logistics costs borne by the hospitals themselves, an expense which
consumes as much as 30 percent of a hospital’s budget.
Computer-based supply chain integration has been especially sophisticated in the
consumer packaged goods industries. Traditionally, manufacturers promoted products
such as soap and laundry detergent by offering discounts, rebates, or even cash payments
to retailers to stock and sell their products. Because many consumer products have long
shelf lives, retailers tended to buy massive amounts during promotional periods, which
increased volatility in manufacturing schedules and distorted manufacturers’ view of their
market. In response, manufacturers sped up their packaging changes to discourage
stockpiling of products and developed internal audit departments to monitor retailers’
purchasing behavior for contractual violations (Clemons, 1993).
To eliminate these inefficiencies, Procter and Gamble pioneered a program called
“efficient consumer response” (McKenney and Clark, 1995). In this approach, each
retailer’s checkout scanner data goes directly to the manufacturer; Erik Brynjolfsson and
Lorin M. Hitt

ordering, payments, and invoicing are fully automated through electronic data
interchange; products are continuously replenished on a daily basis; and promotional
efforts are replaced by an emphasis on “everyday low pricing.” Manufacturers also
involved themselves more in inventory decisions and moved toward “category
management,” where a lead manufacturer would take responsibility for an entire retail
category (say, laundry products), determining stocking levels for their own and other
manufacturers’ products, as well as complementary items.
These changes, in combination, greatly improved efficiency. Consumers benefited
from lower prices and increased product variety, convenience, and innovation. Without
the direct computer-computer links to scanner data and the electronic transfer of
payments and invoices, they could not have attained the levels of speed and accuracy
needed to implement such a system.
Technological innovations related to the commercialization of the Internet have
dramatically decreased the cost of building electronic supply chain links. Computer-
enabled procurement and on-line markets enable a reduction in input costs through a
combination of reduced procurement time and more predictable deliveries, which reduces
the need for buffer inventories and reduces spoilage for perishable products, reduced price
due to increasing price transparency and the ease of price shopping, and reduced direct
costs of purchase order and invoice processing. Where they can be implemented, these
innovations are estimated to lower the costs of purchased inputs by 10 to 40 percent,
depending on the industry (Goldman Sachs, 1999).
Some of these savings clearly represent a redistribution of rents from suppliers to
buyers, with little effect on overall economic output. However, many of the other changes
represent direct improvements in productivity through greater production efficiency and
indirectly by enabling an increase in output quality or variety without excessive cost. To
respond to these opportunities, firms are restructuring their supply arrangements and
placing greater reliance on outside contractors. Even General Motors, once the exemplar
of vertical integration, has reversed course and divested its large internal suppliers. As
one industry analyst recently stated, “What was once the greatest source of strength at
General Motors—its strategy of making parts in-house—has become its greatest
weakness” (Schnapp, 1998). To get some sense of the magnitude of this change, the
spinoff in 1999 of Delphi Automotive Systems, only one of GM’s many internal supply
divisions, created a separate company that by itself has $28 billion in sales.

Changing Customer Relationships

The Internet has opened up a new range of possibilities for enriching interactions
with customers. Dell Computer has succeeded in attracting customer orders and
improving service by placing configuration, ordering, and technical support capabilities
on the web (Rangan and Bell, 1999). It coupled this change with systems and work
practice changes that emphasize just-in-time inventory management, build-to-order
production systems, and tight integration between sales and production planning. Dell has
implemented a consumer-driven build-to-order business model, rather than using the
traditional build-to-stock model of selling computers through retail stores, which gives
Dell as much as a 10 percent advantage over its rivals in production cost. Some of these
savings represent the elimination of wholesale distribution and retailing costs. Others
reflect substantially lower levels of inventory throughout the distribution channel.
However, a subtle but important by-product of these changes in production and
distribution is that Dell can be more responsive to customers. When Intel releases a new
microprocessor, as it does several times each year, Dell can sell it to customers within
seven days compared to eight weeks or more for some less Internet-enabled competitors.
This is a nontrivial difference in an industry where adoption of new technology and
obsolescence of old technology is rapid, margins are thin, and many component prices
drop by 3 to 4 percent each month.
Other firms have also built closer relations with their customer via the web and
related technologies. For instance, web retailers like provide personalized
recommendations to visitors and allow them to customize numerous aspects of their
shopping experience. As described by Denise Caruso (1998), “Amazon’s on-line account
30 Journal of Economic Perspectives
maintenance system provides its customers with secure access to everything about their
account at any time. [S]uch information flow to and from customers would paralyze most
old-line companies.” Merely providing Internet access to a traditional bookstore would
have had a relatively minimal impact without the cluster of other changes implemented by
firms like Amazon.
An increasingly ubiquitous example is using the web for handling basic customer
inquiries. For instance, UPS now handles a total of 700,000 package tracking requests via
the Internet every day. It costs UPS 10¢ per piece to serve that information via the Web
vs. $2 to provide it over the phone (Seybold and Marshak, 1998). Consumers benefit, too.
Because customers find it easier to track packages over the web than via the phone, UPS
estimates that two-thirds of the web users would not have bothered to check on their
packages if they did not have web access.

Large-Sample Empirical Evidence on Information Technology,

Organization and Productivity
The case study literature offers many examples of strong links between information
technology and investments in complementary organizational practices. However, to
reveal general trends and to quantify the overall impact, we must examine these effects
across a wide range of firms and industries. In this section we explore the results from
large-sample statistical analyses. First, we examine studies on the direct relationship
between information technology investment and business value. We then consider studies
that measured organizational factors and their correlation with information technology
use, as well as the few initial studies that have linked this relationship to productivity

Information Technology and Productivity

Much of the early research on the relationship between technology and productivity
used economy-level or sector-level data and found little evidence of a Beyond
Computation: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation

relationship. For example, Roach (1987) found that while computer investment per white-
collar worker in the service sector rose several hundred percent from 1977 to 1989, output
per worker, as conventionally measured, did not increase discernibly. In several papers,
Morrison and Berndt examined Bureau of Economic Analysis data for manufacturing
industries at the two-digit SIC level and found that the gross marginal product of “high-
tech capital” (including computers) was less than its cost and that in many industries these
supposedly labor-saving investments were associated with an increase in labor demand
(Berndt and Morrison, 1995; Morrison, 1996). Robert Solow (1987) summarized this kind
of pattern in his well-known remark: “[Y]ou can see the computer age everywhere except
in the productivity statistics.”
However, by the early 1990s, analyses at the firm-level were beginning to find
evidence that computers had a substantial effect on firms’ productivity levels. Using data
from over 300 large firms over the period 1988-92, Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1995, 1996)
and Lichtenberg (1995) estimated production functions that use the firm’s output (or
value-added) as the dependent variable and include ordinary capital, information
technology capital, ordinary labor, information technology labor, and a variety of dummy
variables for time, industry, and firm. 2 The pattern of these relationships is summarized in
Figure 1, which compares firm-level information technology investment with multifactor
productivity (excluding computers) for the firms in the Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1995)
dataset. There is a clear positive relationship, but also a great deal of individual variation
in firms’ success with information technology.
Estimates of the average annual contribution of computer capital to total output
generally exceed $.60 per dollar of capital stock often by a substantial margin, depending
on the analysis and specification (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 1995, 1996; Lichtenberg, 1995;
Dewan and Min, 1997). These estimates are statistically different from zero, and in most
cases significantly exceed the expected rate of return of about $.42 (the Jorgensonian
rental price of computers—see Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). This suggests either
abnormally high returns to investors or the existence of unmeasured costs or barriers to
investment. Similarly, most estimates of the contribution of information systems labor to
output exceed $1 for every $1 of labor costs.
Several researchers have also examined the returns to information technology using
data on the use of various technologies rather than the size of the investment. Greenan
and Mairesse (1996) matched data on French firms and workers to measure the
relationship between a firm’s productivity and the fraction of its employees who report
using a personal computer at work. Their estimates of computers’ contribution to output
are consistent with earlier estimates of the computer’s output elasticity.
Other micro-level studies have focused on the use of computerized manufacFigure 1
Productivity Versus Information Technology Stock (Capital plus Capitalized Labor)
for Large Firms (1988–1992), Adjusted for Industry

2 These studies assumed a standard form (Cobb-Douglas) for the production function, and measured the
variables in logarithms. Later work using different functional forms, such as the transcendental logarithmic
(translog) production function, has little effect on the measurement of output elasticities.
32 Journal of Economic Perspectives
turing technologies. Kelley (1994) found that the most productive metal-working plants
use computer-controlled machinery. Black and Lynch (1996) found that plants where a
larger percentage of employees use computers are more productive in a sample containing
multiple industries. Computerization has also been found to increase productivity in
government activities both at the process level, such as package sorting at the post office
or toll collection (Muhkopadhyay, Rajiv and Srinivasan, 1997) and at higher levels of
aggregation (Lehr and Lichtenberg, 1998).
Taken collectively, these studies suggest that information technology is associated
with substantial increases in output and productivity. Questions remain about the
mechanisms and direction of causality in these studies. Perhaps instead of information
technology causing greater output, “good firms” or average firms with unexpectedly high
sales disproportionately spend their windfall on computers. For example, while Doms,
Dunne and Troske (1997) found that plants using more advanced manufacturing
technologies had higher productivity and wages, they also found that this was commonly
the case even before the technologies were introduced.
Efforts to disentangle causality have been limited by the lack of good instrumental
variables for factor investment at the firm-level. However, attempts to correct for this bias
using available instrumental variables typically increase the estimated coefficients on
information technology even further (for example, Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 1996; 2000).
Thus, it appears that reverse causality is not driving the results: firms with an unexpected
increase in free cash flow invest in other factors, such as labor, before they change their
spending on information technolErik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M. Hitt

ogy. Nonetheless, as the case studies underscore, there appears to be a fair amount of
causality in both directions—certain organizational characteristics make information
technology adoption more likely and vice versa.
The firm-level productivity studies can shed some light on the relationship between
information technology and organizational restructuring. For example, productivity
studies consistently find that the output elasticities of computers exceed their (measured)
input shares. One explanation for this finding is that the output elasticities for information
technology are about right, but the productivity studies are underestimating the input
quantities because they neglect the role of unmeasured complementary investments.
Dividing the output of the whole set of complements by only the factor share of
information technology will imply disproportionately high rates of return for information
A variety of other evidence suggests that hidden assets play an important role in the
relationship between information technology and productivity. Brynjolfsson and Hitt
(1995) estimated a firm fixed effects productivity model. This method can be interpreted
as dividing firm-level information technology benefits into two parts; one part is due to
variation in firms’ information technology investments over time, the other to fixed firm
characteristics. Brynjolfsson and Hitt found that in the firm effects model, the coefficient
on information technology was about 50 percent lower, compared to the results of an
ordinary least squares regression, while the coefficients on the other factors, capital and
labor, changed only slightly. This change suggests that unmeasured and slowly changing
3 Hitt (1996) and Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000) present a formal analysis of this issue.
organizational practices (the “fixed effect”) significantly affect the returns to information
technology investment.
Another indirect implication from the productivity studies comes from evidence that
effects of information technology are substantially larger when measured over longer time
periods. Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000) examined the effects of information technology on
productivity growth rather than productivity levels, which had been the emphasis in most
previous work, using data that included more than 600 firms over the period 1987 to
1994. When one-year differences in information technology are compared to one-year
differences in firm productivity, the measured benefits of computers are approximately
equal to their measured costs. However, the measured benefits rise by a factor of two to
eight as longer time periods are considered, depending on the econometric specification
used. One interpretation of these results is that short-term returns represent the direct
effects of information technology investment, while the longer-term returns represent the
effects of information technology when combined with related investments in
organizational change. Further analysis, based on earlier results by Schankerman (1981)
in the R&D context, suggested that these omitted factors were not simply information
technology investments and complements that were erroneously misclassified as capital
or labor. Instead, to be consistent with the econometric results, the omitted factors had to
have been accumulated in ways that would not appear on the current balance sheet. Firm-
specific human capital and “organizational capital” are two examples of omitted inputs
that would fit this description.4
A final perspective on the value of these organizational complements to information
technology can be found using financial market data, drawing on the literature on Tobin’s
q. This approach measures the rate of return of an asset indirectly, based on comparing
the stock market value of the firm to the replacement value of the various capital assets it
owns. Typically, Tobin’s q has been employed to measure the relative value of observable
assets such as R&D or physical plant. However, as suggested by Hall (1999a, b), Tobin’s
q can also be viewed as providing a measure of the total quantity of capital, including the
value of “technology, organization, business practices, and other produced elements of
successful modern corporation.” Using an approach along these lines, Brynjolfsson and
Yang (1997) found that while one dollar of ordinary capital is valued at approximately
one dollar by the financial markets, one dollar of information technology capital appears
to be correlated with on the order of $10 of additional stock market value for Fortune
1000 firms using data spanning 1987 to 1994. Since these results, for the most part, apply
to large, established firms rather than new high-tech start-ups, and since they predate most
of the massive increase in market valuations for technology stocks in the late 1990s, these
results are not likely to be sensitive to the possibility of a recent “high-tech stock bubble.”
A more likely explanation for these results is that information technology capital is
disproportionately associated with intangible assets like the costs of developing new
software, populating a database, implementing a new business process, acquiring a more
highly skilled staff, or undergoing a major organizational transformation, all of which go
uncounted on a firm’s balance sheet. In this interpretation, for every dollar of information
technology capital, the typical firm has also accumulated about $9 in additional intangible

4 Part of the difference in coefficients between short and long difference specifications could also be explained
by measurement error (which tends to average out over longer time periods). Such errorsin-variables can bias
down coefficients based on short differences, but the size of the change is too large to be attributed solely to this
effect (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000).
34 Journal of Economic Perspectives
assets. A related explanation is that firms must occur substantial “adjustment costs”
before information technology is effective. These adjustment costs drive a wedge between
the value of a computer resting on the loading dock and one that is fully integrated into
the organization.
The evidence from both the productivity and Tobin’s q analyses provides some
insights into the properties of information technology-related intangible assets, even if we
cannot measure these assets directly. Such assets are large, potentially several multiples
of the measured information technology investment. They are unmeasured in the sense
that they do not appear as a capital asset or as other components of firm input, although
they do appear to be unique characteristics of particular firms as opposed to industry
effects. Finally, they have more effect in the long term than the short term, suggesting that
multiple years of adaptation and investment is required before their influence is
Beyond Computation: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation

Direct Measurement of the Interrelationship between Information Technology and

Some studies have attempted to measure organizational complements directly, and to
determine whether they are correlated with information technology investment, or
whether firms that combine complementary factors have better economic performance.
Finding correlations between information technology and organizational change, or
between these factors and measures of economic performance, is not sufficient to prove
that these practices are complements, unless a full structural model specifies the
production relationships and demand drivers for each factor. Athey and Stern (1997)
discuss issues in the empirical assessment of complementarity relationships. However,
after empirically evaluating possible alternative explanations and combining correlations
with performance analyses, complementarities are often the most plausible explanation
for observed relationships between information technology, organizational factors, and
economic performance.
The first set of studies in this area focuses on correlations between use of
information technology and extent of organizational change. An important finding is that
information technology investment is greater in organizations that are decentralized and
have a greater investment in human capital. For example, Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson and
Hitt (2000) surveyed approximately 400 large firms to obtain information on aspects of
organizational structure like allocation of decision rights, workforce composition, and
investments in human capital. They found that greater levels of information technology
are associated with increased delegation of authority to individuals and teams, greater
levels of skill and education in the workforce, and greater emphasis on pre-employment
screening for education and training. In addition, they find that these work practices are
correlated with each other, suggesting that they are part of a complementary work system.
Kelley (1994) found that the use of programmable manufacturing equipment is correlated
with several aspects of human resource practices.
Research on jobs within specific industries has begun to explore the mechanisms
within organizations that create these complementarities. Drawing on a case study on the
automobile repair industry, Levy, Beamish, Murnane and Autor (2000) argue that
computers are most likely to substitute for jobs that rely on rulebased decision-making
while complementing nonprocedural cognitive tasks. In banking, researchers have found
that many of the skill, wage and other organizational effects of computers depend on the
extent to which firms couple computer investment with organizational redesign and other
managerial decisions (Hunter, Bernhardt, Hughes and Skuratowicz, 2000; Murnane, Levy
and Autor, 1999). Researchers focusing at the establishment level have also found
complementarities between existing technology infrastructure and firm work practices to
be a key determinant of the firm’s ability to incorporate new technologies (Bresnahan and
Greenstein, 1997); this also suggests a pattern of mutual causation between computer
investment and organization.
A variety of industry-level studies also show a strong connection between investment
in high technology equipment and the demand for skilled, educated workers (Berndt,
Morrison and Rosenblum, 1992; Berman, Bound and Griliches, 1994; Autor, Katz and
Krueger, 1998). Again, these findings are consistent with the idea that increasing use of
computers is associated with a greater demand for human capital.
Several researchers have also considered the effect of information technology on
macro-organizational structures. They have typically found that greater levels of
investment in information technology are associated with smaller firms and less vertical
integration. Brynjolfsson, Malone, Gurbaxani and Kambil (1994) found that increases in
the level of information technology capital in an economic sector were associated with a
decline in average firm size in that sector, consistent with information technology leading
to a reduction in vertical integration. Hitt (1999), examining the relationship between a
firm’s information technology capital stock and direct measures of its vertical integration,
arrived at similar conclusions. These results corroborate earlier case analyses and
theoretical arguments that suggested that information technology would be associated
with a decrease in vertical integration because it lowers the costs of coordinating
externally with suppliers (Malone, Yates and Benjamin, 1987; Gurbaxani and Whang,
1991; Clemons and Row, 1992).
One difficulty in interpreting the literature on correlations between information
technology and organizational change is that some managers may be predisposed to try
every new idea and some managers may be averse to trying anything new at all. In such a
world, information technology and a “modern” work organization might be correlated in
firms because of the temperament of management, not because they are economic
complements. To rule out this sort of spurious correlation, it is useful to bring measures of
productivity and economic performance into the analysis. If combining information
technology and organizational restructuring is economically justified, then firms that
adopt these practices as a system should outperform those that fail to combine
information technology investment with appropriate organizational structures.
In fact, firms that adopt decentralized organizational structures and work structures
do appear to have a higher contribution of information technology to productivity
(Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). For example, firms that are more decentralized
than the median firm (as measured by individual organizational practices and by an index
of such practices), have, on average, a 13 percent greater information technology
elasticity and a 10 percent greater investment in information technology than the median
firm. Firms that are in the top half of both information technology investment and
decentralization are on average 5 percent more productive than firms that are above
average only in information technology investment or only in decentralization.
36 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Similar results also appear when economic performance is measured as stock market
valuation. Firms in the top third of decentralization have a 6 percent higher market value
after controlling for all other measured assets; this is consistent with the theory that
organizational decentralization behaves like an intangible asset. Moreover, the stock
market value of a dollar of information technology capital is between $2 and $5 greater in
decentralized firms than in centralized firms (per standard deviation of the
decentralization measure), and as shown in Figure 2 this Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M.

Figure 2
Market Value as a Function of Information Technology and Work Organization

Source: This graph was produced by nonparametric local regression models using data from Brynjolfsson, Hitt
and Yang (2000).

relationship is particularly striking for firms that are simultaneously extensive users of
information technology and highly decentralized (Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Yang, 2000).
The weight of the firm-level evidence shows that a combination of investment in
technology and changes in organizations and work practices facilitated by these
technologies contributes to firms’ productivity growth and market value. However, much
work remains to be done in categorizing and measuring the relevant changes in
organizations and work practices, and relating them to information technology and
The Divergence of Firm-level and Aggregate Studies on Information
Technology and Productivity

While the evidence indicates that information technology has created substantial
value for firms that have invested in it, it has sometimes been a challenge to link these
benefits to macroeconomic performance. A major reason for the gap in interpretation is
that traditional growth accounting techniques focus on the (relatively) observable aspects
of output, like price and quantity, while neglecting the intangible benefits of improved
quality, new products, customer service and speed. Similarly, traditional techniques focus
on the relatively observable aspects of investment, such as the price and quantity of
computer hardware in the economy, and neglect the much larger intangible investments in
developing complementary new products, services, markets, business processes, and
worker skills. Paradoxically, while computers have vastly improved the ability to collect
and analyze data on almost any aspect of the economy, the current computer-enabled
economy has become increasingly difficult to measure using conventional methods.
Nonetheless, standard growth accounting techniques provide a useful starting point for
any assessment or for the contribution of information technology to economic growth.
Several studies of the contribution of information technology concluded that
technical progress in computers contributed roughly 0.3 percentage points per year to real
output growth when data from the 1970s and 1980s were used (Jorgenson and Stiroh,
1995; Oliner and Sichel, 1994; Brynjolfsson, 1996).
Much of the estimated growth contribution comes directly from the large quality-
adjusted price declines in the computer producing industries. The nominal value of
purchases of information technology hardware in the United States in 1997 was about 1.4
percent of GDP. Since the quality-adjusted prices of computers decline by about 25
percent per year, simply spending the same nominal share of GDP as in previous years
represents an annual productivity increase for the real GDP of 0.3 percentage points (that
is, 1.4 3 .25 5 .35). A related approach is to look at the effect of information technology
on the GDP deflator. Reductions in inflation, for a given amount of growth in output,
imply proportionately higher real growth and, when divided by a measure of inputs,
higher productivity growth as well. Gordon (1998, p. 4) calculates that “computer
hardware is currently contributing to a reduction of U.S. inflation at an annual rate of
almost 0.5 percent per year, and this number would climb toward one percent per year if a
broader definition of information technology, including telecommunications equipment,
were used.”
More recent growth accounting analyses by the same authors have linked the recent
surge in measured productivity in the U.S. to increased investments in information
technology. Using similar methods as in their earlier studies, Oliner and Sichel (this issue)
and Jorgenson and Stiroh (1999) find that the annual contribution of computers to output
growth in the second half of the 1990s is closer to 1.0 or 1.1 percentage points per year.
Gordon (this issue) makes a similar estimate. This is a large contribution for any single
technology, although researchers have raised concerns that computers are primarily an
intermediate input and that the productivity gains are disproportionately visible in
computer-producing industries as opposed to computer-using industries. For instance,
Gordon notes that after he makes adjustments for the business cycle, capital deepening
and other effects, there has been virtually no change in the rate of productivity growth
38 Journal of Economic Perspectives
outside of the durable goods sector. Jorgenson and Stiroh ascribe a larger contribution to
computer-using industries, but still not as great as in the computer-producing industries.
Beyond Computation: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation

Should we be disappointed by the productivity performance of the downstream

Not necessarily. Two points are worth bearing in mind when comparing upstream
and downstream sectors. First, the allocation of productivity depends on the quality-
adjusted transfer prices used. If a high deflator is applied, the upstream sectors get
credited with more output and productivity in the national accounts, but the downstream
firms get charged with using more inputs and thus have less productivity. Conversely, a
low deflator allocates more of the gains to the downstream sector. In both cases, the
increases in the total productivity of the economy are, by definition, identical. Since it is
difficult to compute accurate deflators for complex, rapidly changing intermediate goods
like computers, one must be careful in interpreting the allocation of productivity across
producers and users.5
The second point is more semantic. Arguably, downstream sectors are delivering on
the information technology revolution by simply maintaining levels of measured total
factor productivity growth in the presence of dramatic changes in the costs, nature and
mix of intermediate computer goods. This reflects a success in costlessly converting
technological innovations into real output that benefits end consumers. If a firm maintains
a constant nominal information technology budget in the face of 50 percent information
technology price declines over two years, it is treated in the national accounts as using
100 percent more real information technology input for production. A commensurate
increase in real output is required merely to maintain the same measured productivity
level as before. Such an output increase is not necessarily automatic since it requires a
significant change in the input mix and organization of production. In the presence of
adjustment costs and imperfect output measures, one might reasonably have expected
measured productivity to decline initially in downstream sectors as they absorb a rapidly
changing set of inputs and introduce new products and services.
Regardless of how the productivity benefits are allocated, these studies show that a
substantial part of the upturn in measured productivity of the economy as a whole can be
linked to increased real investments in computer hardware and declines in their quality-
adjusted prices. However, there are several key assumptions implicit in economy- or
industry-wide growth accounting approaches which can have a substantial influence on
their results, especially if one seeks to know whether investment in computers are
increasing productivity as much as alternate possible investments. The standard growth
accounting approach begins by assuming that all inputs earn “normal” rates of return.
Unexpected windfalls, whether the discovery of a single new oil field, or the invention of
a new process which makes oil fields obsolete, show up not in the growth contribution of
inputs but as changes in the multifactor productivity residual. By construction, an input
5 It is worth noting that if the exact quality change of an intermediate good is mismeasured, then the total
productivity of the economy is not affected, only the allocation between sectors. However, if computer-using
industries take advantage of the radical change in input in their quality to introduce new quality levels output (or
entirely new goods) and these changes are not fully reflected in final output deflators, then total productivity
will be underestimated. In periods of rapid technological change, both phenomena can be expected.
can contribute more to output in these analyses only by growing rapidly, not by having an
unusually high net rate of return.
Changes in multifactor productivity growth, in turn, depend on accurate measures of
final output. However, nominal output is affected by whether firm expenditures are
expensed, and therefore deducted from value-added, or capitalized and treated as
investment. As emphasized throughout this paper, information technology is only a small
fraction of a much larger complementary system of tangible and intangible assets.
However, current statistics typically treat the accumulation of intangible capital assets,
such as new business processes, new production systems and new skills, as expenses
rather than as investments. This leads to a lower level of measured output in periods of
net capital accumulation. Second, current output statistics disproportionately miss many
of the gains that information technology has brought to consumers such as variety, speed,
and convenience. We will consider these issues in turn.
The magnitude of investment in intangible assets associated with computerization
may be large. Analyses of 800 large firms by Brynjolfsson and Yang (1997) suggest that
the ratio of intangible assets to information technology assets may be 10 to 1. Thus, the
$167 billion in computer capital recorded in the U.S. national accounts in 1996 may have
actually been only the tip of an iceberg of $1.67 trillion of information technology-related
complementary assets in the United States.
Examination of individual information technology projects indicates that the 10:1
ratio may even be an underestimate in many cases. For example, a survey of a common
category of software projects—namely, “enterprise resource planning”— found that the
average spending on computer hardware accounted for less than 4 percent of the typical
start-up cost of $20.5 million, while software licenses and development were another 16
percent of total costs (Gormely et al., 1998). The remaining costs included hiring outside
and internal consultants to help design new business processes and to train workers in the
use of the system. The time of existing employees, including top managers, that went into
the overall implementation were not included, although it too is typically quite
The up-front costs were almost all treated as current expenses by the companies
undertaking the implementation projects. However, insofar as the managers who made
these expenditures expected them to pay for themselves only over several years, the
nonrecurring costs are properly thought of as investments, not expenses, when
considering the impact on economic growth. In essence, the managers were adding to the
nation’s capital stock not only of easily visible computers, but also of less visible business
processes and worker skills.
How might these measurement problems affect economic growth and productivity
calculations? In a steady state, it makes little difference, because the amount of new
organizational investment in any given year is offset by the “depreciation” of
organizational investments in previous years. The net change in capital stock is zero.
Thus, in a steady state, classifying organizational investments as expenses does not bias
overall output growth as long as it is done consistently from year to year. However, the
economy has hardly been in a steady state with respect to computErik Brynjolfsson and
Lorin M. Hitt
40 Journal of Economic Perspectives
ers and their complements. Instead, the U.S. economy has been rapidly adding to its stock
of both types of capital. To the extent that this net capital accumulation has not been
counted as part of output, output and output growth have been underestimated.
The software industry offers a useful example of the impact of classifying a category
of spending as expense or investment. Historically, efforts on software development have
been treated as expenses, but recently the government has begun recognizing that
software is an intangible capital asset. Software investment by U.S. businesses and
governments grew from $10 billion in 1979 to $159 billion in 1998 (Parker and Grimm,
2000). Properly accounting for this investment has added 0.15 to 0.20 percentage points
to the average annual growth rate of real GDP in the 1990s. While capitalizing software is
an important improvement in our national accounts, software is far from the only, or even
most important, complement to computers.
If the wide array of intangible capital costs associated with computers were treated as
investments rather than expenses, the results would be striking. According to some
preliminary estimates from Yang (2000), building on estimates of the intangible asset
stock derived from stock market valuations of computers, the true growth rate of U.S.
GDP, after accounting for the intangible complements to information technology
hardware, has been increasingly underestimated by an average of over 1 percent per year
since the early 1980s, with the underestimate getting worse over time as net information
technology investment has grown. Productivity growth has been underestimated by a
similar amount. This reflects the large net increase in intangible assets of the U.S.
economy associated with the computerization that was discussed earlier. Over time, the
economy earns returns on past investment, converting it back into consumption. This has
the effect of raising GDP growth as conventionally measured by a commensurate amount
even if the “true” GDP growth remains unchanged.
While the quantity of intangible assets associated with information technology is
difficult to estimate precisely, the central lesson is that these complementary changes are
very large and cannot be ignored in any realistic attempt to estimate the overall economic
contributions of information technology.
The productivity gains from investments in new information technology are
underestimated in a second major way: failure to account fully for quality change in
consumable outputs. It is typically much easier to count the number of units produced
than to assess intrinsic quality—especially if the desired quality may vary across
customers. A significant fraction of value of quality improvements due to investments in
information technology—like greater timeliness, customization, and customer service—is
not directly reflected as increased industry sales, and thus is implicitly treated as
nonexistent in official economic statistics.
These issues have always been a concern in the estimation of the true rate of inflation
and the real output of the U.S. economy (Boskin et al., 1997). If output mismeasurement
for computers was similar to output mismeasurement for previous technologies, estimates
of long-term productivity trends would be unaffected (Baily and Gordon, 1988).
However, there is evidence that in several specific ways, computers are associated with an
increasing degree of mismeasurement that is likely to lead to increasing underestimates of
productivity and economic growth.
The production of intangible outputs is an important consideration for information
technology investments whether in the form of new products or improvements in existing
products. Based on a series of surveys of information services managers conducted in
1993, 1995 and 1996, Brynjolfsson and Hitt (1997) found that customer service and
sometimes other aspects of intangible output (specifically quality, convenience, and
timeliness) ranked higher than cost savings as the motivation for investments in
information services. Brooke (1992) found that information technology was also
associated with increases in product variety.
Indeed, government data show many inexplicable changes in productivity, especially
in the sectors where output is measured poorly and where changes in quality may be
especially important (Griliches, 1994). Moreover, simply removing anomalous industries
from the aggregate productivity growth calculation can change the estimate of U.S.
productivity growth by 0.5 percent or more (Corrado and Slifman, 1999). The problems
with measuring quality change and true output growth are illustrated by selected industry-
level productivity growth data over different time periods, shown in Table 2. According
to official government statistics, a bank today is only about 80 percent as productive as a
bank in 1977; a health care facility is only 70 percent as productive and a lawyer only 65
percent as productive as they were 1977.
These statistics seem out of touch with reality. In 1977, virtually all banking was
conducted via the teller windows; today, customers can access a network of 139,000
automatic teller machines (ATMs) 24 hours a day, seven days a week (Osterberg and
Sterk, 1997), as well as a vastly expanded array of banking services via the Internet. The
more than tripling of cash availability via ATMs required an incremental investment on
the order of $10 billion compared with over $70 billion invested in physical bank
branches. Computer controlled medical equipment has facilitated more successful and
less invasive medical treatment. Many procedures that previously required extensive
hospital stays can now be performed on an outpatient basis; instead of surgical
procedures, many medical tests now use noninvasive imaging devices such as x-rays,
MRI, or CT scanners. Information technology has supported the research and analysis
that has led to these advances plus a wide array of improvements in medication and
outpatient therapies. A lawyer today can access a much wider range of information
through on-line databases and manage many more legal documents. In addition, some
basic legal services, such as drafting a simple will, can now be performed without a
lawyer using inexpensive software packages such as Willmaker.
One of the most important types of unmeasured benefits arises from new goods.
Sales of new goods are measured in the GDP statistics as part of nominal output, although
this does not capture the new consumer surplus generated by such goods, which causes
them to be preferred over old goods. Moreover, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has often
failed to incorporate new goods into price indices until many years after their
introduction; for example, it did not incorporate the VCR into the consumer price index
until 1987, about a decade after they Beyond Computation: Information Technology and
Organizational Transformation

Table 2
Annual (Measured) Productivity Growth for Selected Industries (based on dividing
BEA gross output by industry figures by BLS hours worked by industry for comparable
42 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Industry 1948–1967 1967–1977 1977–1996

Depository Institutions .03% .21% 21.19%

Health Services .99% .04% 21.81%
Legal Services .23% 22.01% 22.13%
Source: Partial reproduction from Gordon (1998, Table 3).

began selling in volume. This leads the price index to miss the rapid decline in price that
many new goods experience early in their product cycle. In a related example, in 1990,
sales of the printed multi-volume Encyclopedia Britannica were $650 million and the
production cost for each set was over $250, plus up to $500 for the salesperson’s
commission (Evans and Wurster, 2000). Producing a CD-ROM with the same
information now costs less than $1, and presenting it via a website like, costs but a fraction of that. Sales of the printed version of all
encyclopedias, including Britannica, collapsed by over 80 percent in the 1990s, as the
content was bundled for “free” with office software or delivered on the web. The GDP
statistics captured this collapse in sales, but not the value of the content that is now free or
nearly free. As a result, the inflation statistics overstate the true rise in the cost of living,
and when the nominal GDP figures are adjusted using that price index, the real rate of
output growth is understated (Boskin et al., 1997). The problem extends beyond new
high-tech products, like personal digital assistants and web browsers. Computers enable
more new goods to be developed, produced, and managed in all industries. For instance,
the number of new products introduced in supermarkets has grown from 1281 in 1964, to
1831 in 1975, and then to 16,790 in 1992 (Nakamura, 1997); the data management
requirements to handle so many products would have overwhelmed the computerless
supermarket of earlier decades. Consumers have voted with their pocketbooks for the
stores with greater product variety.
This collection of results suggests that information technology may be associated
with increases in the intangible component of output, including variety, customer
convenience, and service. Because it appears that the amount of unmeasured output value
is increasing with computerization, this measurement problem not only creates an
underestimate of output level, but also errors in measurement of output and productivity
growth when compared with earlier time periods which had a smaller bias due to
intangible outputs.
Just as the Bureau of Economic Analysis successfully reclassified many software
expenses as investments and is making quality adjustments, perhaps we will also find
ways to measure the investment component of spending on intangible organizational
capital and to make appropriate adjustments for the value of all gains attributable to
improved quality, variety, convenience and service. Unfortunately, addressing these
problems can be difficult even for single firms and products, and the complexity and
number of judgments required to address them at the macroeconomic level is extremely
high. Moreover, because of the increasing service component of all industries (even basic
manufacturing), which entails product and service innovation and intangible investments,
these problems cannot be easily solved by focusing on a limited number of “hard to
measure” industries—they are pervasive throughout the economy.
Meanwhile, however, firm-level studies can overcome some of the difficulties in
assessing the productivity gains from information technology. For example, it is
considerably easier at the firm level to make reasonable estimates of the investments in
intangible organizational capital and to observe changes in organizations, while it is
harder to formulate useful rules for measuring such investment at the macroeconomic
Firm-level studies may be less subject to aggregation error when firms make
different levels of investments in computers and thus could have different capabilities for
producing higher value products (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 1996, 2000). Suppose a firm
invests in information technology to improve product quality and consumers recognize
and value these benefits. If other firms do not make similar investments, any difference in
quality will lead to differences in the equilibrium product prices that each firm can
charge. When an analysis is conducted across firms, variation in quality will contribute to
differences in output and productivity and thus, will be measured as increases in the
output elasticity of computers. However, when firms with high quality products and firms
with low quality products are combined together in industry data (and subjected to the
same quality-adjusted deflator for the industry), both the information technology
investment and the difference in revenue will average out, and a lower correlation
between information technology and (measured) output will be detected. Interestingly,
Siegel (1997) found that the measured effect of computers on productivity was
substantially increased when he used a structural equation framework to directly model
the errors in production input measurement in industry-level data.
However, firm-level data can be an unreliable way to capture the social gains from
improved product quality. For example, not all price differences reflect differences in
product or service quality. When price differences are due to differences in market power
that are not related to consumer preferences, then firm-level data will lead to inaccurate
estimates of the productivity effects of information technology. Similarly, increases in
quality or variety (like new product introductions in supermarkets) can be a by-product of
anticompetitive product differentiation strategies, which may or may not increase total
welfare. Moreover, firm-level data will not fully capture the value of quality
improvements or other intangible benefits if these benefits are ubiquitous across an
industry, because then there will not be any interfirm variation in quality and prices.
Instead, competition will pass the gains on to consumers. In this case, firm-level data will
also understate the contribution of information technology investment to social welfare.
Erik Brynjolfsson and Lorin M. Hitt

Concerns about an information technology “productivity paradox” were raised in the
late 1980s. Over a decade of research since then has substantially improved our
understanding of the relationship between information technology and economic
performance. The firm-level studies in particular suggest that, rather than being
paradoxically unproductive, computers have had an impact on economic growth that is
disproportionately large compared to their share of capital stock or investment, and this
impact is likely to grow further in coming years.
44 Journal of Economic Perspectives
In particular, both case studies and econometric work point to organizational
complements such as new business processes, new skills and new organizational and
industry structures as a major driver of the contribution of information technology. These
complementary investments, and the resulting assets, may be as much as an order of
magnitude larger than the investments in the computer technology itself. However, they
go largely uncounted in our national accounts, suggesting that computers have made a
much larger real contribution to the economy than previously believed.
The use of firm-level data has cast a brighter light on the black box of production in
the increasingly information technology-based economy. The outcome has been a better
understanding of the key inputs, including complementary organizational assets, as well
as the key outputs including the growing roles of new products, new services, quality,
variety, timeliness and convenience. Measuring the intangible components of
complementary systems will never be easy. But if researchers and business managers
recognize the importance of the intangible costs and benefits of computers and undertake
to evaluate them, a more precise assessment of these assets needn’t be beyond

y Portions of this manuscript are to appear in MIS Review and in an edited volume, The
Puzzling Relations Between Computer and the Economy, Nathalie Greenan, Yannick
Lhorty and Jacques Mairesse, eds., MIT Press, 2001.
The authors thank David Autor, Brad De Long, Robert Gordon, Shane Greenstein,
Dale Jorgenson, Alan Krueger, Dan Sichel, Robert Solow, Kevin Stiroh and Timothy
Taylor for valuable comments on (portions of) earlier drafts. This work is funded in part
by NSF Grant
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