BFS 800 2014
BFS 800 2014
BFS 800 2014
Management Division
Management Philosophy
(BSF 800)
Communication Management Division 2014
Dear student
The Greek philosopher Pericles remarked more than 2,000 years ago:
“He who has all the knowledge in the world and is unable to express that knowledge, is at
the level of him that has no knowledge at all”
The above quotation is indicative of all our communication….
The subject Management Philosophy (BSF 800) will provide you with knowledge
of the background and impact of management philosophy on management and
communication through the years. Management Philosophy focuses on the most
salient and current issues in the broader encompassing environment within which the
discipline of Communication Management is practiced. It is aimed at providing
students with a macro-perspective on some of the signifcant dynamic processes in
the strategic environment before you begin to focus and concentrate on the subject
specific topics within your respective fields of study.
In this subject you will be exposed to various topics. The learning experience
will consist of a variety of learning occasions such as doing individual assignments
and participating in group discussions during contact sessions. I (and on occasion
guest speakers), will share knowledge by means of presentations and in-depth
discussions to further enhance the learning experience. In all cases, the required
reading will be the basis for discussions and for doing your assignments and
examination projects.
A pragmatic and research approach will be followed in the course and
students will be encouraged to develop research skills that will equip them to do
basic and applied research.
I trust that you will enjoy your learning experience with us and that you will be
able to apply what you have learned in the classroom to your work environment.
To recap what has already been mentioned in the general studyguide for the
coursework master’s in Communicaiton Management: Each of the contact sessions
will consist of three elements:
Introductory lecture/discussion
The interactive and participative discussion of the topic will be fairly unstructured and
be determined and facilitated by the lecturer. Each student will be expected to
participate through critical debating of the topic and experience-sharing. Students
should be prepared to take initiative and introduce relevant topics for discussion or
critically address points introduced by fellow students.
Social media and networks, virtual worlds and how new technology impacts
on corporate communication
Communication as value-add and one of the “capitals”
Reputation versus character – can there be a virtuous organisation?
TOTAL: 100%
For the individual assignments (the critical questions), each student will be expected
6.1 Select one of the following themes for BSF 800:
Executive summary
Body of the assignment (no more than 10 points – headings)
The assignment should not exceed 30 typed A4 pages, Arial (12 point) and 1.5 line
spacing – references, graphs and addenda excluded.
The examination session will take the form of an individual presentation (and written
documentation) on how you will incorporate Management Philosophy into your
business report, article and conference presentation. Presentation times for this
purpose will be finalised during the course of the first semester, but will take place in
the May contact session. The broad outline of the presentation and discussion is to
be submitted to the lecturer on the day of the examination presentation.
A written document which will eventually form part of the conference paper,
the business report and the article.
More detail and a mark allocation will be forwarded during the course of the first
semester. Examples will also be forwarded.