Geotechnical Earthquake

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Geotechnical earthquake engineering can be defined as that subspecialty within the field
of geotechnical engineering which deals with the design and construction of projects in
order to resist the effects of earthquakes. Geotechnical earthquake engineering requires an
understanding of basic geotechnical principles as well as geology, seismology, and earth-
quake engineering. In a broad sense, seismology can be defined as the study of earthquakes.
This would include the internal behavior of the earth and the nature of seismic waves gen-
erated by the earthquake.
The first step in geotechnical earthquake engineering is often to determine the dynamic
loading from the anticipated earthquake (the anticipated earthquake is also known as the
design earthquake). For the analysis of earthquakes, the types of activities that may need
to be performed by the geotechnical engineer include the following:
● Investigating the possibility of liquefaction at the site (Chap. 6). Liquefaction can cause
a complete loss of the soil’s shear strength, which could result in a bearing capacity fail-
ure, excessive settlement, or slope movement.
● Calculating the settlement of the structure caused by the anticipated earthquake (Chap. 7).
● Checking the design parameters for the foundation, such as the bearing capacity and
allowable soil bearing pressures, to make sure that the foundation does not suffer a bear-
ing capacity failure during the anticipated earthquake (Chap. 8).
● Investigating the stability of slopes for the additional forces imposed during the design
earthquake. In addition, the lateral deformation of the slope during the anticipated earth-
quake may need to be calculated (Chap. 9).
● Evaluating the effect of the design earthquake on the stability of retaining walls (Chap. 10).
● Analyzing other possible earthquake effects, such as surface faulting and resonance of
the structure (Chap. 11).
● Developing site improvement techniques to mitigate the effects of the anticipated earth-
quake. Examples include ground stabilization and groundwater control (Chap. 12).
● Determining the type of foundation, such as a shallow or deep foundation, that is best
suited for resisting the effects of the design earthquake (Chap. 13).
● Assisting the structural engineer by investigating the effects of ground movement due to
seismic forces on the structure and by providing design parameters or suitable structural
systems to accommodate the anticipated displacement (Chap. 13).

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In many cases, the tasks listed above may be required by the building code or other reg-
ulatory specifications (Chap. 14). For example, the Uniform Building Code (1997), which
is the building code required for construction in California, states (code provision submit-
ted by the author, adopted in May 1994):

The potential for soil liquefaction and soil strength loss during earthquakes shall be evalu-
ated during the geotechnical investigation. The geotechnical report shall assess potential con-
sequences of any liquefaction and soil strength loss, including estimation of differential
settlement, lateral movement or reduction in foundation soil-bearing capacity, and discuss mit-
igating measures. Such measures shall be given consideration in the design of the building and
may include, but are not limited to, ground stabilization, selection of appropriate foundation
type and depths, selection of appropriate structural systems to accommodate anticipated dis-
placement or any combination of these measures.

The intent of this building code requirement is to obtain an estimate of the foundation
displacement caused by the earthquake-induced soil movement. In terms of accuracy of the
calculations used to determine the earthquake-induced soil movement, Tokimatsu and Seed
(1984) conclude:

It should be recognized that, even under static loading conditions, the error associated with
the estimation of settlement is on the order of 25 to 50%. It is therefore reasonable to expect
less accuracy in predicting settlements for the more complicated conditions associated with
earthquake loading.…In the application of the methods, it is essential to check that the final
results are reasonable in light of available experience.


An engineering geologist is an individual who applies geologic data, principles, and interpre-
tation so that geologic factors affecting the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of
civil engineering works are properly recognized and utilized (Geologist and Geophysicist Act
1986). In some areas of the United States, there may be minimal involvement of engineering
geologists except for projects involving such items as rock slopes or earthquake fault studies.
In other areas of the country, such as California, the geotechnical investigations are usually per-
formed jointly by the geotechnical engineer and the engineering geologist. The majority of
geotechnical reports include both engineering and geologic aspects of the project, and the
report is signed by both the geotechnical engineer and the engineering geologist.
The primary duty of the engineering geologist is to determine the location of faults,
investigate the faults in terms of being either active or inactive, and evaluate the historical
records of earthquakes and their impact on the site. These studies by the engineering geol-
ogist will help to define the design earthquake parameters, such as the peak ground accel-
eration and magnitude of the anticipated earthquake. The primary duty of the geotechnical
engineer is to determine the response of soil and rock materials for the design earthquake
and to provide recommendations for the seismic design of the structure.


Like most fields, geotechnical engineering has its own unique terms and definitions.
Appendix A presents a glossary, which has been divided into five different parts, as follows:
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Glossary 1: Field Testing Terminology

Glossary 2: Laboratory Testing Terminology
Glossary 3: Terminology for Engineering Analysis and Computations
Glossary 4: Compaction, Grading, and Construction Terminology
Glossary 5: Earthquake Terminology


A list of symbols is provided at the beginning of most chapters. An attempt has been made
to select those symbols most frequently listed in standard textbooks and used in practice.
Units that are used is this book consist of the following:

1. International System of Units (SI).

2. Inch-pound units (I-P units), which is also frequently referred to as the U.S. Customary
System (USCS) units. Appendix C presents factors that can be used to convert USCS
values into SI units.

In some cases, figures have been reproduced that use the old metric system (e.g., stress
in kilograms per centimeter squared). These figures have not been revised to reflect SI


Part 1 of the book, which consists of Chaps. 2 through 4, presents a brief discussion of basic
earthquake principles, common earthquake effects, and structural damage caused by earth-
quakes. Numerous photographs are used in these three chapters in order to show the com-
mon types of earthquake effects and damage.
Part 2 of the book deals with the essential geotechnical earthquake engineering analy-
ses, as follows:
● Field exploration (Chap. 5)
● Liquefaction (Chap. 6)
● Settlement of structures (Chap. 7)
● Bearing capacity (Chap. 8)
● Slope stability (Chap. 9)
● Retaining walls (Chap. 10)
● Other earthquake effects (Chap. 11)

Part 3 of the book (Chaps. 12 and 13) presents commonly used site improvement meth-
ods and foundation alternatives. Part 4 (Chap. 14) presents a brief introduction to building
codes as they pertain to geotechnical earthquake engineering.
As mentioned in Sec. 1.3, a glossary in included in App. A. Other items are presented
in the appendices:
● Data from the EQSEARCH, EQFAULT, and FRISKSP computer programs (App. B)
● Conversion factors (App. C)
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● Example of the portion of the geotechnical report dealing with earthquake engineering
(App. D)
● Solution to problems (App. E)
● References (App. F)

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