Inspection (Singapore)
Inspection (Singapore)
Inspection (Singapore)
Copyright @ 2000 by the Building and Construction Authority, Singapore. All rights
reserved. No part may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
presented in this publication, neither the Board nor its employees or agents can
accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred in connection with the use of
the contents.
1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................1
Apart from site inspection, the assessment also includes tests on the materials
and the functional performance of selected services and installations. These tests
help to safeguard the interest of building occupants in relation to safety, comfort
and aesthetic defects which surface only after sometime.
2.0 CONQUAS 21
In CONQUAS 21, the weightages for Structural, Architectural and M&E works
are allocated according to four categories of buildings as follows:
The CONQUAS score of a building is the sum of points awarded to the three
components in each category of buildings.
2.4 Sampling
As it is impractical to assess all elements in a building, CONQUAS 21 uses a
sampling system for the assessment. The sampling system, which is based on
the gross floor area of the building, will ensure that the assessment adequately
represents the entire building.
The scoring will be done on the works that are inspected for the first time.
Rectification and correction carried out after the assessment will not be re-
scored. The objective of this practice is to encourage contractors "doing things
right the first time".
When an assessed item does not comply with the corresponding CONQUAS
standards, it is considered failed and a "X" will be noted in the assessment form.
Likewise a "4" is required for an item meeting the standards. A "-" will
indicate that the item is not applicable. The score is computed based on the
number of "4" over the total number of items assessed.
*If total precast concrete volume exceeds 20% of total structural concrete
volume, assessment will be carried out for precast concrete construction and the
points will be distributed proportionately between formwork/rebar assessment
and precast concrete assessment.
Concrete Compressive
2 - - - Test Report
NDT - Electro-Covermeter 2 20
5 5,000 m2 5 samples per set
test for concrete cover sets sets
The resulting score for the formwork/rebar/precast and finished concrete will be
the sum of the number of checks that meet the standards.
The assessment of the quality of concrete and steel reinforcement and the non-
destructive tests is based on compliance to the standards (see Appendix 1a).
The distribution of points for Structural Steelwork and Pre-stressed Concrete are
as follows:
Commercial CAT C CAT D
Locations Industrial Institution Public Landed
Institution & Others Housing Properties
Principal 60% 40% 60% 40% 40%
An item under assessment will be considered failed if it does not meet the
standards. In addition, any item found to be defective functionally such as
evidence of water seepage in the window, slab, ceiling or roof, is considered to
have failed the assessment. Likewise for a particular defect that is found
excessive in an item (say excessive cracks on a wall).
For the assessment of roof, a minimum 50% of the total number of buildings
will be assessed. This applies to the assessment of external walls where a
minimum 50% of the total number of buildings will be required. For a building,
the external wall will be divided into 4 walls for assessment.
(a) Link-way / Shelter - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(b) Apron & Drain - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(c) Roadwork & Carpark - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(d) Footpaths & Turfing - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(e) Playground - 1 location
(f) Court - 1 location
(g) Fencing & Gate - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(h) Swimming Pool - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(i) Club House - 1 location
(j) Guard House - 1 location
(k) Electrical Substation - 1 location
Each item in the External Works will be assessed separately and all the
locations listed above must be assessed where applicable.
The material & functional tests, including the water-tightness test for windows
and external wall joints, the Pull-Off test for internal wall tiles, ponding tests for
flat roofs and wet areas and silt content test for plastering sand, are awarded
based on evidence of passing the tests.
The assessment covers the following areas, with their weightages allocated in
accordance with the four categories of projects:
The assessment of Basic M&E Fittings will be carried out during the Internal
Finishes assessment.
Minimum Samples 35 25 10 10
Maximum Samples 70 50 20 20
Project Type - Commercial (CAT A)
Structural System - Reinforced Concrete system with 31% precast
concrete volume and steelworks at 75% to 25%
cost ratio
Roofing System - Non-accessible Pitched Roof
External Wall - Full Glass Curtain Wall
As the External Works, Flat Roof and External Wall Paint are not applicable for
this particular assessment, the Architectural Score will be pro-rated as below:
Arch Score = (Actual Score / (100 - Ext Works - Ext Wall Paint Warranty - Roof - Flat Roof Warranty -
Flat Roof Ponding Test)) X 100
= (59.2 / (100 - 6 -1 - 4 - 1 - 2)) X 100
= 68.8
Item* Standards
1 Formwork
1a Formwork dimensions and 1) Tolerance for cross-sectional dimensions of cast in-situ & precast
openings for services elements: +10mm / -5mm
1b Alignment, plumb and level 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its position: 10mm
4) For cast in-situ elements, the deviation of level of any point from
the intended level: ±10mm
2b Anchorages & lap lengths 1) Required lap length not less than that specified
Item* Standards
3a Dimension for elements / 1) Tolerance for cross-sectional dimension of cast in-situ and
opening for services precast elements: +10mm / -5mm
2) Tolerance for opening: +10 for size and ±25mm for location
3b Alignment, plumb and level 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its position: ±10mm
3c Exposed surface 1) Should not have visual exposure of groups of coarse aggregates
resulting from grout leakage
Item* Standards
5) No cracks or damages
4 Precast Specific
4a Lifting points/inserts 1) Tolerance for position: ±20mm from centre line location in
4b Sleeve system/connections 1) Tolerance for position: ±6mm from centre line location in
4d Cast-in steel items/welded 1) Tolerance for position of cast-in steel items: ±6mm from centre
& bolted connections line location in drawings
Item* Standards
5 Structure Quality
5a Concrete Cube test 1) According to specifications; for every pour of concrete, test
cubes results at 28 days must satisfy the passing criteria as in BS
5b Reinforcement (Rebar) 1) To pass the tensile strength test for all the reinforcement bars
used as according to SS2
2) All the welded steel fabric used to comply with SS32 in their
respective specified characteristic strength of not less than 250 N
per mm2, 460 N per mm2 and 485 N per mm2
Item* Standards
6 Non-destructive testing
6a Ultra Pulse Velocity test for 1) To conduct NDT using ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) to check
Concrete Uniformity the degree of uniformity of hardened concrete
3) Assessment is based on :
6b Electro-Covermeter test for 1) To check hardened concrete cover for reinforcement bars after
concrete cover casting: minimum 25mm or higher as according to specification
c 1 for beam @ 2 readings each on the soffit and one side of the
3) For each reading, full point for ±5mm and half point for >±5mm
to ±8mm. For each location, no point will be awarded if any of
the 4 readings exceeds ±12mm.
For the assessment of concrete cube test results, the percentage of points shall be awarded based on the
percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below :
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective date : 1st Jan 2003 Page 20
Appendix 1b
Item* Standards
1 Main member/Partial
assembled component
1a Physical dimensions 1) Cross sectional tolerance should not be less than the structural
steel specifications or approved plan
1c Welding 1) Weld size, length and profile shall meet the structural steel
specifications and drawings
1d Bolting 1) Bolts and washers, type, size and number shall be according to
the structural steel specifications
3) The condition of bolted parts adjacent to the bolt heads, nuts, flat
washers, connection gussets and splice plates shall be free from
oil, paint, and loose mill scales or otherwise specified by the
structural steel specifications
Item* Standards
2 Metal decking
2a Type and condition 1) Correct type and thickness of metal decking used
6) All accessories such as pour stop, end closures and cover plates
must be in place before concreting
4) All welds should show a full 360-degree weld fillet. All welds
free from visible damages
3 Erection tolerances
3b Column position 1) The position in plan of a steel column at the base shall not
deviate from the specified position by more than 10mm along
either of the principal setting out axes
3c Beam level 1) Maximum deviation of level at each end of the same beam:
2) The level of the top of the steelwork at any storey shall be within
±10mm of the specified level
3d Beam position 1) Beams shall not deviate from their specified positions relative to
the column to which they are connected by more than 5mm
Item* Standards
4a Thickness of coating 1) Average thickness of the coating or the protective layer must not
be less than specified
5 Welding test reports# 1) Reports for 5% of critical welding joints from the specified
contract requirements must to be submitted
# For test records, the following table would be used to determine the points awarded:
Item* Standards
1 Condition of tendons & 1) All pre-stressing strands and wires should comply with the
anchorages specified standards and requirements and be free from loose rust,
oil, tar, paint and any foreign objects
2 Installation of sheathing 1) Sheathing properly secured and protected and free from damage
or puncture
3 Stressing & Grouting 1) Tendon ducts clean and free from foreign objects and tendon free
process moving in the duct
4 Debonding 1) Open ends of debond tubes over the debond length of strands
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Item* Standards
1 Floors
2) No crack
4) Falls in wet areas like kitchen and toilet should be in the correct
direction towards floor traps or discharge points
10) Consistent skirting thickness and no gap between wall & skirting
2) Surfaces are even and levelled to proper falls in wet areas like
kitchen and toilet
3) Joints are aligned and consistent with skirting and wall tiles
Item* Standards
1e Raised Floor 1) Evenness of surface (not more than 3mm per 1.2m)
2 Internal Walls
2a General 1) Walls meet at right angles (not more than 4mmover 300mm)
2c Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and with consistent joint size
Item* Standards
2g Pre-cast concrete planks 1) Alignment with adjacent planks not more than 3mm
Item* Standards
3 Ceilings
3a Skim Coats 1) Overall surface should be even, gaps between light fittings and
ceiling should not be seen
6) No visible damage
Item* Standards
4) Door joints and nail holes filled up, properly sanded down and
with good paint finish (including on top and bottom of door leaf
and consistent in colour)
5) Consistent gap between door leaf and frame and not more than
4) Consistent gap between window leaf and frame and not more
than 5mm
10) Neat joint between window and wall internally and externally
Item* Standards
6 Components
6b Other components 1) For permanent fixtures which are not covered in the standards,
the fundamentals such as evenness, straightness, no stain,
verticality, consistency and no visible damage will still be the
basis for assessment
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
2) No cracks or chips
9) No paint defects
Pitched Roof
2) No leaking
3) No rust or stains
6) No paint defects
Item* Standards
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
3) Straightness of corners
3 Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and between 2-4mm wide unless specified
4) No efflorescence
Item* Standards
1 Items to be assessed
1a Link-Way / Shelter
1b Apron & Drain
1c Roadwork & Carpark
1d Footpaths & Turfing
1e Playground
1f Court
1g Fences & Gate
1h Swimming Pool
1i Club House
1j Guard House
1k Electrical Substation
4) No ponding
Item* Standards
7 Kerbs & aeration slabs 1) Kerbs with correct alignment (20mm / 50m long) and evenness at
4) No corrosion
Item* Standards
3) For permanent fixtures that are not covered in the standards, the
fundamental rules for installation and workmanship such as
evenness, straightness, verticality, no visible damages and
consistency will still be the basis for assessment
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
2 External Wall Paint 1) To provide Warranty covering both supply and installation of
painting works
3 Roof Waterproofing System 1) To provide Warranty covering both supply and installation of
waterproofing system
4 Field water-tightness Test 1) No sign of leakage using BCA's Water-tightness Test for
for external wall (include Windows & External Wall Joints or HDB's Hose Method (for
window and curtain wall HDB's projects)
2) BCA's Water-tightness Test parameters:
5 Water-tightness test for 1) No sign of leakage after ponding wet areas over a minimum
internal wet areas (e.g. period of 24 hrs.
toilets, kitchen, etc)
For the assessment of the field water-tightness test for external wall, the number of points shall be awarded
based on the percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below :
Item* Standards
1 Embedded Conduits
No visible damage
2 Main Cables
No visible damage
3 Surface Conduits
Item* Standards
No visible damage
5 Distribution Board
No visible damage
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
1 Ductwork
Location & Installation 1) Location and ductwork installed according to approved shop
No Visible Damage
2 Fire-Rated Ducts
Location & Installation 1) Location and ductwork installed according to approved shop
No Visible Damage
3 Flexible Ducts
No Visible Damage
4 Flexible Connectors
No Visible Damage
Item* Standards
5 Dampers
No Visible Damage
6 Fire Dampers
No Visible Damage
Seal Penetration 5) Proper sealant of wall or roof opening after pipes are fixed
No Visible Damage
Item* Standards
8 Air-Con Comfort
Air Flow 2) Room airflow rate not exceeding 0.25 m/s or according to
Relative Humidity 3) Room relative humidity not more than 60% or according to
Location & Installation 1) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop drawings
No Visible Damage
10 Pump
Location & Installation 1) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop drawings
No Visible Damage
Item* Standards
11 Cooling Tower
Self-Earthing System 1) Cooling tower completed with self-earthing system for connection
to building lightning protection system
Location & Installation 2) Name plate installed with manufacturer's name, serial number and
model number
12 Pipework
including Chilled water, Hot
water, Steam, Condenser
water, Condenser drain, Cold
Water make-up, water
treatment and refrigerant 1) Pipe installed as per approved shop drawing
Paints & Support 2) Pipework provided with drains at each low point and automatic air
vents with manual isolating valve at each high point
No Visible Damage 4) Fire stop for passage of pipes at opening for fire resistance walls
and floor
13 Chiller
Location & Installation 1) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop drawing
No Visible Damage
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
4) Landing valve painted red for wet riser / yellow for dry riser
No Visible Damage
2 Sprinkler
Location & Installation 1) Location, sprinkler and pipe layouts and sizes as per approved
shop drawing
No Visible Damage
Item* Standards
3 Fire Alarm
Location & Installation 1) Location of fire alarm panel, breakglass & bell is correct
Fire Alarm Zoning Diagram 5) Fire Alarm Zoning diagram provided near panels / sub-panels
No Visible Damage
4 Hosereel
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
1 Concealed Pipes
Location & Installation 1) Pipes properly support, bent without distortion, kink and damage
3) Proper joints
No Visible Damage
2 Exposed Pipes
Location & Installation 1) Location of pipes installed and labeled as per approved shop
Clearance 10) Do not cause obstruction / pose safety hazard at public area
Item* Standards
3 Water Tank
Location & Installation 1) Location, type & capacity as per approved shop drawing
Location & Installation 1) Location & type as per approved shop drawing
No Visible Damage
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met
Item* Standards
3) No leakage at joints
2) No leakage at joints
3) No chipping or cracks
2 M&E Fittings e.g. power point, telephone point, air-con diffuser, fan coil unit,
lighting, smoke alarm, sprinkler heads, CATV camera, etc.
Item* Standards
2) No stains
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met