Aftab Annual Report 2018 PDF
Aftab Annual Report 2018 PDF
Aftab Annual Report 2018 PDF
Hon’ble Shareholders
Regulatory Authorities and concerned
Sub : Annual Report for the year ended June 30, 2018.
Dear Sir(s):
We are pleased to enclose a copy of Annual Report together with the audited financial statements for
the year ended June 30, 2018 for your kind information.
Sincerely yours,
(Tareq Enamur Rahim)
Company Secretary
Board of Directors
Shafiul Islam
Managing Director
Saiful Islam Audit Committee
M. Obaidur Rahman, FCA- Chairman
Directors (Independent Director)
Khaleda Islam Sajedul Islam- Member
Sajedul Islam
Ekramul Haq, FCA- Member
Farhana Islam (Independent Director)
Independent Directors
M. Obaidur Rahman, FCA Auditors
Ekramul Haq, FCA Malek Siddiqui Wali
Chartered Accountants
9-G, Motijheel C/A, (2nd floor)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Company Secretary
Tareq Enamur Rahim
Legal Advisor
Chief Financial Officer Abdur Razzaque & Associates
Kazi Ehsanul Huq FCA Barristers & Advocates
Suite # 5/1, City Heart (4th Floor)
Head of Internal Audit 67, Naya Paltan
Muhammad Abidur Rahman FCA Dhaka, Bangladesh
Subsidiary Company
Navana Batteries Limited
A] Vehicle Assembling Plant
B] Navana Battery Plant
Principal Bankers Fouzderhat Heavy Industrial Estate,
Bank Asia Limited Chittagong, Bangladesh
Agrani Bank Limited
NRB Commercial BANK Limited C] Bus-body Fabrication Plant
Coatbari, Dipnagar, Gabtoli
Sotheast Bank Limited
Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
Commercial Office
House#16/B, Road#93,
Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Registered Office
125/A, Motijheel C/A,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Website :
Notice of 38th Annual General Meeting 04
Directors’ Report 08
Graphical Presentation 14
Audit Committee 20
Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders of Aftab Automobiles Limited & it’s subsidiary 24
aftab automobiles limited
Notice is hereby given that the 38th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the shareholders of the Company
shall be held on 09 December 2018 at 9:30 AM at International Convention City Bashundhara (Pushpoguscha,
Hall-2), Kuril Bishwa Road, Purbachal Express Highway, Dhaka to transact the following businesses: -
1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2018 together
with auditors’ and directors’ reports thereon.
2. To declare dividend.
3. To re-elect directors.
4. To appoint new Independent Director and re-appoint existing Independent Director for further one term.
5. To appoint auditors and fix their remuneration.
6. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.
Dated : Dhaka (Tareq Enamur Rahim)
28.10.2018 Company Secretary
a) The shareholders whose names will appear in the Share Register of the Company and/or Depository
Register of CDBL as on record date, i.e., 20 November 2018 will be entitled to attend the AGM and
receive dividend.
c) The Proxy Form affixed with requisite revenue stamp of Tk.20/- must be deposited at the Company’s
Registered Office at least 48 hours prior to the AGM.
d) Shareholders bearing BO ID are requested to update their 12 Digit e-TIN and address through their
Depository Participant (DP) by 20 November 2018 (Record Date) and shareholders bearing Folio
Numbers are requested to submit their 12 Digit e-TIN Certificate to the Share Department of the
Company before 09.12.2018 (AGM Date).
e) The Annual Report-2018 alongwith Attendance Slip and the Proxy Form will be available in the
Company’s website
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange
Commission Gi wewa-wb‡la _vKvq evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †Kvb cÖKvi Dcnvi/Avc¨vq‡bi e¨e¯’v _vK‡e bv|
aftab automobiles limited
†Pqvig¨vb-Gi wee„wZ
wcÖq †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avmmvjvgy AvjvBKzg
Avwg Avcbv‡`i mevB‡K †Kv¤úvbxi 38Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q Ges weMZ 30†k Ryb
2018 mv‡j mgvß A_©eQ‡i †Kv¤úvbxi Kvh©µ‡gi GKwU msw¶ß weeib Dc¯’vcb KiwQ|
‡Kv¤úvbxi ms‡hvRb BDwbU Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i 394 wU bb-GqviKwÛkÛ wn‡bv wW‡Rj evm †Pwmm ms‡hvRb
K‡i hv Avgv‡`i cÖZ¨vwkZ j¶¨gvÎvi †P‡q Kg| Gi GKwU KviY nj Ab¨vb¨ cwien‡bi gva¨‡g hvZvqv‡Zi
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Kivi wm×všÍ †bq|
Avwg Avcbv‡`i‡K Av‡iv AeMZ Ki‡Z PvB †h, †Kv¤úvbxi Avg`vbxK…Z wn‡bv bZzb g‡Wj RN8J m¤ú~Y©
ˆZix wejvmeûj GqviKwÛkÛ evm 30 †k Ryb 2018 Zvwi‡L mgvß A_©eQ‡i 29wU evm weµq n‡q‡Q Ges
AvMvgx‡Z GB evmwUi weµq Av‡iv e„w× cv‡e e‡j Avwg Avkv KiwQ|
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Kvi‡Y G eQ‡i cÖZ¨vwkZ djvdj cvIqv hvq bvB| AvkvKwi AvMvgx eQ‡i G Ae¯’vi DbœwZ n‡e|
Avwg †Kv¤úvbxi †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`, MÖvnK, †i¸‡jUix KZ…©c¶, c„ô‡cvlK, ïfvKv•Lx‡`i Ae¨vnZ mg_©b I
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(kwdDj Bmjvg)
aftab automobiles limited
I am pleased to welcome you all at the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Company and place before
you a summarized statement of the activities of the Company for the financial year ended June
The Assembling Unit of the Plant has produced 394 units of non-air-conditioned Hino Diesel Bus Chassis
during the year under review which is less than our desired target. One reason for this is we have noted
that the passengers have opted to switchover to other mode of transport causing decline in travelling
by roads. This has ultimately created less demand for new buses. Due to such, the Company has
decided to import less CKD components of Hino Diesel Bus Chassis.
As far as Hino new model RN8J completely built-up Luxurious Airconditioned Bus is concerned, the
company have already sold 29 units of bus during the year ended June 30, 2018. The demand for this
luxurious bus is encouraging and the Company hopes to increase it’s sales in the next financial year.
Although there has been a marginal decline in demand for new buses during the year under review but
body fabrication In the Bus Body Fabrication Unit has not declined comparatively. I hope situation will
improve in the next financial year.
In the Motorcycle Unit of the Company production and sales of motorcycles has increased.
In the subsidiary Company “Navana Batteries Limited” Tk. 145.40 crore has been added to the sales of
the Company. It may be mentioned here that due to import of low cost batteries from abroad, which
had a negative impact on the market, the Company could not achieve its desired target. We hope
market will improve in the next year.
I would like to express deep appreciation to the shareholders, customers, regulatory bodies, patrons
and well-wishers for their continuous support and co-operation extended to the Company. I expect
support from them will continue in the years to come.
(Shafiul Islam)
aftab automobiles limited
Snapshots of
37th Annual General Metting
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
Dear Shareholders,
Dear Shareholders,
The Board of Directors is please to present before you the Directors’ Report and the Auditors’ Report alongwith the
audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2018.
The principal activities of the Company during the year is summarized hereunder :
In the Assembling Unit of the Company, 394 units of Hino Diesel Bus Chassis (Model: AK1JMKA) were produced and 29
units CBU Hino Luxurious Airconditioned Buses (Model: RN8J) were sold. These have contributed an amount of Tk. 237
crore to the Company’s turn-over.
In the Bus Body Fabrication Unit of the Company, the Unit has fabricated 180 units of Hino air-conditioned and non-air-
conditioned bus body. This Unit has contributed an amount of Tk. 28 crore to the sales of the Company.
The Motorcycle Unit has assembled 7015 units of motorcycles and contributed an amount of Tk. 71 crore to the
Company’s sales.
amount in taka
2018 2017
Retained Earnings Brought Forward 2,720,243,834 2,416,847,684
Add: Net Profit for the year after tax 249,296,756 396,639,231
Recommended for appropriations:
2018 2017
Cash Dividend @ 12 % 16%(Without Sponsors) (114,878,906) (93,243,081)
In appropriated profit carried forward 2,854,661,684 2,720,243,834
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
Mission & Vision
The mission of the Board of Directors is engaged in market change feasibility study on different types of vehicles and
Battery products in Bangladesh so as to boost up sales and increase our market share protecting the investment of
A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin (Consolidated).
amount in '000" taka
Particulars June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017
Revenues (Turnover) 4,813,708 4,771,209
Cost of goods sold 3,868,847 3,706,219
Gross profit 944,861 1,064,989
Net profit for the year after Tax 256,474 394,535
Margin Analysis
Gross profit margin and Net profit margin compare.
2018 2017
Gross Profit 19.63% 22.32%
Net Profit 5.33% 8.27%
Extra-Ordinary Events
No events of extra ordinary gain or loss which would require adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements
occurred during the reporting period.
Books of Accounts
Proper books of accounts of the Company were maintained.
Accounting Policies
Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in preparation of the financial statements and the
accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgment.
Internal Control
The systems of internal controls were sound and were implemented and monitored effectively.
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
Going Concern
There are no significant doubts about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The Board of Directors has
reviewed the Company’s business plan and is satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue its operations in
the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the financial statements are prepared on the going concern basis.
The Board of Directors of your Company has recommended cash dividend @ 12% to the shareholders of the Company for the
year ended June 30, 2018.
The shareholders whose names will appear in the share register of the Company and/or Depository Register of CDBL as on
Record Date i.e., November 20, 2018 will be entitled to the dividend (subject to approval in the Annual General Meeting of
the Company scheduled to be held on 09 December 2018).
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
Pattern of Shareholding:
iv. Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest in the Company:
Mr. Shafiul Islam is the Chairman of Navana Group, consisting of companies involved amongst others in vehicles
assembling, bus body fabrication, trading; real estate; construction; CNG conversion and CNG stations;
electronics; petroleum and renewable energy
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
Names of companies in which Mr. Shafiul Islam also holds the directorship:
Navana Limited, Navana CNG Limited, Navana Real Estate Limited,Navana Construction Ltd.,Navana Foods
Ltd.,Navana Building Products Ltd., Navana Interlinks Ltd.,Navana Electronics Ltd.,Navana Batteries Ltd., Navana
Furniture Ltd.,Navana Engineering Ltd., Navana Welding Electrode Limited, Navana Plastic Products Ltd.Navana
Power Generation Ltd., Navana Toyota Service Center Ltd.,Essential Industries Ltd., Eastern Printing Press Ltd.,
Orion Complex Ltd., Kenhill Paper Mills Ltd., Navana Computers & Tech Ltd., Navana Services Ltd., Road Linkers
Ltd., Navana Taxi Cab Co. Ltd., Navana Power Co. Ltd., Navana Denims Ltd., Navana Knitting Ltd., Navana Feed
Mills Ltd., Navana Software Ltd., Navana Plantation Ltd., Navana Exports Ltd., Navana Logistics Ltd., Navana
Renewable Energy Ltd., Navana Lingerie Ltd., Navana Fabrics Ltd., Navana Gas Co. Ltd., Navana Paints Ltd.,
Navana Equities Ltd., Navana Electrical & Energy Saving Products Ltd., Navana Properties Ltd., and Navana LPG
Names of companies in which Mrs. Khaleda Islam also holds the directorship:
Navana Limited, Navana Real Estate Limited, Navana Construction Ltd., Navana Foods Ltd., Navana Electronics
Ltd.,Navana Batteries Ltd., Navana Toyota Service Center Ltd.,Navana Engineering Ltd., Navana Welding Electrode
Limited Navana Furniture Ltd., Navana Interlinks Ltd., Essential Industries Ltd., Eastern Printing Press Ltd., Orion
Complex Ltd., Kenhill Paper Mills Ltd., Biponon Ltd., Navana Computers & Tech Ltd., Navana Services Ltd., Road
Linkers Ltd., Navana Taxi Cab Co. Ltd., Navana Plastic Products Ltd., Navana Power Generation Ltd., Navana Power
Co. Ltd., Navana Denims Ltd., Navana Knitting Ltd., Navana Feed Mills Ltd., Navana Software Ltd., Navana
Plantation Ltd., Navana Exports Ltd., Navana Logistics Ltd., Navana Renewable Energy Ltd., Navana Lingerie Ltd.,
Navana Fabrics Ltd., Navana Gas Co. Ltd., Navana Paints Ltd., Navana Building Products Ltd., Navana Equities Ltd.,
Navana Electrical and Energy Saving Products Ltd.,Navana Properties Ltd., and Navana LPG Limited.
Appointment of Auditors
The existing auditors of the Company Malek Siddiqui Wali, Chartered Accountants has completed their audit for
three consecutive years. As per Listing Regulation No. 15(2)&15(3) of Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing) Regulations,
2015, no auditors be eligible for performing the auditing of the financial statements of the issuer of listed
securities for a consecutive period of three years. In this connection, three audit firms e.g.,Ata Khan & Co.,
Chartered Accountants, Ashfraf Uddin& Co., Chartered Accountants and Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co., Chartered
Accountants has expressed their willingness to conduct audit for the year ending on June 30, 2019.
The Board has recommended to appoint Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co., Chartered Accountants to audit the
financial statements of Aftab Automobiles Limited for the year ending on June 30, 2019 and fix their
remuneration at Tk. 3,00,000/- only, subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company in the ensuing
Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held on December 09, 2018.
aftab automobiles limited
directors' report to the shareholders
The Key Operating and Financial Data (Consolidated): Amount in '000 Taka
The Board wishes to express its sincere appreciation to all employees of Aftab Automobiles Limited for their
contribution and at the same time, thanks to all the stakeholders and concern for their continued support and
aftab automobiles limited
Graphical Presentation
in milion taka
Turnover (Net) PRODUCTION (Assembling unit)
in qty.
5,000 4,771
2,710 3,459 800 704
4,000 3,052 600
350 436
400 222 396
2,000 0
1,000 2015
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
aftab automobiles limited
Corporate Governance Compliance [F. Y. ended 30 June 2018]
The Company is determined to ensure good governance by complying with all the applicable rules and regulations of Corporate
Governance Guidelines of Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission. It has complied with all the requirements of
Corporate Governance and the Directors are pleased to confirm the following:
a) The financial statements together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the Companies Act, 1994
and Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Rules 1987. These statements present fairly the Company’s state of affairs, the
result of its operations, cash flow and changes in equity.
b) Proper books of accounts of the Company have been maintained.
c) Appropriate Accounting Policies have been consistently applied in preparation of the financial statements and that the
accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgment.
d) The International Accounting Standards, as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in preparation of the financial
e) The systems of internal control are sound and have been effectively implemented and monitored.
f) There are no significant doubts upon the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
g) There are no significant deviations in operating result of the business of the company compared to last year.
Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission’s Notification No.SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44
dated 07 August 2012 issued under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969:
(Report under condition number 7.00)
Condition Compliance Status Remarks
Title Not
No. Complied Complied (if any)
1 Board of Directors:
1.1 Board’s Size (Number of Directors – minimum 5 and maximum 20)
1.2 Independent Directors:
1.2 (i) At least one fifth of Directors should be Independent Directors;
1.2.(ii) “Independent Director” means a director-
1.2 (ii) a) Independent Director does not hold any share or holds less than
1% shares of the total paid-up capital;
1.2 (ii) b) Non connectivity with the Company’s sponsor or director or
shareholder who holds one percent or more shares on the basis
of family relationship;
1.2 (ii) c) Does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or
otherwise, with the Company or its subsidiary/associated companies;
1.2 (ii) d) Not a member, director or officer of any member of stock exchange;
1.2 (ii) e) Not a shareholder, Director or officer of any member of stock
exchange or an intermediary of the capital market;
1.2 (ii) f) Not is or was a partner or an executive during the preceding
3 (three) years of the company’s statutory audit firm;
1.2 (ii) g) Shall not be an Independent Director in more than 3 listed
1.2 (ii) h) Not convicted by court of competent jurisdiction for defaulting
any loan payment to a bank / non bank financial institution;
1.2 (ii) i) Non convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude;
1.2 (iii) Appointment of Independent Director shall be by board of
Directors and subsequently approved by shareholders in the
Annual General Meeting;
1.2 (iv) The post of Independent Director(s) cannot remain vacant for No such
more than 90 (ninety) days. incidence
1.2 (v) Code of conduct for all Board members and compliance matter;
1.2 (vi) Tenure of office of an Independent Director for a period of 3
(three) years, may be extended for 1 (one) term only.
Corporate Governance Compliance [F. Y. ended 30 June 2018]
aftab automobiles limited
Corporate Governance Compliance [F. Y. ended 30 June 2018]
aftab automobiles limited
Condition Compliance Status Remarks
Title Not
No. Complied Complied (if any)
1.5 (xxi) d) Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest in
the company (name wise details);
1.5 (xxii) In case of the appointment/ re-appointment of a director the
company shall disclose the following information to the shareholders:-
1.5 (xxii) a) Brief resume of the Director;
1.5(xxii) b) Nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas;
1.5 (xxii) c) Names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship
and the membership of committees of the board;
2. Chief Financial Officer( CFO), Head of Internal Audit (HIA) and
Company Secretary (CS)
2.1 Appoint of CFO, HIA and CS. The Board of Directors should clearly
define respective roles, responsibilities and duties of the CFO, the
HIA and the CS.
2.2 Presence of the CFO and CS in the Board Meeting;
3. Audit Committee
3 (i) Should have an Audit Committee as a sub-committee of the Board
of Directors;
3 (ii) Assisting Board of Directors in ensuring true and fair presentation of
financial statements and also to monitor systems;
3 (iii) Reporting and duties of the Audit Committee;
3.1 (i) The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three) members.
3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee
3.1 (i) Composition of Audit Committee (should be composed at least
3 [three] members.)
3.1 (ii) Audit Committee Members Appointment (members should
appointed by the Board with at least one Independent Director);
3.1 (iii) Financially literacy of committee members (members should be
financially literate;
3.1 (iv) Terms of Service of Audit Committee (Board to ensure continuity
of minimum prescribed number of members);
3.1 (v) Secretary of the committee;
3.1 (vi) Quorum of the Audit Committee meeting (at least one Independent
Director must present);
3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee
3.2 (i) Chairman of Audit Committee(Board to select Chairman from audit
committee who shall be an Independent Director);
3.2 (ii) Presence of Chairman of the audit committee Annual General Meeting;
3.3 Role of the Audit Committee
3.3 (i) Oversee the financial reporting process;
3.3 (ii) Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles;
3.3 (iii) Monitor Internal Control Risk management process;
3.3 (iv) Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors;
3.3 (v) Review of annual financial statements before submission to the board;
3.3 (vi) Review of quarterly and half yearly financial statements before
submission to the board;
3.3 (vii) Review the adequacy of internal audit function;
3.3 (viii) Review statement of significant related party transactions submitted
by the management;
3.3 (ix) Review Management Letters/ Letter of Internal Control weakness
issued by statutory auditors;
3.3 (x) Declaration to Audit Committee by the Company regards utilization
Not applicable
of IPO/RPO, Right issue money
Corporate Governance Compliance [F. Y. ended 30 June 2018]
aftab automobiles limited
Condition Compliance Status Remarks
Title Not
No. Complied Complied (if any)
3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee:
3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors;
3.4.1 (i) The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of
3.4.1 (ii) The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board of
Directors on the following findings, if any:-
3.4.1 (ii) a) Report on conflicts of interests;
3.4.1 (ii) b) Report on defect in the internal control system to the Board of Directors;
3.4.1 (ii) c) Suspected infringement of laws to the Board of Directors;
3.4.1 (ii) d) Any other matter (out of the above a-c).
3.4.2 Reporting to the Authorities- BSEC (if any material impact on the
financial condition & results of operation, unreasonably ignored
by the management).
3.5 Reporting to the shareholders (disclosure of the activities of the
audit committee in the annual report).
4. External/Statutory Auditors
4 (i) Appraisal or valuation services (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (ii) Financial information system (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (iii) Book-keeping or other services (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (iv) Broker-dealer services; (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (v) Actuarial services (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (vi) Internal audit services (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (vii) Any other services (none by the external/ statutory auditor);
4 (viii) Not to possess any share of the company (none by the external/
statutory auditor);
5. Subsidiary Company:
5 (i) Composition of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary Company;
5 (ii) Presence of Independent Director of holding company in the Board
of subsidiary company;
5 (iii) Review the Board meeting minutes of subsidiary company in the
Board meeting of the holding company;
5 (iv) Reflection in the holding company’s Board meeting minutes about
review of the affairs of subsidiary company;
5 (v) Review the financial statements of subsidiary company, in particular
the investments made by the subsidiary company.
6. Duties of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO):
6 (i) a) Financial statements do not contain any materially untrue statement
or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
6 (i) b) Financial statements together present a true and fair view of the
company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting
standards and applicable laws;
6 (ii) No transactions entered into by the company during the year which
are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the company’s code of conduct.
7. Reporting and Compliance of Corporate Governance:
7 (i) Certification on compliance of condition of Corporate Governance
Guidelines of BSEC and reporting to the shareholders;
7 (ii) Directors’ report should state about the compliance with the
conditions of the Corporate Governance Guideline of the Commission.
aftab automobiles limited
We have examined the compliance of conditions of corporate governance guidelines of the Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission(BSEC) by Aftab Automobiles Limited for the yearended on June 30, 2018 as stipulated in clause 7(i) of
the BSEC notification no BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44, dated 07 August 2012.
The Compliance of conditions of corporate governance guidelines as stated in the aforesaid notification and reporting of the
status of compliance is the responsibility of the management of Aftab Automobiles Limited. Our examination for issuing this
certification was limited to the checking of procedure and implementations thereof, adopted by Aftab Automobiles Limited
for ensuring the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance and correct reporting of compliance status on the
attached statement on the basis of evidence gathered and representation received.
To the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that, as reported on the attached
status of compliance statement, Aftab Automobiles Limited has complied with condition of corporate governance stipulated in
the above mentioned BSEC notification dated August 07, 2012.
Dated: Dhaka Atik Khaled Chowdhury
October 18, 2018 Chartered Accountants
aftab automobiles limited
Audit Committee
The Audit committee consists of the following members:
Internal Audit
• Audit Committee will observe the functions of internal audit department and its structure and confirm that no
barrier/limitation make hindrance against the work of the internal audit department.
• Audit Committee will examine the capabilities and effectiveness of internal audit department.
• Audit Committee will observe the management ’s function regarding the implementation/elimination of the
recommendations/errors/irregularities etc. found by the internal audit department.
• Audit Committee will submit their recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the change of any accounting
principle if they think necessary.
External Audit
• Audit Committee will examine the audit report and audit procedure of the external auditor of the company.
• Audit Committee will examine the implementation/elimination of the recommendation/observation/irregularities as
provided by the external auditor in their report by the management properly.
• Audit Committee will submit their recommend to the Board of Directors regarding appointment of external auditor of the
• Implementation/existence of practice of acts, rules and regulations
• Audit Committee will examine the implementation/existence of practice of the acts, rules and regulation enforced by the
Regulatory Authority like BSEC and other organizations and also adopted by the Board of Directors of the company on
regular basis.
aftab automobiles limited
Audit Committee
28 October 2018
The Committee reviewed and discussed the procedure and task of the internal audit, financial report preparation and the
external auditors’ observations in their reports on the financial statements of Aftab Automobiles Limited for the year ended
30 June 2018. The Committee found adequate arrangement to present a true and fair view of the financial statements of the
Company and did not find any material deviation, discrepancies or any adverse finding/observation in the areas of reporting.
The Committee also reviewed the financial statements of the subsidiary company ‘Navana Batteries Limited’ for the year
ended 30 June 2018 and found adequate arrangement to present a true and fair view of the financial statements.
( M. Obaidur Rahman )
Audit Committee
Aftab Automobiles Limited
aftab automobiles limited
Subject : Certification of Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer to the Board.
Dear Sirs
Pursuant to Condition No 6 of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Notification No. BSEC/ CMRRCD/
2006-158/134/Admin/44, dated August 07, 2012, we, do hereby certify that :
(i) We have reviewed financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2018 and that to the best
of our knowledge and belief:
(a) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact
or contain statements that might be misleading;
(b) these statements together present a true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in
compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws.
(ii) To the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the company during
the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the company’s code of conduct.
Sd/- Sd/-
(Kazi Ehsanul Huq, FCA) (Saiful Islam)
Chief Financial Officer Managing Director
October 18, 2018
Hino AK1J AC Bus
gv‡jK wmwÏKx Iqvjx, PvU©vW© GKvDb‡U›Um
9-wR, gwZwSj evwbwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv-1000
PHONE: OFF: +88029513471
PABX: 9576128: 9576118-9
Partners: Md. Waliullah, FCA FAX: 880-2-9516236
Mr. Swadesh Ranjan Saha, FCA Email:
Md. Habibur Rahman Sarker, FCA 9-G, MOTIJHEEL C/A,
Mr. Anjan Mallik, FCA Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders
Aftab Automobiles Limited and its Subsidiary
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Aftab Automobiles Limited (the Company), which
comprise the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2018, and the consolidated statement of Profit or Loss and other
comprehensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows for the period/
year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information disclosed in Notes and
Schedule-A. We have also audited the attached financial statements of Aftab Automobiles Limited which comprise the
statement of financial position as at June 30, 2018 and statements of cash flows for the period/ year then ended and a
summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. The financial statements of one subsidiary disclosed in
note 2.7 to the financial statements are audited by Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
Management of the company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), and for such internal control as management determine is
necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
Auditors’ responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in
accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements
and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal
control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s
internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of Aftab Automobiles Limited and its
subsidiary as of June 30, 2017, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the period/ year then ended in accordance
with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS) and comply with the applicable sections of the Companies Act, 1994, the
Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations.
Emphasis of Matter:
In our opinion financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of Aftab Automobiles Limited and its
subsidiary as of June 30, 2018, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the period/ year then ended in accordance
with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS) and comply with the applicable sections of the Companies Act, 1994, the
Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations.
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
Current assets
Receivables -Current Maturity 6 (a) 2,217,118,700 1,647,745,470
Stock and stores 7 (a) 1,930,448,231 2,131,143,582
Current account with Navana Group Companies 8 (a) 1,590,392,444 1,066,437,396
Advances, deposits and prepayments 9 (a) 2,546,181,187 2,158,585,558
Cash and bank balances 10 (a) 460,146,251 481,143,486
Total current assets 8,744,286,812 7,485,055,492
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
aftab automobiles limited CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the company 249,296,755 396,693,231
Non-controlling interests 17,545 42,570
Profit for the period/year 249,314,302 396,735,801
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui Wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
D. Net changes in cash & cash equivalents for the period/ year (A+B+C) (20,997,235) (451,498,991)
F. Cash & cash equivalents at end of the period/ year (D+E) 460,146,251 481,143,486
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
Amount in Taka
Attributable to Non-
Particulars Share capital Share premium Reserves equity holders of controlling Total
the company interest
Balance as on July 01, 2016 957,324,220 1,925,858,339 67,338,231 2,416,837,684 5,367,358,474 352,108 5,367,710,582
Balance as at June 30, 2017 957,324,220 1,925,858,339 67,338,231 2,722,945,676 5,673,466,466 394,678 5,673,861,144
Balance as on July 01, 2017 957,324,220 1,925,858,339 67,338,231 2,722,945,676 5,673,466,466 394,678 5,673,861,144
Total comprehensive Income for the year - - - 249,296,755 249,296,755 17,545 249,314,300
Balance as at June 30, 2018 957,324,220 1,925,858,339 67,338,231 2,878,999,350 5,829,520,140 412,223 5,829,932,364
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui Wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
gv‡jKwmwÏKxIqvjx, PvU©vW© GKvDb‡U›Um
9-wR, gwZwSj evwbwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv-1000
PHONE: OFF: +88029513471
PABX: 9576128: 9576118-9
Partners: Md. Waliullah, FCA FAX: 880-2-9516236
Mr. Swadesh Ranjan Saha, FCA Email:
Md. Habibur Rahman Sarker, FCA 9-G, MOTIJHEEL C/A,
Mr. Anjan Mallik, FCA Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal
control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s
internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of Aftab Automobiles Limited as of
June 30, 2018, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial
Reporting Standards (BFRS) and comply with the applicable sections of the Companies Act, 1994, the Securities and Exchange
Rules, 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations.
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
Current assets :
Receivables -current maturity 6 1,742,308,445 1,324,190,437
Stock and stores 7 1,129,353,103 1,687,540,044
Current account with Navana Batteries Ltd. 243,227,935 194,104,312
Current account with Navana Group Companies 8 1,077,561,924 598,662,340
Advances, deposits and prepayments 9 1,853,292,948 1,523,955,271
Cash and bank balances 10 367,031,655 424,971,917
Total Current assets 6,412,776,010 5,753,424,321
Current liabilities :
Long Term loan-Current maturity 14 733,906,656 526,958,962
Short term loan 15 1,447,851,956 1,324,948,819
Accrued and other current liabilities 16 965,869,437 800,273,716
Total current liabilities 3,147,628,049 2,652,181,498
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10 / 2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2017 and were signed on it's behalf by:
D. Net changes in cash & cash equivalents for the year (A+B+C) (57,940,262) (495,612,804)
F. Cash & cash equivalents at end of the year (D+E) 367,031,655 424,971,917
Net operating cash flows per share (NOCFPS) (Note 26) (0.63) (3.72)
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui Wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
Amount in Taka
Particulars Share capital Share premium Reserves Total
The annexed notes and schedule-A form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28/10/2018 and were signed on it's behalf by:
Dated : Dhaka Malek Siddiqui Wali
November 07, 2018 Chartered Accountants
On retirement or otherwise disposed off, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated and any
gain or loss on such disposal is reflected in the Profit and Loss Account which is determined with reference
to net book value of the assets and net sale proceeds.
Capital Work-in-progress represents capital works of a unit still in progress and not in a operation .Once a
unit is completed, it is transferred to" Property, Plant and Equipment".
No depreciation has been charged on Land and Land Development considering the unlimited useful life. In
respect of all other assets, the quantum of annual depreciation charge is calculated over their estimated
useful lives using the diminishing balance method of depreciation. All the assets acquired or disposed off
during the period have been depreciated for the period of its use. The rate at which the assets are
depreciated per annum depended on the nature and estimated useful life of each assets are consistently
applied since the inception of the company which are given below :
The whole amount of depreciation has been charged off partly to cost of sales and partly as expense in
consistent with practice followed in the earlier years.
b) Derivatives
The company is not a party to any derivative contract at the balance sheet date, such as forward exchange
contract, currency swap agreement or interest rate option contract to hedge currency exposure related to
import of raw materials and others or principal and interest obligations of foreign currency loans.
No provision has been made for slow moving & obsolete stocks during the financial year.
2.12 Taxation
Current Tax
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or
substantially enacted at the reporting date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.
The applicable tax rate for the company is 25.00 % as the company qualifies as a “publicly traded
company”. Provision for taxation has been made as per law.
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is recognized liabilities in accordance with BAS 12 “Income Tax “on differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used
in the computation of taxable profit, and are accounted for using the balance sheet liability method.
Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax
assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that the taxable profits will be available against which
deductible temporary differences, unused tax loses or unused tax credits can be utilized.
Borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they incurred and capitalized the same
that incurred before commencement of commercial operation.
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the following conditions are satisfied:
i) the enterprise has transferred to the buyer the significant risk and rewards of ownership of the goods;
ii) the enterprise retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with
ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
iii) the amounts of revenue can be measured reliably;
iv) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the enterprise; and
v) the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably.
Gratuity Scheme
The company operates an unfunded gratuity scheme, provision in respect of which is made annually for the
company’s permanent eligible employees as per BAS-19, “Employee Benefits”.
2.17 Provisions
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with the Bangladesh Accounting Standards BAS
37 “Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect of the reported amounts of revenue and expenses, assets and liabilities and the
disclosure requirements for contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements.
In accordance with the guidelines as prescribed by BAS 37, provisions were recognized in the following
The provisions have been made in the accounts at an appropriate level with regard to an adequate risks
and uncertainties. An amount recorded as a provision represents the best estimate of the probable
expenditure required to fulfill the current obligation on the balance sheet date.
These financial statements were authorized for issued by the Board of Directors on October10, 2017. No
material event had occurred after the balance sheet date of issue of these financial statements, which
could affect the values stated in the financial statement.
Provision for Workers Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) and Worker Welfare Fund (WWF) has been restated
in previous year due to consideration ofshare of profit from associate company’s income.
i) Receivables
Receivables are stated their real value and consider good. No provision has been made for doubtful debts
except the amount was written off as bad debt. Receivables that would mature after one from the date of
Statement of Financial position has been shown as long term.
ii) Payable
Liabilities are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of goods and services received by
the company.
iv) Borrowings
Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds received net of direct issue costs.
Financial charges are accounted for on an accrual basis.
2.24 General
i) Figures shown in the accounts have been rounded off to the nearest Bangladeshi Taka.
ii) Comparative figures and account titles in the financial statements have been re-arranged/re-classified
where necessary, to conform to changes in presentation in the currentyear.
aftab automobiles limited CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
2,012,034,921 1,742,323,001
4 Capital work-in-progress
Capital work in progress represents Land and Land Development , civil constructions, Plant and Machinery for BMRE of Assembling
Unit , Body Building Unit and Motor Cycle Unit.Primarily estimated cost of BMRE project is Taka 100.00 crore.
Capital work in progress represents Land and Land Development , civil constructions Plant and Machinery for BMRE of Aftab
Automobiles Ltd and Navana Batteries Ltd .
Investment in Share Money deposit are consist as advance for share holding of Navana Construction ltd. Which will be consider by
the approval the board and also by the shareholders .
5.3 Investment in associate
The details are stated below :
Share Invest of NREL at cost 20,000,000 20,000,000
Share of equity from associate
Opening Balance 277,116,955 267,534,517
Share of equity from associate
Net Income after deferred tax ( P/L-AC ) 19,556,789 7,665,950
Provision for deferred tax ( note - 23.1.b ) 4,889,197 1,916,488
24,445,986 9,582,438
5.3 (a) Acquisition quantity of shares of Navana Real Estate Ltd. 20,000,000 20,000,000
Less: shares sale during the year - -
20,000,000 20,000,000
6 Receivables
Receivable Non-Current (Maturity over 12 months ) 2,565,001,751 2,041,737,203
Less ; Provision for Bad debts 104,760,000 87,125,757
2,460,241,751 1,954,611,446
Receivable current (Maturity less than 12 months ) 1,742,308,445 1,324,190,437
4,202,550,196 3,278,801,883
4,202,550,196 3,278,801,883
Net receivables are considered good . The Company holds no security other than debtors' personal security in the form of work
orders etc.
Net receivables are considered good . The Company holds no security other than debtors' personal security in the form of work
orders etc.
1,129,353,103 1,687,540,044
Value of Stock of Finished product & Raw materials inclusive of -87- units Hino bus-7- units RM2 Hino Bus chassis, and -1954- units
of Motor cycle .
7 (a) Consolidated stock and stores
Finished products 804,837,655 1,393,323,677
Raw materials 597,801,527 385,462,716
Work-in-process 117,223,316 77,093,746
Stores and spares 3,080,234 2,045,821
Goods in transit 407,505,499 273,217,622
1,930,448,231 2,131,143,582
Value of Stock of Finished product & Raw materials inclusive of -87- units Hino bus-7- units RM2 Hino Bus chassis, and -1954- units
of Motor cycle .
Advance paid to suppliers against work order and considered good. Advance to employees against expenses, salary realisable on
production of documents and monthly salary respectively are considered good. Deposits consist of utility deposits, security money
against tender and bank guarantee are considered good.
The above amount was deducted at the import point as well as from the bills in different times at delivery point. The company made
appeal to honourable High Court against the tax assessment U/S-160 is pending for the year 2011-2012 to 2016-2017.
2,546,181,187 2,158,585,558
11 Share capital
Authorized capital:
3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000
Ordinary Share capital:
Issued, subscribed and paid up
95,732,420 Ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each
Sponsors 291,939,445 291,939,445
General Public 665,384,775 665,384,775
957,324,220 957,324,220
12 Share premium.
Net Premium Up to 2006 250,191,730 250,191,730
Net Premium in 2010 1,675,666,609 1,675,666,609
1,925,858,339 1,925,858,339
13 Reserves
Tax holiday reserve 12,338,231 12,338,231
Dividend equalization fund 4,000,000 4,000,000
General reserve 51,000,000 51,000,000
67,338,231 67,338,231
The Company has obtained tax holiday facilities for body building unit for the period of five
years with effect from may 05, 1997.
15 Short-term loan
Bank Asia Ltd. 465,037,971 493,992,758
Standard Bank Ltd CC AC 42,794,066 40,849,043
NRB Commercial 228,022,713 210,978,466
NCC bank CC AC 82,725,899 -
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 51,388,456 51,084,123
Mercantile Bank 61,746,132 62,858,955
The City Bank Ltd O/D Ac 31,896,563 30,632,288
Midland Bank Ltd. O/D AC 21,350,740 21,238,258
Prime bank Ltd. SOD A/C 51,554,429 49,703,569
SBSC 34,206,739 31,108,233
Mutual trust bank ltd. 52,705,121 51,554,572
Southeast Bank Ltd. 82,188,304 81,865,901
Dutch-Bangla Bank SOD AC 199,999,768 103,064,857
IFIC Bank Ltd. - SOD 39,895,590 -
Jamuna Bank Ltd. - CC 2,339,465 -
One bank Ltd. SOD A/C 96,017,796
1,447,851,956 1,324,948,819
Non Financial Information of Short Term and Long Term loan are given below :
25.41 Deci.Land at Kaligonj & Lien
Agrani Bank Ltd. C C (H) 500.00 10.00% -
55,67,460 Shares of Aftab Automobiles Ltd
Agrani Bank Ltd. Trans, L 800.00 11.50% 21.11 47.32 Million FDR
Al-Arafah Islami Bank MPI-TR 50.00 13.00% -
Lien of 300,000 Shares of Navana
10.00% -
BRAC Bank Limited LTR 237.50 CNG Ltd.
Registered Mortgage 283.75 Decimal
of Land at Chittagong & Registered
10.00% -
Mortgage of 204 Decimal of Land at
BRAC Bank Limited TL 50.00 Mongla, District-Bagerhat
Union Capital Limited Lease 200.00 13.00% 711 Decimal land at Manikganj.
965,869,437 800,273,716
The company made appeal to honourable High Court against the tax assessment U/S-160 is pending for the year 2011-2012 to 2016-
1,204,251,006 1,026,018,102
The quantity of sales during the year are Hino Bus chassis -364- units, RM2 AC Bus -0.- units , Hino RN8J-29- units, and -7015-units of
Motor cycle.
4,813,708,397 4,771,208,696
18 Cost of goods sold
2,691,496,957 2,910,178,518
113,362,031 91,464,234
The number of employees received annual salary and wages above Tk. 36,000 during the year are 165 .
19 Administrative expenses
Salary and allowances 32,524,439 29,173,841
Wages 7,432,168 6,362,855
Cont. to C.P.F. 1,655,818 606,715
Bonus 2,859,552 2,678,820
Overtime 2,447,168 2,781,471
Welfare expenses 127,168 168,278
Medical Expenses 1,183,402 1,277,046
Gratuity 6,703,985 6,712,433
Leave pay 1,540,006 1,523,835
Entertainment 1,375,363 1,197,411
AGM expenses. 452,844 409,813
TA and Conveyance 1,031,784 1,355,883
Travelling Exp - Foreign 397,321 1,133,897
Car maintenance 2,065,168 2,840,003
Stationery 884,224 1,040,776
Fees and Registration 2,370,123 1,759,087
Telephone 586,020 721,741
Electric expenses 707,396 500,438
Rent, rates and taxes 3,639,364 4,027,382
Insurance premium 2,477,272 224,136
Liveries and Uniform 90,895 51,164
Bank charges 2,119,714 677,133
Bank Guarantee & Charge documents 91,588 1,034,297
Audit fees 287,500 250,000
Duty allowance 115,875 107,791
Paper and periodicals 31,094 69,289
Postage and telegram 601,390 531,472
Night allowances 62,772 58,392
Advertisement and Publicity 50,000 544,462
Directors fee 218,500 230,000
Office maintenance 843,906 319,147
Maintenance expenses 198,240 475,652
General Expenses 389,865 332,421
WASA Bill 7,694 33,020
The number of employees who received annual salary and allowances above Tk. 36,000 during the year were 40.
157,940,999 114,734,347
21 Financial charges
220,765,998 211,703,217
340,399,318 286,050,491
22 Other income
17,958,672 6,215,510
137,062,262 121,594,814
26 Net operating cash flows per share (NOCFPS) Net operating cash flow/
Number of ordinary shares
Net operating cash flows (60,474,279) (355,740,055)
Number of ordinary shares used to compute NOCFPS 95,732,422.00 95,732,422.00
29 Restated EPS
The company's EPS for the year ended June 30, 2017 was calculated without considering the parent's (AAL) share of
profit from subsidiary to make correction of the mentioned error. The EPS for the cmparative financial statements was
restated from 3.30 to 4.12. We confirm that the profit for the comparative year as well as net asset value or net
operating cash were not affected at all.
Import of Raw material (Hino Bus Chassis CKD) JYP 1,297,381,949 982,865,113
Import of Raw material (Mahindra motorcycle Skd) $ 4,584,930 386,262,022
Total 1,369,127,135
34 Contingent liability :
The Company has issued guarantee to the tune of Tk. 40.00 crores against sale of Aftab Assembled vehicles under lease finance of different
35 Production Capacity :
The production capacity of the company is 2400 units Toyota & Hino vehicles in Assembling unit under three shifts and 400 units Hino buses
in Body Building unit. Actual production for the year- 396- units bus assembled in Assembling unit -163.-units body fabrication in Body
Building Unit.
The production capacity of the company is 10000 .units Motor Cycle in Motor Cycle unit under three shifts . Actual production for the
period 7560 units bike assembled in Motor Cycle unit.
distributor of Toyota & Hino Vehicles). During the year, the company has made the following transactions with Navana Group companies.
Navana Real Estate Ltd. Sales / Land purchase 93,170,000 50,400,000 - 143,570,000
"Except the fact stated above, no circumstances have arisen since the balance sheet date which would require adjustment or disclosure in
the financial statements or notes thereto."
Directors Officers
Board meeting attendance fee 233,500 -
Managerial remuneration 1,502,712 991,296
Gratuity 525,949 346,954
Company's contribution to P / F 150,271 99,130
Bonus 250,452 165,216
Perquisites :
Housing 1,277,305 842,602
Transport 300,542 198,259
Medical 90,163 59,478
Entertainment 315,569 208,172
Telephone 300,000 76,130
Others 25,200 65,700
4,971,664 3,052,937
during the year under review :
i) no compensation was allowed by the company to the Chief executive officer of the company who is also a Director.
ii) the rate at which Directors have drawn Board meeting attendance fees @ Tk.5000/- per Director per meeting. The
total Board meeting attendance fee incurred during the year under review was Tk.2,33,500/- and
iii) no amount of money was spent by the company for compensating any member of the board for special services
Building 148,953,691 9,430,228 - 158,383,919 2.50% 35,064,081 3,040,437 - 38,104,518 120,279,401 113,889,610
Shed 34,528,882 3,550,000 - 38,078,882 20% 15,516,132 4,335,050 - 19,851,182 18,227,700 19,012,750
Plant & Machinery 351,805,273 13,411,868 - 365,217,141 10% 156,269,300 20,576,480 - 176,845,780 188,371,361 195,535,973
Tools & Equipments 35,895,302 6,168,658 - 42,063,960 20% 20,536,400 4,036,557 - 24,572,957 17,491,003 15,358,901
Office Equipment 32,440,738 2,506,571 - 34,947,309 10% 11,593,680 2,277,078 - 13,870,759 21,076,550 20,847,058
Furniture & Fixture 23,039,131 1,170,622 - 24,209,753 10% 7,058,009 1,687,334 - 8,745,342 15,464,411 15,981,122
Trabsport Vehicles 81,987,333 1,869,676 510,000 83,347,009 20% 42,024,251 8,301,836 498,038 49,828,050 33,518,959 39,963,082
Electrical line installation 1,498,150 892,599 - 2,390,749 10% 299,113 194,287 493,400 1,897,349 1,199,037
Office Decoration 37,435,975 836,911 - 38,272,886 10% 4,836,169 3,329,723 8,165,892 30,106,992 32,599,804
Total 1,309,883,267 217,744,160 510,000 1,527,117,427 293,197,136 47,778,782 498,038 340,477,880 1,186,639,545 1,016,686,129
Schedule- A
Aftab Automobiles Limited and its Subsidiariy
3 (a ). Property, plant and equipment, net
Cost Depreciation Carrying amount
Building 267,617,370 44,873,105 - 312,490,475 2.5% 53,342,199 6,140,790 - 59,482,990 253,007,485 214,275,171
Shades 34,528,882 3,550,000 - 38,078,882 20% 15,516,132 4,335,050 - 19,851,182 18,227,700 19,012,750
- - - -
Plant & Machinery 712,853,646 43,277,038 - 756,130,684 10% 292,301,314 45,069,127 - 337,370,441 418,760,243 420,552,333
Tools & Equipments 112,689,285 14,194,312 - 126,883,597 20% 60,658,474 12,441,026 - 73,099,500 53,784,097 52,030,810
Office Equipment 67,274,125 6,816,681 - 74,090,806 10% 25,832,438 4,623,882 - 30,456,320 43,634,486 41,441,686
Furniture & Fixture 41,532,747 5,486,400 - 47,019,147 10% 12,647,461 3,265,468 - 15,912,930 31,106,217 28,885,285
Transport Vehicles 128,470,556 4,026,018 510,000 131,986,574 20% 67,301,976 12,830,448 498,038 79,634,386 52,352,188 61,168,580
Electrical line installation 14,780,555 1,871,702 - 16,652,257 10% 3,106,244 1,307,088 - 4,413,332 12,238,925 11,674,312
Office Decoration 59,847,258 3,483,711 - 63,330,969 10% 7,520,414 5,478,880 - 12,999,294 50,331,673 52,326,842
Gas line installation 11,332,299 8,865,448 - 20,197,747 10% 3,873,120 1,336,948 - 5,210,068 14,987,679 7,459,180
Total 2,284,422,775 366,552,590 510,000 2,650,465,365 542,099,772 96,828,708 498,038 638,430,442 2,012,034,921 1,742,323,001
Paramount Heights (7th Floor - D2 & C1)
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co. 65/2/1, Box-culvurt Road,
Chartered Accountants Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000
Phone: +88-02-9553449,9551128
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Navana Bafteries Limited ("the Company")
which comprise the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2018 and the statement of proflt or loss
and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows for the year then
ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information disclosed in note
1 to 19 and annexure - A.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted
our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSAs). Those standards require that we
comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment
of the risks of material misstatement of the Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error. ln making
those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the company's preparation and
fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company's
internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management of the company as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion.
ln our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
Navana Bafteries Limited as at June 30, 2018 and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year
then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs) and comply with the
applicable section of the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations.
b) ln our opinion, proper books of account as required by the law have been kept by the Company so far as it
appeared from our examination of these books; and
c) The company's statement of financial position and the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive
income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account and returns.
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
2.7 Depreciation
No depreciation has been charged onland development considering the unlimited useful life. In respect of
all other assets, the quantum of annual depreciation charge is calculated over their estimated useful life
lives using the diminishing balance method of depreciation. All the assets acquired or disposed of during
the period have been depreciated for the period of its uses. The rate at which the assets are depreciated
per annum depended on the nature and estimated useful life of each assets are consistently applied since
inception of the Unit which are given below.
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
2.8 Inventories
In compliance with the requirements with BAS 2 “Inventories” Raw Materials and Stores are valued at the
lower of average cost and the net realizable value. Stocks of finished goods are valued at cost which is
determined by taking into consideration the value of raw materials and production overhead. Cost
comprises expenditure incurred in the normal course of business in bringing such inventories to present
condition and includes wherever applicable appropriate overheads based on normal level of activity.
No provision has been made for slow moving & obsolete stocks during the financial year.
I) Receivables: Trade receivables are stated their real value and consider good. No provision has been made
doubtful debts and no amount was written off as bad.
II) Payables: Liabilities are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of goods and services
received by the unit.
III) Borrowings: Interest bearing bank loans are recorded at the proceeds received net of direct issue costs.
2.13 General
1. Figures shown in the accounts have been rounded off to the nearest Bangladeshi Taka.
2. Comparative figures and account titles in the financial statements have been re-arranged/re-classified
where necessary, to conform to changes in presentation in the current year.
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Capital work-in-progress represents land and land development, civil constructions etc.
05 Trade receivables
Receivable current (Maturity less than 12 months ) 474,810,255 323,555,033
474,810,255 323,555,033
Trade receivables are considered good and as such no provision has been made in the
accounts for doubtful debts. Company holds no security other than debtor's personal
security in the form of work orders.
06 Inventory
Raw materials 378,588,529 202,567,448
Work-in-process 97,046,649 71,457,605
Finished stock 176,432,037 132,834,797
Goods in transit 149,027,913 36,743,688
801,095,128 443,603,538
The quantity of closing stock are 12 Volts NS-3804,NG-4504 ,PNE-2135,NKP-450,IPS-
2347,TTB-35, EV-4192,,MC-5183 ,Solar-3210,UPS-847,DZM-9814 Automotive, Home
Appliance Batteries.
07 Advance, deposits and prepayments
692,888,238 634,630,288
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Amount in taka
June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017
7.a Income tax deducted at source
Opening balance 239,086,738 195,983,360
Add: during the year 64,693,338 43,103,378
303,780,076 239,086,738
Less: adjustment - -
Closing balance 303,780,076 239,086,738
The above amount was deducted at the import point as well as from the Bills in different
times at delivery point.
Advance paid to suppliers against work order and considered good. Advance to
employees against expenses, salary releasable on production of documents and monthly
salary respectively are considered good. Deposits consist of utility deposits, security
money against tender and bank guarantee are considered good.
09 Share capital
Authorised :
50,000,000 ordinary shares of Taka 10/- each 500,000,000 500,000,000
500,000,000 500,000,000
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
545,651,734 485,630,179
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
15.1.1 Purchases.
C & F price 1,251,574,100 525,070,482
Insurance premium 7,391,806 3,938,029
L/C opening charges 8,319,676 6,563,381
C & F charges 8,592,220 17,592,220
Custom duty 29,451,816 19,952,678
Local purchase 119,677 6,563,381
1,305,449,295 579,680,171
The number of employees received annual salary and wages above Tk. 36,000 during
the year are 125.
16 Administrative expenses.
Salary and allowances 7,377,148 3,987,971
wages 1,983,586 795,830
Company Contributory P.F 708,572 -
Bonus 828,562 332,331
Welfare expenses 17,512 204,391
Gratuity 4,612,754 1,278,710
Entertainment 361,980 532,168
TA and conveyance 123,548 338,301
Travelling exp. - foreign 437,518 599,370
Car maintenance 152,362 595,307
Stationery 52,370 256,016
Fees and registration 315,000 387,944
Telephone 220,197 106,938
Office rent 959,332 -
Bank guarantee & charge documents 20,939 102,427
Audit fees 246,000 57,500
Paper & peoridicals 2,420 17,603
Postage and telegram 1,980 76,591
Publicity - 357,763
Directors fee 15,000 15,000
Office maintenance 85,952 438,379
Maintenance 106,896 190,563
Carrying & handling 846,702 933,293
ISO audit 341,213 -
Guest house maintenance 152,119 120,790
Membership fee & others 399,556 350,790
Depreciation 4,904,993 4,405,833
25,274,211 16,481,808
The number of employees received annual salary and allowances above Tk. 36,000
during the year are 64.
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Navana Batteries Limited Chartered Accountants
Share Capital & other Information
Authorised Capital : Tk. 3,000,000,000
Paid-up Capital : Tk. 957,324,220
Class of Shares : Ordinary share of Tk. 10 each.
Stock Exchange Listing : Listed with Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited.
Dividend recommended
by the Board : 12%
aftab automobiles limited
125/A, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000
Proxy Form
I / We of
as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 38th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 09 December 2018
at 9:30 a.m. at International Convention City Bashundhara [PUSHPOGUSCHO, Hall-02], Kuril Bishwa Road, Purbachal Express Highway, Dhaka and at any
adjournment thereof.
Taka 20.00
Folio No.
Signature of shareholder
Note : A member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint another member/ any one as a proxy to attend and vote in
his/her behalf. The Proxy Form, duly stamped must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company atleast 48 hours before the meeting.
Signature of Proxy
No. of Shares held
Folio No.
Signature of shareholder
N.B. Please present this slip at the Registration Desk. Signature must match with your recorded signature.
Hon’ble Shareholders are hereby informed that due to restriction imposed by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
there shall be no arrangement for any sort of gift / entertainment in the Annual General Meeting of the Company
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