Constellation Shaping For Bit-Interleaved LDPC Coded APSK
Constellation Shaping For Bit-Interleaved LDPC Coded APSK
Constellation Shaping For Bit-Interleaved LDPC Coded APSK
Abstract—An energy-efficient approach is presented for shap- which is the mutual information between channel input and
ing a bit-interleaved low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded output under the assumption of equally-likely input symbols.
amplitude phase-shift keying (APSK) system. A subset of the The SIR is a suitable objective function when the M symbols
interleaved bits output by a binary LDPC encoder are passed
arXiv:1207.2215v1 [cs.IT] 10 Jul 2012
through a nonlinear shaping encoder whose output is more are selected with uniform probability, which is the case for
likely to be a zero than a one. The “shaping” bits are used many conventional systems, such as DVB-S2. However, the
to select from among a plurality of subconstellations, while SIR is not necessarily equal to the capacity of the channel,
the unshaped bits are used to select the symbol within the which is the information rate optimized over all possible
subconstellation. Because the shaping bits are biased, symbols input distributions. Achieving the capacity of APSK requires
from lower-energy subconstellations are selected more frequently
than those from higher-energy subconstellations. An iterative a nonuniform distribution of symbols. In [3], a nonuniform
decoder shares information among the LDPC decoder, APSK symbol distribution is considered and optimal symbol proba-
demapper, and shaping decoder. Information rates are computed bilities are determined by maximizing the mutual information.
for a discrete set of APSK ring radii and shaping bit probabilities, However, [3] does not specify how these distributions can be
and the optimal combination of these parameters is identified achieved in a practical system.
for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. With
the assistance of extrinsic-information transfer (EXIT) charts, While it is difficult to induce an arbitrary symbol distri-
the degree distributions of the LDPC code are optimized for use bution, constellation shaping techniques, such as the ones
with the shaped APSK constellation. Simulation results show that proposed in [4], can be used to bias the symbols and increase
the combination of shaping, degree-distribution optimization, and the information rate. Constellation shaping was a topic of
iterative decoding can achieve a gain in excess of 1 dB in AWGN intense research activity in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Much
at a rate of 3 bits/symbol compared with a system that does
not use shaping, uses an unoptimized code from the DVB-S2 of this early research activity was directed towards wireline
standard, and does not iterate between decoder and demodulator. modems, culminating in the V.34 modem standard [5]. For a
comprehensive survey of the developments leading up to the
V.34 standard, the reader is directed to [6] and the references
therein. However, because wireline modems support much
Amplitude phase-shift keying (APSK) is a modulation con- larger constellations than wireless systems and because this
sisting of several concentric rings of signals, with each ring early work predates modern capacity-approaching codes, most
containing signals that are separated by a constant phase of this early work is not readily applicable to the problem of
offset. APSK has recently become widely adopted, due pri- shaping small APSK constellations for use with LDPC codes.
marily to its inclusion in the second generation of the Digital Recent work on constellation shaping has focused on its
Video Broadcasting Satellite standard, DVB-S2 [1], where it application to the smaller constellations typical of wireless
is combined with low-density parity-check (LDPC) coding. and satellite systems. One modern solution is to match a
APSK offers an attractive combination of spectral and energy variable-rate turbo code with a Huffman code to allow a
efficiency, and is especially well suited for the nonlinear nonequiprobable mapping of symbols [7]. A similar approach
channels typical of satellite systems. has been proposed that uses variable-rate LDPC codes [8].
For a given modulation order M , an APSK constellation is However, the requirement of a variable-rate encoder makes
characterized by the number of rings, the number of signals in such solutions inconvenient. Another solution is to use coset
each ring, the relative radii of the rings, and the phase offset of coding to combine turbo coding with quadrature amplitude
the rings relative to each other. In [2] and [3], these parameters modulation (QAM) [9]. An approach that involves a binary-
are optimized with an information-theoretic technique involv- input-ternary-output turbo code and hexagonal modulation is
ing the maximization of the symmetric information rate (SIR), proposed in [10].
In [11] and [12], Le Goff et al. propose a shaping tech-
Paper approved by H. Leib. Manuscript received Aug. 24, 2011; revised
Feb. 13, 2012; accepted Apr. 18, 2012. nique suitable for bit-interleaved systems typical of modern
Portions of this paper were presented at the IEEE International Conference communication standards. The technique involves the use of
on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, June 2011, and the IEEE Military the short nonlinear shaping codes described in [4] to select
Communications Conference (MILCOM), Baltimore, MD, 2011.
This work was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Award from among a plurality of subconstellations. The constellation
No. CNS-0750821 and by the United States Army Research Laboratory under is partitioned into subconstellations such that subconstellations
Contract W911NF-10-0109. with lower average energy are selected more frequently than
M. C. Valenti and X. Xiang are with West Virginia University, Morgantown,
WV, U.S.A. (email:, constellations with higher energy. However, the results in
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2012.XX.XXXXXX [11] are limited to convolutionally coded 16-QAM, while
d shaping c s1
32 z
b LDPC u v bit encoder bit APSK x
31 combination
encoder separation modulator
Hard b
Le(z) Le(s2)
Le(v) La(u)
APSK S/P L (s ) La(c) Le(d) P/S 31-1 33-1
e 1
demodulator _
shaping CND
La(s1) Le(c) decoder La(d)
P/S S/P 31 33
La(v) Le(u)
Fig. 1. System model. The upper portion is the transmitter block diagram, while the lower portion is the receiver block diagram.
the results in [12] are limited to turbo-coded PAM. Neither II. S YSTEM M ODEL
reference considers APSK, which, as shown in this paper, is
A. Transmitter
particularly well suited for constellation shaping.
In the first part of this paper, we build upon the information- A block diagram of the transmitter is shown in the upper
theoretic optimization of APSK presented in [2], [3] and part of Fig. 1. The system input is a length-Kc vector b of
the practical shaping techniques proposed in [11], [12]. By equally-likely information bits, which is encoded by a rate
computing the information rates of shaped constellations, we Rc = Kc /Nc binary LDPC encoder. The length-Nc codeword
jointly optimize parameters used by both the APSK constella- u at the output of the LDPC encoder is permuted by a
tion and the shaping code. To provide compatibility with DVB- interleaver Π1 to generate the interleaved codeword v. A bit
S2, we limit the APSK constellation parameters to the finite set separator arbitrarily separates v into two disjoint groups, d
of parameters found in the DVB-S2 standard. Furthermore, we of length Ks and s2 of length Nc − Ks . The vector d is
consider only short shaping codes in order to limit complexity. segmented into L short blocks of length ks , where Ks = Lks ,
We then turn our attention to the implementation of an ac- and passed through a rate Rs = ks /ns shaping encoder. The
tual system that uses both shaping and LDPC codes. Initially, shaping encoder produces zeros more frequently than ones.
we limit the choice of LDPC codes to be just the codes in The L short length-ns blocks at the output of the shaping
the DVB-S2 standard. We then use the concept of extrinsic- encoder are concatenated to produce the length-Ns vector c,
information transfer (EXIT) charts [13], [14] to optimize the where Ns = Lns . The vector c is then permuted by a second
LDPC code’s degree distributions with respect to the shaped interleaver Π2 to produce s1 .
APSK modulation. Our bit-error rate (BER) results show that, The vectors s1 and s2 are together used by the APSK
at a rate of 3 bits/symbol and using 32-APSK modulation, modulator to select symbols from the constellation X =
the proposed system with shaping achieves a gain of 1.13 {x1 , ..., xM }, where each constellation symbol is a complex
dB relative to a more conventional DVB-S2 system. The scalar. The elements of s1 are said to be shaping bits, because
gain is due to three factors: (1) use of an iterative receiver, they are used to select from among several subconstellations
which iterates between decoder and demodulator (i.e., a so- with a nonuniform probability. This is in contrast with the
called BICM-ID receiver [15], [16]), (2) shaping, and (3) a unshaped bits s2 , which select symbols from the selected
redesign of the LDPC code to account for the shaped-APSK subconstellation with uniform likelihood. Let g < m be the
modulation. The relative gain due to each of these three factors number of shaping bits per symbol, where m = log2 (M ). It
is 0.33 dB, 0.46 dB, and 0.34 dB, respectively. follows that X is partitioned into 2g subconstellations, each of
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A size 2m−g . The variables g and m are related to the lengths
model for bit-interleaved coded APSK with constellation of s1 and s2 by Ns /(Nc − Ks ) = g/(m − g).
shaping is given in Section II. The section describes the Each symbol is selected from X according to the prescribed
operation of the nonlinear shaping encoder and the receiver. In symbol mapping by using g bits from s1 to select the sub-
Section III, constellation shaping strategies are proposed for constellation and m − g bits from s2 to select the symbol
APSK constellations with mappings that are equivalent (up within the subconstellation. TheP symbols in X2 are normalized
to a bitwise complement) to those in the DVB-S2 standard. to have average energy Es = M i=1 p(xi )|xi | , where p(xi ) is
In Section IV, the shaping and modulation parameters are the probability that xi is selected. In Fig. 1, the two bitstreams
selected from a finite set in order to maximize the information are combined to form the vector z, where each group of m
rate. The implementation of an actual LDPC-coded system consecutive bits consists of g bits from s1 and m − g bits
is presented in Section V, where EXIT-based techniques are from s2 . The APSK modulator uses this input and the symbol
used to optimize the LDPC degree distributions. Finally, labeling map to produce a vector x of coded symbols of length
conclusions are given in Section VI. N = (Nc − Ks + Ns )/m.
Let p0 denote the probability that a particular bit in s1 (or, by appropriate interleavers and deinterleavers. The BICM-ID
equivalently, c) is equal to zero, and p1 be the probability receiver iterates among the demodulator, shaping decoder and
that it is equal to one. The purpose of the shaping encoder LDPC decoder. The bit information exchanged in the receiver
is to produce an output with a particular p0 > 1/2. The is represented as log-likelihood ratios (LLRs), following the
codebook is constructed such that it contains the 2ks distinct convention that an LLR is the log of the probability of zero
ns -tuples of lowest possible Hamming weight. Construction divided by probability of one. The LDPC decoder consists
is a recursive process [4], with C initialized to contain the of a variable-node decoder (VND), an edge interleaver Π3 ,
all-zeros codeword of length ns . Codewords of higher weight and a check-node decoder (CND) [14]. We use La to denote
are recursively added to C until |C| = 2ks . Suppose that C the a priori input to a module (which may possibly be fed
contains all codewords of weight w − 1 or lower. During the back from another module), and use Le to denote the output
next recursion, weight-w codewords are repetitively drawn and extrinsic information.
added to C until either the number of distinct codeword in C is The received symbols y are passed into the APSK de-
2ks or all weight-w codewords have been used. In the former modulator, which demaps the symbols and produces a vector
case, the code construction is complete, while in the latter case Le (z) containing the LLRs of the binary codeword z. The
it moves on to begin adding codewords of weight w + 1. operation of the demodulator is described below in Section
As an example, consider the (ns , ks ) = (9, 7) code. The II-B1. By reversing the process used by the transmitter to
number of codewords in S is 27 = 128. There are combine s1 and s2 , the LLR vector is separated by a serial-
to-parallel (S/P) converter into two sequences, Le (s1 ) and
9 9 9 9
+ + + = 174 Le (s2 ). The sequence Le (s1 ), which represents the LLRs of
0 1 2 3
the shaping bits s1 , is de-interleaved to produce La (c) and fed
binary 9-tuples of weight three or less. It follows that S is into the shaping decoder. The shaping decoder generates the
a subset of these 9-tuples. In particular, S will contain all 9- a posteriori LLR Le (d) by using both La (c) and the a priori
tuples of weight-2 or less, and will contain 38 of the weight- input information La (d), which is initially set to all zeros, but
3 9-tuples. It is preferable to select the weight-3 codewords as described below, will contain information fed back from
in such a way that the column weights of matrix containing the LDPC decoder in subsequent iterations. The operation of
the codewords of C are balanced, thereby ensuring that p0 is the shaping decoder is described below in Section II-B2. A
approximately the same in every bit position. parallel to serial (P/S) converter combines the output of the
The overall rate of the system, R = Kc /N , is the number shaping decoder Le (d) with Le (s2 ) to produce a vector Le (v),
of information bits per modulated symbol, and is related to
which represents the LLRs of vector v. The vector Le (v)
the rates of the LDPC and shaping codes by:
is de-interleaved by Π−1 1 and the resulting vector La (u) is
R = Rc [m + g(Rs − 1)] . (1) introduced as the input to the LDPC decoder, which performs
an iteration of standard sum-product decoding.
When shaping is used, g > 0 and Rs < 1, which implies that The output of the LDPC decoder is fed back to the shap-
for a fixed R, the rate of the LDPC code Rc with shaping ing decoder and APSK demodulator to be used as extrinsic
must be higher than the rate of the LDPC code when shaping information during the next iteration. The output Le (u) of the
is not used. LDPC decoder is interleaved by Π1 . The interleaved sequence
La (v) is split by a S/P converter into two sequences, La (d)
B. Receiver and La (s2 ). The vector La (d), which represents the a priori
The sequence of coded APSK symbols x is transmitted information on d, is passed into the shaping decoder, where
over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. After after the initial iteration it is used as the a priori input. Another
matched-filtering, the channel output corresponding to the k th P/S converter, which is identical to the bit-combination block
signaling interval is represented by the complex scalar in the transmitter, combines the interleaved output of the
shaping decoder La (s1 ) with the LLRs of the unshaped bits
yk = xk + nk (2)
La (s2 ) to create the vector La (z), which is used as the a
where xk is the k element of x, and the {nk } are indepen- priori input to the demapper after the initial iteration (prior to
dent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) zero-mean circularly- the first iteration, La (z) is initialized according to the average
symmetric complex Gaussian variables with power N0 , which bit probabilities for each bit position, per Section II-B1).
is the one-sided noise-spectral density. The {yk } correspond- 1) The Demodulator: The demodulator is implemented on
ing to the received codeword are collected into the vector y. a symbol-by-symbol basis. For ease of exposition, we drop
The receiver, which is shown in the lower part of Fig. 1, the dependence on the symbol interval in this subsection, so
processes the received vector y and produces an estimate b̂ of that symbols may be expressed without subscripts. During
the data bits. The receiver uses the principle of bit-interleaved a particular symbol interval, the demodulator computes the
coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) [15], but LLRs Le (z) of the m code bits associated with the symbol.
includes an additional stage of processing required to decode The inputs to the demodulator are the received complex
the shaping code. The main components of the receiver are symbol y, which is produced by a matched-filter front end, as
an APSK demodulator/demapper, a shaping decoder, and an well as the set of m a priori LLRs La (z), which is extrinsic
LDPC decoder, each of which are implemented using the soft- information generated by the shaping and LDPC decoders
input soft-output algorithm described below and connected during the previous iteration. Prior to the first iteration, La (z)
is initialized to La (s1 ) = log( 1−p 0
) for the shaped bits and ks ns
La (s2 ) = 0 for the unshaped bits. fn (c′ )La (dn ) + c′ℓ La (cℓ )
Let the function fk (x) return the k th bit that labels symbol
c′ ∈Ck0 n=1 ℓ=1
x. Using the MAP demodulator described in [12] and [17], ℓ6=k
Le (ck ) = ln
the a posteriori probability that fk (x) = q, q ∈ {0, 1}, is ks ns
fn (c′ )La (dn ) + c′ℓ La (cℓ )
Y efn (x )La (zn ) exp
P (fk (x) = q|y) = p(y|x ) (3)
q n=1
1 + eLa (zn ) c′ ∈Ck1 ℓ=1
x′ ∈Xk
n6=k (7)
where Xkq is the subset of X containing those signals whose
k th bit position is labeled with q. For the complex AWGN where Ckq denotes the shaping codewords c whose k th bit
channel, the conditional probability of y given x is position is labeled with q, q ∈ {0, 1}, and fn (c′ ) is the
nth bit in the message associated with codeword c′ . Note
p(y|x) = exp − |y − x|2 . (4) that, because there are more zeros than ones in the shaping
πN0 N0
codewords, |Ck0 | > |Ck1 |, and therefore there are more terms
Expressing the output as an LLR, substituting (3) and in the numerator of (7) than in the denominator. This is in
(4), and canceling factors common to the numerator and contrast with (6), which has the same number of terms in the
denominator gives the output LLR numerator and denominator since the message bits are equally
P (fk (x) = 0|y) likely to be 0 or 1.
Le (zk ) = ln
P (fk (x) = 1|y)
|y − x′ |2 X A. Shaping for 16-APSK
P ′
exp − + fn (x )La (zn )
x′ ∈Xk0
N0 n=1
Consider the 16-APSK constellation, which uses the two
innermost rings shown in Fig. 2. The inner ring contains
= ln . (5)
4 symbols, while the outer ring contains 12 symbols. The
|y − x′ |2 X
bit mapping is as indicated on the figure. Note that this
P ′
exp − + fn (x )La (zn ) constellation is identical to the 16-APSK constellation in the
x′ ∈Xk1 N0 n=1
DVB-S2 standard [1] and the mapping is identical except that
the first two bits are complemented. The ratio of the radius
The above computation may be efficiently computed using the of the outer ring to the radius of the inner ring is denoted γ,
max-star operator [17]. which according to the DVB-S2 standard may assume a value
2) The Shaping Decoder: The first LLR stream Le (s1 ) is from the set {2.57, 2.60, 2.70, 2.75, 2.85, 3.15}.
de-interleaved and fed into the shaping decoder as La (c). The minimum size partition in the shaping scheme should
The shaping decoder outputs the extrinsic LLRs Le (d) and be equal to the number of minimum-energy signals, which in
Le (c) based on the input from the demodulator and the this case is four. It follows that the number of shaping bits
extrinsic information fed back from the LDPC decoder. The may be either g = 1 or g = 2. When g = 1, the shaping bit
implementation of the shaping decoder is similar to that of the is the first bit of the four-bit word labeling the constellation,
demodulator, but the summations are now over subsets of the and the constellation is partitioned into two subconstellations.
shaping code rather than subsets of the signal constellation. The first subconstellation contains symbols labeled A and B1 ,
The log-likelihood of each codeword is found by taking while the second subconstellation contains symbols labeled B2
the inner product of the ns bit LLRs with each candidate and C1 . The first set is selected with probability p0 , while the
codeword. Taking into account these differences, the output second set is selected with probability p1 .
of the MAP decoder for the shaping code is When g = 2, the shaping bits are the first two bits of the
ns ks word. The signal set is partitioned into the four subconstella-
tions indicated in Fig. 2; i.e., A, B1 , B2 , and C1 . Set A is
d′ℓ La (dℓ )
exp f n (d )L (c
a n ) +
d′ ∈Dk
n=1 ℓ=1
selected with probability p20 , set B1 and B2 are each selected
ℓ6=k with probability p0 p1 , and set C1 is selected with probability
Le (dk ) = ln
p21 . As p0 > p1 , it follows that signals in set A are selected
ns ks
X X ′
X most often, and signals in set C1 are selected least often.
d′ℓ La (dℓ )
f n (d )L a (c n ) +
d′ ∈Dk n=1 ℓ=1
ℓ6=k B. Shaping for 32-APSK
If all the symbols shown in Fig. 2 are used, then the
where Dkq denotes the set of messages d whose k th bit position modulation is 32-APSK. The constellation consists of three
is labeled with q, q ∈ {0, 1}, and fn (d′ ) is the nth bit in the concentric rings, with 4 symbols in the inner ring, 12 symbols
codeword associated with message d′ . in the middle ring, and 16 symbols in the outer ring. This
The extrinsic information Le (c) produced by the shaping constellation is identical to the 32-APSK constellation in the
decoder can be implemented in a similar manner: DVB-S2 standard [1] and the mapping is identical except that
To maintain a fixed overall rate R, using a lower Rs requires
2 a larger value of Rc , which weakens the effectiveness of the
LDPC code. Clearly there is a tradeoff between Rs and Rc . To
10100 B 10000
determine the optimal tradeoff, we turn to information theory.
(0110) 1 (0100) B1
C3 10001
C (1100) C1 D
01101 (1111) 1 11001 A. Optimization with Respect to CM Capacity
00101 00100 A 00000 00001
(1010) B2 (0010) (0000) A (1000) 2 In performing the optimization, we wish to determine
C3 C3 achievable information rates by computing the mutual infor-
01111 01001
00111 B 00011 B mation between the channel input and output. On the one
(1011) 2 00110 00010 A (1001) 2
(0001) hand, we could compute the mutual information between the
11111 10111 C 10011
C3 modulated symbols at the channel input and the corresponding
(1111) 1 (1101) 1 01011
10110 10010 B
output. This is called the coded modulation (CM) capacity
(0111) B1 (0101) 1
in [18]. On the other hand, we could compute the mutual
01110 11011 information between the bits at the input of the modulator
C2 B3
and output of the demodulator. In the case of a shaped
system, the modulator would include the shaping encoder.
Fig. 2. APSK constellations. 16-APSK uses the signals shown in the two This type of capacity is called the BICM capacity in [18].
innermost rings with symbol mappings indicated in parenthesis. 32-APSK The distinction between the two is that the BICM capacity is
uses all of the shown signals.
relevant for a system that uses a BICM receiver; i.e., doesn’t
the first and last bits are complemented. The ratio of the feed back information from decoder to demodulator. However,
radius of the middle ring to the radius of the inner ring is our system uses a BICM-ID receiver and is therefore able to
denoted γ1 , while the ratio of the radius of the outer ring to outperform a BICM receiver and achieve performance close
the radius of the inner ring is denoted γ2 . According to the to that of CM. Therefore, we will perform the optimization
standard, the value of γ = {γ1 , γ2 } must be one of the fol- with respect to the CM capacity.
lowing: {2.53, 4.30}, {2.54, 4.33}, {2.64, 4.64}, {2.72, 4.87}, Let Y be the output of an AWGN channel with complex
or {2.84, 5.27}. scalar input X ∈ X . The capacity of the channel is [19]
As with 16-APSK, the number of minimum energy signals C = max I (X; Y ) , (8)
is four, which is the size of the smallest partition. The number p(x)
of shaping bits should be no more than three. When g = 1, where p(x) is the probability mass function (pmf) of X, the
the shaping bit is the second bit of the word. This divides the information rate (also called average mutual information) is
constellation into two partitions. The first partition, which is
selected with probability p0 , contains the signals in the first I (X; Y ) = E[i (X; Y )], (9)
two rings (i.e., sets A, B1 , B2 , and C1 ). The second partition, and
which is selected with probability p1 , contains the signals in p (x, y) p (y|x)
i (x; y) = log = log . (10)
the outer ring (i.e., sets B3 , C2 , C3 , and D). With this scheme, p (x) p (y) p (y)
signals in the inner two rings are more likely to be selected Note that the expectation in (9) is with respect to the joint pdf
than signals in the outer ring. p (x, y). When a base-2 logarithm is used, then (8) has units
When g = 2, the shaping bits are the second and last bits of of bits per channel use (bpcu).
the word. The signal set is partitioned into four sets: {A, B1 }, From the theorem on total probability,
{B2 , C1 }, {B3 , C2 }, and {C3 , D}. The partition {A, B1 } is X
selected with probability p20 , making it most likely to be p(y) = p(y|x′ )p(x′ ). (11)
x′ ∈X
selected. The partition {C3 , D} is selected with probability p21 ,
making it least likely to be selected. The other two partitions Substituting (11) into (10) gives
are each selected with probability p0 p1 . X
′ ′
When g = 3, the shaping bits are the first, second, and last i (x; y) = log p(y|x) − log p(y|x )p(x ) . (12)
bits of the word. The signal set is partitioned into the eight x′ ∈X
sets indicated in Fig. 2; i.e., A, B1 , B2 , B3 , C1 , C2 , C3 , and where p(y|x) is given by (4) for the AWGN channel.
D. Partition A is most likely and is selected with probability The capacity is found by maximizing the information
p30 . The Bk partitions are selected with probability p20 p1 , while rate with respect to the distribution of X. In general, the
the Ck partitions are selected with probability p0 p21 . Finally, optimization requires that the probability of occurrence of
the D partition is selected with probability p31 , which makes each of the symbols be independently varied. Techniques for
it least likely to be selected. finding the optimizing distributions may be readily found in
the literature, such as the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm [20].
IV. J OINT PARAMETER O PTIMIZATION However, the shaping scheme proposed in Section III does
With the shaping techniques described in the previous not allow for independent symbol probabilities. Rather, the
section, energy may be conserved by using larger values of symbol probabilities are related by the value of p0 , the number
p0 . However, larger values of p0 generally require lower Rs . of shaping bits, and the symbol labeling.
8 8.5 9 9.5 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Es/N0 (in dB) Information Rate
Fig. 3. Information rate (in bpcu) of 16-APSK and 32-APSK over an AWGN Fig. 4. Shaping gain (in dB) of 16-APSK and 32-APSK in AWGN as a
channel. The number of shaping bits used is indicated. The solid line on the function of the overall information rate R (in bits/symbol).
right of each group corresponds to a uniform input distribution (no shaping).
The rates are maximized over the permissible ring-radius ratios.
Rather than allowing arbitrary p(x), we optimize our system
under the constraint of the shaping techniques described in M g R Eb /N0 gain p0 γ
Section III. For a particular constellation X , number of shaping 1 3.09 4.714 dB 0.091 dB 0.623 2.70
bits g, and (ns , ks ) shaping code, we numerically evaluate 2 2.95 4.077 dB 0.322 dB 0.688 2.57
1 3.88 5.915 dB 0.265 dB 0.716 {2.64,4.64}
the information rate I(X; Y ). While the evaluation could be
32 2 4.06 6.517 dB 0.175 dB 0.623 {2.53,4.30}
done using a Monte Carlo integration [18], we use the Gauss-
3 3.89 5.898 dB 0.310 dB 0.656 {2.53,4.30}
Hermite quadratures method of evaluation described in [21].
We begin by evaluating the information rate under the
assumption that the input symbols have a uniform distribution; bit. From these curves, it is clear that if shaping is used at
i.e., the symmetric information rate. For each M , we limit the all, then it is advisable to use two shaping bits. The results for
ring-radii of the APSK constellation to be chosen from among 32-APSK show that while three shaping bits is better than just
the values specified in the DVB-S2 standard. We further limit one, using two shaping bits is actually worse than one. This is
the inter-ring phase offsets to be the same as in DVB-S2, as because using just one shaping bit segments the constellation
the phase offsets have been shown to have a negligible effect into two natural subconstellations: One containing the two
on the information rate [2]. The symmetric information rate, innermost rings and the other containing just the outer ring.
maximized over the permissible ring-radius ratios, is shown On the other hand, two shaping bits creates an awkward
for 16-APSK and 32-APSK in Fig. 3. partitioning that results in symbols in the middle ring being
Next, we compute information rates when shaping is used. picked with different probabilities. Thus, it is not advisable to
For each constellation X , we consider all shaping codes with use two shaping bits in the 32-APSK case. Furthermore, the
ns ≤ 20 and ks ≤ 10. Larger values are not considered due incremental gain of using three shaping bits over one shaping
to their high decoding complexity (which is exponential in bit is negligible (see the leftmost pair of curves in Fig. 3), and
ks ). For each shaping code, we determine the corresponding it is recommended that 32-APSK systems use just one shaping
value of p0 . For a given number of shaping bits g and the bit. This result is intuitive: with one shaping bit, the system
shaping strategy given by Section III, we determine the pmf will simply choose from the outer ring or the inner two rings.
p(x) and compute the corresponding information rate. The The results from the optimization are tabulated in Table I.
total number of distinct p0 that we consider is 121, and we For each value of M and g, the table shows the rate R for
repeat this exercise for each permissible value of γ. For each which shaping has the highest gain, along with the values
M and g, we determine the maximum information rate at each of p0 and γ that achieve the gain. The value of Eb /N0 for
value of Es /N0 , where the rate is maximized over both the which the shaped constellation achieves rate R is listed, where
permissible p0 and γ. Eb /N0 = (1/R)(Es /N0 ) is the SNR per information bit.
Based on our search, we have found that shaping gains of Fig. 5 shows the value of p0 that maximizes the information
up to 0.32 dB are achievable. Fig. 3 shows the achievable in- rate as a function of SNR. The optimal p0 decreases as the
formation rates with shaping for 16- and 32-APSK in AWGN, SNR increases, reaching a floor at p0 = 0.6230. This minimum
optimized over the shaping code and ring-radius ratios. The value is a consequence of the constraints on ns and ks and
shaping gain, which is the dB difference between the capacity corresponds to a (ns , ks ) = (11, 10) shaping code. While a
curves of the uniform and shaped systems, is shown in Fig. (ks + 1, ks ) code with larger ks could be used to obtain a
4 for different values of g. The results for 16-APSK show lower p0 , the resulting shaping gain will be too small to merit
the benefit of using two shaping bits over just one shaping the complexity of such a large code.
their permissible values. When we did this, we found that the
16APSK w/ 1 shaping bit optimal ratio of ring radii were always smaller with shaping
16APSK w/ 2 shaping bits
than without. Furthermore, the PAPR is smaller for smaller
32APSK w/ 1 shaping bit
0.8 32APSK w/ 2 shaping bits
ring-radii ratios. Thus, in achieving the balance between the
32APSK w/3 shaping bits ratio of ring radii and the value of p0 , the PAPR increase is
not significant. For example, in the case of 16-APSK with 2
optimal p0
shaping bits, we found that the PAPR with shaping is 1.98 dB,
while for the uniform case, which was optimized at the largest
value of γ, was 1.11 dB, and thus only 0.86 dB additional
PAPR is required when shaping.
We begin by comparing the performance of shaped and
16-APSK uniform systems that use LDPC codes from the DVB-S2
standard [1]. The APSK ring radii are selected to maximize
the corresponding CM capacity, as described in Section IV.
For both systems, the overall rate is R = 3 bits/symbol. To
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 achieve this rate, the uniform system must use a rate Rc = 3/5
LDPC code, and so the (Nc , Kc ) = (64 800, 38 880) code
Fig. 6. Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of nonuniform 16-APSK and from the DVB-S2 standard is adopted. The shaped system
32-APSK as a function of p0 and the number of shaping bits. For 16-APSK,
γ = 2.57, and for 32-APSK, γ = {2.64, 4.64}.
uses g = 1 shaping bit per symbol, which was found in
Section IV to offer high shaping gain while avoiding the
B. PAPR Constraints system complexity of using multiple shaping bits per symbol.
The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a consideration A rate Rs = 1/2 shaping code is used with (ns , ks ) = (4, 2),
when nonlinear power amplifiers must be used. The PAPR is which provides a reasonably good p0 while still allowing the
defined as standardized LDPC code rates Rc from the DVB-S2 standard
to be used. From (1), when g = 1 and Rs = 1/2, the
max |x|2 max |x|2
x∈X x∈X
LDPC code rate must be Rc = 2/3 for the overall rate to
PAPR = = X (13) remain R = 3 bits/symbol, and so the shaped system uses the
E [|x|2 ] p(x)|x|2
(Nc , Kc ) = (64 800, 43 200) code from the DVB-S2 standard.
The parameters used in the simulations are listed in Table II.
For a fixed average energy, shaping spreads the signals further The column marked γ shows the ring-radii ratios used for both
apart, which increases the numerator of (13). It follows that the uniform and shaped systems, while the LDPC and shaping
shaping will increase the PAPR for a particular constellation code rates are listed in the columns marked Rc and Rs ,
X . This behavior can be seen in Fig. 6, which shows the respectively (with Rs = 1 indicating cases when no shaping
relationship between PAPR and p0 for the shaping strategies is used). For each system, we consider the performance of
considered in this paper. several LDPC codes. For this subsection, only those LDPC
At first glance, it would seem that shaping will dramatically codes in the rows marked “standard” in the “LDPC code”
increase the PAPR. This is true if we were to use the same X column are of interest. The column marked “information-
both with and without shaping. However, when we performed theoretic minimum” Eb /N0 lists the CM-capacity bound; i.e.,
our optimization, we let the ratio of ring radii vary among the minimum Eb /N0 for which the CM capacity is equal to R
PARAMETERS USED FOR THE 32-APSK SIMULATION . when the BICM receiver is used. Thus, the shaped system
achieves a gain of 0.79 dB relative to the uniform system
information- Eb /N0 with BICM reception. Of this gain, 0.33 dB can be attributed
γ Rc Rs theoretic at BER to iterative demodulation and decoding (i.e., using a a BICM-
code Eb /N0 10−5 ID receiver) while the remaining 0.46 dB can be attributed
standard 38880/64800 1 4.029 dB 5.42 dB to shaping and the use of the shaping code. Notice that this
Uniform {2.64,4.64}
optimized 38880/64800 1 4.029 dB 5.28 dB gain is actually higher than the 0.2 dB shaping gain predicted
standard 43200/64800 2/4 3.829 dB 4.96 dB
from the information theory (see the difference between the
Shaped {2.64,4.64} optimized 43200/64800 2/4 3.829 dB 4.80 dB
corresponding entries in Table II). Loosely speaking, this extra
optimized 41661/64806 2/3 3.789 dB 4.62 dB
gain is due to an additional coding gain that arises when
BICM Uniform
using the shaping code in an iterative receiver. More precisely,
BICM-ID Uniform
BICM-ID Uniform with
and based on our EXIT-based analysis (discussed in the next
optimized 3/5 LDPC code
DVB-S2 2/3 LDPC and subsection), we have observed that the inclusion of the shaping
10 (4,2) shaping code
optimized 2/3 LDPC and code in the system has the additional benefit of increasing the
(4, 2) shaping code
optimized 9/14 LDPC and
(3,2) shaping code
slope of the variable-node EXIT curve, thereby driving down
the convergence threshold.
B. Code Optimization for Uniform Modulation
As described in [22], the LDPC codes used by DVB-
S2 were designed for efficient memory access. They were
not optimized with respect to the APSK modulation, and
were certainly not designed with shaping in mind. Both the
APSK modulation and shaping may be taken into account by
4.6 4.8 5 5.2
E /N in dB
5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 using the EXIT-based technique of [14], which will provide
b 0
optimized degree distributions for the code. In this and the next
Fig. 7. Bit-error rate of 32-APSK in AWGN at rate R = 3 bits/symbol. subsection, we describe how we have optimized the LDPC
The solid lines are for the uniform system; from right to left, the curves show code’s degree distributions and demonstrate the resulting BER
BICM system, BICM-ID system and BICM-ID system using optimized LDPC
code. The dashed lines are for the shaped system with different combinations improvement.
of LDPC codes and shaping codes. We begin by discussing how the EXIT-based technique of
[14] can be used to optimize the LDPC code used by the
(see Section IV for a discussion about how the CM capacity uniform APSK-modulated system. Our goal here is to produce
is computed). a redesigned LDPC code that has the same complexity as
The uniform and shaped systems were simulated over an the code specified by DVB-S2, yet offers improved BER
AWGN channel with 100 iterations of decoding. For the performance when used with APSK modulation. Like the
uniform system, two receiver implementations are considered. DVB-S2 code, we limit the LDPC code to be an extended
The first implementation is a BICM receiver, which passes the irregular repeat accumulate (eIRA) code [23], which facilitates
bit-likelihoods produced by the APSK demodulator into the systematic encoding. The parity-check matrix of such a code
LDPC decoder without any feedback from the decoder to the contains a dual-diagonal matrix as its last n − k columns and
demodulator. This is typical of most standard implementations an arbitrary matrix for its first k columns. We further limit
of DVB-S2 receivers. The second implementation is a BICM- the code to be check regular, and require every check node to
ID receiver, which feeds back soft information from the LDPC have degree equal to the constant check-node degree dc used
decoder back to the APSK demodulator to allow it to refine by the DVB-S2 standardized code of the same rate and length.
its bit-likelihoods [16]. The shaped system uses the iterative For instance, in the case of the (Nc , Kc ) = (64 800, 38 880)
receiver described in Section II-B, which involves the itera- code, the check-node degree is a constant value of dc = 11.
tive exchange of information among the APSK demodulator, Since the check-node degree is fixed, the degree optimiza-
shaping decoder, and LDPC decoder. tion problem is to select the optimal variable-node degrees.
Fig. 7 shows the simulated bit-error rates of: (1) the uniform We adopt the notation of [14] and allow D different variable-
system with the rate Rc = 3/5 DVB-S2 standardized LDPC node degrees dv,i , i = 1, ..., D. The fraction of nodes having
code and BICM reception (rightmost curve); (2) the same degree dv,i is denoted ai , while the fraction of edges incident
uniform system but with BICM-ID reception (second curve to variable nodes of degree dv,i is denoted bi . As in [14] and
from right); and (3) the shaped system using the Rc = 2/3 the DVB-S2 standard, we limit the number of distinct variable-
DVB-S2 standardized LDPC code and iterative receiver (third node degrees to D = 3, starting with dv,1 = 2. We set a
curve from left). In addition, the last column of Table II fraction a1 = (n − k)/n of nodes to be of degree dv,1 = 2,
shows the Eb /N0 required for the simulated BER to equal corresponding to the dual-diagonal part of the H matrix∗. We
10−5 with iterative decoding, which is 5.42 dB and 4.96
∗ In DVB-S2, there is a single degree-1 variable node corresponding to the
dB for the uniform and shaped system, respectively. From
last column of the H matrix. While our code design maintains this degree-1
Fig. 7, it is observed that the uniform system requires an node, we do not explicitly list the fraction of nodes connected to degree-1
Eb /N0 equal to 5.75 dB to achieve a BER equal to 10−5 nodes since it will approach zero for large Nc .
then pick a pair {dv,2 , dv,3 }, where dv,2 is selected to be either dv,1 = 2 a1 = 0.40 b1 = 0.182
3 or 4 and dv,3 is an integer no greater than 25. dv,2 = 4 a2 = 0.52 b2 = 0.473
The optimization requires two EXIT curves to be generated, dv,3 = 19 a3 = 0.08 b3 = 0.345
one that corresponds to the variable-node decoder (VND) and
another that corresponds to the check-node decoder (CND). The uniform 32-APSK system was simulated using a code
The goal is then to fit the two curves together by picking with this degree distribution, and the resulting BER with
appropriate variable-node degrees. The VND curve charac- BICM-ID reception is shown in Fig. 7 (third curve from right;
terizes not only the variable nodes of the LDPC code, but labeled “BICM-ID uniform with optimized 3/5 LDPC code”).
also the characteristics of the modulation. The overall VND This code is also listed as the second row of Table II, which
curve is created by first generating a transfer characteristic for indicates a gain of 0.14 dB relative to the DVB-S2 standard
just the modulation and its detector at the given Es /N0 . This code at BER 10−5 .
is the detector characteristic IE,DET (IA , Es /N0 ), where the
mutual information IA is computed between the demodulator’s
a priori inputs and the modulator’s input bits. When IA = 0, C. Code Optimization for Shaped Modulation
IE,DET is the BICM capacity of the modulation [14], [18]. For When the constellation is shaped, the shaping encoder
APSK, IE,DET cannot be generated in closed form for nonzero (or decoder) is absorbed into the variable-node encoder (or
IA , and thus it is generated through Monte Carlo simulation decoder), and thus the contribution of the shaping code is taken
under the assumption that the demodulator’s a priori input is into account by the VND curve. The system effectively uses
conditionally Gaussian. The VND curve for degree-dv nodes a larger constellation with high dimensionality that combines
is found from the detector characteristic using shaping with conventional modulation. For instance, when g =
1 and a (Ns , Ks ) shaping code is used, Ks +(m−1)×Ns bits
IE,VND (IA , dv , Es /N0 ) = are used to select a sequence of Ns symbols. Grouping these
J (dv − 1)[J −1 (IA )2 ] + [J −1 (IE,DET (IA , Es /N0 ))]2 correlated symbols together, the resulting super-constellation
contains 2Ks +(m−1)Ns symbols, each represented by 2Ns real
(14) dimensions (or Ns complex dimensions). Whereas generating
the detector characteristic for the uniform case involves in-
where the J-function is given in [13] and can be computed dependently modulating symbols and measuring the mutual
using the truncated series representation of [24]. Note that (14) information between the modulator input and demodulator
only gives the EXIT curve for a single variable-node degree output, the characteristic of the shaped modulation must be
dv , and therefore represents the VND curve for a regular code. generated with the shaping taken into account. In reference to
In the case of an irregular LDPC code, the VND curve is found Fig. 1, an unbiased independent bit sequence v is generated
by using [14] and passed through the pictured processing to produce the
modulated sequence x. The received noisy symbols y are
X processed to produce the extrinsic information Le (v), and
IE,VND (IA , Es /N0 ) = bi · IE,VND (IA , dv,i , Es /N0 ) . the detector characteristic is found by computing the mutual
(15) information between v and Le (v).
The CND curve is found by using [14] Aside from accounting for the shaping code in the detector
characteristic, the EXIT curves are generated exactly the same
IE,CND (IA , dc ) = 1 − J dc − 1 · J −1 (1 − IA ) (16) way as for the uniform case, and the variable-degree distribu-
tions are optimized using the same methodology. For operation
at 3 bits/symbol, a system that uses a (Ns , Ks ) = (4, 2) and
where IA is the mutual information at the input of the check
rate Rc = 2/3 LDPC code was optimized, and the resulting
nodes. The EXIT chart is drawn by noting that the IE,CND
degree distribution was found:
produced by the CND becomes the IA at the input to the
VND (which we denote IA,VND ), while the IE,VND produced dv,1 = 2 a1 = 0.333 b1 = 0.200
by the VND becomes the IA at the input to the CND (which dv,2 = 3 a2 = 0.606 b2 = 0.546
we denote IA,CND ). The chart plots the VND and CND curves
with IA,VND = IE,CND on the horizontal axis and IE,VND = dv,3 = 14 a3 = 0.061 b3 = 0.254
IA,CND on the vertical axis. For a given degree distribution, Like the rate-2/3 DVB-S2 code, this code has a constant check-
VND curves are generated for several Es /N0 and the threshold node degree of dc = 10. The VND and CND curves for this
is determined to be the value of Es /N0 for which the VND LDPC code with shaped 32-APSK modulation are shown in
and CND just barely touch. the EXIT chart of Fig. 8 at Eb /N0 = 4.73 dB. The shaped
By considering different combinations of {dv,2 , dv,3 } and system with was simulated using an LDPC code with this
the corresponding variable-node degree distributions that sat- degree distribution, and the BER curve is shown in Fig. 7
isfy the check-node degree constraint, code designs were (second curve from left). This code is also listed as the fourth
identified with low thresholds. One code found to be better row of Table II, which indicates a gain of 0.16 dB compared
than the standard rate Rc = 3/5 DVB-S2 code when used with the system that uses the same shaping code along with
with 32-APSK has the following degree distribution: the standardized rate Rc = 2/3 DVB-S2 code.
BICM Uniform
0.9 90
BICM-ID Uniform
0.9 optimized 3/5 LDPC Uniform
0.8 80
optimized 2/3 LDPC and
(4,2) shaping code
0.7 0.85 70
0.4 40
0.3 30
Rate 2/3 code, VND, 33.3% of nodes are degree 2
60.6% degree 3, and 6.1% degree 13
0.2 20
Rate 9/14 code, VND, 35.7% of nodes are degree 2
0.1 55.8% degree 3, and 8.5% degree 14
CND, all nodes with degree 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
IA, VND, IE, CND 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Eb/N0 (in dB)
Fig. 8. EXIT chart for BICM-ID using shaped 32-APSK and overall system Fig. 9. Average number of BICM-ID global iterations required for correcting
rate R=3 in AWGN at Eb /N0 = 4.73 dB. all codeword errors.
In the previous examples, the code rate Rc is chosen from needs fewer iterations. While the per-iteration complexity
the set of code rates found in the DVB-S2 standard. However, of the shaped system is higher than that of the uniform
due to (1), this limits the set of possible shaping-code rates system, the need for fewer iterations may result in a lower
for a given R, and may result in the use of a suboptimal overall complexity when early halting techniques are used.
p0 . For instance, at an overall rate R = 3 bits/symbol and For instance, at Eb /N0 = 5.4 dB, which is a typical operating
g = 1 shaping bit, then Rc = 2/3 and Rs = 1/2. Using the point for the unshaped system, an average of 25.3 iterations
(ns , ks ) = (4, 2) shaping code will satisfy this requirement, are required in AWGN for the unshaped system with BICM-
but the resulting value of p0 is 0.8125, which differs from ID reception. At the same operating point, the shaped system
the optimal value of p0 = 0.716 identified in Section IV. A with a DVB-S2 standard LDPC code and an optimized LDPC
(3, 2) shaping code gives a p0 = 0.75, which is closer to the code only requires about 18 and 15 iterations to converge,
optimal, but requires LDPC code rate Rc = 9/14 to achieve respectively.
an overall rate of R = 3 bits/symbol. While the standardized The overall and per-iteration complexity of the two systems
DVB-S2 codes do not support this code rate, a new code can can be compared by relating the actual execution time of their
be designed for this rate by using the EXIT-based techniques implementations. The simulation results were produced with
presented in this section, resulting in the degree distribution: software implementations of the systems running on a PC
computer with a single-core 3.40 GHz Pentium 4 processor
dv,1 = 2 a1 = 0.357 b1 = 0.200 and the Windows XP operating system. For each system,
dv,2 = 3 a2 = 0.558 b2 = 0.469 the simulation’s execution time, total number of data bits
dv,3 = 14 a3 = 0.085 b3 = 0.331 simulated, and total number of decoder iterations executed
were logged. From this information, the throughput of the
As with the rate-2/3 codes, the code has a constant check- implementation was quantified in units of bit·iterations per
node degree of dc = 10. The VND curve for this code is also second (bps·iteration). For the uniform system with rate-3/5
shown in Fig. 8, and the BER performance is shown in Fig. DVB-S2 standardized coding, the processing rate is 2036.5
7 (leftmost curve). The code is listed as the last row of Table bps·iteration, while for the shaping system, the processing rate
II, which indicates a gain of 0.18 dB at BER 10−5 compared when using the DVB-S2 standard code is 1805.7 bps·iteration.
with the system that uses the optimized rate Rc = 2/3 shaping The processing rate for optimized LDPC code with rate 2/3
code along with a (4, 2) shaping code. and 9/14 is 1698.3 and 1627.1 bps·iteration, respectively.
While shaping reduces the per-iteration throughput, the overall
D. Complexity Considerations throughput may be increased due to the need for fewer iter-
Instead of using shaping as a way to improve energy ations. For instance, using the previously mentioned example
efficiency, it can be used as a way to reduce the required operating point of Eb /N0 = 5.4 dB over the AWGN channel,
receiver complexity. This feature can be seen in Fig. 9, which the uniform system has an average throughput of 78.1 bps
shows the average number of iterations required for the shaped while the shaped system’s throughput using the DVB-S2
and uniform systems to converge (i.e., correct all errors in standardized LDPC code is 100 bps and for the optimized
a frame) in AWGN channel for the same cases whose BER code is around 108 bps.
curves were given in Fig. 7. This is a useful metric when the
receiver operates using an automatic halting mechanism, for VI. C ONCLUSION
instance, if it performs syndrome-based error detection after The combination of APSK modulation and LDPC coding is
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tions of a mutual-information integral,” ISRN Commun. and Network.,
vol. 2011, Article ID 546205, 2011.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Don Torrieri for his
editorial comments.
Matthew C. Valenti is a Professor in the Lane
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Jul. 1990. simulation, and secure high-performance computing. His research is funded
[5] G. D. Forney, Jr., L. Brown, M. Eyuboglu, and J. L. Moran III, “The by the NSF and DoD. He is registered as a Professional Engineer in the State
V.34 high speed modem standard,” IEEE Commun. Magazine, vol. 34, of West Virginia.
pp. 28–33, Dec. 1996.
[6] S. A. Tretter, Constellation Shaping, Nonlinear Precoding, and Trellis
Coding for Voiceband Telephone Channel Modems with Emphasis on Xingyu Xiang received the B.E. and M.S. degrees
ITU-T Recommendation V.34. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Pub- in electrical engineering from University of Elec-
lishers, 2002. tronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC),
[7] D. Raphaeli and A. Gurevitz, “Constellation shaping for pragmatic Chengdu, China in 2005 and 2008 respectively. He is
turbo-coded modulation with high spectral efficiency,” IEEE Trans. currently a research assistant and a Ph.D. candidate
Commun., vol. 52, pp. 341 – 345, Mar. 2004. in the Lane Department of Computer Science and
[8] S. Kaimalettu, A. Thangaraj, M. Bloch, and S. W. McLaughlin, “Con- Electrical Engineering at West Virginia University,
stellation shaping using LDPC codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Morgantown, WV. His research interests lie in the
Inform. Theory (ISIT), pp. 2366 –2370, June 2007. areas of information theory, channel coding, and
[9] A. Khandani and T. Wen, “Application of shaping technique with turbo communication signal processing.
coset codes,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. 56, pp. 3770 –3779, Nov.