The Importance of Project Management For Project Success: 1. Intoduction

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The Importance of Project Management for Project Success

Ahmad B. Aichouni and Agustinus H. Harefa

1. Intoduction
Projects are becoming more common practice in companies, and expectations are often set
higher in terms of performance (time, cost, specification). Therefore, in order to overcome
this, companies must look at an efective way and tools they could potentially use to
enhance their current system and management. Nowadays, project management has
become a knowledge. It provides guidelines for mananging individual projects, enabling
companies to deal with the complexity of projects. However, the knowledge of project
management in literature is more about concepts, it does not explicitly point out the
importance of project management on successful project completion. This paper is designed
to provide clear comprehension of project management knowledge, how a successful
project is measured and how this project management is used among project managers and
their achievement. This paper concludes that project management plays a vital role in every
project and is one of the most important factors influencing projects success.

2. Project Management Definition

According to Project Management Institute (2013), a project is defined as a temporary effort

undertaken to create a unique product, service, or outcome. Temporary means that a
project must have a definite start and end. The end is determined when the project has met
the goals or when the project is terminated because its objectives will not or can not be
achieved or the need for project is considered no longer necessary. Temporary also does not
necessarily indicate a short duration of a project. For instance, a project to build a national
museum will create an outcome expected to last for ages. In this project, the intension is
not only for the physical construction but it will create a lasting result, in terms of social and
historical impacts that more endure than the project itself. In addition to its time, a project
is also unique. It means that each project generates a specific product, service, or outcome;
which the result of the project can be tangible or intangible. Some projects deliverables and
activities may also share repetitive elements. However, this repetition does not mean the
same fundamental and unique characteristic of the project work. For instance, apartement
buildings are usually constructed with the same material and method, but each building
project is still unique, as they are in different areas, have different designs and owners, etc.

The PMBOK guide definition of Project management is “the application of knowledge, skills,
tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project
management is accomplished through the appropriate application and integration of the 47
logically grouped project management processes, which are categorized into five process
groups. These five process groups are: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and
controlling, and closing” (PMBOK® Guide, Project Management Institute, 2013, p. 5). In
other words, project management is about knowing exactly the goal the project needs to
meet, what resources needed, how long it will take to reach that specific goal and how to
achieve them by using skills and certain tools and techniques step by step as guided by the
PMBOK through five process groups mentioned above.

The main goal of project management is to ensure the final success of a project. A project is
successful once all objectives defined have been met. For instance, on time, on budget and
the client is pleased with the quality and outcome of the project. In order to see wheter a
project is on track during the process of planning, organizing and managing resources, we
can use some indicators. They include defined goals, an organized project plan, adequate
funds and resources, commitment and team collaboration, respected deadlines, few errors,
and effective mistake correction.

The overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution,
monitoring, controlling and closure of a project is on a project manager. Many industries
and companies such as construction, information technology, petrochemical, architecture,
etc use this job title. Besides planning and scheduling, the project manager must have a
combination of skills including an ability to lead people, detect unstated assumptions and
resolve problems and conflicts, as well as general management skills.
3. The Importance of Project Management for Project Success

Problems in a projet almost happen in every organization. Such problems as what products,
systems or material to develop, should number of products be increased, or should
computers be purchased, etc are just a number of continuing problems about which
management must overcome if the firm is to survive. Therefore, project management helps
companies by providing tools, techniques and methodologies as approachment which can
be used to resolve the problems. Project management is also applicable to a variety of
problems as every project is unique in terms of the problems the company is facing with,
the priorities and resources assigned, the environment in which the project operates, and its
manager's style used to lead and control project activities.

Project management has been known as a knowledge for ages. Nevertheless, it is

undeniable that most profesionals and project managers do not have proper training for it
and certification as well. Al-Hajj and Zraunig (2018) observed projects management tools
and techniques were not perfectly utilized by the projects professionals. However, the great
majority of project managers, on their successful projects applied project management
methodologies. And all successful projects they surveyed indicates utilization of project
management tools and techniques.


[1] Christine Petersen, PMP. (2013). The Practical Guide to Project Management.
Retrieved from:
[2] Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the Project Management Body of
Knowledge. Retrieved from:

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