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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203




Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2018 – 19

Prepared by


Prepared by


SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




Soil investigation – Basic requirements of foundation – Types and selection of foundations. Bearing capacity
of soil - plate load test – Design of reinforced concrete isolated, strip, combined and strap footings – mat
Q.No Questions BT Competence

1. Distinguish the terms Foundation and Substructure BT-4 Analyzing

2. Explain about soil exploration and it uses? BT-2 Understanding
3. Compare the various methods of site exploration BT-4 Analyzing
4. Define Significant depth of exploration. BT-1 Remembering
5. What is Bore log report and list the information given in a bore log BT-1 Remembering
6. What are the various stages of sub surface exploration? BT-1 Remembering
7. Discuss about the elastic settlement of a footing resting on soil. BT-6 Creating
8. Explain disturbed & un-disturbed samples. BT-2 Understanding
9. Elaborately discuss about a “Tilt” of a foundation. BT-6 Creating
10. List the various parameters affecting the sampling disturbance. BT-1 Remembering
11. Identify In what way the local shear failure differs from General shear BT-3 Applying
12. Depth of foundation should be greater than the frost penetration depth. BT-5 Evaluating
13. Where the Raft or Mat Foundation would be used? BT-1 Remembering
14. Specify the reasons for providing inside and outside clearance in BT-3 Applying
sampling tubes.
15. Explain about strap beam and when it is preferred? BT-2 Understanding
16. Recommend the circumstances where strap footing is adopted. BT-5 Evaluating
17. Specify the reasons for providing combined footing. BT-3 Applying

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18. Differentiate floating raft and floating column. BT-4 Analyzing
19. What do you mean by buoyancy raft foundation? BT-1 Remembering
20. Explain the two types of corrections applied to the observed SPT values BT-2 Understanding
(N) in cohesionless soils.

1. Relate SPT, SCPT and DCPT tests for determining subsurface soil BT-1 Remembering
conditions with the shallow foundation design aspects.
2. Explain the plate load test in detail and enumerate its importance in the BT-2 Understanding
design of foundation.
3. Analyze and Design a strap footing for two columns C1 and C2 carrying BT-4 Analyzing
a load of 700 kN and 800 kN respectively. Size of the column is 500 X
500 mm and is spaced at a distance of 4.10 m centre to centre. The face
of the column C1 is on the property line. The bearing capacity of the soil
is 175 kN/m2.
4. What are the general design criteria to be considered regarding the depth BT-1 Remembering
and location of a shallow foundation?
5. What is floating raft? What are the difficulties involved in the BT-1 Remembering
construction of such raft?
6. Two columns carrying 500 kN and 650 kN spaced 3.75 m apart and they BT-4 Analyzing
have to provided with a foundation on soil having a net safe bearing
capacity of 160 kg/cm2. The footing must be restricted to 2.25 m. Use M
25 grade concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Analyze a combined footing.

7. Analyze and Design the strap footing for two columns C1 and C2 BT-4 Analyzing
carrying a load of 600 kN and 800 kN respectively. Size of the column is
400 X 400 mm and us spaced at a distance of 4 m centre to centre. The
face of the column C1 is on the property line. The bearing capacity of the
soil is 200 kN/m2. Use M20 and Fe 415 grades.
8. Proportion a rectangular combined footing for the following data BT-3 Applying
Allowable soil pressure for DL + reduced LL = 180 kN/m2
Dl + LL = 270 kN/m2

Column A Column B

DL 500 kN 660 kN

LL 400 kN 840 kN

Distance between the columns = 5m c/c.

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9. Abuilding consists of 12 columns 400mm X 400mm sizes arranged in 3 BT-6 Creating
rows of four each. The distance between the columns is 5.0m each. The
load carried by four corner columns is 500 kN each, that carried by
exterior column is 550 kN each and that carried by interior column is
900 kN each. The allowable soil pressure is 50 kN/m2. Design the raft
10. Sketch the reinforcement details and Outline the footing design for a BT-2 Understanding
column of dimension 500 mm X 400 mm transmits characteristic loads
of 600 kN as dead load and 400kN as live load to a foundation. The safe
bearing capacity of the soil 150 kN/m2 Use the M25 concrete and Fe415
grade steel.
11. Evaluate the capacity of a strap footing for two columns C1 and C2 BT-5 Evaluating
carrying a load of 500 kN and 600 kN respectively. Size of both columns
is 300mm X 300 mm and is spaced at a distance of 3m c/c the face of a
column C1 is on the property line. The bearing capacity of the soil is 175
kN/m2. Use the M20 concrete and Fe415 grade steel.

12. Proportion a rectangular combined footing for two columns 5 m apart. BT-3 Applying
The exterior column of size 0.3 m x 0.3 m carries a load of 600 kN and
interior column of size 0.4 m x 0.4 m carries a load of 900 kN. The
allowable soil pressure is 100 kN/m2
13. An eccentrically loaded square footing of width 2.1 m with an BT-2 Understanding
eccentricity of 0.35 m can take at a depth of 0.5 m in a soil with γ = 18
kN/m3,c = 9 kN/m2 and φ = 36°, Nc = 52; Nq = 35; and Nγ = 42.
Summarize the ultimate load carried by the footing.
14. i) What is area ratio? Describe its significance. (3) BT-1 Remembering

ii) Compute the area ratio of a sampling tube having outside and inside
diameter as 99 mm and 93 mm respectively. Is this tube suitable for
undisturbed sampling? (5)

iii) If this tube is pushed into clay of medium stiffness at the bottom of a
borehole a distance of 500mm and length and length of the sample
recovered is 482 mm. what is recovery ratio? (5)
1. Explain the effects of water table on foundation. Take a case study and BT-2 Understanding
illustrate with the example.

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2. Calculate the Safe bearing capacity per unit area of BT-5 Evaluating
a) A strip footing 1 m wide (3)
b) A square footing 3m x 3m (4)
c) A circular footing of 3m diameter. (4)
d) A rectangular footing of 1.3x2.2m (4)
Unit weight of the soil 1.8 t/m3, cohesion = 2t/m2, Ф = 20 o ,Nc = 17.5,
Nq = 7.5 and N γ = 5.
Depth of footing is 1.6m below ground surface.

3. With neat sketch, relate the critical sections for bending moment, one BT-1 Remembering
way shear and punching shear for an isolated footing.
4. A Strip footing of width 3m is founded at a depth of 2m below the ground BT-6 Creating
surface in a cohesive soil having a cohesion c = 30 kN/m2 and angle of
shearing resistance is 35o. The moist weight of soil above the water table
is 17.25 kN/m2.
For ϕ = 35o, Nc = 57.8, Nq = 41.4 and Nɤ = 42.4
For ϕ = 25o, Nc = 25.1, Nq = 12.7 and Nɤ = 9.7
The water table is at a depth of 5m below ground level. Formulate
a) Ultimate bearing capacity of the soil (5)
b) Net bearing capacity of soil (5)
c) Net allowable bearing pressure(3)
d) the load/m length (2)
Take FoS = 3.


Introduction – Types of pile foundations – load carrying capacity - pile load test – structural design of straight
piles –configuration of piles- different shapes of piles cap – structural design of pile cap.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. What do you mean by “SILENT ENEMY” in pile foundation? BT-1
Level Remembering
2. What is tension piles and where it is used? BT-1 Remembering
3. Explain the methods of pile driving BT-2 Understanding
4. Explain the Protection of pile during driving. BT-2 Understanding
5. Write down the necessity for lateral pile load test. BT-2 Understanding
6. Differentiate shallow foundation and deep foundation based on their BT-4 Analyzing
mode of failure.
7. Illustrate batter pile? Mention its use along with criteria. BT-3 Applying
8. Demonstrate the precautions that should be carried to avoid heaving of BT-3 Applying
soil while driving the pile?
9. Differentiate between driven and bored pile. BT-4 Analyzing

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10. Discuss the types of piles based on their function. BT-6 Creating
11. Are pile foundation checked for settlement? Justify your answer BT-5 Evaluating
12. What is a pile cap? Specify the function of a pile cap. BT-1 Remembering
13. Write the principle of a pile group effect and how will you estimate the BT-6 Creating
capacity of a pile group in clay?
14. Define Negative skin friction (or) down drag BT-1 Remembering
15. Define Pile group efficiency and list the factors affecting pile group BT-1 Remembering
16. Explain the procedure used to get the group efficiency by feld's rule? BT-2 Understanding
17. Interpret the result of driving a displacement pile into a loose sand and BT-3 Applying
plastic clay?
18. What do you mean by compensated foundation? BT-1 Remembering
19. Criticize the seismic considerations in pile foundation than that of in BT-4 Analyzing
shallow foundation
20. Recommend some important parameters in the design of pile caps. BT-5 Evaluating
1. Distinguish Pile Foundation from Shallow Foundation BT-4 Analyzing
2. Explain in details about the various types of pile foundation with neat BT-2 Understanding
sketch and write their functions.
3. What is tension pile? Where it is used? How is its capacity arrived in BT-1 Remembering
clay stratum?
4. Describe the various reasons for failure of pile foundation. BT-1 Remembering

5. How is the pile hammers classified? Explain them. BT-1 Remembering

6. A 20 m deep bored pile has a shaft of 90 cm diameter and enlarged base BT-1 Remembering
of 1.5m dia in the lower 1 m depth. The undrained cohesion of the soil
varies from 100 kN/m2 at the top to 150 kN/m2at the base. Find the safe
load, using a factor of safety of 3. Take α = 0.5

7. Using Hiley’s formula, Calculate the dynamic capacity of a pile given BT-4 Analyzing
the following data:
Weight of hammer = 30 kN, Drop of hammer = 2 m, Average set = 8
mm, Hammer efficiency = 85 %, weight of pile = 20kN & Total elastic
compression of pile = 14.5 mm
8. A concrete pile of 40 cm diameter is driven into a homogeneous mass of BT-4 Analyzing
cohesionless soil. Thepile carries a safe load of 650 kN. A static cone
penetration test conducted at the site indicates an average value of qc =
40 kg/cm2 along the pile and 120 kg/cm2 below the pile tip. Compute
thelength of the pile with Fs = 2.5.

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9. A column 300 X 300 mm in section stands on a pile cap supporting on BT-2 Understanding
three piles. The column is situated at the centroid of the pile cap. The
total load transferred to the column is 700 kN. The piles are 1.3 centre to
centre. Predict the design of pile cap. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415
grade steel.
10. During soil exploration, it is found a 15 m thick clay layer of following BT-2 Understanding
properties : Cu = 50 kPa, γ = 19.4 kN/m3 is found. In this type of soil it is
decided to adopt a ple group of 4 piles. The diameter of the pile is 35 cm
and length of pile is 10m. Report the load carrying capacity of the pile
11. In a (4 X 4) pile group, the pile diameter is 0.45 m centre to centre BT-5 Evaluating
spacing of the square group is 1.5 m. If cohesion is 50 kN/m2, Defend
whether the failure would occur with the pile acting individually, or as a
group? Neglect bearing at the tip of the pile. All piles are 10 m long.
Take m = 0.7 for shear mobilization around each pile.
12. Design a pile cap for a column of size 500 mm X 500 mm carrying a BT-6 Creating
load of 2200 kN, supported by four piles. The size of the piles may be
taken as 250 mm X 250 mm. The c/c distance between the piles is
1.10m. Use the M30 concrete and Fe415 grade steel.

13. A 4 X 4 pile group in a cohesive deposit having qu = 180 kPa, carries a BT-3 Applying
load of 10,000 kN. The piles areof 0.5 m in diameter. Solve for the
length and spacing, assuming F.S = 2.5.
14. A column carrying a load of 2500 kN has to be supported by 4 piles, BT-3 Applying
each of 30 cm X 30 cm size at a spacing of 100 cm c/c. The column size
is 60 cm X 60 cm. Apply IS Code procedure and design the pile cap. Use
M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

1. Briefly Describe about BT-1 Remembering

a) Negative skin friction (4)

b) Group efficiency (3)
c) Settlement of pile (3)
d) Laterally loaded piles(5)
2. With the help of a case study, briefly explain pile foundation and its BT-2 Understanding

3. A reinforced concrete pile of size 30 x 30 cm and 10m long is driven into BT-3 Applying
coarse sand extending to a great depth. The average total unit weight of
the soil is 18 kN/m3 and the average Ncor value is 15. Determine the
allowable load on the pile by the static formula. Use Fs= 2.5. The water
table is close to the ground surface

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4. Square pile group of 9 piles passes through a recently filled up material of BT-4 Analyzing
5m depth. The diameter of the pile is 30cm and pile spacing is 90cm
centre to centre. If the unconfined compression strength of the cohesive
materials is 60kN /m2 and unit weight is 15kN//m3.
Compute the negative skin friction of the pile group.


Types of well foundation – Grip length – load carrying capacity – construction of wells – Failures and Remedies
– Design of well foundation – Lateral stability

Questions BT Level Competence
1. What are Pneumatic caissons? BT-1 Remembering
2. Whatare open caissons? BT-1 Remembering
3. How the thickness of well steining is designed? BT-1 Remembering
4. List the forces acting on well foundation? BT-1 Remembering

5. Under what circumstances, a caisson is advantages compared to other BT-1 Remembering

types of deep foundations?
6. What are the different shapes of well foundation? BT-1 Remembering
7. Discuss about drilled caissons. BT-2 Understanding
8. Predict the reasons for providing bottom concrete plug to a well. BT-2 Understanding
9. Describe well cap. BT-2 Understanding
10. Describe well curb. BT-2 Understanding
11. Differentiate between bottom plug and top plug. BT-4 Analyzing
12. Sketch a typical well foundation and its components. BT-3 Applying
13. Sketch and point out the types of drilled piers. BT-4 Analyzing
14. State the Advantages and Disadvantages of Drilled Pier Foundations BT-4 Analyzing
15. Relate box caisson with other types of well foundation. BT-3 Applying
16. Illustrate Why is lateral stability of the well foundation is necessary? BT-3 Applying

17. Summarize about grip length and how it is measure? BT-5 Evaluating

18. Evaluate How lateral stability of well foundation is checked? BT-5 Evaluating

19. Write about “caisson disease” BT-6 Creating

20. Express “scour depth” in terms of the design of cassions BT-6 Creating

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1. What are the elements of bridge structures? Mention the function of each BT-1 Remembering
2. Explain in detail the design procedure of pier cap. BT-2 Understanding
3. What are the causes of tilts and shifts? List the various methods of BT-1 Remembering
rectifying tilts and discuss them in detail.
4. A circular well of 5m external diameter and steining 1 m is used as BT-4 Analyzing
foundation for a bridge pier in a sandy stratum. the submerged unit weight
of sand is 10kN/m3 and angle of shearing resistance, ø is 30o. The well is
subjected to a horizontal force of 500 kN and a total moment of 5000
kNm at the scour level. the depth of well below scour level is 12m.
Assuming the well to be light, check the lateral stability of the well.
5. A bridge pier is supported on two round caissons that is to rest on hard BT-3 Applying
soil of a depth of 32m below the river bed. the caissons are to carry 28000
kN. The skin friction of the material above the soil may be assumed as 16
kN/m2. Solve for the diameter of the caisson and the thickness of the plug.
6. An open caisson, 20 m deep, is of cylindrical shape, with external and BT-3 Applying
internal diameters of 9 m and 6 m, respectively. If the water level is 2 m
below the top of the caisson. solve for the minimum thickness of the seal
required. Check for perimeter shear also.
Assume σc = 2400 kN/m2 and γc = 24 kN/m3, for concrete. Allowable
perimeter shear stress = 650 kN/m2.
7. Explain in detail about the types of well foundation. BT-2 Understanding
8. Express in detail about the forces acting on well foundation. BT-2 Understanding
9. Design the outside well diameter of a cassion to be sunk through 40m of BT-6 Creating
sand and water bed rock if the allowable bearing capacity is 2000kN/m2.
The cassion receives a load of 50000kN from the super structure. The
mantle friction is 30kN/m2. Test the feasibility of sinking. Also calculate
the thickness of the seal.
10. A cylindrical well of external diameter 6 m and internal diameter 4 m is BT-5 Evaluating
sunk to a depth 16 m below the maximum scour level in a sand deposit.
The well is subjected to a horizontal force of 1000 kN acting at a height
of 8 m above the scour level. Determine the total allowable equivalent
resisting force due to earth pressure, assuming that
(a) the well rotates about a point above the base
(b) the well rotates about the base.
Assume γ ′ = 10 kN/m3, φ = 30°, and factor of safety against passive
resistance = 2.
Use Terzaghi’s Approach.

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11. A circular well has an external diameter of 7.5 m and is sunk into a sandy BT-1 Remembering
soil to a depth of 20 m below the maximum scour level. The resultant
horizontal force is 1800 kN. The well is subjected to a moment of 36,000
kN.m about the maximum scour level due to the lateral force. Check
whether the well is safe against lateral forces, assuming the well to rotate
(a) about a point above the base
(b) about the base
Assume γ ′ = 10 kN/m3, and φ = 36°.
a factor of safety of 2 against passive resistance.
Use Terzaghi’s analysis.
12. Examine the cross-sectional dimensions of a cylindrical open caisson to BT-1 Remembering
be sunk through 35 m of sand and water to bed rock if the allowable
bearing pressure is 2000 N/m2. The caisson has to support a load of 60
MN from the superstructure. Test the feasibility of sinking if the skin
friction is 40 kN/m2. Also calculate the necessary thickness of the seal.

13. Outline the Design Aspects of the Components of a Well Foundation. BT-4 Analyzing
14. A multistory building is to be constructed in a stiff to very stiff clay. The BT-4 Analyzing
soil is homogeneous to a great depth. The average value of undrained
shear strength cu is 120 kN/m2. It is proposed to use a drilled pier of
length 20 m and diameter 1 m as shown in figure.


(a) ultimate load capacity of the pier

(b) allowable load on the pier with Fs = 2.5.
1. What are the Stability analyses of a well foundation? Explain them with BT-1 Remembering
neat sketches.

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2. Illustrate in detail the failures and remedies of well foundation. BT-3 Applying
3. Explain the construction procedure of caisson foundation. BT-2 Understanding

4. Write the elements of well foundation detail? Mention the function of each BT-6 Creating


Introduction – Types of machine foundation – Basic principles of design of machine foundation – Dynamic
properties of soil – vibration analysis of machine foundation – Design of foundation for Reciprocating
machines and Impact machines – Reinforcement and construction details – vibration isolation.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Recall 'Frequency ratio'. and Specify its importance in machine BT-1 Remembering
foundation design.
2. Define the term Frequency and resonance. BT-1 Remembering
3. What are the various types of machine foundation used for different BT-1 Remembering
kinds of machinery?
4. What is the use of bonded rubber mountings in machine foundations? BT-1 Remembering
5. Write down the two basic principles of machine foundation design. BT-6 Creating
6. Write down the technique adopted for isolation of a dynamic foundation. BT-6 Creating
7. Explain about Machine foundation. BT-2 Understanding
8. What are the various techniques adopted for isolation of a dynamic BT-1 Remembering
9. Distinguish between horizontal amplitude and rotating amplitude in the BT-4 Analyzing
design of machine foundation.
10. Assess the damping parameters that is used for the design of machine BT-5 Evaluating
11. Define the terms period, cycle and period motion BT-5 Evaluating
12. Enumerate the reasons why piles are used in machine foundation. BT-4 Analyzing
13. Assess the importance of spring absorbers. BT-1 Remembering
14. Differentiate free and forced vibration BT-4 Analyzing
15. Demonstrate about viscous damping and friction damping BT-3 Applying
16. Sketch the different types of machine foundation. BT-3 Applying
17. Explain about various vibration isolation techniques. BT-2 Understanding
18. Explain Elastic Half Space Theory BT-2 Understanding

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19. Explain about dynamic analysis of machine foundation. BT-2 Understanding
20. Dramatize the properties of isolating materials. BT-3 Applying
1. Explain the design criteria for machine foundations BT-2 Understanding
2. Design a foundation for a simple rotary machine which has following BT-6 Creating
Weight Wm = 230kN
Base Area = 2 x 4 m
Height of CG = 1.2 m
Speed = 1000 rpm
Mass inertia = 8500 kg M4
Vertical excitation force = 40 kN
Co-efficient of elastic uniform compression = 60 MN/m3
Assume M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 Grade of steel
3. Predict a Design for a suitable block foundation for a two cylinder BT-5 Evaluating
vertical compressor for the following data:
Crank angle : 0 & π/2
Weight of compressor = 200 kN
Operating speed = 600 rpm
Total weight of rotating mass = 0.06 kN
Total weight of reciprocating mass = 0.27 kN
Radius of Crank = 0.4 m
Safe Bearing capacity of soil under static condition = 100 kN/m2
Co-effiecient of elastic uniform compression = 45000 kN/m3
4. A single cylinder engine with the following particulars is to be placed on BT-4 Analyzing
a concrete foundation. Estimate the maximum unbalanced force
generated by the engine:
crank radius = 80 mm
Length of connecting rod = 280 mm
operating frequency = 1800 rpm
Weight of reciprocating parts = 49 N
5. The exciting force in a constant force-amplitude excitation is 90 kN. The BT-4 Analyzing
natural frequency of the machine foundation is 3 Hz. The damping factor
is 0.30. Evaluate the magnification factor and the transmitted force at an
operating frequency of 6 Hz.
6. Briefly explain the stiffness and damping parameters used in the design BT-2 Understanding
of machine foundation.
7. Explain the “free vibration with damping” and bring out the meaning of BT-2 Understanding
over damped, under damped and critically damped conditions.
8. Determine the coefficient of elastic uniform compression if a vibration BT-4 Analyzing
test on a concrete block of 1 m cube gave a resonant frequency of 36 Hz
in vertical vibration. The weight of the oscillator used was 500 N. Take
the unit weight of concrete as 24.0 kN/m3
9. How does the design of machine foundation differ from that of shallow BT-1 Remembering
foundation? Discuss in detail.

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10. Examine the natural frequency of a machine foundation of base area 2m BT-3 Applying
×2m and weight 150 kN, assuming that the soil mass participating in the
vibration is
a) Negligible
b) 20% of the weight of foundation.
Take Cu = 36,000 kN/m3
11. Describe the Following in detail BT-1 Remembering
a) Significance of spring mass system in machine foundation.
b) The role of resonance in the design of machine foundation.

12. Record the bulb of pressure concept proposed by "Balakrishna Rao" for BT-1 Remembering
the design of Machine foundations.
13. Examine the Design of a suitable foundation for a double-acting steam BT-3 Applying
hammer for the following data:
Weight of tup = 50 kN
Height of fall = 1 m
Area of piston = 0.2 m2
Steam pressure on piston = 900 kN/m2
Weight of anvil and frame = 1000 kN
Safe bearing capacity under static loading conditions = 200 kN/m2
Coefficient of elastic uniform compression of soil = 5 × 104 kN/m3
Base area of anvil (base area of elastic pad also) = 5.5 m2
Thickness of elastic pad = 0.60 m
Modulus of elasticity of the material of the pad = 5 × 105 kN/m2
Coefficient of restitution = 0.5
Unit weight of soil = 16 kN/m3
Safe bearing capacity under static loading conditions = 200 kN/m2
Coefficient of elastic uniform compression of soil = 5 × 104 kN/m3
14. The resonant frequency of a block foundation, excited by an oscillator is BT-1 Remembering
observed as 20 Hz. The amplitude of vibration at resonance is 1 mm. The
magnitude of the dynamic force at 20 Hz is 5 kN. If the total weight of
the block and oscillator is 20 kN, Record the damping factor associated
with it.
1. Take a heavy industrial building having larger number of vibrating BT-3 Applying
machines. Discuss the type of foundation to be adopted for the machines.
Illustrate with example.

2. Point out the requirements governing the design of foundations for BT-4 Analyzing
impact type machines.
3. Give the requirements of design of foundation for reciprocating machines BT-1 Remembering
as per IS code and also list the various aspects in the design criteria for
machine foundation used for a Reciprocating engine.

4. Explain the various techniques adopted for the isolating the dynamic BT-2 Understanding
effects in machine foundation.

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Foundation on expansive soils – choice of foundation – under-reamed pile foundation. Foundation for
concrete Towers, chimneys – Design of anchors- Reinforced earth retailing walls.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Indicate the general design criteria for the satisfactory performance of a BT-2
Level Understanding
tower foundation.
2. What are anchored bulk heads? BT-1 Remembering
3. Give various types of foundation for transmission line towers. BT-2 Understanding
4. What are the forces acting on tower foundation? BT-1 Remembering
5. Explain the method of selecting a proper type of foundation for BT-2 Understanding

6. How the safety of tower foundation is checked against uplift? BT-1 Remembering
7. What do you mean by Ground anchor? BT-1 Remembering
8. Criticize between normal condition and broken wire condition in tower BT-4 Analyzing
foundation design.

9. Outline with sketch How do the ground anchors derive resistance loads? BT-2 Understanding
10. What are the forces to be considered in the design of foundation for BT-1 Remembering
11. What are the IS codes to be followed for the satisfactory performance of BT-1 Remembering
a cooling tower foundation?
12. Write down the points to be considered in the design of anchors. BT-6 Creating
13. Compare the load transfer mechanism of single under reamed pile with BT-4 Analyzing
that of double under reamed pile with neat sketches.
14. Demonstrate the stability analysis for tower foundation. BT-3 Applying
15. Write the formula used for checking the uplift capacity of tower BT-6 Creating
16. Categorize the types of loads to be considered for tower foundation BT-4 Analyzing
17. Develop and sketch the Structural arrangement of foundation for towers BT-3 Applying
18. Recommend the importance of under reamed piles for loose soil. BT-5 Evaluating
19. Show in what way reinforced earth walls differ from retaining wall. BT-3 Applying
20. Criticize the slip failure and its remedies. BT-5 Evaluating
1. Give the necessary information and requirements for the design and BT-4 Analyzing
construction of transmission line tower foundation

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2. What are the various types of foundations used for towers? BT-1 Remembering
3. Identify the forces acting on tower foundation and its effects BT-1 Remembering
4. Employ how stability against overturning, uplift and lateral thrust is BT-3 Applying
checked in tower foundation design.
5. Outline the general design philosophy in the design of chimney & Pad BT-4 Analyzing
6. Recall the methods of selecting a proper type of foundation. BT-1 Remembering
7. Sketch the various types of foundation in use for transmission line BT-4 Analyzing
8. Generalize the factors that decide the type of tower foundation? Discuss BT-2 Understanding
in detail.
9. Describe about ground anchors. BT-2 Understanding
10. Illustrate the design principles of ground anchors. BT-2 Understanding
11. Rewrite the necessity of supports for foundation excavation. BT-6 Creating
12. Illustrate in detail about under reamed pile foundation. BT-3 Applying
13. Assess in detail about Reinforced Earth retaining walls. BT-5 Evaluating
14. Tabulate in brief about the effects and causes of Foundation on BT-1 Remembering
expansive soils
1. Design a suitable foundation for a 20o angle tower to be used in a double BT-4 Analyzing
circuit 132 kV transmission line. The foundation is located in medium
dense sand with ɸ = 30o and 17kN/m3. Depth of groundwater table is 5.0
m below the ground level. Use overload factors of 2 and 1.5 for normal
and broken wire conditions respectively. The foundation is subjected to
the following loadings

Nature of load Load in kN under Conditions

Downward 400 450
Uplift 300 380
Shear in transverse 3.3 25
Shear in longitudinal - 16

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2. Assess a suitable tower foundation for a double circuit 144KW BT-5 Evaluating
transmission line without any deviation. The foundation is located in
cohesive soil with allowable bearing pressure as 200kN/m2. Consider Cu
=20kN/m2, γ = 18kN/m3, ϕ = 35o , for computation of uplift forces. The
foundation is subjected to the loading given below.

Load in kN
Name of the Load N.C B.W.C
Downward 250 300
Uplift 1750 250
Shear (transverse) 12 17
Shear (longitudinal) 8

3. Formulate a suitable tower foundation for a double circuit 144 kV BT-6 Creating
transmission line for the following specifications. The foundation is to be
located in dense sand with ϕ = 30o , γ = 18.5 kN/m3, allowable bearing
pressure as 250kN/m2. The water table is located at a depth of 2 m below
the existing GL.

Nature of load Actual Load

Downward load 500 kN 650 kN
Upward load 250 kN 325 kN
Shear in transverse 5 kN 20 kN
Shear in longitudinal 0 25 kN

4. Two main brick wall of a room in a residential building 225mm thick, a BT-3 Applying
loading of 40kN/m at foundation level. Another cross wall of same
thickness joins it and transmits a concentrated load 50kN. Apply IS Codal
provision and design a under-reamed pile with spacing of piles 2m and
also design grade beam for the foundation of a main wall.

Prepared by


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