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Review Article

Volatile sulfur compounds in tropical fruits

Robert J. Cannon a,*, Chi-Tang Ho b

International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., Research & Development, 1515 State Highway 36, Union Beach, NJ 07735,
Rutgers University, Food Science Department, 65 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Global production and demand for tropical fruits continues to grow each year as con-
Received 2 November 2017 sumers are enticed by the exotic flavors and potential health benefits that these fruits
Received in revised form possess. Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) are often responsible for the juicy, fresh aroma
16 January 2018 of tropical fruits. This poses a challenge for analytical chemists to identify these com-
Accepted 22 January 2018 pounds as most often VSCs are found at low concentrations in most tropical fruits. The aim
Available online 16 February 2018 of this review is to discuss the extraction methods, enrichment techniques, and instru-
mentation utilized to identify and quantify VSCs in natural products. This will be followed
Keywords: by a discussion of the VSCs reported in tropical and subtropical fruits, with particular
Tropical fruits attention to the odor and taste attributes of each compound. Finally, the biogenesis and
Volatile sulfur compounds enzymatic formation of specific VSCs in tropical fruits will be highlighted along with the
Extraction methods contribution each possesses to the aroma of their respective fruit.
Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

compounds that falls into this category includes volatile sul-

1. Introduction fur compounds (VSCs). A recent review categorized the
abundance of the key food odorants (KFOs) in natural prod-
Tropical fruits are a significant source of the total fruit intake ucts into three main groups: generalists, intermediaries, or
around the world [1]. Consumers are seeking new taste ex- individualists [2]. Many of these KFOs are VSCs. For example,
periences from exotic fruits, both for their tropical flavors and 3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) is found in 54% of the
potential health benefits. The demand for these fruits is at an KFOs studied in the literature and listed as a generalist in
all-time high as they are now more accessible to consumers natural products. Methional can be formed through the ther-
that live considerable distances from the regions where the mal or enzymatic breakdown of L-methionine and is
fruits are cultivated. In the scientific literature, the major commonly perceived by gas chromatography-olfactometry
volatile constituents of many of the popular tropical fruits (GC-O) [3]. The next class of VSCs in foods is called in-
have been identified and the biogenesis of these compounds termediaries, like furfurylthiol, which are found in 15% of
has been defined. Less understood are the trace molecules, KFOs. Furfurylthiol, formed from carbohydrate and amino
many of which are equally important to the odor and taste acid (AA) precursors [4], is a characteristic odorant of brewed
profile of a specific tropical fruit. One chemical class of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: robert.cannon@iff.com (R.J. Cannon).
1021-9498/Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
446 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

coffee [5]. Finally, VSCs can also be classified as individualists, carefully analyzed to fully discern whether the volatile
which comprise less than 5% of the KFOs. An example would compounds of the fruit have been extracted properly. One
be 1-p-menthene-8-thiol, formed from AA or hydrogen sulfide easy way to do this from a liquideliquid extraction (LLE) is to
and isoprenoid precursors [6]. This compound is found in only make sure the extract produced has a very similar odor
0.4% of KFOs and is characteristic to the aroma of grapefruit profile to the fruit, which can simply be done by dipping a
juice [7] and will be discussed in more detail in later sections. paper blotter in the extract. However, this is more difficult
VSCs provide the juicy, fresh, authentic aroma to many when the flavor extraction is something other than LLE, for
varieties of tropical fruits. However, there are many chal- example solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and stir bar
lenges to identifying these compounds in natural products. sorptive extraction [9].
The chemistry of VSCs is not always well understood as much The fresh, unique flavor of tropical fruits is mainly
of the literature only describes the major constituents that consumed raw. Therefore, in order to identify the compounds
comprise a natural product. There is also the potential that are responsible for each fruit's flavor profile, the extrac-
instability of VSCs, particularly thiol compounds, to oxidation tion process should limit thermal processing as much as
and disulfide formation, as well as the adsorption to reaction possible. Many of the isolation and concentration techniques
and extraction vessels. Another factor is the low concentra- require varying levels of thermal processing and must be
tion at which VSCs occur in foods. VSCs in citrus fruits, for taken into account in the final analysis to determine if any
example, are rarely reported in the literature, mainly because artifacts have formed [10,11]. The current industry standard to
the VSCs are found at extremely low concentrations and are isolate and enrich the volatile constituents from a natural
concealed by higher concentrations of monoterpenes and product is solvent assisted flavor evaporation (SAFE) [12]. This
sesquiterpenes. Therefore, large extractions of juice or peel method is preferred as it limits thermal artifacts compared to
are usually required, along with multiple analytical tech- other distillation techniques, including Likens Nickerson
niques and instrumentation to enrich and separate different distillation, more commonly known as steam distillation
chemical classes of compounds. Yet there still is no guar- extraction (SDE). SAFE can isolate volatile compounds with
antee that the VSCs will be identified, especially when they very little discrimination, including polar, less volatile, and
are found in the mg/L and ng/L ranges. At these levels, VSCs unstable constituents that could be important to many flavor
may fall out of the detection limits of gas chromatography- types. Using additional distillation (Vigreux column) and
mass spectrometry (GCeMS). One way to increase the level microdistillation (Bemelmans/Kuderna Danish column) tech-
of VSCs is through thermally processing. This would most niques [11], SAFE extracts can be further reduced to increase
likely alter the aroma and taste of the fruit, thus changing the the analyte concentration within the solvent. When you dip a
original, fresh profile for which the fruit is most likely being blotter into a SAFE extract, the odor closely matches the nat-
studied. ural product being studied, which is the critical factor to
This review aims to discuss the extraction and enrich- identifying the key odorants that are representative of the
ment techniques, along with the instrumentation available, flavor.
to identify and quantify VSCs in natural products. This will
be followed by a discussion of the VSCs reported in tropical
and subtropical fruits, with particular attention to the odor/ 3. Enrichment
taste attributes of each compound and the specific contri-
bution each possess to their respective fruit. Also, additional Many of the key odorants to the aroma of tropical fruit are
discussion will be shared on the biogenesis and enzymatic found at particularly low concentrations. These odorants can
formation of these compounds. A fruit with at least 10 VSCs be identified and characterized by GC-O but may be below the
reported in the literature was considered a major topic for detection limits of GCeMS. There are several techniques to
this review. Fruits with less than 10 VSCs reported were further enrich these odorants during the extraction process.
combined under the miscellaneous section at the end of the Fractionation has been a common practice whereby the
discussion. extract is added to a column (i.e. silica gel), and the constitu-
ents of the extract are separated and enriched using a gradient
of different polarity solvents.
2. Extraction Many of the VSCs found in tropical fruits are thiol com-
pounds in the mg/L and ng/L ranges. Techniques for thiol
Extraction and enrichments methods to identify and quan- enrichment have been extensively explored over the last
tify VSCs are widely discussed in the literature [8]. One must 15e20 years, especially in the study of wines. The most com-
be critical of these methods when it comes to the analysis of mon technique found in the literature describes low level thiol
natural products. In terms of a known flavor formulation compounds is LLE followed by the reversible complex of thiols
with compounds at known concentrations, it becomes to p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid [13] or to chloromethyl
significantly easier to measure how well a specific extraction polystyrene resins [14]. These bound thiols are then released
process recovers each analyte. But for natural products, the by adding another thiol like L-cysteine or dithiothreitol, which
matrix is more complex and the compounds targeted for can be subsequently removed from the extract by SAFE. More
extraction are many times unknown and vary in terms of recently, researchers have experimented with chemical
molecular weight, solubility, and polarity; therefore making derivatization of thiol compounds using compounds such as
it difficult to measure the extraction efficiency and effec- 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl bromide [15,16] and 4,40 -dithiodi-
tiveness. Thus, the extraction of a fresh fruit must be pyridine [17].
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4. Instrumentation 5. Quantitation

There are many instruments available to identify VSCs in Another important aspect to understanding the value of
tropical fruits. Similarly to the extraction and enrichment VSCs to a tropical fruit is to measure their concentration in
steps, care must be taken when designing methods to inject the product. A simple, semi-quantitative approach is using
VSCs from an extract or headspace trap onto an instrument. an internal standard at a known concentration during the
The hot injection temperatures (250  C) of a gas chromato- extraction process. There can be significant losses of certain
graph (GC) can cause thermal degradation or reactions compounds during the extraction process, which is focused
to take place, especially for VSCs [18,19]. Therefore, cool on- on isolating and enriching a wide range of either volatile
column injections have become the favored technique compounds, non-volatile compounds, or both from a food
for GC. matrix. To correct for these losses and better understand
There are three main detectors that can selectively identify extraction recoveries, a more accurate approach is through
VSCs. These include pulsed flame photometric detector stable isotope dilution analysis (SIDA) [24]. For example, a
(PFPD), atomic emission detector (AED), and chem- preliminary extraction using an internal standard can be
iluminescence sulfur detector (CLSD). A comparison of the added to the sample to identify the key odorants by GC-O
detection limits, linearity, and specificity for each detector is and AEDA. The internal standard will provide semi-
shown in Table 1. quantitative data for the concentration of each of the key
For a compound to be claimed as “nature identical” or odorants. Next, a second extraction of the same sample is
“found in nature”, a peer reviewed article must irrefutably made with the respective synthesized (or purchased)
prove the presence of that peak in an extract from a minimum deuterated or carbon-13 labeled compounds which
of two orthogonal columns using GCeMS, along with the measured high FD factors by AEDA. These deuterated
synthesized or purchased authentic standard. The power and compounds are added to the food product at the approxi-
sensitivity of GCeMS has increased greatly over the last mate level their respective natural odorant is found in the
couple of decades, leading to new instruments, including food based on the preliminary extraction. Then the same
multidimensional GCeMS (MDGC-MS), two dimensional extraction is applied to accurately quantify those specific
GCeMS (GCxGC-MS), and (quadrupole) time of flight in- compounds with the deuterated derivative standards. These
struments, all of which possess high resolution power to standards should experience the same losses during
identify compounds at trace levels [20]. extraction and help to provide accurate quantitation of the
Arguably the most important instrumental technique key odorants in the food.
for the study of volatile compounds in natural products is Depending on the goal of the study, there are references for
GC-O. Even with the recent advances to the sensitivity and odor and taste detection thresholds (in air, water, or other
resolving power of the instruments described above, the media) for the most common flavor compounds [25,26]. This
human nose is still more sensitive and irreplaceable to the data, along with the concentration of the odorant in the
characterization of natural products. Using GC-O with a tropical fruit, can help calculate a compound's odor activity
sulfur specific detector can further enhance the identifica- value (OAV) [27]. AEDA helps determine which compounds
tion and understanding of VSCs [21]. Important techniques have the highest contribution or potency to the aroma profile
have been developed that utilize GC-O to help identify the of the natural product. These key odorants, along with their
key odorants, including Charm analysis [22] and Aroma concentrations using SIDA and OAVs, provide valuable in-
Extract Dilution Analysis (AEDA) [23]. By AEDA, an extract sights into recombinatory and omission testing studies. This
is run by GC-O and stepwise diluted by a factor of two or is a model approach defined as molecular sensory science or
three until no odorants are detected. Each odorant is sensomics [28].
assigned a flavor dilution (FD) factor based on these di-
lutions. This is a way of numerically representing the
strength of the odor. For example, a calculation can begin 6. Generation of VSCs
with the formula, 3n, where 3 is the dilution factor (3-fold)
and n is the last dilution the odor was smelled. A com- The biogenesis of fruit volatiles has drawn more attention
pound smelled up to the fourth dilution would have FD of lately [29], especially as the set of key odorants and olfactive
34 or 81. space in natural products becomes more understood and
defined [2]. Volatile compounds can be formed through pri-
mary enzymatic processes during intact fruit ripening or
through secondary enzymatic processes when the fruit is cut
Table 1 e A comparison of three sulfur specific detectors:
or homogenized for consumption. The ripening of fruit and
AED, CLSD, and PFPD (unpublished data).
the increase of volatile odorants can be driven by many fac-
Detector MDLa (ppm) Linearityb Specificity tors, including increased production of ethylene and enzyme
AED 1 5 1.00E þ 06 activity, as well as the permeability of cell membranes. These
CLSD 0.1 5 1.00E þ 08 multistep enzymatic reactions involve many classes of com-
PFPD 0.05 2.5 1.00E þ 07
pounds including lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, and lig-
MDL e minimum detectable limit of sulfur. nins. Many of the important precursors of VSCs in tropical
In orders of magnitude. fruits have been identified and the mechanisms have been
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either postulated or revealed. When applicable, the biogenesis Additional VSCs discoveries in durian were made in the
of the VSCs in each of the tropical fruit sections will be late 1990s and into the twenty-first century specifically with
discussed. the Malaysian fruit [36,37]. In 2005, Jaswir et al. compared
fresh durians and dehydrated (“leather”) durian by SDE with
hexane [38]. Using different methods of SPME, Nazimah et al.
7. Durian (Durio zibethinus) studied the extraction efficiency of propane-1-thiol and
diethyl disulfide, along with several other VSCs, in several
Durian is a tropical fruit grown in Southeast Asia that possesses varieties of Malaysian fruit [39]. In 2007, Hamid et al. produced
a strong sulfurous, alliaceous aroma. Described by non-Asians two studies on Malaysian durian. The first article was focused
as the “smell of hell” [30], durian is actually one of the most on understanding the flavor differences between five Malay-
popular fruits for Asian countries and considered the “king of sian cultivars using SPME [40]. Results showed major differ-
fruits”. The first discovery of VSCs in durian was made in the ences in the profile and relative concentrations of VSCs in
early 1970s, when Baldry et al. identified seven low molecular each of the cultivars. The second study compared the relative
weight sulfurs, including hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, concentration of 12 VSCs during the storage of one Malaysian
ethanethiol, and propane-1-thiol, in both Singapore and cultivar over 42 days at 4  C [41]. Using SPME, the authors
Malaysian fruits from the distillate of the pulp [31]. The authors measured a significant loss of ethanethiol, propane-1-thiol
suggested these VSCs could be important to the profile of the and both isomers of 3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane over time.
fruit, which helped fuel future research initiatives. Additional Ethanethiol measured 759.9 ng/g at day 0 of storage and
discoveries were made by Moser et al. who studied the volatile decreased dramatically to 45.1 ng/g by day 7 and to 0 ng/g by
compounds of Thai durian, using both charcoal headspace day 21. The other VSCs either remained at the same level or
traps and SDE [32]. A total of 8 VSCs were identified, and the even increased, suggesting the biogenesis of these com-
authors highlighted several dialkyl polysulfides which were pounds during maturation. Only a couple more studies [42]
postulated as being directly related to the content of hydrogen were completed before 2012 when Steinhaus et al. issued
sulfide found in the arillus of the fruit. However, several additional papers that comprehensively analyzed the aroma-
authors argue against this hypothesis in the years to come. active volatile constituents of Thai durian [43e45]. The au-
Fifteen years later, Wong and Tie compared the volatile thors extracted the pulp with DCM and removed the non-
compounds from three clones of Malaysian durians by vac- volatiles by SAFE. In order to identify the trace, high impact
uum distillation of the homogenized pulp, followed by odorants, the extract was split and further fractionated using
extraction of the distillate with dichloromethane (DCM) [33]. two different methods: silica gel chromatography with
Significant differences were found for the three clones in pentane-diethyl ether and thiol enrichment using a mercu-
terms of the yield and composition of the 16 identified VSCs rated agarose gel. Using GCeMS and GCxGC-MS with syn-
(10 of which were identified for the first time in durian). The thesized authentic standards, the authors identified the
next study by Weenen et al. was the first to use GC-O to compounds linked to their aroma descriptors from GC-O. The
characterize and discuss the importance of VSCs in a DCM- VSCs, along with their odor description and flavor dilution
pentane extract of three Indonesian fruits [34]. It must be (FD) factors, are displayed in Table 2.
noted that the authors in this study only used one column to Additional GC-O experiments by static headspace (SH-
identify and characterize the odorants. With a complicated, GC-O) were conducted to identify the highly volatile VSCs,
sulfur-rich extract like durian, there could be errors in the link which included hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg; FD e 16),
of GC-O aroma descriptors to the GCeMS identification of a methanethiol (rotten, cabbage; FD  32); ethanethiol (rotten,
VSC. Nevertheless, six of the 17 VSCs identified produced onion; FD  32), propane-1-thiol (rotten, durian; FD  32), and
some aroma activity by GC-O and provided some initial ethane-1,1-dithiol (sulfury, durian; FD e 16). To better un-
insight into the compounds that provided the alliaceous, derstand the importance of VSCs in durian, the authors then
sulfurous notes. For example, diethyl disulfide was described accurately quantified the concentration of these compounds
as “sulfury, cabbage, roasty” and (Z)/(E)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4- in the fruit using a sophisticated SIDA method. Due the
trithiolane as “sulfury, heavy, onion, sulfury”. highly volatile and labile nature of these VSCs, the thiols
The following year Naef and Velluz analyzed Indonesian were derivatized using a 3-buten-2-one adduct to effectively
durians in detail, using fractionation to further enrich the measure the concentration in the fruit pulp. Of the four VSCs
volatile extract [35]. The authors did not enzyme deactivate studied in this report, ethanethiol had the highest concen-
the fruit upon processing. The addition of CaCl2 or another tration in the fruit (45,400 mg/kg). With an odor threshold in
method of enzyme deactivation is usually customary to water of 0.095 mg/kg, ethanethiol has an OAV of 480,000,
maintain the true profile of the fruit during the process of which is extremely high for reported OAVs in the literature.
extraction. Further, the authors removed the nonvolatiles by The calculated OAVs for the other three VSCs included
SDE using pentane. This is a thermal process that could affect methanethiol at 45,000 (conc. e 26,700 mg/kg; odor threshold
the true concentration of the VSCs as well as the possibility of e 0.59 mg/kg); propane-1-thiol at 6300 (conc. e 3070 mg/kg;
artifact formation (i.e. disulfides). Nonetheless, 42 VSCs were odor threshold e 0.49 mg/kg); and hydrogen sulfide at 330
identified, synthesized, and their aroma characterized. An (conc. 3340 mg/kg; odor threshold e 8 mg/kg). Most recently,
example of a synthesized dialkyl polysulfide included diethyl Belgis et al. studied several durian and lai (Durio kutejensis)
trisulfide which the authors described as “sweet, alliaceous, varieties from Indonesia by SPME [46]. Using sensory and
typical durian” and dipropyl trisulfide described as “allia- statistical analysis, several VSCs were correlated to the sul-
ceous, roasted, green, durian”. fury, stinky aroma.
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Table 2 e The VSCs identified from the AEDA analysis of durian (adapted from Steinhaus et al. [43]).
VSC Odor FD Factor
1-(ethylthio)-ethanethiol roasted onion 1024
1-(ethyldithio)-1-(ethylthio)-ethane sulfury, onion 512
3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol skunky 256
ethane-1,1-dithiol sulfury, durian 256
1-(methylthio)-ethanethiol roasted onion 256
1-(ethylthio)-propane-1-thiol roasted onion 256
1-(propylthio)-ethanethiol roasted sesame 32
1-{[1-ethylthio)ethyl]thio}ethanethiol isomer 1 roasted onion 32
1-(methylthio)-propane-1-thiol roasted onion 16
diethyl trisulfide fried shallot 16
1-{[1-ethylthio)ethyl]thio}ethanethiol isomer 2 roasted onion 16
(Z)-but-2-ene-1-thiol skunky 4
1,1-bis-(ethylthio)ethane rubbery, burnt 4
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate sulfury, fruity 4
1-{[1-methylthio)ethyl]thio}ethanethiol isomer 1 roasted onion 4
diethyl disulfide roasted onion 2
1,1-bis-(methylthio)-ethane metallic 2
1-(ethylthio)-1-(methylthio)-ethane metallic 2
3-mercaptobutanol onion, leek 2
1-{[1-methylthio)ethyl]thio}ethanethiol isomer 2 roasted onion 2

Few references discuss the precursors and mechanisms

for which VSCs form in durian. Similar to the formation of Table 3 e The list of durian VSCs reported in the
volatile compounds in cheese, there is evidence that bacteria
exist in the arils of the fruit [47], which could potentially VSCa Reference
catalyze the enzymatic release of hydrogen sulfide and (E)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane [33,34,35,36,37,
methanethiol from L-cysteine and L-methionine, respec- 38,39,40,41,46]
tively, and drive many of the 94 reported VSCs in the litera- (Z)-3,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane [33,34,35,36,
ture (see Table 3). 37,39,40,41,46]
(Z)-but-2-ene-1-thiol [43]
1-(ethyldithio)-1-(ethylthio)-ethane [35,36,43,44]
1-(ethyldithio)-1-(ethylthio)-methane (tent) [35]
8. Grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi) 1-(ethyldithio)-1-(ethylthio)-propane [35]
1-(ethyldithio)-1-(methylthio)-ethane (tent) [35]
There are a wide range of citrus fruits grown in the tropic and 1-(ethyldithio)-1-(methylthio)-methane (tent) [35]
subtropic regions of the world. Both the juice and peel of 1-(ethyldithio)-1-(propylthio)-ethane (tent) [35]
1-(ethylthio)-1-(methyldithio)-ethane (tent) [35]
citrus fruits contain VSCs that can be characteristic to the
1-(ethylthio)-1-(methylthio)-ethane [35,36,39,43]
fruit, and studies have also shown that the concentration of
1-(ethylthio)-1-(propyldithio)-ethane (tent) [35]
VSCs vary during the time of harvest, as early season fruits 1-(ethylthio)-ethanethiol [33,36,43,44]
tend to yield higher concentrations of VSCs compared to late 1-(ethylthio)-propane-1-thiol [43]
season fruit [48]. 1-(methylthio)-1-(propyldithio)-ethane (tent) [35]
One popular citrus variety is grapefruit. This fruit, 1-(methylthio)-1-(propylthio)-ethane (tent) [35]
compared to most other citrus varieties, possesses a pro- 1-(methylthio)-ethanethiol [43,44]
1-(methylthio)-propane-1-thiol [43]
nounced sulfur aroma. Early experiments on the headspace of
1-(propylthio)-ethanethiol [43]
fresh grapefruit juice led to identification and quantitation of
1,1-bis-(ethylthio)-ethane [39,40,41,43,46]
hydrogen sulfide (1.9 mg/L) and methanethiol (0.5 mg/L) [49e51]. 1,1-bis-(methylthio)-ethane [35,43,46]
The formation of both these compounds is consistent with the 1-{[1-(ethylthio)-ethyl]thio}- [43]
identification of its associated precursors, as Miller & Rock- ethanethiol isomer 1
land identified L-cysteine and L-glutathione in grapefruit juice 1-{[1-(ethylthio)-ethyl]thio}- [43]
[52]. One may argue that the most important discovery in ethanethiol isomer 2
1-{[1-(methylthio)-ethyl]thio}- [43]
terms of the characteristic sulfurous aroma of grapefruit came
ethanethiol isomer 1
in 1982. Demole et al. extracted and fractionated 100 L of juice 1-{[1-(methylthio)-ethyl]thio}- [43]
to produce enough sample for the identification of 1-p-men- ethanethiol isomer 2
thene-8-thiol [7]. This compound has a powerful, grapefruit- 1-hydroxy-2-methylthioethane [34]
like aroma. The authors measured the taste detection 1-methylethyl propyl disulfide (tent) [40]
threshold of (R)-1-p-menthene-8-thiol (0.00002 mg/L) and (S)-1- 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trithiane (tent) [33]
2-ethyl-3-(ethylthio)-butan-1-ol (2 isomers) [35]
p-menthene-8-thiol (0.00008 mg/L), both of which were
2-ethyl-5-methyl-1,2,4-trithiolane (tent) [35]
the lowest taste thresholds recorded at the time. A second
VSC, 2,8-epithio-(Z)-p-menthane, was also identified, albeit (continued on next page)
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Table 3 e (continued ) Table 3 e (continued )

VSC Reference VSCa Reference
2-hydroxyethyl propyl sulfide [38] s-(2-methylbutyl)-ethanethioate (tent) [37]
2-isopropyl-4-methylthiazole [34] s-ethyl 2-methylbutanethioate [35]
2-mercaptoethanol [36] s-ethyl thioacetate [33,34,35,37,39]
2-methylthiophene [36] s-ethyl thiobutyrate [34]
3-(ethyldithio)-2-methylbutanol (tent) [35] s-methyl thiohexanoate [34]
3-(ethyldithio)-butanol [35] s-methyl thiooctanoate [34]
3-(ethylthio)-2-methylbutanol [35] s-propyl thioacetate [33,39]
3-(ethylthio)-butanol [35] s-propyl thiopropionate (tent) [33]
3-(methyldithio)-butanol (tent) [35] sulfur dioxide (tent) [37]
3-(propyldithio)-butanol [35] a
If there is insufficient analytical data to definitively claim iden-
3-(propylthio)-butanol [35]
tification of a compound in the fruit, this compound will be
3,4-dithia-2-ethylthiohexane [34]
considered a tentative identification and “tent” will be added to
3,5-dimethyltetrathiane [34]
the end of the chemical name.
3,5-dithiaheptane (tent) [46]
3,6-dimethyl-1,2,4,5-tetrathiane [35,38]
3-mercaptobutanol [43] measured at a considerably higher taste detection threshold
3-mercapto-2-methylpropanol (tent) [46]
of 9 mg/L. This compound is most likely formed from the
3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol [43,44]
intramolecular cyclization of 1-p-menthene-8-thiol.
5-isopropyl-3-(methylthio)-2-butenoate [34]
5-methyl-4-mercapto-2-hexanone [34] Many years later began more specific analyses to deter-
benzothiazole [34] mine the role that many of the odor-active volatiles play in
butanethiol (tent) [37] grapefruit juice and peel. In 1999, Buettner & Schieberle used
butyl ethyl disulfide (tent) [35] AEDA and SH-GC-O to identify the odor-active compounds in
carbon disulfide (tent) [37] hand-squeezed White Marsh grapefruit juice [53]. First, the
diethyl disulfide [31,32,33,34,35,
fruits were enzyme deactivated with CaCl2 followed by
extraction with diethyl ether. The nonvolatiles were subse-
diethyl tetrasulfide [32] quently removed by high-vacuum distillation and further
diethyl trisulfide [32,33,35,39,40,41, separated and enriched through acid/base/neutral fraction-
42,43,44,46] ation. Three VSCs were reported in the AEDA study, including
diethylthioether [31] p-1-menthene-8-thiol (grapefruit-like; FD e 128), methional
diisopropyl disulfide (tent) [35]
(cooked potato; FD e 32), and 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-
diisopropyl trisulfide (tent) [35]
one (4MMP; black currant-like; FD e 128). Further quantitation
dimethyl sulfide [42]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [36,46] using SIDA and reconstitution/omission testing experiments
dimethyl sulfone [34] was completed two years later on the same grapefruits [54].
dimethyl trisulfide (tent) [35] Results showed that 4MMP, measuring 0.8 mg/kg in the fruit
dimethylthioether [31] with a retronasal OAV of 8,000, produced a more significant
dimethylthiophene (tent) [36] difference to the panelists when omitted from the grapefruit
dipropyl disulfide (tent) [35,36,37,39,40,41]
recombinant and provided a more authentic, true-to-fruit
dipropyl trisulfide [35,37,39,40,41]
aroma compared to 1-p-menthene-8-thiol.
ethane-1,1-dithiol [43,44]
ethanethiol [31,33,37,39,40, In the same year, Lin & Rouseff studied cold-pressed
41,43,44,46] grapefruit peel oil from Florida [55]. The authors did not iden-
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [33,34,43] tify 1-p-menthene-8-thiol or 4MMP in the peel, instead finding a
ethyl butyl disulfide (tent) [37] “grapefruit, flowery” aroma in 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-
ethyl hydrodisulfide [32] ol and the “potato” aroma of methional. In the following year,
ethyl isopropyl trisulfide [35]
Lin et al. studied not from concentrate (NFC), pasteurized
ethyl methyl disulfide [33,34,35,36,
grapefruit juice using GC-O and CLSD [56]. Three compounds
ethyl methyl trisulfide [32,35] were reported that were also reported in previous grapefruit
ethyl propyl disulfide [32,33,35,36,37, research: 4MMP, methional, and p-1-menthene-8-thiol. The
38,39,40,41,46] other two compounds, 3-mercaptohexanol (3MH) and 3-
ethyl propyl trisulfide [32,33,35,39] mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA), were identified for the first
ethyl vinyl disulfide (tent) [35]
time in grapefruit. Both compounds elicited a grapefruit aroma
ethylene sulfide (tent) [37]
by GC-O. The structures for 4MMP, 3MH, and 3MHA are shown
hydrogen sulfide [31,32,37,43,44]
isopropyl propyl trisulfide (tent) [35] in Fig. 1. The possible mechanism of formation of each is dis-
methanethiol [31,37,43,44] cussed in detail in the passion fruit section.
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [34] Lin et al. continued to enhance our understanding of VSCs
methyl propyl disulfide (tentative) [33,36,39,40,41] in grapefruits by studying NFC and concentrated Marsh juice
methyl propyl sulfide (tent) [39,40] by thermal processes [57]. The “meaty” 2-methylfuran-3-thiol
propane-1-thiol [31,33,36,37,39,
and its dimer, bis-(2-methyl-3-furan)-disulfide, were identi-
fied in the NFC but not in the concentrate, which suggests that
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 451

Fig. 1 e The chemical structure of 3-mercaptohexanol (3MH), 3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA), and 4-mercapto-4-
methylpentan-2-one (4MMP). The asterisk indicates a chiral center for which there are two possible enantiomers for each

this compound was lost during evaporation of the concen- 1985, Schreier and Idstein vacuum distilled the pulp of the
trated juice. Other VSCs found only in the NFC juice were guava fruit, followed by pentane-DCM extraction of the
4MMP, 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-ol, 3MH, and 3MHA. distillate [59]. The extract was then further fractionated on a
Methional was found in the thermally treated juice only, silica gel column using a pentane-diethyl ether gradient. The
suggesting a Strecker degradation of L-methionine. Also, 1-p- authors were careful to avoid thermal reactions throughout
menthene-8-thiol was found in the concentrated juice only, the extraction and instrumentation process, including on-
which can be explained through the reaction of increased column injection of the extract. Using authentic standards
concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and limonene. Finally, in for absolute identification, nine VSCs were discovered for the
2010, Rouseff et al. developed a SPME method to quantitate the first time in guava including thiophenes, thiazoles, and one
VSCs in the headspace of fresh and canned Marsh grapefruit alkanethiol (pentane-2-thiol). In the late 1980s and early
juices [58]. Using PFPD, the authors also studied how the 1990s, additional VSCs were identified by Shibamoto et al. who
amount of oxygen affects the levels of VSCs in the juice. A compared pink and white guavas from the Amami islands off
total of 18 VSCs were monitored and the total concentration of the southern coast of Japan [60], and Vernin et al. who studied
VSCs was found to be higher in the canned juice compared to the Egyptian fruit [61]. Later, Demole and Bassols helped clear
the fresh juice. This correlates to the degradation and sec- up the misprint in Schreier's early work by also identifying
ondary reactions of AAs to form different VSCs. The full list of pentane-2-thiol and estimated the concentration of the com-
the 17 VSCs identified in the research on grapefruit is found in pound to be between 10 and 20 mg/L in the fruit [62].
Table 4. An unusual discovery came in 2001, when Fernandez et al.
studied yellow guavas from Indonesia [63]. Four new thiazo-
lidine derivatives were found after the fruit was extracted
9. Guava (Psidium guajava) with DCM under ultrasonic treatment (see Fig. 2). The ethyl
compounds possessed a leek-like aroma, and the methyl
Guava is a tropical and subtropical fruit grown mainly in Latin compounds had notes of leek, broad bean, and fennel. The
American countries, but also harvested in certain regions of authors postulated that both thiazolidines could be formed
the United States, Middle East, and Asia. A significant amount through the biosynthesis of L-cysteine derivatives and alde-
of research has focused on the volatile constituents of guava, hydes (i.e. acetaldehyde).
including several research articles that highlight VSCs. In This work was followed by Mahattanatawee et al. in 2005
[64] and Clery & Hammond in 2007 [65], where both sets of
authors used headspace and solvent extraction techniques to
study the volatiles of guava. Each paper identified 5 VSCs,
including 3MH and 3MHA. In 2008 and 2009, Steinhaus et al.
Table 4 e The list of grapefruit VSCs reported in the
literature. completed a comprehensive study of the aroma-active con-
stituents of pink guava fruit from Colombia [66,67]. The fruit
VSC Reference
was extracted with DCM and the nonvolatiles were removed
1-p-menthene-8-thiol [7,53,54,56,57,58] by SAFE. A portion of the extract was washed with sodium
2,8-epithio-(Z)-p-menthane [7,58]
carbonate solution to remove the acidic compounds. The
2-methylfuran-3-thiol [57]
2-methylthiophene [58]
resulting neutral/basic extract was split for fractionation on a
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [53,55,56,57,58] silica gel column with pentane-diethyl ether, as well as thiol
3-mercaptohexanol (3MH) [56,57,58] enrichment on a mercurated agarose gel column by affinity
3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3HMA) [56,57,58] chromatography. The authors did AEDA on the extracts and
4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-ol [55,57,58] found methional (cooked potato; FD e 256), 3MH (grapefruit; FD e
4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP) [53,56,57,58]
2048), and 3MHA (blackcurrant; FD e 2048) to be the important
bis-(2-methyl-3-furyl)-disulfide (tent) [57,58]
VSCs for the aroma of this guava variety. Using a cyclodextrin
carbon disulfide [58]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [58] derivative column, Steinhaus et al. enantiomerically sepa-
dimethyl sulfide [58] rated 3MH and 3MHA to identify the ratio of these enantio-
dimethyl sulfoxide (tent) [58] mers in the fruit and to measure each compound's odor
dimethyl trisulfide [58] threshold in air (see Table 5).
hydrogen sulfide [49,50,58] Steinhaus et al. used this data, along with accurate quan-
methanethiol [50,58]
titation by SIDA, to perform reconstitution and omission
452 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

Fig. 2 e Ethyl (Z)/(E)-2-methylthiazolidine-4-(R)-carboxylate and methyl (Z)/(E)-2-methylthiazolidine-4-(R)-carboxylate found

in guava fruits by Fernandez et al. [63].

biogenesis route in guava. The authors attempted to isolate

Table 5 e Enantiomeric ratio and odor threshold in air of
and treat the recognized precursors with b-lyase, but results
3MH and 3MHA in pink guava fruit from Colombia
measured by Steinhaus et al. [66]. did not produce 3MH. Instead, the authors hypothesized that
unsaturated carbonyls, mainly (E)-2-hexenal could be the
% ratio Odor threshold in air (ng/L)
pathway to formation, which will be discussed further in later
3MH sections.
(R) 43 0.08
Over the last few years, two additional references pub-
(S) 57 0.07
lished data on VSCs in guava. Pino and Bent identified thiazole
(R) 42 0.10 at a concentration of 0.03 mg/kg by SDE in the Red Suprema
(S) 58 0.03 fruit from Cuba [69]. And most recently, Plaza et al. compared
fresh guava puree to that of thermally treated and dense
phase carbon dioxide treatment (DPCD) [70]. The DPCD
method treated the fruit puree with carbon dioxide at elevated
testing. 3MH was measured to be 2 mg/kg in the fruit and
pressures to test for its potential in retaining volatile com-
gave an OAV of 9300. During the omission testing, this VSC
pounds. A total of 11 VSCs were identified by SPME and rela-
produced the largest difference in overall aroma when
tive ratios were compared between the three samples (fresh,
omitted from the reconstitute, which indicates that it is one of
thermal treated, DPCD). Results showed that the peak area
the most important odorants to guava. 3MHA (OAV e 570) and
percent for the DPCD better aligned with the area percent of
methional (OAV e 3.1) also showed aroma-activity in the fruit.
the fresh puree, especially compared to that of the thermal
Later, Sinuco et al. followed this study by measuring the OAV
treated data. The full list of 27 VSCs reported in guava is found
values for 3MH, 3MHA, and methional in white guava at three
in Table 7.
different stages of ripeness and pink guava at two different
stages of ripeness (see Table 6) [68].
The concentration and OAV values for 3MH and 3MHA
10. Lemon (Citrus x limon)
decreased considerably in the white guava as the fruit ripened
from green to mature to overripe. The pink guava, however,
Native to Asia, lemons are another citrus fruit that grow in
showed an increase in 3MH and 3MHA from green to overripe.
many regions of the subtropics. There are very few refer-
The formation of 3MH and 3MHA in tropical fruits will be
ences of VSCs found in lemons but a recent study has
discussed later in the passion fruit section, but it is worth
revealed several VSCs that could be responsible for the
noting that the authors were able to rule out one possible
aroma profile of the fresh fruit. The first discovery came in
1982 when Shaw & Wilson quantified the levels of hydrogen
sulfide in the headspace of Eureka lemon juice [51]. Almost
Table 6 e The concentration and OAVs of 3MH, 3MHA, 25 years later led to the identification and quantitation of
and methional at three different stages in white guava dimethyl sulfide in 4 Italian lemon juices [71]. The last report
and 2 different stages of pink guava (adapted from Sinuco
of VSCs in lemon was recently reported on Lisbon lemon
et al. [68]).
peels [72]. The flavedo was zested and steeped in DCM for
3MH 3MHA Methional 24 h at 4  C, followed by fractionation on a silica column with
Conc. OAV Conc. OAV Conc. OAV hexane/DCM/methanol. Two VSCs showed odor activity by
(ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) AEDA: 3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol (sulfurous, skunk-like; FD e
White 243) and 3-mercapto-3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl acetate (sulfu-
green 16.0 270 10.0 500 0.1 <1 rous; FD e 9). Recognized for its “lightstruck” aroma in beer
mature 7.8 130 9.2 460 2.3 5 [73], 3-methylbut-2-ene-thiol has been reported in other
overripe 1.7 30 0.4 20 0.2 1
tropical fruits, including previously discussed durian [43]. As
for 3-mercapto-3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl acetate, there are
green nd e nd e 0.3 <1
overripe 2.2 40 2.0 100 0.1 <1 two possible explanations for its formation. First would be
the adduct of L-cysteine or L-glutathione (previously identi-
nd - not detected.
fied in lemons [52]) with neryl and geranyl acetate, both of
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 453

Table 7 e The list of guava VSCs reported in the literature. Table 8 e The list of lemon VSCs reported in the literature.
VSC Reference VSC Reference
1-p-menthene-8-thiol (tent) [70] 2-(2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)-ethyl acetate [72]
2-ethylthiophene [59] 2-(5-isopropyl-2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)- [72]
2-methylfuran-3-thiol [64,70] ethanol isomer 1
2-methylthiobenzothiazole [59] 2-(5-isopropyl-2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)- [72]
2-methylthiophene [59] ethanol isomer 2
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [66,70] 2-(5-isopropyl-2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)- [72]
3-mercapto-3-methylbutylformate (tent) [64] ethyl acetate isomer 1
3-mercaptohexanol (3MH) [64,65,66,68,70] 2-(5-isopropyl-2-methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)- [72]
3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA) [65,66,70] ethyl acetate isomer 2
3-methylthiophene [59] 2-(5-isopropylidene-2- [72]
4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-ol [64,70] methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl)-
4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP) [70] ethyl acetate
5-ethoxythiazole [59] 2-[5-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2- [72]
6-mercaptohexanol [60] methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl]-ethyl
benzothiazole [59,65] acetate isomer 1
(Z)/(E)-ethyl-2-methylthiazolidine-4- [63] 2-[5-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2- [72]
(R)-carboxylate methyltetrahydrothiophen-2-yl]-ethyl
(Z)/(E)-methyl-2-methylthiazolidine-4- [63] acetate isomer 2
(R)-carboxylate 2-propionylthiophene [72]
diisopropyl disulfide (tent) [61] 3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [72]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [59,65,70] 3-mercapto-3,7-dimethyl-6-octenyl acetate [72]
dimethyl sulfide [70] 3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol [72]
dimethyl sulfone [60] dimethyl sulfide [71]
dimethyl trisulfide [59,65] hydrogen sulfide [51]
hydrogen sulfide [70] sulfur dioxide (tent) [72]
isobutyl mercaptan [60]
methanethiol [64,70]
pentane-2-thiol [59,62] pulp, therefore measuring an OAV of 82. The last report of
thiazole [69] VSCs in lychee came in 2007, where Rouseff et al. studied 3
cultivars from Florida [78]. A total of eight VSCs were identified
using SPME, GC-O, and PFPD. The full list of the 10 VSCs re-
which are found at relatively higher levels in lemons
ported in lychee is found in Table 9.
compared to other citrus fruits, followed by a specific
enzyme to release the thiol. The second possibility is the
direct addition of hydrogen sulfide to neryl and geranyl ac-
12. Mango (Mangifera indica)
etate. A total of 13 VSCs were reported in this study. The full
list of 15 VSCs reported in lemons is found in Table 8.
A tropical fruit native to South America, the many varieties of
mango each possess a unique flavor quality. Categorizing the
volatile compounds that are responsible for a specific variety's
11. Lychee (Litchi chinensis)
aroma is challenging, as even the same variety grown in
different regions of the same country can vary in flavor profile
Known for its sweet, floral flavor, lychee is a fruit native to
[79]. Tressl & Engel began the discussion of VSCs in mango by
China that is grown in many tropical and subtropical parts of
studying the Alphonso and Baladi variety [80]. The fruit was
the world. In 1980, Johnston et al. started the discussion of the
homogenized with a phosphate buffer solution and steam
importance of VSCs in lychee in a vacuum distilled DCM
distilled with pentane-diethyl ether. The extract was further
extract [74]. Using GCeMS and the Hall electrolytic conduc-
fractionated on a silica gel column using gradients of pentane-
tivity detector, the authors identified benzothiazole and dis-
diethyl ether and pentane-DCM. Two VSCs were identified in
cussed how this compound could play a role in the sulfur
aroma of the fruit. Later, Schreier and Frohlich subjected the
homogenized pulp to high vacuum distillation followed by Table 9 e The list of lychee VSCs reported in the literature.
extraction with pentane-DCM and chloroform [75]. 3-(Meth-
VSC Reference
ylthio)-1-propanol (methionol) was the lone VSC identified
and the authors hypothesized the formation of this com- 2,4-dithiopentante (tent) [78]
2-acetyl-2-thiazoline [77,78]
pound through the L-methionine metabolism [76]. More than
2-methylthiazole (tent) [78]
10 years later produced the first report using GC-O where the
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol (methionol) [75]
authors identified 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline as an odor-active VSC 3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [78]
in lychee [77]. Acree and Ong homogenized the pulp with benzothiazole [74]
CaCl2 and extracted with Freon and ethyl acetate. Using diethyl disulfide (tent) [78]
Charm analysis, 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline was described as dimethyl sulfide [78]
“nutty” with a Charm value of 22,266. This compound (odor dimethyl trisulfide (tent) [78]
hydrogen sulfide (tent) [78]
threshold in mixture e 0.5 mg/L) was found at 40.9 mg/L in the
454 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

the analysis of the Alphonso variety: (methylthio)-phenalde-

Table 10 e The list of mango VSCs reported in the
hyde and benzothiazole. Both were found at 10 mg/L in the
mango but it is unclear to the reader where the methylthio
VSC Reference
group is positioned on the benzene ring of (methylthio)-phe-
naldehyde. Ten years later, Wong & Ong studied the kuini fruit (methylthio)-phenaldehyde (tent) [80]
(Mangifera odorata) which is closely related to the mango [81]. 2-methylfuran-3-thiol (tent) [64]
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [84,85]
Applying SDE with pentane on the pulp revealed ethyl 2-
3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol [84,85]
(methylthio)-acetate at trace levels. Later, Yukawa et al. 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-ol (tent) [64]
studied two mango varieties (Carabo and Kent) by dynamic 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (4MMP) [84,85]
headspace sampling [82]. The authors identified three VSCs benzothiazole [80]
for the first time in mango: dimethyl trisulfide; diisopropyl diisopropyl disulfide [82]
disulfide; isopropyl methyl disulfide. Another 12 years passed dimethyl trisulfide [82,84,85]
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [81]
until Mahattanatawee et al. tentatively identified 2-
isopropyl methyl disulfide [82]
methylfuran-3-thiol (nutty, medicinal, cooked oily) and 4-
(E)-but-2-ene-1-thiol [84]
mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-ol (green, grapefruit) by GC-O
from Florida-grown mangos [64].
In 2005, Pino et al. analyzed 20 cultivars from Cuba using regions of the world. However, this review has not separated
SDE with diethyl ether [83]. There is some uncertainty in the out the research on muskmelon fruits that may not be tropical
identification of several new VSCs that were identified as or subtropical.
there appears to be contamination or misidentified peaks. The first VSC discovery came in the late 1970s when
Two of the VSCs identified were diallyl disulfide and diallyl Yabumoto et al. identified DMDS from the cantaloupe variety
trisulfide. Up until this point, these compounds were found [86]. The authors anticipated that this finding would pave the
only in the Allium family, and more specifically, in garlic. way for future discoveries in terms of VSCs. Five years later,
There was additional confusion when the authors reported Buttery et al. identified ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate in a vac-
the identification of ethyl maltol and allyl cyclo- uum distillation extract of California honeydew [87]. The au-
hexylpropionate, two compounds that have never been thors also measured the odor threshold of this compound in
claimed as nature identical. Most recently, Steinhaus et al. water to be 25 mg/L. The same compound was also confirmed
completed a comprehensive study of the odor-active com- in cantaloupe using similar extraction conditions by Horvat &
pounds in six mango cultivars from Florida [84]. The authors Senter [88]. Not too long after, Homatidou et al. significantly
froze and powderized small cubes of the mango fruit using increased our understanding of the VSCs found in cantaloupe
liquid nitrogen and a mill. The powder was extracted with by using MDGC-MS to separate, focus, and enrich the char-
diethyl ether and subjected to SAFE. The extract was split and acteristic odorants identified by GC-O in cantaloupe [89]. A
fractionated on a silica gel column with pentane-diethyl ether total of 8 VSCs were synthesized and confirmed as present in
and thiol enriched using a mercurated agarose gel. Using the extract of the fruit. An unusual discovery was the identi-
GCxGC-MS and GC-O, the authors completed AEDA on all six fication of 3-(methylthio)-propanenitrile. Isothiocyanates and
extracts and assigned flavor dilution factors for each aroma- nitrile compounds are rarely found identified in fruits and are
active compound. The Haden mango variety was found to be mainly reported in the Brassicaceae family [90]. The formation
the most sulfurous and the VSCs identified included: (E)-2- of 3-(methylthio)-propanenitrile is based on the enzymatic
butene-1-thiol (sulfurous; FD e 32); 3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol hydrolysis of the thioglucoside bond of 2-(methylthio)-ethyl
(sulfurous; FD e 128); dimethyl trisulfide (cabbage; FD e 8); 4- glucosinolate by myrosinase, which has been previously
mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one (tropical; FD e 32); methio- identified in cantaloupe [91]. Additional details for this specific
nal (cooked potato; FD e 512). Two years later, Steinhaus et al. enzymatic process will be discussed further in the papaya
further investigated the Haden mango by using SIDA and odor section.
threshold calculations to recombine the aroma profile of the Wyllie & Leach confirmed the presence of many of the
fruit [85]. Omission and sequential addition testing showed same VSCs previously identified by Homatidou et al. and
that 3-methylbut-2-ene-1-thiol (conc. e 0.0539 mg/kg; odor discussed how thioesters were most likely derived from L-
threshold in water e 0.00045 mg/kg; OAV e 120) and 4-methyl- methionine and the production of ethylene during ripening
4-mercaptopentan-2-one (conc. e 0.0509 mg/kg; odor threshold [92e94]. These thioesters were quantified above their respec-
in water e 0.0010 mg/kg; OAV e 51) played an important role in tive odor thresholds in melon fruits and claimed as key to the
the aroma of the Haden variety. The full list of 12 VSCs re- odor profile of the fruit. Later, Homatidou et al. further
ported in mango is found in Table 10. enriched our knowledge of VSCs in melons by identifying 2-
(methylthio)-ethanol among the already reported thioesters
in cantaloupe [95]. Also, Wyllie et al. used AED and AEDA to
13. Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) identify 13 VSCs in Makdimon muskmelon, four of which
were new discoveries in melon at the time [96]. S-methyl
Muskmelon is a species of melon belonging to the Cucurbi- thiobutyrate, methional, 3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate, and
taceae family. Two of the most common muskmelons include dimethyl tetrasulfide had the highest flavor dilution factors
cantaloupe and honeydew, both possessing a sweet, fruity, amongst the VSCs. This study used SDE to identify the volatile
and sulfurous aroma. It is important to note that certain constituents and any thermal processing could create thermal
melon varieties can grow outside the tropic and subtropic artifacts or affect the concentration of the aroma compounds.
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 455

Additional experiments were made in the late 1990s [97] other varieties. In the same year, Parker et al. compared three
and into early 2000s [98,99], which helped to strengthen the new acidic melon varieties to a standard Galia fruit by SPME
importance of VSCs to different varieties of muskmelon. In and dynamic headspace [105]. Results indicated higher levels
2005, Aubert et al. compared liquideliquid microextraction of VSCs in the new melons, especially in one variety which
(LLME) and conventional LLE for the recoveries of seven VSCs also had the highest levels of L-methionine, the main non-
[100]. Results showed that thioacetates had a higher recovery volatile precursor for these VSCs. Even more recent studies
by LLME compared to LLE but thioalcohols and polar com- by Priyanka et al. compared the fresh Indian melon to canned
pounds in general were not as effective. The same year Senesi puree and puree processed in retort pouches by SDE [106].
et al. compared the volatile composition of two cantaloupe Overall the relative concentration of VSCs from the fresh fruit
varieties at different ripening and post-harvest stages using was higher than the processed fruit.
static headspace analysis. Differences were observed in the In 2010 and 2013, Lewinsohn et al. studied the importance
concentration of the VSCs from each stage of ripening and of L-methionine to the formation of VSCs in melons [107,108].
post-harvest, however no overall trends could be made with In their first paper, the authors introduced exogenous L-
respect to the VSCs [101]. In 2012, Lin and Wang extracted the methionine or a-keto-g-(methylthio)-butyrate (KMBA; key in-
Naudin cantaloupe by solid phase extraction (SPE) using DCM termediate of L-methionine for VSCs) into the melon fruit and
and methanol [102]. Instead of SAFE, another technique called measured a significant increase in the concentration of
gel permeation chromatography was employed to remove the methional, ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate, and 3-(methyl-
nonvolatile, high molecular weight compounds. GC-O and thio)-propyl acetate. The authors demonstrated that methio-
GCeMS led to the identification of four VSCs with ethyl 2- nine transferase catabolized L-methionine to release KMBA.
(methylthio)-acetate (potato, fruity, green, vegetative, tomato, Using carbon-13 and deuterated labeled L-methionine, the two
aldehyde) being the most intense odorant. catabolic routes to the formation of VSCs in the melon fruit
Recent studies measured the ripening time and processing were determined. The first mechanism confirmed the pro-
conditions on the flavor profile of melons. Using SPME, posal above whereby the structural backbone of L-methionine
Beaulieu & Lancaster compared several varieties of fresh-cut is retained. The second mechanism involved L-methionine-g-
fruit at different storage dates [103]. Later, Zakharov et al. lyase which released methanethiol for secondary reactions
compared three varieties of enzyme deactivated muskmelon (see Fig. 3).
homogenate by headspace SBSE, along with an integrated The same authors identified the CmMGL gene that encodes
sensory quality evaluation [104]. The authors identified one a protein possessing L-methionine-g-lyase enzymatic activity.
cultivar, Navigator, which measured increased concentra- As the fruit ripened, an increase in the expression of this gene
tions of ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate and ethyl 3-(methylthio)- occurred. Finally, to help confirm the significance of this gene
propionate during ripening. These VSCs correlated to the for the L-methionine-g-lyase metabolism, the authors
“musky aroma” in their study and the Navigator variety was compared two cultivars: one that had high CmMGL expression
perceived as the highest in this attribute compared to the and one that low CmMGL expression. The cultivar with high

Fig. 3 e Two mechanisms for the enzymatic breakdown of L-methionine. (adapted from Lewinsohn et al. [108]).
456 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

Table 11 e The list of muskmelon VSCs reported in the Table 12 e A comparison of 2-methylfuran-3-thiol and
literature. methional under 3 processing conditions of orange juice
VSC Reference (adapted from Naim et al. [113]).
Compound Fresh Pasteurized Stored
2-(methylthio)-ethanol [95,99,100,101,108]
(ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L)
2-(methylthio)-ethyl acetate [89,92,93,95,96,100,
105,108] 2-methylfuran-3-thiol 1.8 1.9 270
2-ethylhexane-1-thiol (tent) [109] methional 550 830 11,550
2-methylbutane-2-thiol (tent) [106,109]
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol (methionol) [89,95,99,100,102,
methanethiol in the headspace of the juice [50]. Fifteen years
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [96,101]
later Naef et al. used continuous LLE to identify the odorants
3-(methylthio)-propanenitrile [89]
3-(methylthio)-propionic acid [89] from blond and blood orange juice [110]. The extract was
3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate [89,92,93,95,96,98,100, further fractionated on a silica gel column using pentane-
102,103,105,108] diethyl ether. Diisopropyl disulfide and diisopropyl trisulfide
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [86,95,96,105,108] were tentatively identified in both fruits. The authors syn-
dimethyl tetrasulfide (tent) [96] thesized the third VSC, S,S-ethylidene dithioacetate
dimethyl trisulfide [96,105,108]
(alliaceous, transpiration), for confirmation of its presence in the
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [87,88,89,92,93,95,96,
blood orange fruit. This was the first report of this compound
104,105,106,108,109] in a natural product.
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [92,93,95,96,98,99,100, In 1998, Schieberle & Hinterholzer studied Osbeck orange
101,103,104,108,109] juice from the Mediterranean [111]. The juice was subjected to
methanethiol [108] enzyme deactivation and extracted with diethyl ether. The
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [89,92,93,95,96,99,100,108] volatiles were isolated by high vacuum distillation and further
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [89,93,95,96,98,103,108]
fractionated on a silica gel column using pentane-diethyl
methyl diethyl [98]
carbamodithioic acid (tent)
ether. The authors performed GC-O and AEDA and identified
propyl 3-(methylthio)-acetate [101] methional (cooked potato; FD e 64) and p-1-menthene-8-thiol
s-methyl 2- [105,108] (grapefruit-like; FD e 8), both reported for the first time in or-
methylpropanethioate ange juice. The concentration of both odorants was beyond
s-methyl 2- [105] the detection limits of the mass spectrometer and therefore
no mass spectral data was produced to support the identifi-
s-methyl 3- [98,103,104,105]
cation. However the authors incorporated three orthogonal
methylbutanethioate (tent)
s-methyl thioacetate [102,105,108] columns to confirm the identity of both compounds by GC-O.
s-methyl thiobutyrate [96,104] Two years later, Schieberle & Buettner reconfirmed these
s-methyl thioethanoate [96,98] findings by studying two Osbeck varieties (Valencia and Navel)
s-methyl thiopentanoate [96] [112]. The authors quantitated methional and p-1-menthene-
s-methyl thiopropionate (tent) [108] 8-thiol by SIDA and concluded that both compounds had a low
contribution to the aroma profile of the fruits according to
their respective OAV values.
levels of the CmMGL gene led to a significantly higher con- In that same year, Naim et al. studied the fresh, pasteur-
centration of VSCs compare to the cultivar with low levels of ized, and stored juice (21 days at 35  C) of Valencia and Sha-
the gene. Therefore, L-methionine-g-lyase activity appears to muti cultivars from Israel [113]. Using SPME, 2-methylfuran-3-
be the dominant pathway over L-methionine aminotrans-
ferase in this fruit.
More recently, Li et al. showed that ethylene was important
Table 13 e The list of orange VSCs reported in the
to the regulation of gene expression and transferase activity literature.
for L-cysteine catabolism and the generation of several VSCs
VSC Reference
[109]. However, it is not clear from the research how L-cysteine
could generate the specific VSCs identified in the report, 1-phenylethanethiol [117,118,119]
2-methylfuran-3-thiol [113,116]
which included methionol, ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate, and
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [111,112,113,116]
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate. The full list of 27 VSCs re-
3-mercaptobutan-2-one (tent) [116]
ported in melon is found in Table 11. 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one [116]
(4MMP; tent.)
diisopropyl disulfide (tent) [110]
14. Orange (Citrus x sinensis) diisopropyl trisulfide (tent) [110]
dimethyl sulfide [50,116]
dimethyl trisulfide [116]
Similar to grapefruit, the VSCs reported in orange depend on
hydrogen sulfide [50]
the variety and whether research was completed on the juice
methanethiol [116]
or the peel. Early studies by Shaw in 1980 showed that both p-1-menthene-8-thiol [111,112,116]
Valencia and Navel oranges contained hydrogen sulfide and s,s-ethylidenedithioacetate [110]
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 457

Fig. 4 e Glucosinolate hydrolysis by myrosinase to form isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, nitriles, or epinitriles (adapted from
Williams et al. [127]).

Fig. 5 e An example of a glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin, and its hydrolysis by the enzyme myrosinase to form BITC.

thiol (meaty, vitamin) and methional (cooked potato) were characteristic odorant of the peel. Using chiral separation, the
quantitated for all 3 juices (see Table 12). distribution of both enantiomers were measured (R e 76%; S e
Both compounds increased in concentration from the fresh 24%) along with the odor thresholds in air (both 0.005 ng/L).
juice to the pasteurized and stored juice and were concluded Later, two research articles further studied the importance of
to be off odors in stored orange juice. Under the acid condi- 1-phenylethanethiol in Pontianak oranges by recombination
tions of orange juice, the hydrolysis of thiamine releases 2-
methylfuran-3-thiol [114], while Strecker degradation of L-
methionine generates increased levels of methional [115].
Later, Rouseff et al. compared reconstituted orange juice to Table 14 e The list of papaya VSCs reported in the
NFC juice from Florida and Mexico [116]. The authors incor- literature.
porated SPME, GC-O, and PFPD, along with authentic stan- VSC Reference
dards (where available) to identify the VSCs from canned
2-(methylthio)-ethanol [135,136]
orange juice which underwent specific thermal processing. 2,5-dimethylthiophene [130]
Some high intensity odors included methanethiol (cabbage- 2-methylthiophene [130,133]
like) and 2-methylfuran-3-thiol (vitamin B, meaty). 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate [130]
A variety of orange with a particular sulfurous aroma is the 3-methylthiophene [130]
Pontianak orange. In 2008, Schieberle et al. studied the Pon- 4-methylthiazole [138]
benzothiazole [128,133,138]
tianak variety from Indonesia by extracting the powderized
benzyl isothiocyanate [121,126,128,129,130,133,
peels in DCM [117]. The extract was further processed by SAFE 135,136,137,138,139]
and fractionated by silica gel chromatography using cyclohexyl isothiocyanate [138]
pentane-diethyl ether. A second extraction by SDE was also dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [135,139]
completed and fractionated in a similar manner. The thiols ethyl thiocyanate [133]
from this same extract were finally separated and enriched ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [135,139]
ethyl 3-mercaptopropionate [130]
using a mercurated agarose gel. From these techniques, along
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [129,135,139]
with GC-O and AEDA studies, the authors identified 1-
methyl propyl sulfide (tent) [135]
phenylethanethiol (sulfurous, resinous) for the first time in a methyl thiocyanate [128,133,139]
natural product. This compound was proposed as the thiobenzoic acid [135]
458 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

Fig. 6 e Glutathione metabolism initiated by the conjugation of GSH with (E)-2-hexenal (adapted from Mattivi et al. [158]).

and omission testing [118,119]. The full list of 13 VSCs reported been studied in detail over the last 40 years with several re-
in orange is found in Table 13. ported VSCs. The most recognized VSC in papaya is benzyl
isothiocyanate (BITC), first reported in the seeds of the fruit
[120]. BITC possesses anti-cancer properties and is a character
15. Papaya (Carica papaya) impact odorant to the fruit. In the early 1970s, Tang & Syed
measured the concentration of BITC in the fruit flesh and seed
Papaya is a tropical fruit native to Latin America with a very [121,122], and later Nakamura et al. showed that the pre-
unique flavor profile. The volatile constituents of papaya have cursors and enzymes related to the formation of BITC are
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 459

mainly found in the seeds of the fruit [123]. As mentioned

Table 15 e The list of passion fruit VSCs reported in the
earlier in the guava section, isothiocyanates are uncommon to
find in fruits. The formation of isothiocyanates in natural
VSC Reference
products can be explained by the mechanisms described in
Fig. 4. Glucosinolates, derived from AAs present in papaya 1,1-bis-(methylthio)-2-methylpropane [147]
fruit [124,125], undergo hydrolysis by the enzyme myrosinase, 2-(methylthio)-ethyl acetate [147]
2-methylbutyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
also present in papaya [126], to form the intermediate
3-(1-acetoxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexyl acetate [147]
thiohydroximate-O-sulphonate. This intermediate is unstable 3-(1-acetoxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexyl butyrate [147]
and loses a sulfate group to undergo a Lossen rearrangement 3-(1-acetoxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexyl hexanoate [147]
to form either isothiocyanates, thiocyanates, nitrile, or epi- 3-(1-butyryloxy-3-hexyldithio)- [147]
nitriles (see Fig. 4). By this mechanism, BITC is formed in high hexyl butyrate
concentrations from glucotropaeolin (see Fig. 5). 3-(1-butyryloxy-3-hexyldithio)- [147]
hexyl hexanoate
In 1977, Flath & Forrey incorporated several distillation
3-(1-hydroxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexanol [147]
techniques to identify BITC, methyl thiocyanate, and benzo-
3-(1-hydroxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexyl acetate [147]
thiazole in papaya [128]. Later, MacLeod & Pieris studied Sri 3-(1-hydroxy-3-hexyldithio)-hexyl butyrate [147]
Lanka papayas by high vacuum distillation with pentane [129]. 3-(methylthio)-hexanol [141,142,144,
Both GC-O and quantitative analysis led to the identification 145,147]
of BITC (earthy, cress seeds; conc. e 1.4 mg/kg) and methyl 2- 3-(methylthio)-hexyl acetate [144,147]
(methylthio)-acetate (American currant; conc. e 0.2 mg/kg). 3-(methylthio)-hexyl butyrate [144,147]
3-(methylthio)-hexyl hexanoate [144,147]
Similar to the Carica papaya is the Carica candamarcensis
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [147]
(mountain papaya from Chile), which was studied by Schreier
3-(methylthio)-propionate [144]
et al. in 1985 [130]. Using high-vacuum distillation and sub- 3-(methylthio)-propionic acid [14]
sequent solvent extraction using pentane-DCM, the authors 3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate [147]
identified 6 VSCs, including three alkyl thiophenes, ethyl 3- 3-(methylthio)-propyl butyrate [147]
mercaptopropionate, BITC, and 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate 3-(methylthio)-propyl hexanoate [147]
[131]. The latter compound is the second isothiocyanate 3-mercapto-3-methylbutanol [157]
3-mercapto-3-methylbutyl acetate [157]
identified in papaya, most likely derived from the glucosino-
3-mercaptohexanol (3MH) [14,144,145,147,157]
late named gluconasturiin [132]. In the same year, Idstein & 3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA) [14,144,146,147,157]
Schreier used the same analytical procedure to identify five 3-mercaptohexyl butyrate [14,144,146,147,157]
VSCs, including methyl thiocyanate and ethyl thiocyanate 3-mercaptohexyl hexanoate [14,144,147]
[133]. Both compounds could be formed from methyl gluco- 3-mercaptohexyl pentanoate [147]
sinolate and ethyl glucosinolate, respectively, in the presence 3-methylbutyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole [140,144,147]
of a thiocyanate-forming protein [134]. Pino et al. followed
butyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
more than a decade later with a study on the Maradol papaya
(Z)-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane [141,142,143,
variety from Cuba. Using SDE, eight VSCs were identified in 144,146,147]
the first paper, including BITC [135]. Later, the same authors (Z)-3-hexenyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
studied BITC over four stages of ripening and found the con- diethyl disulfide [147]
centration of this compound to decrease during the ripening diisopropyl disulfide [147]
process [136], which differed from previous studies by Tang diisopropyl trisulfide [147]
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [147]
[121]. These results were confirmed in a later study by Cor-
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-(Z)-2-propenoate [147]
denunsi et al. who measured levels of benzyglucosinolates
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [14,141,142,143,
and BITC in the seed, fruit, and peel during ripening [137]. The 144,146,147]
authors also concluded that ethylene does not have an effect ethyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [141,142,143,
on BITC accumulation, which is important to our under- 144,146,147]
standing of which fruits rely on ethylene for the biogenesis of ethyl 3-mercaptobutyrate [14]
certain volatile compounds. hexyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
hexyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [147]
More recently, Ulrich & Wijaya studied five cultivars of
isobutyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
papaya by first homogenizing the fruit with sodium chloride methyl 2-methylbutyl disulfide [147]
(enzyme inhibition), followed by splitting the juice for SBSE methyl 3-(methylthio)-(Z)-2-propenoate [147]
and extraction using DCM [138]. Five VSCs were identified and methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
quantitated, and GC-O results showed BITC to be odor-active methyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [147]
in the fruit. Further GC-O studies were completed in 2014 by pentyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
propyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
Pino on the Red Maradol variety using SPME and SDE with
propyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [147]
diethyl ether [139]. By SPME, GC-O identified BITC as “papaya”
sec. butyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [147]
in aroma and was detected with the highest frequency by the s-methyl acetothioate [147]
panelists, demonstrating its importance to the odor of the (E)-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane [141,142,143,144,
fruit. AEDA was completed on the SDE extract and BITC had a 146,147]
FD factor of 1024 and an OAV of 871. The full list of 17 VSCs
reported in papaya is found in Table 14.
460 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

column in the second dimension [146]. The last paper of the

16. Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) 1990s was completed by Werkhoff et al. who completed an in-
depth study of yellow passion fruits [147]. Prior to this
Passion fruit is grown in both tropical and subtropical regions research, 12 VSCs were identified in passion fruit. Using four
of the world and possesses a sweet, sulfurous flavor. The first different extraction techniques (vacuum headspace, dynamic
VSCs reported in passion fruit were identified by Winter et al. headspace, SDE, vacuum SDE) [148], the authors identified 47
in the 1970s, where the authors extracted over 500 kg of yellow VSCs in total, 35 of which were new to passion fruit and 23
passion fruit to identify 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole, 3-(methyl- new to natural products. According to the authors, the extract
thio)-hexanol, and (Z)/(E)-2-methyl-4-propyl-1,3-oxathiane produced from the vacuum headspace distillate provided the
(MPO) [140,141]. The latter two compounds were further most typical passion fruit aroma. Each of the VSCs from this
investigated for their importance to the aroma of the fruit. The extract were synthesized and characterized. The enantio-
enantiomers were later resolved by Heusinger & Mosandl [142] meric distribution of 3MH, 3-(methylthio)-hexanol, and 3MHA
and sensory characteristics described by Mosandl et al. [143]. were also studied and each favored the S-configuration. Most
Based on Mosandl's report, it appears that the (2S,4R)-config- recently, Sakaguchi et al. focused on the identification of VSCs
uration of MPO gave the most characteristic passion fruit odor in passion fruit through a new thiol enrichment method [14].
(fatty, fruity green, tropical fruits, grapefruit) and taste (fatty The authors first used SAFE to collect a distillate of the juice,
fruity, tropical fruits, passion fruit, guava). which was then added to a SPE cartridge and extracted with
The 1990s led to an even greater understanding of the diethyl ether. The extract was further enriched using a
scope of VSCs in passion fruit. Engel and Tressl studied yellow chloromethyl polystyrene resin with a thiosulfinate group to
passion fruits by SDE using pentane-diethyl ether [144]. selectively bind and release thiols. A total of seven VSCs were
Twelve VSCs were identified by fractionation and PFPD on two reported from this study.
orthogonal column phases. Two compounds identified by Many of the mechanisms postulated and studied for the
Engel, 3MH and 3-(methylthio)-hexanol, were also identified identification of VSCs in passion fruit VSCs, specifically 3MH
by Mosandl et al. who studied the enantiomeric distribution of and 3MHA, were built on the insights gained from the for-
each compound in both yellow and purple passion fruits [145]. mation of the same VSCs in wine. In the literature, there are
Further enantiomeric studies were completed on MPO, 3MHA, a few accepted mechanisms for the biogenesis of 3MH in
and 3-mercaptohexyl butyrate using MDGC and a chiral wine. In 1998, Tominaga et al. discovered the process by

Fig. 7 e Biosynthetic pathway of 3-(methylthio)-propionic acid, methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate, and ethyl 3-(methylthio)-
propionate from L-methionine (adapted from Wei et al. [166]).

Table 16 e The concentration, odor threshold, and OAVs for two of the most abundant VSCs in pineapple [169].
VSC Conc. (ug/kg) Odor Threshold in water (ug/kg) OAV
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 596 180 3.3
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 27 7 3.9

Table 17 e Comparison of the concentration of VSCs from different fruit juice processes adapted from Elss et al. [172].
Compound Fresh Pineapple Water Pineapple Commercial Commercial
Pineapple Juice phase/Recovery Concentrates from Single Strength Pineapple
(19 fruits)a Aromas flavor houses Pineapple Juice Juices made
(8 products)a (10 products)a (6 products)a from concentrate
(11 products)a
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate 15 0.2 nd 10 nd
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate 1 0.3 nd nd nd
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 1500 112 40 550 12
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 470 109 nd 130 12
3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate 5 2.8 nd 2 nd
methionol 10 0.25 15 26 10
methional nd nd 90 15 7

nd - not detected.
Mean concentration in ug/L.
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 461

could explain the biogenesis of this compound in grapefruit,

Table 18 e Comparison of the area percentage of VSCS in
guava, mango, and orange [153]. Later, Harsh et al. continued
green and ripe pineapples adapted from Umano et al.
[173]. these mechanistic studies and identified (E)-2-hexenol as
another precursor to 3MH and 3MHA in wine, albeit a
VSC Green Ripe
smaller factor in the formation process [154]. In wine, there
(Area %) (Area %)
appears to be some debate on the most preferred mecha-
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate 0.1 <0.1
nism as a recent study by Subileau et al. found that G-3MH
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate 0.1 trace
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 7.1 2.3
was the major precursor to 3MH, instead of Cys-3MH and (E)-
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate 10.4 3.2 2-hexenal [155]. Wine experiments also identified the
3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate 0.6 0.02 mechanism for 3MHA, which involves yeast and the ace-
methionol <0.1 <0.1 tyltransferase of 3MH [156].
In 2000, Tominaga & Dubourdieu identified Cys-3MH in
which alcohol fermentation by yeast in wines converts S-3- passion fruit [157]. The authors exposed the extract contain-
(hexan-1-ol)-L-cysteine (Cys-3MH) into 3MH [149]. Later ing this precursor to b-lyase (Eubacterium limosumi) and
Peyrot des Gachons et al. discovered a second pathway, identified 3MH, along with 3-mercapto-3-methylbutanol. Both
whereby the primary precursor to Cys-3MH, termed compounds were confirmed in passion fruit by a second
S-3-(hexan-1-ol)-glutathione (G-3MH) can generate Cys- analysis where the authors extracted the juice with DCM and
3MH by the action of g-glutamyltranspeptidase and trapped the thiols by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. Additional
carboxypeptidase enzymes [150]. The intermediate in this VSCs were identified, included 3MHA, 3-mercaptohexyl
pathway was confirmed by Jeffery et al. who found S-3- butyrate, and 3-mercapto-3-methylbutylacetate. Most
(hexan-1-ol)-L-cysteinylglycine (Cys-Gly-3MH) in Sauvignon recently, Mattivi et al. described the two metabolic routes for
blanc grape juice, which was shown to be the precursor to the formation of 3MH in yellow passion fruit by isolating each
3MH in this juice [151]. of the precursors as shown in Fig. 6 [158].
The final proposed mechanism relates to the enzymatic Similar pathways for the formation of 4MMP in grapefruit,
oxidation of lipids to form (E)-2-hexenal, which can react guava, mango, and orange are possible either from the S-
directly with hydrogen sulfide or L-cysteine in the presence cysteine or S-glutathione conjugate [159] or through the pre-
of enzymes [152]. This mechanism was confirmed by using cursor of mesityl oxide.
deuterated standards of (E)-2-hexenal in wine to form the Additional biogenesis theories were discussed for the
deuterated-3MH product. This same research article pro- formation of MPO, 3MHA, and 3-(methylthio)-hexanol
vided a similar mechanism for the formation of 4MMP by through 3MH. Tressl & Albrecht proposed three possible
using deuterated-mesityl oxide as the precursor which routes: the condensation reaction of acetaldehyde and 3MH
to form MPO; the esterification of 3MH with a corresponding
acid to form 3MHA and other thiohexyl esters; and the
methylation of 3MH to form 3-(methylthio)-hexanol [160].
Table 19 e The list of pineapple VSCs reported in the
Later, Edwards et al. discovered an enzyme in the mesocarp
of passion fruit that could hydrolyze thioesters to their
VSC Reference
respective thiols [161]. This could also partially explain the
2-(methylthio)-ethyl acetate (tent) [174] formation of 3MH, 3MHA, and the other thiohexyl esters
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol (methionol) [172,173] found in passion fruit. The full list of 54 VSCs reported in
3-(methylthio)-propanal (methional) [172,174]
passion fruit is found in Table 15.
3-(methylthio)-propionic acid [176]
3-(methylthio)-propyl acetate [169,172,173,174]
diethyl sulfide (tent) [176]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [167,176] 17. Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
dimethyl trisulfide [170]
ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [168,172,173,174] Pineapple is a tropical fruit consumed both fresh and in many
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-(Z)-2-propenoate [170] cooked or processed applications. The fresh fruit possesses a
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [163,164,168,169,
sweet, tropical, sulfury flavor. The first discoveries in terms of
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [170,174]
VSCs date back to the 1940s and 1960s when authors identified
ethyl 4-(methylthio)-butyrate (tent) [170] methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate and ethyl 3-(methylthio)-
methanethiol (tent) [176] propionate [162e164]. These compounds have been reported
methyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate [167,172,173,174, in thermal reactions of L-methionine and glucose, whereby 3-
176,177] (methylthio)-propionic acid (oxidation product of methional)
methyl 3-(methylthio)-(Z)-2-propenoate [170,174,176]
is esterified with methanol or ethanol (degradation products
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [162,163,164,169,172,
of glucose) [165]. The more likely formation based on an
methyl 3-(methylthio)-(E)-2-propenoate [170,174,176] enzymatic process during the ripening of the fresh fruit is
methyl 4-(methylthio)-butyrate [170,174] derived through the transamination of L-methionine (Fig. 7).
methyl mercaptan [167] New VSCs were also identified in the 1970s and 1980s,
methyl methanethiosulfinate (tent) [176] including DMDS, methanethiol, methyl 2-(methylthio)-ace-
methyl s-methylthiocarbonate [177] tate, ethyl 2-(methylthio)-acetate, and 3-(methylthio)-propyl
s-methyl thioacetate [174]
acetate [167e169]. Takeoka et al. measured the odor threshold
462 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8

Table 20 e The list of additional tropical fruits with VSCs Table 20 e (continued )
reported in the literature. Fruit VSC Reference
Fruit VSC Reference Rambutan 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline [195]
Bambangan s-propyl thiohexanoate (tent) [178] benzothiazole [195]
Binjai ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [178] 3-(methylthio)-1-propanol [195]
(tent) (methionol) (tent)
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol [178] 2-acetylthiazole [195]
(methionol) 1-propene-1-thiol (tent) [42]
Cashew apple dimethyl sulfide [179] Sapodilla benzoyl isothiocyanoate (tent) [42]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [179,180] Soursop 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole [196]
dimethyl trisulfide [179] Star fruit 3-mercaptohexanol (tent) [64]
2-methylfuran-3-thiol [180] 2,5-bis-(2-methylpropyl)- [64]
3-(methylthio)-propanal [180] thiophene (tent)
bis-(2-methyl-3-furyl)-disulfide [180]
Chempedak 1-(methylthio)-propane (tent) [181] and OAV values for methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate and
2-hydroxyethyl methyl sulfide [181] ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate in the Smooth Cayenne
(tent) pineapple variety grown in Hawaii (see Table 16).
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol [181] A couple years later Takeoka et al. produced a second study
(methionol) (tent) comparing fresh pineapple to pineapple essence [170]. Methyl
2-(methylthio)-ethanal (tent) [182]
4-(methylthio)-butyrate, identified in the essence extract, was
dimethyl trisulfide (tent) [182]
synthesized and its odor threshold in water (133 mg/kg) was
3-(methylthio)-propanal [182]
(methional) measured. Fruit essences require some sort of thermal distil-
3-(methylthio)-butanal [182] lation, therefore methyl 4-(methylthio)-butyrate could form
3-(methylthio)-butanol (tent) [182] through the thermal reaction of fructose and L-methionine
Cherimoya 2-methylthiophene [183] [171]. Using LLE with pentane-DCM, additional research by
3-methylthiophene [183] Elss et al. compared fresh pineapple juice of 19 cultivars from
2-ethylthiophene [183]
eight different regions to different juice processing conditions
benzothiazole [183]
Cupuacu 4-methyl-5-vinylthiazole [184]
(Table 17) [172]. The highest concentration of VSCs was found
3-(methylthio)-propanal [184] in fresh pineapple juice. Both juice concentrates from flavor
(methional) houses and commercial sources showed a significant decrease
Jackfruit 3-(methylthio)-propanal [181] in the concentration of VSCs.
(methional) Several papers studied the concentration of volatile com-
2-hydroxyethyl methyl sulfide [181]
pounds during the ripening process. In the 1990s, Umano et al.
described the difference in volatile compounds from green and
3-(methylthio)-hexanol (tent) [181]
Langsat 2-ethyl-1-hexanethiol (tent) [42] ripened pineapples using reduced pressure distillation [173]. A
Lulo methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [185,186] lower concentration of VSCs was measured in the ripened fruit
Murici ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [187,188,189] compared to the green, unripe fruit (see Table 18).
methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [187] Additional studies from pineapples grown in Ghana pro-
(tent) duced similar results to Umano et al. where the 12 VSCs
3-(methylthio)-1-propanol [187,188,189]
identified were generally higher in the green-ripe stage
(methionol) (tent)
compared to the fully ripe stage [174]. In contrast, Brat et al.
Monstera ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [190]
deliciosa compared a hybrid pineapple at 5 different stages of ripening
Mombin dimethyl sulfone [191] (very green; green; turning ripe; ripe; very ripe) and found only
benzothiazole [191] trace VSCs in the green stage and increasing concentrations of
n,n-dimethyl-p- [191] VSCs during ripening [175]. Finally, using PFPD, additional
toluenesulfonamide studies by Teai et al. in 2001 [176] and Akioka & Umano in 2008
Noni methyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [166,192]
[177] led to the discovery of new VSCs in the fresh fruit. The
3-(methylthio)-propionic acid [166,192]
(ethylthiomethyl)-benzene [192]
full list of 23 VSCs reported in pineapple is found in Table 19.
methanethiol [166]
s-methyl thioacetate [166]
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) [166] 18. Miscellaneous tropical fruits
ethyl 3-(methylthio)-propionate [166]
Pomelo p-1-menthene-8-thiol [193] There are many other tropical and subtropical fruits that
pentane-1-thiol [193]
contain VSCs reported in the literature, including bambangan
benzothiazole [193]
dimethyl sulfone [194]
(Mangifera pajang) [178], binjai (Mangifera caesia) [178], cashew
apple (Anacardium occidentale) [179,180], chempedak
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 6 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 4 4 5 e4 6 8 463

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