Kinetics of Partial Methane Oxidation Process Over The Fe-ZSM-5 Catalysts
Kinetics of Partial Methane Oxidation Process Over The Fe-ZSM-5 Catalysts
Kinetics of Partial Methane Oxidation Process Over The Fe-ZSM-5 Catalysts
Institute of Chemical and Environment Engineering, Szczecin University of Technology, PL-70 322 Szczecin
Kinetics of a partial methane oxidation over the Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts was investigated. A set
of rate equations describing the reaction system was suggested and verified by comparison with
experimental data. It was found that all the reactions considered were of the zero order with
respect to oxygen and of the first order with respect to the oxidized species (methane, methanol, or
formaldehyde). Values of the reaction rate constant for the temperature range 350—550 ◦C as well
as the reaction apparent activation energy values were determined.
The studies on the process of partial methane oxidation conducted over the Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts
confirmed the assumption that methanol and carbon dioxide are the primary products of the reac-
tion. As a result of the methanol oxidation, formaldehyde is generated, the oxidation of which leads
to receiving slight quantities of CO2 .
The decline of the iron content results in the decrease of the rate of every reaction. In order to
impede the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde, the H catalysts should be employed. This form is
responsible for the production of methanol; yet it also leads to the direct methane to carbon dioxide
oxidation. Bearing such dependences in mind, it could be concluded that the introduction of the
Fe-ZSM-5 catalyst demonstrating certain content might result in a favoured reaction of synthesis
of methanol, with the process of its further oxidation being hampered. Unfortunately, this makes
the elimination of the reaction of oxidation to CO2 virtually impossible.
It is also evident that the activation energy of methane to methanol or carbon dioxide oxidation
is markedly higher than the activation energy of the unwelcome reactions, which are methanol and
formaldehyde oxidations.
Studies regarding the process of direct methane ox- [10—13]. Until now, the highest yield of formalde-
idation to oxidation products different from those ob- hyde was obtained when molybdenum and vanadium
tained when preparing synthesis gas were conducted compounds supported on silica were applied [5—8].
already at the beginning of the 20th century [1]. How- Unfortunately, selectivity of methane oxidation to
ever, finding of a catalyst allowing obtaining methanol formaldehyde never exceeded 10 %, i.e. highly ac-
or formaldehyde with a satisfactory yield was found tive catalysts demonstrated low selectivity towards
to be quite complicated task. Since, methane combus- products of partial methane oxidation, and highly se-
tion to carbon oxides is thermodynamically favoured, lective catalysts showed extremely low activity. De-
formaldehyde or methanol synthesis by direct methane spite this fact literature offers a few examples of cat-
oxidation, although thermodynamically feasible, is alysts that allow production of methanol by a di-
less probable. The most complicated is the direct rect methane oxidation with oxygen, e.g. Fe-sodalite
methanol production. [14], ZSM-5 [15], Fe-ZSM-5 [16]. Methanol, formalde-
Number of catalysts showing different composition hyde, and carbon dioxide are the main products of
and structure were examined over the last century methane oxidation carried out with the use of this
[2]. It was found that carbon oxides and formalde- catalyst.
hyde are the principal products of methane oxidation The aim of this paper was to investigate kinetics of
with oxygen [3—9]. If nitric oxide N2 O was used to the process of partial methane oxidation in the pres-
oxidize methane, higher portion of formaldehyde was ence of Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts, containing iron and silicon
obtained and also methanol production was possible in their framework only.
*Presented at the 32nd International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare,
23—27 May 2005.
Fig. 1. The changes in the selectivity of methane oxidation to particular products with the extension of the contact time for
the catalyst’s hydrogen form. a – Fe-HZSM-5(45), b – Fe-HZSM-5(34), c – Fe-HZSM-5(22), 1 – temperature 350 ◦C, 2 –
temperature 590 ◦C, diamond and dotted line – methanol, rectangle and straight line – formaldehyde, triangle and dashed
line – carbon dioxide.
rCH3 OH = kA pCH4 − kC pCH3 OH (4) same atomic ratio n(Si) : n(Fe) resulted in an increase
rCO2 = kB pCH4 + kD pHCHO (5) of the rate of methane oxidation to methanol.
rHCHO = kC pCH3 OH − kD pHCHO (6) The rate of methanol oxidation to formaldehyde,
reaction (C ), was significantly higher when the Fe-
Fig. 4 presents Arrhenius plot of reaction rate con- NaZSM-5 catalysts were used. Iron content in both
stants for the six catalysts. Their rectilinear course forms of catalysts (Na and H) was directly propor-
confirms the accuracy of the previously assumed set tional to the observed rate of methanol oxidation.
of equations. When Fe-HZSM-5(45) was used as catalyst, the un-
Analysis of the value of reaction rate coefficients welcome process of methanol oxidation was performed
obtained at different temperatures in the presence the most slowly.
of various catalysts allowed formulating the follow- The dependence between the iron content, the cat-
ing conclusions. The highest rate of methanol produc- alyst form (Na or H), and the rate of formaldehyde
tion, reaction (A), was observed when the Fe-HZSM- oxidation, reaction (D ), was similar to that of the re-
5(22) catalyst was used. The decline of the iron con- action (C ).
tent in the catalysts results in the decrease of methane Direct methane oxidation to carbon dioxide, reac-
to methanol oxidation rate. Use of H-ZSM-5 instead tion (B ), was the most intense in the presence of Fe-
of the corresponding sodium zeolite form having the HZSM-5(22) catalyst. The decline of the iron content
Fig. 2. The changes in the selectivity of methane oxidation to particular products with the extension of the contact time for
the catalyst’s sodium form. a – Fe-NaZSM-5(45), b – Fe-NaZSM-5(34), c – Fe-NaZSM-5(22), 1 – temperature 350 ◦C, 2 –
temperature 590 ◦C, diamond and dotted line – methanol, rectangle and straight line – formaldehyde, triangle and dashed
line – carbon dioxide.
Fig. 3. The changes in the methanol yield with the extension of the contact time. 1 – H form, 2 – Na form, dotted line – 350 ◦C,
straight line – 590 ◦C, rectangle – Si : Fe = 45, cross – Si : Fe = 34, house – Si : Fe = 22.
caused the decrease of the reaction (B ) rate. It is clear ted to give concentration rate coefficients, kci , in order
that this reaction was much faster in the presence of to determine the activation energy for reactions (A—
H-ZSM-5-based catalysts. D ). Next, the activation energy for reactions (A—D )
The pressure rate coefficients, ki , were recalcula- was calculated on the basis of the inclination angle
Fig. 4. Arrhenius plot of the reaction rate constants kA (plus and short dashed line), kB (square and long dashed line), kC
(house and dotted line), and kD (asterisk and straight line) for the catalysts: a – Fe-NaZSM-5(45), b – Fe-NaZSM-5(34),
c – Fe-NaZSM-5(22), d – Fe-HZSM-5(45), e – Fe-HZSM-5(34), and f – Fe-HZSM-5(22).
of the straight line: ln(kci ) = ln(A) − E/RT . Ta- same iron content revealed insignificant differences be-
ble 1 summarizes the values of apparent activation tween the corresponding values of apparent activation
energy, E, of all reactions in the presence of all cata- energy. The activation of methane (reactions (A) and
lysts investigated. Increase of the iron content in the (B )) took place on the same catalytically active cen-
catalyst leads to the decline of the values of appar- tres.
ent activation energy. The value of activation energy The values of activation energies for the oxida-
depends on the number of active species generated tion of methanol and formaldehyde were significantly
by iron. Different forms of iron have been identified lower than the values of EA and EB . The activation of
in Fe-ZSM-5 [17]: isolated ions either in framework methane and oxygenates (CH3 OH and HCHO) needed
positions or in cationic positions in the zeolite chan- different active species. Markedly lower values of EC
nels, binuclear and oligonuclear iron complexes in ex- and ED were observed when sodium form of the cat-
traframework positions, iron oxide FeOx nanoparticles alyst was used compared to the corresponding Fe-
and large iron oxide particles (Fe2 O3 ). It is difficult HZSM-5 one. Because of acid properties of methanol
to distinguish which one is important for the reac- and formaldehyde these compounds could be more
tions (A—D ). It is evident that the activation energy easily oxidized on Na than on H forms of ZSM-5.
values EA and EB for the same catalyst were simi- The highest methanol and formaldehyde yield was
lar. Both forms (Na and H) of the catalyst having the 3.16 % and 4.52 %, respectively. These values were