Vibrex 2000 Specification Sheet PDF
Vibrex 2000 Specification Sheet PDF
Vibrex 2000 Specification Sheet PDF
• Propeller balance.
• Vibration analysis
Both models, no matter the applica- As new aircraft come into the
tion, provide easy-to-use features that market Chadwick is always there
assist the maintainer in decreasing developing new applications for
maintenance time, lowering mainte- your customized needs.
Better than a crystal ball. Data can be viewed and saved using Chadwick’s
ground-based software packages.
Use the “Waterfall Plot” to Trend Use the Polar Plot to manually or Spectral Plot lets you integrate
& Predict component failures. automatically plot balance points. and differentiate into any units...
mils, IPS, g’s, etc.
Choose the Vibrex 2000 that meets your needs.
Dimensions 7.38"H x 7.25"W x 1.81"D
18.75 cm x 18.42 cm x 4.6 cm
Weight 3.5 lbs. (without batteries)
Power requirement 3-6.4 VDC 250mA
❚❚❚ Version
Interfaces Francaise
Vibration sensor 2 ea. Velocimeter
(19 mV/IPS sensitivity) Maintenant, Chadwick-Helmuth offre une version Francaise
du Vibrex 2000, avec tous les menus, textes d’aide et
Mag pickup / tach. 2 ea. Pulse input, magnetic presentation des resultats en Francais.
pickup or logic type.
Accessory power 4 ea. D-Cell batteries.
Reverse polarity circuit Extended Warranty Options
protected and fused. Every piece of equipment comes with a 1-year limited
Portable Computer or Printer 1 Serial, RS-232, 9600baud warranty from the date of purchase.
Balance Measurements For an additional fee, you may extend the warranty to 5
Phase accuracy ± 5 Minutes or ± 2.5° years.This warranty includes – but is not limited to – annual
calibration and any necessary firmware or software
Balance frequency range 240 to 10,000 RPM (Bsc.& Fr.) updates.
120 to 30,000 RPM (Plus)
Phase resolution 2 minutes or 1 degree Please contact Chadwick-Helmuth’s main office at
+1-626-575-6161 for terms and conditions of the warranty.
Spectrum Analysis (Fmax, RPM)
Vibrex 2000 1250-20,000 Please note that the terms and conditions of these
Vibrex 2000 (French) 3000-24,000 warranties are subject to change without notice.
Vibrex 2000 Plus 1200-600,000
FFT resolution 400 Lines
Memory 256K (Basic & French) Customer Support
1 MB (Plus model)
Chadwick is dedicated to supporting customer’s
Accuracy (Basic & French) ± 5% from 5 Hz to 333 Hz needs. The legendary worldwide customer service
Accuracy (Plus) ± .5dB from 2 Hz to 500 Hz is available via phone, fax, or e-mail. We can help your organi-
± 1dB from 501 Hz to 10 KHz zation improve skills in rotor/propeller smoothing and vibration
Spurious free dyn. range >60 dB related troubleshooting.
Velocimeter input ranges 0 to 304mV peak (16 ips) Of course, service includes equipment repairs and calibration,
(Vibrex 2000 Plus) 0 to 380mV peak (20 ips) for which we also have expert in-house teams. Never worry
Velocimeter input sensitivity 19mV/IPS peak about where you are in the world there’s a Chadwick
International Representative supporting over 180 countries.
Mag p/u, input freq. range 100 – 50,000 RPM No other company comes close to Chadwick service.
Mag p/u, RPM accuracy 0.1%
Mag p/u, 0.5 to 12 Volts peak nominal,
input voltage range 120 Volts peak maximum. Your Chadwick-Helmuth representative:
Temperature 0°C to 50°C, or 32°F to 120°F
EMI susceptibility and radiated emissions standards
Industrial Electronic Control CE certified to:
Equipment Class Standard EN50081-2 Rafael Calvo, 31- 28010 MADRID
Standard EN50082-2 Tlf: 913196673
Ground Software e-mail:
Vibrex 2000 Download included with all models
Vibrex 2000 Plot included with 2000 Plus
optional with the Basic and
French models