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UR Universal Relay Series: Revision 3.37 Release Notes

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GE Industrial Systems

UR Universal Relay series

Revision 3.37 release notes
831776A1.CDR GE Publication Number: GER-4062
Copyright © 2005 GE Multilin


• Affected products: UR Universal Relay series
• Date of release: September 12, 2005
• Firmware revision: 3.37
• Boot code revision: 1.13

Release summary

This document contains the release notes for the 3.37 release of the UR Universal Relay series
firmware. The following relay models are covered by this note:
• B30 Bus Differential Relay
• C30 Controller
• C60 Breaker Management Relay
• D30 Line Distance Relay
• D60 Line Distance Relay
• F35 Multiple Feeder Management Relay
• F60 Feeder Management Relay
• G60 Generator Management Relay
• L90 Line Differential Relay
• M60 Motor Relay
• T35 Transformer Management Relay
• T60 Transformer Management Relay

New features and modifications to existing features listed in the following section with corresponding
revision categories and reference numbers.

GE Multilin 1
Overview UR-series version 3.37 release note

This document uses the following categories to classify the changes.

Table 1: Revision categories

Code Category Comments

N New feature A separate feature added to the relay. Changes to existing fea-
tures even if they significantly expand the functionality are not in
this category
G Change A neutral change that does not bring any new value and is not
correcting any known problem
E Enhancement Modification of an existing feature bringing extra value to the
D Changed, incomplete or false Changes to, or problems with text messages, LEDs and user
faceplate indications pushbuttons
R Changed, incomplete or false Changes to, or problems with relay records (oscillography,
relay records demand, fault reports, etc.)
C Protocols and communications Changes to, or problems with protocols or communication fea-
M Metering Metering out of specification or other metering problems
P Protection out of specification Protection operates correctly but does not meet published speci-
fications (example: delayed trip)
U Unavailability of protection Protection not available in a self-demonstrating way so that cor-
rective actions could be taken immediately
H Hidden failure to trip Protection may not operate when it should
F False trip Protection may operate when it should not
B Unexpected restart Relay restarts unexpectedly

The code letter is placed to the left of the description. An internal GE reference number is placed to the
right of the description. This number may be used to reference the modification when contacting GE

GE Multilin technical support

GE Multilin contact information and call center for product support is shown below:
GE Multilin
215 Anderson Avenue
Markham, Ontario
Canada L6E 1B3
Telephone: 905-294-6222 or 1-800-547-8629 (North America), +34 94 485 88 00 (Europe)
Fax: 905-201-2098 (North America), +34 94 485 88 45 (Europe)
E-mail: multilin.tech@ge.com
Home Page: http://www.GEmultilin.com

2 GE Multilin
UR-series version 3.37 release note Release details

Release details

Modified features

E Restricted Ground Fault: modifications to the Restricted Ground Fault element 18800

Products affected: G60, T60

1. The Restricted Ground Fault element discriminates between load conditions (high sensitivity
required) and symmetrical external faults (more restraint required) by using a factory constant
of 1.5 times CT nominal (1.5 pu). However, in some applications the normal load current could
be higher than 1.5 pu; either when two or more CTs are summed externally, or when a single
CT is not rated to match the current rating of the transformer winding. This factory constant
has been changed to be 2.0 times CT nominal.
2. When exposed to extremely long DC time constants in relatively low and balanced currents, the
Restricted Ground Fault element may face stability problems if set to be sensitive. A typical
situation is an energization of reactors fed directly from transformer windings. Due to very high
X/R ratios, the DC components decay very slowly. The problem is caused by eventual mild
saturation of main and/or relay input CTs generating enough unbalance, given the intended
sensitivity, to cause a nuisance trip. The element intentionally does not produce much restraint
under low and balanced currents in order to retain its sensitivity. The element has been
enhanced as described below.
The enhancement is to be active only when the function is exposed to the problem; that is,
when it applies 1/8th of the positive sequence current for the restraint. Extra security is
triggered if any of the phase currents shows significant DC component. This is sensed from a
difference between the true RMS and filtered magnitude of the current. When the threat is
detected, the trip condition is expanded by requiring the ground current to exceed a certain
portion of the positive-sequence current.
The following diagram illustrates the expanded logic.

existing RGF pickup condition

pos-sequence restraint in effect (existing internal flag)

low restrain used (existing internal flag; I1 mag < 2pu) TIMER
tPKP = 3 cycles
AND (2)

IA RMS IA RMS - D*IA mag > 0 tDPO = 300 cycles

OR (3)

IA mag IA mag > RGF PICKUP
AND (4)


new RGF pickup condition
IB RMS IB RMS - D*IB mag > 0
OR (1)

& existing RGF pickup condition

IB mag IB mag > RGF PICKUP

IC RMS IC RMS - D*IC mag > 0

IC mag IC mag > RGF PICKUP D a factory constant

The OR-gate (1) checks if any of the three currents exhibits at a DC component of at least 50%
of the AC component. The condition is supervised from measuring some current (at least the
pickup level) or the comparison of RMS and magnitude is meaningless.
Factory constant D is set at 9/8th. This requires the RMS to be higher by 12.5% compared with
the filtered magnitude. This in turn happens when the DC offset present in the waveform is
50% of the AC value ( 1 + 0.5 = 1.12 ).

GE Multilin 3
Release details UR-series version 3.37 release note

The AND-gate (2) checks if the excessive DC component occurs in the situation when the
positive-sequence restraint is used while the restraint is low, and the operating signal is below
pickup and restraint (existing pickup flag).
If the above exists for at least three cycles, the timer picks up and stays picked up for at least
300 cycles. The three-cycle period is meant to allow the RGF to trip internal faults that may
happen as a result of picking up the current. The three-cycle delay in applying extra security is
permissible as the error jeopardizing the function develops slowly.
If the extra security is armed (the timer is picked up), the function is permitted to operate only
if there is some ground current to confirm the suspected internal fault (OR-gate 3, AND-gate
4). The threshold for the ground current magnitude is a pickup of the RGF function.

P Synchrocheck: per-unit discrepancy corrected 18685

Products affected: C60, D30, D60, F60, G60, L90

Under certain combinations of settings, the Synchrocheck element in earlier versions would use a
phase-to-ground nominal voltage as a definition of 1 per-unit (1 pu), despite the fact that the
magnitude supervision settings expressed in per-unit values apply to phase-to-phase voltages. This
has been corrected for the 3.37 release.

4 GE Multilin

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