Lessons Learned For Effective FMEAs PDF

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Copyright © 2007 IEEE.

Reprinted from "2007 PROCEEDINGS

Orlando, Florida, USA, January 22-25, 2007.

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endorsement of any of ReliaSoft Corporation's products or
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Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 1

1. Introduction
2. Risk Assessment
3. Key Factors for Effective FMEAs
4. FMEA Facilitation
5. Best practice for Successful FMEA
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 2
„ This tutorial is “Intermediate” level
„ It is not an introduction to
„ It presupposes familiarity with

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 3

The purpose of this tutorial is to share the
key factors for achieving success in
FMEAs, and to highlight an FMEA
process that is helpful for consistently
good results.

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 4

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
is a methodology designed to:
„ Identify potential failure modes for a product or
„ Assess the risk associated with those failure
modes and prioritize issues for corrective
„ Identify and carry out corrective actions to
address the most serious concerns.
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 5

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 6

Failure Mode & Effects Analysis
you either love it

or hate it

Everyone has an opinion!

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 7
Heard at the “Virtual” Water Cooler

„ “waste of time,” “lack of support,” “don’t

want anything to do with it”
„ “powerful tool,” “effective way to prevent
problems” and “needs to be done
across the board”

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 8

So, What’s the Truth About FMEA?

„ Is it a giant waste of time and

„ Or is it a powerful tool that is essential
to the goal of designing in reliability?

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 9

Drum Roll !
And the answer is …

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 10

It depends

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 11

OK, so what does the success of
this potentially powerful tool
depend on?

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 12

FMEA Success Factors
There are four broad success factors that are
critical to uniformity of success in the
application of FMEA in any company:
„ Understanding the basics of FMEAs and
Risk Assessment
„ Applying key factors for effective FMEAs

„ Providing excellent FMEA facilitation

„ Implementing a “best practice” FMEA


Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 13

Understanding the
Basics of FMEAs and
Risk Assessment

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 14

Basics of FMEAs
„ There are many courses and tutorials that
exist covering the basics of FMEAs
„ It is essential to the success of FMEA
applications that the FMEA facilitator and
team thoroughly understand and can apply
these basics
„ Basics include FMEA terminology and how
to perform FMEAs

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 15

Risk Assessment and FMEAs
„ Risk assessment is used to identify which
FMEAs that will be done as part of product
and process development
„ Risk assessment is also an integral part of
the FMEA procedure
„ FMEA costs money to perform and should
be used where the highest risk is anticipated

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 16

Stay Focused on Risk
„ Perform preliminary risk analysis
„ Use FMEA method on higher risk areas, such as
„ New technology
„ New designs where risk is a concern
„ New applications of existing technology
„ Potential for safety issues
„ History of significant field problems
„ Potential for important regulation issues
„ Mission Critical
„ Supplier Capability
„ Avoid excessive time on lower risk systems

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 17

Level of Detail

„ Every part of FMEA procedure can

have too much or too little detail
„ It is up to the FMEA Team and
Facilitator to navigate the treacherous
waters of detail

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 18

Common Error
Too Much Detail
„ One of the most common errors of FMEA Teams is
too much detail
„ FMEAs with 100s of pages (small font) come from:
„ Boiler plates

„ Brainstorming gone amuck

„ Poor facilitation

„ Misses the “forest for the trees”

„ Misses or obscures the high risk issues that make
FMEA valuable
„ FMEA Teams get frustrated and derailed
„ FMEA gets a bad name
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 19
Common Error
Too Little Detail

„ FMEAs that are too generalized or

miss the high risk areas are all too
„ Not getting to Root Cause
„ Not developing the analysis fully for
the high risk areas
„ Not developing “executable” actions
„ FMEA gets a bad name
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 20
“The art of being wise is the art of
knowing what to overlook.”

William James, American Philosopher

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 21

Stay Focused on Risk

The Key is to be “Risk Conscious”

and to consistently keep the team
focused on risk

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 22

Key Factors for
Effective FMEAs

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 23

„ Learning the FMEA procedure is not
enough to be a successful FMEA
„ Performing successful FMEAs requires
understanding and implementing the
Key Factors for Effective FMEAs

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 24


“Good judgment comes from

experience and experience
comes from poor judgment”

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 25

What are the primary ways that FMEA
can be done wrong? (Mistakes)

What are the Key Factors that make for

effective FMEAs? (Quality Objectives)

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 26

Mistake #1
Failure to Drive Design or Process
„ Some FMEAs do not drive any action at all
„ Some FMEAs drive mostly testing
„ Some FMEAs drive ineffective action

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 27

Quality Objective #1

The FMEA drives Product or

Process Design
Improvements as the primary

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 28

A Note on Quality Objective #1
„ Reliability Engineering has a multitude of tools
to choose from in driving design or process
„ The key is to use the FMEA “Recommended
Actions” field to identify and execute best
practice tools that can optimize designs
„ This is one of the reasons that Reliability
Engineers need to participate on FMEAs

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 29

Mistake #2
Failure to Address All High Risk Failure
„ Risk thresholds can be defined by FMEA
Team, or set as company policy
„ In addition to high RPN or criticality, high
severity must be addressed
„ Some companies fail to take effective action
on all higher risk failure modes

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 30

Quality Objective #2
The FMEA addresses all high
risk Failure Modes, as identified
by the FMEA Team, with
executable Action Plans.

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 31

A Note on Quality Objective #2

„ The emphasis on this Quality Objective is to

ensure that all of the higher risk failure
mode/causes are adequately addressed
with effective actions.
„ Company policy or FMEA team will define
which RPNs or Criticality will rise to the level
of high risk
„ The key is effective action that reduces or
eliminates the risk
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 32
Mistake #3
Failure to Improve Test/Control Plans
„ Some companies miss the opportunity to
improve DVP&R Plan or Process Control
Plans based on failure modes from FMEA
„ Some FMEA teams do not include
knowledgeable reps from test department
„ Result is inadequate testing or control plans

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 33

Quality Objective #3
The Design Verification Plan & Report
(DVP&R) or the Process Control Plan
(PCP) considers the failure modes
from the FMEA

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 34

A Note on Quality Objective #3
„ The FMEA team will often discover Failure
Modes/Causes that were not part of the
Design Controls or Test Procedures
„ The key is to ensure that the test plan
(DVP&R) or Control Plan is impacted by the
results of the FMEA
„ This can be done by including test/control
membership on FMEA team or through well
written actions

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 35

Mistake #4
Not Including Interfaces in FMEA
„ Empirical data shows that at least 50% of
field problems can occur at interfaces
„ Some companies focus on part or subsystem
failures and miss the interfaces

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 36

Quality Objective #4
The FMEA scope includes integration
and interface failure modes in both
block diagram and analysis

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 37

A Note on Quality Objective #4
„ Interfaces can be included as part of the item
by item analysis or as a separate analysis
„ It is recommended that the preliminary FMEA
Block Diagram clearly show the interfaces
that are part of FMEA scope

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 38

Mistake #5
Disconnect from Field Lessons Learned
„ Some companies provide no linkage between
FMEAs and field data
„ It takes concerted effort to integrate problem
resolution databases with FMEA
„ Otherwise serious problems repeat

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 39

Quality Objective #5
The FMEA considers all major
“lessons learned” (such as high
warranty, campaigns, etc.) as input to
failure mode identification

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 40

A Note on Quality Objective #5
„ Field failure data can be brought into generic FMEAs
on regular basis
„ Then, when new program-specific FMEAs are
started, they benefit from field lessons learned
„ If generic FMEAs are not used, new FMEAs should
be seeded with potential field problems and show
how they will not repeat in the new design/process
„ The key is to hold the FMEA team responsible to
ensure that major field problems do not repeat

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 41

Mistake #6
FMEA Omits Key Characteristics
„ Many companies have a Key Characteristics
„ FMEA can identify Key Characteristics for
special controls in manufacturing
„ Some companies miss this opportunity

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 42

Quality Objective #6
The FMEA identifies appropriate Key
Characteristics candidates, if
applicable according to company

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 43

A Note on Quality Objective #6

„ This is an underutilized element of

„ SAE J1739 or the AIAG FMEA standard
uses the “Classification” column

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 44

Mistake #7
Doing FMEAs Late
„ Many companies do FMEAs late, and this
reduces their effectiveness
„ FMEAs should be completed by design or
process freeze dates, concurrent with the
design process

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 45

Quality Objective #7
The FMEA is completed during the
“window of opportunity” where it can
most effectively impact the product or
process design

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 46

A Note on Quality Objective #7
„ The key to getting FMEAs done on time is to
start the FMEAs on time
„ FMEAs should be started as soon as design
or process concept is determined
„ Exception is FMEAs done during trade off
studies, which can be started earlier

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 47

Mistake #8
Inadequate Team Composition
„ Some FMEA teams do not have the right
experts on the core team
„ Some FMEA teams do not have good
„ Some FMEA team members just sit in their
chairs and don’t contribute to team synergy

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 48

Quality Objective #8
The right people participate on the
FMEA team throughout the analysis,
and are adequately trained in the

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 49

A Note on Quality Objective #8
Participation of Subject Matter Experts
„ Actual survey of Reliability Engineering
internal customers on FMEAs:
„ FMEAs are too important to not do
„ But too time consuming to participate
„ FMEA Facilitator must value the time of team
members and not waste time

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 50

Added Note on Quality Objective #8
„ People have blind spots (scotomas)
„ Key is to get the people who are
knowledgeable and experienced about
potential failures and their resolutions
actually showing up at the meetings
„ Attendance takes management support
„ Team size is best between 4 to 8 people
„ If team gets too large, consider breaking into
additional limited scope FMEAs
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 51
Mistake #9
Improper Procedure
„ There are 100s of ways to do FMEAs wrong
„ Some companies do not encourage or
control proper FMEA methodology
„ Training, coaching, reviews are all necessary
to success

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 52

Quality Objective #9
The FMEA document is completely
filled out “by the book”, including
“Action Taken” and final risk

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 53

A Note on Quality Objective #9
„ One of the most common FMEA errors is to
fail to get to root cause
„ Expert input is necessary
„ Follow up actions based on poorly defined
causes will not work and FMEA will not be

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 54

Mistake #10
Lack of Efficient Use of Time
„ Some companies mandate FMEAs, then do
not ensure the time is well spent
„ Pre-work must be completed, meetings well
run, efficient follow up of high risk issues
„ Ask FMEA team if there time is well spent,
and take action to address shortcomings

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 55

Quality Objective #10
The time spent by the FMEA team, as
early as possible, is an effective and
efficient use of time with a value added

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 56

A Note on Quality Objective #10
„ If this Quality Objective is met, then
future FMEAs will be well attended and
supported by subject matter experts
and management

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 57

FMEA Quality Objectives
1. DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS FMEA primarily drives Design Improvements
2. HIGH RISK FAILURE MODES FMEA addresses all high risk Failure Modes
3. DVP&R/CONTROL PLAN Comprehends failure modes from the Design FMEA
4. INTERFACES FMEA scope includes integration and interface failure modes
5. LESSONS LEARNED Warranty, field issues, “hardy perennials” included
6. KCDS CONNECTION The FMEA identifies appropriate KPC candidates
7. TIMING The FMEA is completed during the “Window of opportunity”
8. TEAM The right people participate as part of the FMEA team
9. DOCUMENTATION FMEA document is completely filled out “by the book”
10. TIME USAGE Effective and efficient use of time by FMEA Team

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 58

Meeting FMEA Quality Objectives
„ Make FMEA Quality Objectives part of FMEA
„ Review them at each meeting
„ Participate in FMEA Quality audits
„ Keep FMEA open until Quality Objectives are

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 59

FMEA Pre-Work Lesson Learned

„ Time spent prior to the first FMEA team

meeting can save valuable subject
matter expert time in meetings
„ Try to predict all of the documents that
will be needed during team meetings
and provide hard copies or on line

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 60

FMEA Scope Lesson Learned
A common problem with the scope of
an FMEA project:
„ Starting the FMEA meetings before the
exact scope is agreed upon
„ For example, need to agree on the exact
configuration of subsystems and
components, interfaces, indenture level,
role of suppliers, etc.
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 61
FMEA Scope

Subsystem A Subsystem B

1 2 3 4

Subsystem C
5 6 7

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 62

FMEA Assumptions & Limitations
A common problem with the assumptions
and limitations of and FMEA project:
„ Starting the FMEA meetings before the all
assumptions and limitations are agreed
„ For example, need to agree on assumptions
relating to design and process, part
quality/usage, analysis level of detail, etc.

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 63

Excellent FMEA
Team Facilitation

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 64

The Subject of FMEA Facilitation

„ FMEA facilitation is a different subject than

FMEA methodology.
„ To be successful, FMEA leaders need to
develop expert facilitation skills

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 65

What are Characteristics of
successful FMEA Facilitation?
„ Facilitator must be well trained in effective
meeting facilitation techniques
„ Facilitator must know FMEA procedure and
use of software
„ FMEA team members need to be trained in
overview of FMEA procedure
„ Good facilitation is key to prevention of high
risk problems without wasting time
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 66
Primary FMEA Facilitation Skills
„ Brainstorming and Probing Questions
„ Encouraging Participation
„ Active Listening
„ Controlling Discussion
„ Making Decisions
„ Conflict Management
„ Managing Level of Detail
„ Managing Time
„ Common Facilitation Problems
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 67
Best Practice for
FMEA Process

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 68

What is an FMEA Process?
„ The company-wide systems and tasks
essential to support development of
high reliability products and processes
through timely accomplishment of well
done FMEAs.

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 69

Why Implement an FMEA Process?
(Why not just start doing FMEAs?)

Primary reasons for ineffective FMEAs (based

on practical experience):
1. Insufficient strategic or resource planning
2. Doing FMEAs improperly (“check off” item) or too late
3. Lack of management sponsorship and support
4. Failure to execute Recommended Actions for high risk
5. Not meeting FMEA Quality Objectives
6. Failure to address supplier issues
7. Failure to incorporate Lessons Learned from past
FMEAs or test and field data
8. Failure to integrate FMEAs with other key processes
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 70
FMEA Process addresses
these issues and ensures
successful FMEA application.

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 71

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 72
Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 73

FMEA Strategic Planning

Strategic decisions to be made by management:
1. What types of FMEAs will be done? (Design, Process, Equipment,
Maintenance, etc.)
2. What selection criteria will be used to identify new FMEAs? (new
designs, new processes, etc.)
3. What is appropriate FMEA timing? (for example: prior to design
freeze, while designs or processes are being developed)
4. What FMEA standard will be used? (J1739, MIL-STD-1629A, etc.)
5. What Generic FMEAs will be developed? By whom?
6. What Program-specific FMEAs will be developed? By whom?
7. What level of detail is needed for Generic or Program-Specific
FMEAs? (System, Subsystem, Component, etc.)
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 74

FMEA Strategic Planning (continued)

Strategic decisions to be made by management:

8. Will FMEA Quality Surveys be used to gauge FMEA
effectiveness? If so, how will this be done?
9. How to implement Quality Audits for ongoing improvements to
FMEA process?
10. How will FMEA projects be tracked?
11. How will FMEA Post-Analysis Lessons Learned be captured?
12. How will FMEAs be archived for easy retrieval?
13. What linkages are needed to other processes (FRACAS, DVP&R
Plans, Design Reviews, Process Control Plans, etc.)
14. How will Supplier FMEAs be handled? Who will review and
approve Supplier FMEAs for critical parts? Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 75

A Note on FMEA “Timing”

(for Design and Process FMEAs)
„ FMEAs need to be done during the “window of
opportunity” to best impact design of product or process.
„ For Design FMEAs:
„ Too early: before design concept is established
„ Too late: after design freeze
„ Ideal: while design of product is being developed
„ For Process FMEAs:
„ Too early: before manufacturing or assembly concept is
„ Too late: after manufacturing or assembly process is finalized
„ Ideal: while design of the manufacturing or assembly process is
being developed
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 76

A Note on FMEA “Level of Detail”

„ FMEAs can be done at system, subsystem or component
„ When deciding the scope of FMEA, keep in mind:
„ Size of FMEA team should be in range of 4 to 8 for an effective
core team focus and efficiency
„ Too few participants can result in absence of important expert
„ Too many can result in unmanageable FMEA team meetings and
wasted time
„ Assign as many FMEA projects as is necessary to address
risk, and still keep teams to manageable size
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 77
Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 78

FMEA Resource Planning

Resource decisions to be made by management:
„ What software is needed? (such as Xfmea or other relational
database, FMEA project tracking, etc.)
„ Where will the homeroom for FMEA expertise reside? (FMEA
process, FMEA facilitators, etc.)
„ Who will perform FMEA facilitation and administration?
„ What is the FMEA training plan for facilitators, teams and
„ What should be composition of core FMEA team?
„ How will Management support be provided?
„ What is content and frequency of management reviews?

„ What approval for FMEA Recommended Actions?

„ What FMEA reports are needed and when?

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 79

A Note on FMEA “Homeroom”

„ A “homeroom” is important to support FMEA
process and execution
„ Roles and responsibilities include:
„ FMEA facilitators
„ FMEA training support
„ FMEA common process and standards
„ FMEA software
„ FMEA methodology expertise
„ FMEA quality audits
„ Without an effective “homeroom,” the results of
FMEA can vary and become ineffective
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 80

A Note on FMEA “Training”

„ FMEA Facilitator training:
„ How to perform effective FMEAs
„ Overview of FMEA process from viewpoint of facilitator
„ How to facilitate effective meetings
„ FMEA team member training:
„ Basics of FMEA procedure
„ Management training:
„ Effective FMEA process from viewpoint of management
„ Roles and responsibilities needed to support effective
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 81

A Note on FMEA “Management Support”

The importance of broad support from management in
implementing an effective FMEA process cannot be
„ Provides agreement on strategy and supports needed
„ Assists in integrating FMEA with other business
„ Provides effective reviews of higher risk failure modes
and recommended actions
„ Provides attendance of expert FMEA team members
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 82
“Heard at a seminar. One gets a good
rating for fighting a fire. The result is
visible; can be quantified. If you do it
right the first time, you are invisible.
You satisfied the requirements. That
is your job. Mess it up, and correct it
later, you become a hero.”
W. Edwards Deming
Out ofCarlthe Crisis
Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 83
Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 78
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 84

Generic FMEAs
„ FMEAs that contain both historical (empirical) and
potential Failure Modes, Causes, Controls, etc.
„ Done at the generic level of the system, subsystem
or component, not program-specific
„ Done once, then updated (as needed) from Test
and Field data and/or new technology
Strategic Decisions:
„ Will Generic FMEAs be done?

„ Which ones, what content, standard, level of detail,

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 85

Generic FMEAs (continued)

For each Generic FMEA (complete these steps):
„ Assign Generic FMEA facilitator and team
„ Establish Generic FMEA timing and scope
„ Gather past relevant FMEA(s) from Archive, and all
needed pre-work documents and information
„ Perform FMEA analysis (according to FMEA
standard) up to Design or Process Controls
Generic FMEAs can be used for:
„ Design Trade Studies
„ Input to Program-specific FMEAs
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 86

A Note on Doing Generic FMEAs

„ Generic FMEAs are optional
„ Requires up-front commitment
„ Payoff is not immediate
„ Most useful if the product line is
relatively stable over time

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 87

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 88

Program-Specific FMEAs
„ FMEAs that focus on specific applications
„ Either tailored from Generic FMEAs or newly done
„ Completed through entire FMEA worksheet
Strategic Decisions:
„ Which programs will get FMEAs?
„ What FMEAs will be done for each program?
„ What FMEA types, timing, standard, level of detail, how to
handle suppliers, etc.?
„ How will management review and approval be achieved?
„ How will Program-Specific FMEAs be tracked to assure timely
and successful completion and risk reduced to acceptable level?
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 89

Program-Specific FMEAs (continued)

For each Program-Specific FMEA (complete 10 steps)
1. Assign FMEA facilitator and team
2. Establish FMEA timing and scope

3. Gather relevant documentation

4. Perform FMEA analysis (according to FMEA standard) up

through Recommended Actions

5. Provide input to DVP&R or Process Control Plan

6. Review risk and recommended actions with management

7. Update FMEA project tracking

8. Execute Recommended Actions, and do new risk assessment

9. Review and approve all critical Supplier FMEAs

10. Ensure risk reduced to acceptable level and FMEA is completed

“by the book” Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 90


A Note on Doing Program-Specific FMEAs

ƒ Most companies have an FMEA “history”

ƒ Some successful
ƒ Some not successful
ƒ It helps to “clear the air”
ƒ What has been done right
ƒ What has been done wrong
ƒ Make a fresh start with “best practice”

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 91

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 92

Management Review
(sometimes called Failure Review Board)
„ Management reviews FMEA high risk issues and
Recommended Actions (essential to ensure
understanding, buy-in, support, and adequacy)
„ FMEA reports/charts should be generated per
FMEA Strategic Plan
„ Feedback from management goes back to FMEA
Teams for review and incorporation

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 93


A Note on Management Reviews

„ There may already be a process in place to review
failure modes from field or test
„ Most companies “piggy-back” the review of FMEA
failure modes with the review of field or test failure
„ A few suggestions:
ƒ Review only high risk FMEA failure modes
ƒ Have the “natural owner” of the failure mode
present problem/solution to management
ƒ Close the loop with FMEA Team to ensure
overall risk is reduced to acceptable level
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 94
Getting and Keeping Management

Ask management “what

is it worth to prevent high
risk failure modes from
showing up in product or
process designs?”
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 95
Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 96

FMEA Quality Surveys

„ Each FMEA team (and internal customer of
FMEA) should be surveyed for FMEA
„ Surveys are based on FMEA Quality
„ Surveys are in writing, 1 or 2 pages
„ Individual content can be confidential
„ Provides valuable feedback to improve future
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 97

FMEA Quality Objectives

1. DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS FMEA adequately drives Design Improvements
2. HIGH RISK FAILURE MODES FMEA addresses all high risk Failure Modes
3. DVP&R/CONTROL PLAN Comprehends failure modes from the Design FMEA
4. INTERFACES FMEA scope includes integration and interface failure modes
5. LESSONS LEARNED Warranty, field issues, “hardy perennials” included
6. KCDS CONNECTION The FMEA identifies appropriate KPC candidates
7. TIMING The FMEA is completed during the “Window of opportunity”
8. TEAM The right people participate as part of the FMEA team
9. DOCUMENTATION FMEA document is completely filled out “by the book”
10. TIME USAGE Effective and efficient use of time by FMEA Team

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 98


FMEA Quality Audits

„ In person audits of completed (or nearly completed)
„ Done with FMEA facilitator and core team
„ Performed by management of FMEA Process
„ Interview format
„ Pre-scheduled or random basis
„ Based on FMEA Quality Objectives
„ One hour maximum per audit
„ Provides valuable feedback to improve future FMEAs
„ Action Items identified for follow up Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 99

A Note on FMEA Quality Surveys/Audits

„ Focus on improving the FMEA process, not

on the person/team doing the FMEA
„ Don’t expect to instantly achieve all 10
objectives; work to maintain steady
„ Management audits demonstrate
commitment; in the words of W. Edwards
Deming: “Quality cannot be delegated”

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 100

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 101

Supplier FMEAs
„ Potential higher risk system or subsystem
level failures can have their root cause in
Supplier components
„ FMEA Strategic Planning should determine
how to address Supplier FMEAs, and how to
identify which Suppliers require FMEA review
„ FMEA team can invite Suppliers to participate

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 102


Supplier FMEAs (continued)

For Suppliers who are identified as higher

„ Require submission of completed FMEA
for review and approval, prior to part
„ Review conducted by FMEA team or
qualified representative, based on FMEA
Quality Objectives
„ Supplier continues FMEA until Quality
Objectives met
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 103

A Note on Supplier FMEAs

„ It takes time to bring about the right
relationship with suppliers on FMEAs and
other Reliability tasks
„ Suppliers must aspire to subsystems and
parts that are failure-free during useful life
„ This must be supported by purchasing
contracts, supplier selection, specifications
and follow-up activity
„ Work in the direction of getting suppliers to do
proper FMEAs
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 104
Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 105
Execute Actions to Reduce or
Eliminate Risk
FMEA has little value unless the
Recommended Actions are fully executed.
„ Follow up each Recommended Action to
„ Completion to satisfaction of FMEA Team
„ Risk eliminated or mitigated to acceptable level
„ Bring problems with execution back to
„ Update Action Status and Risk Reduction in
FMEA database
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 106
A Note on Executing FMEA
Recommended Actions

„ Some companies file their FMEAs as soon

as Actions are identified
„ Some companies fail to follow up on
Recommended Actions
„ Some companies don’t close the loop to
ensure the risk is reduced
„ “Best practice” closes out all FMEA
Recommended Actions with risk reduced to
an acceptable level
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 107
What are Characteristics of
Successful FMEA Actions?
„ FMEA Recommended Actions should be
effective, detailed and executable
„ They should have management buy in
„ They should drive design improvements
„ FMEA teams should use the full range of
Reliability tools

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 108

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 109

Linkage to Other Key Processes

Look for software that integrates with requirements from
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) guidelines:
„ Generate new Process FMEAs based on existing Design
„ Create integrated:

„ Design Verification Plan and Report (DVP&R )

„ Process Control Plan (PCP)
„ Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
„ FMEAs can provide important input to other processes:
„ Design Reviews, Trade Studies, Reliability Growth Analysis,

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 110


Linkage to Other Key Processes

FMEA Process must be

integrated with the overall
Product Development Process

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 111


A Note on Linking FMEA to Other


„ FMEA can be implemented as a stand-

alone process and make significant design
„ Linking to other processes results in
„ It can also make the other processes more

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 112

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test & Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 113

Test and Field Failures

There needs to be a separate process and
database to capture all test and field failure
„ Often called “FRACAS”
„ Provides updates to FMEAs, after initial FMEA
analyses are completed (called “post analysis
lessons learned)
„ High risk failure modes from FMEA are passed
on to FRACAS

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 114


A Note on Test and Field Failures

„ The best way to prevent recurring

problems is to backfill the FMEA with
lessons learned from field or test
„ Reference Peter Senge’s book The
Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice
of the Learning Organization, 1990

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 115

Planning Stage Performing FMEAs Stage Review Stage Implementation
Program A
1A 4
Develop & Develop
Execute Program-
FMEA 2 3 Specific
Strategic FMEAs 7
Plan (Xfmea)
Develop 5 Execute
Generic Program B
FMEA Quality Actions
Audits to Reduce/
(Optional) Develop Eliminate Risk
Develop & (Xfmea)
Execute Specific
Resource (Xfmea) Supplier
Plan FMEAs
Test &
Linkage to
Field Other
Failures 8 Processes

Integrated Software Support

10 Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 116

Integrated Software Support

ƒ Relational Database for all FMEA Projects
ƒ FMEA Standards: configurable to organization
ƒ Maintains Generic and Program-Specific FMEAs
ƒ Import-Export and Attachment Features
ƒ Linkage to Other Processes
ƒ Tracks Execution of Risk Reduction Actions
ƒ Generates Plots and Reports for Management
ƒ Simultaneous FMEA users accessing database
Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 117

A Note on Integrated Software Support

„ Some companies stay with Excel or

Access so they can tailor worksheets to
specific formats
„ They miss out on features of relational

Carl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 118

Summarizing the Key Factors for
a Successful FMEA Process
¾ Active FMEA Champion
¾ Broad management support
¾ Strategic and Resource Planning
¾ FMEA process integrated with Business
¾ Well trained FMEA Facilitators and Teams
¾ Management reviews and support
¾ Follow-up on all high risk issues
¾ FMEA Quality Audits
¾ Integrated FMEA software support
¾ Supplier FMEAs for higher risk parts
¾ FMEAs linked to other key processesCarl Carlson, ReliaSoft Corp., Slide 119

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