The Marvel (Ous) Schebler Carburetor: Principles of Operation

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The Marvel(ous) Schebler carburetor

By Randy Knuteson

resistance as it travels through the induction tubes. Fuel distribu-

E verything is simpler than you think and at the same time,

more complex than you can imagine. These words were
spoken some 200 years ago by a philosopher — not an
aircraft technician straining to understand what went wrong with
his carbureted engine.
tion is far from exact as indicated by split CHT and EGT readings.
According to Lycoming, a variance of 150 degrees is not at all
unusual. The job of the carburetor is to perform two very basic
1. It measures out an appropriate amount of incoming air
A quick glance at a Marvel Schebler Carburetor might lead 2. It mixes that air with fuel to assure that a proper charge
some to believe that these units are far too simplistic for today’s enters the cylinders under all operating conditions.
modern aircraft. The obvious advantages associated with fuel Fuel from the wing or header tanks is fed either by gravity or
injection (even fuel/air distribution, no carb icing concerns, etc.) by a low-pressure pump to the inlet of the carburetor. The actual
seem to overshadow the value of the much-maligned carburetor. pressure available from a gravity feed system is about one PSI for
However, a closer, more scrutinizing look reveals an intricate rela- each forty inches of head of fuel (as measured in distance from the
tionship between various sub-systems within these carburetors. surface of the fuel in the tank to the point of discharge into the
The details that comprise these systems vary from model to model. carburetor). Low-wing aircraft or “Turbo-normalized” aircraft
It is only when the functions of these systems are fully understood requires as much as six to nine PSI of pressure to perform at alti-
that one gains a renewed appreciation for their elegantly simple tude. These installations would require a gravity feed of approxi-
designs. These units have continued to serve us well through the mately some 240 inches of head pressure. Such distance renders
passing of time. the gravity-feed method impractical if not impossible.
As fuel rises in the float bowl chamber, it lifts a float that is
Principles of operation hinged to the throttle body. The float fulcrum lever carries a nee-
In the most simple of terms, an aircraft carburetor is a device dle valve, the point of which extends into a seat at the inlet of the
for introducing and mixing a metered amount of fuel to the cylin- carburetor. When the fuel level rises far enough in the bowl, the
ders. Unlike direct injection that provides a precise and uniform needle valve begins to partially restrict or close off fuel flow. The
delivery of the charge directly into the intake port of each cylin- height of the fuel in the discharge nozzle is controlled by the posi-
der, the atomized fuel from the carburetor seeks the path of least tion of the float and the needle valve in the float chamber. As fuel

Reprinted with Permission, Aircraft Maintenace Technology, October 2000

nozzle in the venturi tube. T

The venturi is situated in E
Pressure drop
across venturi.
the intake airstream at the Main (Inches of
P Mercury)
point of mean velocity Venturi L
immediately upstream of T
28 inches

the throttle valve. 26 inches

Imagine an aircraft
wing rolled into a cylinder, 30 inches
dramatically reduced in Primary
.05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 Venturi
LEAN FUEL/AIR RATIO RICH size, then placed into the
This curve shows the relationship between power output and bore of a carburetor. In Nozzle
mixture ratios (based on weight, not volume). Combustion can essence, you have formed
occur with mixtures as rich as .125 (1 to 8); and as lean as .062 the aircraft wing into a ven-
(1 to 16). Lean best power (economy) setting is 0.075, while rich
best power is 0.087. Best performance is approximately 0.080.
turi. The basic law of
The exact shape of this curve varies from engine to engine. physics discovered by The rate of fuel
flow from the dis-
Bernoulli is as active in the charge nozzle is
proportional to
is discharged from the carburetor, the float throat of a carburetor as it is across the sur- the amount of air
passing through
lowers and allows more fuel to fill the face of an aircraft wing. A venturi tube cor- the venturi.

bowl. In this manner, optimum fuel level is rectly positioned in the throat of a carbu- FLOW
always maintained so long as the float level retor causes air to move at a much faster
has been properly set at overhaul. rate as it passes through the constriction unsteady or turbulent airflows directly
A partial vacuum created by the piston (See diagram, right). As air velocity increas- affecting the fuel metered through the dis-
during the intake stroke draws air through es, a reduction in static pressure (pressure charge nozzle. The quality of the airstream
the carburetor. The air passages in both drop) causes a suction force to draw fuel directly influences the metering of fuel. A
the carburetor and the manifold are up the discharge nozzle. The amount of small piece of gasket material, a damaged
designed to admit a sufficient amount of fuel drawn up the discharge nozzle is or restricted air filter, a loose venturi, or
air to fill the cylinders by the end of the dependent upon the speed and condition any foreign object lodged in the carburetor
intake stroke. The throttle plates’ function of the air sweeping through the venturi. throat can ruin the metering ability of the
is to regulate the admission of air to the The greater the velocity, the greater the carburetor.
cylinders, thereby controlling the power suction on the fuel in the discharge nozzle.
output of the engine. Mixture Control
Unimpeded Airflow Fuel is always metered in relation to
Basic Bernoulli The onrush of air through the throttle the weight, not the volume of air passing
Two pressures work together to dis- body serves to mix and atomize the fuel as through the carburetor. As the aircraft
charge fuel from the carburetor bowl. The it makes its way to the cylinder intakes. ascends in altitude it passes through atmos-
atmospheric pressures in the bowl cham- This mixing of fuel and air in the throat of phere that is constantly changing. Pressure,
ber exert a downward force on the fuel the carburetor helps to convert much of temperature, and density steadily declines.
within the bowl. And there is also a drop the liquid fuel into a gaseous state. Engine Since thinner air is less dense, each pound
in pressure (a vacuum) at the neck of the speed, efficiency and power are greatly of air occupies a greater volume of space.
discharge nozzle caused by the action of influenced by the quantity and nature of So, as the airplane gains altitude, the vol-
the venturi in the throat of the carburetor. this homogenous charge. Because of this, ume of air passing through the carburetor
The resulting pressure-differential works to its extremely important that airflow be un- will continue to remain proportional to
create a push/pull action on the fuel. impeded by sharp bends in the induction suction in the manifold, but the weight of
Proper fuel metering is accomplished or gasket material protruding into the the air will decrease as ambient air density
by the strategic placement of the discharge airstream. Such obstacles can produce decreases. Since the air is less dense, a nat-

Left: Brass discharge nozzles. Top nozzle is of the pepper-box

Atomizing design. This atomizing design is frequently installed in the small-
er TCM carbs to correct erratic fuel flows associated with the
installation of the single-piece venturi (Precision S.B.s MSA-7,
MSA-8, MSA9).

Right: Kelly Aerospace Power Systems manufactures discharge

nozzles from a single piece of stock (top). Older discharge noz-
zles are welded where the neck meets the wrenching flats. Heavy
porosity or a side load on the neck may compromise these welds.
Visually inspect the integrity of the nozzles to assure that the
Non-Atomizing neck will not separate from the body. The neck of the nozzle
would be ingested into the engine if such a separation occurred.

2 October 2000 • Aircraft Maintenance Technology •

ural richening of the fuel/air ratio occurs. A the throttle valve. As the throttle valve is Don’t touch that jet!
manual mixture control enables the pilot to opened, suction at the idle mixture port A restriction at the base of the dis-
alter the ratio of fuel to air. At any given decreases and the main jet takes over charge nozzle serves as the main jet in MA
throttle setting, the mixture may require entirely. Fly-holes in line with the mixture series carburetors. In HA-6 (horizontal
some adjustment to compensate for ever- port aid in the smooth transition from idle side-draft) series carburetors, the power jet
changing conditions from sea level to alti- to full power. As the throttle opens it pro- in the base of the bowl performs the same
tude. The mixture control also provides a gressively unveils these secondary and ter- function. Some well-meaning technical
secondary function of completely closing tiary bleed ports. Any sudden opening of writers have instructed mechanics to hone
off fuel flow at ICO. the throttle results in a lag between the these jets in an effort to cool cylinder head
time the idling circuit stops functioning and or exhaust gas temperatures. Apparently
Idle Circuit the main jet takes over. This is because they believe this to be a “cure-all” for lean
At low rpms, the idling system is there isn’t sufficient air flowing through the running engines. A mechanic would be ill-
independent of the main metering jet. At carburetor throat to draw fuel from the advised to follow such instructions since
idle speeds and up to approximately 1,000 main discharge nozzle. An accelerator no process approval exists for opening
to 1,300 rpm the main jet has little or no pump is used to compensate for this delay these jets in the field. Furthermore, tam-
fuel passing through it. This is because the and eliminate sudden flat spots created by pering with the jet size could mask other
throttle valve is almost closed and there is temporary lean mixtures. The accelerator serious problems. An induction leak, an
little air swept past the discharge nozzle. At pump is mechanically linked to the throttle incorrectly sized economizer jet, an incor-
this point, fuel is drawn up the idle bleed and discharges fuel through a tube adjoin- rect float setting, or perhaps even the
tube in the bowl and then through the idle ing the main nozzle. The accelerator tube wrong choice of carburetor could all con-
emulsion channel within the throttle cast- protrudes into the airflow just inside the tribute to a “lean” running engine. Another
ing to ports adjacent to the upper edge of primary venturi in the smaller carbs and problem with this mode of attack is that
inside the main venturi in the larger carbs. the jets vary in design. Some jets are
Any fuel-borne contamination or cor- straight, while others are contoured or
rosion latently within the carburetor can stepped. A mechanic who takes a drill bit,
migrate to these idle passages and create a a ream, or sandpaper to the entrance of a
lean condition at low power settings. If the stepped opening may soon regret that
contamination is significant, it will not decision. Fuel flows could exponentially
allow for proper fuel/ air ratios at idle. At increase by merely breaking the stepped
sea-level, mixture rise as indicated on the edge and thereby creating a venturi
tach should be approximately 25 to 50 entrance. By contouring a stepped jet
rpm. At higher field elevations of 5000-ft. we’ve managed to decrease the pressure
or more, the mixture rise will be more in and increase the velocity of the fuel
the neighborhood of 75 to 100 rpm. An through the jet.
idle adjustment screw that requires more When you start boring out nozzles,
Looking up the throat of the MA-4SPA
than four turns out to achieve a proper several things can happen. As you begin to
Carburetor. This vantage point reveals the
proper placement of the pump discharge tube. mixture rise at ICO is a good indication of see appreciable results – the tendency is to
The tube must be positioned just within the contamination in the idle circuit. take out more and more material. “If a lit-
center ring of the primary venturi. tle bit is good, a lot may be better.” Wrong!

Carb Icing
Carburetor icing remains a serious problem for light icing is most menacing because warm air is capable of build-up. Of more interest however, was the discovery that
aircraft as evidenced by the number of incidences report- sustaining more moisture. coating the throttle plate and shaft with 0.00125 layer of
ed annually. Charles Lindbergh experienced icing while A 1971 report by the National Research Council Teflon “produced a marked reduction in ice formation.”
crossing the continental divide in The Spirit of St. Louis as (NRC) of Canada revealed that Carburetor ice could be “The throttle plate was virtually clear.” What is not clear
he prepared for his historic flight across the Atlantic. To reduced by the use of gasoline soluble inhibitors. The is why in the ensuing years the manufacturers never uti-
correct this problem, Lindbergh’s mechanics equipped the study selected temperatures, humidity and throttle plate lized this data.
plane with a carburetor air heater. settings that would cause the most severe icing condi- EGME is currently available under the name “Prist®
The formation of ice on the throttle shaft and plate tions. It was found that the positioning of the throttle plate PF205 Low-Flow”, and is said to be a practical anti-ice
is a natural byproduct of the pressure drop across the ven- at approximately 40 deg (70 percent of max opening, or additive. A device called a carb temp probe is also avail-
turi when certain atmospheric conditions exist. The typi- approx. cruise configuration) produced the optimum build- able. The probe enables the pilot to monitor temps within
cal temperature drop within the throat of the carburetor is up of ice. Manifold vacuum readings were used as a the carburetor and to detect when conditions are most
40 to 60 degrees. This temperature drop causes the dew means of assessing ice build-up. Visual observations pro- conducive to icing. For additional information regarding
point to drop and the air to become increasingly dense. vided a secondary form of measurement. The study deter- carb-ice formation refer to Pilot Precautions and
Moisture in the air forms into water droplets that adhere mined that “ice formation occurred preferentially on the Procedures to be Taken in Preventing Aircraft
to the cold surfaces in the throat of the carburetor. Carb edges of the throttle plate and spread progressively across Reciprocating Engine Induction System and Fuel System
icing can readily occur when outside air temps are as high the plate face.” The use of ethylene glycol monoethyl Icing Problems (FAA AC-20-112) and consult your POH.
as 90 degrees. In fact, it is often at these OATs that carb ether at 0.15 percent proved an effective deterrent to ice • Aircraft Maintenance Technology • October 2000 3

Photo shows a
collapsed brass the pump plunger to spray an additional
float. Never slug of fuel into the carb throat.
introduce shop Thoughtful engineers have carefully tai-
air to the inlet
fitting, dis-
lored the idle circuit, the accelerator pump,
charge nozzle, and main jet for optimum performance. A
or fly holes in modified nozzle jet may cause the air/fuel
the throat of the ratio to be overly rich. There is a point of Venturis. The two-piece venturi (above left),
carburetor — is subject to annual and 100-hr. inspections
the high pres- diminishing returns, where high-end fuel
as per AD 98-01-06. Single piece venturi
sure might col- flows no longer increase but mid-range (above right) requires no recurrent inspec-
lapse the float. fuel/air ratios become too rich. And once tions. Carburetor data tags with ‘V’ stamped
this occurs, your wallet becomes increas- on them indicate that the single piece venturi
Sure, your high-end fuel flows begin to ingly lean as you shell out additional dol- has been installed.
look better and so do your CHTs and lars for a replacement nozzle!
EGTs. But unfortunately, mid-range fuel frame. Additionally, it is believed that if the
flows may become exceedingly rich. This Choosing the correct system performs well in a test cell, then it
rich condition is especially apparent as you carburetor will perform equally well in flight.
transition between idle and full power. An A common misunderstanding through Unfortunately, to the chagrin of many a
engine that bogs down rich may surprise a the years has been that an engine/carburetor homebuilder, this is not always the case.
pilot forced to do a go-around when on combination that works well in one airplane Airframe performance, cowling configura-
short final. Actuating the throttle causes will function as well in another style air- tions, baffling, and choice of air-box, all con-
tribute dramatically to fuel/air ratios and to
Secondary & Tertiary engine cooling.
Idle Delivery
& Air Vents Throttle Plate When selecting a carburetor for your
engine, always refer to both the engine and
Idle Mixture
Adjustment airframe type certification listings. Many have
Idle Emulsion made the critical mistake of selecting a car-
Channel buretor based solely on the part number(s)
listed in the engine manufacturers parts and
Venturi overhaul manuals. Some have selected a car-
buretor based on the part number currently
Idle Bleed installed in their airplane or on an airplane of
Needle/Seat Tube
the same model tied down on their airfield.
Float Fulcrum Main Others have chosen a carb based on the
Discharge OEM’s application guide. All these methods
will narrow down your search, but they will
Mixture Valve Nozzle Air
Metering Sleeve Bleed Holes
not with any certainty guarantee that you
have selected the right unit for your particu-
lar airplane. Incomplete engine logs, the
Plunger Inlet swapping of engines to airframes, and the
Photos of cut- Main Jet Valve/Screen uncertain history of some engines mandates
away views of a reliance on type certification data when
deciding on the appropriate carburetor for
Carburetor. Throttle/Pump
Model shown is Linkage your particular application.
typically installed Mixture Lever To some, the theory and mechanical
in Textron functions of carburetors may seem rather for-
Lycoming 0-320 midable. Yet, when each subsystem is
series engines.
viewed separately, it becomes readily appar-
ent that these systems are easy to under-
Fuel Inlet
stand. In spite of all the intricacies associated
with them, Marvel Schebler (Precision) car-
buretors remain the same efficient, reliable
Pump Plunger units our fathers and grandfathers flew
Bowl Drain behind with confidence for decades. AMT
Pump Discharge
Check Valve Randy Knuteson is Director of Product
Support for Kelly Aerospace Power
Systems in Montgomery, AL.
Pump Inlet
Check Valve

4 October 2000 • Aircraft Maintenance Technology • KA031003

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