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Healthcare ethics is a set of moral principles and values that guide providers in making choices about
medical care. Healthcare ethics is also called medical ethics or bioethics.
Healthcare ethics involves each caregiver’s sense of right and wrong, and the duties owed to patients
and families. It involves four main principles:
1. Autonomy, which is to honor patients’ rights to make their own decisions regarding care
2. Beneficence, which is to help patients advance their own well-being
3. Non-maleficence, which means to do no harm
4. Justice, which means to be fair and treat all patients the same
Although all four principles are of equal importance, in U.S. caregiving the respect for patient autonomy
often take priority over the others.
This module outlines The Joint Commission’s standards regarding ethics in healthcare delivery, the
benefits of having an ethics program, and a new model called Integrated Ethics.
The goal of this module is to assist you as a healthcare worker in delivering ethical care to patients by
providing guidelines related to decision-making, patient privacy, informed consent, end-of-life care,
conflicts of interest, and more.
After completing this module, the learner should be able to:
1. Explain The Joint Commission’s ethical standards
2. Describe the ethical responsibilities of healthcare workers
3. Define the individual rights of patients
4. Describe the portions of the Integrated Ethics model pertaining to healthcare workers
5. Describe common ethical dilemmas and how to respond appropriately
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The Joint Commission (TJC) has produced a set of standards called Ethics, Rights, and Responsibilities.
These standards serve as a guide in decision-making and healthcare delivery for providers and
According to The Joint Commission, organizational ethics apply to the environment in which healthcare
is delivered. It involves:
The responsibility that a facility has to the patients and community it serves
The connection between ethical healthcare and ethical business practices
The requirement that care is provided within the facility’s scope, mission, and applicable
According to The Joint Commission, individual rights involve:
How a facility respects the culture and rights of patients during staff interactions
How the staff involves patients in care decisions
1. Shared Decision-Making – In order to deliver the highest quality care, providers are no longer
expected only to provide information to patients – but to partner with patients as well.
Clinicians bring their specialized knowledge of science, medicine, and technology
Patients weigh that information along with their preferences, values, and experiences
3. Advance Care Planning – Advance care planning is a way to promote shared decision-making at
times when patients don’t have the ability to make such decisions. Patients can document their
wishes and/or name a proxy to make decisions about their treatments at times when they are
unable to do so themselves.
4. End-of-Life Care – This involves how decisions are made once the goals of care change from curative
to palliative at the end of life. As a healthcare provider, your goals are:
Supporting end-of-life decision-making
Ensuring that decisions made are consistent with the values and desires of the patient
Respecting the individual rights of patients
According to The Joint Commission, individual responsibilities involve the patient’s role in the healthcare
process. When patients are partners in care, the safety of healthcare delivery is enhanced.
Some ethical decisions can be made only by the patient. Healthcare providers can inform, consult, and
advise, but only the patient can ultimately decide what quality of life is acceptable to him or her.
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Traditional ethics programs at facilities have long involved the creation of ethics committees. These
committees generally focus on clinical ethics issues, particularly those relating to end-of-life care.
Today there is growing interest in a new model called Integrated Ethics, developed by the National
Center for Ethics in Health Care within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Integrated Ethics was designed to deal with the full range of ethical concerns in healthcare today.
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More about these four domains are in the sections that follow.
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Each of these examples demonstrates a situation in which you’re required to make a decision. In each
case, it is important to remember:
Honesty is the best policy.
Follow your organization’s chain of command if you are unsure about what to do.
Refer to your organization’s policies and procedures regarding the issue, if applicable.
Always keep patient safety as your number-one priority.
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There are many reasons why understanding and supporting ethics in patient care is so vital:
To meet patient needs and expectations
To address community health needs
To enhance the quality of care
To promote professionalism
To enhance an organization's compliance with regulatory standards
As a healthcare worker, your ultimate moral and ethical obligation is to your patients. By learning new
ways of incorporating ethics into patient care, and approaches for dealing with ethical issues as they
arise, you are empowered to do the right thing – because it is the right thing to do.
Domains in Ethics. Integrated Ethics. Available at:
Accessed November 1, 2016.
Ethical Principles at the Foundation of JCAHO's Ethics, Rights, and Responsibilities Standards.
National Ethics Teleconference. Available at:
sponsibilities.doc. Accessed November 1, 2016.
HCA’s Clinical Ethics Manual. Hospital Corporation of America. Available at: Accessed November 1, 2016.
Health Care Ethics: Overview of the Basics. Vermont Ethics Network. Available at: Accessed November 1, 2016.
Improving Ethics Quality: Looking Beneath the Surface. Integrated Ethics. Available at:
Looking_Beneath_the_Surface_20070808.pdf. Accessed November 1, 2016.
Integrated Ethics: An Innovative Program to Improve Ethics Quality in Health Care. The
Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal. Available at: Accessed November 1, 2016.
Making it Easier to Do the Right Thing. Integrated Ethics. Available at:
_Thing.pdf. Accessed November 1, 2016.
What Is Ethics Quality? Integrated Ethics. Available at:
Accessed November 1, 2016.