Banner Page: IHCP To Cover CPT Code 44705
Banner Page: IHCP To Cover CPT Code 44705
Banner Page: IHCP To Cover CPT Code 44705
PA for the coverage of fecal microbiota transplant is subject to all the following being met:
There have been at least three episodes of recurrent clostridioides (clostridium) difficile infection confirmed by
positive stool cultures.
There has been a persistent episode that is refractory to appropriate antibiotic treatment protocol, including at least
one regimen of pulsed vancomycin.
If medical necessity dictates more frequent examination or care, documentation of medical necessity must be
maintained in the provider’s office. This documentation must be submitted with the subsequent PA request.
Reimbursement, PA, and billing information applies to services delivered under the FFS delivery system. Individual
managed care entities (MCEs) establish and publish reimbursement, PA, and billing criteria within the managed care
delivery system. Questions about managed care billing and PA should be directed to the MCE with which the member is
IHCP to mass adjust institutional claims that overpaid for medical education payments
IHCP to mass reprocess institutional claims submitted via 837I electronic transaction that denied incorrectly
IHCP COVID-19 Response: IHCP temporarily covers COVID-19 related services under family planning
IHCP COVID-19 Response: Temporary reimbursement rates increase for COVID-19 Ready nursing facilities
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IHCP banner page BR202021 MAY 26, 2020
This coverage will be reflected in the next regular updates to the Professional Fee Schedule and the Outpatient Fee
Schedule, accessible from the IHCP Fee Schedules page at
CPT copyright 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical
Note: Institutional providers must continue to submit current CMS-2552 cost reports to remain
qualified for medical education payments. For providers receiving medical education payments,
adjustments in the payment rate are made based on changes in the full-time equivalent (FTE)
count of interns and residents. Payment for medical education is provided only to hospitals that
operate medical education programs. For more information about reimbursement of medical education costs, see the
Inpatient Hospital Services provider reference module at
The claim-processing system has been corrected. Claims processed during the indicated time frame that paid incorrectly
will be mass adjusted to apply corrected medical education payments. Providers should see the adjusted claims on
Remittance Advices (RAs) beginning on July 1, 2020, with internal control numbers (ICNs)/Claim IDs that begin with 52
(mass replacements non-check related). If a claim was overpaid, the net difference appears as an accounts receivable.
The accounts receivable will be recouped at 100% from future claims paid to the respective provider number.
The claim-processing system has been corrected. Institutional claims submitted via 837I transaction during the indicated
time frame that denied for EOB 0236 will be mass reprocessed. Providers should see reprocessed claims on Remittance
Advices (RAs) beginning on July 1, 2020, with internal control numbers (ICNs)/Claim IDs that begin with 80 (reprocessed
denied claims).
For information about electronic 837I transactions, see the Electronic Data Interchange provider reference module at, and 837I Health Care Claim; Institutional Transaction V3.6, available from the IHCP
Companion Guides page on the website.
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IHCP banner page BR202021 MAY 26, 2020
Reimbursable services must be related to COVID-19 testing only. Providers should bill for a service with the appropriate
International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) diagnosis code. For more
information about billing for services related to COVID-19 testing, see IHCP Bulletin BT202048.
Table 1 – Temporarily covered CPT codes under the Family Planning Eligibility and PE Family Planning
programs for services related to COVID-19 testing, effective March 18, 2020
Procedure Description
71046 X-ray of chest, 2 views
94760 Measurement of oxygen saturation in blood using ear or finger device
99281 Emergency department visit, self-limited or minor problem
99282 Emergency department visit, low to moderately severe problem
99283 Emergency department visit, moderately severe problem
99284 Emergency department visit, problem of high severity
99285 Emergency department visit, problem with significant threat to life or function
99341 New patient home visit, typically 20 minutes
99342 New patient home visit, typically 30 minutes
99343 New patient home visit, typically 45 minutes
99344 New patient home visit, typically 60 minutes
99345 New patient home visit, typically 75 minutes
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Table 1 – Temporarily covered CPT codes under the Family Planning Eligibility and PE Family Planning
programs for services related to COVID-19 testing, effective March 18, 2020 (continued)
Procedure Description
99347 Established patient home visit, typically 15 minutes
99348 Established patient home visit, typically 25 minutes
99349 Established patient home visit, typically 40 minutes
99350 Established patient home visit, typically 60 minutes
CPT copyright 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical
The IHCP has identified a claim-processing issue that affects FFS claims for the procedure codes in Table 1 with DOS on
or after March 18, 2020. Claims or claim details billed for these temporarily covered codes for services related to COVID-
19 testing may have denied previously for explanation of benefits (EOB) 4021 – Procedure code is not covered for the
dates of service for the program billed. Please verify and resubmit.
Beginning immediately, providers may resubmit FFS claims for the codes in Table 1 during the indicated time frame that
previously denied for EOB 4021, for reimbursement consideration. Claims resubmitted beyond the filing limit must include
a copy of this banner page as an attachment and must be filed within 180 days of the banner page’s publication date.
To qualify for the temporary 2% rate increase, NFs will need to follow
and attest to these COVID-19 Ready requirements from the Indiana
State Department of Health (ISDH):
Follow ISDH long-term care hospital transfer guidance or have developed a mutually agreed upon plan with local
hospitals for admission and readmission of COVID-19 residents.
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IHCP banner page BR202021 MAY 26, 2020
This temporary 2% rate increase will be calculated based on each facility’s standard rates (before applying the 4.2%
increase that was announced in IHCP Banner Page BR202017).
In order to qualify for the temporary $115 per resident daily add-on, the facility must meet both of the following:
Bill claims for COVID-19 positive residents with the primary International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision,
Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) diagnosis code of U07.1 – 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease
The $115 per resident daily add-on is limited to 21 days per resident.
The temporary 2% rate increase and the temporary $115 per resident per daily add-on will remain in place until the end
of the National Public Health Emergency or August 31, 2020, whichever comes first.
Attestation process
Nursing facility providers that are COVID-19 Ready can attest using the ISDH EMResource system, or complete and
sign the Attestation Statement – COVID-19 Ready Providers on the Myers and Stauffer website at
Providers enrolled in the EMResource system can attest to being COVID-19 Ready by entering yes in the LTC
COVID Ready Facility Status column.
Providers can complete the Attestation Statement – COVID-19 Ready Providers, print, sign, scan, and email the
form to
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Providers of personal care services have until January 1, 2021, to implement an EVV system for documenting services.
Please note that personal care providers not in compliance with the EVV mandate by January 1, 2021, will experience
claims and reimbursement issues until they follow the federal mandate for successfully recording EVV visits.
More information is available on the Electronic Visit Verification web page and in the Electronic Visit Verification FAQs
document at For any general questions or concerns about the EVV Program, email
If you have questions about this publication, please A printer-friendly version of this publication, in black and white
contact Customer Assistance at 1-800-457-4584. and without photos, is available for your convenience.
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