The Christian The Bible Code

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The Bible Code

Written by Richard Milne

How should thinking Christians respond to purported information embedded in the Bible’s original
language? There is more to “The Bible Code” than meets the eye.

What Is a Bible Code?

There is no way to ignore the clear fact that a computerized code in the Bible . . . accurately
predicted the Gulf War, the collision of a comet with Jupiter, and the assassination of [Israeli
Prime Minister] Rabin, also seems to state that the Apocalypse starts now, that within a decade,
we may face the real Armageddon, a nuclear World War.(1)

So ends Michael Drosnin’s best-seller The Bible Code. On the New York Times bestseller list for
months, the book has created a small industry of people selling books about secret codes, and a
huge audience of people reading about and discussing codes. And what are these “codes” that are so
fascinating and how does the Bible fit into all of this? Those are just a few of the questions we will
address in this essay as we try to reach some balanced conclusions about a very controversial topic.

People have written codes since at least 400 B.C., and Jewish scholars have looked for codes in the
text of the Old Testament for approximately a thousand years. Gematria, the discipline of changing
portions of text into numbers to look for a deeper meaning, has been part of Jewish Cabalistic
tradition since at least the 13th century. But it is only in the last twenty years that computers have
extended the range of text searches to almost unimaginable lengths.

At the heart of the current controversy is a scientific paper by three Israeli mathematicians with the
helpful title of: “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis.” A quite technical paper, it
was published in Statistical Science in 1994.(2) As is typical in scientific publications, it was peer
reviewed. In fact, three other qualified statisticians read the paper, and while confounded by the
results, each agreed that the mathematics and data used seemed legitimate. So what did Doron
Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg write that has caused so much excitement?

In the 1980s Eliyahu Rips, an Orthodox Jew and well-known Israeli mathematician, came across the
writings of Rabbi Michael Weismandel. The book is so rare that Rips found only one copy, at the
National Library in Israel. Rabbi Weismandel discovered that by starting with the first Hebrew letter
“T” in the book of Genesis and counting forward 49 letters to find an “O” as the 50th letter, and then
another 49 letters to an “R,” another 49 letters to an “A,” and finally another 49 letters to an “H,”
the word TORAH was spelled out. “Torah” is the Hebrew name for the books Moses wrote. This
same pattern happens in the book of Exodus. But in Numbers and Deuteronomy one must count
backwards beginning at either the first or fifth verse. But why 50?(3)

In Jewish rabbinic tradition, most numbers are symbolic. For example, 50 is the year of Jubilee, the
year that all land goes back to its original owner, when all debts are canceled, when the land rests
for the whole year. It is also said that there are fifty gates of wisdom in the Torah.

Rabbi Weismandel is reputed to have found many patterns like this in the Torah as he laboriously
counted by hand again and again in the most holy of all Jewish books. Rips was fascinated by these
patterns and wondered what a computer could do to find more patterns.
Now, let’s see what Eli Rips discovered as he looked at the text with a computer.

Bible Codes Are Demonstrated by Mathematics and Computers

Michael Drosnin’s book, The Bible Code, describes the discovery by Eli Rips and others, of messages
they claim are coded into the text of the Hebrew Old Testament, and only discoverable in our own
time by using computers. These codes warn of dire events in the near future that could affect the
whole world. But how are these messages hidden in a book that has been read for more than 2,000

What Rips uncovered was that if he used Rabbi Weismandel’s idea of counting off equal intervals
between letters, he could find many words in the Hebrew text. The technical name for this method is
quite a mouthful: Equidistant Letter Sequences, or ELS. A computer program finds the first letter of
a word, and then begins counting until it finds the next letter of the word. This becomes the “skip
code.” Then, using that skip code, it counts to see if the third letter of the word is found at that same
interval. So it would start by skipping every other letter, then every two letters, then every three
letters until it finds a “skip” that spells out the word. Thus, as mentioned earlier, the Hebrew word
for the first five books of the Bible, “Torah,” is spelled out with an ELS of 50 in the book of Genesis.

This might be the answer to an interesting trivia question, but why is The Bible Code selling
thousands of copies? That’s because Michael Drosnin has made some astounding claims about the
ELS codes: that one code anticipated, weeks in advance, the exact day the Gulf War would start; that
an another code predicted Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination by a man named Amir: that a code
anticipated, withing two years of the actual events, earthquakes in Japan; and that in the year 2000
or 2006 an atomic holocaust, beginning in Israel, is likely. This is great millennial material!

Drosnin’s book is based on a paper published in Statistical Science in 1994 by Witztum, Rips, and
Rosenberg. With great statistical rigor, the authors show that the 78,064 Hebrew letters of the Book
of Genesis, when set out with no spaces or punctuation, can be searched by a computer for specific
words spelled out by ELS codes. Specifically, they set out to see if they could find the names of 32
famous rabbis in Genesis. Not only did they find ELS codes that spelled out all 32 rabbis, but near
their names were coded their birth dates or death dates, or sometimes both. How could any author
have known these details 2000 years before these men lived?

This is amazing enough. The odds are said to be one in ten million! But in his book, Drosnin claims
the same kind of codes revealed that Prime Minister Rabin would be assassinated a year before it
happened. Drosnin even got a letter delivered through a friend to Rabin, but it was ignored. He also
shows dozens of other historic events and how details about them are encoded all around where an
ELS code finds the main name or event.

As you might guess, the response to the book has been mixed–to say the least. Most people say,
“How could a three-thousand-year-old book possibly say anything about the future?” Others see this
as proof that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God. And some are just interested but very

Next, we’ll look at the reaction to The Bible Code and why some are so critical.

Critical Reactions to the Bible Codes

A book making claims to “foretell” the future is almost certain to become a target for both eager
followers and cynical scholars. In particular, a rift has developed between the original writers of the
mathematical paper, and how Drosnin has used their work.
Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg, while maintaining the accuracy of their original paper, say that
Drosnin’s attempts to state what may happen in the future are “futile,” and that Drosnin’s book
“employs no scientific methodology.”(4) Witztum categorically states “predicting the future is
impossible.” Seems like a strange statement from a man who claims in his own paper that the ELS
codes found the names, birth dates, death dates, and cities of residence of 32 rabbis thousands of
years before any of them had been born. What the original authors of the Statistical Science paper
claim is that the ELS codes they have discovered can only give information about what one has a
place or name for already. In this view, codes can tell us about death camps in Germany because we
know what to look for. Witxtum uses this to demonstrate ELS codes at work.

What can we find out about Auschwitz? First, we must have mathematical tools to measure whether
a specific ELS and the words found near it are statistically significant. This is provided by the
calculations laid out in the 1994 paper, Statistical Science. Then one must have a prepared list of
words one is looking for.

So, Witztum begins with the words “of Auschwitz” and a list of all of the subcamps of this World War
II death camp. Once an ELS for Auschwitz is found, Witztum claims, “We find something very
unexpected that [the names of all the subcamps] consistently appear in the area of the words ‘of
Auschwitz.'” This, he says, is all that Bible codes can do. Codes cannot predict the future.(5)

But when Genesis was written, all 32 rabbis found in Genesis were still far in the future. The earliest
rabbi found lived in the eighth century A.D. This is nearly 2,000 years after Moses. Isn’t that
predicting the future, at least from the author’s point of view?

Michael Drosnin himself has been ambivalent about what the codes tell us. His book says, “I found
the Bible code’s prediction of [Rabin’s] assassination myself. . . . When he was killed, as predicted,
where predicted, my first thought was, ‘Oh my God, it’s real'”(6) (emphasis mine). But in a CNN
interview he said, “I don’t think the code makes predictions. I think it might tell us about possible
futures.”(7) Either Drosnin has changed his mind, or he is disingenuous in his book.

Harold Gans, a retired senior mathematician for the U.S. Department of Defense, and an expert at
making and breaking codes, was one of the first mathematicians to look at the Bible codes. Highly
skeptical at first, he duplicated their experiment, finding the same information. Still suspicious, Gans
made up his own test: find the rabbis’ cities of birth and death. Again the information appeared in
close connection with their ELS codes. His conclusion: “The information was deliberately placed in
the Bible by its author. . . . Logic would dictate that the author could not be human, could not be
bound by the limits of time. It would be natural to conclude that the author is a divine being.”(8)

Is there finally “proof” that the Bible was written by a divine being? That is our next subject.

Do the Bible Codes Prove Divine Inspiration?

Have codes hidden in the Bible finally proved it to be written by God? As we stated earlier,
mathematician and code expert Harold Gans thinks so. What about The Bible Code’s, Michael
Drosnin? His own response is quite remarkable: “Everyone I met with seemed to assume that if the
code was real, it must be from God. I did not. I could easily believe that it was from someone good,
who wanted to save us, but was not our Creator. Clearly it was not someone omnipotent, or he would
simply prevent the danger, instead of encoding a warning.”(9)

On the other hand, a Jewish group called Aish HeTorah has developed a Discovery Seminar that has
been given to nearly 70,000 people in the last ten years. To help attendees develop an “appreciation
of the relevance and value of Torah and Judaism in their lives,” roughly 20% of the Discovery
Seminar features the work of Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg. Harold Gans, the Defense Department
code specialist mentioned earlier, is an advisor for this group, so compelling has this evidence
become for him.(10)

Christians, too, have started looking for ELS codes, claiming to find the Hebrew for Jesus in all sorts
of interesting passages about the coming Messiah. Two books by Christians are already out, and
surely more will follow. So is this finally “the most important evidence that proves to this generation
that the Bible is truly inspired by God”(11) as one Christian writer says?

Brendan McKay is a man with a sense of humor. He also has a mission: to show that even the
mathematical uses of ELS codes prove nothing. McKay is an Australian mathematician who has
published the first statistical critique of the WRR paper. But at his Web site he has accumulated a
most interesting series of what he calls “pictures,” much like the diagrams Drosnin published in The
Bible Code. In these “pictures” he does exactly what Drosnin does: he looks for a word by ELS
codes, and then sees what other words occur nearby. He has also taken up Drosnin’s challenge in
Newsweek magazine: “When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister
encrypted in Moby Dick, I’ll believe them.”(12)

Undoubtedly Drosnin felt he had nothing to fear: hadn’t Rips and his colleagues tried to find
information in the Hebrew version of War and Peace and found nothing? But published on McKay’s
web page are the diagrams from Moby Dick of predictions of the death of Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi of India, Lebanese President Moawad, Marxist Leon Trotsky, Abraham Lincoln, Martin
Luther King, John Kennedy, and even Princess Diana. For Lady Diana, not only is her boyfriend Dodi
spelled out across her name, but even the name of their chauffeur, Henri Paul is there! And more are
added regularly. But by far the most ironic “discovery” concerns the death of Drosnin himself. The
place, method, and motive for his death are all spelled out.(13)

McKay’s technical paper claims to duplicate the WRR paper but finds the 32 rabbis encoded in the
Hebrew of Tolstoy’s War and Peace.(14) McKay and his co-author use the same statistical methods,
and have Jewish authorities to back their spellings for the rabbis names, just as WRR had. So what
does this tell us? At this point, no one knows for certain.

Finally, let’s consider how Christians might want to think about this whole controversy.

How Should Christians Respond to the Bible Codes?

How should thinking Christians respond to these seemingly incredible findings of future events
foretold in the Bible, but hidden in codes only a computer can find? Undoubtedly, it is too early to
say very much, as even the specific methods and mathematical checks have yet to be agreed upon.
But certain things appear to be clear.

We know very little about how sequences of letters behave when not written by an author, but rather
put together by a program within a computer. Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg make certain
assumptions about what would and would not be a significantly close connection between two sets of
words to rule out random placement. But these are, in the end, arbitrary. What McKay and Dror Bar-
Natan have done in their own paper, “Equidistant Letter Sequences in Tolstoy’s War and Peace,” is
demonstrate to their satisfaction that whatever phenomena occurs in the Hebrew text of Genesis can
also be found in the Hebrew text of War and Peace.(15)

The scholarly arguing about method and mathematics is still going on, but what seems to be
emerging is the fact that almost any “message” can be found if a sufficiently long text is used. If this
is true, then we have learned something new about how humans who can program computers can
find non-random messages in random texts, but we have not shown that a divine intelligence wrote
the Bible.

An important question to ask ourselves is, “Why are we so fascinated by codes and mysterious
messages in a book as clear as the Bible?” Do we not trust that God has given us all we need to
know, both for ourselves and to evangelize the world, in the text that all of us can read? Perhaps for
His own pleasure, God has indeed hidden certain things in the text of the Bible, but surely they are
not the main message. God has given us the Bible so that we might know Him and make Him known.
ELS codes in the Bible do not seem to do much more than pique curiosity.

Our responsibility is to read the text for what it says, not for what may be hidden under the surface.
We know from the Book of Revelation that some great cataclysm is coming, and as it draws nearer,
we are warned not to be misled. Jesus vividly portrayed how obvious His return would be: “Just as
the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of
Man be.”(16) So as you watch the news and the millennium approaches, keep your “baloney
detectors” alert!

Will Bible codes become an important tool in the apologetic toolkit of evangelical Christians? We
should be very cautious when we do not use God’s Word as He wrote it. Merely studying the Bible
codes will not necessarily result in Christian faith. For example, Michael Drosnin, after years of
research for his book, The Bible Code, was still an atheist: “I had proof there was a code, but not
proof there was a God. . . . I don’t believe in God. . . . The message of the Bible code is that we can
save ourselves.”(17) If that is all that Drosnin came to believe after working with these codes for five
years, we are probably better off having people read the Bible and encountering the real God
through His own words. One needs no codes to read and understand John 3:16.


1. Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), 179.
2. Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips, and Yoav Rosenberg, “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of
Genesis,” Statistical Science, 1994, vol. 9, no. 3, 429-438.
3. Drosnin, 20-21.
6.Drosnin, 14.
7.Interview on CNN www page, “Meet Michael Drosnin the Author, The Bible Code.'”
8.Harold Gans, “Bible Codes,”
9. Drosnin, 79.
10. Aish HaToreh, “Discovery” web page.
11. Yocov Rembsel, Yeshua (Toronto, Ontario: Frontier Research Publications, 1996), vi.
12. Newsweek, 9 June 1997.
13. Http://
14. “Equidistant Letter Sequences in Tolstoy’s War and Peace,”
15. Ibid.
16. Matthew 24:27.
17. Drosnin, 103, 179.

©1997 Probe Ministries

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