Safeguards in PPP-PPPGB Resolution No 2018-12-02
Safeguards in PPP-PPPGB Resolution No 2018-12-02
Safeguards in PPP-PPPGB Resolution No 2018-12-02
This Annex is provided to help the IA identify applicable safeguard requirements in laws,
decrees, orders, issuances, rules and regulations. It also provides a menu of safeguard
systems that should be considered in the context of proposed PPP projects (Column 1),
the statutes these systems are based on (Column 2), and the applicable references which
may provide further details on the particular safeguard system (Column 3).
The matrix below is sub-divided into: (a) general safeguard requirements applicable to all
PPP projects; and (b) safeguard requirements based on project location. The list is not
exhaustive, but serves to outline the statutory requirements which the IA and private
proponent should consider.
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Safeguard System Statutes References
Adverse Impacts of Climate
DILG MC No. 2011-187:
Availability of Geo-Hazard Maps
in the DILG Website
DILG MC 2011-80: Active Faults,
Liquefaction Susceptibility Maps,
and Earthquake-Triggered
Landslide Susceptibility Maps
Available in PHIVOLCS Website
Conduct of public R.A. 7160 (Local PPP Governing Board
consultation Government Code); Resolution No. 2016-06-02,
Philippine EIS System Guidelines on Public
Consultation and Engagement of
PPP Projects
Management of Solid R.A. 9003 (Ecological Solid R.A. 9003 and its IRR
Wastes Waste Management Act) (
Annotated Outline 10-Year Solid
Waste Management Plan for
Management of toxic R.A. 6969 (Toxic R.A. 6969, IRR, Chemical
substances and Substances, Hazardous and Control Orders and related
hazardous wastes Nuclear Waste Control Act) issuances
including those from (
hospitals and facilities e_id=121)
with laboratory Revised Procedures and
Standards for the Management
of Hazardous Wastes and other
related issuances
Water Pollution R.A. 9275 (Philippine Clean DENR Administrative Order
Control Water Act) 2016-08 Water Quality
Guidelines and Effluent
Page 2 of 19
Safeguard System Statutes References
PD 979 (Marine Pollution PD979
Control Decree) (
Marine Environmental Protection
PD 1067 (Water Code of the Water Permit Application
Philippines) (
R.A. 8749 (Philippine Clean Laws and Policies for Air Quality
Air Act) Management
Gender mainstreaming R.A. 7192 (Women in Harmonized Gender and
Development and Nation- Development Guidelines
Building Act) (
RA 9710 (Magna Carta of monized-gender-and-
Women); R.A. 10028 (An Act development-guidelines-project-
Expanding the Promotion of development-implementation-
Breastfeeding) monitoring-and-evaluation-0)
NEDA-ICC Project Evaluation
Form on Gender-
Responsiveness Checklist for
PPP Projects
Integration of persons R.A. 7277 (An Act Providing Batas Pambansa Blg. 344 or
with disability into the for the Rehabilitation, Self- “Accessibility Law”
mainstream society Development and Self- (
Reliance of Disabled y-laws/implementing-rules-and-
Persons and their Integration regulations-irr/)
into the Mainstream Society);
R.A. 10754 (An Act
Expanding the Benefits and
Privileges of Persons with
Right-of-Way R.A. 10752 (Right-of-Way Department of Public Works and
(ROW)/Resettlement [ROW] Act) Highways DPWH) ROW
Action Plan Acquisition Manual
Observance of proper R.A. 7279 (An Act to Provide National Housing Authority
and humane relocation for a Comprehensive and (NHA) MC 2561 Guidelines for
and resettlement Continuing Urban Relocation and Resettlement
Page 3 of 19
Safeguard System Statutes References
procedures in urban Development and Housing Under the Housing Program for
development and Program) Informal Settler Families (ISFs)
housing in Danger Areas in Metro Manila
NHA MC No. 2015-0015
Guidelines for Site Selection,
Site Suitability, and Site Planning
for NHA Housing Development
b) Requirements based on project location
Safeguards on the use C.A. 141 (Public Land Act) Issuances on lease of lands of
of foreshore areas: public domain
Management and o (
Disposition 87-programs-and-projects/ii-
o (
act-ca) and
o (
Safeguards on the use R.A. 1899 (An Act to DENR Administrative Order
of foreshore areas: Authorize the Reclamation of 2018-14 – Guidelines on the
Reclamation Projects Foreshore Lands by Issuance of Area Clearance for
Chartered Cities and Reclamation Projects and
Municipalities) Proclamation / Special Patents
over reclaimed lands
Consistency with R.A. 11038 (Expanded NIPAS Act
the National and National Integrated Protected (
Local Biodiversity Areas System Act [NIPAS] of mainmenu-policies-
Strategy and 2018, Amending R.A. 7586 52359/republic-acts/ra-2018)
action plan NIPAS Act); RA 9147
(Wildlife Conservation and
Special use Protection Act); R.A 9072
agreement within (Caves and Cave Resources
Protected Areas Management and Protection
(SAPA) Act)
Protected Area
Fund (IPAF) for
use of ecosystem
Page 4 of 19
Safeguard System Statutes References
Free, prior and R.A. 8371 (Indigenous National Commission on
informed consent Peoples Rights Act) Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
(FPIC) from Administrative Order No. 3
Indigenous Peoples Series of 2012 Revised
groups Guidelines on FPIC and Related
Restrictions and ources/downloads/)
processes for project Joint DENR-NCIP Memorandum
areas within those Circular No. 2007-01
issued Certificates for Management of Overlapping
Ancestral Domain, Protected Areas and/or Their
Ancestral Land, Buffer Zones and Ancestral
Ancestral Land Claim Domains/Lands
Issuance of tree- R.A. 3571 (An Act to Prohibit DPWH Department Order No.
cutting permits the Cutting, Destroying or 116, Tree-Cutting and Earth-
Injuring of Planted or Balling Application process and
Growing Trees, Flowering requirements for DPWH
Plants and Shrubs or Plants Infrastructure Projects
of Scenic Value Along Public (
Roads, in Plazas, Parks, efault/files/issuances/DO_116_s
School Premises or in Any 2018.pdf)
Other Public Pleasure DENR DAO 2004-16 Prescribing
Ground); RA 10593 (An Act the Revised Schedule of Forestry
Providing Regulations on the Administrative Fees
Cutting of Coconut Trees) (
Philippine Coconut Authority
Application to Cut Coconut Trees
Minimizing negative R.A. 10066 (National Cultural Cultural heritage as specific type
impact on culture and Heritage Act) of risk identified in the ICC
cultural heritage Generic Preferred Risk Allocation
including management Matrix
of chance finds (
Alignment of activities PD 1559 (Further Amending Revised Forestry Code
with the watershed PD No. 705, Forestry (
management plan Reform Code) l/forcode/pd1559.pdf)
Alignment of R.A. 6657 (Comprehensive Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
development plans Agrarian Reform Law) Program
Equal access to R.A. 8550 (The Philippine Fisheries-related legislation
fishery resources Fisheries Code) (
Page 5 of 19
ANNEX B: Common Safeguard Requirements
Based on the applicable safeguard systems as identified using Annex A, this Annex
provides a menu of the typical safeguard requirements that should be considered in
project costing. Items I to IV identify common safeguards: during the preparation of the
project site, during project construction, and for the O&M component of PPP projects,
respectively; while item IV outlines a typology of PPP projects and their common
safeguards requirements.
The list is not exhaustive, but is intended to help the IA identify project-specific aspects
which may have additional cost components, such as the requirement of technical
equipment and/or assistance, and which the IA should consider in developing a PPP
I. Pre-Construction Safeguards
a) The project site free and clear of legal encumbrances (i.e. authority over the area
to be developed including title, lease agreement [foreshore lease agreements,
special use agreements in special area, as applicable], ROW, etc.);
b) All other permits and clearances required prior to construction have been secured
from various government agencies, including permits from the LGUs; and
For most projects, construction activities are similar, thus necessitating similar
safeguards. The following areas should be considered in crafting safeguards-related
provisions for construction activities in the contract:
g) Proper storage methods for construction materials, fuel, grease, waste oils, and
other wastes and proper management of equipment washings to avoid siltation/
contamination of water bodies through runoff into drains, canals, waterways;
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h) Collection and disposal of construction wastes in appropriate manner especially
for hazardous building materials (e.g. Polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs] materials
and asbestos containing materials from old buildings to be dismantled, if any);
k) Priority in hiring local residents and compliance with applicable labor laws,
ordinances and similar issuances including gender equality related policies.
III. Common Safeguard Requirements for Purely O&M PPP Projects and PPP
Projects with O&M Components
Projects that are purely O&M in nature are eligible for Certificates of Non-Coverage
for ECC. While the conduct of EIA is optional, other applicable requirements should
be complied with. The following are typical safeguards requirements that should be
considered in the drafting of the contract of: (1) purely O&M projects; and (2) PPP
projects with O&M components:
d) Integration of health and safety considerations into the design of the O&M
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IV. Other Common Safeguard Requirements by Project Type
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PPP Project Types Minimum/Common Safeguards Requirements
Livelihood impact assessment and management especially for
vulnerable sectors and adequate compensation and/or
resettlement of physically and economically displaced people
Page 9 of 19
PPP Project Types Minimum/Common Safeguards Requirements
- Amount of water to be treated
- Existing use and quality of the water source
- Appropriate water quality standards (e.g. drinking water
standard, etc.)
5. Solid Waste Management Input to the selection of the specific project site:
Project - Type of facility being considered and the type and projected
amount of wastes to be handled, including among of waste
generated daily and quality of the waste
- Space requirement for the specific type of facility and
corresponding buffer requirements for adjacent communities
- Minimal disruption / inconvenience to existing users of access
- Avoid infringing on critical habitats and areas with significant
biodiversity (e.g. wetlands)
- Site should not be prone to flooding
- For sanitary landfills, the soil should be relatively impermeable
and have a high capability of containing contaminants (e.g. clay),
the bottom of the landfill should be significantly above the water
table and the site should be away from groundwater recharge
area sources and not draining to surface waters
- Land use compatibility
- Involvement of the community is recommended
6. Renewable Energy Input to the selection of project site for wind mills and solar power
Projects (solar, wind, facilities:
waste to energy, hydro) - Adequate consultations on competing land-uses in proposed
project sites as windmills solar facilities take-up a lot of space
- Renewable energy sites identified by the Department of Energy
Page 10 of 19
PPP Project Types Minimum/Common Safeguards Requirements
- Optimum solar, hydro and wind energy resources that can be
harnessed all year round for the proposed alternative sites
- Locating dams for hydropower projects away from fault line and
other geological hazards that might cause its failure
- Compatibility with existing land-uses in adjacent areas for the
sites being considered so as to minimize nuisance especially for
waste to energy projects
Page 11 of 19
PPP Project Types Minimum/Common Safeguards Requirements
Management of the dispersion of water pollutants which can
include heavy metals and other hazardous materials due to
seabed disturbance
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ANNEX C: Prescribed Contents of the Safeguards Chapter of the FS
This Annex outlines the prescribed contents of the FS with regard to safeguards in PPP
projects, including environmental, displacement, social and gender concerns.
This should describe an overview on how the safeguards study was used in planning
the different components/aspects of the project detailed in the other chapters of the
This shall be based on the EIA Report prepared which should be compliant with the
requirements of the Philippine Government as well as that of the funding institutions.
The report shall be submitted separately or annexed to the FS Report. Only the
following shall be included in the safeguards chapter of the FS:
1. The key findings in the assessment of the environmental impacts of the project
including the ECC conditions and EIA review recommendations that should be
integrated into the project design; and
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2. Summary of the adaptation and risk management plan based on the identification
of climate risks and natural hazards in proposed project location. It should cover
both the identified risks to the project and risks to the surrounding environment that
could be triggered by the proposed project (this can be detailed in the technical
design section);
Number of project affected persons (PAPs) and assets (land and improvements)
they will lose due to the acquisition of Infrastructure Right of Way (IROW);
Extent of impacts of the IROW on the PAPs and their assets and the measures
to mitigate these impacts;
2. Summary of the Results of Gender Analysis considering the gaps and inequalities
related to gender roles, perspectives, and needs, or access to and control of
resources and the constraints and opportunities related to women’s and men’s
participation in the project
3. Goals, objectives, outcomes and outputs that include GAD statements that will
address gender issues identified in the gender analysis, including the following:
a. the inclusion of women and girl children among the direct or indirect
beneficiaries; and
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4. Identification of activities that respond to identified gender issues, including
constraints to women’s participation and corresponding budgets for these activities.
The social impact assessment and management, although currently a part of the EIA
requirements in the Philippines, need to be expounded to cover other social safeguard
requirements of the government and funding institutions. The report on this shall be
reflected in the FS, at the minimum, including the following:
b. business and procurement opportunities for local and regional small and
medium-sized enterprises
d. for projects intended to address specific social issues, like sewage treatment,
flood control, solid waste management, the corresponding impacts on the well-
being of the people shall be discussed
c. Existing culture and cultural resources including physical cultural resources and
heritage sites that could be affected based on information from the National
Historical Commission of the Philippines, the National Museum, the LGUs and
other relevant sources of information.
4. Inclusive Social and Economic Development plan for host community and project
impact areas which addresses barriers to inclusion and opportunities for
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participation for marginalized sectors including women, persons with disabilities,
indigenous peoples and/or IP organizations and senior citizens to enable them to
benefit equally from the development
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ANNEX D: Sample Minimum Performance Standards and Specifications (MPSS) and
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Safeguards in PPP
In PPP contracts, there are primary and secondary MPSS, which serve to differentiate
standards and specifications between core services and auxiliary services related to a
PPP project. For example, in rail projects, the MPSS for the service level of the train
system (e.g. high reliability of the train system to commuters) is considered a primary
MPSS, while train and station cleanliness may be identified as a secondary MPSS.
Below is a list of safeguard-related MPSS and KPIs, which may vary according to the
nature of a project. These sample MPSS and KPIs were formulated based on the type of
safeguards identified in Section 4: Safeguards Scope (e.g. environmental safeguards),
and which the IA may consider in drafting their PPP contracts.
Social and Separate toilet for boys and girls in school buildings, in
Gender accordance with Department of Education standards. The
specific types and numbers of fixtures shall depend on the
school type. For boys’ toilets, the main fixtures shall include:
urinal, water closet, counter sink (with 2 faucets shared with
girls), and facial mirror. For girls’ toilet, the main fixtures shall
include: water closet, lavatory (with 1 faucet), facial mirror, and
grab bar. Special facilities for differently-abled persons shall be
Design public transport infrastructure with gender-responsive
physical design features as contextually appropriate, which meet
women’s specific needs and promote universal access. For
example, lower height of steps for entry into public buses,
installation of handrails at appropriate height levels, and
allocated space for parked baby carriages and shopping carts
Roads designed for all: pedestrians, cyclists, mass transit users,
as well as private vehicle users bring benefits to all, especially
the poor, of which women make up the majority
Sample KPIs
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Environmental For water quality, 100% of water samples that meet or exceed
the specified potable water standards, as defined by the
Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW)
For water pressure, daily (24-hour) water pressure at each water
service provider interconnection point equal to or more than 14
meters or 20 pounds per square inch (psi) of head (14 meters
head approximately corresponds to the ability to supply to a two-
storey building)
Based on the United States Environment Protection Agency Air
Quality Standards, dust concentration for total dust particulates
should not exceed 0.26 milligram per cubic meter (mg/m3), and
for respirable dust should not exceed 0.15 mg/m3
For train stations, Concessionaire requirement to clean
paid/unpaid areas, including male/female toilets, following
minimum standards. For daily cleaning: wash all visible interior
hard surfaces except ceilings; sweep platforms at least four
times daily; clean ticket window glass; wipe passenger
information display screen; wipe ticket machine screens and
buttons check legibility of timetable and fare information; and
inspect for graffiti and general. For monthly cleaning, as for daily
cleaning and additionally: clean all Station furniture (seats,
cabinets, bins, ticket machine housings); and all cleaning work
shall be recorded in a Station cleaning log
Social and During operation and maintenance phase, consider fare system
Gender that benefits men or women performing specific gender roles
such as time-based fare: usually for systems that have transfers
between the different parts. Time based fares incorporate trip-
chaining more easily, allowing people to leave the system for a
short period (e.g. to drop children off at school) and re-enter
without paying again to continue the trip;
Collection of sex and disability-disaggregated data specially for
social PPP projects
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ANNEX E: Safeguards Implementation Report
The following items may be integrated in the required reports that project proponents
submit to IAs, the basis of which are usually found in the annex/es of the PPP contract.
This Annex supplements PPP Governing Board Resolution No. 2015-09-01 “PPP Projects
Monitoring Framework and Protocols.”
Safeguard Areas MPSS and KPIs Implementation Status /
(to be formulated during procurement Other Remarks
phase based on the identified areas during
the FS Stage)
Safeguards from
Safeguards for
Integrating gender
based on the
Harmonized Gender
and Development
Guidelines (HGDG)
Other Social
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