1.audit Act 2073 - English
1.audit Act 2073 - English
1.audit Act 2073 - English
Audit Act
Amended(1st) on 18/6/2073
1. Short Title and Commencement: This act may be called as “Audit Act, 2073”.
2. Definition:
(a) "Government Office" means all government office and courts, including the Supreme Court,
Parliament, commission for investigation of Abuse of Authority Auditor General Public Service
Commission and Offices of other constitutional bodies, and Nepal Army and Nepal Police, states
and its local bodies and court.
(b) "Accounts" means the records, ledgers books etc. maintained under prevailing laws showing
particulars of transactions, and other documents substantiating such transactions.
(c) "Audit" means examination of the accounts and the analysis and evaluation made on the basis
thereof and this also includes re-audit of document.
(d) "Corporate body wholly owned by government of Nepal" means a corporate body whose all
shares of assets are owned by Government of Nepal, or a corporate body whose all shares or
assets are owned by the aforesaid corporate body or by such corporate body and Government of
Nepal and this expression shall also include such corporate body for whom Government of Nepal
is required to bear full responsibility.
(e) "Corporate body substantially owned by government of Nepal" means a corporate body whose
more than fifty percent shares or assets are owned by Government of Nepal.
(f) “Other organization” means any organization established under Nepal Laws or organization
established by direction of Nepal Government including Universities, Fund, Committee,
Institutions, Commission and Cabinet.
3. Methods of Audit:
The Auditor General may conduct final audit of the financial activities and other activities relating
thereto of the offices, bodies or organizations under its jurisdiction, either in detail or sporadically
or a random basis and present the facts obtained therefrom, make critical comments thereon and
submit its reports.
(a) To check at any time the status of the program and project being operated under the grants
obtained by Government of Nepal and examine documents relating to accounts;
(b) To require contractors of government contracts to produce relevant documents or other
evidence relating to the contract, which are supposed to be in his/her possession;
(c) To hire services of any expert on the task of audit and, if necessary, engage someone under
contract with reasonable remuneration.
The OAG and Staffs of OAG will have access to information documents of Offices documented
by OAG.
3.A Miscellaneous Audit: The OAG may conduct audit on Information Technology,
Environmental/Social Impact, Performance Audit and other. Audit procedure/method, areas and
sampling of organization to be audited shall be directed by OAG.
3.B Joint Audit: The Auditor General may conduct joint audit of Corporate body wholly owned
by Govt/ Substantially owned by Govt of Nepal. Procedure of audit to be decided by Auditor
| Shreejan Shrestha
4. Matters to be audited:
The Auditor General, with due regard to the regularity, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and
propriety, shall audit following matters to ascertain whether:
(a) the financial transactions comply with the existing laws and the evidence relating to items of
income and expenditure are sufficient;
(b) the accounts have been maintained in the prescribed forms and such accounts fairly represent
the position of the transactions;
(c) the amount appropriated in the concerned heads and subheads by the Appropriation Act for
respective services and activities have been expended for the specified purposes of designated
services or activities within the is approved limit;
(d) the inventory of government assets is accurate and up to date and the arrangement for
protection and management of governmental property is adequate;
(e) the arrangements for internal audit and internal control of cash, kind and other governmental
property against any loss, damage and abuse are adequate and if so, are they pursued;
(f) the accounts of revenue, all other incomes and deposits are correct and the rules relating to
evaluation, realization and methods of book keeping are adequate and if so, are they followed;
(g) the accounts relating to public debts, security, deposit, debt relief fund and the amounts set
aside for debt services and repayment of debts are accurate;
(h) The accounts of income and expenditure of industrial and business services, and their balance
of cash and kind, and the arrangements and rules relating to their financial transactions are
adequate and if so, are they observed;
(i) The organization, management and job allocation of the office are sufficient and proper and
are that operating accordingly;
(j) Any function is being unnecessarily performed in duplication by any employee or agency or
any essential function is being omitted;
(k) The available resources, means and assets are properly utilized and the maintenance and
perspiration thereof against any loss or damage has been properly arranged;
(l) The progress has been achieved within scheduled time and the quality and quantity of the work
is satisfactory;
(m) The objective and policy of the Office is explicit and the program is delineated conforming to
the specified objective and policy;
(n) The program is being implemented within the limits of approved cost estimate and the
proceeds received in comparison to the cost is reasonable;
(o) The arrangements for maintaining data relating to target, progress and cost are adequate and
(p) Expense made under the limit or not and target achievement;
(q) As required by laws monitoring conducted or not;
(r) Electronic transactions and reports system is in progress or not.
| Shreejan Shrestha
(2) The Auditor General may not include in the report minor items of discrepancy and other items
deemed as insignificant in view of their property which were observed during the audit of income
and expenditure.
7.A. Fees: The OAG may charge fees to conduct audit of Corporate body wholly owned by Govt/
Substantially owned by Govt. The fees charged shall be deposited in Consolidated Fund.
7.B. Audit Report: The auditor shall provide the audit report to President and the same to be
announced publicly.
7.C. Report to be publish: The OAG may publish the Audit report in the prescribed format listing
recommendation to the audited corporation. Addition to this the OAG may publish report of
Information Technology, Environment/Social Audit and others.
7.D. Audit Follow-up: The OAG may conduct follow-up for the recommendation provided to the
audited organization. The OAG may take strict action on any follow up not implemented as
directed in the audit report.
| Shreejan Shrestha
7.E. Information to Legislative- Parliament: The OAG shall provide information to the
Legislative- Parliament stating financial and non- financial data and follow any direction provided
to such offices by Legislative-Parliament.
10. A. Peer- Review: The work conducted by OAG can only be peer reviewed.
10. B. Work conducted on good faith: The staffs of OAG shall not be held liable for any work
conducted in good faith during audit.
10. C. Power to issue directive, rules/regulations: The OAG may provide standards, directive,
rules/regulation as required.
11. Powers to Frame Rules: Government of Nepal may in consultation with the Auditor General,
frame Rules for the implementation of this Act.
12. Action to be taken Against Irregularities: Necessary legal action shall be taken in respect
of the faults and irregularities observed during the audit of income and expenditure and other
financial matters of Government of Nepal, according to the prevailing laws.