TABLA ASME - B31.3 - Ed.2018 (001-269) (114-117)

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Figure 341.3.2 Typical Weld Imperfections

ð18Þ Table 341.3.2 Acceptance Criteria for Welds — Visual and Radiographic Examination
Criteria (A to M) for Types of Welds and for Service Conditions [Note (1)]
Normal and Category M Fluid
Service Severe Cyclic Conditions Category D Fluid Service Examination Methods
Girth, Girth,
Miter Miter
Groove, and Groove, and Girth
Branch Longitudinal Branch and Branch
Connection Groove Fillet Connection Longitudinal Fillet Miter Longitudinal Fillet Connection
Welds Weld Weld Welds Groove Weld Weld Groove Groove Weld Weld Weld
[Note (2)] [Note (3)] [Note (4)] [Note (2)] [Note (3)] [Note (4)] Welds [Note (3)] [Note (4)] [Note (2)] Weld Imperfection Visual Radiography
A A A A A A A A A A Crack ✓ ✓
A A A A A A C A N/A A Lack of fusion ✓ ✓
B A N/A A A N/A C A N/A B Incomplete penetration ✓ ✓
E E N/A D D N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rounded Indications … ✓
G G N/A F F N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Linear indications … ✓
H A H A A A I A H H Undercutting ✓ ✓
A A A A A A A A A A Surface porosity or exposed slag ✓ …
inclusion [Note (5)]

ASME B31.3-2018
N/A N/A N/A J J J N/A N/A N/A N/A Surface finish ✓ …
K K N/A K K N/A K K N/A K Concave surface, concave root, or ✓ ✓

L L L L L L M M M M Weld reinforcement or internal ✓ …

(a) Weld imperfections are evaluated by one or more of the types of examination methods given, as specified in paras. 341.4.1, 341.4.2, 341.4.3, and M341.4, or by the engineering design.
(b) “N/A” indicates the Code does not establish acceptance criteria or does not require evaluation of this kind of imperfection for this type of weld.
(c) Check (✓) indicates examination method generally used for evaluating this kind of weld imperfection.
(d) Ellipsis (…) indicates examination method not generally used for evaluating this kind of weld imperfection.
(1) Criteria given are for required examination. More-stringent criteria may be specified in the engineering design. See also paras. 341.5 and 341.5.3.
(2) Branch connection weld includes pressure containing welds in branches and fabricated laps.
(3) Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral (helical) seam. Criteria are not intended to apply to welds made in accordance with a standard listed in Table A-1, Table A-1M, or
Table 326.1. Alternative Leak Test requires examination of these welds; see para. 345.9.
(4) Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment welds for slip-on flanges, branch reinforcement, and supports.
(5) These imperfections are evaluated only for welds ≤5 mm (3∕16 in.) in nominal thickness.
ð18Þ Criterion Value Notes for Table 341.3.2
Symbol Measure Acceptable Value Limits [Note (1)]
A Extent of imperfection Zero (no evident imperfection)
B Cumulative length of incomplete penetration ≤38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
or 25% of total weld length, whichever is less
C Cumulative length of lack of fusion and incomplete ≤38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
penetration or 25% of total weld length, whichever is less
D Size and distribution of rounded indications See ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4 [Note (2)]
E Size and distribution of rounded indications For Tw 6 mm (1∕4 in.), limit is same as D [Note (2)]
For Tw > 6 mm (1∕4 in.), limit is 1.5 × D [Note (2)]
F Linear indications
Individual length Tw/3
Individual width ≤2.5 mm (3∕32 in.) and Tw/3
Cumulative length Tw in any 12 Tw weld length [Note (2)]
G Linear indications
Individual length 2Tw

ASME B31.3-2018
Individual width ≤3 mm (1∕8 in.) and Tw/2
Cumulative length 4Tw in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length [Note (2)]

H Depth of undercut ≤1 mm (1∕32 in.) and Tw/4

Cumulative length of internal and external undercut ≤38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
or 25% of total weld length, whichever is less
I Depth of undercut ≤1.5 mm (1∕16 in.) and [Tw/4 or 1 mm (1∕32 in.)]
Cumulative length of internal and external undercut ≤38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
or 25% of total weld length, whichever is less
J Surface roughness ≤12.5 μm (500 μin.) Ra in accordance with ASME B46.1
K Depth of surface concavity, root concavity, or Total joint thickness, including weld reinforcement, Tw [Notes (3) and (4)]
L Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion [Note (5)] in For Tw, mm (in.) Height, mm (in.)
any plane through the weld shall be within limits of 1
≤6 ( ∕4) ≤1.5 (1∕16)
the applicable height value in the tabulation at right,
1 1
except as provided in Note (6). Weld metal shall merge >6 ( ∕4), ≤13 ( ∕2) ≤3 (1∕8)
smoothly into the component surfaces. >13 ( ∕2), ≤25 (1) ≤4 (5∕32)
>25 (1) ≤5 (3∕16)
M Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion [Note (5)] Limit is twice the value applicable for L above
as described in L. Note (6) does not apply.
(1) Where two limiting values are separated by “and,” the lesser of the values determines acceptance. Where two sets of values are separated by “or,” the larger value is acceptable. Tw is the nominal
wall thickness of the thinner of two components joined by a butt weld.
Criterion Value Notes for Table 341.3.2 (Cont’d)
NOTES: (Cont’d)
(2) Porosity and inclusions such as slag or tungsten are defined as rounded indications where the maximum length is three times the width or less. These indications may be circular, elliptical, or
irregular in shape; may have tails; and may vary in density. Indications where the length is greater than three times the width are defined as linear indications and may also be slag, porosity, or
(3) For circumferential groove welded joints in pipe, tube, and headers made entirely without the addition of filler metal, external concavity shall not exceed the lesser of 1 mm (1∕32 in.) or 10% of the
joint nominal thickness. The contour of the concavity shall blend smoothly with the base metal. The total joint thickness, including any reinforcement, shall not be less than the minimum wall
thickness, tm.
(4) For radiography, acceptability may be determined by comparing the density of the image through the affected area to the density through the adjacent base metal ( Tw). If digital radiography is
used, brightness comparison may be utilized. A density or brightness darker than the adjacent base metal is cause for rejection.
(5) For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the adjacent components; both reinforcement and internal protrusion are permitted in a weld. For fillet
welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat, Figure 328.5.2A; internal protrusion does not apply.
(6) For welds in aluminum alloy only, internal protrusion shall not exceed the following values:
(a) 1.5 mm (1∕16 in.) for thickness ≤2 mm (5∕64 in.)
(b) 2.5 mm (3∕32 in.) for thickness >2 mm and ≤6 mm (1∕4 in.)
For external reinforcement and for greater thicknesses, see the tabulation for symbol L.

ASME B31.3-2018

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