International Standard
International Standard
International Standard
STANDARD 14509-1
First edition
Reference number
ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols ................................................................................................................................................. 3
5 Measurement quantity.......................................................................................................................... 3
6 Measurement uncertainty .................................................................................................................... 3
7 Measuring equipment........................................................................................................................... 5
8 Test site specifications and environmental conditions.................................................................... 5
9 Test course, microphone positions and measurement distance .................................................... 6
10 Operating conditions............................................................................................................................ 8
11 Test procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 9
12 Test report ............................................................................................................................................. 9
13 Standard craft specifications for outboard motor type tests according to Clause 10 ................ 10
14 Standard craft specifications for type tests for stern drives with integral exhaust systems
according to Clause 10....................................................................................................................... 11
Annex A (normative) Measurement of the sound exposure level ............................................................... 12
Annex B (informative) Example of test report form ...................................................................................... 16
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 1 — Position of the microphone and test course............................................................................... 7
Figure 2 — Microphone position and heights................................................................................................. 7
Table 1 — Standard deviation of reproducibility of individual sources of measurement.......................... 4
Table 2 — Variability for a coverage probability of 90 %............................................................................... 4
Table 3 — Correction for background sound pressure level, L″pAS, for monitoring tests......................... 6
Table 4 — Standard craft specifications ....................................................................................................... 10
Table 5 — Standard craft specifications for petrol engines........................................................................ 11
Table 6 — Standard craft specifications for diesel engines........................................................................ 11
Table A.1 — Standard deviation of reproducibility of individual sources of measurement .................... 12
Table A.2 — Variability for a coverage probability of 90 % ......................................................................... 13
Table A.3 — Correction for background sound exposure level, L″AE, for monitoring tests .................... 14
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14509-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 188, Small craft.
This first edition of ISO 14509-1 cancels and replaces ISO 14509:2000, which has been technically revised. It
also incorporates the Amendment ISO 14509:2000/Amd.1:2004.
ISO 14509 consists of the following parts, under the general title Small craft — Airborne sound emitted by
powered recreational craft:
iv --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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1 Scope
This part of ISO 14509 specifies the conditions for obtaining reproducible and comparable measurement
results of the maximum sound pressure level of airborne sound generated during the passage of powered
recreational craft of up to 24 m length of hull, including inboards, stern drives, personal watercraft (PWC) and
outboard motors. It also specifies standard craft based type tests for stern drives with integral exhaust
systems and for outboard motors. It also specifies the procedure to be followed if, in addition to the maximum
sound pressure level, the determination of the sound exposure level is desired.
NOTE For craft other than those specified above, ISO 2922 is applicable for sound emission measurements.
The accuracy grade of the acoustical test procedures specified in this part of ISO 14509 is engineering grade
(grade 2).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8665, Small craft — Marine propulsion reciprocating internal combustion engines — Power measurements
and declarations
type test for recreational craft
type test
measurement performed to prove that the sound of the craft in motion, or of the outboard motor when using a
standard craft, or of the stern drive with integral exhaust system when using a standard craft, complies with
sound specifications or prescribed limits
monitoring test for recreational craft
monitoring test
measurement performed in order to check that the sound of the craft in motion, or of the outboard motor when
using any craft, or of the stern drive with integral exhaust system when using any craft, is still within prescribed
limits and that no noticeable changes have occurred since the acceptance on initial delivery or after
modification, as applicable
NOTE 1 Subsequent type testing can also be required in the case of a significant change.
maximum A-frequency weighted sound pressure level with time weighting S for recreational craft
maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level
maximum sound pressure level achieved from measurement of the passage of the craft under specified
operating conditions measured with frequency weighting A and with time weighting S (slow) according to
IEC 61672-1
A-weighted sound exposure
integral of the square of the A-weighted sound pressure, p, over a stated time interval or event of duration T
(starting at t1 and ending at t2)
∫ p A ( t ) dt
E A,T = (1)
NOTE 2 By practical limitations of the measuring instruments, p2 is always understood to denote the square of a
frequency-weighted and frequency-band-limited sound pressure. The application of a specific frequency weighting as
specified in IEC 61672-1 is indicated by an appropriate subscript, e.g. EA,1h denotes the A-weighted sound exposure over
one hour.
NOTE 3 When applied to a single event of impulsive or intermittent sound, the quantity is called “single event sound
exposure” and the symbol E is used without subscript.
NOTE 4 This definition applies only for the optional measurement of sound exposure levels according to Annex A.
A-weighted sound exposure level
ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the A-weighted sound exposure, EA,T, to a reference
value, E0, expressed in decibels
⎛E ⎞
L E,A,T = 10 lg ⎜⎜ A,T ⎟⎟ dB (2)
⎝ E0 ⎠
NOTE 2 The application of a specified frequency weighting as specified in IEC 61672-1 is indicated by an appropriate
subscript, e.g. LE,A,T,1h denotes the A-weighted sound exposure level over one hour.
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
NOTE 3 When applied to a single event of impulsive or intermittent sound, the quantity is called “single event sound
exposure level” and the symbol LE is used without further subscript.
NOTE 4 In this part of ISO 14509, the sound exposure level is to characterize the emission of the source and not the
noise impact on people exposed to the sound.
NOTE 5 This definition applies only for the optional measurement of sound exposure level according to Annex A.
background noise for recreational craft
background noise
noise from all sources other than the craft under test
EXAMPLE Noise from waves splashing on the measuring craft or the shore, other craft or equipment, and wind
propulsion unit with the engine inboard and the transmission/drive located external to the hull
stern-drive with integral exhaust systems
stern-drive where the exhaust gases are expelled through the transmission/drive
4 Symbols
L′pASmax maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level during the passage, expressed in decibels (dB);
LpASmax L′pASmax after applying background noise correction according to 8.3 and distance correction
according to 9.2, expressed in decibels (dB);
L′AE A-weighted sound exposure level during the passage, expressed in decibels (dB);
LAE L′AE after applying background noise correction according to A.5 and distance correction according
to A.6, expressed in decibels (dB).
5 Measurement quantity
The quantity to be measured during the passage of the craft is the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure
level, L′pASmax.
From this quantity, the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, LpASmax, is determined by applying the
background noise correction and distance correction, if applicable.
6 Measurement uncertainty
The measurement procedure specified in the following clauses is affected by several parameters
(e.g. measurement system uncertainty, environmental conditions, craft course uncertainty) that can lead to
variation in the level recorded for a given craft.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
In the absence of sufficient experimental data on the overall uncertainty, the uncertainty associated with this
part of ISO 14509 has been evaluated by the procedure given in the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
measurement (GUM) (see Bibliography), where each individual source of uncertainty is identified and
quantified based upon existing statistical data or engineering judgment.
The individual sources of uncertainty identified, with their standard deviations, are given in Table 1.
b) Day-to-day: the variations expected within the same test site, but over more than a single test series and
including a) above.
c) Site-to-site: the variation expected across different test sites and test personnel and including a) and b)
The expanded uncertainty for the combined standard uncertainties for these three groups, for a coverage
probability of 90 %, is given in Table 2.
NOTE In addition to the above uncertainties, a further uncertainty needs to be considered in the case of multi-
engined craft. If the sound of a specific multi-engined craft is dominated by exhaust noise, the phasing of its engines,
when running at nominally the same engine speed, can have a significant effect upon the vessel’s pass by noise. Extreme
examples of maximum AS-weighted sound pressure levels of up to 6 dB of the variability have been recorded.
The uncertainties considered in this part of ISO 14509 do not cover the uncertainties associated with the
variation in the production process for a specific craft.
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
7 Measuring equipment
The instrumentation system, including microphones and cables (which shall be used according to the
manufacturer’s specifications), and including the windscreen recommended by the manufacturer and the
overall electroacoustic performance of any additional measuring equipment, including for example a tape
recorder and/or level recorder, shall meet the requirements for a class 1 instrument specified in IEC 61672-1.
NOTE Sound level meters with “maximum hold” capabilities are preferred.
When a tape recorder is used for the measurements, the dynamic range of the instrumentation shall be
consistent with the measured signal.
A wind speed anemometer which has an uncertainty of less than ± 10 % shall be used.
An engine speed tachometer which has an uncertainty of less than ± 2 % shall be used.
A class 1 sound calibrator which meets the requirements of IEC 60942 shall be used.
The overall acoustic performance of the measurement equipment shall be checked with the sound calibrator
according to the instructions of its manufacturer at the beginning and at the end of each series of measurements,
at least every four hours during testing and at the beginning and end of each measurement day.
At intervals of no longer than two years, the sound level meter shall undergo laboratory verification for
compliance with IEC 61672-1. The date of the last verification of compliance with IEC 61672-1 shall be
The sound calibrator used for calibration of the sound level meter shall undergo laboratory verification every
year with traceability to a laboratory, using national standards.
Within 30 m around the craft under test and the microphone, there shall be no large surfaces (e.g. retaining
walls, building façades, rocks, bridges) from which sound can be reflected back to the microphone.
In the vicinity of the microphone, there shall be no obstacles which could disturb the sound field. Therefore, no
person shall be between the microphone and the sound source, and any observers shall be in such a position
that any influence on the meter reading is avoided.
The area between the craft under test and the measurement microphone shall be open water and free from
any sound absorbing or sound reflecting objects that can affect the measurement.
At the test course, the depth of water shall be sufficient for normal operation of the craft.
NOTE Shallow water can increase the reading of the pass-by sound pressure level.
8.2.1 The wind velocity in the test area during the pass-by shall not exceed 7 m/s.
8.2.2 Tests shall not be carried out in conditions of rain or other precipitation.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
8.2.3 The wave height in the test area during the pass-by shall not exceed H according to Equation (3) or
0,1 m, whichever is the greater.
H = Lwl / 50 (3)
NOTE The sound of any wave impact (slamming) could lead to a considerable increase of the measured sound
pressure level.
8.3.1 General
A measurement shall be invalid if changes in the background noise affect the applicable reading.
For type tests, the AS-weighted background sound pressure level, L″pAS, shall be at least 10 dB below the
maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, L′pASmax, obtained during the passage of the craft.
For monitoring tests, the AS-weighted background sound pressure level, L″pAS, shall be at least 6 dB below
the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, L′pASmax, obtained during the passage of the craft. The
reading shall then be corrected as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 — Correction for background sound pressure level, L″pAS, for monitoring tests
Values in decibels
Increase in the indication of the AS-weighted sound Correction to be applied to the reading of
pressure level obtained during the passage of the craft, the AS-weighted sound pressure level, L′pASmax,
L′pASmax − L″pAS obtained during the passage of the craft
W 10 0
6 to 9 −1
9.1 General
9.1.1 The test course to be followed shall be a straight line such that the distance between the microphone
and the side of the craft nearest to the microphone when passing it shall be 25 +02 m . ( )
The microphone shall be orientated to the path of the craft in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendation for the microphone and associated equipment type.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
Dimensions in metres
1 craft
2 microphone
a Craft course line.
9.1.2 The microphone shall be positioned 3,5 m ± 0,5 m above the water surface and, if mounted on a solid
surface, shall be positioned at least 1,2 m above that surface. The microphone shall be positioned within
± 0,5 m of the edge of the surface above which it is mounted.
The microphone may be placed on the shore, on a boat, on a remote buoy or other suitable platform.
Figure 2 shows the heights of the microphone position (example for shore position).
Dimensions in metres
1 craft
2 microphone
9.1.3 The intended course line should be indicated with markers, if possible.
9.1.4 ( )
For craft less than 6 m in length, the microphone may be placed 12,5 +01 m from the test source if the
background noise requirements according to 8.3 cannot be met when measuring at the distance of 25 m from
the test source.
NOTE The reason is that it can be necessary to compensate for the low sound pressure levels by moving the
microphone to a position which is closer to the craft without venturing into the acoustic near field.
If the distance between the microphone and the course line is set at 12,5 m, the measured maximum
AS-weighted sound pressure level for each passage, L′pASmax, shall be normalised to 25 m by subtracting
5 dB to obtain the 25 m value for LpASmax.
NOTE The value of 5 dB has been found appropriate from the results of many tests under similar conditions
(e.g. IMEC 17 F/01 and IMEC 17 F/02; see Bibliography).
10 Operating conditions
10.1 As with all waterborne testing, an appropriate risk assessment should be carried out with particular note
of proximity to persons, other craft, fixed objects and the shore.
10.2 Craft shall be operated with an equivalent two-person load, except for craft intended for one person as
well as all PWC which shall have an equivalent one-person load. An equivalent one-person load is defined as
75 kg ± 20 kg.
10.3 The engine of the craft shall be raised to operating temperature before the measurement starts. All the
other operating conditions (fuel used, run-up time, etc.) shall comply with the manufacturer’s instructions.
10.4 For type tests, craft with the power units installed inboard (e.g. inboards, stern drives, PWC and
sailboats) shall be tested as sold.
10.5 For type tests, outboard motors shall be tested on standard craft as specified in Clause 13. For type
tests, stern drives with integral exhaust systems shall be tested on standard craft as specified in Clause 14.
10.6 For monitoring tests, all craft shall be tested with motors as installed.
10.7 The engine shall be operated at full throttle for all tests. If the craft speed exceeds 70 km/h (37,8 kn),
the engine throttle shall be adjusted to maintain a maximum speed of 70 km/h ± 2 km/h (37,8 kn ± 1,08 kn).
10.8 For propulsion systems which are equipped with adjustable trim, the trim angle shall be adjusted so that
the propeller/impeller thrust is parallel to the bottom/keel-line of the craft to within ± 2°, hereafter referred to as
level trim for all test conditions.
10.9 For type tests, the propeller/impeller shall be selected such that at full throttle the engine speed falls
within ± 4 % of the declared engine speed at level trim, in accordance with ISO 8665. In the case of spark-
ignition engines without speed governor, the declared engine speed shall be the mid-point of the full throttle
speed range recommended by the manufacturer for propeller selection. In the case of engines with speed
governors, the declared engine speed shall be the governed speed specified by the manufacturer. For
controllable pitch propellers, the pitch shall be fixed in a position required to obtain the declared engine speed
at full throttle or as near full throttle as possible to achieve the lesser of maximum boat speed or 70 km/h.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
11 Test procedure
11.1 During the measurement the craft shall pass through the test course as specified in Clause 9 and its
direction shall be recorded.
11.2 The maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, L′pASmax, during the passage shall be measured.
11.3 The AS-weighted background sound pressure level, L″pAS, shall be measured according to 8.3
immediately before and immediately after the passage of the craft.
11.4 For monitoring tests, the correction for background noise according to 8.3.3 shall be applied on the
measured L′pASmax value to obtain the applicable measurement value, the maximum AS-weighted sound
pressure level, LpASmax (but see also 11.5).
11.5 In the case of a reduced measurement distance according to 9.1.4 for type tests and for monitoring
tests, the distance correction according to 9.2 shall, in addition to that stated in 11.4, be applied on L′pASmax to
obtain LpASmax.
11.6 At least two measurements shall be made for each side of the craft. The sound pressure level for each
side of the craft shall be the average of the first two determined values of LpASmax for each side which
are within 1 dB of each other. The maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, LpASmax, to be recorded
shall be that of the louder side of the craft.
11.7 The values of the following quantities shall be recorded: L′pASmax, L″pAS, the corrections for background
noise (if any), the distance corrections (if any), and LpASmax.
12 Test report
The test report shall include the following:
c) the testing institution, the date of the test, the signature of the responsible person;
e) the test site specification (see 8.1, including course direction) and environmental conditions, including but
not limited to the water surface conditions (including wave height), water depth, the wind direction and
speed (see 8.2), microphone position with respect to the course line and/or wind direction;
g) the measured maximum AS-weighted sound pressure levels, L′pASmax, and the AS-weighted background
sound pressure levels, L″pAS, the corrections for background noise (if any) and the distance corrections
(if any);
1) manufacturer,
i) data for the craft or the standard craft according to Clause 13 or Clause 14:
1) manufacturer,
2) craft type and, if available, craft identification number (CIN) according to ISO 10087;
n) the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level, LpASmax, according to Clause 11.
The form given in Annex B may be used for the test report.
A variation of ± 20 % is allowed in the length (as given in Table 4) and ± 25 % for the mass of the craft (as
given in Table 4). In addition, the craft shall have no covers over the outboard motor or unusual extensions
behind the transom which could affect the sound level.
Outboard motors shall be fitted to the boat according to the manufacturer’s instructions. No modifications on
series production craft, such as applying additional absorbing components or trim tabs, are permitted.
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
14 Standard craft specifications for type tests for stern drives with integral exhaust
systems according to Clause 10
Any series production craft with a V-hull shape meeting the dimensional, mass and operating characteristics
given in Table 5 may be used as a standard craft.
A variation of ± 20 % is allowed in the length (as given in Tables 5 and 6) and ± 25 % for the mass of the craft
(as given in Tables 5 and 6). In addition, the craft shall have no unusual covers or extensions behind the
transom which could affect the sound level.
Stern drives with integral exhaust systems shall be fitted in the boat according to the manufacturer’s
specifications. No modifications on series production craft such as applying additional absorbing components
or trim tabs are permitted.
NOTE For further information regarding this standard craft concept for stern drives with integral exhaust systems
refer to IMEC 17 F/05; see Bibliography.
Annex A
A.1 General
The measurement of the maximum sound pressure level during the passage of the craft shall be carried out
as specified in this part of ISO 14509.
However, it is optional to measure additionally the sound exposure level during the passage of the craft. This
measurement shall be carried out according to this Annex. (See also Clause 1.)
Where not otherwise stated in this Annex, the specifications of this part of ISO 14509 apply accordingly.
From this quantity the A-weighted sound exposure level, LAE, is determined by applying the background noise
correction and distance correction, if applicable.
A.3 Measurement uncertainty
The measurement procedure described in the following sub-clauses is affected by several parameters (e.g.
measurement system uncertainty, environmental conditions, craft course uncertainty) that can lead to
variation in the level recorded for a given craft.
In the absence of sufficient experimental data on the overall uncertainty, the uncertainty associated with this
part of ISO 14509 has been evaluated by the procedure given in the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
measurement (GUM), where each individual source of uncertainty is identified and quantified based upon
existing statistical data or engineering judgment.
The individual sources of uncertainty identified, with their standard deviations, are given in Table A.1.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
b) Day-to-day: the variations expected within the same test site, but over more than a single test series and
including a) above.
c) Site-to-site: the variation expected across different test sites and test personnel and including a) and b)
The expanded uncertainty for the combined standard uncertainties for these three groups, for a coverage
probability of 90 %, is given in Table A.2.
Run-to-run 0,3
Day-to-day 1,8
Site-to-site 2,1
The uncertainties considered in this part of ISO 14509 do not cover the uncertainties associated with the
variation in the production process for a specific craft.
The instrumentation system, including microphones and cables (which shall be used according to the
manufacturer’s specifications), and including the windscreen recommended by the manufacturer, and the
overall electroacoustic performance of any additional measuring equipment (including for example a tape
recorder and/or level recorder), shall meet the requirements for a class 1 instrument specified in IEC 61672-1.
When a tape recorder is used for the measurements, the dynamic range of the instrumentation shall be
consistent with the measured signal.
A sound calibrator which meets the requirements of IEC 60942 shall be used.
The overall acoustic performance of the measurement equipment shall be checked with the sound calibrator
according to the instructions of its manufacturer at the beginning and at the end of each series of
measurements, and at least at the beginning and end of each measurement day.
At intervals of no longer than two years, the integrating-averaging sound level meter shall undergo laboratory
verification for compliance with IEC 61672-1. The date of the last verification of the compliance with
IEC 61672-1 shall be recorded.
The sound calibrator used for calibration of the sound level meter shall undergo laboratory verification with
traceability to a primary standards laboratory every year.
For type tests, the A-weighted background sound exposure level, L″AE, measured with the same duration
T = t2 - t1 (within ± 0,2 s) as used to measure L′AE, for the passage of the craft, shall be at least 10 dB below
For monitoring tests, the A-weighted background sound exposure level, L″AE, measured with the same
duration T = t2 − t1 (within ± 0,2 s) as used to measure L′AE, for the passage of the craft, shall be at least 6 dB
below L′AE. The reading shall then be corrected as shown in Table A.3.
Table A.3 — Correction for background sound exposure level, L″AE, for monitoring tests
Values in decibels
Difference between the A-weighted sound exposure Correction to be applied to the A-weighted sound
level obtained during the passage of the craft and exposure level, L′AE, obtained during the passage
the A-weighted background sound exposure level of the craft
W 10 0
6 to 9 −1
A.7.2 The A-weighted sound exposure level during passage of the craft, L′AE shall be measured. The
measurement time, T = t2 − t1, shall be the time at which the sound of the approaching craft is first heard
above the background noise until the time that the sound from the departing craft fades into the background
NOTE In practice, the exact start and finish of the sound exposure level measurement is not critical provided the
measurement period covers the highest 10 dB of the sound from the passage of the craft.
A.7.3 The A-weighted background sound exposure level, L″AE shall be measured according to A.5
immediately before and immediately after the passage of the craft.
A.7.4 For monitoring tests, the corrections for background noise according to A.5.2 shall be applied on the
measured L′AE value to obtain the applicable measurement value, the A-weighted sound exposure level, L′AE
(but see also A.7.5).
A.7.5 In the case of a reduced measurement distance following 9.1.4 for type tests and for monitoring tests,
the distance corrections according to A.6 shall in addition to A.7.4 be applied on L′AE to obtain LAE.
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
A.7.6 At least two measurements shall be made for each side of the craft. The sound exposure level for
each side of the craft shall be the average of the first two determined values of LAE for each side which are
within 1 dB of each other. The A-weighted sound exposure level, LAE, to be recorded shall be that of the
louder side of the craft.
A.7.7 The values of the following quantities shall be recorded: L′AE, L″AE, the corrections for background
noise (if any), the distance corrections (if any) and LAE.
g) the measured A-weighted sound exposure level, L′AE, together with the measurement time, T, and the
A-weighted background sound exposure level, L″AE, the corrections for background noise (if any) and the
distance corrections (if any);
Annex B
NOTE For additional measurements according to Annex A (measurement of sound exposure level), a modified form
may be used to report the results.
Test report
All requirements of ISO 14509-1, Small craft — Airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft —
Part 1: Pass-by measurement procedures, have been fulfilled when carrying out the tests.
General information
Sound level meter manufacturer ............................................. Model No. ................. Serial No. ..............
Last calibration dates: Sound level meter ............................... Sound calibrator ...................................
Propulsion unit manufacturer ....................................................... Motor type (IB, SD, Jet, etc.)................
Declared propeller shaft power according to ISO 8665: ......... kW Combustion process (SI, CI) ................
Propeller/Impeller specifications
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ISO 14509-1:2008(E)
Data of the craft / Data of the standard craft for type tests
Exhaust outlet location during the measurements (above water / under water) ....................................................
Fuel load as percentage of tank capacity ...............................................................................................................
Pass-by measurements
No. Side Craft Engine Measurement L′pASmax L″pAS Background Distance LpASmax
speed speed distance noise correction
r/min m dB dB dB dB dB
1 Port
2 Star
3 Port
4 Star
5 Port
6 Star
7 Port
8 Star
9 Port
10 Star
11 Port
12 Star
13 Port
14 Star
L′pASmax is the measured maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level during the passage of the craft;
L″pAS is the AS-weighted background sound pressure level measured immediately before and immediately after the passage of
the craft;
LpASmax is the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure level after applying background noise correction and distance correction, if
Port side average LpASmax ....................................dB Starboard side average LpASmax ............................dB
Test result:
Date Signature
[1] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 1), Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty
in measurement (GUM:1995)
[2] ISO 2922, Acoustics — Measurement of airborne sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and
[3] ISO 3744, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
pressure — Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
[4] ISO 8178-4, Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Exhaust emission measurement — Part 4:
Steady-state test cycles for different engine applications
[5] ISO 12001, Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Rules for the drafting and
presentation of a noise test code
[7] IMEC 17 F/01:1993 2), Recreational motorboat sound level test report — 21 June 1993
[8] IMEC 17 F/02:1995 2), Powered recreational craft sound level test report — Lake X, Florida — Final
report May 1995
[9] IMEC 17 F/05:2000 2), Standard boat concept sound level test report — Stern drives with integral
exhaust systems
1) ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 will be published as a reissue of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement
(GUM), 1995.
2) Available from:
ICOMIA Marine Environment Committee (IMEC)
International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA)
Meadlake Place
Thorpe Lea Road
Egham, Surrey
TW20 8HE
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