Netiquette TTL Report
Netiquette TTL Report
Netiquette TTL Report
net + etiquette
- set of unofficial rules for good behavior and politeness followed by users of online and digital
technologies such as the Internet, email, and chatrooms.
-refers to the general rules or conventions of correct and polite behaviour in social settings and
by Virginia Shea
Remember that behind every screen is a human being with independent thoughts and feelings. It is easy
to misunderstand or be rude to others when you are not interacting with them in person. Before clicking
send or post, ask yourself: Would you say it to the person's face?
This rule is a reminder that the ethical standards and laws that govern our society extend to cyberspace
as well. This includes harrassment and bullying, copyright regulations, and privacy.
Different environments require different behaviour. The way we interact with our friends, for example,
may not be acceptable in a school or work situation. This principle extends to online environments as
well. Comments that are acceptable on Facebook, for instance, may be considered inappropriate on a
professional networking site such as LinkedIn.
In this rule, "bandwidth" is synonymous with "time." When you send and email or post on a discussion
board, keep your comments brief and relevant to the environment or situation.
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
There are many positive aspects about the Internet, including the ability to remain anonymous. This rule
is a reminder not to allow this aspect of the Internet influence how you communicate. Pay attention to
your grammar, spelling and word choices as well as the overall content and truthfulness of your writing,
as this is what others are using to judge you.
The Internet is a great platform for sharing good information. However, it can also be used to spread
misinformation and distortions. If you hold a lot of knowledge about a certain topic or subject, don't be
afraid to share it online in a manner that is helpful and accurate.
"Flaming" refers to verbal disagreements that occur between users in contexts such as message boards.
They are often a result of strongly held opinions and emotions. As in rule 4, do not monopolize online
discussion with long or offensive commentary.
The Internet is an open forum. Remember not to share information about others that could get them --
or yourself -- into trouble, both personally and professionally.
This rule is intended for those who carry more power on the Internet as experts, designers, system
administrators or even hackers. Power should always be used responsibly and not to harm or take
advantage of those who are less powerful or knowledgeable.
Give other users the benefit of the doubt and consider that they may come from a different background
or have less experience on the Internet. Do not be rude when you encounter someone's mistake --
always respond with courteousy and respect.
15 Netiquette Rules for Students
Touro College
The following netiquette rules are also applicable for other sites on the internet, not just in educational
media sites used for discussion by students and teachers.
Before posting your question to a discussion board, check if anyone has asked it already and received a
Don't type in ALL CAPS! If you do it will look like you are screaming.
Don't write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of
voice, your peers might not realize you're joking.
Always remember to say"please" and "thank you" when soliciting help from your classmates.
Respect the opinion of your classmates. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully and
acknowledge the valid points in your classmate's argument. If you reply to a question from a classmate,
make sure your answer is accurate!
If you reply to a question from a classmate, make sure your answer is accurate!
If you ask questions , many people respond. Summarize all answers and post that summary to benefit
your whole class.
Be brief. If you write a long dissertation in response to a simple question, it's unlikely that anyone will
spend the time to read through it all.
Don't badmouth others or call them stupid. You may disagree with their ideas but don't mock the
If you refer to something your classmate said earlier in the discussion, quote just a few key lines from
their post so that others won't have to go back and figure out which post you're referring to.
Before asking a question, check the class FAQs or search the Internet to see if the answer is obvious or
easy to find.
Check the most recent comments before you reply to an older comment.
Be forgiving. If your classmate makes a mistake, don't badger him or her for it. Just let it go.
Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the discussion board.
Email is an important form of communication that is used in multiple contexts, from professional to
personal. DO follow these rules and guidelines for proper email netiquette:
Composing Email
Know your audience - for formal emails to colleagues or prospective employers, use polite and
professional language
Be concise and proofread the text to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes
If necessary, protect privacy of recipients by using the blind carbon copy (bcc) field
Writing in capital letters that MAKE IT SEEM LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING
Sending or forwarding personal or private information without the original sender's consent