Vergara - Et - Al - 1995 - Bulletin - GSA

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Jurassic and Early Cretaceous island arc volcanism, extension,

and subsidence in the Coast Range of central Chile

Mario Vergara Departamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518 Santiago, Chile
Beatriz Levi Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Jan Olov Nyström Swedish Museum of Natural History, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden
Alejandro Cancino Departamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518 Santiago, Chile

ABSTRACT Coast Range (Fig. 1A). They form the ho- unconformably overlain by subaerial se-
moclinal western limb of a synclinorium quences of Late Cretaceous age. Both the
More than 2000 km3 of acid and 9000 km3 where the lithochronological units dip Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous superunits
of basic volcanic rocks formed during the 208–708 to the east and become successively are characterized by a lower part with acid
Jurassic and Early Cretaceous in the Coast younger toward the Central Valley Graben volcanic rocks deposited in a marine envi-
Range of central Chile, between 32&30*S and (Fig. 1B). The rocks are intruded by Meso- ronment and an upper part dominated by
34&S. These rocks, which constitute the ma- zoic epizonal granitoids, which also de- basic subaerial lavas. Many dikes and nor-
jor part of an ;15-km-thick pile of alter- crease in age toward the east. Thinner (2– 4 mal faults, coeval with the units they intrude
nately marine and continental deposits, is- km) Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous units and affect, respectively, parallel the trend of
sued from volcanic arcs situated between a with a higher proportion of sedimentary the belts (Levi, 1973; Nasi and Thiele, 1982).
land area with Paleozoic basement in the west rocks are found in the High Andes, consti- Mesozoic thrust faults have not been ob-
and a marginal sea in the east. Astheno- tuting the eastern limb of the synclinorium served (Cenozoic thrust faults complicate
spheric upwelling led to extension and bi- upon which a Quaternary volcanic arc is the structure of the High Andes in Argen-
modal volcanism; the volcanic products built. The western and eastern basements of tina and Chile; Ramos et al., 1991). The Ju-
were deposited in intra-arc basins subsid- the synclinorium consist of predominantly rassic and Cretaceous granitoids in the stud-
ing at high rates (100 –300 m/m.y.). The magmatic Paleozoic-Triassic rocks (Hervé ied region are coeval with a decline in
source of the magmas became more de- et al., 1987). Late Cretaceous to Neogene volcanism and subsequent uplift (Drake et
pleted with time due to an increase in degree units in volcano-tectonic graben structures al., 1982; Aguirre, 1985).
of partial melting, and their compositions (Thiele et al., 1991; Vergara et al., 1993) The purpose of this paper is to show that
were modified by subduction-related fluids occupy the center of the synclinorium. the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous forma-
and contamination with a progressively Several models, usually based on sparse tions in the Coast Range of central Chile
thinner and younger crust. The basic lavas data, have been proposed in order to explain were deposited in a setting quite different
are of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic the presence of the two Jurassic–Lower Cre- from the present Andean-type continental
affinity, chemically resembling the lavas taceous belts in central and northern Chile. margin. Extension and progressive crustal
found in some mature island arcs in the They involve one wide basin (Levi and Cor- attenuation led to generation of large vol-
western Pacific. The extension and subsid- valán, 1968), splitting of an arc or back-arc umes of bimodal high-K calc-alkaline to
ence resulted in a low-relief topography (Levi and Aguirre, 1981; Åberg et al., 1984), shoshonitic volcanic rocks. They erupted
close to sea level, in contrast with the and an arc (intra-arc)/back-arc pair (Coira from Jurassic and Early Cretaceous island
present-day convergent type of Andean vol- et al., 1982; Thiele and Nasi, 1982; Charrier, arcs situated between an emerged Paleozoic
canism at the same latitude where calc-al- 1984; Jensen, 1984; Ramos, 1989; Mpodozis basement in the west and a marginal sea in
kaline intermediate lavas erupt from volca- and Ramos, 1989; Charrier and Muñoz, the east.
noes at great height above a thick crust. 1994).
This paper treats a representative sec- THE BASEMENT
INTRODUCTION tor of the Coast Range of central Chile
(328309–348S) where the Mesozoic forma- The basement in the studied region
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratified tions crop out as semicontinuous belts (Fig. 1) consists of granitoids belonging to
sequences form two north-trending belts (Fig. 1B) in a mountainous region at alti- the late Paleozoic Coastal Batholith of cen-
that can be followed along the entire length tudes of 500 –3000 m. Two stratigraphical- tral Chile (age ca. 290 –305 Ma; Hervé et al.,
of central Chile (SERNAGEOMIN, 1982; structural superunits of Jurassic and Early 1988) and isolated outcrops of late Paleo-
Åberg et al., 1984; Aguirre, 1985). The thick- Cretaceous age, respectively, are described zoic marine volcaniclastic rocks (Corvalán
est sequences, composed mostly (.90%) of here (Table 1). They are separated by a ma- and Dávila, 1964). Toward the west the
volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks with a cu- jor unconformity and rest unconformably on basement extends to the present coastline.
mulative thickness of 10 to 20 km, are lo- a Paleozoic basement, which extends to the The granitoids, which have initial 87Sr/86Sr
cated in the western part of the Andes, the coast line; the Lower Cretaceous rocks are ratios of ca. 0.706 (Hervé et al., 1988), are

GSA Bulletin; December 1995; v. 107; no. 12; p. 1427–1440; 5 figures; 4 tables.


South of the studied region the Paleozoic

granitoids intrude metamorphosed lower
Paleozoic fore-arc sequences (quartzites,
schists, and gneisses), which have been in-
terpreted as a subduction complex (paired
metamorphic belts according to González-
Bonorino and Aguirre, 1970) accreted to the
western margin of Gondwana (Hervé et al.,
1981, 1987).



The following description of the lithology

and petrography of the Jurassic and Lower
Cretaceous sequences in the Coast Range is
based on unpublished theses from the Uni-
versidad de Chile, Santiago, and observa-
tions by the authors, in addition to the ref-
erences in the text. The terms basic (basalts
and basaltic andesites) and intermediate (an-
desites) refer to lavas and flow breccias with
maximum SiO2 contents of 53, 57, and 63
wt%, respectively, recalculated to 100% an-
hydrous; acid lavas, ignimbrites, and tuffs
contain more than 63% SiO2 (dacites up to
68%, and rhyolites .68%). The investigated
sequences are affected by regional alteration
(burial metamorphism of predominantly
prehnite-pumpellyite facies), which is per-
Figure 1. The studied region in central Chile. A. Location map and main physiographic vasive in the upper, amygdaloidal parts of
features (Arg. 5 Argentina; C. Valley 5 the Central Valley Graben; Qda. del Pobre 5 the basic to intermediate flows but is only
Quebrada del Pobre). The stars represent Quaternary volcanic complexes belonging to the incipient to weak in many places in the mas-
northern part of the Southern Volcanic Zone. A nonvolcanic zone extends north from 33&S sive, lower parts (Levi, 1969, Fig. 2; Levi et
to 27&S. B. Simplified geologic map of the Coast Range between 32&30*S and 34&S. LK 5 al., 1982, 1989; Vergara et al., 1994). There,
Lower Cretaceous; UJ, MJ, and LJ 5 Upper, Middle, and Lower Jurassic (see Table 1 for the primary phenocrysts are well preserved
lithology and stratigraphic relationships). Based on Thomas (1958), Carter and Aliste (plagioclase, pyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxide);
(1961–1963), Levi (1968), Piracés (1976, 1977), Piracés and Maksaev (1977), Thiele and the same minerals are found in the ground-
Nasi (1982), and observations by the authors. Triassic sequences crop out immediately mass (Levi, 1969, Fig. 1 and passim; Levi et
north of the studied region. The numbered areas are the sample localities of volcanic rocks al., 1982, 1989). In the acid rocks, however,
collected for chemical analysis. the volcanic plagioclase is replaced by sodic
albite (less than An5, no Or component) of
low structural state, the original K-feldspar
is recrystallized to an intermediate- to low-
calc-alkaline, coarse-grained tonalites, gran- marine sedimentary sequences of Middle to temperature variety, and the glassy matrix is
odiorites, and granites, in part with a Upper Triassic age with intercalations of bi- completely devitrified.
gneissic structure. As a rule their quartz modal, low-K volcanic rocks, mostly of acid
has strong undulatory extinction and is lo- composition (Vergara et al., 1991). Pa- The Lower to Middle Jurassic
cally granulated. The plagioclase com- leocurrent data (Charrier, 1979) indicate a
monly shows curved twinning planes, and southeastern source of the sediments and Three units conformably overlying each
the K-feldspar is microcline (Muñoz paleoslopes facing southwest to northwest. other, the Quebrada del Pobre, Ajial, and
Cristi, 1964). Hervé et al. (1981) suggested Forsythe et al. (1987) considered that the Cerro Calera Formations, represent the
that the Coastal Batholith represents a Triassic sequences represent an allochtho- Early to Middle Jurassic age span (Table 1).
deeper crustal level of the late Paleozoic nous terrane. However, Thiele and Nasi Their lithology, starting with the oldest, is as
magmatic arc that occurs in the central (1982) and Hervé et al. (1987) suggested follows.
and eastern parts of the High Andes in that they were formed in a fore-arc region Quebrada del Pobre Formation. This for-
Argentina. with a young arc at a continental margin. mation (Thomas, 1958) is a marine sedi-
From the coast and up to 20 km inland, According to Vergara et al. (1991) the vol- mentary unit that in its type locality imme-
the basement immediately north of the stud- canic arc was floored by a quasioceanic diately north of the studied region rests
ied region is composed of predominantly crust. unconformably on Triassic volcanic rocks.

1428 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995 1429

However, it lies with an unconformity di- hyaloclastite deposits containing rhyolitic rocks, rounded quartzites (made up of frac-
rectly on the Paleozoic basement in our clasts with curviplanar margins. There are tured quartz with a strong undulatory ex-
region, north of the Aconcagua River intercalations of well-laminated 10- to 20- tinction), and leucogranites (a mosaic of mi-
(Fig. 1B). The Quebrada del Pobre For- cm-thick grayish green tuffs, siltstones, sand- crocline-perthite, calcian albite, and quartz
mation consists of greenish gray quartzo- stones, scarce limestone lenses, and a few with undulatory extinction). The latter are
feldspathic sandstones and fine-grained 10- to 30-m-thick flows of basic lava with similar to the Paleozoic leucogranites in the
conglomerates with subrounded pebbles large phenocrysts. These lavas have a basement to the west described by Muñoz
made up of aggregates of quartz with strong hyalophitic groundmass and phenocrysts of Cristi (1964). Sublittoral to littoral condi-
undulatory extinction, interlayered with labradorite (unzoned An60 with an outer- tions are indicated by the occurrence of con-
dark gray siltstones and silty limestones. An most edge of andesine) and unzoned augite glomerates, oolitic limestones, and a fauna
abundant fauna of pelecypods, corals, and (Wo[41 6 1]En[46 6 1]Fs[13 6 1]). rich in pelecypods and gastropods. Three
rare ammonites defines an Early Jurassic The pyroclastic fall deposits are generally horizons containing ammonites demon-
(Sinemurian) age. The lithology and fossil light gray to greenish gray in color and occur strate a Middle Jurassic age (Aalenian to
content indicate deposition on a shelf in a as alternating beds of centimeter-thick vitric late Bajocian) for the lower part of the unit.
littoral to sublittoral environment. The ex- and crystal tuffs and 10- to 20-m-thick beds The beach/eolian deposits at the top of the
istence of a western land area during the of lapilli-tuffs and tuff-breccias with up to unit constitute a transition to the continen-
deposition of the upper part of the unit is 15-cm-large clasts of pumice, vesicular acid tal rocks of the Horqueta Formation. The
suggested by intercalations of pinkish brown lavas, and pyroxene-phyric basic volcanic decreasing size of conglomerate clasts and
ignimbrites in the westernmost outcrops rocks. The grain size of the pyroclastic de- pinching out of lavas toward the east indi-
that toward the east grade into or interfinger posits is coarsest and their bedding is most cate a land area in the west.
with calcite-cemented sandstones with clasts diffuse 1–10 km north of the Aconcagua
of perlitic texture and bioclastic remains. River. Farther north there are reverse grad- The Upper Jurassic
Ajial Formation. This formation (Tho- ing and intercalated beds of fine-grained tuff
mas, 1958; modified by Carter and Aliste, with accretionary lapilli. The presence of Horqueta Formation. The Late Jurassic is
1961–1963, and Piracés, 1976, 1977) is pre- accretionary lapilli suggests but is not con- represented by the Horqueta Formation
dominantly volcanic, deposited under alter- clusive evidence of subaerial explosive (Thomas, 1958; modified by Piracés, 1976),
nately marine and continental conditions. It eruptions (cf. McPhie et al., 1993, and ref- a sedimentary-volcanic unit deposited under
crops out in the northern part of the studied erences therein). continental conditions. It conformably over-
region (Fig. 1B) and consists of a lower se- Cerro Calera Formation. This formation lies the Cerro Calera Formation (or the
quence dominated by acid lavas and an up- (Piracés, 1976) is a predominantly marine Ajial Formation where the former is absent;
per sequence composed of acid pyroclastic unit composed of gray to greenish, brown- Piracés, 1976). The lower part consists of
fall deposits and some ignimbrites grading ish, and yellowish gray polymictic conglom- acid lavas and a few ignimbrites (locally,
into and interfingering with sedimentary erates and well-bedded, 1- to 10-m-thick with basal sandstones resembling the beach/
rocks toward the east. The sedimentary well-sorted volcaniclastic sandstones and eolian deposits of the underlying unit), and
rocks are composed of light gray to green siltstones, with intercalations of limestone. its upper part is composed of red continen-
volcaniclastic sandstones, conglomeratic At the base of the unit and in its central part tal volcaniclastic rocks (breccias, sand-
sandstones (with subangular clasts of acid there are a few 1- to 10-m-thick intercala- stones, and subordinate siltstones with mud
volcanic rocks), and marls and limestones tions of tuff with perlitic fragments and cal- cracks) and lavas of mainly intermediate and
with corals, equinoderms, plant remains, cite cement and 10- to 20-m-thick flows of basic types. The formation is thickest south
belemnites, pelecypods, and relatively sparse autoclastic basic lava flows that pinch out of the Maipo River (Fig. 1B) and in the
ammonites of earliest Middle Jurassic age toward the east. The top of the unit is northernmost part of the studied region (the
(Aalenian). In the north, grayish red cross- marked by well-sorted, cross-laminated type locality), where lavas are more abun-
bedded sandstones, similar to those in the sandstones that we interpret as beach or eo- dant and the intercalated clastic rocks are
Cerro Calera Formation mentioned below, lian deposits. The thickness of the Cerro coarser than in the central part of the re-
are present in the upper part of the unit. The Calera Formation increases southward from gion. A 0.2-m-thick intercalation of lime-
marine sediments and their faunas indicate about 500 m at 328309S to 1300 m at the stone was observed ;20 km north of the
a littoral to sublittoral environment. The in- Aconcagua River. At the same time, there is Aconcagua River in the lower part of the
terfingering of marine and continental vol- an increasing proportion of volcaniclastic in- sequence. Because no fossils or age deter-
canic rocks and paleocurrent measurements tercalations and a decrease in limestones minations of the volcanic rocks have been
(Piracés, 1977) suggest that there was a land (Piracés, 1976). reported from the Horqueta Formation, the
area in the west. The limestone beds are commonly oolitic, Late Jurassic age attributed to it is merely
The acid lava flows are 50 to 100 m thick, with nuclei of plagioclase crystals or rhyolite inferred from the ages of the underlying and
pink, brownish gray, or violet in color, and fragments in the oolites. The graywackes overlying units.
have a fluidal texture that partly is grano- contain subangular fragments of acid lavas The acid lavas are gray to reddish gray
phyric due to devitrification. They contain and tuffs, rounded quartz with undulatory with flow banding and are partially brecci-
phenocrysts of plagioclase, minor ortho- extinction, and subrounded perthitic feld- ated. They have porphyritic texture with al-
clase, and bipyramidal quartz. Several of the spar. The clasts of the conglomerates are up bite phenocrysts and a few pseudomorphs
flows are submarine, strongly vesicular, and to 15 cm across in the westernmost expo- after amphibole in a trachytic or granophy-
autoclastic; toward the east some of them sures and diminish in size toward the east, ric groundmass. The intermediate lavas are
pinch out and/or grade into matrix-rich and they consist of subrounded acid volcanic typically autobrecciated and vesicular; their

1430 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995


texture is generally aphanitic, but some with well-developed graded bedding (gray- sent feeders for the acid volcanic rocks, as
flows are porphyritic with phenocrysts of wacke, or even sedimentary breccia, to silt- suggested by an often close spatial relation-
stepwise normally zoned plagioclase (An50 stone), followed by siltstone with intrafor- ship and petrographic similarity between the
to An35, with melt inclusions), unzoned au- mational folds, faults, and slumps, which intrusive and extrusive rocks of the member
gite (Wo[39 6 1]En[45 6 1]Fs[16 6 1]), and, in passes upward into laminated siltstone and (Levi, 1973; Klohn et al., 1990).
some samples, pseudomorphs after amphi- locally into limestone (cf. Bouma sequence). The acid volcanic rocks occur throughout
bole in an intersertal groundmass. The basic This indicates deposition by turbidity cur- the member but are more frequent in its
lavas are slightly porphyritic with pheno- rents (Levi, 1968), probably within a bathyal lower part, where they form an up to 1-km-
crysts of stepwise normally zoned plagio- environment. The slump-fold orientations thick monotonous unit composed of 10- to
clase (An65 to An50), altered olivine, and un- measured in several outcrops west of San- 20-m-thick violet to greenish gray welded ig-
zoned augite (Wo[42 6 3]En[46 6 1]Fs[14 6 4]) tiago (area 6 in Fig. 1) suggest a continental nimbrites with porphyritic texture in the
in a hyalophitic groundmass. slope facing east. Lenses of polymictic peb- lower and middle part of each sheet. The
The volcaniclastic rocks consist of brown- ble and cobble conglomerates overlain by ignimbrites have a eutaxitic texture defined
ish to grayish red siltstones and sandstones beds of coquina at the base of the member, by fiamme, and phenocrysts/phenoclasts of
in beds ranging from a centimeter to several and some ignimbrites in its upper part, in- plagioclase, minor K-feldspar, embayed
meters in thickness, and 10- to 30-m-thick dicate that the initial and final depositional quartz, and pseudomorphs after mica. Some
sedimentary breccias with up to 10-cm-large environments were sublittoral to littoral. ignimbrites, especially at the base of the
fragments. The sandstones and breccias are The graywackes are poorly sorted and member, overlie or interfinger with lime-
very poorly sorted and matrix-supported commonly contain bioclastic remains. They stones and grade into green volcaniclastic
(except the well-sorted sandstone at the have angular to subangular grains, which sandstones and breccias with perlitic frag-
base of the formation) and contain suban- consist almost exclusively of volcanic rocks ments and abundant bioclastic remains, con-
gular clasts of acid to basic volcanic rocks and their mineral components, except south sistent with deposition under water (Levi,
similar to those in the formation. In addition of the Maipo River, where many granitoid 1968; Nasi and Thiele, 1982).
to the volcanic components, clasts of aplite clasts are found. The volcanic clasts are The basic lava flows are about 20 m thick,
and quartzite are present, especially in the composed of acid volcanic and subvolcanic greenish gray, and aphyric to slightly por-
southern exposures. The large variation of rocks (or their mineral components) with phyritic with reddish brown autobrecciated
rock types among the clasts and the poor phenocrysts of saussuritized albite and em- and/or vesicular tops. The flows become
sorting suggest that the volcaniclastic rocks bayed quartz in a pilotaxitic, hyalopilitic, or more abundant and porphyritic in the up-
were deposited as debris flows. cryptocrystalline groundmass. The sedimen- permost part of the member toward the con-
tary breccias are poorly sorted and matrix- tact with the Veta Negra Formation, espe-
The Lower Cretaceous supported and have angular to subrounded cially south of the Aconcagua River. The
clasts (up to 4 cm in size) of limestone and phenocrysts are labradorite with oscillatory
The Lower Cretaceous section consists of siltstone. The limestones, which are more zoning around An65, and zoned augite
two conformable sequences: the Neocomian common north of the Aconcagua River, are (Wo[44 6 3]En[45 6 1]Fs[9 6 1]) with Fe-en-
Lo Prado Formation, a bathyal marine se- generally interstratified with silicified silt- richment in the outer part and in the
quence covered by ignimbrites interfinger- stones or cherts. About 10-m-thick interca- groundmass grains (Wo[43 6 3]En[40 6 1]
ing with littoral and continental sedimentary lations of green tuff and volcaniclastic sand- Fs[15 6 4]). Some of the strongly autobrecci-
rocks, and the post-Neocomian Veta Negra stone occur in some of the limestones. A ated lavas have been described as peperites,
Formation, which is characterized by basic scarce fauna composed mainly of ammo- because they contain a sedimentary matrix
to intermediate subaerial lavas. nites and some pelecypods has been ob- and show an interfingering relationship with
Lo Prado Formation. This formation served in the limestones and calcareous siltstones and sandstones (Dávila and Ga-
(sensu Piracés, 1976) is separated from the sandstones. The fauna defines a Neocomian latzán, 1979). Development of pillows was
Jurassic units or the western Paleozoic base- age for this member (Valanginian north of observed in one locality 40 km north of the
ment by an unconformity (Carter, 1963; the Aconcagua River and Upper Berriasian Aconcagua River.
Corvalán and Dávila, 1964). It is divided south of the Maipo River) and supports a The marine clastic sedimentary rocks are
into a lower marine sedimentary member bathyal to sublittoral environment as sug- greenish-gray, moderately well sorted, and
previously known as the Patagua Formation gested by the lithology. calcite-cemented sandstones; they com-
(Carter et al., 1961), and an upper, alter- The upper member of the Lo Prado For- monly contain plant remains. In addition to
nately marine and terrestrial member (de- mation consists of alternately marine and the predominant volcanic clasts (acid ignim-
fined by Piracés, 1976, as being composed of continental sedimentary rocks with volumi- brites and basic lavas), many of the clasts are
the Pachacama and Lo Prado Formations of nous volcanic intercalations of bimodal granitoids with microcline, calcian albite,
Thomas, 1958). chemistry: acid ignimbrites and subordinate and quartz showing undulatory extinction.
The lower member of the Lo Prado For- basic lavas. Vertical and lateral facies The clasts of granitoids (and of scarce
mation is a bedded sequence of gray to changes from volcanic rocks to terrestrial quartzites and schists) are similar to corre-
greenish gray marine graywackes, siltstones, and marine sedimentary rocks are numer- sponding rock types in the Paleozoic base-
and limestones. The thickness of the differ- ous and abrupt at a small scale (Herm, ment and increase in frequency southward
ent lithological types varies from some cen- 1967); terrestrial beds tend to interfinger (Levi, 1960, 1968; Nasi and Thiele, 1982).
timeters to 60 m, and they extend for hun- with marine strata toward the east (Levi, There are lenses of micritic to biosparitic
dreds of meters to kilometers. Typically, 1968). There are abundant acid dikes and limestone with faunas composed mostly of
there is a repetition consisting of a basal part subvolcanic intrusions that probably repre- algae, corals, rudists, crinoids, echinoids, pe-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995 1431


lecypods, and rare ammonites. The marine Typically, there is an upward gradation from mation, but the well-sorted sandstones
fauna and the interfingering of marine and a nonvesicular dark gray to brownish gray contain many rounded grains of microcline-
terrestrial/deltaic beds indicate a littoral to lower part, through a dark greenish to red- perthite, myrmekite, and quartz with undu-
sublittoral environment (Levi, 1968; Nasi dish gray slightly amygdaloidal central part latory extinction. Their provenance is prob-
and Thiele, 1982). The Neocomian age as- with large phenocrysts of plagioclase (up to ably the Paleozoic granitoids in the western
signed to the member is based on ammo- 3 cm) and pyroxene (up to 1 cm), to a dark part of the Coast Range (Levi, 1968). These
nites (Valanginian in the lower part and grayish red strongly amygdaloidal upper grains increase in amount south of the
Hauterivian in the upper part). part with a dark red autobrecciated top. The Maipo River where they also occur in the
The continental sedimentary rocks that rocks in the lower part of flows tend to be intercalations of marine sandstone.
become more abundant toward the upper unaltered and have small phenocrysts of
part of the member were probably deposited calcian labradorite (An[64.2 6 2]Ab[33.4 6 2] SOME GEOCHEMICAL FEATURES
in a deltaic environment (Levi, 1968). They Or[2.4 6 0.2]), augite (Wo[40 6 4]En[39 6 3] OF THE VOLCANIC ROCKS
consist of up to 30-m-thick reddish gray sand- Fs[21 6 3]; commonly with pigeonite cores of
stones, commonly with cross bedding, and Wo[9 6 1]En[58 6 3]Fs[31 6 3]), titanomagne- Seventy-five samples of Jurassic and
conglomerate lenses with clasts up to 30 cm tite, and scarce (altered) olivine. The labra- Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks from the
across of granitoids similar to those in the dorite is of high structural state, unzoned (or Coast Range of central Chile between
basement, and acid ignimbrites. with a weak oscillatory zoning) except for an 328309S and 348S (40 from basic to interme-
Veta Negra Formation. This formation outermost edge of An50. The augite is un- diate lava flows and 35 from acid volcanics)
(sensu Levi, 1968) is a thick pile of basic to zoned to slightly zoned, without iron enrich- were analyzed for major and some trace
intermediate lava flows erupted in a conti- ment at the rim and in the groundmass crys- elements by inductively coupled plasma
nental environment. Morphologically, they tals. The groundmass, which is intergranular atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES),
are flood basalts (Åberg et al., 1984). Thin to hyalopilitic with intergrowths of K-feld- and for H2O1, CO2, and FeO by wet chem-
intercalations of sandstone occur between spar and quartz, is composed of the same ical methods at the Centre de Recherches
many flows. Strongly autobrecciated lavas minerals that occur as phenocrysts, although Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, Nancy,
with a sandstone matrix, hyaloclastitic brec- the plagioclase here is calcian andesine. France. Among these samples, 31 of the ba-
cias, and peperites similar to those in the Flow breccias of intermediate composi- sic to intermediate lavas can be considered
upper member of the Lo Prado Formation tion are common in the middle and upper as unaltered due to a minimum amount of
occur especially in the lowermost part of the parts of the Veta Negra Formation. They secondary minerals as checked by micros-
Veta Negra Formation, suggesting deposi- are 40 to 160 m thick and have a nonbrec- copy and X-ray diffraction, presence of phe-
tion under water or on wet sediments. ciated base (2– 8 m thick) of dark brownish nocrysts and groundmass crystals of the
Brackish water claystone, with ostracods, red, almost aphyric lava with well-developed original plagioclase and pyroxene, and a
and vertebrate and plant remains are parting parallel to flow. Upward there is a CO2 content of ,0.4 wt%; veinlets and
sparsely intercalated in the lower part of the change to greenish red brecciated lava with amygdules are absent in thin sections. In ad-
unit north of the Maipo River. South of the 10- to 30-cm-large subangular reddish green dition, 16 of the sampled acid volcanic rocks
river marine intercalations of greenish gray blocks (exceptionally, angular blocks up to 1 can be regarded as only slightly altered due
calcareous sandstone and reddish gray, mi- m are seen) elongated parallel to the overall to absence of veinlets and low CO2 contents
critic and bioclastic limestone are found stratification of the unit. The small scattered (,0.5 wt%); the devitrification of these sam-
throughout most of the unit (Nasi and phenocrysts consist mostly of unzoned cal- ples led to mobility of Ca, Mg, Na, and K,
Thiele, 1982). However, the fossils are not cian andesine to labradorite, augite with a but the total alkali content apparently re-
useful for dating purposes. The Barremian composition similar to that in the basic lavas mained constant (cf. Levi, 1969). Trace el-
to Albian age assigned to the formation in described above, and corroded pseudo- ements were determined by inductively cou-
the studied region is bracketed by the Hau- morphs after amphibole. pled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) at
terivian age of the underlying Lo Prado For- Acid volcanic rocks are rather uncommon the same laboratory in 14 of the unaltered
mation and the Cenomanian age of the old- except in the uppermost levels of the for- basic to intermediate lavas and 7 of the less
est granitoids intruding the upper part of the mation. They include 10- to 20-m-thick, light altered acid volcanics. Representative anal-
unit (K-Ar age is 94 Ma; Munizaga and Vi- gray to pinkish gray ignimbrites with pumice yses are given in Table 2, and some geo-
cente, 1982). This is consistent with the Al- fragments in their tops and scarce brownish chemical features of the basic volcanic rocks
bian age of primary plagioclase separated to violet gray fluidal and slightly porphyritic of the formations treated here are summa-
from a flow in the middle part of the Veta lavas with amygdules. rized in Table 3; the data given in tables and
Negra Formation (K-Ar age is 105 Ma; Ver- The intercalations of sedimentary rocks in figures represent unaltered to weakly al-
gara and Drake, 1979), and a dating of the the Veta Negra Formation are from 0.5–2 to tered samples. Tables 2 and 3 also include
regional alteration (Rb-Sr age of samples rarely 30 m thick and include easily eroded initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, Sr(i), based on deter-
from the amygdaloidal tops of the flows is red to brownish red well-sorted eolian and minations with a Finnegan MAT 261 mul-
102 Ma; Åberg et al., 1984). The thickness of beach sandstones with cross-bedding (and ticollector mass spectrometer at the Swedish
the formation varies along the belt, partly ripple marks at the base of the unit), Museum of Natural History.
due to erosion, as shown by the existence of poorly sorted sandstones with subangular The chemical similarities between the Ju-
Upper Cretaceous conglomerates uncon- clasts (debris flow deposits), and la- rassic and Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks
formably overlying different stratigraphic custrine shales with mud cracks and rain- are remarkable, given the great length of
levels of the Veta Negra Formation. drop imprints. Most of the clasts are basic time they represent. According to the lith-
The basic lava flows are 10 to 40 m thick. volcanic rocks similar to those in the for- ologic and petrographic descriptions above,

1432 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995


the formations show a bimodal distribution, plot close to the boundary line between the is a trend toward more alkalic (shoshonitic)
which also can be seen in a total alkali versus subalkalic and alkalic fields in the TAS di- compositions with time (Fig. 2; Table 3), as
silica diagram (TAS; Fig. 2). Basaltic ande- agram (Fig. 2). The alternative use of the pointed out in a reconnaissance study by
sites and rhyolites predominate; andesites boundary line of Le Bas et al. (1986) in the Levi et al. (1988). The basic lavas are rich in
are less common except in the Horqueta diagram would only increase the number of Al2O3 and poor in MgO (Table 2).
Formation. The rocks of the four formations samples plotting in the alkaline field. There A common feature of the rocks is an over-

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995 1433


all similarity in trace element distribution, are found in both marine and subaerial sed- quency of apparent basement clasts and vi-
well illustrated in a MORB-normalized spi- imentary sequences. The presence of micro- cinity to the basement.
der diagram of the most common lava type, cline and strained quartz in the granitoid The transition from marine strata in the
basaltic andesite (Fig. 3A). The contents of clasts supports a basement source, because east to subaerial beds in the west occurring
Rb, K, Ba, and Th are relatively high and the Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids of repeatedly in the stratigraphic sequence also
Ta-Nb constitute a marked trough, with the Coast Range generally contain ortho- supports the existence of a western land
even lower contents of heavy rare earth el- clase instead of microcline and their quartz area. Moreover, paleocurrent observations,
ements (HREE) and Y. In the smaller num- has, as a rule, at most only a weak undula- size distribution of conglomerate clasts, and
ber of basalts the incompatible elements Ta, tory extinction, in contrast to the Paleozoic sedimentary structures in different forma-
Nb, Zr, Hf, Y, and Yb occur in levels granitoids. For the Lo Prado Formation tions indicate transportation from the west,
roughly parallel to the MORB-normalizing there is a good correlation between fre- in contrast to an eastern source for the Trias-
values (Fig. 3B). Some trace element ratios
of petrogenetic interest show systematic
changes with time, in spite of overlap by in-
dividual samples. For example, Zr/Y, La/
Yb, and Ta/Yb in the basic lavas decrease in
value passing from the Ajial to the Veta
Negra Formations (Table 3). A trend of de-
creasing values with time can also be dis-
cerned for the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the
rocks, which are relatively low (Tables 2
and 3).


A Western Land Area During the Jurassic

and Early Cretaceous

The various Jurassic and Lower Creta-

ceous formations in the Coast Range, up to Figure 2. Total alkali vs. silica variation (TAS; wt%, recalculated to 100% anhydrous) in
and including the Lo Prado Formation, rest Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks from the Coast Range of central Chile (32&30*–
directly on the western Paleozoic basement 34&S; all lavas, except i 5 ignimbrites and t 5 tuffs; LK 5 Lower Cretaceous; UJ, MJ, and
in several places. This shows that the elon- LJ 5 Upper, Middle, and Lower Jurassic). The boundary line separates the subalkaline
gated north-south marine and continental (below) and alkaline series (above; after Irvine and Baragar, 1971). The field for Quater-
basins where the rocks were deposited were nary lavas from central Chile between 33&20*S and 34&10*S is included for comparison
bounded by a western land area (Levi, (dashed line; data from López-Escobar et al., 1985; Hickey et al., 1986; and Hildreth and
1960). Granitoid clasts up to 30 cm across Moorbath, 1988).

1434 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995


Figure 3. MORB-normalized variation diagrams for representative basaltic andesites (A) and basalts (B) from Jurassic and Lower
Cretaceous formations in the Coast Range of central Chile (32&30*–34&S; sample number and SiO2 content in parentheses; ICP-MS data
except for sample AJ-4 which was analyzed by ICP-AES and lacks Th, Ta, and Hf data). The shaded field in A shows basaltic andesites
from Quaternary volcanoes in central Chile between 33&20*S and 34&10*S (average SiO2 5 55.5 6 0.9 wt%; data from López-Escobar et
al., 1985; Hickey et al., 1986; and Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988). The dashed line in B represents a Quaternary high-K calc-alkaline basalt
from New Hebrides (after Pearce, 1983). Note that the curve for Lo Prado probably is shifted toward lower values due to the relatively
low SiO2 content of the plotted sample. Normalization values (ppm; oxides in percent): Sr 5 120, K2O 5 0.15, Rb 5 2, Ba 5 20, Th 5
0.2, Ta 5 0.18, Nb 5 3.5, Ce 5 10, P2O5 5 0.12, Zr 5 90, Hf 5 2.4, Sm 5 3.3, TiO2 5 1.5, Y 5 30, Yb 5 3.4 (Pearce, 1983).

sic sedimentary rocks in the basement im- tercalations. It seems that the coast line on Volcanic Vents and Proximal
mediately north of the studied region. The the whole was linear except for a probable Volcanic Facies
Paleozoic land area represented by the embayment in the southern part of the stud-
western basement extended west of the ied region during the deposition of the Veta The interfingering volcanic and sedimen-
present coast line, as revealed by the oc- Negra Formation (Nasi and Thiele, 1982), tary sequences represent a proximal facies
currence of metamorphosed rocks of a because the various lithochronological fa- with respect to the source vents, as shown by
probable early Paleozoic age as far as to cies show a notable north-south continuity. the large thickness of the volcanic compo-
the inner slope of the Chile-Peru trench The continuity over long distances of the nents. In addition, the presence of vents and
(Mordojovich, in Hervé et al., 1988). sedimentary facies suggests deposition on a feeders is suggested by the occurrence of
flat basin floor. For example, many of the subvolcanic intrusions and dikes petro-
Near-Shore Deposits and Low-Relief graphically and chemically similar to the
turbidites in the lower member of the Lo
Topography hosting and immediately overlying volcanic
Prado Formation can be followed north-
units (Levi, 1973; Piracés, 1976; Nasi and
south for many kilometers. A low-relief to-
A near-shore shallow-water environment Thiele, 1982; Klohn et al., 1990). The lower
pography is indicated by the continuity of
is evident for the marine deposits from the member of the Lo Prado Formation, where
the subaqueous tuffs and ignimbrites in the
littoral and sublittoral faunas and plant re- volcanic rocks are virtually absent, is an
mains, deltaic intercalations, and alterna- upper member of the same formation, and exception.
tions with continental sequences. The only the extensive subaerial piles of ignimbrites, The combination of a great thickness,
exception is the bathyal conditions inferred basic lavas, and flow breccias of the Lo maximum abundance of acid lavas, and
for most of the lower member of the Lo Prado and Veta Negra Formations. The one coarse-grained pyroclastic deposits in the
Prado Formation, as suggested by the pres- exception, the Horqueta Formation, has widest part of the Ajial belt strongly suggests
ence of turbidites with scarce, predomi- longitudinal facies changes between se- vicinity to the source vents. Two volcanic
nantly ammonite-bearing faunas. A near- quences dominated either by lava flows with centers that appear to be remnants of strato-
shore environment can also be inferred for intercalated sedimentary breccias or debris volcanoes have been recognized in the Hor-
the continental deposits, based on the pres- flow deposits, features consistent with a vol- queta Formation (areas 2 and 7 in Fig. 1B),
ence of brackish-water or even marine in- canic topography of relatively high relief. based on high concentrations of thick lava

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995 1435


deposition of the subaerial sequences (with

the exception of the Horqueta Formation).
The rates of subsidence that can be calcu-
lated for the different formations treated
here are at best crude approximations due
to several uncertainties, for example, the ex-
act age of the formations and the influence
of extension. A straightforward division of
the thicknesses of the units by their ages
gives figures of the order of 50 –100 m/m.y.
flows with intercalated sedimentary breccias merely can be followed for 45 km; probably for the Early to Middle Jurassic and .250
of debris flow character. Calderas are a it was deposited only in the northern part of m/m.y. for the Early Cretaceous. The coin-
likely source for the pile of welded ignim- the region. The Ajial and Lo Prado volcanic cidence between areas of subsidence and
brites in the upper member of the Lo Prado rocks are largely acid and those of the Hor- accumulation of proximal volcanic deposits
Formation. The local concentration of acid queta and Veta Negra Formations are pre- indicates that the basins where the volcano-
subvolcanic intrusions and dikes in areas dominantly basic. Table 4 shows the vol- sedimentary piles accumulated were volca-
with normal faults coeval with the intruded umes that are obtained (the figure for the no-tectonic depressions (intra-arc basins).
rocks is consistent with the presence of Lo Prado Formation refers to its upper The large thickness of the Jurassic and
calderas. In addition, the alteration gradi- member). Lower Cretaceous formations in the Coast
ents here are in the range typical of geo- More than 2000 km3 of acid magmas and Range (Table 1) is remarkable. The esti-
thermal fields (measured from fluid inclu- 9000 km3 of basic magmas erupted in the mated thickness of a sequence deposited
sions; Klohn et al., 1990), that is, much studied sector of the Coast Range. These during an extensional regime tends to be in-
higher than the temperatures inferred from estimates are conservative because they do flated. On the other hand, large portions of
the regional alteration assemblages in sur- not take into account the upper parts of the the original pile can be removed by erosion.
rounding areas (Aguirre et al., 1989; Ver- Horqueta and Veta Negra Formations, The Horqueta and Veta Negra Formations
gara et al., 1994). Local dike swarms in the which were eroded during the Late Jurassic were certainly eroded before the deposition
Veta Negra Formation are evidence for fis- and mid-Cretaceous uplifts, respectively, of overlying units, judging from the fact that
sure eruption; the dikes are feeders for the before the deposition of younger units. The the upper parts of these formations, which
basic lavas constituting this unit. more than 11 000 km3 of volcanic rocks should be altered at zeolite facies, largely
formed during the Jurassic and Early Cre- are missing. The low paleothermal gradients
Volume of the Volcanic Rocks taceous gives a minimum eruption rate of here (Vergara et al., 1994, and references
140 km3/m.y., which is comparable with the therein) imply that a considerable thickness
A calculation of the volume of volcanic rate for the Quaternary volcanism in the of zeolite-facies rocks has been removed
rocks formed during the Jurassic and Early High Andes at corresponding latitudes from the tops of both units by erosion. Less-
Cretaceous in the present Coast Range be- (338209–348109S; ;130 km3/m.y. according eroded (and younger) formations elsewhere
tween 328309S and 348S involves the thick- to data in Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988, in Chile are made up of thousands of meters
ness of each stratigraphic unit, the propor- their Table 1). However, the eruption rate of volcanic rocks at zeolite facies (Levi et al.,
tion of volcanic rocks within each unit was three to four times higher (;500 km3/ 1989). Moreover, at least 5–10 km of the
(disregarding the volumes now occupied by m.y.) during the formation of the Veta Veta Negra Formation must have been re-
granitoid intrusions and removed by erosion Negra lavas. If the calculation is extended to moved locally before the deposition of the
in the mountainous terrain), and their lat- the entire length of the units treated here overlying Upper Cretaceous unit, because
eral and longitudinal continuations. Be- and their equivalents to the north (258S) and clasts derived from lower sequences, reach-
cause proximal volcanic deposits and in- south (368S), without including the much ing even down to the upper member of the
ferred vents are found in all the formations thinner coeval volcanic sequences in the Lo Prado Formation, are found in the up to
except the lower Lo Prado member, it is rea- High Andes (Aguirre, 1985; Levi et al., 1100-m-thick Las Chilcas conglomerate de-
sonable to assume that the outcropping belts 1988; Vergara et al., 1994), then a figure of posited above the Veta Negra Formation
(Fig. 1) correspond to the central parts of about 100 000 km3 is obtained. (Carter and Aliste, 1961–1963; Levi, 1968).
volcanic arcs. As a consequence, the forma- A rate of erosion exceeding 300 m/m.y. is
tions should pinch out laterally toward the Subsidence, Uplift of Rocks, and Erosion obtained by dividing the eroded thickness
west (eroded) and east (their down-dip un- (at least 5 km) by the time span (;15 m.y.)
derground continuation). The along-dip dis- A feature that is not typical of the present between the final deposition of the Veta
tances from mountain crests to valley floors Andes but is characteristic of the Early to Negra Formation and the Las Chilcas con-
within each unit are 1.5– 4.5 km. The in- Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous in the glomerate above it. This figure is similar in
ferred lateral continuations should at a min- Coast Range of central Chile is subsidence, magnitude to that given for the Neogene-
imum be equal in magnitude to the volumes especially during times of vigorous volcanic Pleistocene erosion in the High Andes east
present in the Coast Range above valley activity. The evidence for subsidence in- of the studied area (Skewes and Holmgren,
floors, disregarding erosion and granitoids. cludes the large thicknesses of the forma- 1993, and references therein). This rate and
The along-strike length of the formations in tions and the recurrence of marine facies the erosion of the Horqueta Formation sug-
the studied section is 165 km, with the ex- noted already by Darwin (1876) and the in- gest that considerable uplift of rocks took
ception of the Ajial Formation, which ferred low relief close to sea level during the place during the mid-Cretaceous (the late

1436 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995


Figure 4. Jurassic–Lower Creta- ment area in the west that represents the old
ceous volcanic rocks of basaltic to continental margin and a marginal sea in the
rhyolitic composition from the Coast east. The development between this sea and
Range of central Chile (32&30*–34&S) the continent farther to the east is not
plotted in the Th-Hf-Ta discrimina- known.
tion diagram of Wood (1980; 1 5 N- Åberg et al. (1984) suggested that the
type MORB; 2 5 E-type MORB and Lower Cretaceous volcanic rocks erupted in
within-plate tholeiites; 3 5 alkaline an aborted marginal basin, and in recent lit-
within-plate basalts; and 4 5 volcan- erature the setting is often referred to as a
ic-arc basalts; tholeiites above and back arc. However, an arc (intra-arc) setting
calc-alkaline basalts below the as postulated by Vergara (1972), Thiele and
dashed line). The shaded corner of Nasi (1982), and Charrier and Muñoz
the diagram is shown enlarged; the (1994) for the Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous
basalts fall within the elliptical field. rocks is more consistent with the geological
data than a back arc is. Batholiths composed
of Jurassic and Cretaceous granitoids em-
part of the Early Cretaceous) and Late Ju- as proposed by Levi and Aguirre (1981), the placed in the volcanic sequences of the
rassic in the present Coast Range. However, subsiding volcanic rocks would not experi- Coast Range represent deeper levels of the
rates of uplift cannot be calculated because ence long periods at high temperatures and arcs (Parada et al., 1991, 1992). The low
many relevant factors are unknown (cf. En- pressures. An alternative explanation for thermal gradients obtained from burial met-
gland and Molnar, 1990). Aguirre and Tho- the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous geology amorphic mineral assemblages (20–30 8C/km;
mas (1964) reported a large mid-Cretaceous of the Coast Range, eastward migration of Aguirre et al., 1989; Vergara et al., 1994)
uplift in the continuation of the Lower Cre- volcanism with time and deposition of the and the geochemistry of the volcanic rocks
taceous belt at about 278S, which indicates products in a succession of basins (Levi, support the existence of an arc and argue
that this uplift is a regional phenomenon 1973; Nasi and Thiele, 1982), cannot ac- against a back arc. On the other hand, a
(see also Vicente et al., 1973, and Aguirre, count for the overall symmetry of the syn- back-arc setting is the best explanation for
1985). clinorium in central Chile. the coeval volcanic (and sedimentary) rocks
in the High Andes to the east, based on the
Extension Volcanic Arcs geology (Charrier and Muñoz, 1994;
Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989), preliminary
Extension is indicated by the high rates of The formations treated here were depos- geochemical data (Vergara and Nyström,
subsidence inferred from the thick piles of ited on an ensialic basement consisting of unpub. information), and high paleothermal
predominantly volcanic rocks deposited in the exposed root of a late Paleozoic arc, and gradients (Vergara et al., 1994).
elongated basins, probably volcano-tectonic Triassic fore-arc/arc sequences. The strati- The geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in
graben structures, which remained close to graphic record (Table 1) shows that periods the Coast Range indicates that they origi-
sea level. An extensional regime is also con- dominated by sedimentation in a shallow nated in arcs. For example, all the rocks,
sistent with the abundance of normal faults marine environment alternated with periods from basalts to rhyolites, plot well inside the
and dikes parallel with the strike of the co- characterized by volcanism. The volcanic ac- field of volcanic-arc basalts in the Th-Hf-Ta
eval volcanic sequences they affect. Besides tivity increased with time during the Juras- diagram (Fig. 4). Diagrams used to discrim-
the major normal faults reported on re- sic, and subaerial conditions became preva- inate between oceanic and continental vol-
gional maps there is a large number of lent toward the end of the period. A similar canic arcs illustrate a trend from a continen-
smaller faults with displacements of the or- history, although starting with a bathyal ma- tal to an oceanic character with time (e.g.,
der of meters or less. These small normal rine environment, took place during the Zr/Y vs. Zr; Fig. 5). Some trace element ra-
faults explain why the apparent dips of key Early Cretaceous. The volcanic rocks issued tios of petrogenetic significance record the
beds inferred from outcrop patterns as a from arcs located between the uplifted base- same trend. For example, the Ta/Yb ratio is
rule are significantly lower than the dips of
the same beds measured in individual out-
crops. The homoclinal structure of the
Coast Range is consistent with an exten-
sional regime, but concomitant uplift of the Figure 5. Jurassic–Lower
western basement (Thiele and Morel, 1981) Cretaceous basalts from the
might be a contributing factor. Coast Range of central Chile
Other, independent lines of evidence con- (32&30*–34&S) plotted in the
sistent with extension are the bimodal char- Zr/Y vs. Zr (in ppm) diagram
acter of the volcanic rocks and the lack of of Pearce and Norry (1979),
high-pressure metamorphism in the thick which discriminates between
volcanic piles that were affected by burial continental and oceanic volcan-
metamorphism at low thermal gradients ic-arc basalts.
soon after their deposition (Åberg et al.,
1984). In a scenario of extension-subsidence

Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995 1437


higher than 0.11 for the Jurassic basic lavas line earths combined with low contents of crust that had become more and more re-
and lower than this value for most Lower incompatible elements, like in these lavas, fractory due to earlier magmatic events.
Cretaceous ones (Table 3); Pearce (1983) have been recorded for some oceanic island The maximum attenuation of the crust
used 0.11 as the boundary value between arcs. For example, the high-K calc-alkaline was reached during the Late Cretaceous–
continental and oceanic settings. basalts of New Hebrides (Pearce, 1983), Oligocene in the part of central Chile
which originated during crustal rifting (Gor- treated here, with volcanism occurring in
Progressive Crustal Attenuation ton, 1977) above a steeply dipping Benioff graben structures along the center of the
zone (Monzier et al., 1993), resemble chem- synclinorium that now is occupied by the
The enrichment in K, Rb, Ba, and Th and ically the basalts in the Coast Range Central Valley and the western foothills of
the marked trough for Ta-Nb displayed by (Fig. 3B). This suggests that influx of K, Rb, the High Andes (Thiele et al., 1991; Ny-
the basic lavas (Fig. 3) are typical of sub- and Ba from the subducted lithospheric slab ström et al., 1993; Vergara et al., 1993).
duction-related magmas in convergent plate could be responsible for the high levels of
margins. However, the inferred setting does these elements in the latter. Since basalts A Non-Andean Setting
not resemble the present Andean-type mar- are subordinate to basaltic andesites, and si-
gin that is characterized by a thick continen- licic volcanism at times was intensive during The large silicic provinces with bimodal
tal crust. The chemistry is more in agree- the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, assimilation– volcanism of Jurassic age in southern South
ment with an arc built on moderately thick fractional crystallization processes and America have been attributed to crustal
crust that became more attenuated with crustal melting must have played important anatexis, extension, and formation of volca-
time, from the Early Jurassic to the end of petrogenetic roles. no-tectonic graben structures; the rifting is
the Early Cretaceous. Crustal attenuation is Crustal attenuation leading to the forma- related to the breakup of Gondwana (e.g.,
consistent with the extensional regime; the tion of a more immature volcanic arc during Gust et al., 1985; Dalziel, 1986; Dalziel et al.,
rate of extension seems to have been highest the Early Cretaceous than during the Juras- 1987; Kay et al., 1989; Hanson and Wilson,
during the Early Cretaceous with the for- sic is supported by the trend of decreasing 1991). The Jurassic arc volcanism in the
mation of the many-kilometers-thick pile of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios with time for the vol- Coast Range was probably also connected
Veta Negra lavas, which morphologically re- with this breakup. The thick Lower Creta-
canic rocks (Tables 2 and 3). These ratios
semble flood basalts. ceous pile in the Coast Range, coeval with
are consistent with increasingly depleted
The REE fractionation, which can be ex- the opening of the South Atlantic, occupies
magma sources and a decrease in crustal
pressed as the La/Yb ratio, is often related a structure that was one link in a string of
contamination. The upper crust is a suitable
to the thickness of the continental crust. extensional basins stretching from Antarc-
contaminant that would leave the Sr isotope
This ratio decreases with time for the basic tica to Colombia (Dalziel et al., 1987;
ratios of the magmas essentially unaffected.
lavas (Table 3), consistent with a progres- Aguirre et al., 1989; Stern et al., 1991;
It is dominated by Paleozoic granitoids with
sively thinner crust. Among the basalts there Atherton and Aguirre, 1992). Their setting
200 –500 ppm Sr (López-Escobar et al.,
is a clear tendency for highly incompatible varied with latitude from arc and intra-arc to
1979) and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of about
elements like Ta and Nb to become more back arc; at some latitudes more than one
0.706 (Hervé et al., 1988). The Triassic basic
depleted with time relative to somewhat less basin in different tectonic settings existed
incompatible elements (Y and Yb; Fig. 3B). lavas floored by a quasioceanic crust in the side by side (Stern et al., 1991; Mpodozis
The same tendency, although less pro- basement just north of the studied region and Allmendinger, 1993), with extension as
nounced, can be discerned among the ba- (the Pichidangui Formation) also could a common factor.
saltic andesites (Fig. 3A). In addition, both have influenced the magmas; the lavas con- A relationship between a mid-Cretaceous
diagrams show that the incompatible ele- tain about 200 ppm Sr (Vergara et al., 1991) superplume, high spreading rates in the
ments as a group become more depleted, and have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of about southeast Pacific (Larson, 1991), and exten-
passing from the Ajial to the Veta Negra 0.7034 (Nyström, unpub. information). The sion in northern Chile was proposed by
Formation. These patterns for the predom- crust below the Early Cretaceous arc, situ- Mpodozis and Allmendinger (1993). Åberg
inantly mantle-derived incompatible ele- ated east of the old Jurassic arc, was thinner et al. (1984) suggested that the basic lavas of
ments can be explained by an increase in and probably included a larger proportion this age in the Coast Range of central Chile
degree of partial melting and source deple- of young rocks of rather uniform 87Sr/86Sr (the Veta Negra Formation) formed during
tion (cf. Pearce and Parkinson, 1993), lead- ratios (the Jurassic rocks have lower initial an episode of slow sea-floor spreading,
ing to the formation of more immature vol- ratios within a more restricted range than based on data in Larson and Pitman (1972).
canic arcs with time. The relatively high the Paleozoic rocks of the basement; Parada However, the imprecise ages of the lavas do
abundances of HREE (low La/Yb ratios in et al., 1992). not permit a detailed correlation with the
Table 3; see also Fig. 3A) suggest a reduced Parada et al. (1991, 1992) reached a sim- spreading rates in the Pacific.
role for garnet during the generation of the ilar conclusion, that the arcs became more The Jurassic–Early Cretaceous history of
magmas. immature with time, based on geochemistry the Coast Range of central Chile resembles
Progressive crustal attenuation is not ob- and Sr-Nd isotope data for Jurassic and Cre- the Early Mesozoic intra-arc basin develop-
vious from the values of K, Rb, Ba, and Th taceous granitoids in the region studied by ment in the southwestern United States de-
for the basalts, because the Cretaceous ones us and to the north of it. Their interpreta- scribed by Busby-Spera (1988) and Riggs
and especially those from the Veta Negra tion is that asthenospheric upwelling led to and Busby-Spera (1990). Bimodal calc-alka-
Formation are generally richer in these el- generation of magmas from a progressively lic to mildly alkalic volcanic rocks formed in
ements than the Jurassic basalts (Fig. 3B). more depleted mantle, in combination with an extensional ensialic setting, with deposi-
However, high contents of alkalis and alka- a decreasing magmatic fertility of the lower tion of alternately marine and low-relief

1438 Geological Society of America Bulletin, December 1995


continental sequences; a rapidly subsiding of some oceanic island arcs (Levi et al., Aguirre, L., and Thomas, H., 1964, El contacto discordante entre
las formaciones cretácicas Quebrada Marquesa y Viñita en
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