What Is OLAP? Cube, Operations & Types in Data Warehouse
What Is OLAP? Cube, Operations & Types in Data Warehouse
What Is OLAP? Cube, Operations & Types in Data Warehouse
Analysts frequently need to group, aggregate and join data. These operations in relational
databases are resource intensive. With OLAP data can be pre-calculated and pre-aggregated,
making analysis faster.
OLAP databases are divided into one or more cubes. The cubes are designed in such a way that
creating and viewing reports become easy. OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing.
OLAP cube:
At the core of the OLAP concept, is an OLAP Cube. The OLAP cube is a data structure
optimized for very quick data analysis.
The OLAP Cube consists of numeric facts called measures which are categorized by dimensions.
OLAP Cube is also called the hypercube.
Usually, data operations and analysis are performed using the simple spreadsheet, where data
values are arranged in row and column format. This is ideal for two-dimensional data. However,
OLAP contains multidimensional data, with data usually obtained from a different and unrelated
source. Using a spreadsheet is not an optimal option. The cube can store and analyze
multidimensional data in a logical and orderly manner.
A Data warehouse would extract information from multiple data sources and formats like text
files, excel sheet, multimedia files, etc.
The extracted data is cleaned and transformed. Data is loaded into an OLAP server (or OLAP
cube) where information is pre-calculated in advance for further analysis.
1. Roll-up
2. Drill-down
3. Slice and dice
4. Pivot (rotate)
1) Roll-up:
1. Reducing dimensions
2. Climbing up concept hierarchy. Concept hierarchy is a system of grouping things based
on their order or level.
2) Drill-down
In drill-down data is fragmented into smaller parts. It is the opposite of the rollup process. It can
be done via
• Quater Q1 is drilled down to months January, February, and March. Corresponding sales
are also registers.
• In this example, dimension months are added.
3) Slice:
This operation is similar to a slice. The difference in dice is you select 2 or more dimensions that
result in the creation of a sub-cube.
4) Pivot
In Pivot, you rotate the data axes to provide a substitute presentation of data.