A New Treatment Method of Advanced Metastic Tumors
A New Treatment Method of Advanced Metastic Tumors
A New Treatment Method of Advanced Metastic Tumors
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1 author:
Christo Damyanov
Medical center Integrative medicine Sofia
All content following this page was uploaded by Christo Damyanov on 03 January 2020.
The experience gathered in the more than seven decades of applying the reductionist approach to
the treatment of oncological diseases has not justified the hopes and enormous financial expenses
invested in it, as it has not brought about any significant breakthrough in the treatment efficacy.
The tumour’s heterogeneity, resistance and adverse effects, combined with the high cost of applying
either chemotherapy or target therapy have been the major factors limiting the treatment efficacy all
of which are serious grounds for a reason to reassess the reductionist approach.
In an attempt to apply the systematic approach principles to the oncological diseases treatment
we turned to the opportunities offered by and the achievements of integrative oncology. Based on
the results demonstrated so far from the successful application of the Insulin Potentiated Therapy
(IPT) in our practice and following a long research period we developed a new protocol for
complex treatment of advanced metastatic tumors, whereby the leading methodology is a combined
application of IPT and Biomagnetic Pairs Therapy (BPT).
Until October 2018 ten patients with advanced metastatic tumors (Т3-4 N1-2 M1-2) were involved
in a combined IPT and BPT treatment. The tumors localisations being: four breast tumors, three
rectal tumors, two cervical tumors and one ovarian tumor.
The treatment of one of the patients was discontinued following his express wish. In two patients (the
cases considered here) a full clinical remission was established. In three patients a partial therapeutic
effect was registered. Their therapies continue with an outpatient treatment protocol. The treatment
of the rest of the patients is still in progress, with their condition being stabilised.
The results achieved so far albeit preliminary give us grounds and hope that our efforts will contribute
to bringing the medical community’s focus on the need for further development and application of
the systematic approach to the treatment of oncological diseases.
Keywords: Advance metastatic tumors; Insulin potentiation therapy, Biomagnetic pairs
OPEN ACCESS therapy; Goiz biomagnetic pairs
Damyanov C, Medical Center for Introduction
Integrative Medicine, Deliiska Vodenitza All statistical data demonstrate that the increasing oncological morbidity and mortality, i.e., the
Street, Bl. 330, 1592 Sofia, Bulgaria, treatment’s low efficacy, remain an unsolved and an ever deepening crisis of not only medical, but
E-mail: integramed@mail.bg also of world-wide social and economic dimensions.
Received Date: 20 Mar 2019
The hundreds of billions of dollars spent in the last decades (mainly for developing new
Accepted Date: 05 Apr 2019
chemicals) in “fighting cancer” notwithstanding, improvement in the survival rate of cancer patients
Published Date: 11 Apr 2019 has been registered for a few types of cancer only according to the Annual Report to the Nation on
Citation: the Status of Cancer, 1975 to 2014. It has become clearer than ever that the conventional concept
Damyanov C, Maslev I, Pavlov V, based on the reductionist approach that is fundamental to the traditional treatment of cancer can no
Todorov A. A New Treatment Method of longer satisfy the requirements of contemporary medical science, let alone the patients’ expectations
Advanced Metastatic Tumors. Ann Clin [1-3].
Case Rep. 2019; 4: 1647. The recent achievements in molecular biology gave rise to yet another hope for a breakthrough
ISSN: 2474-1655 in the cancer treatment efficacy with the widely advertised target therapy. However, a multitude of
Copyright © 2019 Damyanov C. This is problems which are having to do with the tumours’ heterogeneity and resistance to drugs, adverse
an open access article distributed under effects and the high price of the target therapy procedures proved once again the necessity of
the Creative Commons Attribution reassessing the reductionist approach and directing the medical community’s attention to a radical
License, which permits unrestricted change in the cancer treatment concept [1,4-6]. Therefore in an attempt to contribute to solving the
use, distribution, and reproduction in problems discussed, we turned to applying the instruments of the systematic approach to cancer
any medium, provided the original work treatment, particularly to integrative oncology’s techniques and possibilities. Seeking non-toxic
is properly cited. and efficient treatment methods in 2016 we introduced IPT in our clinical practice. The results
the same year with major symptoms as follows: weight loss, severe performed autonomous muscle testing. As a complementary
pain in the waist area and the limbs and strongly restricted motor outpatient treatment we prescribed dietary therapy, immunotherapy
activity. The initial Karnofsky performance status was 70, while the and supplements in accordance with the muscle testing outcome. The
Beretta symptomatic index for quality of life was 24 points. Prior number of IPT procedures reached 37 while that of BPT totaled 28.
to the treatment, the results of the laboratory test were as follows:
After February 2018 the patient’s condition improved
HGB 118 (R 120 to 160); RBC 3.76 T/l (R 3.9 to 6.5); ESR 45 mm
significantly the pain diminished and the motor activity began
(R<15); alkaline phosphatase 592 U/l (R<240); СЕА 15-3-49.27 U/ml
increasing gradually. After April 2018 the pain vanished while the
(R<25). The PET/CT prior to the treatment indicated lymphatic and
motor activity fully recovered. The laboratory test results indicated
generalised bone metastases.
normalisation of all parameters including the tumor marker. The
In December 2016 BPT was started following the biomagnetism. value of the symptomatic index for quality of life dropped from 24
net/training-course. In February 2017 in the course of treatment the to 1 point.
pain symptom gradually increased. In order to overcome it IPT was
A controlling PET/CT was performed in May 2018 with the
included at one-week intervals. The pain syndrome decreased upon
following results: thorax and lungs-no indications for metabolically-
the sixth application, after the tenth application the pain disappeared
active no dose lesions in the parenchyma of both lungs and the breast;
while the motor activity was recovered to a large degree. The treatment
absence of metabolically-active lesions in the bones; indications for
was terminated because of the express wish of the patient.
a metabolically-active soft-tissue lesion right-parasternally at the
However in August 2017 the patient’s condition having worsened 2nd to 3rd intercostal level, adjacent to which micro calcifications are
the treatment was resumed at one-week intervals with an IPT and observed; absence of metabolically-active lesions in the lymph nodes.
BPT combination under a new revised by us program. The IPT Under ultrasound control biopsy was carried out of the parasternal
applications consisted of three-component drugs combinations lesion in view of clarifying its state - no signs of a malignant process
comprising Endoxan, 5-Fu, Epirubicin, Cisplatin, Methotrexatе, were observed (Figure 2).
Vinorelbine, Etoposide, Carboplatin, Taxotere in a dosage ten
As of May 2018 the patient was in a state of complete clinical
times as low as the standard one. In order to select the chemo drug
combination each IPT application was preceded by autonomous
muscle testing. The drugs combinations were modified several The case presented above was included for treatment at the end
times during the treatment due to resistance to some of the chemo of our research period which resulted in the development of our
drugs. These corrections were made under the control of periodically own protocol for BPT. This is why a larger number of therapeutic
procedures were necessary. Recently our attention was caught by studies on the symbiosis
of the epithelial barriers and the microbiome as a decisive factor in
Case 2
the development and treatment of tumors [16,17]. The scientific data
In May 2018, V I M a 41-year old female patient was diagnosed accummulated so far on the role played by intracellularly reproduced
with right-breast carcinoma. She was recommended for surgery. A microorganisms in the tumoral genesis and development as well
month later as recommended by us a PET/CT was performed. The as by the inflammatory processes led us to the idea of seeking new
results indicating a bifocal tumour of the right breast engaging of possibilities of influencing efficiently both the microbiome and the
the ipsilateral limph nodes and generalised bone metastases. The inflammatory processes in the course of an individual therapeutic
histological examination showed highly to moderately differentiated program. Among the novel methods our interest was particularly
infiltrative ductal carcinoma (T4N1M1). The patient refused the drawn by Dr. Goiz’s hypothesis and theory on the BPT’s therapeutic
proposed chemotherapy. She was admitted to the clinic with effects.
complaints of severe pain in the neck and pelvis.
In 1988 Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, (Mexican physical therapist) laid
The visual examination of the right breast showed pigmentation the foundations of a new medical science-the Biomagnetism and
and skin retraction in the areola. A tumor formation could be built the concept and theory of BPT. This theory and its practice
palpated in the same area with a size of approximately 20 mm. The were based on the scientific research of Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer
Karnofsky performance status before the teatment was 70 while the of NASA for the role of the magnetic field in the human body. He
symptomatic index for quality of life was 26 points. The laboratory reached the conclusion that the organs and tissues in human have a
blood and biochemistry test results were within the reference values magnetic polarisation which is connected with the body’s pH index
but СА 15-3-51, 8 U/ml (R<25). (acidity or alkalinity) [10-13,17].
In June 2018 we started a treatment including BPT in According to Dr. Goiz a disturbance in the alkalinity/acidity
combination with ozone therapy and PEMF. After the first week IPT balance creates a medium favouring the development of viruses,
was included consisting in seven application in one-week intervals. bacteria, fungi and parasites. Scanning the body by magnetic pairs
The administered drugs were Endoxan, Ifosfamid, 5-Fu, Cisplatin, allows us to discover a magnetic disbalance which is indicative of
Epirubicin, Vinblastine, Vinorelbine and Methotrexate in a dosage a changed pH and correspondingly the presence of an infection.
ten times as low as the standard one. During the therapy course the Further the viruses and fungi exist in a symbiotic relationship while
chemo drugs had to be modified in accordance with the muscle testing the bacteria are parasites. A bacterium and a viruse resonate between
results. As a complementary outpatient treatment we prescribed one another which causes a disease; depending on the specific disease
dietary therapy, antioxidant therapy, immunotherapy, ozone therapy, one is pathogenic and the other-apathogenic. Bacteria and parasites
and PEMF. To deal with a dominating psycho-emotional disbalance live and grow in alkaline media while viruses and fungi in acidic
we included homeopathy, Reiki procedures and magnetic pairs for media. Based on these hypothetical considerations Dr. Goiz built
emotional disbalance. his BPT. It comprises two main components, body scanning in view
of finding magnetic pairs with disturbed polarity in different body
In the course of therapy the general and the psycho-emotional zones followed by a treatment phase whereby permanent magnets are
states improved, the pain subsided considerably while the areola placed and kept for 25 min to 30 min.
deformation disappeared. The value of the Beretta symptomatic index
for quality of life index fell from 24 to 1 point. The control laboratory Dr. Goiz’s research led him further to concluding that cancers
test i pointed to a normalisation of the tumour marker, CA 15-3 have their origin in the symbiosis of various viruses and bacteria. The
from 51.8 down to 13 U/ml (R<25), and of the alkaline phosphatase, association of pathogenic bacteria + pathogenic bacteria+pathogenic
from 445 U/l to 56 U/l (R<105). Further the control PET/CT carried virus+ Mycobacterium leprae results in a malignant process. All
out in September indicated the complete absence of metabolically- tumoral processes including the malignant ones are caused by
active lesions. Thus as of November 2018 the control examinations combinations of various pathogenic factors and can be diagnosed by
demonstrated a complete clinical remission (Figure 3). means of magnetic scanning. According to the Dr. Goiz’s theory the
following factors are the root causes of tumorigenesis:
1. Inflammation factor or factor damaging the cellullar
In searching for new opportunities of improving the overall membrane and nucleus. A pathogenic virus;
efficacy of our clinical practice particularly concerning the
metastatic tumors, we concentrated our efforts on two major field's 2. Localisation factor-pathogenic bacteria localised in
namely diagnostic techniques offering individualised selection of a biomagnetic pair or elsewhere, thus determining the tumor
medicaments in cancer treatment and efficient therapeutic methods localisation in the body. E.g., Proteus mirabilis localised in the
suitable for combining with the leading treatment method in our mediastinum may cause cancer of the oesophagus, while Enterobacter
practice-the IPT. Successively we introduced a method for selecting cloacae in the colon-intestinal cancer;
antitumoral medicaments using genetic testing of isolated circulating 3. Delayed tumor growth factor-another pathogenic
tumor cells (Biofocus, Germany) and autonomous muscle testing bacterium determining a slower tumor growth;
for selecting appropriate medicaments and treatment methods
based on the research and practice of Prof. Omura and Dr. Goiz.
4. Fast (explosive) tumor growth factor-presence of a fungus
causing certain tumors to grow faster than other;
The experience acquired so far by us in applying the two diagnostic
methods indicated a similar performance in 80% to 90 % of the cases. 5. Malignancy factor-presence of Mycobacterium leprae;
Thus using both diagnostic tests allows us to prepare individualised According to Dr. Goiz, the absence of Mycobacterium leprae as
therapeutic programmes for the patients treated to the clinic [15]. established by magnetic-pair scanning points to the presence of a
different formation, like an abscess or a haematoma, rather than a controlled clinical conditions the capabilities of the IPT with those
tumor; of the BPT demonstrated for the first time the synergy arising from
applying simultaneously the two methods. Furthermore in addition
6. Metastasis factor-the anaerobic bacteria Рseudomonas and
to our protocol’s anti tumorial efficacy we must emphasise the
Chlostridium cause metastases;
absence of toxic adverse effects and its low cost i.e. its accessibility.
7. Necrosis factor-presence of parasites [12,13,18].
It is our belief that the first although preliminary results
Relying on his practical experience and achieved results, Dr. Goiz obtained by us will play a noteworthy part in convincing the medical
affirms that the BPT leads to a full reversal of the tumoral process community to appreciate the necessity of considering the further
even in an advanced stage of the ailment. A failure can be expected development and application of the systematic approach to the
in the cases of preceding chemo or radiotherapy or of unstable treatment of oncological diseases.
psychological state.
We also believe that these results form the basis of further
Unfortunately rigorous scientific proof still lacking the above activities on optimising our therapeutic methodology. Thus
considerations remain in the realm of the hypothetical. accumulating sufficient experience worthy will be presented to the
Despite this method’s huge popularity particularly in South medical community in future publications.
America, but increasingly also in North America, the conventional Authors Contributions
medicine has turned its back to this treatment’s demonstrated
capabilities, and, with a few exceptions, no clinical tests have been Ch D, IM, VP and LA wrote the manuscript and revised the
reported that would prove or refute its therapeutic value. manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Immunotherapy. Cancer Cell. 2018;33(4):570-80.
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outrech of natural therapies. Madrid. 17. Zitvogel L, Ma Y, Raoult D, Kroemer G, Gajewski TF. The microbiome
in cancer immunotherapy: Diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies.
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Science. 2018;359(6382):1366-70.
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18. Elle Molineux. Biomagnetism training course. Ontario: Elle's Integrated
14. Mario Ricardo Rodríguez Ramírez. Book of Biomagnetic Pairs. Jalisco:
Chilife Virtual University; 2019.
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