Telia User Guide Eng 051218
Telia User Guide Eng 051218
Telia User Guide Eng 051218
User guide
1. Thank you for choosing Telia Yritysinternet!
Telia Yritysinternet is an Internet access designed for small companies but has also
ingredients for more extensive needs.
It is also an excellent access for remote work purposes. Yritysinternet is modular, and
thus the basic service can be supplemented according to the company needs. Supple-
mentary services are ordered and service changes to Yritysinternet are made through the
Telia Corporate Portal.
This user guide helps you configure the settings of your workstation before bringing the
Internet access into use, and answers the most common questions.
2. Definition of terms 4
7. Supplementary services 15
8. Corporate Portal 18
9. General settings 19
2. Definition of terms
3. Telia Yritysinternet service
The Telia Yritysinternet service comprises the basic features and supplementary services
described below.
Standard features
·· Customer modem
·· Transmission rate according to availability, maximum rate 200/200 Mbit/s
·· Network firewall
·· Access maintenance
·· Package A72h
·· Number of workstations/devices to be connected (1–12)
·· Management and Reporting service via the Telia Corporate Portal
·· Corporate Customer Service +358 (0)20 693 693 (Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm (mobile call
charge/local network charge).
4. Installation instructions for the LAN workstations
First check the following:
1. An installation engineer has installed the customer modem.
2. The customer device is connected to the LAN.
3. The cables are correctly connected.
4. The workstation/LAN device is defined to retrieve the IP addresses automatically.
Technicolor TG799vac
Technicolor TG799vac is a broadband terminal that supports most access technologies.
The device has a DSL port through which it can be connected to the service provider’s
DSL network.
At Ethernet sites, the device is connected via an Ethernet WAN port, the maximum
speed of which is 1 Gbit/s.
The device has four Ethernet LAN ports for customer devices, and the maximum speed
of these ports is 1 Gbit/s.
The built-in WLAN base station supports the standards 2.4 GHz (IEEE802.11n) and 5GHz
(IEEE802.11ac). The device has an integrated WLAN antenna.
Figure 1 TG799vac Front panel and status lights
Internet: Green when the device is connected to the Internet, and flashing when data is
being sent or received.
Wireless 2.4 GHz: Green when the 2.4 GHz WLAN radio is on, and flashing when data is
being sent or received over the link.
Wireless 5GHz: Green when the 5 GHz WLAN radio is on, and flashing when data is
being sent or received over the link.
Ethernet: Green when one of the device’s Ethernet ports is active, and flashing when
data is being sent or received.
NB: In a bright light, it may be difficult to see status lights that are on/flashing.
Connectors, power switch and socket:
At the rear of the device, there are connectors for an ADSL/VDSL connection, an
Ethernet WAN connection (1 Gbit/s) and four LAN/Ethernet (1 Gbit/s) ports for the
customer’s workstations. The figure below shows where the connectors are situated
and their color codes.
3 5
1 2 4 6 7 8
NB: An 8-wire cable (CAT 6) is recommended for use at the Ethernet port.
The WPS and DECT buttons on the side of the device are disabled.
A green light on the adapter indicates
that the device is functional. If the
light is off even though the device
is plugged into a power source, the
adapter is broken.
Technicolor TG799vn
Technicolor TG799 is a broadband terminal that supports most access technologies.
The device has an integrated WLAN antenna.
The device has 4 Ethernet LAN ports, one Ethernet WAN port and one IEEE 802.11n
WLAN base station.
The PSTN ports of the device are not in use.
·· The WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) button is disabled.
There are no switches on the front side of the device, but there are status lights at the
bottom of the front panel.
Normally the following status lights are on: to be checked.
At the rear of the device, there are connectors for an ADSL/VDSL connection, Ethernet
WAN (100 Mbit/s) and four ports (100 Mbit/s) for the customer’s workstations. The
location and color codes of the connectors are shown in the picture. In addition, there is
a power switch at the back as well as two green connectors and a black one. These are
not in use. The device has an integrated WLAN antenna.
Figure 6 TG799vn rear panel and connections
1 2 3 4 5
NB1: The Phone1, Phone2 and PSTN connectors on the left are not in use.
NB2: An 8-wire cable (CAT 6) is recommended for use at the Ethernet port.
Technicolor TG1100
Technicolor TG1100 is a broadband terminal device used at fiber sites (single-mode).
The device has 4 Ethernet LAN ports, a WAN port supporting fiber access, and an IEEE
802.11n WLAN base station. The PSTN ports of the device are not in use. There are
no switches on the front side of the device, but status lights can be found on the right
of the front panel.
The following status lights are normally on:
·· The Power led is
–– green when the power has been switched on and WLAN is in use
–– blue when the power has been switched on but WLAN is not in use
–– orange when the device is starting. This takes about 60 seconds.
–– red when an error has occurred
·· Broadband is green when the WAN link is up
·· Internet is green when the device has network access
·· Wireless is green when WLAN is on
·· Wireless flashes green when WLAN is transmitting or receiving
·· Ethernet is green when one of the LAN ports of the device is active
·· Ethernet flashes green when Ethernet LAN is transmitting or receiving
The status lights are dim and can best be seen directly from the top.
At the back, there are connectors for a single-mode fiber connection and WAN (1 Gbit/s),
and 4 Ethernet ports (1 Gbit/s) for the customer’s workstations. The location and color
codes of the connectors are shown in the picture. In addition, there is a power switch
and two green connectors at the back, but these are not in use The device has an
integrated WLAN antenna, and the WLAN service needs to be ordered separately.
Figure 9
TG1100 rear
panel and
1 2 3 4
NB 1: The Phone1 and Phone2 connectors on the left are not in use.
NB 2: An 8-wire cable (CAT 6) is recommended for use at the Ethernet ports.
If the default settings of the computer have been changed, you can check them in the
operating system instructions provided with the computer.
Network printer
A network printer refers to a printer shared through the LAN by several workstations. The
network printer is connected to one of the Ethernet connectors of the customer modem with
an Ethernet cable. If the printer supports wireless LAN (WLAN/Wi-Fi) and you have ordered
the wireless LAN service, available as a supplementary service, the printer can also connect-
ed to the network wirelessly. For more information, see the printer installation instructions.
It is recommended that a static IP address be used in network printers. This is a supple-
mentary service that must be ordered separately. You can find more specific instructions
for ordering and configuring a static IP address in section 7.4 Static IP addresses.
When you order a static IP address for a network printer, you will need the network
address (MAC address) of the network printer. The MAC address is device-specific and
usually marked in a type plate at the back or bottom of the device. The address consists of
12 characters separated from one another with colons or hyphens, e.g.: 00:0c:af:67:ff:2b.
The TCP/IP settings of the network printer must be defined to retrieve network settings
automatically from Telia’s DHCP server. Usually, this is the default setting, in which case no
changes are needed. If, however, the network printer is unable to get an IP address, please
make sure the network settings are configured correctly. The settings are easy to check by
printing the printer set-up page. For more information, please refer to the printer manuals.
Mobile devices
Mobile devices must support the wireless local area network (WLAN/Wi-Fi). Activate
the wireless LAN and search for the available networks. Choose the ID of the wireless
LAN of your Telia Yritysinternet access and enter the WPA2 network key of the wireless
LAN, defined in connection with the order. For more information, please see the manuals
provided with the device.
The wireless LAN of mobile phones typically works within a few dozen meters from the base
station. Obstructions, such as fixed structures and furniture, weaken the LAN coverage.
If you need help with installing workstations and other customer devices, you can
call Telia’s User Support at 0600 15 500, €2.25/min + local network charge / mobile
call charge, VAT 24%. Telia’s User Support is available Mon–Fri, 8am–8pm, and Sat,
Ordering channels
The Telia Corporate Portal ( is available for ordering, management
and reporting of the access.
The network firewall service is included in all rate classes. All access rates are also avail-
able fully open without the network firewall service. If the access has been ordered
as open, the customer is responsible for the appropriate information security. The
network firewall service includes a standardized rule definition that cannot be changed.
The network firewall allows traffic to the Internet but blocks traffic from the Internet to
the local area network of the access. Therefore, an access that has a network firewall
cannot have public servers that are shown on the Internet. The network firewall service is
implemented in Telia’s backbone network and does not require any action on the part of
the users, e.g. in workstations.
If you share the access capacity among several users without appropriate information
security solutions (e.g. personal firewalls and anti-virus software), you may jeopardize the
confidentiality of communications.
If you terminate the network firewall service, please note that the dynamic and static IP
addresses of the access will then also change.
7. Supplementary services
The supplementary services available for the access (service level, dynamic IP address-
es (more than 12), static IP address, and WLAN) are subject to a charge, and their invoic-
ing is described in the service description.
Ordering channels
You can order supplementary services through the Telia Corporate Portal (
taali), by contacting the Telia Corporate Customer Service or through the nearest retailer.
Internet communication
Network firewall with a standard set of rules
The traffic of an Yritysinternet access is routed through a network firewall implemented
in Telia’s backbone network. The network firewall with a standard set of rules is certified
and opens the ports used by Internet traffic to both directions, depending on the traffic
type. The standard rule set configured for the network firewall blocks traffic from the
Internet to the customer’s local area network. These rules cannot be customized. An
access that has a network firewall cannot have public servers that are shown on the
Internet. The network firewall with a standard set of rules is suitable for customers who
want to ensure the information security of their users’ Internet connections and of their
own LAN’s Internet access without hav-ing to make separate investments.
Network firewall with a standard set of rules is a supplementary service available free of
charge for the Yritysinternet access. The service can be activated when the access is
ordered. If the customer wants the network firewall service to be activated afterwards,
the change is subject to a charge according to the price-list valid at any given time. If the
change is made afterwards, the IP addresses of the access will change. The same will
happen if the network firewall is replaced with an open solution.
improve its information security by means of information security services. When fully
open Internet traffic is used, the customer must pay special attention to the infor-
mation security of the access, for example by installing a firewall in the LAN.
The implementation of Internet traffic is based on allowing traffic between the customer’s
local area network and the Internet. In the Telia Yritysinternet service, the monthly charge for
the access includes fully open Internet traffic, which means that traffic is not restricted and
the access is open to all Internet applications, ports and IP addresses. Fully open Internet
traffic can be restricted by introducing a network firewall service with a standard set of rules.
Different service levels are available for the access to shorten the access down time in
fault situations. Service level options available against a charge
·· A24 = Access down time 24h Mon–Fri 7:30am–6pm (excluding midweek holidays,
Sundays and holidays).
·· A12 = Access down time 12h Mon–Fri 7:30am–6pm (excluding midweek holidays.
Sundays and holidays).
·· A8 = Access down time 8h Mon–Fri 7:30am–6pm (excluding midweek holidays,
Sun-days and holidays).
·· B8 = Access down time 8h Mon–Fri 7:30am–10pm (excluding midweek holidays,
Sundays and holidays).
By default, the access has the A72 service level, which means that the access will be
repaired within 72 hours from the customer’s notification during service hours (e.g.
if the customer modem is broken). The service hours are Mon–Fri 7:30am–6:00pm
(excluding mid-week holidays).
The service level of the access comprises repairing the access during the service hours,
and does not apply to supplementary services.
The service includes by default 12 dynamic, public IP addresses that are allocated to the
access through a server (DHCP server) in Telia’s backbone network. The workstation or
the device to be connected to the LAN must then have the TCP/IP settings so defined
that the network settings are automatically retrieved from Telia’s DHCP server.
Additional addresses
It is possible to order more dynamic public IP addresses for the access as a supplemen-
tary service as follows:
NB: The lease time of the DHCP server IP addresses is 120 minutes.This means that
the dynamic IP addresses are kept reserved for 120 minutes before they are released
for use by other devices (when the customer device has been switched off or discon-
nected from the LAN).
As a supplementary service, at most 4 static public IP addresses can be acquired for
the access. You may need a static public IP address for a network printer or server, for
example. Static public IP addresses are allocated from Telia’s DHCP server on the basis
of the MAC address the customer has given. A MAC (Media Access Control) address is
the address identifying a network adapter in an Ethernet network.
To find the MAC address of a Windows computer, start the command window
(StartRun cmd, in the window that opens type ipconfig/all and press Enter). The MAC
address can be found on the Physical Address line of the desired network adapter.
Please note:
If the MAC address of your device changes, it is of utmost importance that you inform Telia of
the changed MAC address. Otherwise the configuration of the static IP address will not work!
NB: The device for which a static IP address has been defined must retrieve the address
automatically! Static IP address configuration must not be used in the service!
If you order or terminate the network firewall service for the access afterwards, please
note that the static IP addresses of the access will change.
7.5. Wireless local area network, WLAN
The customer device has the wireless local area network (WLAN) readiness built in. The
WLAN service is not activated by default, but it is a supplementary service available for
the access. Before the service is brought into use, please check the following:
·· You have ordered the WLAN service for your access from Telia.
·· Your device is equipped with a WLAN network adapter, and wireless connection is enabled.
·· The WLAN network interface card of your device supports the WPA2-PSK / AES encryption.
·· The Wireless lights on the customer modem are on. If the WLAN service has not been
activated within about an hour from the installation, please contact Telia.
The SSID and encryption key are agreed in connection with the order:
The wireless LAN identifier (SSID) can either be automatically and statically defined to
be Teliainternet or you can define it yourself according to the criteria you are given. The
name can include 3–31 characters, and the allowed characters are a–z, A–Z, 0–9, - and _.
When making the order, you can also define an encryption key. The encryption key must
contain 10–31 characters. The allowed characters are a–z, A–Z, 0–9, - and _. The encryp-
tion key must be entered once, when the service is introduced; after this, the workstation
sets up the connection automatically. If the password is lost, the customer can check it
in the management and reporting service (Telia Corporate Portal) or get it by contacting
Telia’s Corporate Customer Service. The customer’s right to obtain the network key will
then be verified.
8. Corporate Portal
The Telia Corporate Portal ( is available for ordering, management
and reporting of the Yritysinternet access. Corporate Portal is a versatile tool that
provides an overview of your company’s account and an opportunity to manage your
services whenever and wherever.
To use Corporate Portal, you only need an Internet connection. You can use it with a
computer, smartphone or tablet. Corporate Portal goes wherever you go. With 24/7
access, you can use Corporate Portal whenever it suits you best. Even if the customer
service is closed.
9. General settings
Technical details/servers:
Can also be found in the Yritysinternet customer data form, sent in connection with the
A workstation can no longer use Internet services.
If there are no more than twelve (12) terminal devices connected to your LAN, each of
which has just one active network connection to the Yritysinternet modem (workstations,
network printers and servers), the problem is most likely due to the LAN cables or the
workstation’s changed network settings. If, for example, a laptop computer is connected
to the network with a cable, and its wireless LAN (WLAN) connection is active at the
same time and configured to use the Yritysinternet connection, this workstation reserves
two IP addresses. If you use a cable connection, turn off the workstation’s WLAN
feature. IP addresses are reserved network connection specifically. The same worksta-
tion can thus use several network connections at the same time (e.g. laptop computer’s
cable and WLAN connections).
NB: The DHCP lease time of dynamic IP addresses of workstations is two hours at a
time. If several different terminal devices have been connected to your LAN during the
past two hours, it is possible that the dynamic IP addresses have temporarily run out. In
such a situation, you can acquire more dynamic IP addresses or alternatively wait for a
while for dynamic IP addresses to become available.
A new workstation cannot use Internet services.
Check that the workstation network settings (TCP/IP, browser) are correct. Check the
LAN cabling and that the network interface card of the workstation is working. It is also
possible that the dynamic IP addresses allocated to your access have run out, in which
case your workstation cannot get a new IP address from the DHCP server and is also
unable to establish a connection to the Internet. Check the number of the IP addresses
reserved for your access in the Telia Corpo-rate Portal and how many terminal devices
(workstations, printers) are connected to your LAN. If there are more terminal devices
than there are IP addresses reserved for your access, you can acquire more dynamic IP
addresses (max. 48 pcs.). Read more under “7.3 Vaihtuvat IP-osoitteet“.
NB: The DHCP lease time of dynamic IP addresses of workstations is two hours
at a time. If several different terminal devices have been connected to your LAN during
the past two hours, it is possible that the dynamic IP addresses have temporarily run
out. In such a situation, you can acquire more dynamic IP addresses or alternatively wait
for a while for dynamic IP addresses to become available.
A server was installed in the LAN, and it should be shown on the Inter-net.
If your access is protected by a network firewall, ordered as a supplementary service,
connections from the Internet to the customer are blocked. Therefore, public servers
shown on the Internet cannot be used on the access.
Internet connections do not work on any workstation.
Check the connections between the customer modem and the LAN hub (or switch), and
that the devices are connected to the power supply. Check that the line cable DSL on
the customer modem is connected and that the Broadband light is on.
Static IP address
I have defined a static IP address on my workstation, but Internet
traffic is not working.
Internet traffic will not work if you have set a static IP address in the TCP/IP settings of
the workstation. Internet traffic only works with the IP addresses that Telia’s DHCP serv-
er has allocated. Static public IP addresses are also allocated by Telia’s DHCP server on
the basis of the MAC address the customer has given. No changes should be made to
the TCP/IP settings of the workstation. See section 7.4 “Static IP addresses”.
The wireless LAN of the access is not working.
Wireless LAN is a charged supplementary service to be ordered sepa-rately. The wire-
less LAN has probably not been activated in your access. See section 7.5 “Wireless
network, WLAN”.
The wireless LAN service is in use in my access, but my workstation
cannot find the “Teliainternet” LAN ID (SSID).
The coverage area of the wireless LAN under unobstructed conditions
is a few dozen meters. The coverage area of the WLAN is weakened by wooden, brick
and concrete structures and also Venetian blinds. Check that your customer device is
placed in a central location in your office, with as short a distance to the different work-
stations as possible.
I have forgotten the WPA encryption key of the wireless LAN.
You can check and, if necessary, change the WPA encryption key of the WLAN in the Telia
Corporate Portal (, or by calling Telia’s Corporate Customer Service.
Introducing or removing a network firewall
I have introduced/terminated the network firewall service, after which the connection to
the Internet no longer works.
Make sure the customer device has received a new IP address by re-starting the device.
I have brought into use / cancelled the network firewall service, after which the connec-
tion to other devices (e.g. network printer) on the LAN no longer works. However, the
connection to the Internet does work.
In connection with introducing/terminating the network firewall service, all the IP
addresses of your Yritysinternet access change. If there is a device in your network
whose network connection is not working after the introduction/termination of the
network firewall service, check that the device in question has received a new IP
address. It is normally enough that the device in question is restarted (power off and on).
I have lost the password to the management service (Telia Corporate Portal) of the access.
You can request a new password on the login page of the Telia Corpo-rate Portal (telia.
fi/yritysportaali) by clicking on the link “Forgot your password?”. You can also contact
Telia’s Corporate Customer Service. It is a good idea to check the following matters
before contacting Telia:
·· Access identifier INYnnnnn (you can find the access ID on the customer modem, for
11. Contact information / Specialist assistance
Contact information for Telia’s Corporate Customer Service:
Chat with us at
We will help you with all questions Mon–Fri 8am–4:30pm.
If you need help with installing workstations and other customer devices, you can call
Telia’s User Support at 0600 15 500, €2.25/min + local network charge /
mobile call charge, VAT 24%.
Telia’s User Support is available Mon–Fri, 8am–8pm, and Sat, 9am–4:30pm.