Social Media Strategies Implication On Consumer Buying Behavior With Reference To E-Commerce Industry

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Synopsis Report on

“Social Media Strategies Implication on Consumer Buying

Behavior with Reference to E-Commerce Industry”
Submitted by
Submitted to

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Under the guidance of


Dr. Malini T. N
Department of Management Studies
NMIT, Bengaluru

Department of Management Studies

“Social media strategies implication on consumer buying behavior
with reference to e-commerce industry”
Social media is the online communications medium dedicated to community-
based input, interaction, and content-sharing. Websites and applications
dedicated to forums, social networking, social bookmarking etc. are among
the different types of social media. Facebook, Google plus, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Wikipedia, Pinterest etc. are some of the examples of social media. Social
media is becoming an integral part of life online as social websites and
applications proliferate. Most traditional online media include social
components, such as comment fields for users. In business, social media is
used to market products, promote brands, and connect to current customers
and foster new business. Social media marketing takes advantage of social
networking to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer
reach. The goal is to find out the impact of social media on consumer
behavior in urban areas. Consumers and businesses around the globe have
been more connected than ever before with the presence of Internet.

Social media needs to be a part of a company’s marketing budget because it

gives a powerful way to create a connection with the targeted audience. From
Instagram to LinkedIn, there are virtually limitless ways to interact and share
information as well as market the products. Social networks enable to connect
with new customers and stay in touch with the existence customers. Social
media enhances customer service by creating accessibility to customers who
have a tendency to seek immediate feedback. It responds in a timely manner
to their concerns and inquiries. Consumers rely on social sites to find out
about products and services. Optimized profiles and useful information will
create a positive first impression for online business.
Ecommerce is a shortened version of the phrase “electronic commerce” which
essentially describes any type of exchange of currency for goods or services
online. Ecommerce is an umbrella term that covers everything there is to do
with buying or selling online. Since the definition of ecommerce is so open-
ended (it literally includes any type of buying or selling of goods or services
online) there are so many different types of ecommerce businesses that exist.
Some of the E-commerce companies taken for the study in this project are

1. Amazon
2. Flipkart
3. Snapdeal

Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos in Bellevue, Washington, in July 1994.

The company initially started as an online marketplace for books but later
expanded to sell electronics, software, video games, apparel, furniture, food,
toys, and jewelry. In 2015, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most valuable
retailer in the United States by market capitalization. In 2017, Amazon
acquired Whole Foods Market for US$13.4 billion, which vastly increased
Amazon's presence as a brick-and-mortar retailer. In 2018, Bezos announced
that its two-day delivery service, Amazon Prime, had surpassed 100 million
subscribers worldwide.

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company based in Bengaluru, India. It was

founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007. The company initially
focused on book sales, before expanding into other product categories such as
consumer electronics, fashion, home essentials & groceries, and lifestyle

Snapdeal was founded on 4 February 2010 as a daily deal’s platform, but

expanded in September 2011 to become an online marketplace. Snapdeal has
grown to become one of the largest online market place in India. In March
2015, Snapdeal brought actor Aamir Khan for the promotion of its website in

Need for the study

The purpose of this study can

see the magnitude of the
influence of social media on e-
business in online business.
Through descriptive methods
and data collection through
observations and previous studies
related to social media and e-
commerce business. The results
by using the method are the
identification of the role of
social media in e-commerce
business in
developing the online business,
and the factors that encourage
consumers to buy products
through online
business. This research is done
because the previous studies are
still lacking in discussing what
make consumers choose online
business and the contribution of
social media in online business
The purpose of this study can
see the magnitude of the
influence of social media on e-
business in online business.
Through descriptive methods
and data collection through
observations and previous studies
related to social media and e-
commerce business. The results
by using the method are the
identification of the role of
social media in e-commerce
business in
developing the online business,
and the factors that encourage
consumers to buy products
through online
business. This research is done
because the previous studies are
still lacking in discussing what
make consumers choose online
business and the contribution of
social media in online business
The purpose of this study can
see the magnitude of the
influence of social media on e-
business in online business.
Through descriptive methods
and data collection through
observations and previous studies
related to social media and e-
commerce business. The results
by using the method are the
identification of the role of
social media in e-commerce
business in
developing the online business,
and the factors that encourage
consumers to buy products
through online
business. This research is done
because the previous studies are
still lacking in discussing what
make consumers choose online
business and the contribution of
social media in online business
The purpose of this study can
see the magnitude of the
influence of social media on e-
business in online business.
Through descriptive methods
and data collection through
observations and previous studies
related to social media and e-
commerce business. The results
by using the method are the
identification of the role of
social media in e-commerce
business in
developing the online business,
and the factors that encourage
consumers to buy products
through online
business. This research is done
because the previous studies are
still lacking in discussing what
make consumers choose online
business and the contribution of
social media in online business
The purpose of this study can see the magnitude of the influence of social media
on e-commerce business in online business. Through descriptive methods and
data collection through interviews, observations and previous studies related to
social media and e-commerce business. The results obtained by using the
method are the identification of the role of social media in e-commerce business
in developing the online business, and the factors that encourage consumers to
buy products through online business.

Literature review

Hoffman and Novak have indicated that interactivity is the key distinguishing
feature between marketing communication on the Internet and traditional mass
media. Today online consumers have more control and bargaining power than
consumers of physical stores because the Internet offers more interactivities
between consumers and product/service providers as well as greater availability
of information about products and services.

According to Hakansson and Snehota, social media marketing is the act of

gaining attention through social media sites. Social media has improved
communication for organizations, fostered brand awareness and has improved
customer service relationship of firms So therefore, social media is considered a
relatively inexpensive means for organizations to implement marketing to build
and improve their brand value.

Geissler and Zinkhan claimed that the Internet shifted the balance of power in
favor of consumers as it became very easy for them to make shopping
comparisons and evaluate alternatives without being pressured by salespeople.
Online stores reduce transaction costs and have advantage for both consumers
and vendors. One issue remains disputable is whether purchase intention can
effectively predict consumer buying behavior.

According to Weber, the social web will become the primary center of activity
in our lives. To put it differently people, use the social web as the world wide
web is sometimes called, instead of the old media for most of the services
supplied. On top of that, social web has brought a lot of new opportunities to
exchange knowledge worldwide. According to the Internet World Statistic in
June 2010, there were more than 1.96 billion people online. Given this, it can be
concluded that social web has great impact on the people. For instance, people
now interact and communicate as a society and use the web to extend existing
relationships. In recent times, firms have adopted this knowledge to target and
reach customers as well.

Sharma, assessed the online buying behavior of consumers in India, and found
that consumers are feared of unsecured transactions in online payment and
majority of online buyers are from 18-25 years.

Objectives of study

1. To find out the factors influencing the customer to purchase products

2. To identify the demographic profile of customers who purchase products
3. To find out the difference between marketing on social media and
through mass media.
4. To study the Social media adds of different e-commerce companies on
the social media.

Scope of Study

This study covers understanding various social media strategies of different e-

commerce companies to understand the impact of social media on the E-
commerce industry.

Methodology Adopted

Data is collected through primary sources. A well-structured questionnaire

prepared to collect data from respondents related Socio and Economic and
attributes induce social media users. Data will be collected from 100


The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and
thus happen to be original in character. The primary data are collected through
survey. This study has collected primary data through questionnaire from
various respondents such as students, professors, private sector employees and
IT employees.


Secondary data is the data that have been already collected and readily available
from the other sources such as, various publications of Central, State and Local
Governments, various publications of foreign governments or International
bodies, Technical and trade journals, Books, magazines, and newspaper, reports
prepared by research scholars, university economists and so on.

Limitations of the study

 The respondents may give biased response.

 Analysis was done based upon personal opinion of respondents
individually, not from any focus groups or experts.

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