Social Media Strategies Implication On Consumer Buying Behavior With Reference To E-Commerce Industry
Social Media Strategies Implication On Consumer Buying Behavior With Reference To E-Commerce Industry
Social Media Strategies Implication On Consumer Buying Behavior With Reference To E-Commerce Industry
Dr. Malini T. N
Department of Management Studies
NMIT, Bengaluru
1. Amazon
2. Flipkart
3. Snapdeal
Literature review
Hoffman and Novak have indicated that interactivity is the key distinguishing
feature between marketing communication on the Internet and traditional mass
media. Today online consumers have more control and bargaining power than
consumers of physical stores because the Internet offers more interactivities
between consumers and product/service providers as well as greater availability
of information about products and services.
Geissler and Zinkhan claimed that the Internet shifted the balance of power in
favor of consumers as it became very easy for them to make shopping
comparisons and evaluate alternatives without being pressured by salespeople.
Online stores reduce transaction costs and have advantage for both consumers
and vendors. One issue remains disputable is whether purchase intention can
effectively predict consumer buying behavior.
According to Weber, the social web will become the primary center of activity
in our lives. To put it differently people, use the social web as the world wide
web is sometimes called, instead of the old media for most of the services
supplied. On top of that, social web has brought a lot of new opportunities to
exchange knowledge worldwide. According to the Internet World Statistic in
June 2010, there were more than 1.96 billion people online. Given this, it can be
concluded that social web has great impact on the people. For instance, people
now interact and communicate as a society and use the web to extend existing
relationships. In recent times, firms have adopted this knowledge to target and
reach customers as well.
Sharma, assessed the online buying behavior of consumers in India, and found
that consumers are feared of unsecured transactions in online payment and
majority of online buyers are from 18-25 years.
Objectives of study
Scope of Study
Methodology Adopted
The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and
thus happen to be original in character. The primary data are collected through
survey. This study has collected primary data through questionnaire from
various respondents such as students, professors, private sector employees and
IT employees.
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected and readily available
from the other sources such as, various publications of Central, State and Local
Governments, various publications of foreign governments or International
bodies, Technical and trade journals, Books, magazines, and newspaper, reports
prepared by research scholars, university economists and so on.