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FY HMI Serial Command Set PDF

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Serial command set


One、Instruction Set........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Serial command overview ..................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Basic instruction set ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Configuration control instruction set..................................................................................................... 9

1.4 Serial HMI statement(Can only be written to the control's event when the project is edited)..... 18

1.5 Serial HMI system variable list ............................................................................................................. 19

One、Instruction Set

1.1 Serial command overview

◆ Instruction format specification:

1. All instruction names and parameters are all in ASCII string format, non-
binary data, easy to read and debug.

2. All instruction names use lowercase letters (only the instruction name is
lowercase, regardless of the parameter size status).

◆ Color format:

The LCD module uses 16-bit true color display, the picture is exquisite, the color
is rich, and the data format adopts the standard 565 color format:

65536 color setting method:

D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
5 4 3 2 1 0

65536 color R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

For example: pure red = F800 (hexadecimal) / 63488 (decimal), pure blue = 001F
(hexadecimal) / 31 (decimal)

Note: The user can debug and obtain the desired color value through software. The
color value can only be expressed in decimal value;

◆ Operation instructions:

The instruction set is divided into two parts: the configuration control instruction
set and the basic instruction set.

The main difference between the two is that the configuration instruction set is
directly object-oriented operation, and the relevant parameters of these objects are all
configured in advance in the host computer software, and downloaded together with the
picture to the screen memory; the basic instruction set can be understood as the most The
underlying instruction set, most operations must contain coordinate, color, font and other
parameter information. When the host computer interface editing software cannot fulfill
some of your special display requirements, the user uses the basic instructions to achieve
the desired display effect, such as clearing the screen. In most cases, these drawing
instructions are not needed. Most of the applications can be implemented through the
control operations of the interface editing software.

◆ Description:

The instruction end character is two bytes of “0x0D 0x0A”. When the
command is sent by the FY HMI system, the terminator is automatically added.
When using the universal serial port assistant, ensure that the serial port
assistant can automatically append “0x0D 0x0A”, otherwise you need to manually
append “0x0D 0x0A"
1.2 Basic instruction set

Instruction Function Parameter Instance Description

1. To get the decimal data of a certain color,

you can enter the software menu bar "Tools" -
Quantity:1 "Color Picker".
cls 1024 (screen with a decimal 1024
cls Clear screen
color value) 2. The color parameters in all the
parameter 1:Decimal color value
instructions in this instruction list all use
the decimal color value.


parameter 1:Starting point x

coordinate 1.pic 50,50,0 (Display the image with
pic Brush map the picture ID 0 in the resource file
parameter 2:Starting point y at coordinates (50, 50))

parameter 3:Image ID


parameter 1:Screen start point x 1. xpic 50,50,30,20,30,30,0 (Picture 0

coordinate start coordinate (30, 30) width 30
xpic Advanced cut height 20 This area is cut to the
parameter 2:Screen start point y screen display, the display start
coordinate coordinate on the screen is (50, 50))

parameter 3:Area width

parameter 4:Area height

parameter 5:Image starting point x


parameter 6:Image starting point y


parameter 7:Image ID


parameter 1:Screen start point x

1.picq 20,50,30,20,0 (Picture 0
This command requires the image to be a full-
parameter 2:Screen start point y starting coordinate (0,0) width 30
screen image, otherwise the cut image is not
picq crop coordinate height 20 This area is cut to the
what you want. The cut area on the picture
screen display, the display starting
overlaps with the display area on the screen.
parameter 3:Area width coordinate on the screen is (20, 50))

parameter 4:Area height

parameter 5:Image ID

Quantity:11 1. wristr
0,0,200,40,0,63488,1024,1,1,1,"FY HMI"
1. When the character is written beyond the
parameter 1:Starting point x (Use font 1 to write "FY HMI" in the
set w, it will automatically wrap. If the
area of starting coordinates (0,0),
Writing coordinate remaining characters are not written after the
wristr width 100, height 30, the font color
instruction line is changed to h, it will be ignored.
parameter 2:Starting point y is 63488, and the background color is
coordinate 31 (if you do not want to write the 2. For a description of the color values, see
background color (ie no background) the notes for the cls command.
parameter 3:Area width you can set The sta parameter is 3),
the horizontal alignment is centered,
parameter 4:Area height and the vertical alignment is also
parameter 5:Image ID

parameter 6:font color

parameter 7:Background color

(backcolor indicates the image ID when
sta is set to cut or picture);

parameter 8:Horizontal alignment (0

is left-aligned, 1 is centered, and 2
is right-aligned);

parameter 9:Vertical alignment (0 is

top aligned, 1 is centered, 2 is
bottom aligned);

parameter 10:Background fill mode (0

is cut, 1 is monochrome, 2 is picture,
3 is no background, when sta is set to
cut or picture, backcolor means
picture ID)

parameter 11:Character content


1.fill 50,50,100,30,1024 (In the

parameter 1:Starting point x
starting coordinate (0,0) width 100, For a description of the color values, see the
fill Area fill coordinate
height 30, this area is filled with a notes for the cls command.
color value of 1024)
parameter 2:Starting point y
parameter 3:Area width

parameter 4:Area height

parameter 5:Fill color


parameter 1:Starting point x

1.line 0,0,100,100,1024 (Draw a line
parameter 2:Starting point y with a color value of 1024 colors For a description of the color values, see the
line Draw line
coordinate between coordinates (0,0) and notes for the cls command.
coordinates (100,100))
parameter 3:End point x coordinate

parameter 4:End point y coordinate

parameter 5:Line color value


parameter 1:Starting point x

1. Draw draws a hollow rectangle. If you need
1.draw 0,0,100,100,1024 (Draw a to fill a solid rectangle, use the fill area
parameter 2:Starting point y
Draw rectangle with (0,0) in the upper left to fill the instruction directly.
draw coordinate
rectangle corner, (100,100) in the lower right
corner, and RED in color) 2. For a description of the color values, see
parameter 3:End point x coordinate the notes for the cls command.

parameter 4:End point y coordinate

parameter 5:Line color value


parameter 1:Center x coordinate

1.cir 100,100,30,1024 (Draw a hollow
rawing a circle with a radius of 30 with the For a description of the color values, see the
cir parameter 2:Center y coordinate
hollow circle coordinates (100, 100) as the center, notes for the cls command.
the color value is 1024)
parameter 3:Circle radius

parameter 4:Line color value


parameter 1:Center x coordinate

1. solcir 100,100,30,1024 (Draw a
Draw a solid hollow circle with a radius of 30 with For a description of the color values, see the
solcir parameter 2:Center y coordinate
circle the coordinates (100, 100) as the notes for the cls command.
center, the color value is 1024)
parameter 3:Circle radius

parameter 4:Line color value

1.3 Configuration control instruction set

Function Parameter Instance Description

Quantity:1 1.page 0(Refresh the page with ID 0)

When you need to jump to other interfaces, you
page refresh page 2.page main(Refresh the page with the can use the page directive to achieve
parameter:Page ID or page name instance name main)

1.ref 1(Redraw the control with ID 1) If a control is occluded by the content drawn by
Redraw the GUI instruction or needs to be displayed
ref 2.ref textBox0(Redraw the control
control after being occluded by another control, you can
parameter:Item ID or control name whose name is textBox0) use ref to redraw.

1.click btn0,0 (activates the pop-up The control's push/bounce event is automatically
Press/bounce parameter 1:Item ID or control name event of the control named btn0) activated when touched on the screen. If you want
event 2.click btn1,1 (activates the press to activate manually without touching it, use the
parameter 2:Event type, 0 is bounce and click command.
event of the control named btn1)
1 is pressed

1.get textBox0.txt (returns the txt

Quantity:1 attribute value of the control
get Get value textBox0)
parameter:Variable name 2.get number0.val(returns the val
attribute value of control number0)

Get variable 1. When the variable obtained by the read

Quantity:1 1.read textBox0.txt (returns the txt
value / instruction is a string type, the device directly
read attribute value of the control
constant returns the string inner code. If it is a numeric
parameter 1:Variable name textBox0)
value type (such as the val attribute of the progress
2. read number0.val get bar), the device directly returns the variable 4-
number0.val(returns the val attribute byte hexadecimal data (int type) ), the value
value of control number0) storage mode is little endian mode (ie, the low
bit is first and the high bit is after).
3. read “123” (Return the constant
string "123" ie: 0x31 0x32 0x33) 2. When using the read command to get data, the

4. read 123(Return constant value: 123 device only sends the data content, there is no
ie: 0x7b 0x00 0x00 0x00) start identifier, and there is no terminator.

3. The read command can be combined with the

readh instruction to add a custom flag to tell
the microcontroller which variable belongs to
which control.

1. When using the readh command to send data, the

device only sends the specified characters, does
Quantity:1 not send the start character, does not send a
Get a custom
1.readh d0 a0(Let the device send 0xd0 space, does not issue a terminator.
readh hexadecimal
parameter:The hexadecimal string 0xa0 two bytes)
byte 2. Each character in the parameter must have one
expression of the character to be sent
space and only one space, and the hexadecimal
string expression is supported.

1.vis button0,0(hidden button0 The first parameter is 255 for all controls on
Hide/show parameter 1:Control name or control ID control) the current page, for example: vis 255, 0 (hiding
control all controls on the current page) vis 255, 1
parameter 2:Status (0 is hidden, 1 is 2.vis button0,1(Show button0 control) (displays all controls on the current page)

1.tsw button0,0 (Let the control whose The first parameter is 255 for all controls on the
Control touch parameter 1:Control name or control ID name is button0 touch invalid) current page, for example: tsw 255, 0 (all controls
enable 2.tsw button0,1 (Let the control with on the current page are invalid) tsw 255, 1 (all
parameter 2:Status (0 is hidden, 1 is controls on the current page are valid).
the name button0 be valid)
1. Before using the random number, you need to use
the randset command to set the random number
generation range. If not, the default is minimum 0
and maximum 2147483647. After setting the range,
Quantity:2 each time the system variable rand is read, it will
1.randset 0,100 (Set the current get a random number.
Random number
randset parameter 1:Minimum random number generation range to a
range setting 2. Each time the range is set using the randset
minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100)
parameter 2:Maximum command, it will remain in effect until the power
is restored or the device is reset.

3. The data type of the random number setting range

is int type (ie: minimum -2147483648, maximum

1. Curve data only supports 8-bit data, with a

minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255.
2. Each page page supports up to 4 curve controls,
parameter 1:Curve control ID number and each curve control supports up to 4 channels.
Add data to
1.add 1,0,60 (Add data to channel 0 of Data can be sent continuously, and the control will
add the curve
parameter 2:Curve control channel the curve control with ID 1) automatically push the data. In the process of
number sending data, you can also modify the control
properties at any time, such as modifying the
parameter 3: (maximum 255, minimum 0)
foreground or background color of each channel at
any time.


Add specified 1.addw 1,0,0,100,50 (Add a sine wave 1. The amplitude and offset values only support 8-
parameter 1:Curve control ID number
waveform data data with an amplitude of 100 and a bit data, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255.
to the curve parameter 2:Curve control channel bias of 50 to the 0 channel of the 2. There are three waveform numbers: 0-sine wave;
control number curve control with ID 1) 1-square wave; 2: triangular wave;

parameter 3:Waveform number (0-2)

parameter 4:Curve waveform amplitude

parameter 5:Curve waveform offset

1.cle 1,0(Clear the 0 channel data of
Clear curve parameter 1:Curve control ID number the curve control with ID 1) 1. A channel number of 255 means that all channel
control data 2.cle 1,255(Clear all channel data for data in this curve control is cleared.
parameter 2:Curve control channel
the curve control with ID 1)

1. Curve data only supports 8-bit data, with a

minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255. Single
passthrough data volume up to 1024 bytes

2. After the transparent transmission command is

issued, the user needs to wait for the response
of the device to start transparent transmission
of data. After receiving the transparent
transmission command, the device needs to
parameter 1:Curve control ID number 1.addt 1,0,100(The curve control with transparently transmit the initialization data,
Curve data
ID 1 enters the data transparent which takes about 5ms (if there is still a lot of
addt parameter 2:Curve control channel transmission mode, and the number of serial buffer before the transparent transmission
number transparent transmission points is 100
instruction instruction is executed) The instruction will be
parameter 3:The number of points for longer.) After the device transparent
this passthrough data transmission is ready, it will send a transparent
data to the user (0XFE+terminator), indicating
that the device is ready, and can start sending
transparent data. The transparent data is pure
hexadecimal data. The string is no longer used,
and the terminator is no longer needed. After the
device receives the specified amount of data, the
command receiving state is restored. Otherwise,
the data is transparently transmitted. After the
transparent transmission data is completed, the
device will send an end tag to the user

3. The curve will not be refreshed until the

specified number of transparent transmissions is
completed, and will be automatically refreshed
immediately after the transmission is completed.

1. In the execution of a process with more

instructions, or in a long-term loop statement,
all control of the system is occupied by this
process. Before the process ends, although the
corresponding memory data can be read and written
normally, the screen is not Will refresh the
Transfer display, add doevents can transfer control to the
system screen refresh, after executing the results, the
doevents control to no 1.doevents
screen will refresh all the changed controls,
after the refresh, the control is returned to the
current process to continue. Prevent the screen
from showing a display state of suspended

2. In many cases, doevents are used with the while

or for statements. For the use method, please refer
to the instance of the while or for statement.

When the device receives this command, it will

Get the
immediately send the ID number of the current page
current page
to the serial port. If you want to automatically
repageid ID number to no 1.repageid
send the page ID every time you refresh the page,
the serial
please write the repageid statement in the
initialization event of the page.
1.covx slider0.val,textBox0.txt,0,0
(Convert the val variable of slider
parameter 1:Source variable slider0 into a decimal substring and 1.lenth always indicates the length of the string.
assign it to the txt variable of text When the value is converted to a string, it is the
parameter 2:Target variable textBox0, the length is automatic) length of the target variable. When the string is
Variable type converted to a value, it is the length of the source
covx parameter 3:The length of the string (0 2. covx textBox0.txt, slider0.val,0,0
conversion variable.
is the automatic length, non-zero is the (Converts the txt decimal digit string
fixed length) 2. If the target variable and the source variable
variable of text textBox0 to a numeric
type are the same, the conversion fails.
parameter 4:Declared value type (0- value and assigns it to the val
numeric variable of the slider
number; 1-currency; 2-Hex)
slider0, the length is automatic)

1.strlen tests the length in characters, and

btlen tests the length in bytes. For example, the
Quantity:2 length of a Chinese character tested with btlen
String 1.strlen textBox0.txt,n0.val (Assign
variable parameter 1: String variable to test the actual character length of the is 2 bytes, and the length tested with strlen is
character string variable textBox0.txt to 1 character.
parameter 2: Assign test results to this
length test n0.val)
variable 2. The variable being tested must be a string type,
and the variable to be written must be a numeric
type, otherwise an error will be reported.

1.btlen tests the length in bytes, and strlen

tests the length in characters. For example, the
Quantity:2 length of a Chinese character tested with btlen
1.btlen textBox0.txt,number0.val
String is 2 bytes, and the length tested with strlen is
parameter 1: String variable to test (Assign the actual byte length of the
btlen variable byte
string variable textBox0.txt to 1 character.
length test parameter 2: Assign test results to this
variable 2. The variable being tested must be a string type,
and the variable to be written must be a numeric
type, otherwise an error will be reported.

parameter 1:Source variable

1.substr textBox0.txt,t1.txt,0,2
parameter 2:Target variable
String (Through the 0 position in
interception parameter 3:The starting position of textBox0.txt, 2 characters are
assigned to t1.txt)
the character in the source variable

parameter 4:Intercept string length


Touch touch_j (Enter touch calibration All devices have been calibrated at the factory and
touch_j no
calibration function) are generally not required.

1. After the screen refresh is paused, all

statements will continue to be parsed and
executed, and the corresponding attribute
assignment operation will also run normally, but
the controls on the screen will not be refreshed.
Modifying any of the properties of any control
will not automatically refresh the display (but
the attribute is already Was modified normally).
Pause screen The modified control will refresh the display
ref_stop no ref_stop
refresh immediately after the device receives the
recovery refresh command (ref_star).

2. After the refresh is paused, even if the ref

instruction is used, it will not be refreshed
immediately, until the ref_star instruction is
executed, the system will be uniformly refreshed,
but all gui drawing instructions (such as drawing
points, lines, circles, etc.) are not affected. ,
will be displayed immediately.
This directive is used in conjunction with
ref_star screen no ref_star

1. After the serial port instruction is

suspended, the device will continue to accept the
instruction, but it will not be executed. All of
them will be placed in the instruction buffer
area. After receiving the “com_star”
instruction, the device will start from the time
of the paused instruction to all the instructions
com_stop no com_stop up to the present. carried out.
execution 2. When using the command suspend and resume
function, evaluate whether the serial buffer size
of your device and the maximum number of
instruction cache queues are sufficient to support
the number of instructions you need to cache. These
two parameters can be found in the parameter list
in the equipment specification you purchased.

com_star no com_star

Clear all
that have not
code_c been executed no code_c
in the serial
rest Reset no rest
1.4 Serial HMI statement(Can only be written to the control's event when the project is edited)

Statement Instance Description

1.If the system variable sys0 is equal to "100" then page 0 is

1. Numerical type variable support: 1. Greater than judgment (>) 2. Less
than judgment (<) 3. Equal judgment (==) 4. Not equal to judgment (!=) 5.
if(sys0 ==100) Greater than or equal to judgment (>=). 6. Less than or equal to judgment
if (<=).
2. String type only supports 1. Equal to judgment (==) 2. Not equal to
page 0
judgment (!=).

1.n0.val has been added to 100 until the screen is not refreshed
during the self-adding process until the end of all statements in
the whole process
1. In the execution of a process with more instructions, or in a long-term
while(number0.val<100) loop statement, all control rights of the system are occupied by this
process. Before the end of the process, although the corresponding memory
data can be arbitrarily read and written normally, The screen will not
number0.val++ refresh the display. After adding the doevents, you can transfer control to
the screen refresh. After performing the results, the screen will refresh
while all the changed controls. After the refresh, the control will be returned
2. n0.val has been automatically added to 100, the screen will to the current process to continue. Prevent the screen from showing a
continue to refresh the display of the n0 control during the self- display state of suspended animation.
addition process. 2. During the loop of the while statement, the device will not respond to
while(number0.val<100) the touch event. The serial port command will receive the buffer, but it
will not be executed until all the statements in the current process are
{ executed. Please use it carefully to prevent an infinite loop.


1.number0.val is incremented by one each time, and the loop is

not repeated until the end of all the statements in the loop
1. In the execution of a process with more instructions, or in a long-term
for(number0.val=0; number0.val<100; number0.val++)
loop statement, all control rights of the system are occupied by this
{ process. Before the end of the process, although the corresponding memory
data can be arbitrarily read and written normally, The screen will not
prog0.val= number0.val
refresh the display. After adding the doevents, you can transfer control to
} the screen refresh. After performing the results, the screen will refresh
for all the changed controls. After the refresh, the control will be returned
2.var0.val Add one each time, loop 100 times, the screen will
to the current process to continue. Prevent the screen from showing a
continuously refresh the display of prog0 control during the loop display state of suspended animation.
for(var0.val=0;var0.val<100;var0.val++) 2. During the loop of the for statement, the device will not respond to the
touch event. The serial port will receive the buffer, but it will not be
executed until all the statements in the current process are executed.
doevents Please use it carefully to prevent an infinite loop.


1.5 Serial HMI system variable list

All variable names use lowercase characters

instruction Function Instance Remarks

1. dp=1 (Set the current page to 1, which is

dp Current page ID
equivalent to page 1)
2. read dp(send the face page ID to the serial

3. number0.val=dp (The current page ID is

assigned to number0.val)

1. presdim=50
presdim Current backlight brightness value (0-100)
2. presdim=presdim +10

Power-on default backlight brightness
defdim 2.defdim=defdim +10
value (0-100)
3.defdim=defdim -10

The baud rate supported by the device is :9600

presbaud Current baud rate value presbaud=9600
19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 460800

defbaud Power-on default baud rate value defbaud=9600

Only valid for characters written by the wristr

Character display horizontal spacing instruction. The character display spacing of the
spax spax=2
(power-on default is 0) control is determined by the properties inside the

Only valid for characters written by the wristr

Character display vertical spacing (power- instruction. The character display spacing of the
spay spay=2
on default is 0) control is determined by the internal properties
of the control.

thc Brush color when touching a drawing 1.thc=1024

1.thdra=0 (close)
thdra Touch drawing function switch
No serial data automatic sleep time (unit:
ussp=30(30 seconds without serial data
ussp second, minimum 3, maximum 65535, power-on
automatically enters sleep mode)
default 0)

Automatic sleep time without touch

thsp=30(30 seconds without touch operation
thsp operation (unit: second, minimum 3,
automatically enters sleep mode)
maximum 65535, power-on default 0)

1.thup=0(Touch does not wake up automatically

after sleep) Regardless of whether thup is 0 or 1, the device
Touch the automatic wake-up switch in
thup will send touch coordinates to the serial port
sleep mode (power-on default 0) 2.thup=1(Touch wake up automatically after when there is a touch operation in sleep mode.

1.usup=0(The serial port does not wake up Power-on default is 0, does not customize wake-up,
Serial data automatic wake-up switch in automatically after sleep) you need to send sleep=0 to wake up the screen, if
sleep mode (power-on default 0) 2.usup=1(Automatic wake-up of the serial port set to 1, the serial port will automatically wake
after sleep) up immediately after receiving any data.

1.wup=255(Power-on default, refresh sleep

Refresh page settings after wake-up from before wake-up page) The device is already in sleep state, and can also
sleep 2.wup=2 (Refresh the page specified page after perform the wup=X assignment from the serial port.
wake-up: 2)

In the sleep state, you can execute the following

commands: get, read, readh. It is also possible to
execute the assignment statement of sleep=1,
1.sleep=0 (Exit sleep) wup=X, and support the upper software to be
sleep Sleep online, other instructions will not be executed.
2.sleep=1 (Going to sleep) In the case of the enhanced and above series and
the extended IO is configured to bind control
events, no interrupt events are generated in sleep
This setting only affects the success or failure
1.bkcmd=0(Do not return results) of the serial command execution. When the command
2.bkcmd=1(Only return successful results) written by the upper software editing interface is
Set the data return of the serial command
executed incorrectly, the error result will be
bkcmd execution success or failure (power-on 3.bkcmd=2(Only return failed results) returned. If it succeeds, the execution result
default is 2)
4.bkcmd=3(Return results if successful or will not be returned. This setting also does not
failed) affect the return of data when acquiring device
control data.

1.rexy=0(close) After the send function is turned on, the device

Get touch coordinate function switch in
rexy will acquire the touch coordinates through the
real time 2.rexy=1(open) serial port when the touch is pressed.

After executing the delay instruction, the device

CPU will not execute any instructions, but will
delay Delay delay=100 (Let the device pause 100ms)
continue to accept the serial port instructions to
save to the serial command buffer.

1. Before using the random number, you need to use

the randset command to set the random number
generation range. If not set, the default is
1.presdim=rand (Assign a random number to the
minimum 0 and maximum 2147483647. After setting
backlight brightness)
rand random number the range, each time the system variable rand is
2.number0.val=rand (Assign a random number to read, a random number will be obtained.
the number0.val variable)
2. Each time the range is set using the randset
command, it will remain in effect until the power
is restored or the device is reset.

1.sys0=10 Sys0, sys1, sys2 The three numeric variables are

sys0 global types, no definition, no creation, and any
sys1 Built-in numerical variables page can be used at any time. The power-on default
3.sys2=60 is 0, it can be read, it can be assigned, and the
sys2 data type is int type (ie: minimum -2147483648,
maximum 2147483647). Recommended when passing
values between pages. Using built-in numeric
variables to do operations is faster than using
control property variables.

1.get tch0: Current touch coordinate X

2.get tch1: Current touch coordinate Y The touch coordinates can only be read, and cannot
tch0-tch3 Touch coordinates be assigned. When not pressed, the real-time
3.get tch2: Coordinate X when last pressed coordinate data is 0.
4.get tch3: The coordinates of the last press y
FY HMI 串口指令集 2018-7-28

郑州飞逸科技有限公司 24

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