Sexist Language of "Pelakor and Pebinor": Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

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International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH)
ISSN 2580-0981 (online)
Volume 2 Number 1 (2019): 26-31

Sexist language of “Pelakor and Pebinor”

Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim
Liguistik Departement, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

When in social media or everyday life rampant infidelity occurs, whether due to lifestyle, economy, and
so forth. Economic demands intrigue principals to do so unnaturally. Until sometimes netizens make the
acronym separate from the words of the affair, such as a beautiful interlude intact households,
distractions in saturated times, a beautiful family interlude collapsed, and so forth. The perpetrators of
infidelity sometimes even openly execute. Because they consider the affair is a natural thing in the
present day. Infidelity sometimes happens either fiction or in a literary or non-fiction / real work. Society
sometimes herded for various opinions that reflect one party. Be it both material and inmaterial matter.
And this leads the author to issue words that lately often heard of the pelakor and pebinor.
Keywords: Sexist; Pelakor; Pebinor

Language as a communication tool and interaction tool that only human, language and can be
studied internally and externally. Internal review means that the assessment is only done on the internal
structure of the language alone, such as its phonological structure, its morphological structure, or its
syntactic structure. In contrast, external studies mean that the study was conducted on things or factors
that are outside the language related to language usage by its speakers within the social groups of society
(Abdul Khaer 2010: 1).
Language is a means of communication, the unifying of mankind. Language is also essentially a
system of symbols that are not only the order of sounds empirically but have a nonempirical meaning.
Thus the language is a symbol system that has a meaning, is a tool of human communication, pouring
human emotions, and is a means to channel the human mind in everyday life.
As Bertrand Russell puts it, language has conformity with the structure of reality and fact. And
further reinforced by Wittgenstein that language is a picture of reality.
Language and style of language are growing rapidly, sometimes follow the current or that era.
And we can not deny it. Humans, thought, language and culture are closely related and sometimes
inseparable. Humans are influenced by their environment, culture, and speaking.
Technological advances affect the way we speak and respond to things.
In real life or in social media, sometimes we are faced with the word cheating. Cheating, as well
as we know, is betrayed the couple. In the modern era has a lot going on whether it's news we see from
social media or from friends to friends, and even our closest person alone can do so.
The activity of infidelity is a disgraceful activity, whether religious or moral. Such activities are
not exemplary, which can damage the order of human life. But at this moment we can not deny infidelity
rampant happened either in women or men. And now the trend of words to express the infidelity is
"Pelakor and Pebinor". The word pelakor itself has the meaning of the seizurer man (husband) person,
and the meaning of the word pebinor is usurper bini (wife) people.

DOI: Research Synergy Foundation

International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), Vol. 2 (1), 26-31
Sexist language of “Pelakor and Pebinor”
Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

The problem to be discussed in this research is how the position of sexist meaning in the pelakor
and pebinor from the standpoint of language, as the development of social reality.

This research is a qualitative description, the data in this study is taken from sosial media. This
data based on sociolinguistics.
The term sociolinguistics is used generally for the study of the relationship between language and
society. This is a broad area of investigation that developed through the interaction of linguistics with a
number of other academic disciplines. It has strong connections with antrhopology through the study of
language and culture, and with sociology through the investigation of the role language plays in the
organization of social groups and institutions. It is also tied to social psychology, particularly with regard
to how attitudes and perceptions are expressed and how in group and out group behavior are identified.
We use all these connections when we try analyze language from a social perspective (George Yule 2010:
Sexism in research was first recognized as a major problem around the mid 1970s. Most analyses
in research focus either on one discipline or subject area or else on one type of sexism. Indeed, we do not
tend to speak of “types of sexism”, but of “sexism”, pure and simple. The term sexism suggest s that we
are dealing with one problem that may manifest itself in different areas differently, but which
nevertheless is a single basic problem. What one might call the “big blob” theory of sexism.
Sexism is here broken down into seven different types. Of these seven types, four are primary, and
three are derived. Primary problems are those that cannot be reduced one to the other, although they
coexist and often overlap. Derived problems are problems that are not logically distinct from the
primary problems but which appear so frequentlythat they warrant being identified by a special label.
The primary problems are Androcentricity, overgeneralization, gender intensitivity, and double
standard. Derived problems are sex appropriateness, familism, sexual dichotomism. (Eichler Margrit
2000: 6-15)
a. Androcenticity is essentially a view of the world from a male perspective. It manifests when the
ego is constructed as male rather than females, such as when "intergroup warfare" is defined as
a means of gaining women and slaves.
b. Overgeneralization/ over specifity occurs when a study deals with only one sex but present
itself as if it were applicable to both sexes.
c. Gender insensitivity is a simple problem: it consists of ignoring , socially important variable.
d. Double standards are by no means easy to identify although it may sound easy: it involves
recognizing behaviors, traits or situations as identical when they bear different labels or are
described in different terms.
e. Sex Appropriateness becomes a problem when human traits or attributes are assigned only to
one sex or the other and are treated as more important for the sex to which they have been
f. Familism is a particular instance of gender insentivity.
g. Sexual dichotomism is another subaspect of the use of double standards.

© 2019 International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH) │ 27
ISSN 2580-0981 (online)
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), Vol. 2 (1), 26-31
Sexist language of “Pelakor and Pebinor”
Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

Surely we have often heard the word affair, which means betraying a spouse, be it a husband or
wife. And now the word pelakor and pebinor often sound either in social media or we meet in
neighboring life, or the environment around us.
Sexism is hate or discrimination based on the sex of a person. Sexist attitudes may stem from
traditional stereotypes or gender roles. According to Lakoff, the underlying assumption of sexism is an
ideology that reflects the injustice of women's dignity and is reflected in the various linguistic
arrangements that constitute the ideology. For example: in the world of work, a boss / leader is usually a
man because men are considered more "good" in the lead than women. A smoker woman will be viewed
as a "bad woman", but a male smoker will be considered normal or normal.Solving the problem of
sexism in research. When we regard a problem as simple, a single solution often seems appropriate. Once
we begin to differentiate among different distinct components of a problem. However, different and
distinct solutions become a necessity. When we fail to make proper distinctions, we may unwittingly and
despite the very best intentions, replace one problem os sexism with another.
The analysis of sexism in language provides a case in point. Early and incisive studies of sexism in
language convinced a number of organizations and individuals that sexist was unacceptable these
analyses pointed out the use of so called generic male and sexist, and often they included reference
demeaning terms as girls for women or nonparallel terms. (mrs. Indra but not Mr. kiki indra or the use of
Mrs. Or miss which indicate marital status versus Mr., which does not).
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in operation, and it's purpose is to investigate how the
convention of the language use relate to other aspects of social behavior (C Criper and H. G. Widdowson
in J.P.B. Allen and S. Piet Corder (ed) 1975:156).

Krisdayanti vs Raul Lemos

Indonesian music diva, Krisdayanti horrendous world celebrities because of news of infidelity
with East Timorese businessman, Raul Lemos. After 13 years of marriage, a beautiful artist who is
familiarly called KD is willing to leave Anang Hermansyah and his two children. Anang and Krisdayanti
divorced on October 22, 2009, and a few months later KD married Raul who now has two children.
Analysis of the Sosiolinguitics perpective
On the picture above, we see Raul Lemos and Krisdayanti, at the moment in 2009 Krisdayanti
have a Pil (pria Idaman Lain). And Raul Lemos have a Wil (wanita Idaman Lain). And pil and wil have a
convention language is called pelakor and pebinor.

Ahmad Dani vs Mulan Jameelah

His wife duet friend made an affair Ahmad Dani. Yes, she is Mulan Jameela who once paired with
Maia Estianty. Ahmad Dani and Maia finally divorced in 2008 ago. Uniquely, Ahmad Dani for years can
muffle the issue of infidelity with Mulan. Until finally he admitted to having married siri with Mulan and
has been blessed with a beautiful daughter, Safeea.
From the news gossip and picture above, Ahmad Dani has an affair with Mulan jamila, and she has
a wil/wanita idaman lain. Or today called is pelakor. Pelakor / seizer the husband of people as if just
blame the woman only, but they both do the same thing.

28 │ © 2019 International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH)
ISSN 2580-0981 (online)
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), Vol. 2 (1), 26-31
Sexist language of “Pelakor and Pebinor”
Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

Demian Aditya vs Sara

Many do not think if Demian willing to marry the widow of one child, Yulia Rahman.
Unfortunately, their marriage did not last long, because 2012 Yuli caught Demian was making out with a
model named Sara. Yulia and Demian's finally divorce and soon gossip becomes a fact because Demian
and Sara finally married in May 2014 ago.
From the news above, we will see that Demian have a “wil” (wanita idaman lain), they have an
affair with sara. And the word of “Wil” I think , be better, better than pelakor because of they equally
wrong not the only woman is a struggle.
From the news gossip above wil/wanita idaman lain (other ideal women) pil/pria idaman lain
(other dream men) experiencing the development of cultural methapora or having a confession which
was originally called “Mata Keranjang”, “Mata Buaya” this term was used in the nineties until early
twentieth period, and the change is due to a cultural shift. Whether it is influenced by Indonesian culture
itself or influenced by ideology-based ideology, and this is the time when the word is progressing again
called "pelakor (usurper man)" and "pebinor" (snatcher of people). The above words are clear that it has
a dialect of Jakarta. And those words just come out and become the current trend. The people of eastern
Indonesia tend to like to follow the style or language of Java island because they consider the style is
better, more beautiful to use. And this we can see from some local radio stations, especially Makassar
where I gain knowledge, and some radio in kendari, they tend to feel that following the western
Indonesian culture is cooler. And the surrounding community was ultimately affected by the culture or
language they created.
Language sometimes arises from the culture or phenomenon that arises, such as the phenomenon
of the artist who found cheating. We can not deny the artist appeal of a society. Citizen tends always
follow what the artist does it, whether it is the people who only listen and those who eventually cause the
phenomenon of what the artist does. With the rampant issue of infidelity among artists came the
unexpected words of "Pelakor and Pebinor". Our society is creative enough to sort words out. These
words arise from the consequences of cultural shifts either influenced by Indonesian culture or
influenced by the understanding of religion experienced.
Pelakor : perebut laki orang
Perebut : suizer
Laki : Husband (suami)
Orang : people have (kepunyaan, milik)

Pebinor : Perebut bini orang

Perebut : Suizer (memaksa)
Bini : wife (istri)
Orang : people (kepunyaan, milik)

Technology, especially social media, and some infotaiment contributed from the term said pelakor
and pebinor. People see the phenomenon of infidelity among artists and to create new terms, giving rise
to new languages, cultures from what they see.

Thanks to LPDP Indonesia and the Pharmacy Faculty of Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar and
Stikes Nani Hasanuddin, who was very helpful to the author during the course of the research.

© 2019 International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH) │ 29
ISSN 2580-0981 (online)
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), Vol. 2 (1), 26-31
Sexist language of “Pelakor and Pebinor”
Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

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Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Mustakim

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ISSN 2580-0981 (online)

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