Technologies For Building Grids: 15 October 2004

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15th October 2004

Technologies for Building

EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833


 To understand the major Java environment packages for writing

and deploying Java services and clients

 Basic concepts of containers

 Some JAX-RPC basics.

 Basics of deploying to containers

 An introduction to the ANT tool.

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 2

Making java based web services

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 3

Java web services development
• Main components used:
 J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
• Provides basic Java environment: compiler, virtual machine, etc.

 JWSDP (Java Web Services Developer Pack)

• Provides web services specific java APIs.
• Automatic code generation to provide web services communication
(eg. stubs)

 Container (Tomcat/Axis)
• Provides access to low level communications protocols (eg. http
through web server. Axis also provides some functions such as XML

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 4

What’s in JWSDP
• (JAX = Java APIs for XML)
• JAX-RPC (Remote Procedure Calls)
 APIs for using web services and automatically creating ‘glue’ code to make
it work.
• JAXP (Processing)
 XML parsing components
• JAXR (Registries)
 UDDI etc.
• JAXM (Messaging)
 depricated
• JAXB (Binding)
 Mapping XML to Java
• SAAJ (SOAP with attachments API for Java)
 Produce and consume SOAP messages

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 5

The classpath

• With java based web services development the most

common source of problems is with incorrectly set
variables in the classpath.

• Similarly with Globus toolkit based grid development.

• The classpath is often the first place to look for compile

time problems.

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Axis – Tomcat what’s the difference?

• Tomcat was developed as a container to add functionality

to the Apache web server.

• Tomcat deals mainly with servlets (non- web services).

• Tomcat was adapted to deal with web services initially

• Axis is the new development specifically for web services –

actually is like Tomcat +.

• Can use Tomcat but moving towards Axis.

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Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 8

JAX-RPC API packages
• javax.xml.rpc Core classes for the client side programming model

• javax.xml.rpc.encoding Java primatives <-> XML SOAP messages

• javax.xml.rpc.handler processing XML messages

• javax.xml.rpc.handler.soap

• javax.xml.rpc.holders support the use of IO parameters

• javax.xml.rpc.server minimal API for web service inplementation

• Javax.xml.rpc.soap specific SOAP bindings

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JAX-RPC Architecture

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 10

Java web service flow

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 11

Defining a service

• A service can be defined starting with:

 A java interface

 A WSDL document

• Which to use?
 If the service end point interface is defined in java it may not be
interoperable with services/clients defined in other languages

 If the service is initially defined in WSDL it will be open

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Client side Implementation

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 13


• Generates
 Compiled class files + optionally source files for stubs to interface
with client side JAX-RPC

 WSDL file

 Model file

Example commandline

wscompile –gen:client –d output/client –classpath classpath config-file

(add –keep –s to retain java source files)

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 14

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?>
<configuration xmlns=“”>
<service name=“……..”

<interface name=“……………………………”/>

name = name of service

targetNamespace = namespace of WSDL for names associated with the
service eg. port type
typeNamespace = namespace of WSDL for data types
packageName = name of java package

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Generated files

Some of the client side generated files:

Value type

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 16 file

• The file corresponds to the definition of

the interface for the web service, ie it contains the same
info as the <service> element in the config file.

package servicePackage;

import javax.xml.rpc.*;

Public interface Service extends javax.aml.rpc.Service

public servicePackage getServicePort();

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 17

Referencing the stub

• In order to get an object to reference the stub you have to

instantiate Service_Impl.
 (Unfortunately this name is only recommended)

• Service_Impl service = new Service_Impl ();

• value* name = (value)service.getServicePort


• With this reference you can call the methods of the service.

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 18

Stub Interface (javax.xml.rpc.Stub)
Public interface Stub
public abstract Object _getProperty (String name) throws
public abstract Iterator _getPropertyNames ();
public abstract void _setProperty(String name, Object
value) throws JAXRPCException;

These methods allow the stub to be configured by setting various properties.

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Deploying with JWSDP - Tomcat

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 20

Making the container aware of a servlet
• The web server has to be aware of the interface and
exposed methods of a servlet in order to use it.
• Using Tomcat as an example this can be done in a
number of ways.

1. Enter the values manually into the SOAP admin page

from a Deployment descriptor.
2. You can use the SOAP manager application from the command line

3. You can manually edit Tomcat’s WEB-INFO/web.xml file

4. You can create a WAR file and place it in Tomcat’s webapps folder
5. You can use ANT

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Using a WAR file

• A WAR file is basically an archive description of a servlet

(JAR and WAR naming derives from UNIX TAR – java archive, web archive,
tape archive).

• Example: placed in Tomcat’s webapps folder it can be

interpreted by the container.

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 22

Deployment Descriptor

A SOAP manager file

<isd:service xmlns:isd=“”
<isd:provider type=“java” scope=“Application” methods=“getQty”>
<isd:java class=“StockQuantity”/>

Some containers (Tomcat) provide GUIs for deployment

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 23

Additional WAR files required for

WEB-INF/web.xml Web application deployment


WEB-INF/jaxrpc-ri.xml JWSDP-specific deployment


WEB-INF/model Model file generated by wscompile

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 24

web.xml file
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC “-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application

<display-name>Service Name</display-name>
<description>A web service application</description>

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 25

Creating a deployable WAR file

wsdeploy –o targetFileName portableWarFileName

㻷㼋㼈㻃㼓 㼕㼒㼆㼈㼖㼖㻃㼌㼖㻃㼌㼑㼉㼒㼕㼐 㼈㼇 㻃㼅 㼜㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼆㼒㼑㼗㼈㼑㼗㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈 jaxrpc-ri.xml 㼉 㼌㼏㼈㻑

㼆㼏㼄㼖㼖㻃㼉 㼌㼏㼈㼖㻃㼄㼑㼇 㻃㼕㼈㼖㼒㼘㼕㼆㼈㼖
㼆㼒㼐 㼓 㼌㼏㼈㼇 㻃㼆㼏㼄㼖㼖㻃㼉 㼌㼏㼈㼖㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼗㼌㼈㼖
㼆㼒㼐 㼓 㼌㼏㼈㼇 㻃㼆㼏㼄㼖㼖㻃㼉 㼌㼏㼈㼖㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃㼖㼈㼕㼌㼄㼏㼌㼝㼈㼕㼖
㻺 㻶㻧㻯㻃㻋 㼌㼑㻃㻺 㻨㻥㻐㻬㻱㻩㻃㼇 㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕㼜㻌
㼐 㼒㼇 㼈㼏㻃㼉 㼌㼏㼈㻃㼉㼒㼕㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㼖㼈㼕㼙㼌㼆㼈㻃㻋 㻃㼌㼑㻃㻺 㻨㻥㻐㻬㻱㻩㻌
㼐 㼒㼇 㼌㼉 㼌㼈 㼇 㻃web.xml㻃㼉 㼌㼏㼈
jaxrpc-ri-runtime.xml㻃㻋 㼅 㼄㼖㼈㼇 㻃㼒㼑㻃jaxrpc-ri.xml㻌

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 26

Package Structure for JAX-RPC Service

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 27

Introducing the ANT tool

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 28


Ant – Another Neat Tool

• Ant is a tool for building projects

• It uses a build file, called build.xml, to determine how to

build a particular project

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 29


• ANT performs similar functions to make as a software

project build tool.

• Build.xml is similar to a Makefile

• It is written in Java and is therefore entirely platform


Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 30

Understanding Ant

• The key to understanding Ant is to understand the

build.xml file structure

<project ..>
<property .../>
<target .../>

• The root element is project

• There are then properties elements, which can be set
externally or internally to the file
• There are also target elements which specify what
actions are to be taken

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 31

Target in ANT

The use of the word target can be confusing.

In ANT a target is an action

It is not a destination – as the word is used in some other

development environments.

(There is also a task in ANT – this is a finer grained action

than a target.)

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 32

Example Project (1)

• The next few slides will demonstrate the use of Ant to build
a very simple project

• There are three classes in the Project

 Person
• Contains a name, age and an Address
 Address
• Contains street, town and country information
 Display
• Instantiates 3 Person classes and displays their details on the
command line

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 33

Example Project (2)

• All the source files are in a package structure in a

directory called src

• An example output would be:

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 34

Compile Example

• This example will perform a simple compile

<project name="PeopleProject" default="compile" basedir=".">

<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="src" location="src"/>
<target name="compile” >
<!-- Compile the java code -->
<javac srcdir="${src}"/>

• There is only one target, which will compile all classes in

the same location as the source files

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More Complex Example

• This example will now create a directory called build and

put the compiled code in there, preserving package

<property name="src" location="src"/>

<property name="build" location="build"/>

<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${build}"/>

<target name="compile" depends="init" >

<!-- Compile the java code -->
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}“ />

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Creating JAR files (1)

• This build.xml will require two runs:

 One to compile and package in to a JAR
 One to clean up unnecessary files

<project name="PeopleProject" default="dist" basedir=".">

<target name="init" description="prepare the environment">

<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
<mkdir dir="lib"/>


Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 37

Creating JAR files (2)


<target name="compile" depends="init" >

<!-- Compile the java code -->
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}"/>

<target name="dist" depends="compile" >

<jar jarfile="lib/PeopleProject.jar" basedir="${build}"/>

<target name="clean" description="clean up">

<delete dir="${build}"/>


Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 38

Invoking targets

• Here dist invokes clean so we now only require one run

of ant

<target name="dist" depends="compile" >

<jar jarfile="lib/PeopleProject.jar" basedir="${build}"/>
<antcall target="clean"/>

<target name="clean" description="clean up" >

<delete dir="${build}"/>

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Setting the classpath

• To set the classpath, use the classpath task and specify

the appropriate pathelement tags

<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}">

<pathelement path="${basedir}/lib/Jar1.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${basedir}/lib/Jar2.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${basedir}/lib/Jar2.jar"/>

• All of the above JAR files will now be on the class path
when the source is compiled

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 40

Copying Files

• The copy task in ant allow you to copy files and/or


<copy file=“Example.txt" toDir="MyFiles/"/>

• This example will copy the file Example.txt to the

MyFiles directory.

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 41

Looking ahead to Globus and Ant

• Much of the work in building and deploying Grid Services

for Globus can be done using Ant build files
• The next few slides will go through some of the build files
that are provided with Globus
• You can also write your own build files for use with Globus

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 42


• The main build file that is provided with Globus contains a

target called startContainer

<target name="startContainer">
<ant antfile="${}" target="startContainer"/>

• This is invoking a target with the same name in another

build file called
• We will see this target on the next slide

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 43


• Here is the target in

<target name="startContainer" depends="setJbossClientClasspath,



• The dependencies add JAR files to the classpath

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Starting a Java VM
• The java task runs the specified Java class

<target name="startContainer" depends="setJbossClientClasspath,





• The fork attribute indicates that this class should be run

in a new VM
Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 45
Specifying Java Options (1)

• The arg task allows you to specify arguments for the class

<java classname="org.globus.ogsa.server.ServiceContainer"
<arg line="-p ${service.port}"/>
<arg line="-${container.initialization}"/>

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Specifying Java Options (2)

• The arguments being used would, so far, be equivalent to:

java org.globus.ogsa.server.ServiceContainer –p 8080 -eager

• The –p switch specifies the port

• container.initializion has evaluated to eager

Introduction to web services, 3-4 June 2004 - 47


• The classpath is set using properties specified in an

external properties file
<project ... >
<property file=""/>

<arg line="-p ${service.port}"/>

<arg line="-${container.initialization}"/>


<pathelement location="${ogsa.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${samples.lib}/${samples.jar}"/>
<path refid="classpath"/>

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