Exercise 1

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Q1 Two types of fracture surface in engineering component as illustrated in Figure Q1.

(a) State two (2) modes of failure.

(2 marks)
(b) Describes and sketch the Stress and Strain Curves for each mode failure and
give an example for each material. Judge the stress and strain is dominant in
engineering design.
(14 marks)
(c) Distinguishes the of failure modes mechanism as stated in answer Q1 (a).
(9 marks)

Figure Q1

Q2 (a) What is Fracture Toughness and why is important in engineering design?

(6 marks)
(b) A center-cracked plate of low alloy steel has dimension of b = 40 mm and t = 15
mm. For a safety factor of three against brittle fracture. (Use K1C = 66 MPa ½).
Refer Figure Q2.

(i) Determine, maximum permissible force P on the plate if the crack length,
2a = 20 mm.
(ii) If the yield stress of the material is 1000 MPa and the design stress is half
of the yield stress, obtain the allowable defect size in the material.
Comments your result based on fracture mechanics approaches.
(19 marks)

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