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Department of Mathematics & Statistics: Instructor: Office Hours: Preface

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Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Concordia University

MAST 235
Linear Algebra and Applications II
Summer 2020

Instructor: Dr. A. Atoyan, Office: LB 1041-24 (SGW)

Email: armen.atoyan@concordia.ca

Office hours: Wednesday: 13:30-15:00.

Preface: Because of the Covid-19 lockdown, this course will be given completely
ONLINE, the lectures and all other activities will be organized on Zoom

Textbook: Linear Algebra, Theory and Applications, by Ward Cheney & David Kincaid, 2nd
Edition, Publisher: Jones & Bartlett.

Prerequisites: Math 234 or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course.

Objectives: This course will focus on applications of the theory studied in Math 234 and its
further development. There are two major concepts, on which this course is
based: (a) Linear Systems & Operators, and their applications such as Economic
Models or Dynamical systems, where also the Eigentheory is applied, and (b)
Inner Product Spaces, leading to applications like Orthogonalization, Least
Square solutions, and SVD diagonalization. The general objective of the course
is to master your understanding and skills in these key concepts of Linear
Algebra that will be critical for further Algebra courses in your curriculum.

Pedagogy: Classes and all work in this course use the Maple as the tool, not object of study.
The structure of the classes includes lecture time on the theory, alternating with
problem solving tasks done in class by students individually. Mathematical
issues that arise during problem solving are discussed in class.

Software: Maple (version 17 or higher) is mandatory for this course. The Waterloo
Maplesoft is making Maple (“Student’s edition", quite sufficient for the course)
available to Concordia students at a special price. In this course the software is
only used as a computational tool, not as an object of study in itself.
All the tests, the final examination and the assignments are done using Maple.

Assignments: Assignment are done using Maple and are submitted online through Moodle.
Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments contribute 15% to your
final grade (see the Grading Scheme). Working regularly on the assignments, as
well as class attendance and working on the problems in the class, is essential
for success in this course.

Departmental website  www.concordia.ca/artsci/math-stats.html

MAST 235 – Summer 2020
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Midterm Test: There will be one midterm test (based on the material of Lectures 1-6 which
will contribute up to 30% to your final grade (see the Grading Scheme). It will
be held in class on Tuesday May 26, 2020, and will be 70 min long.
NOTE: It is the Department's policy that tests missed for any reason, including
illness, cannot be made up. If you missed the midterm because of illness (to be
confirmed by a valid medical note) the final exam can count for 80% of your
final grade, and 20% will be contributed by the assignments and quizzes (see
the Grading Scheme).

Final Exam: The Final Examination will be 2 hours long and will be written using Maple.
Students are responsible for finding out the date and time of the final exam
once the schedule is posted by the Examinations Office. Conflicts or problems
with the schedule of the final exam must be reported directly to the
Examinations Office, not to the Instructor. Students are to be available until
the end of the final exam period. Conflicts due to travel plans will not be

NOTE: There are no supplemental exams for this course.

Grading Scheme: The final grade will be based on the higher of (a) and (b) below:

(a) 15% for the assignments.

5% for the best of 2 quizzes (written in class)
30% for the class test
50% for the final examination.

(b) 15% for the assignments

5% for the best of 2 quizzes
15% for the class test
65% for the final examination.

The grading scheme for this course includes graded assignments of which a reasonable representative subset
will be graded. Students will not be told in advance which subset of the assigned problems will be marked
and should therefore attempt all assigned problems.

IMPORTANT: NOTE that there is NO “100% FINAL EXAM” option in this course.
The term work contributes at least 25% to the final grade. Therefore active
participation in classes and continuous work on the course material during the
semester is essential for success in this course.

Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course outline and
course content should this be necessary for academic or other reasons. Every
effort will be made to minimize such changes.
MAST 235 – Summer 2020
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Week/ Textbook Topics Recommended

Lecture Problems
1/1 Sections 1.3, 2.3, 2.3 • Network Problems (Sec. 2.1, pp.99-100) G.Ex. 1.3
LINEAR SYSTEMS: # 5, 13, 25, 47, 63
NETWORKS G.Ex 2.3: 1, 21,39
G.Ex. 2.1: # 6, 30, 42
1/2 Sections 2.4, 6.1, 8.3 • Economic Models (pp.177-180, 385-388, 548-551) Comp.Ex. 2.4
LINEAR SYSTEMS: o Theorem 14 (p.177), Theorem 4 (p.549) # 1, 2, 3.
ECONOMIC o Closed Leontieff Model
MODELS o Open Leontieff Model
2/3 Sections 4.1, 4.2/3.2 • Determinants: overview and basic properties Gen.Ex. 3.2
DETERMINANTS • Applications: # 19, 69, 73, 75
PROPERTIES & o Interpolation Problem (pp. 231-233). Gen.Ex. 4.2
APPLICATIONS o Vandermonde matrix (pp. 279-280). # 7, 27, 33, 45

2/4 QUIZ 1 QUIZ 1 (based on Lectures 1-3)

Sections 6.1, 2.2 • Diagonalization and powers of a matrix (pp. 371-380) Comp.Ex. 2.2
EIGENTHEORY • Application: Dynamical Systems (pp. 380-385). # 1, 2
AND DYNAMICAL o Systems with Real eigenvalues Comp. Ex. 6.1
SYSTEMS o The Predator-Prey simulation (pp. 125-126) # 1, 2, 7, 13
o Systems with Complex eigenvalues

3/5 Section 7.1 • The concept of inner product space over real and G.Ex. 7.1
INNER PRODUCT complex numbers (pp. 403-408) # 5, 15, 17, 19, 35, 67,
SPACES o Definition 71, 77
o Properties
• The norm in an inner product space (Theorem 1, p.
o The Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality
o The Triangle Inequality
o The Pythagorean Theorem
3/6 Section 7.1 • Orthogonality of vectors (Theorems 2, 4, pp.411, 412). G.Ex. 7.1
ORTHOGONAL • Orthogonal Projection (Theorem 5, p.413) # 3, 11, 13, 51, 57
PROJECTION • Angle (p.415).
• Orthogonal complements (pp. 416-419)

4a Midterm TEST The TEST will be based on the material of the Lectures 1-6 G.Ex. 7.1
# 27, 31, 39
4b/7 Section 7.1 • Orthonormal bases & subspaces , unitary matrices
SUBSPACES (pp. 419-423, Theorems 9-15)

4/8 Section 7.2

APPLICATIONS OF • The Gram-Schmidt Process (pp.432-439), G.Ex. 7.2
ORTHOGONALITY Theorems 1 & 2. # 7, 9, 23, 25, 27, 29
Gram Matrix

5/9 Section 7.2 • Normal Equations and the Least Squares solutions to G.Ex. 7.2
LEAST SQUARES an inconsistent system; Theorem 3. (pp. 439-445) # 1, 3, 5, 11, 13
SOLUTION • Geometrical interpretation of the least-squares in terms
of distance, projections and hyperplanes.
MAST 235 – Summer 2020
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5/10 Section 8.1 • Hermitian matrices, symmetric matrices G.Ex. 8.1

HERMITIAN • Self-adjoint mappings # 1, 3, 9, 17, 25, 33
MATRICES & • Eigenvalues of Hermitian and symmetric matrices
6/11 QUIZ 2 QUIZ 2 (based on Lectures 7, 8, 9, 10) G.Ex. 8.1
# 27, 29, 39, 47
Section 8.1 • Spectral Theorem (Theorems 6 and 7) G.Ex. 8.1
SPECTRAL • Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and applications # 11, 61
THEOREM & (pp. 470-472)
APPLICATIONS. • Quadratic Forms
6/12 Sections 8.2
SVD FACTORIZTION • Singular Value Decomposition (pp. 501-502)

7 REVIEW Review class

Academic Integrity and the Academic Code of Conduct

This course is governed by Concordia University's policies on Academic Integrity and the Academic Code of Conduct as set forth
in the Undergraduate Calendar and the Graduate Calendar. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies
and conduct themselves accordingly. "Concordia University has several resources available to students to better understand and
uphold academic integrity. Concordia’s website on academic integrity can be found at the following address, which also includes
links to each Faculty and the School of Graduate studies: concordia.ca/students/academic-integrity." [Undergraduate Calendar, Sec

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