Ghosts, Ufos, and Magic: Positive Affect and The Experiential System

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association

2007, Vol. 92, No. 5, 905–919 0022-3514/07/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.5.905

Ghosts, UFOs, and Magic: Positive Affect and the Experiential System

Laura A. King, Chad M. Burton, and Stephen M. Drigotas

Joshua A. Hicks Johns Hopkins University
University of Missouri—Columbia

Three studies examined the potential interactions of the experiential system and positive affect (PA) in
predicting superstitious beliefs and sympathetic magic. In Study 1, experientiality and induced positive
mood interacted to predict the emergence of belief in videos purporting to show unidentified flying
objects or ghosts. In Study 2, naturally occurring PA interacted with experientiality to predict suscep-
tibility to sympathetic magic, specifically difficulty in throwing darts at a picture of a baby (demon-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

strating the law of similarity). In Study 3, induced mood interacted with experientiality to predict sitting
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

farther away from, and expressing less liking for, a partner who had stepped in excrement (demonstrating
the law of contagion). Results are interpreted as indicating that PA promotes experiential processing.
Implications for the psychology of nonrational beliefs and behaviors are discussed.

Keywords: positive affect, intuition, sympathetic magic, paranormal beliefs

The only force I fear more than human irrationality is irrationality intuitive or experiential system. Before we describe the particular
armed with passion.—Leo Rosten foci of the present studies, a brief summary of CEST may help to
set the context for this investigation.
Perhaps as long as there have been human beings, human
irrationality has been discussed, puzzled over, criticized (e.g.,
Dawes, 2001; Evans & Over, 1997; McCrone, 1994; Stanovich, Cognitive–Experiential Self-Theory
1999) and, occasionally, celebrated (see innumerable popular love
songs as well as Gladwell, 2005; Weiner, 2005). Although irratio- CEST asserts that personality may be understood as comprising
nality is often viewed as being at the core of many historical, two systems that give rise to two types of processing. Epstein and
social, and personal tragedies, there is also an acknowledgement his colleagues have compiled an impressive body of evidence for
that nonrational processes relate to important human emotional the existence of these two systems and their independent opera-
experiences, creativity, and artistic expression (e.g., Langan-Fox & tions (e.g., Epstein, 1994; Epstein, Lipson, Holstein, & Huh,
Shirley, 2003; Raidl & Lubart, 2000 –2001; Weiner, 2005). His- 1992). Within CEST, the experiential system is fast and automatic.
torically, of course, social psychologists have played a large role in It operates holistically and is associationistic. The experiential
documenting human irrationality (e.g., Tversky & Kahneman, system is resistant to change and is prone to broad generalizations
2002). Increasingly, psychologists and others have come to appre- and to emotional complexes. Behavior that is guided by the expe-
ciate that a nonrational gut reaction may represent an efficient riential system is mediated by vibes from the past (Epstein, 1990,
method of processing information, particularly in situations in 1993, 1998). Research has linked the experiential system to the use
which reliance on existing knowledge structures is reasonable of heuristics in problem-solving tasks (Epstein, Pacini, Denes-Raj,
(e.g., Bless, 2001; Dijksterhuis, Bos, Nordgren, & van Baaren, & Heier, 1996; Shiloh, Salton, & Sharabi, 2002). The processing
2006; Gladwell, 2005; Klein, 2004; Vaughn, 1979). style that characterizes the experiential system has been measured
Cognitive– experiential self-theory (CEST, e.g., Epstein, 1990, using the Faith in Intuition (FI) Scale, or the Experientiality Scale
1993, 1998) provides a rich conceptualization of the two aspects of (Pacini & Epstein, 1999).
human information processing, the logical rational system and the In contrast to the experiential system, the rational system is slow
and intentional. Its processing is effortful and logical. Behavior
that is guided by the rational system is mediated by conscious
Laura A. King, Chad M. Burton, and Joshua A. Hicks, Department of appraisals (Epstein, 1990, 1993, 1994; Epstein et al., 1996). The
Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri–Columbia; Stephen M. rational system has been shown to relate to the application of
Drigotas, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins probabilities and logic in problem-solving tasks (e.g., Alonso &
University. Fernandez-Berrocal, 2003). The processing style that characterizes
These studies were supported by National Institute of Mental Health the rational system is an analytic one that is measured using a
Grant R01-54142. We thank Summer Smith, Christie Scollon, Teresa variation on Need for Cognition (NC) (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982).
Williams, Nathan Smith, and Brittany Boone for their assistance in data
Both systems have been associated with adaptive functioning,
collection and coding. We also thank Sarah Bruno for her contribution to
Study 3.
including heightened self-esteem and lowered depression and anx-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Laura A. iety (Epstein et al, 1996). Though a modest relation has been
King, Department of Psychological Sciences, 210 McAlester Hall, Univer- shown between the rational system and measures of intelligence,
sity of Missouri—Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. E-mail: the experiential system is not related to intellectual functioning (Epstein et al, 1996).


Readers of the social cognitive and cognitive literatures may cognition has shown that PA leads to increased reliance on heu-
note that CEST overlaps to some extent with other dual-process ristic cues (e.g., Bodenhausen, Kramer, & Süsser, 1994; Ruder &
models of information processing. Many of these models posit a Bless, 2003). Epstein (1994) further described the experiential
faster automatic system and a slower, more intentional analytic system as subject to broad generalizations. Research on mood and
system (e.g., Bargh, 1989; Evans, Newstead, & Byrne, 1993; cognition has shown that happy people are more apt to use broad
Higgins, 1989; Stanovich, 1999; Stanovich & West, 2000; Tversky generalizations in the form of stereotypes when making social
& Kahneman, 1983; Weinberger & McClelland, 1991). Typically, judgments (see Bodenhausen, 1993, for a review). The experiential
however, these approaches have not addressed individual differ- system is also described as a source for creativity (Epstein, 1994;
ences in processing styles (although see Newstead, Handley, Har- Raidl & Lubart, 2000 –2001). Isen and colleagues (Isen, Daubman,
ley, Wright, & Farrelly, 2004; Stanovich, 1999). & Nowicki, 1987; Isen, Johnson, Mertz, & Robinson, 1985) have
Individual differences in the tendency to rely on these different found that the experience of PA leads to the flexible processing of
processing styles represent a largely untapped domain for empir- information and creative problem solving. The experiential system
ical research. Most dual-processing models focus on describing is described as holistic. Research on affect and attentional focus
human problem solving and decision making via these two routes.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

has found that the experience of PA leads to a global or broadened

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Given that they represent an adequate accounting, it makes sense focus (Fredrickson, 2001; Gasper & Clore, 2002; Isen, 1987).
to consider the individual differences that may exist within these Building on Epstein’s description (e.g., 1993), we suggest that the
styles. On any given task, there is variation in reliance on the two experiential system may represent a general knowledge structure
types of processing, even if, in general, people respond with slow in the sense that it represents the person’s stockpile of experience
effortful processing to one task and more automatic processing for and impressions and operates instantaneously and nonconsciously.
another. In a similar vein, Kosslyn et al. (2002) have argued that In turn, research has shown that PA leads an individual to rely on
variation in physical systems demands attention to individual
his or her general knowledge structures (Bless et al., 1996).
differences in these systems. Here we suggest that apparent psy-
Epstein (1998) has reviewed the distinctive ways that learning
chological universals may be profitably investigated for individual
and habit formation occur within the experiential system. Because
differences. CEST is well suited to an investigation of individual
this system functions automatically and is highly susceptible to the
differences in these styles, because it presents a conceptualization
enticement of PA, experientially motivated behavior is likely to be
of these styles that is embedded in a larger theory of personality.
experienced as intrinsically rewarding and “natural” (Epstein,
Furthermore, as outlined by Epstein and Pacini (1999), CEST
1998, p. 17). Thus, there might be a special relation between the
has already been shown to be useful in uncovering new phenom-
experiential system and PA. Pacini and Epstein (1999) suggested
ena (e.g., compromises between processing in the experiential and
rational modes) and invalidating other explanations (e.g., the norm that the experiential system is the default mode and that the
theory explanation of counterfactual thinking). Integrative theo- rational system functions to curb these experiential tendencies.
ries, such as CEST, can account for a broad range of phenomena, Mild PA might be considered the default as well (e.g., Ito &
account for convergent effects, and suggest limitations in gener- Cacioppo, 1999, 2005; Larsen, 2000).
alizations of such effects (Epstein & Pacini, 1999). Narrowly Given the clear parallels between the description of the experi-
focused, domain-specific theories do not share these strengths. In ential system and the effects of PA on cognitive processing, we
general, these dual-process models do share some aspects with propose that PA, particularly high levels of PA, may promote
CEST, but they generally focus on describing these as information- reliance on the experiential system.1 PA is a sign that things are
processing strategies without the benefits that CEST provides. going well, that one is safe and secure (e.g., Fredrickson, 1998). In
CEST offers a richer and broader conceptualization of rationality such a context, it is reasonable for the individual to rely on the gut
and intuition in human life. instincts of the experiential system. In contrast, when things are
not going well, negative mood offers feedback that there is a
Shifting the Balance to the Experiential System: The
Potential Role of Positive Affect 1
Indirect support for the notion that PA may play a role in activating the
experiential system is provided by research in terror management theory
When and why do individuals approach problems using the (TMT). TMT holds that when an individual’s mortality is made salient, he
rational versus the experiential system? Epstein (e.g., Epstein & or she engages in worldview defense. In response to failures to replicate
Pacini, 1999) answered this question by asserting that nuances of this effect, Simon et al. (1997) examined potential experimental artifacts.
the situation determine which system is predominant. Here, we In these studies, experimenters who were instructed to act and dress
propose that positive affect (PA) may play a role in shifting the casually elicited the predicted effect for mortality salience, whereas an
balance toward the experiential system. A striking aspect of CEST experimenter who was more formal in dress and demeanor did not elicit the
is the considerable overlap between the description of the experi- predicted outcome. These results were interpreted as indicating that the
ential system and the extant literature on the effects of positive formal experimenter put participants in a rational mode of thinking, which
mood on cognitive processes (e.g., Wyer, Clore, & Isbell, 1999). reduced the power of mortality salience. The informal experimenter was
able to make participants feel relaxed and comfortable, thereby putting
Indeed, Epstein’s description of the experiential system largely
them in an experiential mode of thinking and, subsequently, allowing them to
conforms to a summary of many of the essential findings with experience increased worldview defense once their mortality was made salient.
regard to PA and cognitive processes. For instance, the experien- Although mood was measured in these studies, PA was not analyzed, because
tial system has been found to relate to the use of heuristic pro- delineating death anxiety from negative affect was a central concern. These
cessing (e.g., Donovan & Epstein, 1997; Epstein, Denes-Raj, & results are certainly in keeping with the notion that a safe and secure context
Pacini, 1995; Shiloh et al., 2002). Similarly, research on mood and (indicated by PA) is necessary for the experiential self to manifest itself.

problem (see Clore et al., 2001, and Schwarz, 2001 for reviews). overlap between the effects of PA on processes similar to those
At such a time, it is reasonable for the individual to slow down and described by Epstein (1994) as part of the experiential system, we
to process a solution carefully, using the analytical skills of the propose that PA might have a role to play in other types of experi-
rational system. If the experiential system is especially available to ential phenomenon. In the present studies, we sought to examine
a person (depending on his or her level of dispositional experien- domains in which the experiential system might be expected to play
tiality), it may be that PA serves as a go signal for the individual a large role, specifically paranormal belief and sympathetic magic.
to use that system for whatever task is at hand.
This line of reasoning leads to the notion that the influence of The Experiential System and Paranormal Belief
mood on cognition may depend on underlying individual differ-
ences that are promoted by that mood. PA promotes reliance on Study 1 examined the roles of experiential (and rational) pro-
general knowledge structures (Bless et al., 1996), but individual cessing and PA in paranormal beliefs. Paranormal beliefs may be
differences may inform the content of the structures made avail- defined as belief in phenomena that violate the basic principles of
able by that mood. That is, the content of general knowledge science (Tobacyk & Milford, 1983). Nonscientific beliefs persist
structures might vary across individuals depending on the accu- to a degree that suggests that they represent a very broad human
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

mulation of experiences (the experiential system) and preexisting tendency. Gallup polls (Newport & Strausberg, 2001) have shown
dispositions (an individual’s level of faith in intuition). If PA effec- that belief in a number of paranormal phenomena increased from
tively shifts the balance of processing toward reliance on the experi- 1990 to 2001. For example, in 2001, 42% believed in hauntings
ential system, PA should lead to enhanced effects of experientiality on (compared with just 29% in 1990) and 38% believed in ghosts
behavior. Thus, we would expect PA to interact with individual (compared with 25% in 1990). Belief in supernatural phenomena
differences in experiential processing to predict outcomes. is widespread and enduring. The response of psychologists to the
An alternative explanation for such a result might be that PA popularity of such beliefs is well characterized by the conclusion
simply enhances the likelihood of an individual engaging in his or of Royalty (1995) that such beliefs may be dismissed with only an
her default or overlearned responses. Rather than sharing a special elementary understanding of the laws of nature. Not surprisingly,
relationship with the experiential system, PA may simply increase then, research has examined supernatural or paranormal beliefs as
the likelihood of a person’s dominant cognitive responses. It may they relate to faulty reasoning or other problematic aspects of the
be that when in a good mood, people are simply more likely to rely person (e.g., memory biases: Clancy, McNally, Schacter, Lenzen-
on their automatic routine—whatever that routine contains. If this is weger, & Pitman, 2002; critical thinking: Royalty, 1995; external
the case, PA could be associated with enhanced reliance on rationality locus of control: Tobacyk, Nagot, & Miller, 1988; uncritical in-
for those who are dominated by the rational system and with enhanced ferences, dogmatism, and irrational beliefs: Tobacyk & Milford,
reliance on intuition for those who are dominated by the experiential 1983; lower self-efficacy: Tobacyk & Shrader, 1991; and lower
system. The present studies address this possibility as well. college grade point average: Tobacyk, 1984).
To the extent that such beliefs appear to be common, researchers
The Experiential System, Paranormal Belief, and seeking a scientific approach to understanding them must account
Sympathetic Magic for their persistence using psychological processes that incorporate
them, not as dysfunction but as a logical consequence of common
There are (at least) two domains of apparently nonrational belief psychological mechanisms. Epstein’s (1994) conceptualization of
and behavior that might benefit from the application of CEST. the experiential system implicates intuition in the human capacity
These domains include paranormal beliefs and behavioral indica- for belief. Indeed, FI has been found to relate to belief in the
tions of “sympathetic magic” (Rozin, Millman, & Nemeroff, unusual and formal superstition (a measure of garden variety
1986). In turn, we suggest that a fuller appreciation of the expe- superstitions; Epstein et al, 1996). In the experiential system,
riential system might be gained by exploration of the influence of events and reactions to events are experienced as self-evidentially
experientiality in more purely experiential areas of life than have valid (Epstein, 1991). Within the experiential system, seeing is
been examined in past research (e.g., Kirkpatrick & Epstein, 1992; believing. Thus, this system may be crucial to the emergence of
Pacini, Muir, & Epstein, 1998). A weakness of the extant literature paranormal and superstitious beliefs and the persistence of these
on CEST is that, typically, the tasks used to examine the behav- beliefs in the face of contradictory information.
ioral outcomes associated with each system have been logical It may be that individuals who strongly hold paranormal beliefs
problems that have rational solutions (e.g., Kirkpatrick & Epstein, are those who feel that they themselves have had paranormal
1992; Pacini et al., 1998; Shiloh et al., 2002). The most common experiences. This possibility is supported by findings from a study
task used in CEST studies is designed around the ratio bias by Clarke (1995) in which personal experience was the main
paradigm, which relies on the understanding of ratios (a rational reason given for paranormal beliefs. Personal experience is open to
process) and the inherent experiential appeal of the numerosity the influence of individual differences, of course. Among all of
heuristic (Alonso & Fernandez-Berrocal, 2003; Pacini & Epstein, those individuals who see, for instance, an ambiguous object
1999; Pacini et al., 1998; Pelham, Sumarta, & Myakovsky, 1994). floating in the night sky, some will believe it to be an unidentified
The ratio bias paradigm and similar measures pit the two systems flying object (UFO), whereas others may simply dismiss it as a
against each other with the “correct” or optimal response always meaningless aberration. We suggest that the kind of meaning
being the rational choice. ascribed to an ambiguous stimulus depends on individual differ-
Similarly, researchers on the effects of mood on cognitive pro- ences in intuition. In Study 1, we examined whether spontaneous
cesses have not addressed aspects of processing related to the full paranormal belief (in UFOs and ghosts) could be explained by the
range of nonrational human experience. Drawing on the conceptual interaction of intuition and PA.

The Experiential System and Sympathetic Magic Method

A second realm in which the experiential system may be expected Participants
to manifest itself was addressed in Studies 2 and 3— behavioral
indications of sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic refers to a Participants were 121 (88 women, 33 men) undergraduate stu-
variety of common magical beliefs and practices in traditional cultures dents, ranging in age from 18 to 23 years (M ⫽ 18.58, SD ⫽ .96).
(Frazer, 1890/1959; Mauss, 1902/1972; Rozin et al., 1986; Rozin & Represented ethnic groups included 91% European American, 7%
Nemeroff, 1990; Tylor, 1871/1974). Sympathetic magic relies on the African American, 1% Asian American, and the remainder iden-
formation of simple associations between objects (for instance, be- tified as “other” but not Hispanic. Participants were all enrolled in
tween a person and a voodoo doll of that person or between a person an introductory psychology class and received course credit for
and that person’s clothing). The law of similarity states that objects that their participation.
resemble each other share fundamental properties—that “the image is the
object” (Rozin, Markwith, & Ross, 1990, p. 383). The law of conta- Materials
gion states that objects that have come into contact can exchange Participants completed some initial measures before being ran-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

essences (e.g., a cockroach and a beverage; see Rozin et al., 1986). domly assigned to a condition and completing the dependent
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

In describing the effects of sympathetic magic on participants’ measures. All measures were conducted in private cubicles on
willingness to ingest sugar labeled arbitrarily as cyanide, Rozin, computers using MediaLab software (Empirisoft, New York, NY).
Markwith, and Ross (1990) stated that the participants “knew this Experientiality and rationality measurement. We used the Ex-
reluctance was foolish, but felt the reluctance anyway. This sug- perientiality (FI; 20 items) and Rationality (NC; 20 items) sub-
gests a ‘low-level’ gut feeling that can influence behavior in spite scales of the Rational Experiential Inventory (REI; Pacini & Ep-
of countering cognitions” (p. 383). Rozin et al. (1990, p. 383) stein, 1999). Items are rated on a scale of 1 (not at all true of me)
described this low-level system as “insensitive to modifications” to 7 (extremely true of me). A sample item from the FI subscale is
and drew an analogy to the Freudian unconscious that jibes with “I believe in trusting my hunches.” A sample item from the
Epstein’s (1993) description of the experiential system. Of note, rationality subscale is “I try to avoid situations that require think-
Rozin and colleagues did find considerable individual differences ing in depth about something” (reverse keyed). Both of these
in susceptibility to sympathetic magic. scales have been used in a variety of studies. The FI scale has been
We suggest that the experiential system may be the low-level shown to relate to extraversion, emotional expressivity, stereotyp-
system that produces such susceptibility to sympathetic magic. ical thinking, and Pollyanna-ish thinking (Epstein et al., 1996;
Studies 2 and 3 examined whether individual differences in expe- Pacini & Epstein, 1999). The NC scale has been shown to relate to
riential processing related to enhanced susceptibility to the influ- thoughtful analyses, logical problem solving, and reduced suscep-
ence of the laws of similarity and contagion. In addition, we once tibility to biases (e.g., Alonso & Fernandez-Berrocal, 2003; Ca-
again examined the potential role of PA in promoting reliance on cioppo, Petty, & Morris, 1983; Verplanken, Hazenberg, & Pale-
the experiential system. Although the experiential system may be newen, 1992).
expected to exert a main effect on magical thinking, our previous Mood measure. To control for preexisting mood, we asked
discussion of PA as the go signal for experiential processing led us participants to complete a brief measure of state PA upon arrival.
to examine the interactive effects of mood and processing style. This measure included four items (happy, pleased, joyful, and
We did not expect to observe mood effects on sympathetic magic. satisfied) derived from Diener, Emmons, Larsen, and Griffin
Rather, we suggest that PA serves to promote experientiality (1985). Items were rated on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (a great
processing only to the extent that a person has a rich experiential deal; ␣ ⫽ .90; M ⫽ 4.62, SD ⫽ 1.23).
system on which to draw. Phenomena such as paranormal beliefs Mood induction. Participants in the positive mood condition
and sympathetic magic may reflect general aspects of human were asked to read a brief story about a lost child being found by
functioning, but we suggest that variation in these common phe- a passerby and reunited with her parents. Participants were told to
nomena may be explained by differences in experientiality, par- put themselves in the role of the “hero” who rescues the child and
ticularly in interaction with PA. The influence of the experiential write for 3 min about their feelings regarding the story (adapted
system should be most clear when experienced affect indicates that from Tice, Bratslavsky, & Baumeister, 2001). Participants as-
relying on these gut feelings is appropriate. signed to the neutral mood condition were asked to read a story
about a person walking through the downtown area of the town in
Study 1 which they attend college and then to write for 3 min about the
In Study 1, we examined the role of PA and experientiality in sights they saw.2
the emergence of belief in the paranormal in a spontaneous context UFO and ghost videos. Four short clips of videos, two pur-
by specifically testing whether seeing becomes believing for those portedly of UFOs and two purportedly of ghost sightings, were
who are highly experiential. In this study, we measured experien-
tiality and rationality, induced a positive or a neutral mood, and 2
Although no appropriate mood manipulation check was included in
then examined the tendency to believe in the veridicality of videos
this study, this manipulation has been shown to induce positive mood
purported to contain footage of actual UFOs and ghosts. We (Tice, Bratslavsky, & Baumeister, 2001). Additionally, in an independent
predicted that experiential tendencies would interact with manip- sample (N ⫽ 65), participants were randomly assigned to each condition
ulated mood, such that in the positive mood condition, FI would and later completed measures of PA. The predicted difference did emerge,
relate to believing in these paranormal phenomena and to finding t(63) ⫽ 3.03, p ⬍ .01, with those in the positive mood induction condition
the experiences meaningful, emotional, and exciting. showing higher PA than those in the neutral condition (5.38 vs. 4.30).

presented. Video clips were taken from public domain sites on the Table 1
Internet. Several videos were pretested, and four were selected on Descriptive Statistics, Reliabilities, and Correlations Among
the basis of how authentic the raters considered the video to be. Measures, Study 1
Average length of the clips was 17 s. Participants were told they
were about to view videos of “alleged paranormal activity.” After 1 2 3 4 5 6
each video clip was presented, participants were asked to rate the 1. FI .88 ⫺.16 .04 .01 .20* .08
videos on various dimensions via the following questions: “To 2. NC .84 .11 .04 ⫺.21* ⫺.09
what extent do you believe the author’s claim that this is a video Video ratings
of a UFO (or ghost)?” “How excited would you be if you were at 3. Believable .80 .30** .39** .42**
4. Excited .82 .58** .68**
the location while the video was being shot?” “How emotional
5. Emotional .83 .61**
would you be if you were at the location while the video was being 6. Meaningful .85
shot?” and “How meaningful would it be if you were at the M 4.57 4.88 3.14 3.63 3.77 3.20
location while the video was being shot?” Items were scored on a SD 0.75 0.72 1.60 1.60 1.61 1.62
scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very much). These items served as the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Note. N ⫽ 121. Coefficients on the diagonal are alpha reliabilities. FI ⫽

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

dependent variables for this study. Faith in Intuition score; NC ⫽ Need for Cognition score.
p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01.
Participants were randomly assigned to either the positive mood
condition or the neutral mood condition. Participants first com- was entered on the first step as a control variable and did not
pleted the state PA measure and then read the brief story about contribute to a significant change in R2. The main effects entered
either a lost child reunited with her parents (positive condition) or on the second step did not contribute to a significant change in R2;
about a person taking a walk around town (neutral condition). however, the two-way interaction, entered on the third step, did
Participants then wrote for 3 min about their thoughts and feelings contribute to a significant change in R2. As predicted, the FI ⫻
regarding the story (positive condition) or the sights they may have Condition interaction was significant, indicating that individuals in
seen on the walk around town (neutral condition) before viewing the positive mood condition who were high in FI were more likely
and rating the four UFO or ghost video clips. to believe that the paranormal activity in the videos was real (for
the positive mood condition: ␤ ⫽ .32; for the neutral mood
condition: ␤ ⫽ ⫺.18). Figure 1 shows the means generated for
those high and low (one SD above and below the mean) in FI
Preliminary Analyses within the mood-induction conditions. As can be seen in Figure 1,
the pattern of results conformed to expectations. For those low in
Table 1 shows the correlations and descriptive statistics for the FI, mood had little influence on the perceptions of the videos.
primary measures in Study 1. As indicated by the reliabilities However, for those high in FI, positive mood was related to
reported in Table 1, each of the dependent variables showed strong enhanced belief in the phenomena portrayed in the videos.
agreement across the videos. Note that although the videos con- The same hierarchical regression was computed for the depen-
tained UFOs or ghosts, ratings for these quite different paranormal dent variable of perceived meaningfulness of the experience de-
phenomena were highly correlated, suggesting that they tap into a picted in the videos. The control variable of PA was entered on the
common tendency. We created a composite measure for each first step but did not contribute to a significant change in R2
variable by averaging the scores across the videos.3 As can be seen (R2change ⫽ .002, p ⫽ .66). The main effects of condition and FI
in Table 1, FI was positively related to a participant’s prediction of were entered on the second step but, again, did not contribute to a
being more emotional had he or she been at the scene of the event significant change in R2 (R2change ⫽ .02, p ⫽ .43). The two-way
but was not related to the other dependent measures. NC was interaction (␤ ⫽ .32, p ⫽ .02) was entered on the third step and,
negatively related to the emotional rating. Also, reported believ- as predicted, did contribute to a significant change in R2 (R2 ⫽
ability of the videos was positively related to a participant’s .064; R2change ⫽ .05, p ⫽ .02). As predicted (and following the
prediction of being more excited and more emotional had he or she same pattern for how real the videos seemed), individuals who
been at the scene of the event and to a participant’s report of were in the positive mood condition and high in FI were more
finding the experience more meaningful. likely to report the experience as meaningful (for the positive
mood condition: ␤ ⫽ .30; for the neutral mood condition: ␤ ⫽
Experientiality, PA, and Belief ⫺.13). Figure 2 shows the generated means for those high and low
in FI for each mood condition. Once again, the patterns (shown in
To examine the effects of FI and PA on the video ratings, we
Figure 2) conformed to predictions. Seeing ambiguous stimuli that
computed four hierarchical regression equations. For all equations,
might be UFOs or ghosts was rated as a more meaningful expe-
FI scores were converted to mean deviation scores to represent the
main effect of intuitive processing; condition (0 ⫽ neutral, 1 ⫽
positive) was used to represent the main effect of mood; and the 3
Analyses revealed no main effects or interactions with sex in this
product of these variables was used as the interaction term (fol- study. Thus, all analyses collapse over sex.
lowing Aiken & West, 1991). The first equation, which is shown 4
We dropped 4 participants from this hierarchical regression because
in Table 2, examined whether FI and PA interacted to predict the their data were more than two standard deviations away from the mean on
belief that the videos were authentic.4 The premeasure of state PA the dependent variable.

Table 2 5

Perceived Meaningfulness
Hierarchical Regression Predicting Believability of Videos as a 4.5
Function of Manipulated Mood and Faith in Intuition, Study 1 3.5
Variables entered on step B ␤ 2.5

Constant 3.54 1.5
Covariate (R2change ⫽ .001, ns) 1
Pretest PA ⫺0.03 ⫺.02 Low High
Main effects (R2change ⫽ .023, ns)
Faith in Intuition
Condition ⫺0.46 ⫺.15
Faith in intuition ⫺0.57 ⫺.27*
2-Way interactions (R2change ⫽ .08, p ⬍ .01) Figure 2. Perceived meaningfulness of unidentified flying object or ghost
Condition ⫻ Faith in Intuition 1.19 .40** videos as a function of Faith in Intuition score and mood induction,
Study 1.
Note. Multiple R ⫽ .32, R2 ⫽ .10, F(4, 116) ⫽ 3.29, p ⫽ .01; condition
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

was coded: 0 ⫽ neutral mood, 1 ⫽ positive mood. PA ⫽ state positive

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

affect. meaningful ( p ⫽ .57) the experience would be to the individual if

p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. he or she were at the location while the video was being shot.

rience by those who were both high in FI and were experiencing
positive mood. Study 1 adds to our knowledge of the relations of FI to para-
Results for the other two dependent measures were essentially normal beliefs because it moves beyond self-report measures of
the same as those shown in Figures 1 and 2. The same significant belief toward belief occurring in a more spontaneous context. The
FI ⫻ Condition interaction emerged in the other two hierarchical tendency to interpret an experience as a meaningful instance of
regression analyses positively predicting how excited the individ- paranormal phenomena may play a role in the development of
ual would be if he or she were at the location while the video was longer standing beliefs. Paranormal beliefs are certainly one com-
being shot (interaction ␤ ⫽ .43, p ⫽ .001) and how emotional the monly recognized aspect of nonrational processes, but even spon-
individual would be if he or she were at the location while the taneous beliefs require some sort of self-conscious report in order
video was being shot (interaction ␤ ⫽ .27, p ⫽ .04). Thus, the to be measured. Does the same pattern hold for more behavioral
results of all four analyses converge to strongly suggest that measures?
individuals in a positive mood who are also high in experiential To more fully explore the proposed relevance of PA to the
processing tended to be more believing of the video content and promotion of experiential processing in another more experiential
generally more engaged in the videos themselves. domain than has previously been investigated, we examined in
Study 2 state PA and its interaction with FI in predicting suscep-
tibility to sympathetic magic. In this study, we focused not on
Rationality, PA, and Belief
specific self-conscious paranormal beliefs but on behaviors rele-
We conducted analyses examining the potential role of rational- vant to the primitive associations described by the laws of sym-
ity in emergence of belief using the same dependent variables as in pathetic magic. In particular, we focused on the operation of the
the previous analyses. Again, the premeasure of state PA was law of similarity as a function of PA and FI.
entered in the first step of the analyses as a control variable. The
main effects of NC and condition (0 ⫽ neutral, 1 ⫽ positive) were Study 2
entered on the second step, and the product of these two variables
was entered on the third step. The NC ⫻ Condition interaction did In this study, participants completed measures of FI, state mea-
not predict the believability of the videos ( p ⫽ .79), how excited sures of PA, and a task designed to activate sympathetic magic, in
( p ⫽ .50) or emotional ( p ⫽ .39) the individual would be, or how particular the law of similarity (i.e., the notion that the image of an
object shares an essential relationship with the object itself). The
task that we used in this study was throwing darts at a picture of
a baby. We first predicted that we would see evidence of similarity
4.5 interfering with task performance. Specifically, we predicted that
Believability of videos

4 participants would have difficulty hitting a picture of a baby with

3.5 darts. Once we examined the effects of sympathetic magic on this
3 task, we predicted that we would find a significant two-way
2.5 interaction such that sympathetic magic results would obtain most
2 particularly for those high on both PA and experientiality.
Low High
Faith in Intuition Participants
Figure 1. Believability of unidentified flying object or ghost videos as a Participants in this study were 208 (164 women, 44 men)
function of Faith in Intuition score and mood induction, Study 1. undergraduate psychology students who participated to fulfill re-

search requirements in psychology courses (mean age ⫽ 19.69 Dart Accuracy as a Function of Experientiality and PA
years, SD ⫽ 1.39). Participants were mostly European American
(87%) with represented ethnicities including Latino American To examine performance as a function of the variables of
(5%), Asian American (3%), and African American (5%). interest, we first calculated change in dart hits from the practice
circle to the picture of a baby. An examination of the bivariate
correlations among the variables of interest revealed that there
Procedure were no systematic relations among them (i.e., the drop in dart hits
Upon arrival in the laboratory, participants were escorted into a was not related to intuition or PA, and these predictor variables
small seminar room where they completed a packet of question- were essentially independent of each other as well).
naires. The questionnaire packet included the main measures of In order to examine predictions, we regressed the difference
interest in this study, the REI (FI: M ⫽ 3.40, SD ⫽ .39; NC: M ⫽ score on (centered) PA, FI and their interaction.6 Results are
3.65, SD ⫽ .44) as well as a variety of filler questionnaires. Upon shown in Table 3 and Figure 3. Main effects were entered on the
completion of the packet, participants were taken one at a time to first step, contributing nonsignificantly to the equation. The two-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

other rooms where the rest of the study activities took place. Prior way interaction was entered on the second step, revealing a sig-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

to completing the task, participants completed a brief mood mea- nificant PA ⫻ Intuitive Processing interaction. Figure 3 shows that
sure in which they described how much they were feeling each of the generated means conformed to predictions—individuals high
the mood descriptors at that moment. The measure included five in both PA and FI showed the highest decrease in performance and
positive affect descriptors, including “happy,” “pleased,” “enjoy- therefore the highest level of sympathetic magic.7
ment/fun,” “satisfied,” and “excited.” The PA measure materials
(M ⫽ 3.83, SD ⫽ 1.38, ␣ ⫽ .90, prior to throwing darts) was
completed while the experimenter prepared the task. Dart Accuracy as a Function of Rationality and PA
Participants were led to a room in which there was a dart board
hanging on the wall. They were told that this part of the study To test the alternative hypothesis that PA simply enhanced the
concerned manual dexterity at common tasks and that they would be likelihood of one’s dominant response, we examined the same depen-
asked to throw six darts at the dartboard and would be paid a quarter dent measure as a function of NC and PA. This equation revealed no
for each dart they successfully landed on the bull’s eye. At this point, significant main effects and, more important, no interaction. Appar-
participants were given six practice throws. They were then told that ently, with regard to this magical thinking task, rationality did not play
to make the task more interesting, they would be throwing the darts at a role in mediating accuracy. An equation regressing dart performance
different shapes. For all participants, the first shape was a face-sized on both NC and FI (along with the other predictors) produced results
circle drawn with black ink. The face-shaped circles were tacked (at that were parallel to those for FI alone.
the corners) to the dart board over the bull’s eye. Participants then
threw six darts and were paid a quarter for each one that hit the
face-shaped circle. After the participants completed these throws, the 5
experimenter tacked a second “shape” to the dartboard, this time a Gender effects were examined in Study 2. No main effects or interac-
tions were found for gender in this study, though the low number of men
photograph of a baby; the photograph was the same size as the
may have prevented us from detecting the effects of gender.
face-shaped circle used for practice. Participants were again paid a 6
We also examined these effects with analyses of residualized perfor-
quarter for each of the six darts that hit the baby’s face. Hits for both
mance rather than a difference score. We computed a hierarchical regres-
the face-shaped circle and the baby picture were recorded by the sion equation with hits as function of the target (0 ⫽ face-shaped circle vs.
experimenter, who was blind to questionnaire scores as well as to the 1 ⫽ photograph of a baby), FI and PA (centered), and their interactions. In
hypotheses of the study. addition to the main effect for target (␤ ⫽ ⫺.15, p ⬍ .04) and in accord
with predictions, a significant Target ⫻ PA ⫻ FI interaction emerged (␤ ⫽
.22, p ⬍ .04).
Results 7
Results of Study 2 support the notion that PA and experientiality
interact to predict susceptibility to sympathetic magic; however, it might be
Preliminary Analyses: The Law of Similarity noted that throwing darts at a picture of a baby could be viewed as an
activity that would influence mood itself. Anecdotally, the most common
Recall that participants had thrown darts at a face-shaped circle observed reaction to the task of throwing darts at a picture of a baby tended
and then had thrown darts at a picture of a baby. We predicted that to be nervous giggling, which might indicate that the activity itself changed
sympathetic magic would lead to participants’ having more diffi- mood in an important way. To address the possibility that the mood effects
culty in hitting the baby’s picture as the target because of the law of throwing darts at a picture of a baby would influence accuracy, we
of similarity. Indeed, there was a significant difference between conducted a replication study to examine the PA ⫻ FI interaction in a
hits for the face shaped target vs. the photograph of the baby, sample of participants (N ⫽ 132) who completed the measure of PA
paired t(206) ⫽ 3.00, p ⬍ .004, with the circle being hit signifi- immediately after the dart throwing. On Step 1, the main effects for the
centered variables of post-PA and FI were entered. On Step 2, the inter-
cantly more often than the baby’s picture (M ⫽ 1.48 vs. 0.87). This
action term of post-PA ⫻ FI was entered. There was a significant change
effect is somewhat remarkable, running counter to the practice in R2 at Step 2 (R2 ⫽ .05, R2change ⫽ .03, p ⫽ .035, one tailed), and a
effects one might expect. Given that throwing darts at a picture of significant PA ⫻ FI interaction emerged (␤ ⫽ .18, p ⫽ .035). Once again,
a baby did conform to the law of similarity, we then turned to in the absence of main effects, we found the predicted interaction, sug-
examining whether experiential processing and PA played a role in gesting that PA, whether measured prior to or after the dart exercise,
this effect.5 moderated the effect of FI on dart accuracy.

Table 3 shown to relate positively to extraversion (Pacini & Epstein,

Regression Equation Predicting Dart Accuracy for Picture of 1999). Furthermore, the strong relation between PA and sociability
Baby as Target as a Function of Positive Affect and Faith in is well established (Csikszentmihalyi & Wong, 1991; Headey &
Intuition, Study 2 Wearing, 1989; Lucas, Diener, Grob, Suh, & Shao, 2000; Mroczek
& Spiro, 2005). Given that both PA and FI are positively related to
Variables entered on step B SE B ␤ liking people, a reasonable prediction (although the direct opposite
Main effects (R2change ⫽ .02) of ours) would be that those high on PA and high in FI should like
Positive affect 0.10 .12 .11 their partners the most. Thus, in this study, we predicted that when
Faith in intuition 0.34 .32 .11 an individual was tainted by contact with excrement, we would see
Interaction (R2change ⫽ .05*) an unusual (and perhaps counterintuitive) effect—that happy, in-
Positive Affect ⫻ Faith in Intuition 0.50 .19 .23*
tuitive people would show a tendency to distance themselves from
Constant ⫺0.14
the person and report liking the partner less.
Note. For the equation, multiple R ⫽ .25, F(3, 124) ⫽ 2.68, p ⫽ .05.
Dependent measure ⫽ drop in accuracy when target was a baby versus a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

face-sized circle.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

p ⬍ .05. Participants
Eighty undergraduates enrolled in psychology classes partici-
Discussion pated to receive course credit. The sample was predominantly
female (59) and mostly European American (76%), with other
These results support the hypothesis that the experiential system ethnicities represented including African American (6%), Hispanic
can help to explain susceptibility to sympathetic magic, particu- American (7%), “other” (2%), and 9% not reporting their ethnic
larly when a person is high in PA. No main effects for mood or FI background. Ages ranged from 19 to 33 years, with a mean of
were observed; rather PA was related to enhanced susceptibility to 20.50 (SD ⫽ 1.8).
sympathetic magic only for those high on FI. Notably, Study 2
relied on naturally occurring mood. To examine the potentially Materials
causal role of PA in these effects, we manipulated mood in Study
3 to determine the relation of experientiality to susceptibility to Participants completed the REI in a packet of questionnaires
another aspect of sympathetic magic, the law of contagion. prior to coming to the laboratory. For FI, M ⫽ 4.77 (SD ⫽ .76).
For NC, M ⫽ 4.80 (SD ⫽ .79).
Study 3
The law of contagion means that if two objects come into
contact, they may be viewed as exchanging essential elements. The Upon arrival in the laboratory, participants completed a few
law of contagion has been shown to hold specifically for negative questionnaires, including a mood measure identical to the measure
associations (e.g., Rozin et al., 1986). Contagion has previously used in Study 1 (M ⫽ 4.44, SD ⫽ 1.00), and then they were
been shown to occur when students were hesitant to drink from a randomly assigned to one of two mood induction conditions (pos-
glass that had come into contact with a (sterilized) cockroach or to itive or neutral).
try on a sweater previously worn by Adolf Hitler (Rozin et al., Mood induction. To induce mood, we asked the participants to
1986; Rozin, Nemeroff, Wane, & Sherrod, 1989). use headphones attached to a computer to listen to a 4.5-min clip
Study 3 focused on the law of contagion in two ways. First, we of music. Those randomly assigned to the positive mood induction
examined the willingness of individuals to sit in close proximity to condition listened to J. S. Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 3”
someone who had come into contact with excrement. Second, we (Hubert Laws, 2002, track 5). The neutral mood condition listened
examined self-reported liking of that individual. Corroborating to “Common Tones in Simple Time” by John Adams (1990, track
popular belief, research has shown that feces elicits feelings of 5). These particular music clips were selected because they have
disgust (see Rozin & Fallon, 1987; Rozin, Haidt, & McCauley, been used successfully in previous research to induce positive and
2000, for review) and may have social implications as well (e.g., neutral moods, respectively (Wenzlaff, Wegner, & Klein, 1991).
reminding us of our creaturely nature, Goldenberg et al., 2001, and Embedded in a list of questions about various qualities of the
leading to devaluations of occupational status, van Dongen, 2001).
The aversive qualities of excrement have also been previously
shown to activate sympathetic magic in a study by Rozin et al.
Change in Hits From

(1986) showing that many participants were reluctant to eat choc- 0.4
Practice Trial

olate fudge that has been molded to resemble dog feces. Given 0.2 PA Low
these powerful negative associations with feces, we predicted that 0 PA High
individuals high in experientiality and PA would distance them-
selves from a partner who had stepped in excrement and would Low High
report liking the person less. Faith in Intuition
These predictions were notable because they run counter to
previous findings showing positive associations between both ex- Figure 3. Change in dart hits with baby picture as target as a function of
perientiality and PA and sociability. Experientiality has been Faith in Intuition score and positive affect (PA), Study 2.

musical selection participants had heard was one manipulation a question asking participants to rate how “gross” the person was
check item, “How happy or sad did this music make you feel?” (M ⫽ 2.55, SD ⫽ 1.45). Ten participants did not respond to the
Participants were asked to indicate their answer on a scale from 1 liking items, entering “N/A” or noting on the questionnaire that
(very sad) to 7 (very happy; grand M ⫽ 4.68, SD ⫽ 1.10). they had not actually met the person (supporting the notion that
Social interaction. After the mood induction procedure, par- participants believed that the partner was real and the interaction a
ticipants received a computer message, informing them that they real possibility). Analyses of the partner ratings were based on a
would next be interacting with another participant. They were told total of 70 participants. All participants were thoroughly debriefed
that in order to become acquainted before their face-to-face meet- in a later group setting.
ing, they would communicate first via computer. Participants were
asked to complete a few brief demographic questions, including Results and Discussion
age, hometown, and academic major. Then, they were asked to
write a description of an interesting or unusual fact about their Preliminary Analyses
lives that had occurred during the past 24 hr. When they had
completed their unusual fact, participants pressed Send and then First, we examined the mood item to ensure we had successfully
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

induced a positive mood in the PA condition. An analysis of

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

saw a screen message that said, “Please wait while your partner’s
message is being retrieved.” The screen featured an icon of two covariance was conducted to examine whether the mood induction
computers with a pulsating connection running between them. For indeed promoted positive mood. Controlling for preexisting mood
all participants, the message from the partner listed the target’s age (␤ ⫽ .07, ns), we found a significant main effect of condition on
as 19; hometown as Springfield (no state given); and major as the mood check item (Ms ⫽ 5.88 vs. 4.43, for positive and neutral
undecided. (Gender was not mentioned in the partner description). mood respectively; F(1, 77) ⫽ 4.09, p ⬍ .05).
The partner’s interesting or unusual fact read as follows: Collapsing across the mood conditions, we found no systematic
relations in our examination of the bivariate correlations between
Well, my day was pretty normal until a few hours ago when I had to FI and the variables of interest with one exception. Although FI
use the restroom after my class in GCB [General Classroom Build- was unrelated to chair proximity or to judgment of the partner as
ing]. I wasn’t paying much attention when I opened the stall door. As gross or normal, FI was related to participants who rated the
soon I walked into the stall, I realized I had stepped in something and partner as more likeable (r ⫽ .34, p ⬍ .01). NC was not related to
the toilet had overflowed. When I looked down, I realized there was
any of these measures. It is worth noting that, in general, the
some poop on the floor and on my shoe. Needless to say, I had to go
partner was rated quite positively by all participants and the mean
home and change my shoes.8
for liking was significantly greater than that for gross in both mood
After reading the description, participants were escorted into an induction conditions (paired t(73) for the overall Ms ⫽ 10.12, p ⬍
empty room with two folding chairs stacked against the wall. The .0001). Also of note is that although both chair proximity and
experimenter then told the participants “I am going to go get your liking were considered measures of sympathetic magic, these two
partner; would you mind setting up the chairs for your interaction?
Thanks.” The experimenter returned and reported that the partner 8
Participants were specifically requested to give an experience that had
had had to leave so the participant would not be engaging in the occurred during the last 24 hr to make it seem more plausible and less odd
interaction, after all. The participant was then taken to a final room that someone might write about stepping in feces (i.e., it would be difficult
where he or she completed measures described below. to come up with anything very interesting or unusual that had occurred
After the participant had left the room, two research assistants during a relatively short span of time). In addition, in order to confirm that
(blind to the study hypotheses, mood condition, and personality mentioning stepping in excrement did not render a person completely
scores) then measured the chairs at two points—the distance bizarre to participants, we pretested this message in an independent sample
between each of the front legs of the chairs. These measures were (N ⫽ 122) of individuals who participated in a brief hypothetical scenario
highly correlated (r ⫽ .75). Thus, the measurements were averaged study. Participants in this sample rated their positive mood on four adjec-
to create a measure of proximity (M ⫽ 87.60 cm, SD ⫽ 19 cm). tives (happy, joyful, pleased, and enjoyment/fun) and were randomly
assigned to read the message about stepping in feces or an identical passage
Problems in recording the measurements for 7 participants re-
in which a person stepped in a puddle and had to change his or her shoes.
quired that they be dropped from consideration for this variable. These participants were asked to imagine that they had participated in an
Partner ratings. Finally, participants were asked to rate as- interaction study and to rate the person on the same items used in Study 3.
pects of the person they would have interacted with in the previous There were no mean differences for liking (M ⫽ 4.20 vs. 4.55, for puddle
exercise. All ratings were made on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 7 vs. excrement respectively) or for how normal the person was rated (M ⫽
(extremely). These ratings were done for two reasons: first, to 4.75 vs. 4.76, for puddle vs. excrement). There was a significant difference
gauge interest in meeting the person, and second, to confirm that on the “gross” rating (Ms ⫽ 1.97 vs. 3.32, t(122) ⫽ 5.60, p ⬍ .001, though
mentioning excrement did not render the person utterly abnormal both ratings were relatively low on a 1–7 scale. Not unexpectedly, PA was
to participants. Partner liking was, then, based on a total of four correlated with rating the partner as more likeable and more normal,
items: “How much did you like your partner?” “Was the person regardless of whether the person stepped in a puddle or excrement (␤s ⫽
.29 and .27, for likeable and normal, respectively, controlling for condi-
likeable?” “Would you interact with this person again?” and “How
tion). PA did not interact with condition to predict these variables. PA was
much did you want to interact with him or her?” These items were unrelated to ratings of how gross the partner was rated. Thus, results for
highly intercorrelated (mean r ⫽ .67), so they were aggregated into this supplemental sample suggest that contact with excrement might render
a composite liking variable (M ⫽ 4.53, SD ⫽ .99; ␣ ⫽ .89). The a person more disgusting but not less likeable or less normal. Furthermore,
normalcy item asked, “How normal was the person?” (M ⫽ 4.52, they support the contention that PA would relate to increased liking of a
SD ⫽ .93). Also, embedded in a list of personality descriptors was person, regardless of whether he or she had stepped in feces.

variables were not related (r ⫽ ⫺.07, ns). We next turn to the main 105
analyses concerning experientiality and manipulated mood as pre-

Distance of chairs (cm)

dictors of susceptibility to the law of contagion.
Experientiality, PA, and Contagion 90

Partner proximity. The first dependent variable of interest was 85

the distance between the two chairs set up by participants for their
interaction with a partner who had come into contact with excre- 80
Low High
ment. Recall that we predicted that individuals high in FI who were
Faith in Intuition
also in the positive mood condition would be least likely to sit
close to the individual. We converted FI scores to mean deviation Figure 4. Proximity to partner as a function of Faith in Intuition score and
scores (following Aiken & West, 1991). The mood induction positive affect as measured by distance placed between participants’ and
condition was coded 0 (for neutral) and 1 (for positive). We partners’ chairs, Study 3.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

computed the interaction of these variables using their product. A

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

hierarchical multiple regression equation, shown in Table 4, was

computed. Entered on the first step was mood prior to the induc- variables sat farthest from the partner who had stepped in excre-
tion, as a control variable. Entered on the second step were the ment.
main effects of mood induction condition and FI. Neither of these Partner liking. Finally, we examined the ratings of partner
steps contributed significantly to R2 (though the significant main liking as a function of pretest mood, FI, condition, and the inter-
effect of FI is apparent in Table 4). The two-way interaction did action of condition and FI. On the first step, pretest PA contributed
contribute significantly to the prediction of proximity. The nega- significantly and positively to liking (R2change ⫽ .14, p ⫽ .002,
tive beta weight for this interaction indicates that in the positive ␤ ⫽ .37, indicating that pretest PA was related to increased liking).
mood condition, FI was associated with the participant arranging On the second step, main effects were entered but did not signif-
the chairs so that he or she would be sitting farther away from the icantly contribute to the prediction of liking (R2change ⫽ .03, ns).
partner. Figure 4 shows the generated means for individuals low The two-way interaction contributed significantly, R2change ⫽ .05,
and high in FI by mood condition. Examination of Figure 4 p ⫽ .03; ␤ ⫽ ⫺.35 p ⫽ .02; multiple R2 for the equation ⫽ .22,
indicates that at high levels of FI, mood was particularly important. F(4, 66) ⫽ 4.57, p ⫽ .002. Decomposing this interaction by
To probe this interaction, we computed separate regression condition we found that in the neutral condition, FI was actually
equations for each mood condition, regressing the distance mea- associated with high partner liking (␤ ⫽ .39). In the positive
sure on FI. In the neutral condition, the unstandardized beta weight condition, the beta was negative (␤ ⫽ ⫺.24). The generated means
was ⫺10.23, suggesting that for those in a neutral mood, every unit for this equation are shown in Figure 5.
increase in FI was associated with sitting about 10 cm closer to the The pattern of results in Figure 5 is intriguing. For those low on
partner. In the positive mood condition, the unstandardized beta FI, only those in the positive condition showed a high degree of
weight was 6.55, indicating that for those in a positive mood, each liking their partner, which is likely due to the fact that happy
unit increase in FI was associated with sitting nearly 7 cm farther people tend to be more sociable and to like others more than
away from the partner. Ratings of liking, normalcy, or how gross unhappy people do (Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005). It is
the partner was perceived to be were not related to proximity and also notable that for those people in a neutral mood, individuals
did not contribute significantly to the prediction of proximity. high on FI demonstrated a greater degree of liking their partner
Recall that FI is associated with extraversion, and PA is associated than those low in FI. Because FI is positively related to extraver-
with sociability. Those who were high on both of these “sociable” sion (Pacini & Epstein, 1999), it is understandable that those high
in FI are predisposed to like their partners. As noted previously, a
reasonable prediction might be that those high in PA and high in
Table 4 FI should like their partners the most. However, this was clearly
Hierarchical Regression Predicting Distance of Chairs as a not the case in this study—those high in FI assigned to the positive
Function of Manipulated Mood and Faith in Intuition, Study 3 mood condition were among the lowest in ratings of how much
they liked their partner. When it comes to liking others, contam-
Variables entered on step B ␤

Constant 0.116
Covariate (R2change ⫽ .003, ns) 0.5
Standardized Liking

Pretest PA ⫺0.05 ⫺.05 0.3

Main effects (R2change ⫽ .05, ns)

0.1 Neutral Mood

Condition 0.18 .09
-0.1 Positive Mood
Faith in intuition ⫺0.52 ⫺.39*
2-Way interactions (R2change ⫽ .11, p ⬍ .01)
Condition ⫻ Faith in Intuition 0.88 .51** -0.5
Low High

Note. Multiple R ⫽ .34, R2 ⫽ .11, F(4, 67) ⫽ 2.15; p ⫽ .01. Condition Faith In Intuition
was coded: 0 ⫽ neutral mood, 1 ⫽ positive mood. PA ⫽ state positive
affect. Figure 5. Liking of partner as a function of Faith in Intuition (Experi-
p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. entiality) score and positive affect, Study 3.

ination with excrement reverses the tendencies of happy, intuitive may indicate that intuitive individuals recognize that they are
people. prone to engagement with such experiences—that they may have
This pattern of results was also obtained when we controlled for an intuitive sense of the kind of psychic gravity that these events
how “normal” participants rated their partner (␤ ⫽ .31 for nor- have for them. It is notable that, in Study 1, rationality also related
malcy rating; ␤ for the PA ⫻ FI interaction ⫽ ⫺.47, when we (negatively) only to the rating of how emotional the person would
controlled for how normal the partner was rated). The ratings of feel if present for the sighting. This symmetry is intriguing and
how gross the partner was did not contribute to the prediction of suggests that emotional engagement in experiences may play a role
liking, and the significant interaction remained (␤ ⫽ ⫺.48, p ⫽ in the capacity of these experiences to evoke responses indicative
.05). These results suggest that the combination of FI and PA of individual differences in processing styles. This pattern of
tended to dampen the enthusiasm of relatively sociable individuals results supports the notion that paranormal beliefs are particularly
when the partner was someone who had come into contact with relevant to the experiential system and are most likely to hold sway
excrement. Note that the lack of effects for ratings of normalcy and when the person is in a good mood. For the person who is high in
grossness tends to speak against a rational explanation of the effect FI, a potential UFO or ghost sighting emerges as an exciting,
of excrement on participants. Apparently, they “knew” the partner emotional event, and this emotional response heightens belief in
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

was not really gross or abnormal but nevertheless found the person apparently paranormal phenomenon. In contrast, rationality is un-
less likeable and were less willing to sit near the person. related to such beliefs, regardless of mood, perhaps because ratio-
Rationality, PA, and contagion. Finally, as in the previous nal individuals are less emotionally engaged in such experiences
studies, we analyzed the main effects of NC, mood condition, and from the start.
their interaction as predictors of susceptibility to sympathetic Of importance, the main effect step in our regression analyses
magic. Regression equations examining these possibilities re- never contributed to a significant increment in the prediction of
vealed no significant effects. paranormal belief (in Study 1) nor to indications of sympathetic
magic (in Studies 2 and 3 although the individual beta weights for
General Discussion FI were significant in some analyses). Instead, intuition related
significantly to belief in the videos as well as to behavioral
The present studies were designed to address two goals: to indications of sympathetic magic only in conjunction with (in-
examine whether superstitious beliefs and sympathetic magic are duced or naturally occurring) positive mood. Past research has
relevant to the experiential system and to examine the possibility shown that self-reported superstitious and unusual beliefs do relate
that PA might interact with the experiential system in predicting to FI (Epstein et al., 1996). Descriptions of the operation of
such beliefs and behaviors. In these studies, we examined the sympathetic magic certainly resonate with Epstein’s (1994) con-
emergence of paranormal beliefs, and two forms of sympathetic ceptualization of the experiential system, yet no main effects for
magic arising from the principles of similarity and contagion. In experientiality emerged in the present studies. Perhaps such
general, results showed a consistent pattern: Experientiality (FI) straightforward effects ought to be expected only when the super-
was related to paranormal beliefs and sympathetic magic only stitious beliefs are part of the conscious self-concept. In all of the
when individuals were also high in PA (whether naturally occur- studies presented here, we incorporated more spontaneous mea-
ring or induced). Rationality (NC) was related to just one of the sures that differ from longstanding beliefs. Indeed, in past re-
variables of interest (the emotionality ratings in Study 1) and did search, main effects for the experiential system have been rare
not interact with mood to predict any of the outcomes. These (e.g., Pacini & Epstein, 1999). It is notable that in an effort to
studies are provocative because they suggest that a full accounting explain a main effect for rationality but the lack of a main effect
of the dynamics of the rational and experiential systems requires for experientiality in a ratio bias paradigm task, Pacini and Epstein
attention to mood as a factor in shifting the balance in processing (1999) drew the conclusion that experiential tendencies are so
systems. In this case, results suggest that PA shifts that balance fundamental in nature that everyone experiences them to some
toward the experiential system. We view these results as indicating degree, and therefore an important function of the rational system
the importance of both mood and processing systems in predicting is to control the maladaptive tendencies of the experiential system.
spontaneous belief and behavior. Placing our results in the context of the mood and cognition
Study 1 examined belief in the existence of supernatural phe- literature, we might suggest that PA could be a way to override the
nomena, specifically the emergence of belief after viewing videos. influence of the rational system by signaling that the rational
Study 1 found evidence that PA and experientiality together led to system is not needed for the task at hand.
seeing becoming believing. Experientiality may predispose indi- The results of Studies 2 and 3 are notable because they are the
viduals to interpret experience in paranormal ways—to more first to show that reliable individual difference variables explain
readily explain experiences as supernatural, particularly when they differential susceptibility to sympathetic magic. The original stud-
are under the influence of positive mood. Previous research using ies (e.g., Rozin et al., 1986; 1990) on sympathetic magic effects
self-report questionnaires of superstitious beliefs would seem to have garnered a well-earned status in social psychology as land-
imply that individuals who are highly experiential should have marks. In the present investigation, we conceptually replicated
been more likely to believe in the videos in general, given their these sympathetic magic effects in a dart-throwing paradigm and a
predilection for paranormal beliefs (Epstein et al., 1996). How- proximity measure. Although the strengths of the effect varied, in
ever, the only systematic correlation between video responses and every case, engaging in sympathetic magic was associated with
the measure of FI was the positive relationship with how emotional high levels of PA and experientiality. These studies support the
the person believed it would be to actually be there while the wisdom of looking for reliable individual differences in “human
sighting of the UFO or ghost was taking place. This relationship universals” (Kosslyn et al, 2002). Although the effects of sympa-

thetic magic are thought to be rooted in primitive mechanisms that Implications for Research on PA and Cognitive Processes
are part of our common heritage as members of the human race,
the variation that exists in such phenomena can be explored to CEST is a provocative theory that could bring a unifying frame-
illuminate the processes that contribute to their persistence and work to the vast literature on mood and cognition. The mood and
power. cognition literature provides a plethora of interesting findings that
What is it that PA is doing to enhance the effects of FI with do not always cohere. For example, PA leads to reliance on
regard to paranormal beliefs and sympathetic magic? It might be heuristics, yet also elicits creative associations; PA leads to the
that PA gives the go-ahead to act on what everyone else is (also) endorsement of social stereotypes, yet also leads to adoption of a
thinking but not doing. That is, perhaps everyone in these situa- broadened perspective. These findings are difficult to reconcile
tions, on some level, is thinking, “It’s just not right to throw darts without a unifying conceptual framework from which to draw a
at a baby,” but those in a good mood are more likely to act on this larger understanding. Rather than a set of disparate findings for
mental experience. Of course, experientiality is a crucial compo- PA, incorporating the notion that PA could promote reliance on the
nent of this effect. PA only led to enhanced susceptibility to experiential system would suggest that these findings all involve
sympathetic magic in those who also scored high on experiential- the activation of a whole processing system (see Bless, 2001, for
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

an alternative explanation).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ity. Bless’s (2001) description of the effects of PA on the use of

general knowledge structures applies well here. We suggest that If being in a positive mood leads to reliance on the experiential
experientiality enhances the likelihood that the person experiences system, then this effect may, in part, account for the previously
throwing darts at a picture of a baby as wrong (i.e., that experi- documented effects of PA on cognitive and behavioral processes.
entiality informs the content of the knowledge structure), whereas That is, the activation of the experiential system may not only
PA sends the message that trusting that gut instinct is the right mediate the effects of PA on cognitive processes but also may
thing to do. Future research might include such methods as thought provide the theoretical framework needed to reconcile the dispar-
listing in these contexts to test the possibility that experientiality ate findings concerning the influence of PA on cognitive pro-
relates to the prevalence of thoughts related to sympathetic magic, cesses. Moreover, researchers on mood and cognitive processes
whereas PA may relate to putting those thoughts into action. may have overlooked an important individual characteristic (i.e.,
For Studies 2 and 3, one might question how magical our dispositional levels in the experiential system) that may moderate
attempts to manipulate sympathetic magic were. In Study 2, par- the influence of PA on cognitive processes.
ticipants were asked to throw darts at a picture of a baby. Although Additionally, CEST might provide additional avenues for study
we did find that hitting the picture of the baby was clearly more of the effects of PA on cognitive processing. Some aspects of the
difficult than hitting a practice circle, it is notable that throwing experiential system as they might relate to PA, for example, have
darts at a picture of a baby may be viewed as socially undesirable. not been studied. Epstein (1994) described the experiential system
Thus, some higher level psychological process (fear of being as being encoded as narratives, concrete images, and metaphors as
judged as heartless, for instance) might have played a role in well as leading to the experience of and reliance on vibes. Future
performance. However, even this fear is based on a nonrational research might seek to develop operationalizations of these aspects
notion—that somehow hitting a picture of a baby with darts of the experiential system to examine the validity of the provoc-
“means” something in reality. Indeed, the degree to which a person ative claims of CEST and, of course, in light of the current
found hitting the picture of the baby with darts to be reprehensible findings, the potential role of affect in their operations.
seems to fit the very definition of the law of similarity—the
baseless concern that a picture of an object shares an essential Implications for the Psychology of Belief and the
relationship with the object itself. Nonrational
In Study 3, participants were asked to set up chairs for an
interaction with someone who had come into contact with excre- The present results also have implications for psychology’s
ment. In the absence of a control condition in which a person had approach to beliefs in a more general way. Rather than examining
not come into contact with excrement, the notion that our effects nonscientific beliefs as exceptions to the logical or rational pro-
were driven by magic is not empirically discernible. However, cesses thought to underlie human decision making, CEST allows
given the relations of PA to sociability and of experientiality to for an examination of these beliefs as a product of the experiential
extraversion, it seems difficult to imagine a theoretical reason, system, which is present (to varying degrees) in each person. It is
aside from the fact that the partner had stepped in feces, to explain particularly notable that in none of the studies reported here was
the dampened enthusiasm for happy, intuitive people for interact- rationality strongly implicated in paranormal beliefs or sympa-
ing with or sitting close to that person. Clearly, even if these thetic magic. Low levels of rationality did not relate to heightened
effects are less than magical, they do show a tendency toward paranormal belief or susceptibility to sympathetic magic. High
nonrational behaviors. levels of rationality were similarly independent of these outcomes.
Another issue that warrants some consideration is the extent to This substantial lack of findings regarding rationality lends further
which nonrational beliefs and behaviors tap into a unified concep- evidence that the two systems of CEST work independently. What
tual domain. How similar are the beliefs in UFOs, ghosts, and matters in the prediction of spontaneous paranormal beliefs and
indications of sympathetic magic? The consistency of responses magical behavior is intuition and not rationality.
across videos for UFOs and ghosts does suggest that these aspects These nonrational beliefs, rather than being an exception to
of the domain cohere. In Study 3, no such evidence emerged. otherwise ideal human reasoning, may best be understood as
Further identification and delineation of the domain of nonrational deriving from a side of human personality that functions implicitly
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