Colostro Muns JAS 2017 Reprint
Colostro Muns JAS 2017 Reprint
Colostro Muns JAS 2017 Reprint
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3 authors:
Padet Tummaruk
Chulalongkorn University
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The protection of pigs as regards measures to reduce the need for tail-docking View project
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ABSTRACT: Oral supplements are commonly used in had a lower total mortality rate (2.1 vs. 7.1 ± 1.4%, P
commercial herds to improve energy status and passive = 0.036) and LP mortality rate (4.5 vs. 11.1 ± 2.8%, P
immune acquisition of newborn piglets. However, there = 0.047) than the CONTROL group. At d 1, the COLO
is little scientific evidence on the efficacy of oral supple- group tended to have a lower LP mortality rate than the
ments for piglets. The objective of this experiment was CONTROL group (8.4 vs. 11.1 ± 3.0%, P = 0.058).
to study the effects of 2 oral supplementation products After cross-fostering, the COLO group had a lower LP
on piglet pre-weaning mortality and growth. A total of mortality rate at d 21 than the CONTROL group (6.3
62 litters (749 piglets) were distributed according to the vs. 18.3 ± 2.8%, P = 0.043). The total mortality rate
sow’s parity among 3 treatments: 1) CONTROL group, and piglet body weight did not differ among groups at
no oral supplementation to piglets; 2) EN group, light d 21. Piglets in the COLO group had a higher IgG level
piglets (LP: birth BW ≤ 1.35 kg) received 2 doses of at d 5 than those in the EN group (24.9 vs. 16.3 ± 2.15
1 mL Lianol Colostro; 3) COLO group, LP received 2 mg/mL, P = 0.034) and tended to be higher than those
doses of 5 mL ColoBoost. Treatments were adminis- in the CONTROL group (24.9 vs. 17.7 ± 2.35 mg/mL,
tered within 4 h after birth and repeated 8 h after the first P = 0.072). Piglets in the EN group had a higher serum
dose. Piglets were weighed at d 0, 1, 10, and 21 after IGF-I concentration than those in the CONTROL group
birth. Piglet rectal temperature was recorded shortly at d 21 (137.6 vs. 100.3 ± 11.15 ng/mL, P = 0.030). The
after birth and at 24 h. Cross-fostering was performed results suggested that 2 doses of oral supplementation
24 h after birth. Blood samples were obtained from 39 within 12 h after birth might be effective in increas-
LP at d 5 and 21 to determine IGF-I and IgG levels. Total ing small piglet survival and improving their IGF-I or
mortality and LP mortality rate (percentage of LP in the IgG levels during lactation without compromising litter
litter that died) were recorded. At d 1, the EN group growth.
Key words: colostrum, IGF-I, IgG, mortality, oral supplementation, piglet
© 2017 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2017.95:353–360
2012), resulting in more piglets at risk of reduced colos- Table 1. Gestation and lactation diets composition
trum intake. Colostrum provides the newborn piglet with Item Gestation diet Lactation diet
energy as well as with immunoglobulins, hormones and Proximate analysis (%)
growth factors (Quesnel et al., 2012; Rooke and Bland, Dry matter 93.8 94.1
2002; Wu et al., 2010). Several attempts to increase pig- Crude protein 19.7 23.7
let survival through early management have been studied. Crude fat 5.8 6.6
Crude fiber 3.4 2.3
Positive results have been observed by drying the piglets
Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg) 14 16
after birth (Christison et al., 1997), or drying and plac-
Ingredients (g/kg)
ing them close to the udder (Vasdal et al., 2011). While
Soybean meal 180 220
oral supplementation of newborn piglets with colostrum Broken rice 430 400
is commonly performed by farmers and the use of en- Rice bran 280 120
ergy boosters is increasing in sow herds, there is a lack of Rice bran solvent meal 80 –
studies on the effect of oral supplements on pre-weaning Steamed beans meal – 100
survival and growth of newborn piglets (De Vos et al., L-Lysine HCl (99.0%) 0.5 0.7
2014; Muns and Tummaruk, 2016). The objective of this DL-Methionine (99.0%) 0.05 0.2
experiment was to study the benefits of oral supplemen- L-Threonine (99.0%) – 0.7
tation using 2 commercial booster preparations (differ- L-Valine (98.5%) – 0.2
ing in their composition and their protein content) on L-Tryptophan (99.0%) – 0.2
Salt 4 3
piglet survival and growth, focusing on low birth weight
Limestone 25 7
piglets: 1) a booster preparation derived from glycerol
CaHPO4 – 22
and fermented potato protein (Lianol Colostro), and 2) a
Ca(H2PO4)2 4 –
colostrum replacer containing bovine derived immuno- Milk – 150
globulin (ColoBoost). We hypothesized that oral supple-
mentation will increase early survival of piglets and that
the use of a colostrum replacer containing bovine derived sows were moved to the farrowing house. Both the gesta-
immunoglobulins will also enhance their serological lev- tion and farrowing facilities consisted in a conventional
els of immunoglobulin. open-housing system provided with fans and individual
water sprinklers to reduce the impact of high ambient
MATERIALS AND METHODS temperature. Sows from the different treatments were
evenly distributed within the house. Farrowing pens
The experiment followed the guidelines docu- (3.28 m2) were distributed in 2 rows with a central alley
mented in “The Ethical Principles and Guidelines for and 2 alleys on the sides. The pens were fully slatted
the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes” edited by with concrete at their center for the sows and with steel
the National Research Council of Thailand, and was slats at both sides of the farrowing crate for the piglets.
approved by the IACUC in accordance with the uni- Each pen was provided with a creep area for the piglets
versity regulations and policies governing the care (0.60 m2) placed on the floor on 1 side and covered by a
and use of experimental animals. The experiment was plastic plate without any heating source. The researcher
conducted during May, 2015 on a commercial farm in had access to the sow from the front and the rear of the
Thailand with 3000-sow (Landrace × Yorkshire cross- pen and had easy access to the creep area through the
bred females produced in the farm) in a weekly batch top of it. Following the usual feeding routine of the farm,
system. The average ambient temperature during the lactating sows were fed twice a day with a dry corn-soy-
experimental period was 30.7°C. The minimum and bean meal diet (Table 1) that met or exceeded nutritional
maximum temperature ranged from 25.8°C to 37.5°C. requirements (NRC, 2012). The amount of feed offered
The average relative humidity was 71.0%. was increased daily until ad libitum feed was reached
after 1 wk of lactation. Sows and piglets had ad libi-
Animals, Housing, and Management tum access to water via separated nipple drinkers. The
parturition process was carefully supervised. The sows
Sows were kept in individual stalls (1.20 m2) during and piglets were interfered with as minimally as pos-
gestation and fed a commercial gestation diet according sible. The farm’s routine intervention was limited to vi-
to their requirements (NRC, 2012; Table 1). Feed was sual supervision of the farrowing and removing placenta,
provided twice a day following a standardized feeding mummified piglets or dead piglets. No extra manage-
pattern, resulting in an average of 2.5 kg of feed per sow ment was performed on the newborn piglets. Routine
per d. The animals received water ad libitum in a con- procedures performed on piglets included tail docking,
tinuous feed and water channel. On d 109 of gestation, tooth clipping and a 1 mL iron supplement administered
Oral supplementation in newborn piglets 355
intramuscularly (Gleptosil, Alstoe Ltd. Animal Health, a same 12 h period aiming to move piglets as minimally
Leicestershire, England) on the first day of life. Piglets as possible from one sow to another. All the surplus pig-
were orally administered coccidiocide (Baycox, OLIC lets were excluded from the experiment and allocated to
Ltd., Ayutthaya, Thailand) on the third day of age. No sows not included in the experiment. Back fat thickness
creep feed was offered to the piglets during lactation. from sows was measured on the P2 spot (last rib 65 mm
Weaning took place at 23 ± 2 d of age. During the entire down the dorsal middle line) on both sides of the body
experiment the animals were checked daily for health or using a Renco Lean Meater ultrasound system (Renco
eating problems. During the experiment no pathologic Corporation, North Minneapolis, MN) 24 h after farrow-
symptoms were observed on the farm. ing and on d 21 post-farrowing. To monitor sow’s body
energy mobilization during lactation, BF loss at d 21 was
Experimental Design calculated. The number of piglets born alive and stillborn,
and the number of mummified fetuses were recorded af-
A total of 749 piglets from 62 multiparous sows, ter the farrowing was completed.
ranging from the second to sixth parity and involving 2 Within 4 h after birth, piglet rectal temperature was
consecutive farrowing batches, were used in the experi- recorded with a digital thermometer (MSR, Measure
ment. On farrowing day, sows were allocated to 1 of 3 Technology Co. Ltd; Taipei, Taiwan, with a display reso-
treatments according to their parity, back fat thickness lution of 0.01°C and ± 0.1°C accuracy), and piglets were
(BF) and number of live born piglets: no oral supple- ear notched for individual identification. On d 1 (18 to 24
mentation (CONTROL); oral supplementation with 2 h after birth) piglet rectal temperature was recorded again.
doses (2 × 1 mL) of Lianol Colostro (96.0% DM, 1.1% Piglets were weighed on d 0 (within 4 h after birth), 1, 10,
CP, 0.0% CF, 0.0% CFib and 0.3% CA; Huvepharma and 21. Piglet body weight gain at d 1 was calculated as
Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand), an energy booster composed an indirect measure of piglets’ colostrum intake within
of glycerol (898 g/kg), fermented potato protein (99 g/ weightings. On d 1, cross-fostering was performed as de-
kg), and Vitamin E (3 g/kg; EN); and oral supplementa- scribed above. Litter pre-weaning mortality was record-
tion with 2 doses (2 × 5ml) of ColoBoost (96.0% DM, ed throughout the experiment differentiating between to-
27.0% CP, 7.3% CF, and 5.9% CA; Newborn animal care, tal piglet mortality rate in the litter and percentage of LP
Lamballe Cedex, France), a colostrum replacer prepared of the litter that died. After cross-fostering, 588 piglets
at 10% w/v from freeze dried skimmed bovine colostrum from 52 multiparous sows remained in the experiment
powder containing 30.7% of immunoglobulins (25.7% and were monitored until weaning. In addition, five extra
of IgG) according to the manufacturer (COLO). The sows whose litters were composed of only HP were also
analyzed energy content of Lianol Colostro was 1,602 monitored from d 1 to 21 so that their information could
kJ/100g and that of ColoBoost was 1665 kJ/100g. Oral be used when comparing piglet growth data (54 HP).
supplementation was only given to light piglets with a On d 5 post-farrowing, 2 mL blood samples were
birth weight of 1.35 kg or less (LP), leaving the heavy obtained from 39 female LP randomly selected from
piglets born weighing more than 1.35 kg of BW (HP) sows included in the experiment (CONTROL, n = 14;
without oral supplementation. According to Panzardi COLO, n = 13; and EN, n = 13). From the same pig-
et al. (2013), piglets born with 1.30 kg or less approxi- lets, a 2 mL blood sample was obtained again on d 21
mately account for 55% of the deaths during the first 3 d post-farrowing. Samples were obtained by jugular veni-
of lactation. In the present study, LP were defined to in- puncture into 9 mL serum separated clot activator tubes
clude the piglets accounting for more than the half of the (Vacuette, Greiner Bio-One GmbH, Kremsmünster,
early deaths in the farm. Piglets were held with 1 hand Austria) and centrifuged at 2000 × g for 10 min. The
and the supplement was carefully administered in their serum was stored frozen at -20°C until IgG and human
mouth to avoid regurgitation. The Lianol Colostro had IGF-I were determined. Immunoglobulin G was mea-
its own dispenser and the ColoBoost was administered sured from serum samples using the Pig IgG ELISA
using a 10mL plastic syringe. After being supplemented, Quantitation Set (Bethyl Laboratories, Inc., Montgomery,
piglets were returned at the same place where they had TX). Insulin-like growth factor I was measured from se-
been taken. The first dose of the treatments was admin- rum samples using the Mediagnost IGF-I ELISA E20 kit
istered within 4 h after the birth of each piglet, and the (Mediagnost Gesellschaft für Forschung und Herstellung
second dose was administered 8 h after the first. On d 1 von Diagnostika GmbH. Reutlingen, Germany).
(18 to 24 h after birth), all litters were standardized to 11
or 12 piglets ensuring that only 4 or 5 piglets of the lit- Statistical Analysis
ter were LP. Treatments were evenly distributed between
batches. Cross-fostering was performed among sows of All statistical analyses were performed using SAS
the same treatment and among sows that farrowed within 9.2 (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). All data was explored
356 Muns et al.
to determine distribution using the UNIVARIATE pro- Table 2. Oral supplementation effect on litter average
cedure of SAS. All variables were analyzed using the birth weight (BW) and litter birth weight variance1
litter as the experimental unit (to correct for clustering Variable CONTROL2 COLO3 EN4 SEM P-value
of piglets within litters and to correct for confounding n 20 16 16
factors at the sow level, the litter was introduced in all Backfat loss, mm 2.2 3.0 2.2 0.24 0.329
models as a random effect and was nested within the Litter size 12.1 11.7 11.8 0.19 0.433
main treatment effect). The ɑ level of significance was Litter avg. piglet BW 1.53 1.57 1.55 0.051 0.642
d 1, kg
set at 0.05. All results are presented as mean values.
Litter avg. piglet BW 3.23 3.25 3.36 0.109 0.179
Piglet mortality variables did not follow normal d 10, kg
distribution and were log transformed before being ana-
Litter avg. piglet BW 5.65 5.56 5.90 0.199 0.268
lyzed. Differences among groups for litter averages of d 21, kg
piglet weight, litter weight variance and individual piglet Litter BW variance d 1 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.017 0.382
weight during lactation were analyzed by repeated mea- Litter BW variance d 10 0.66 0.50 0.64 0.091 0.676
sures using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The model Litter BW variance d 21 2.02 1.74 1.84 0.149 0.869
included oral supplementation treatment, day of weigh- 1Litterwas considered the experimental unit for all data.
ing, as fixed effects, and the interaction between oral 2CONTROL = no oral supplementation.
supplementation treatment and day of weighing was also 3COLO = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
included. Differences among treatments for litter averag- with two 5 mL doses of ColoBoost. First dose within 4 h after the birth, and
es of piglet birth weight, litter birth weight variance, to- the second dose 8 h after the first.
4EN = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
tal piglet mortality, LP mortality, sow BF loss during the
with two 1 mL doses of Lianol Colostro. First dose within 4 h after the
experiment and piglet rectal temperature, body weight at birth, and the second dose 8 h after the first.
d 0 and d 1 (before cross-fostering), body weight gain,
and serological IgG and IGF-I concentrations were ana-
lyzed by general linear mixed models using the MIXED
procedure of SAS. All models included the oral supple-
mentation treatment as a fixed effects. Litter size was cat- Table 3. Oral supplementation effect on litter mortality
egorized into 3 groups (< 12, 12 – 14, > 14 live born pig- during the first 24 h of life (before cross-fostering) and
lets) and introduced as a fixed effect when significant (P from Day 1 to 21 of lactation (after cross-fostering).
< 0.05). In addition, farrowing batch and piglet sex (for Piglet mortality is represented by total piglet mortality
piglet variables) were also introduced as a fixed effect rate in the litter and percentage of piglets of the litter
when significant. For rectal temperature and body weight born weighing 1.35 kg or less (LP) that died1
at d 1, body weight at d 0 was introduced as a covariate, Variable CONTROL2 COLO3 EN4 SEM P-value
and for rectal temperature at d 1, rectal temperature at d 0 Number of litters 23 19 20
was also introduced as a covariate. The relations between Number of piglets 280 218 251
IGF-I and body weight at d 0, d 21 and body weight gain evaluated
at d 21 were tested using Spearman correlation. LP mortality 24 h, % 11.1b 8.4ab 4.5a 3.21 0.071
Total piglet mortality 7.1b 5.8ab 2.1a 1.92 0.088
24 h, %
Number of litters 20 16 16
Number of piglets 234 183 171
No treatment effect was observed on sows’ par-
ity, reproductive performance, litter average piglet body
LP mortality d 1–10, % 4.0 3.3 2.3 1.90 0.929
weight at d 0 or BF after farrowing (P > 0.05). The sows’
Total piglet mortality d 1.7 3.1 1.0 1.06 0.363
parity averaged 4.3 ± 0.41. The number of piglets born 1–10, %
alive, number of stillborn piglets and number of mummi- LP mortality d 1–21, % 18.3b 6.3a 11.5ab 2.43 0.094
fied fetuses per litter were 12.4 ± 0.77, 0.8 ± 0.22 (5.9%) Total piglet mortality d 9.1 7.0 8.4 0.99 0.634
and 0.3 ± 0.14 (2.2%), respectively. Litter average piglet 1–21, %
body weight at d 0 was 1.52 ± 0.053 kg. Sows had an av- a,bValues with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05).
erage BF of 15.8 ± 0.61 mm after farrowing. At d 1, after 1Litter was considered the experimental unit for all data.
cross-fostering was performed, litters were fixed at 11.9 2CONTROL = no oral supplementation.
± 0.19 piglets, with 5.0 ± 0.28 LP per litter. 3COLO = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
Sow productive parameters for the different treat- with two 5 mL doses of ColoBoost. First dose within 4 h after the birth, and
the second dose 8 h after the first.
ment groups during lactation (after cross-fostering) are 4EN = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
presented in Table 2. Sows from the different groups with two 1 mL doses of Lianol Colostro. First dose within 4 h after the
had similar BF loss during lactation (P = 0.329). No birth, and the second dose 8 h after the first.
Oral supplementation in newborn piglets 357
Table 4. Oral supplementation effect on body weight Table 5. Oral supplementation effect on body weight,
and growth during lactation (before and after cross- and growth during lactation (before and after cross-
fostering) of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less1 fostering) of piglets born weighing more than 1.35 kg1
Variable CONTROL2 COLO3 EN4 SEM P-value Variable CONTROL2 COLO3 EN4 HP5 SEM P-value
Number of litters 23 19 20 Number of litters 23 19 20 –
Piglets born weighing 102/2805 84/218 88/251 Piglets born weighing 92/2346 75/183 80/171 –
< 1.35 kg > 1.35 kg
Body wt at d 0, kg 1.12 1.16 1.12 0.010 0.208 Body wt at d 0, kg 1.66 1.70 1.65 – 0.010 0.483
Body wt at d 1, kg 1.20 1.25 1.17 0.013 0.515 Body wt at d 1, kg 1.79 1.82 1.76 – 0.011 0.284
Body wt gain d 0–1, g 61.5 81.6 54.6 0.01 0.378 Body wt gain d 0–1, g 123.1 114.3 91.6 – 0.00 0.286
Number of litters 20 16 16 Number of litters 20 16 16 5 0.010 0.483
Piglets born weighing 92/2345 75/183 80/171 Piglets born weighing 142/2346 108/183 91/171 54/54
< 1.35 kg > 1.35 kg
Body wt at d 1, kg 1.20 1.26 1.18 0.013 0.665 Body wt at d 1, kg 1.76 1.79 1.80 1.91 0.011 0.603
Body wt at d 10, kg 2.65 2.83 2.78 0.045 0.256 Body wt at d 10, kg 3.63 3.53 3.77 3.86 0.036 0.510
Body wt at d 21, kg 4.82 4.92 5.09 0.091 0.301 Body wt at d 21, kg 6.20 5.99 6.44 6.71 0.069 0.627
Body wt gain d 1–10, kg 1.43 1.55 1.59 0.038 0.321 Body wt gain d 1–10, 1.87 1.75 2.03 1.75 0.032 0.418
Body wt gain d 1–21, kg 3.62 3.64 3.94 0.058 0.395 kg
1Litter was considered the experimental unit for all data. Body wt gain d 1–21, 4.43 4.21 4.71 4.80 0.068 0.596
no oral supplementation.
3COLO = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less 1Litter was considered the experimental unit for all data.
with two 5 mL doses of ColoBoost. First dose within 4 h after the birth, and 2CONTROL = no oral supplementation.
the second dose 8 h after the first. 3COLO = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
4EN = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
with two 5 mL doses of ColoBoost. First dose within 4 h after the birth, and
with two 1 mL doses of Lianol Colostro. First dose within 4 h after the the second dose 8 h after the first.
birth, and the second dose 8 h after the first. 4EN = oral supplementation of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less
5Number of piglets born weighing 1.35 kg or less/total number of pig-
with two 3 mL doses of Lianol Colostro. First dose within 4 h after the
lets in the treatment group. birth, and the second dose 8 h after the first.
5HP = litters composed only of piglets born weighing more than 1.35 kg.
6Number of piglets born weighing more than 1.35 kg/total number of
difference among groups for average litter weight or for
piglets in the treatment group.
litter weight variance was observed during the lactation
period (P > 0.05). Piglet pre-weaning mortality data
from sows before and after cross-fostering are presented 1 (LP 38.2 ± 0.05°C, P = 0.777; HP 38.5 ± 0.04°C, P =
in Table 3. The mortality results included total mortality 0.125; data not shown).
rate in the litter and LP mortality rate (percentage of LP Body weight and body weight gain results for LP
in the litter that died). During the first 24 h after farrow- and HP during lactation (after cross-fostering) are
ing (before cross-fostering), the EN group had a lower presented in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. Light piglet
total mortality rate (P = 0.036) and a lower LP mortality body weight and growth at d 10 and 21 of lactation did
rate (P = 0.047) than the CONTROL group. The COLO not differ among groups (P > 0.05). Similarly, HP’s
group showed a tendency for reduced LP mortality rate body weight and growth at d 10 and 21 of lactation did
compared to the CONTROL group (P = 0.058). After not differ among groups (P > 0.05). In addition, the
cross-fostering, the COLO group had a lower LP mor- body weight and growth of piglets from litters com-
tality rate than the CONTROL group (P = 0.043) from posed of only HP did not differ from HP in the oral
d 1 to 21 after farrowing, but total mortality rate in the supplementation groups (P > 0.05).
litter did not differ among groups. Oral supplementation treatment tended to influence
Body weight and body weight gain of LP and HP IgG levels of LP at d 5 (P = 0.073). Light piglets in the
during the first day of life (before cross-fostering) are COLO group had a higher serum IgG level than LP in
presented in Table 4 and 5. At d 0, LP birth weight the EN group (24.9 vs. 16.3 ± 2.15 mg/mL, P = 0.034)
did not differ among groups (P > 0.05), and no differ- and tended to have a higher serum IgG level than LP in
ences for LP body weight at d 1 were observed either the CONTROL group (24.9 vs. 17.7 ± 2.35 mg/mL, P
(P > 0.05). Moreover, body weight of HP did not differ = 0.072). At d 21, oral supplementation treatment had
among groups at birth (P > 0.05) or at d 1 (P > 0.05). no effect on LP’s serum IgG level (3.7 ± 0.30 mg/mL,
Body weight gain at d 1 did not differ among groups P = 0.855). Oral supplementation treatment had no ef-
for neither LP nor HP (P > 0.05). No main treatment fect on LP’s serum IGF-I concentration at d 5 (71.8 ±
effect was observed for piglet rectal temperature at d 6.03 ng/mL, P = 0.628) but tended to influence LP’s
serum IGF-I concentration at d 21 (P = 0.086). At d 21
358 Muns et al.
of lactation, LP from the EN group had a higher serum and three hydroxyl groups) which has a very high di-
IGF-I concentration than those in the CONTROL group gestibility ( > 99%) and is easily metabolized (Kerr et
(137.6 vs. 100.3 ± 11.15 ng/mL, P = 0.030) but did not al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2014). Presumably, LP in EN
differ from those in the COLO group (137.6 vs. 114.9 ± would benefit from a faster and more efficient energy
9.41 ng/mL, P = 0.188). Sampled piglets did not differ boost than LP in COLO group, which could explain the
(P > 0.05) in birth weight (average value 1.17 ± 0.020 reduced LP mortality at d 1 in EN group compared to
kg), body weight at d 21 (average value 4.87 ± 0.135 CONTROL in contraposition to the tendency observed
kg) or body weight gain at d 21 (average value 3.69 ± in COLO group compared to CONTROL. On the other
0.132 kg) among treatments. The serum concentration hand, higher levels of IgG result in piglets immuno-
of IGF-I at d 5 and 21 were not correlated with piglet logically more competent and protected (Declerck et
body weight at d 0 (r = 0.01 and r = -0.04, respectively; al., 2016b). Moreover, IgG acquisition during the first
P > 0.05) but showed a positive correlation with both day of life is positively related to piglet’s growth and
body weight at d 21 (r = 0.67 and r = 0.52, respectively; survival (Decaluwé et al., 2014; Ferrari et al., 2014).
P < 0.001) and body weight gain at d 21 (r = 0.73 and r Therefore, the higher serum IgG levels observed in LP
= 0.56, respectively; P < 0.001). from COLO group would explain the lower LP mortal-
ity at d 21. Further studies including the information on
DISCUSSION the cause of death of the piglets would be of great value
to better understand the benefits of the different oral
In the present study, oral supplementation tended to supplementation options and to study whether different
reduce total piglet mortality during the first day of life composition protects against different causes of death.
due to its beneficial impact on LP survival. This effect It has been well demonstrated that oral supplementa-
was significant in the EN group, and a tendency in the tion combined with other management strategies is ef-
COLO group when compared to the CONTROL group. fective in increasing newborn piglet survival and perfor-
On the other hand, only LP in the COLO group had a mance (Dewey et al., 2008; Holyoake et al., 1995; White
lower mortality rate at d 21 compared to the CONTROL et al., 1996). In a recent study, daily supplementation of
group. Using similar designs and supplementing LP piglets with bovine colostrum during the first 3 d after
with 15 mL of sow colostrum obtained from the same birth extended life in piglets that died during the first 10
farm instead of a using a commercial product, Muns et d of lactation, but had no effect on the performance of
al. (2014, 2015) did not observe any effect of oral sup- surviving piglets (Viehmann et al., 2015). In the same
plementation on piglet survival at d 1 nor at the end of study, Viehmann et al. (2015) also failed to observe ben-
lactation. Muns et al. (2015) only observed an increase eficial effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on
in LP body weight at d 1 in primiparous sows, while piglet survival or growth when tested as a single dose
Muns et al. (2014) only observed an increase in LP body on d 1 of life. However, such results are mentioned but
weight at d 19. Muns et al. (2014) found that an effect not presented in their publication. Similarly, Declerck et
from oral supplementation with sow colostrum was ob- al. (2016a) also observed a reduction of mortality in low
served in non-homogenized litters after cross-fostering birth weight piglets after the administration of 2 doses of
but not in homogenized litters. Despite the supplements energy supplementation. In agreement with Viehmann et
used in the present experiment are not the same as in al. (2015) and Declerck et al. (2016a), our results sug-
Muns et al. (2014, 2015), their similar characteristics gest a cumulative effect of oral supplementation in LP
might suggest that the use of 2 doses of oral supplemen- irrespective of the supplemental product. In addition, the
tation in the present experiment compared to the use of positive effect of oral supplementation on LP weaning
a single dose of colostrum in Muns et al. (2014, 2015) survival observed in the present study and Declerck et
could explain the higher effect of oral supplementation al. (2016a), but not in Viehmann et al. (2015), suggests
on LP survival observed in the present experiment. the need to perform oral supplementation during the first
If we consider the energy content of sow colostrum 12 h after birth, while the sow’s colostrum is available.
to be approximately 260 kJ/100g (Theil et al., 2014), Due to their physical and physiological characteristics,
the energy provided in 1 mL of Lianol Colostro is equal piglets are very vulnerable at birth, and hypothermia and
to 6.2 g of colostrum while 5 mL of ColoBoost at 10% suboptimal energy intake might further increase their
w/v is equal to 3.2 g of colostrum. Therefore, the differ- risk of mortality. Therefore, energy intake is crucial for
ent effect on LP mortality observed in COLO and EN newborn piglets. The average body weight gain during
groups is probably related to the commercial boosters’ the first day of life for LP in the present experiment was
differences in energy content and composition. Besides not influenced by oral supplementation treatment. Since
having more energy content, Lianol Colostro is mainly colostrum is the only energy source for newborn piglets,
composed of glycerol (a sugar alcohol with 3-carbon it can be assumed that LP had similar colostrum intake.
Oral supplementation in newborn piglets 359
Similarly, Declerck et al. (2016a) found no treatment ef- cial for piglet growth after weaning. The lack of treatment
fect on piglet colostrum intake. The increased survival effect on weight gain at d 1 suggesting no influence on
and the lack of difference in weight gain at d 1 suggested colostrum intake could explain the lack of EN effect on
that oral supplementation increased the number of LP serum IgG and could suggest an indirect effect of Lianol
achieving an optimum growth during the first day of life, Colostro on IGF-I levels. Nonetheless, more research
thus increasing survival at d 1. Furthermore, the lack of is needed to further investigate the influence of Lianol
treatment effect on body weight and body weight gain Colostro supplementation on IGF-I levels. It would be in-
during lactation is in agreement with the lack of differ- teresting to confirm the positive effect on IGF-I levels ob-
ence in weight gain at d 1, and suggests that the number of served in the present study and in Poolperm et al. (2012)
piglets with reduced growth capacity was not increased and to investigate if it is due to a positive effect on colos-
with the increase in survival. However, colostrum intake trum intake, which would explain the increase in IGF-I
has been positively related to piglet pre-weaning daily levels, due to an indirect effect on gut maturation that
body weight gain (Decaluwé et al., 2014; Devillers et al., would enhance further absorption of IGF-I, or due to an
2004). The amount of oral supplementation administered indirect effect on the metabolic status. On the other hand,
in the EN and COLO treatments represents a small por- in the present study, despite the lack of an oral supplemen-
tion of the expected colostrum intake for LP. However, tation effect on weight gain at d 1, LP in the COLO group
as suggested by Declerck et al. (2016a), providing direct had a higher serum IgG concentration at Day 5. The high
energy to LP may assist them in reaching the minimum protein content in ColoBoost (27.0%) and the low of pro-
colostrum intake needed to survive. tein content in Lianol Colostro (1.1%) would explain the
In recent studies, Lianol Colostro supplementation differences in serum IgG concentration. Similarly, Muns
within 12 h after birth increased serum IGF-I levels at d 7 et al. (2014) observed that one dose of sow colostrum (15
and 25 (Poolperm et al., 2012), increased serum IgG lev- mL) was enough to increase the IgG concentration of LP
els at d 4 (Smulder and Kanora, 2012) and reduced mor- at d 4. Therefore, supplementing piglets with colostrum
tality at 24h (Kummer et al., 2015; Scollo et al., 2014) in replacement, rich in protein and immunoglobulin content,
low birth weight piglets. Similarly, in the present study, LP is also useful to ensure a proper serum IgG level.
in the EN group had an increased IGF-I serum concentra- To conclude, around 30% of the piglets on farms
tion compared to the CONTROL group at d 21, but they are born weighing less than 1.35 kg, and they account
did not have an increased serum concentration of IgG. In for more than half of the early deaths observed in the
the study by Smulder and Kanora (2012), the authors at- farm. Those piglets could benefit from oral supple-
tributed the increase in serum IgG to the positive effect of mentation during the first 12 h after birth (2 doses). In
Lianol Colostro on colostrum intake. However, Poolperm addition, our results suggest that the combination of
et al. (2012) attributed the increase in serum IGF-I to the the 2 treatments, 1 dose of an energy dense product
pro-metabolic effect of Lianol Colostro. Glycerol (the able to increase IGF-I serological levels and 1 dose of
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