Challenges in Materials R&D in Solving Environment and Energy Problems
Challenges in Materials R&D in Solving Environment and Energy Problems
Challenges in Materials R&D in Solving Environment and Energy Problems
Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)
- overview
Energy Technologies Institute - members
£50m investment by
each member
secures access to
£1.1bn R+D
programme over 10
Opportunity for up
to 11 industry
Outcome Focused
- ETI’s programmes over the next 10 years will support …..
ETI is central in the Energy Innovation Chain …..
Technology push & … market pull & public
knowledge transfer... policy
Marine Current Turbines
TRL 8-9
TRL 6-7
TRL 1-3 TRL 3-6
Commercial prototype
‘In the lab’ ‘At scale’
TRL = Technology Readiness Level, Images are for illustration of TRL definitions and are ETI assumed TRL status of a range of marine devices at early 2008
A typical ETI project will provide…..
Collaborative development and
demonstration of system level capabilities
Technologies and / or services
Development of supply chain capabilities and
demonstration of potential new capacity
Demonstrable de-risking of the system and Hammerfest strom / Rolls-Royce
Making ETI work - Technology Programmes
First programme calls 17th
December 2007
Offshore Wind, jointly with the
Carbon Trust
Marine – wave and tidal
100+ Expressions of Interests
received for each programme
Project proposals in
Distributed Energy programme
launched 16th April 2008
Focused on CHP and Alternative
Making ETI work – some potential programme areas
Wind (primarily offshore)
Distributed energy
Energy Networks – grids and management
Efficiency in Domestic and Commercial Buildings
Transport (inc non-hydrocarbon fuels and small-scale energy conversion systems)
Carbon capture, handling and sequestration (CCS)
Waste Heat Recovery and Conversion
Storage Technologies - Small scale & Large scale
PV Solar
Industrial Processes (Process effectiveness and Demand Reduction)
Large Scale Energy Conversion (inc efficiency improvement on fossil fuel systems)
Bioenergy - Liquid Fuels, Bioenergy - Heat and Electricity
Fuel Cells
Advanced Conversion technologies
And ……………….?
Materials UK Energy Review 2007
National review across key application
Fossil Fuel
Alternative energy systems
Transmission, Distribution and Storage
Identified 3 focus areas for materials
Reducing time to market and life cycle costs
(solar, fuel cells, marine)
Higher performance in harsher environments
(Carbon capture, co-firing, nuclear)
Improved life management and reliability
(offshore wind, nuclear)
Materials UK Energy review 2007
Design/materials integration
Modelling (materials and process)
Life time prediction methodologies
Condition monitoring, sensors, NDE
Repair, joining
Materials UK Energy review – Priorities and Timing
Ongoing incremental R&D
support existing fossil / nuclear life extension & grid infrastructure / networks
<5 years
Near term-applied R&D to assist rapid, cost effective deployment
clean fossil, offshore wind, marine, networks
5-10 years
Medium term applied R&D
ETI remove barriers to large scale deployment-costs & reliability for fuel cells,
solar pv
>10 years
Longer term-fundamental R&D
hydrogen, superconductors
Critical issues for ETI confirmed through current programmes
- all link to UK 2007 Materials review priorities
Manufacturing supply-chains
Enabling volume production
Priority areas will benefit from global collaborations
Sharing of capabilities
Experience and ‘lessons learnt’
Accelerating the pace of
energy R+D
Catalysing deployment of
low carbon solutions
Through ………..
Collaboration and system demonstration
Focus and effective decision making
Effective pull-through from the technology base
Growth in engineering and technology skills and capacity across
industry and academia
An increased “appetite” for risk at all levels
Background Information
Making ETI work – Organisation
David Clarke
Chief Executive
May 2008
Making ETI work – Values
Operating in a safe, open, ethical manner and being accountable for our
Demonstrating new and more efficient processes, technologies, operations
and services
Delivering against demanding targets and timescales and learning from
Creating skilled communities with common purpose and shared capabilities
Concentrating on solutions that will make a real difference
A typical ETI project might be …..
A typical ETI project might be ……..
Design, manufacture, test and
decommissioning of a 500KW (full-scale)
tidal current turbine at the EMEC test site
off Orkney, Scotland
Goals – demonstrate reduced cost
generation, improved system reliability and Hammerfest strom / Rolls-Royce
Cost / Time - £12m over 2 years
Delivery risk – Medium
Partners – 2 ETI members, EMEC, 3 UK
SMEs Science Friday
A typical ETI project might be ……..
Validation of combustion characteristics of
an alternative diesel fuel using a range of
Goals – demonstrate ability to utilise fuel
incorporating a range of sustainable Cummins
A typical ETI project might be ……..
Energy use in Buildings
Development of modular, low-cost Combined
Heat and Power system and test technical and
social science viability through incorporation into
a new commercial building project
Goals – create viable design and manufacturing
systems for compact, reliable and efficient heat Oxford University
Gussing /
Cost / Time £25m over 3 years
Delivery risk – Medium to High
Partners – 1 ETI member, 2 UK Universities, 1
North American University, 4 UK SMEs
A typical ETI project might be ……..
Demand-side management
Integration of active demand management
systems with ‘smart metering’ and micro-
generation renewable energy systems
Goals - demonstration at individual building level
of management systems for generator and load
controls whilst maintaining system stability and
required quality levels
Spin-off benefits in development of reliability
database, maintenance procedures and interface
requirements with main power grid
Cost / Time - £20m over 2 years
Delivery risk - Medium to High E.ON
Technology Readiness Levels - Design and systems engineering
- ETI role is in TRLs 3-6
System validation
9) Actual system proven through successful mission operation technology
validation in
8) Actual system completed and service qualified through test and deployment of
demonstration a prototype
7) System prototype demonstration in an operational environment
David Clarke, Chief Executive
David Clarke joined the ETI from his previous role of Head of Technology
Strategy at Rolls-Royce plc. David has been involved in collaborative research
and development of advanced technologies for over 20 years, leading a range of
research groups including Rolls-Royce’s Advanced Materials development
activities and its corporate Strategic Research Centre. With the latter group he led
Rolls-Royce’s evaluation and development of new technology opportunities in
fields as diverse as fuel cells, electrical propulsion technologies and advanced
computational diagnostics.
With Rolls-Royce he was responsible for development and management of the
Company’s global research strategy. This included the company’s multi-million
pound University-based research programme at the Rolls-Royce University
Technology Centres in the UK, North America, mainland Europe and Asia.
He has also been a member of EPSRC Council and is a member of the North
West Science Council.
David graduated from the University of Surrey in 1984 with a BSc in Materials
Technology, where he subsequently completed his PhD in Composite Materials
in 1988. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials and a Chartered Engineer.
Andrew Haslett, Director – Strategy
Andrew Haslett joined the Energy Technologies Institute from his previous role as
Group Science & Technology Director (Measurement & Modelling) at ICI plc.
Andrew has been involved in process and product technology development for 30
years, leading a range of research and engineering groups.
His experience covers a very wide range of technologies from large scale high
hazard process plant engineering to developing electronic materials and also a
broad range of industrial and consumer applications. He has experience of
development, design and operation of large scale plant and also technology
licensing and the sale of technology based services. At ICI he was recently
responsible for the development of the Group Technology Strategy and for
assisting businesses to measure and improve their application of technology to
Andrew graduated from Cambridge University in 1977 with a BA in Chemical
Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, of the
Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Royal Society for the encouragement of
Arts,Manufactures & Commerce. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered
Grant Bourhill, Director – Programme delivery
Grant Bourhill joined the Energy Technologies Institute in April 2008 from his
previous role as Director of Business Development at Sharp Laboratories Europe.
During his seven years at Sharp, Grant held roles including Director of R&T
Programme Delivery for Optical Systems, as well as leading a team that
established and maintained several global collaborative programmes. He
successfully developed a number of technologies within his portfolio from concept
through to successful overseas mass manufacture. Grant has also been involved
significantly in IP management for both internal technology development as well
as external company technology spin-in.
Prior to Sharp, Grant spent five years at QinetiQ in emerging technology
management, including work on innovative composite damage sensors, which
was recognised by the Rank Prize for Optoelectronics.
Grant graduated from the University of Strathclyde with a BSc in Chemistry and
subsequently completed his PhD in Nonlinear Optics at the same university. He
has been a recipient of both a NASA Fellowship and a Von Humboldt Research
Fellowship and has over 30 patents and more than 40 publications in peer-
reviewed journals. He has enjoyed periods living and working in the USA, Japan
and Germany.
Eamon Connolly, Director – Legal
Eamon Connolly joined the Energy Technologies Institute in May 2008
as Director - Legal, having previously been Head of Intellectual
Property at the Linde Group (formerly the BOC Group). During his five
years at the Linde Group, Eamon was responsible for all intellectual
property matters within the group, managing the development and
acquisition of intellectual property rights through to the exploitation of
the intellectual property rights of the group. He managed a team of
intellectual property professionals in the UK, the US and Germany.
Prior to this, Eamon worked as a solicitor in the Intellectual Property
Department of Herbert Smith, a leading City law firm.
Eamon has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Economics from
the University of Birmingham.
Martin Ridge, Director – Corporate Services
Martin Ridge joined the Energy Technologies Institute as Director – Corporate
Services in January 2008 on a two-year secondment from the UK Department for
Innovation, Universities and Skills, where he was Deputy Head of the Research
Councils Unit.
Martin’s background is in scientific research and technology transfer in academia
and industry in thin films, surface science and compound semiconductors. He has
worked in Brussels for the Eureka Secretariat and has considerable experience of
EU and UK collaborative research programmes in the areas of innovation and
knowledge transfer. More recently he was involved in developing the UK
Department for Trade and Industry’s strategy and establishing the Energy
Technologies Institute.
Martin graduated from Loughborough University of Technology in 1984 with a
BSc in Electronic Engineering and Physics and a PhD in thin films and surface
science. He earned an MBA from London Business School in 1991 and is a
Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Member of the Institution of Engineering and
Technology and a Chartered Engineer.