The Ultimate Guide To Boost Online Sales PDF
The Ultimate Guide To Boost Online Sales PDF
The Ultimate Guide To Boost Online Sales PDF
The T E
U I D E To
Drive Traffic
9 by Listing on Product Comparison Sites
Promote your Products
10 by Sending out Regular Newsletters
There is a great hype about using social media for your So from the all the social media platforms, you can
business and it’s not vain. Social media can help you harness the power of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
interact with your audience like never before. and Pinterest for your ecommerce business :)
c) Give away discount coupons: Why should a customer 2. What to post on Facebook?
come back to your page? Apart from giving him good
Here are a few ideas to help you get started:
content, you also need to engage him. Incentivize his
visits to your page. And nothing catches a customer’s
• Offer a tip a day
interest more when they get free stuff!!!
• Share an anecdote
• Tell them a story
• Make a video about an upcoming event
• Share a funny picture
• Tell them about an interesting article
• Share with them about what’s happening in your
4. How soon to respond to customer queries? Content board: You can give tips and information
about something related to your products. One such
Respond to customer queries and criticisms with equal
example is the board by a fashion store whatwhenwear.
interest. And add humor if you can. Don’t keep your
in, which has pins for ready tips on how to string a bead
fans waiting for a response. Make sure you respond to
necklace together.
Facebook messages and wall posts within 12 hours.
Take a look at this infographic which lists 64 different
ways to you can use Facebook to your advantage. You
can create a campaign around each of the pointers and
you can get over 4 million campaign ideas!
searching for related categories. For instance, if a person
is looking for clothing, categories like apparel, shoes and
handbags will also pop up.
You can make use of this feature, by linking your pins
directly to your website. You can either make your
pictures clickable, or in basic accounts just add the URL
to the product page.
Use Instagram to ‘Click’ With Customers
A quick fact:
“Posts with visuals receive 94% more page visits and
engagement than those without.” – Wishpond
In fact 90% of information transmitted to the brain
is visual. Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the
brain than text.
2. Complete your own profile and share your interests :
This is one of the most crucial steps and this is where
you can connect with your audience in a more personal
way by sharing your interests. You can also share links of
your blog and other social accounts.
1. Time – “Hurry Up!! Last two days of Offer!”
2. Limited supplies- “Hurry Up! Stocks running out
like chocolate cakes!”
3. Offer added benefits- “Get CCD coupons free with
every recharge of 100Rs!!”
2. Generate, upload and submit your XML Sitemap 4. Enhancing searchability through the “About Us”
field in the footer section
Once you have verified your website through the
Google Webmasters, the next best thing to do is create
In addition to the Title tags, Google also looks for
an XML Sitemap for your website. Sitemaps help
other keywords or relevant terms on your website, to
Google to discover pages on your website that may not
be able to link it to what users may be searching for.
be discoverable otherwise. In the simplest of terms, a
What you enter here gives Google a summary of what
sitemap is a list of pages on your website, much like
your site content is all about. It is always a good idea to
an index at the start of a book. And when you create
include keywords unique to your brand, along with a
a sitemap, you give Google an index of all your pages
brief description of your brand name or product range.
which makes it easier for the Mr. Know-it-All to show
Again, it is important to take care that you don’t add
you up in the relevant search results.
too much or too little text.
Well, we’ve already taken care of the “too much”
Step 1: Generate an XML SiteMap for your website
problem for you, by having a limit of 400 characters
using any of the SiteMap Generators.
:), so you wouldn’t have to worry about that.
Step 2: Upload the sitemap (.xml file) on your Zepo
Keep in mind though, that this description needs to
dashboard under Advanced Features » Google
be written keeping your potential target audience in
Webmaster SiteMap.
mind, and not Google, as Google is just the bridge that
Step 3: Find your sitemap URL at www. custom-url connects your audience to your store, by linking what
.com/sitemap.xml. they are searching for to the content on your site.
To add a description for your brand, log on to your Zepo
Step 4: Submit the URL to your SiteMap to your
Dashboard, and look for the “About Us” section under
verified Google Webmasters account, to complete the
Content » Manage Footer.
Click here, for steps to guide you through submitting
5. Promoting your Store through Social Media
the URL to your Google Webmasters Tools A/C.
Networks & Blogs back-linking
3. Create a Unique & Accurate Title Tag for your Another key area, which a lot of people don’t exploit
Store fully, is the power of social media and blogs. While
most links to your store/site will be gained gradually, as
This is one of the most important things that helps
people discover your content through searches or other
Google relate search keywords to the content on your
ways and link to it, Google understands that you would
store and is also probably one of the aspects which
also like to let others know about all the great stuff you
most store owners overlook. The trick is to ensure that
have on your store. Effectively promoting your brand
the title tag is brief and unique, but descriptive of the
through your Facebook page or Twitter Stream, would
content on your store. Using generic terms like “Buy
lead to faster discovery by users who are interested in
The Best T-shirts online” does not help Google relate
that subject.
the search word to the content on your store.
Also, start writing a blog for your brand. Having your
The Title Tag appears next to the page title on your
blog on your sub-domain helps in better discovery of
browser tab, and is a brief one line description of your
your brand and your URL.
store/brand. When creating this tag, keep in mind
though that if it is too long, Google will only show a For e.g. Adding a link to your store or website on
portion of it in search results, which is not helpful, as your brand’s Facebook page & vice versa increases
users are more likely to click results where the complete the chances of users linking back to either your store
title and description is visible. or your FB page. New announcements being made
regularly on your FB page or your blog is a great way to
let users know that you have added something new and
want them to come check it out.
6. Register your physical store on Google Maps It is advised that you target your keywords within the
title tag, alongwith your brand’s name at the end of the
If you also have a physical store, like some of our existing
store owners, adding your store details to Google
Maps, as well as embedding your Google maps location
b) Meta Descriptions: Meta description is a mini
on your store is an excellent way to reach customers
ad about your product, that will show up in search
through Google Maps as well as Google search.
engines. It gives your customers a quick overview about
the product. Search engines only index around 156
7. Your Product Names and Descriptions
Again, an important aspect, which will help Google Write compelling and clear product meta descriptions,
identify and link search terms to your store and as this is what will get a prospective customer to click.
products. And while it may not be absolutely necessary
to have uniquely named products, provided you have c) Keywords: These are the keywords people are likely
done a great job on your Title Tag and About Us (and to enter to search for similar products. As a store
another aspect which we will see in the next point) it owner, you want to target exactly these keywords so
would certainly help enhance search results. that your product shows up in the search results. For
Write detailed information about your products and example: Blue Kurta, Blue Men Kurta
add relevant tags for all your products. These tags You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find keywords
will help specifically identify your products for search around your product. Keep a balance between high and
engine results. Your product descriptions on your Zepo low competition keywords.
dashboard automatically convert to Meta tags for SEO
of your online store. d) ALT Tags for Product Images: ALT stands for
nothing else but “alternative”. So in short, this is the
For e.g. Try searching for “Aum Kurta” or “Blue Mojari” text that will show up just in case your image does not
or “Dabbang Soft” in Google and you would see that show. From an SEO point of view, Google or any other
the Zepo stores these p roducts are being search engine can’t read an image. And that’s why ALT
featured on would be listed on Page 1 of the Search tags for images help. To tell search engines what the
results page. image is about.
Now Try searching for “Car Signs”, which is a far more Keep your ALT tags short and sweet and you can ignore
generic term than the ones cited above, and you will unwanted words like “a”, “the”, etc. For example: White
see that the results page still lists the Zepo store where Round Color Tshirt
these products are sold. To know how, move on to
Point 5. e) Custom URLs for Product Pages: You now have the
liberty to customize your product page URLs to give
8. Your Individual Product Pages you better search engine results. Page URLs are the
key element for search engine optimization.
We recently rolled out a complete new SEO section
Keep your page URLs short, get rid of unwanted words
for Upload Product on Zepo. Which gives you utmost
and keep it keyword rich. Insert your most important
control over search engine optimizing your individual
keywords in the URLs.
product pages.
Along with your Search Engine optimized store, there
So what is this new SEO module? You can now are more ways to attract the online crowd to your store.
define the following for all your products, with a brief So next up in the series of internet marketing gyaan, we
description of “how-to” do it and why is it needed. bring to you, Off page SEO.
For all those wondering, What in the name of god is
a) Title Tags: Title tag is the clickable headline that you Off page SEO? Well, there are two types of Search
see in search engines. It’s a 70-character-long selling Engine Optimization. First is, On Page SEO which is
pitch of your product and the most important part of the optimization done on your web page and the next
optimizing your product pages. one is – Off Page SEO which is text and inbound links
from other web pages to your site’s pages.
Ever notice how with higher ad circulation and views, the
footfalls to your store goes up, similarly, a website with
more links directed to it from industry peer sites gets a
higher page rank and so dominates the search results.
So how does Off Page SEO technique help grow your
online business? It offers two vital aspects which any
online seller would die for.
1. Credibility
More than anything else, Off page SEO techniques
lend huge credibility to your Online store. Search
engines nowadays have increasingly penalized sites with
spam inbound links from dummy sites. So links coming
in from a trusted popular website carries more weight-
age for page ranking. This is true not just for the Search
engines but also for potential clients. When people see
links from quite a few sources, they are more likely to
check your site than the rest.
2. Traffic
The best part is obviously the traffic generated by off
page SEO techniques. With inbound links from multiple
sources, your page rank increases. Also links from
popular forums, blogs and websites create a lot of buzz
among the online aam-aadmi and they won’t be able to
resist the temptation to check you out!
And we all know 1+ 2= Sales!!
Facebook is a community that houses more than 1.1 For simplicity’s sake, we divide the article into 2 parts.
billion users across 213 countries in the world. That In the 1st part, we talk about the following topics:
would make it the third most populous country in the
world if it were one! This means it is one of the best • Different types of ads you can create.
platforms for any business to push its products to new • The different options you have to define and target
customers, create a brand name and build a personal the people who see your ads.
relation with its customers. If you have an online store In the 2nd part we dive deeper into the topic and
and are looking to advertise your products to the right explore the following points:
people, Facebook is THE platform to do so.
• How to understand and use the Facebook ad
When Chumbak started out in 2010 as a store that sold interface.
cool and funky accessories with an Indian touch, they • How to analyze data and track your ads’
used Facebook advertising to catapult to popularity. performance.
They used Facebook ads to get users engaged with the • How much you should spend on Facebook.
brand, drive new people to the page, increase traffic to
its product range and to promote offers and discounts. So let’s get started!!
As a result, 25% of their online revenue now comes
from Facebook. The Return on Investment is as high What types of advertisements can I run on Facebook?
as 5 times the total spend and 30%-40% of their total
website traffic comes from Facebook. There are many types of ads one can create using
Facebook. There are too many to go through in such
That is the power of Facebook paid marketing. In limited space, so let’s stick to the ones that can benefit
this article, we go through everything you need to an eCommerce website the most!
know about advertising on Facebook to take your
e-commerce store a couple levels higher and boost Domain Ads: Click on an ad and be redirected to an
those sales figures. external website! These are what domain ads do. Divert
interested customers to your e commerce website and
help you close a sale right there and then. Running a
special sale or promotion? These ads can come very
handy. You can see them on the right side of your
Facebook page.
Tip: Eye Catchy content = Higher Response for the Ad! Facebook lets you define a list of parameters to
That’s ‘cos you don’t get a lot of characters to work with! decide which people can see your ads. Choosing the
parameters wisely is the difference between a failed
Promoted Posts: You must have seen those posts on ad that bleeds money and a successful ad that gains
your Facebook News Feed from pages you’ve never acquisitions for you! The major parameters are the
even heard of? And somehow, a couple of your friends following.
seem to be recommending it as well! How does that
work? Location: Specifying a location to run your ad is
mandatory for all Facebook ads. If you plan to provide
Well, that is what a promoted post is! These types of shipping of electronics only in Mumbai, why waste
ads let posts from your Facebook page pop up on the money advertising your products to a gadget freak in
news feed of people, even if they haven’t liked your Delhi?
page yet. It basically tries to emulate word-of-mouth
marketing for your brand and it more or less appears Age & Gender: Many a times a product may be suited
like a post from any other page liked by the user. for a certain gender or age group. There is no point in
advertising jewelry to men or shaving kits to women.
Choose the appropriate age and gender that your ad
should target and reap the benefits.
Using a custom audience, you can create a list of people We now bring to you the rest of the details that’ll help
with similar interests to that audience and then choose you through the process, along with a few words of
to target them with an ad. This list is called a lookalike advice you should keep in mind while creating Facebook
audience. To use custom and lookalike audiences, you ads.
first need to use the Facebook Power Editor. Power
Editor is a free browser plugin created by Facebook In the 2nd part of our guide, we go through the
that lets you bulk-edit your ads. It works best with following topics:
Google Chrome.
• How to understand and use the Facebook ad
Does this mean, I am all ready-set-go to advertise on interface.
Facebook? • How to analyze data and track your ads’
To sum it all up, we can say that Facebook does offer a • How much you should spend on Facebook.
wide variety of options to choose from when it comes
to the types of ads and the targeting options. You need Where Do I Run My Ads From?
to know which type of ad to use when, experiment a
little and try to click with your customers. Creating your First Ad
So far you’ve picked up quite a lot, but you’re not quite As discussed in Part 1 of the article, a user can choose
ready to get started as yet. There are still a few more from a variety of ad types. You can go through them
points to run through before you can begin advertising and what they do here.
your brand to the masses on Facebook. Head over to So what do you want to achieve with your ad campaign?
Part 2 of our Facebook Marketing Guide for Indian Increase purchases on your e commerce website or
Online Stores and read more about using the Facebook advertise your brand? Whatever your needs, choose an
ad interface, analyzing your ads’ performance and how ad type accordingly, say a domain ad or a sponsored
much you should spend on Facebook ads! post. For domain ads, head over to https://www., click on the ‘Create an Ad’
button and you can get started with your first ad!
The heading of the ad can be no more than 25
characters long, while the body has to be limited to 90
characters. Keep the content short and informative yet
catchy to generate a good response!
Choose an Image You’ll be able to check detailed statistics about how well
What is the first thing that catches your eye in an your ad is performing in the ‘Ads Manager’ section. Here
advertisement? The image(s)! Even before you read the you have access to details like In-depth performance
ad, half the message is conveyed by the image itself. and demographic information, response graphs etc. You
can also keep a tab on the total amount spent on each
campaign and pause and start ads.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA): It is the amount spent
How much do I actually spend?
on ads for every successful conversion. It is calculated
by dividing the total amount spent by the number of How much you actually want to spend on Facebook
conversions through advertisements. The lower the depends on the size of your business and the number
CPA is, the better you are doing on Facebook! of products that you want to sell. You should always set
a realistic sales target and spend accordingly. If you aim
How Much Should I Be Spending on Facebook Ads to sell products worth, say, Rs. 10,000 through ads on
Facebook, then you shouldn’t be spending more than
How much does it cost to run an ad campaign? around Rs. 3,000-5,000 on the ads themselves. Also,
you should always keep your total ad spend under 10%
How much it costs you to run a Facebook ad depends
of the total sales that your store generates.
on a lot of factors. The major ones would be how many
people you want your ad to reach and how many visitors In the end, the success of your ad depends on a number
you require. You need to submit an ideal bid, which is of factors, including a little bit of luck. You must have
neither too low to be stifled by competition and nor too a clear idea about what type of ad to use for which
high to cost you too much. purpose, which type of audience to target and how to
monitor and optimize your ads’ performance. A lot of
Remember, sometimes it takes a bit of time for ads to
the learning actually comes through experience. Every
start performing, so you need to be patient. But that
aspect involved is important and needs to be taken care
said, you should also not hesitate to kill ads that are
under performing and costing your company valuable
money. Constant monitoring is required to keep the If you can use the power of Facebook advertising to your
Facebook ad-spend at an optimum level. benefit, it is safe to say that you will see a noticeable
spike in activity on your website. More people will be
talking about it online and word about your business will
spread fast. So use your options wisely and watch your
business boom!
When the two brothers Vaishnav and Vishnu started So basically when we are working on our brand
selling their innovative wooden mobile phone cases on awareness there are two ways to do it. they did not have many takers. Was it
• Organically or for free via Search Engine
because their product was mediocre and not liked by
people? Certainly not! Their sales were low because
• Inorganically or through Paid Ads.
people had no idea that something like that is being
sold online in India! Be it chappals made of recycled Among paid ad channels we have Google Ads and
tyres, or ipad cases made of bamboo or organic honey Facebook Ads. So let us first understand How to Use,
made in the hills of Himachal, there are thousands of Optimize and Budget your Facebook Ads. This is a two
unique products which are being sold online today in part series where we have highlighted in detail about
each and every category. But the catch is to make how to run your Facebook ad campaigns, get users to
people aware about all the awesomeness out there. engage on your Facebook page and also direct traffic
to your online store to make purchases.
So when YOU start selling on your online store- How
do you ensure people know about it? How do you By the end of this post you will be able to setup your
create the initial traction and have visitors flock in? first Google Adwords campaign to advertise your
So lets introspect a little and get the answers. What products on your ecommerce store.
are sites which majority of us use almost around 10
times a day? Introduction
It does not require a genius to pinpoint that is most Google ads are arguably the easiest and the most cost
likely Facebook and Google. Well if your customers effective way to advertise. The performance and the
are spending most of their time on these platforms return of investment are highly measurable.
then why not reach out to them there?
Starting Off
Lets say you own an online book store. Would you not
like your ad to pop up when someone searches for 1. Prioritizing your top selling products
“Buy Books Online.” on Google?
If you were an offline seller then you must already be
knowing which products are most in demand. If not,
then you can use a bit of experimentation with your
product line. Essentially the goal here is to drive traffic
to your website through ads created for the most
popular products.
2. Creating Your First Campaign To promote your ecommerce store
Choose this option to kickstart your first marketing Create an interesting proposition highlighting your
campaign in Google Adwords. stores salient features in the most exciting way possible.
Tip: Think from the point of view of a consumer. What
Once you create a campaign you can further create
kind of ad would you like to click on?
different ad groups for different products.
In the image you see below, we have created multiple
ad groups like coffee maker, cas tops as well as a store
promotion ad group called ‘Buy Kitchen Appliances
4. Creating a list of keywords that would trigger your ads
For this you would need to navigate to Tools>Keyword
Planner from the top menu. Put in details of your
product and service, landing page and product category.
Navigate to Keywords ideas and have a look at the
6. Finalizing the budget and setting off
suggested keywords for your product category.
What’s the first thing that happens when you walk in Zopim is one such live chat application which easily
to a physical store? The salesman asks you if you need embeds on your online store and allows you to have
any assistance. He/she helps you go through the wide real-time conversations with your visitors.
range of products so that your shopping experience
gets better. But, how do you entice and engage the 2. Show Targeted Pop-ups
random browser on your online store. Well, just like
A person browsing through a brick and mortar store,
everything else, this task has been made very easy,
can be nudged to buy by a discount offered by a
with a lot of features and tools you can put to you use.
salesperson. But how do you get the attention of
So go ahead and find ways to convert those window
your customer on your online store? Why not show
shoppers to long lasting customers.
them a pop-up? The beauty of pop-ups compared to
a static message is that you can play around with the
1. Integrate Live Chat Feature
timing and the type of the pop-up. Let us look at a few
When a visitor comes to your website, he/she may be options of pop-ups you can show.
looking for something specific. Now, if they are lost,
Time based Pop-ups: Say a customer is browsing
how do you go about helping them? Do you know that
your store for around 5 minutes and has not made
online chat acts pretty much like a store attendant in a
an attempt to purchase. Showing him a time based
physical store? From improving customer interaction
discount pop-up such as get 20% off on all purchases
and customer satisfaction, to helping the visitor find
before midnight might just be the nudge. If you feel
his/her way around the online store, and building a
that a pop-up shown during browsing can be intrusive,
rapport with your visitors – the live chat will help you
then you can show him an exit browser pop-up. So
sail through all of this. So, to charm all your visitors
once the customer clicks the exit button, he will see
into loyal patrons of your brand, install the live chat on
a targeted pop-up from you about a discount, sale or
your store now.
latest collection.
Feedback based Pop-ups: Pop-up can be a feedback something, he does through research and comparison.
form taking their inputs and email IDs. Try to make Now imagine that a customer comes to your website
the form as short and easy as possible. Don’t pester which for instance sells exercise gear. He really like a
them and don’t try to oversell. Give them their space pair of track pants and has almost made up his mind to
and reply to their queries while dropping in some purchase it. When he looks that the product had 4/5
suggestions time to time. Try not to repeat the same star ratings and has some god customer reviews, he
suggestion. You can use this form not only for feedback, may just purchase the item! Also, he will get a chance
but also for lead generation, as you can use their email to review the item himself. These reviews will not only
IDs to send them some good marketing emails. benefit your customers, but will also give you chance
to hear directly from people and understand how your
products are faring.
With an inviting and easy to use store, you will see the
number of visitors converting to customers slowly and
steadily increase. Whenever you add a feature or use
a tool, make sure to analyze the results and run A/B
testing. This will help you optimize and keep improving
your store.
The use of coupons and gift vouchers can be a powerful extra newsletter subscriber.
tool for your online shop and can attract new visitors
as well as returning customers. In the end, it’s all about
creating those extra sales you’re looking for. Like all
powerful tools, you need to be careful and set up the
right strategy for you and your shop in order to take
full advantage of what the coupon industry has to
offer. So lets see the best how-tos and tips for using
the power of these coupons for your online store.
5. Set up your own strategy
You need to think through what your goals are for your
online shop. Do you want to increase your market
value, gain more newsletter registrations and increase
spending on your site? Perhaps you’re more interested
in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty to
your brand. With the correct use of coupons, you
can manage these goals pretty easily. However, like
most things in this line of business, patience is just as
important as taking the initiative to try out different
marketing strategies.
Once you begin the process, it’s important not to stop
halfway on account of your first attempt not being
the success you anticipated. It takes a well-structured
and preemptive plan to measure which kind of coupon
(a percentage or fixed amount/with or without a
minimum order value) works best for your brand name
and clients. Remember: consumerism doesn’t happen
overnight. Most people need time to adjust to change,
which means that you can’t expect everyone to respond
positively to your new plan immediately.
So,give your new strategy some time to settle within
your business and trend setters will surely follow!
that for every 1-second delay in page load time, there is 2. Category hierarchy support
a 7% reduction in conversion rate.
2. Look good: Ecommerce merchants need to build
trust with their customers. Customers are unsure if the
merchant will deliver on time, whether he will charge
the right amount, whether the product is genuine and
several other such uncertainties. One of the most
impactful ways to build trust is by having an appealing
mobile site. The cross-page experience needs to be
consistent, the text and images need to be pleasingly
aligned and the navigation needs to be intuitive.
3. Seamless checkout flow: One of the biggest inhibitors
for converting traffic into sales is the checkout flow. Is
the “Add to Cart” button prominent? Does your cart
page allow modifications? Can the user checkout as
a guest? Does the payment page look trustworthy?
These are all questions that could be potential barriers
for your customer to make a purchase.
4. Swipe-based image display on the product page 6. Consistent cart and checkout page
Whether you follow the news regularly or not, List of Popular Marketplaces in India
names such as Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal
have become common in every household. With Homeshop18 Fabfurnish IndiaTimes
the immense media coverage they have garnered Ebay Craftsvilla Aporv
in the past year customers are flocking to these Art For Everyday Infibeam Flipkart
online portals. For a person who is planning to
Tradus Egully Fashion at
establish a good online presence for themselves, Click
why not harness the power of these marketplaces?
Red Patang Unwrapindia Nethaat
Did you know that Chumbak - one of the most 3 Closets: Curators Shopclues Shop Inonit
famous brands for kitsch products used to only sell of Fine Fashion
through online marketplaces before they opened Rediff Shopping Mirraw Rangiru
their online store? This generated a lot of buzz around Nineteen Pepperfry 6Y Collective
and that is how they built their brand visibility. Its Handmade Koovs Storrz
This is when they launched their own online store.
Young Republic Style Tag Tadpole Store
So, apart from selling through your own website, you High5Store CraftVille 48Craft
need to be visible at a lot of other places too. Selling Buy the Price Zaarga
your products on online marketplaces will help you
achieve 2 very essential things as an entrepreneur.
1. It will increase your brand visibility and
2. And it will keep getting you new customers time
and again.
There are large number of online marketplaces in India.
Some of these marketplaces for instance Flipkart and
Amazon, sell a wide range of products, whereas some
cater niche sectors like Pepperfry for furniture. To
make things easier, Zepo has curated a list of a number
of popular market places in India.
Out of this list, we have reviewed the top 6 most popular
marketplaces. This review is based on the parameters-
Pricing, Shipping, Packaging, Payout Period and
Marketplace Size. So make sure you identify minimum
2-3 marketplaces to sell your products on.
Review of Online Marketplaces
Marketplace Amazon eBay ShopClues Tradus Snapdeal Flipkart
Subscription Fee INR 499/ INR 499/ Free Free Free Free
Month Month
(For Basic
Listing Fee INR 10/ Free for Free Free Free Free
Sale first 100
Pricing products
Payment Gateway None 4.5% Paisa None None None None
Fee Pay Fee +
12.36% ST
Comission (Depends 5%-15% 1%-7% 4%-20% 4%-20% 4%-20% 4%-20%
on Product Category)
Self Shipping Yes Yes No No No No
Shipping Provided Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Marketplaces provide an established platform for
sellers to sell their products online, but give lower
margins in profit as compared to selling from an
independent online store. Also your products may
get lost in the competition and it is hard to create a
unique brand image for your store. Hence they cannot
be a complete substitute to opening an online store.
Since marketplaces are good testing ground for your
products, help to create brand awareness and add to
your revenue, it is important to sell on them parallel to
your online store.
How many mobile phones have you compared online cr. products over 25 categories. And it’s in the
before actually making the purchase? Or even, Top 10 E-Commerce Portals (by traffic) in India.
compared car models to see which has the best features
and fits your pocket the best? Plenty of times, right. For sellers, looking to list products on Junglee, click
With everyone in a great hurry nowadays and over that,
the itch to find the best deals on a purchase, people
2. Naaptol
are flocking to product comparison websites. And not
only do the shoppers get a chance to checkout multiple
products under the same roof but also compare prices
and buy what suits their pocket the best.
Naaptol, since its inception in 2008, has grown to
What’s in it for you, as a retailer? be India’s largest comparison based social shopping
As an online retailer, you need to make sure that portal. For merchants and retailers, you first need to
you are always discoverable and visible when your register yourself on Naaptol using the contact form
customer is looking for you. Be it on search engines, (click here) providing them your company details.
on marketplaces or elsewhere. More information about how to list on Naaptol, can be
sought from the customer care officer at +91 92235
We are listing for you product comparison websites in 16148.
India, where you can upload and list your products for
free. And give shoppers another chance to know about 3. Price Dekho
your brand and your products!
5. Tol Mol 9. Shop at India
7. Prices Bolo
ComparetheBazaar connects vendors and buyers, FindYogi product comparison site, which lists
connecting both with product price comparison. Again, electronics like mobiles, laptops, cameras and tablets.
a website based on the Pay Per Performance model, Even though it is relatively new, it has grown at a steady
you will have to pay them only for the leads to your rate and caters to a good number of online shoppers. To
store. Otherwise, uploading and listing your products is get your products listed on their website, you can drop
free of cost. You can find out more information about them a word at
their Merchant Model here.
13. Compare Raja
When email was first introduced to the masses, it it is a generic promotional email and my chances of
revolutionized the entire world of communication. opening it go down.
People started using emails to communicate with a
Compare the two examples below. Both Jabong and
large number of people in a short time. Slowly, social
Zivame have some great offers but look for yourself
media came in and the advertising world largely moved
which one talks more to the receiver ;)
its promotional campaigns to social media to improve
the reach. But if you believe that because of the advent
of social media, email marketing has lost its value, you
are absolutely mistaken. Even though social media can
help to potentially reach a large number of audience,
it is email marketing which will precisely reach your
target customers and retain the existing ones.
As a marketer of an online store, you can stay in
touch with your customers through specialized and
targeted email marketing campaigns. Do you know
that according to Forrester, an average person in the
world receives around 25 commercial emails in his/her
inbox daily? So now, you face the challenge to really Whereas Zivame, sets a good example for a subject line
stand out among the host of emails. which I would like to open.
Let us see what are the best practices for writing a
good email that will increase its chances of being read
and followed.
Checkout what Snapdeal sends as newsletters. • If you sell clothes and accessories, how about
including a fashion style for the month.
Content newsletters will give you more readership and
will keep the readers in touch with what is happening on
your store.
to talk about your product or brand. Teenagers from Stock your Products at Stores Near You
college tend to try so many things as they are yet to
There are many brick and mortar stores which showcase
establish a permanent taste like oldies. So it is relatively
various kinds of products from different brands. When
easier to market to school and college goers than any
you stock your products, make sure you brand them
other crowd and with a college event you can directly
properly. On the packaging or label (in case of fashion
impact the grass root.
wear) mention your website address. You can offer
Plus, associating yourself with an educational institute discounts if customers buy from your online stores.
wins you credibility in the market. You can also request the store owner to put a banner
on your name. Do you know how beautiful your
3. Tie up with Offline Businesses products can look when arranges tastefully in the shop
of a famous Stockist!
Do you sell chic crockery of coffee mugs? There are a
number of cafes and restaurants which keep popping
up in all parts of a city. Why not tie up with them
and give your crockery or costars at low rates? If you
get creative, how about the décor or furniture? Find
relevant businesses, identify their needs or create one
and come up with a relevant mutually beneficial deal.
Be creative with your ideas and you may end up finding
your niche markets at a lot of places.
There could be 999 more such examples, all brilliant
than these, but what is so common in them?
All these people chose not to opt for the convention,
rather, they displayed amazing innovativeness to sell
their brand. They decided to convey their USP through
everything that goes out to their audience, and that
got them stand out of the crowd.
With the above methods, you can give your brand a
good offline presence and grab the attention of your
target audience in a sly yet effective way. All these
methods are to get your audience to check out your
products and buy from you. Once they like what they
see, they would want to keep coming back to you again
and again and again!
This is business card of hair stylist Yuki Suzuki. Do you
think that with this business card Yuki needs to prove
her expertise in hair styling in front of anyone?
One very efficient way to increase your sales is to Why get featured on Blogs?
spread the word about your store. One way is via a good
They Provide Credibility to your Products
public relations strategy such as influencer marketing.
Imagine that a popular blog or an e-magazine features These blogs are usually written by common people who
your idea, store or products in a positive light! The are experts in their fields or are very passionate about
authors of such blogs are known as influencers. it. Lets say that you have a fashion apparel website .
Featuring your products or store on their blog will A lot of your target audience, say college going girls,
surely direct a huge percentage of their followers follow a fashion blogger who talks about urban style
your way. It can do wonders to create a positive image casual fashion. Then if that blogger talks about your
of your store in the public eye. It is an indispensable products or your website, then you will direct most of
method to attract more people to visit your website, his blog traffic immediately to your store.
popularize and buy your products.
They Have a Good Social Media Presence
India has various blogs which share information, ideas
and concepts that may relate to your business. Some Most of the good bloggers are known as influencers
of them especially feature innovative startups in all as they have a large number of followers on their
spheres, while some blogs are restricted to particular respective blog and social media platforms like
categories such as fashion, food, art, technology etc. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Their posts have a
So getting featured on a blog which caters to your kind huge reach and a lot of fans share their content. So if
of audience, can work wonders for your store. So let they feature your store or products, it will attract the
us see why you should definitely include these blogs as attention of a wide range of audience.
a marketing channel and how to go about increasing
your chances of getting featured on them. Influencer Marketing is the Best Way to Reach Your
Target Audience
In online selling, reaching your niche audience is the
most lucrative and effective marketing strategy. Like
we saw in our example of fashion apparel store, the
readers of an urban fashion blogger and your target
audience overlap. Getting your products featured on
the blog, is the best way for you to reach your potential
How to Get Featured On a Blog?
Now that you are convinced about the ‘Why’, its
time to move on to the ‘How’. Famous bloggers and • While it is advisable to send emails to multiple
influencers, get a lot of requests from website owners. influencers, DO NOT copy paste the same email
So, it is upto you to stand out. So lets see some ways to everyone.
you can get into the good books of these bloggers. • Do not write a very long overbearing emails, as
readers tend to ignore them. Similarly, very short
Identify the Right Influencer ones may make you look disinterested.
• Do not adopt an overconfident or impolite tone.
If you are selling a special kind of food product, say
exotic cheese, then it does not make sense for you to
Send Free Samples of Your Products
contact a blogger who writes recipe for ethnic South
Indian food. So you need to identify a blogger who Whenever we go shopping, we usually try the outfits,
writes about the particular product(s) you sell. sample the food or test the fragrance of the perfume
before purchasing it. While shopping online, the
Initiate a Good First Contact customers do not have the option for the same. In such
scenarios, they will rely on the opinion of the person
‘The first impression can make it or break it’- is not a
they trust, which in their case might be the influencer.
myth in the online world. The most effective way to
It is always advisable to send a few samples of your
contact a blogger is via an email. But these bloggers
products to the influencers to test it out. This solves 2
receive multiple emails every day from many sellers.
So you need to make your email catchy and unique.
It is almost like sending a good persuasive email for
1. If they like your product, they will be more
your most important client. Listed below are some to
motivated to feature it on their blog.
do’s and don’ts which you need to keep in mind while
2. They will be able to write a more realistic description
initiating the first contact with an influencer
of something they have tested for themselves.
Maintain Your Relations with the Blogger
• Personalize the email for every influencer you So you managed to do all of the above steps well and
contact. the blogger agreed to feature your product! Now what?
• Clearly state your purpose. Firstly, you need to do a joyous dance, as it is a big feat
• Introduce your store and explain a little bit about you have accomplished. Next, you need to thank the
your products. person. Since, he/she is now in your good books, it only
• Explain clearly about the relevancy of your products pays off to maintain good relations with them. This can
to his blog. be done by
Remember your birthday when you went out for never hurts to go that extra mile. When a customer
lunch with your friends and the waiters gave you a buys something from your store, you can pick up the
complimentary cake and sang happy birthday for you? phone and ask them whether they like the product,
Sweet gesture, wasn’t it? Hell yeah, it was! is everything as they expected. This will not only give
you an idea of how your products are received, but
Now, why shouldn’t your customers deserve the same
that gesture, will truly remain with your customer. If
treatment from you?
you are thinking that a call may be too intrusive, then
Welcome to ‘Make it Personal’ where we show you may be a personalized SMS message may also work.
how to connect with your customers on a personal
level. And worry not! It isn’t as difficult as you might 3. Social Media
be thinking it is! Just a little bit extra as a kind gesture,
That awkward feeling when you put up a nice status
to leave a mark on the heart.
and nobody replies…
As an entrepreneur, you should consider that as a
loss of business. Make sure you reply immediately
whenever anybody puts up anything on any of the
social media sites or other forums, preferably within
24 hours. If you are unable to answer to a query
immediately, let the customer know that his worries
are being addressed and give him a time frame within
which to expect the reply. No matter what the nature
Let’ go about it already, shall we?
of the query is, do not delete any post. Even if there
are negative comments, find out the root cause of the
1. Personalized Emails
problem, address it and apologize to the customer. You
Do you know that discounts and deals are not only for reply should have the power to change the opinion of
new customers but also for the existing ones? If they the customer and win his trust again. One unhappy
have bought something from you, motivate them to customer, can influence many.
buy from you again by offering them a discount which
is absolutely impossible to refuse. Keep them informed 4. Offline – Thank You Notes
and up to date about your latest collections so that
“Thank you, Priya for picking out shoes from
they stay in the loop. Make the email fun to read!! Look forward to seeing you around!”
Caution: Refrain from sending too many emails. No There, was that so hard?
one likes a pesky acquaintance spamming their inbox.
Nothing says you love your customers better than a
One email every 2 weeks should do the trick!
thank you note. Someone orders a package from your
store and waits eagerly for it to be delivered. And as
2. Keep in touch via phone
soon as they open the contents, they find a beautiful
Do you know that a lot of companies, have the bad handwritten note thanking them for shopping with
reputation of just selling? You may be thinking, that you.
wait, isn’t that why I have an online store in the first
A small gesture like this can go a long way in building
place. Well, not really. When you are starting up, it
an amazing customer – brand relationship.
5. Special offers for Their Special Day
How about a special discount for the birthday boys
and birthday girls? Like a one or two day offer that’s
exclusive only for them to avail! Other than birthdays,
people can forget their anniversary but a Happy
Anniversary Offer won’t be forgotten. Wish your
customers on their anniversary. Send in a lovely card
and some flowers, if possible. How about a coupon
giving them a sweet deal to buy something for their
better half?
These are some of the few ways you can reach your
customer and make a personal connection with them.
This way you can make sure that they that they remain
loyal to you. Always.
You’d almost never walk into a super market, pile stuff Reason #2: “I had to fill out too many details!”
onto a cart and walk out without making a purchase.
While it may benefit you to know the gender and
But things change when you shop online. Customers
birthday of your customer, some buyers simply don’t
often browse through an online store, select items they
have the patience to fill out a long form. They probably
like, add them to their shopping cart, and then simply
chose an online shopping mode because they have
stop midway without completing the transaction. At
time constraints. Asking them for too many details
times they return much later to finish shopping, or
may simply lead to more abandoned carts.
simply forget all about it.
Solution: To avoid such a scenario, make sure you
However, there are plenty of ways to deter customers
follow these guidelines.
from abandoning their online shopping carts. Let’s
take a look at some of the common reasons that cause a) Allow Guest Checkouts: Always give customers
abandoned carts, and find viable solutions. the chance to “Check out as guests”, which allows
them to quickly enter a delivery address and complete
Reason #1: “That costs way more than I expected!” the payment. You can encourage them to sign up with
your website by providing incentives like discounts &
A lot of times people reach the payment stage of the
loyalty points, but certainly do not make it mandatory.
shopping process only to realize that their total bill is
more than they expected. This happens when hidden b) Easier Checkout Process: On a related note,
costs like taxes, delivery charges or conveyance fees customers turn away if the check-out process is
are added to their total amount. too confusing, so stream-line your process. Offer
customers a range of different of payment options, so
Solution: Here is how to make sure that you do not
that they don’t have to turn away for lack of choice.
shoo the customer away in such a situation.
a) No hidden costs: Try and include taxes in the marked Reason #3: “I can always come back later and finish
priced, so they aren’t intimidated by a lump sum on shopping.”
their bill. Use banners which say “Shipping free only
A lot of times customers are distracted by a phone call
within Mumbai” or “Free shipping over Rs. 500” as is
or a knock at the door, and they stop shopping midway.
relevant to your store. If you surprise customers with
They prioritize other activities because they feel like
these costs just before they pay, they are more likely
items in their cart will wait for them indefinitely.
to turn away.
Solution: Completing a transaction often just requires
b) Easy edit options for cart: A lot of people shop on
a little sense of urgency, which you can introduce using
a budget, and like to reduce a few items from their
a few of the following methods.
carts just before checkout. Make sure your website
gives them a chance to easily add and subtract items a) Limited period offers: One of the easiest ways
from their cart just before paying. A customer who has to ensure customers complete their transaction is to
removed an item for his cart is likely to feel like he/she reinforce the idea that sale items and offers aren’t
has ‘saved’ a little money, which makes him feel a little valid forever! For example, a grocery store can remind
better about spending. customers that certain fruits are sold at a “daily price”
which is likely to change.
b) Countdown timer: Introduce a countdown Lastly, if you lose them, attempt to win them back!
timer once customers confirm their order and begin
As a store owner, you may follow all the preceding steps
the payment process. You can allow them unlimited
and still be left with an abandoned cart every once in a
time to shop of course, but allow them only 8 to 12
while. Don’t fret, there is hope yet! If a customer has
minutes, for instance, to actually fill in credit card or
entered in their email address before abandoning their
net banking details. Customers are more likely to finish
cart, you have a way of getting in touch with them.
the transaction quickly, before they are distracted by
something else. It would be nice to send them a message to remind your
customers that their shopping cart is waiting for them,
or ask why the left midway. You could also inform them
when a certain item in their cart is almost out of stock,
or remind them that an offer is about to end. But don’t
bombard their inbox with too many reminders, just one
or two well-timed messages should do.
In the future, you could send them newsletters or
notifications about offers on products which they
might like. Go a step ahead and send a personal email,
letting them know what exactly makes your shop so
Hopefully, this will be enough to woo them back to
their abandoned cart & to your e-store sometime in
the future.
3. What should you write about? 5. How to track traffic on your blog?
Here is a list of topics to get you started on your blog. Writing a blog isn’t enough. You should be able to
track growth of your blog, to see where majority of
1. Top 10 lists
your traffic is coming in from or which of your posts
2. Dos and Don’ts
are doing best. Google Analytics lets you tracking your
3. Interviews
blog on popular platforms. Follow the link to integrate
4. Pick 20 common problems and write a how-to-fix-
Analytics with your blog.
it blog of 500 words on each.
5. Your industry trends 1. Blogger
6. Upcoming events in your industry 2. Tumblr
7. Tips and tricks 3.
Hope you had fun in learning the basics of how to market intelligently and increase the sales on your Ecommerce
If you have any suggestions or questions you can mail them to us at : mentioning “Ebook Query”
in the subject line.
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