Groundwater Exploration Review Journal
Groundwater Exploration Review Journal
Groundwater Exploration Review Journal
1. Test drilling
• geologic log
• drilling time log
• Water level measurement
3. Tracer tests
Usefulness of Resistivities Resistivity vary over a wide range, depending
on density, porosity, pore size and shape,
water content and quality, and temperature.
valuable in determining
2. The depth to
groundwater, the depth
and thickness of clay
layers in some cases
3. The depth to bedrock,
and accordingly limit the
depth of well drilling.
In relatively porous formations,
resistivity is controlled more by
water content and quality within the
formation than by the rock
wells are shallow, small-diameter holes for
domestic water supply; logging costs would
5. From temperature logging, we could define weather we are normally cold water
which is whom may indicate recharge from ground surface ( in deep well)
6. Also from temperature logging we could define weather in normally warm water
may indicate water of deep-seated origin
7. Geothermal gradient is usually steeper in rocks with low permeability
Caliper Logging
4. Applications:
(i) identification of lithology and stratigraphic correlation
(ii) Locating fractures and other rock openings
(iii) Correcting other logs for hole-diameter effects
Groundwater withdrawal
1. Groundwater exploration
2. Well construction methods
3. Well design (to get optimum quantity of
water economically from a given geological
condition to meet the requirement for a
particular scheme)
4. Well completion (placement and cementing of Courtesy: google
casing, screens)
5. Well development (increase specific capacity,
obtain maximum economic well life)
Exploration of groundwater requires a basic understanding of its position in the subsurface geological setup.
The subsurface methods of groundwater exploration includes both Test Drilling &
Borehole Geophysical Logging techniques.
When compared to the surface methods, the subsurface methods are very
These are done by government from level projects where it has large scale
investigations were carried out to ascertain the results of surface surveys.
The subsurface methods are very accurate methods as the help in direct
observations of features in the form of bore-hole lithologs as core samples and also
geophysical measurements of formation properties.(Balsubramanian,2007)
Sultan Awad Sultan (2009) proof in their research
include followings:
Different geophysical tools such as geoelectric, gravity, and magnetic have been applied to detect
groundwater potentiality and structural elements, which controlled a geometry of the groundwater
aquifers in the study area. Nineteen vertical electrical soundings measured using ABEM SAS 4000
equipment through Schlumberger configuration of AB/2 ranged from 1.5 to 1,000 m;
the quantitative interpretation was carried out using manual and analytical techniques.
The results of quantitative interpretation used to construct six geoelectrical crosssections indicate
that the subsurface sequence of the study area consists of seven geoelectrical units. These units are
Quaternary sand sheet and sand dunes, Quaternary aquifer, marly limestone, clay, sandy clay, clay
with sandstone intercalation, and deep Nubian sandstone aquifer
1. Previous geological, hydrogeological and geophysical methods are employed to target
the groundwater potential zones. The interpretation of satellite images and aerial
photographs also help more in this process.
4.The modern tools like remote sensing and aerial photography also provide a lot of
spatial data for a sudden meaningful of the domain for a better decision-making
(Balsubramanian ,2007)
A. Balsubramanian 2007. Methods of Groundwater Exploration, Technical
Reports Centre For Advanced Studies In Earth Science ,University Of Mysore,
Ir. Mohammad Sholichin MT., Ph.D, Investigasi dan Interpretasi data Pendugaan
Sultan Awad Sultan & Hatem M. Mekhemer & Fernando M. Santos, 2009
Groundwater exploration and evaluation by using geophysical interpretation
(case study: Al Qantara East, North Western Sinai, Egypt) Arabian Journal of
Geosciences · August 2009 DOI: 10.1007/s12517-008-0028-7