Corrective Action Plan

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Time and action calendar


Time and Action (TNA) calendar is one of the most important tools for managing
a project. In garment manufacturing each order is not less than a project to a
merchant because from order receiving to completion of an order it involves a
number of tasks of various timelines and utilization of various resources. Like
number of processes, lot of people are also involved to accomplish an order.
Similarly each order is unique in terms of process and time demand. So, a
detailed plan with well-defined responsibility is must in order to complete each
order to get completed on time.A time and action calendar defines the ideal
date/time period within which the major activities of an order should occur
against a scheduled delivery window.

TNA in Garment Industry

Time and Action Calendar or TNA, a popular tool used in apparel manufacturing
industry is a technique for tracking and following up of important milestones in
preproduction processes to ensure timely delivery within stipulated delivery
date. Garment pre-production and merchandising functions are characterized by
people in an organization doing multiple activities. While some of the activities
are dependent and follow each other, a few others are independent. Every
garment company takes enormous care during the planning of an order. Every
little detail is interwoven into the planning system. Making a TNA Calendar is
not just entering activity names and duration in tabular forms; it is also about
scientifically working-out the activity duration, logically determining the
preceding and succeeding activities.Time and action calendar consist of the
short term and long term plans so carefully laid out.

A time and action calendar is a most effective communication tool that proves it
to be useful to this task. The chart consists of time frames listed for every
action planned (major ones) and these actions need to be earned out on time.
The purpose of TNA is to cross check at frequent intervals, say, once a week,
whether the planning is being executed satisfactorily. The more frequent the
checks, the easier it is to correct deviations. TNA is especially useful when a
buyer wants to know the status of execution of an order.

Structure of TNA
Normally merchandisers prepare a plan of the order in a spreadsheet by listing
down the key processes in first column and planned date of action for each
process in the next column. This planning sheet is popularly known as time and
action calendar (TNA). Once TNA calendar is made, then it can be easy for
merchandiser list down their daily ‘to do list’ and taking it one by one. As per
TNA schedule processes can be executed on timely basis to track whether an
order is on track or it will get delayed.

In order to make TNA below mentioned information must be available

– Process flow of an order with the list of task which need to be performed

– Production capacity of cutting, sewing, washing and finishing

– For sewing – batch wise and product wise capacity (production per day per

– Lead time of activities, e.g. raw material lead time, sampling lead time, etc.

– Shipment date or planned ex-factory date

Normally TNA does not depend on fabric used in merchandise like woven or
knits. TNA is largely depends on the particular process flow of an order,
machine requirement and available production capacity. In TNA planned cutting
date (PCD) and ex-factory date these are the two most critical dates.

Importance of TNA
The importance of TNA can be summarized.

1. It helps to streamline the pre-production activities.

2. Easy understanding of order processing.
3. Clear understanding of timelines given by buyer.
4. It gives the clear idea about the minor or sub activities that need to perform during
order processing at different level.
5. TNA gives the idea about the status of running order andtalks about delay or
deviation, if any
6. TNA gives the dates at which raw material need to be sourced, in a way it helps
to optimise the inventory.
7. TNA also reduces the risk of delivery delay.

Factors need to be considered while preparing TNA:

1. Production capacity of plant

2. Style type of merchandise
3. Festivals of manufacturing country
4. Holidays
5. Shipment details
6. Festivals of country from where raw material is imported
7. Logistics facilities
8. Lead time estimated by buyer
9. Style complications
10. Fabric and  trims manufacturing complications
11. Buffer required from each department
12. Political stability of the country
13. Flexibility of freight forwarder
14. Response time from buyer at different stages
15. Lead times of various activities like L/C payment, custom clearance, etc
16. Cut off dates for shipments

Garments manufacturing is not a business of ‘One Man Show’ rather it is a

Team-Work where lot of people, organizations, suppliers, buyer, sub-
contractors and manufacturers are involved. Moreover, all tasks have to be
accomplished with in a given time frame to ship out the garments on time.
Buyer will not accept any delay in the garments delivery and if the garments
cannot be shipped out on time then there will be good possibility thatbuyer may
cancel the order or may ask for air shipment or Buyer may ask for discount. To
avoid all such adverse situation merchandiser need to do proper planning to
execute any order.

TNA is most important activity for timely shipment. If any merchandiser is able
to follow the TNA properly then it will be not a big challenge to ship the
garments on schedule.TNA for any production unit is summery of sampling,
sourcing and production activities and their sub activities.  Merchandiser
generally makes the TNA on the basis of lead time mentioned by buyer,
shipment date negotiation, order quantity, production capacity. The milestones
and key/critical activities dates are mentioned by buyer while other in-house
activities need to manage by merchandiser by keeping many things in mind.
With the help of TNA merchandisers can ensures satisfaction of each and every
step with constant follow ups and in shortest cycle time possible. Rapidly
changing trends of the fashion industry is making merchandising activities more
complicated and so TNA. Merchandiser has to prepare good and flexible TNA by
keeping all facts and facets in mind. If used effectively, a good TNA can help
factory to meet production and shipment deadlines, increase inventory turns,
improve customer service, and enhance profits.

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