RDZ-WI Controller - Description 2
RDZ-WI Controller - Description 2
RDZ-WI Controller - Description 2
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RDZ Inside · March 2014 n° 4
System sensors
1 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Wi-TT Bus
Design sensors
3 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Wi-IHT Bus New Design sensors are specific terminals used to Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-IHP Bus
detect the room temperature and room humidity 4 Bus sensor to detect temperature and humidity
in surface heating and cooling systems in floors, values in surface heating and cooling systems
ceilings and walls. They shall be installed in in floors, ceilings and walls.
embedded wall box with wired or Bus connection. Wall installation in 2-module or 3-module
As a result, they represent an elegant, compact embedded box.
solution for any kind of application.
Wired Temperature Sensor Wi-ITA
4 Temperature/Humidity Sensor Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-TT Bus 5 Wired sensor to detect room temperature
Wi-IHP Bus
1 Bus terminal to detect and display temperature (resistive NTC) in surface heating and cooling
and humidity values in surface heating and systems in floors, ceilings and walls.
cooling systems in floors, ceilings and walls. Wall installation in 2-module or 3-module
Wall installation in 2-module embedded box. embedded box.
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RDZ Inside · March 2014 n° 4
Smart&easy connectivity
RDZ Web Server
for system supervision
Wi-TP Pro
Touch-Screen control panel Wi-TP PRO CONNECTIVITY
LAN or Wi-Fi local connection
Wi-TP Pro makes it possible BUILDING
to check and set the basic wi-Fi
operations of the heating/
cooling system through local
or remote Web connection by PC
using any kind of electronic LAN
device (PC, Laptop, Smart-
phone, Tablet, etc.). Central Unit Wi-TP Pro ROUTER
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