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RDZ-WI Controller - Description 2

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RDZ Inside · March 2014 n° 4

New Design Room Sensors and

RDZ enlarges Wi room temperature control system
to manage radiant heating and cooling
Wi controllers are regulation systems to s The central unit (Wi-M1, Wi-S2/S3/S4, Wi-
Wi components Master) is the main component of Wi regulation
manage surface heating and cooling in
system. It collects the signals coming from the
floors, ceilings, walls of different size, from Wi control systems comprises just few modular outdoor sensor, the supply water sensors and
small family installations, large multi- components: the basic central unit for controlling the expansion units; furthermore, it controls
a small installation (e.g. 1 heat generator, 1 mixing the mixing valves and the activation of boiler,
zone systems or centralized energy plants, valve and 1 temperature and humidity sensor) can chiller and circulation pumps, and it also
providing temperature control for every be enlarged with other modules to create the most manages the air handling units. Thanks to its
single user. In particular, thanks to its suitable configuration for each system. In this way integrated interface the user can set system
the control system only includes the necessary parameters and time slots as well as enter the
temperature and humidity sensors, the elements, and it can be expanded with further technical menu.
system constantly calculates the dew point components in the future.
s Wi-Z expansion units control the room sensors
and acts on the supply water temperature
for temperature and/or humidity as well as the
as well as on the air handling units to dehumidifiers functioning for dehumidification
or integration.
ensure top performance and energy saving. Switchboard components
These controllers are the result of advanced s Wi-U expansion units control dehumidifiers
technology research to provide highest The main controller contains management soft- operating with following additional functions:
ware, data memory, communication ports for dehumidification, recirculation, integration and
comfort level all year round in living and peripheral devices, and it can be combined with ventilation.
working rooms. Recently they have been additional modules (zone expansion units, AHU
expansion units, mixer expansion units). s Wi-Mix expansion units control the second
enriched with new smaller sensors and
mixing valve.
user-friendlier solutions for easy system
supervision, at anytime and anywhere.

System central unit Expansion unit Expansion unit Expansion unit

Wi-M1 Wi-Z Wi-U Wi-Mix

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RDZ Inside · March 2014 n° 4

System sensors

The system is managed by: one external probe

detecting the outdoor air temperature (Outdoor
Sensor TE) and one supply water probe (Supply
Sensor TM) to detect the temperature of the water
circulating in the radiant panels.

1 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Wi-TT Bus

Air handling sensors

Room temperature and air quality are managed by

one Duct Temperature Sensor TC, controlling the
supply air temperature from the AHU, and one Air
2 Temperature/Humidity Sensor Quality Sensor, controlling the quality of the air in
Wi-TC Bus the rooms.

Design sensors
3 Temperature/Humidity Sensor
Wi-IHT Bus New Design sensors are specific terminals used to Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-IHP Bus
detect the room temperature and room humidity 4 Bus sensor to detect temperature and humidity
in surface heating and cooling systems in floors, values in surface heating and cooling systems
ceilings and walls. They shall be installed in in floors, ceilings and walls.
embedded wall box with wired or Bus connection. Wall installation in 2-module or 3-module
As a result, they represent an elegant, compact embedded box.
solution for any kind of application.
Wired Temperature Sensor Wi-ITA
4 Temperature/Humidity Sensor Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-TT Bus 5 Wired sensor to detect room temperature
Wi-IHP Bus
1 Bus terminal to detect and display temperature (resistive NTC) in surface heating and cooling
and humidity values in surface heating and systems in floors, ceilings and walls.
cooling systems in floors, ceilings and walls. Wall installation in 2-module or 3-module
Wall installation in 2-module embedded box. embedded box.

Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-TC Bus User’s Interface IU-Pro

2 Bus terminal to detect and display temperature 6 This optional electronic device allows the user
Wired Temperature/Humidity and humidity values in surface heating and to interact with the thermoregulation system,
Sensor Wi-ITA cooling systems in floors, ceilings and walls. thus controlling the same operations as the
Wall installation in 3-module embedded box. ones managed by the Wi-M1 central unit and
its integrated display. It is used to set room
Temperature/Humidity Sensor Wi-IHT Bus temperature, room humidity and time slots,
3 Bus sensor to detect temperature and humidity and it shows all system parameters.
as well as display and set temperature values
in surface heating and cooling systems in
6 User’s Interface IU-Pro floors, ceilings and walls. Wall installation in
2-module or 3-module embedded box.

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RDZ Inside · March 2014 n° 4

Smart&easy connectivity
RDZ Web Server
for system supervision

Wi controllers can communicate with smart home technology systems for

home automation control. They use two main communication protocols: Mod-
Bus and Konnex types. Furthermore, they can be connected with a PC through
Kit Wi-PC for much easier data reading and programming in systems with a
large number of sensors. New solutions have been also developed to upgrade
Wi connectivity with PCO-WEB board and WI-TP Pro Touch Panel. Wi-TP Pro
on tablet


PCO-WEB board makes LAN or Wi-Fi local connection
it possible to interface Wi BUILDING
control unit with Ethernet wi-Fi
network. By connecting any
kind of Browser and typing PC
the relevant IP address, you Kit PCO Web
can automatically download LAN
the configuration of your
heating/cooling system on ROUTER
the webpage for remote Central Unit

Web remote connection


Wi-TP Pro
Touch-Screen control panel Wi-TP PRO CONNECTIVITY
LAN or Wi-Fi local connection
Wi-TP Pro makes it possible BUILDING
to check and set the basic wi-Fi
operations of the heating/
cooling system through local
or remote Web connection by PC
using any kind of electronic LAN
device (PC, Laptop, Smart-
phone, Tablet, etc.). Central Unit Wi-TP Pro ROUTER

Web remote connection


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