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KPWD - AE 2019 SET - A2


01. For the production of 6 cu.m concrete the 02. Ans: (c)
mixing plant takes 1875 kg of cement, 5120
]1 + ign − 1
i 0.04
Sol: SFF = = = 0.184
^1 + 0.04 h5 − 1
kg of sand, 6060 kg of course aggregate along
with 865 kg of water, if the reduction is 1.5%
03. A project schedule consists of T0 = Optimum
in volume in the freshly mixed wet concrete
project schedule, Tn = Normal project schedule
from the nominal volume. The unit weight of
the freshly mixed wet concrete will be
(a) 2345 kg per cu.m (a) T0 ≤ Tn (b) T0 > Tn
(b) 2355 kg per cu.m (c) T0 = Tn (d) T0 ≥ Tn
(c) 2350 kg per cu.m
(d) 2320 kg per cu.m 03. Ans: (a)
To + 4Tm + Tp
01. Ans: (b) Tn = 6
Sol: Nominal volume of concrete = 6 cu.m To = optimistic time
Volume of freshly mixed concrete = 6 b1 − 100 l
Tm = most likely time
= 5.91 cu.m Tp = pessimistic time
weight of concrete = weight of cement + weight EX:
of fine aggregate + weight of coarse aggregate To = 1 day
+ weight of water Tm = 2 days
= 1875 + 5120 + 6060 + 865 kg
Tp = 3 days
= 13920 kg
Unit weight of fresh concrete = (or)
Weight of concrete
Volume of freshly mixed concrete Some
to = 1 day
= 5.91 tm = 1 day
= 2355 kg/cu.m tp = 1 day
+ # +
∴ Tm = 1 4 6 2 3 = 2
02. What will be the sinking fund factor of a
construction equipment which has a useful life ∴ To = 1 day, & Tm = 20 days
of 5 years after which it is to be replaced by a ∴ To < Tm
new one. If the rate of interest is 4% 1+4#1+1 = 6 =
` 6 1 day
(a) 0.043 (b) 0.224 6
(c) 0.184 (d) 0.312 To = Tm
2 KPWD - AE 2019
3 KPWD - AE 2019

04. For a particular job, four different firms have 06. The peak runoff for a catchment area of 62000
submitted the time estimates and they are km2 with a runoff coefficient of 0.43 and storm
Firm Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic Time intensity of 0.441 cm/hr using rational formula
time (t0) Time (tL) (tp) is
A 5 10 13 (a) 21400.83 cumec
B 6 9 12 (b) 83456.71 cumec
C 5 10 14 (c) 16600.64 cumec
D 4 10 13
(d) 32707.87 cumec
Which one of these firms is more certain about
completing the job in time? 06. Ans: (d)
(a) C (b) A (c) D (d) B Sol: A = 62000 km2
k = 0.43
04. Ans: (d) A = 62000 × 102 ha
Sol: Pe = 0.441 cm/hr
t p − t o m2 = b 13 − 5 l2 = b 8 l2 = b 4 l2 = 16
Variance (σ2) of firm A = c kPc A = 0.43 # 0.441 # 62 # 105 =
6 6 6 3 9 Q p = 36 36 32658.5 m3 /s
= 1.77 (or)
Area of catchment, A = 62000 km2
Variance of firm B = b 126 6 l = b 6 l = 1
− 6 2 2
Coefficient of runoff, C = 0.43
Storm Intensity I = 0.441 cm/hr = 4.41 mm/hr
Variance of firm C = b 146 5 l = b 6 l = ]1.5 g2 = 2.25
− 2 9 2 Rational formula peak runoff, Q = 0.278 CIA
= 0.278 × 0.43 × 4.41 × 62000
Variance of firm D = b 136 4 l = b 6 l = ]1.5 g2 = 2.25
− 2 9 2 = 32,684.63 m3/s near by option is d

Least variance firm is more certain here firm B 07. The flood discharge under a bridge is 200 m3/s.
is more certain to complete the job on time. If the river bed has a deep layer of coarse sand
and Lacey’s Silt factor f is 1.5, determine the
05. In railways track modulus is defined as maximum depth of scour under piers.
(a) Load/unit length of rail to produce (a) 4.84 m (b) 3.81 m
depression in sleeper (c) 2.84 m (d) 1.83 m
(b) Load/unit length of sleeper 07. Ans:(*)
(c) Load/unit length of rail to produce unit Sol: No Answer: linear water way is not known
depression/ deflection in track Q = 200 m3/s ; discharge per unit width,
(d) Load / unit length of sleeper to produce
depression in rail Q L = linear water way

05. Ans: (c) Lacey’s silt factor f = 1.5

Sol: Track modulus: Load per unit length of the maximum(at piers) depth of scour, Smax = 2
rail required to produce a unit depression in
Smean = 2 # 1 .34 c m
Q2L 1/3
the track. f
4 KPWD - AE 2019
5 KPWD - AE 2019

08. The bridge, which enables a road to pass under

another obstruction is known as Deflection (y) α 1I
(a) square bridge (b) under bridge
(c) over bridge (d) skew bridge bd 3
y B IA 12 1
^2bh^2bh3 16
&y =I = =

08. Ans: (b) 12

Sol: Below the obstruction if bridge passes it is y 1 #
∴ yB = 16 100 = 6.25%
called as under bridge/under pass. A

11. IRC loading is given in code book

09. In case of suspension bridge it is generally
(a) IRC 6 (b) IRC 5
assumed that the cable is
(c) IS 456 (d) IRC 21
(a) Perfectly flexible
(b) Perfectly flexible and extensible
11. Ans: (a)
(c) Perfectly inflexible
Sol: IRC 6 - section II gives specifications for
(d) Extensible
various loads & stresses to be considered in
bridge design.
09. Ans: (a)
Sol: Cables must be of flexible type.
12. A 4 hr. unit hydrograph of a basin can be
approximated as a triangle with a base period
10. A cantilever beam ‘A’ with rectangular cross
48 h and a peak ordinate of 200 m3/s, then area
section is subjected to a concentrated load
of basin will be
at its free end. If width and depth of another
(a) 468 km2 (b) 1728 km2
cantilever beam ‘B’ are twice that of beam ‘A’,
(c) 3184 km2 (d) 2356 km2
then the deflection at free end of the beam ‘B’
as compared to that of ‘A’ will be
12. Ans: (b)
(a) 23.6 % (b) 6.25 %
(c) 28 % (d) 14 % 4hr

10. Ans: (b)

Sol: Case A:

d 0 48
Area of UH = CiA × 0.01
Case B: 1 # # =
2 48 3600 # 200 C.A # 0.01

C.A = 1728 × 106m2

C.A = 1728 km2
6 KPWD - AE 2019

13. The width of contact and length of contact of a Maximum shear stress
e x y o + τ 2xy
track in case of IRC class AA tracked vehicle is σ -σ
= τ max =
(a) 0.8 M and 3.6 M 2
(b) 0.65 M and 3.6 M
c 200 100 m + 1002
(c) 0.85 M and 3.6 M 2
(d) 0.75 M and 2.8 M = 502 + 1002 = 111.803 MPa

13. Ans: (c) 15. The strain energy stored in the quandrantal ring
Sol: IRC class AA tracked veh shown in figure below will be

350 kN 0.85 m F

1.2 m R

350 kN 0.85 m (width) A

πF 3 R 2 F2 R3
(a) 8 EI (b) 8 EI
3.6 m (length)
πF 2 R 3 F2 R3
(c) 8 EI (d) 8πEI
14. The state of plane stress at a point is given by
αx = 200 MPa, αy = 100 MPa and τxy = 100 MPa, 15. Ans: (d)
the maximum shear stress is Sol:
x B

(a) 180.3 MPa (b) 111.8 MPa F

(c) 223.60 MPa (d) 150.1 MPa

14. Ans: (b) dθ R θ

Sol: σx = 200 MPa
σy = 100 MPa
τxy = 100 MPa dx = R.dθ
x = R sin θ
100 MPa
Mx = Fx = FR sin θ
100 MPa r
M2x dx
200 MPa
S .E = U = # 2 EI

^FR sin θh2 Rd θ


= # 2EI
7 KPWD - AE 2019

2 17. A continuous beam ABCDE is 12 metres long
# _1 - cos θ idθ
2 3 2 3
= 2EI # FR
sin θdθ = 2EI
and contains 4 span of 3 meters each. Beam is
0 0
loaded with UDL of 4000 kN/m throughout its

= 2EI c θ
F2 R 3 - sin2θ m2 = F2 R 3 c π - m = F2 R 3 π length. The bending moment at E will be equal
2 2 0 2EI 4 0 8 EI
16. The strain energy stored in member AB of the (a) 6000 kN-m (b) zero
pin jointed truss in point D, weight as P shown (c) 12000 kN-m (d) 3000 kN-m
below in A & E are same for all the members
17. Ans: (b)
4000 kN/m
3m B 3m C 3 mD 3m
Bending moment at ‘E’ is zero.

45 18. The three hinged arch shown in the figure

P below will have the value of H equal to

p2 , 2p2 , 80KN
(a) 2AE (b) AE 4m

p2 ,
(c) zero (d) AE 4m

16. Ans: (c) H H

Sol: 8m 8m
(a) 40 kN (b) 20 kN
(c) 50 kN (d) 30 kN

l 18. Ans: (a)


45o 4m 80KN
The strain energy stored in member AB 4m
P2 L B
8m 8m
PAB = 0

UAB = 0 wb 80 # 12
VA = L = 164 = 60
8 KPWD - AE 2019

20. Ans: (c)

wa 80 # 4
VB = L = 16 = 20 Sol: w kN/m

Bending moment at ‘c’ is zero L L

BHc = 0 e − ve d + ve
- VB × 8 + H × 4 = 0 +ve -ve +ve
20 # 8
H = 4 = 40 kN BMD

19. The fixed end moment at the end A of the beam

shown in figure will be 21. A cable of span ‘L’ and central dip ‘d’ is
subjected to uniformly distributed load of
W per unit horizontal depth. The horizontal
W per unit Height component of tension in the cable is
(a) 12 d (b) 4d

W, 2
W, 2
(c) 16 d (d) 8 d
(a) 30 (b) 10

W,2 W,2 21. Ans: (d)

(c) 24 (d) 12
19. Ans: (a) TA θS X

Sol: A
y h

w kN/m

w/m L/2 L/2

Due to symmetry, vertical reactions

A w,
B VA = VB =
L 2
w,2 w,2 Since the cable can take direct tension only,
M A = 30 M B = 20
bending moment at any section of the cable shall
Standard result for the given fixed beam be zero. Considering the left half of the c a b l e
and loading and taking moments about C,
∴ Fixed end moment @ A = M A = w 30 VA #
, − , , − # =
w H h 0
2 24

20. In continuous beam, the moment over the w, # , − w, 2 =

2 2 8
support are
(a) zero 1 ; w,2 − w,2 E
h 4 8
(b) sagging
(c) hogging w, 2
(d) none of these
9 KPWD - AE 2019
10 KPWD - AE 2019

22. Fixed end moment MFAB for the given beam is 24. Ans: (d)

(a) 4 (b) Zero

M M Under hydrostatic condition, all the planes

(c) 8 (d) 2
passing through the point carrying only normal
stress shear stress is zero (i.e all planes are
22. Ans: (a)
principal planes)
M # b ^2a − bh
Sol: M FAB = 25. A cantilever beam of uniform ‘EI’ has span
equal to ‘L’ an upward force ‘W’ acts at the
a=b=L midpoint of the beam and a downward force
# ] − g ‘P’ acts at the free end. In order to have the
= M L 2L2 L
]2Lg deflection at the free ends as zero, the relation
2 between ‘P’ and ‘W’ should be
= ML2
4L (a) W = 3P/2 (b) W = 2P
M (c) W = 16 P/5 (d) W = 5P
= 4
25. Ans: (c)
23. The total strain energy stored in a body is Sol:
known as
(a) Proof resilience P
(b) Impact energy L/2 C L/2
(c) Modulus of resilience
(d) Resilience w

23. Ans: (d) yB

24. A square element is subjected to biaxial tensile L/2 L/2 B
stresses of equal magnitudes. The shear stress
on an inclined plane is equal to x
(a) half the sum of the tensile stresses Wl/2EI
(b) sum of the tensile stresses
(c) the magnitude of the tensile stress L/2 L/2
(d) zero M/EI diagram
11 KPWD - AE 2019

(↑yB)W = Ax _R A x i dx _R B x i dx
a 2 b 2

= # 2EI + # 2EI
= c1 # 1 # w, mc , + 2 # , m = 48
5w, 3 0 0

d n dx

c wα xm dx
2 2 2EI 2 3 2 EI 2

, x
a b
To have the deflection at free end as zero = # 2EI + # 2EI
0 0

w2 β x3 a w2 α2 x3 b
(↑yB)W = (↓ yB)p = c m + c m
2EI,2 3 0 2EI,2 3 0
5W, 3 P, 3 w2 β2 α2 w2 α2 β2
48EI = 3EI = +
6EI,2 6EI,2
⇒ W = 165P
_α + β i
w2 β2 α2
26. A member of the truss may develop either w2 α2 β2
= ^ , h (∵ α + β = l)
tension or compression when 6EI,2
(a) direction of wind acting on it changes w2 α2 β2
(b) magnitude of dead weight changes ` U = 6EI,
(c) all of these
(d) magnitude of imposed weight changes. 28. In a cantilever beam, if the length is doubled
while keeping the cross section and the
26. Ans: (c) concentrated load acting at the free end same,
the deflection at the free end will be increased
27. A simply supported beam of span ‘l’ carries by
single concentrated load ‘W’ at ‘α’ distance (a) 6 times (b) 2.66 times
from left support while α + β = l. The strain (c) 8 times (d) 3 times
energy absorbed by the beam will be
28. Ans: (c)
Wαβ 2 2 2
Wαβ Sol: Case: 1
(a) 6 EIl (b) 6 EI l
W αβ 2
Wαβ2 2 2

(c) 3 EI l (d) EI l d
27. Ans: (a) b
Sol: Case 1
x w x Case: 2
l d
w w 2l
RA = , RB = ,
Case 2 b
a b
Deflection (y) αl3
2 2

` y2 = c , m = 8
M dx M dx
= # x
2EI + # x
y 2,

0 o 1
12 KPWD - AE 2019
13 KPWD - AE 2019

29. A steel pin is subjected to shear force 25 kN (a) σ1 = 8.48 MPa, σ2 = - 10.48 MPa
and the direct compression of 41 kN. The (b) σ1 = 10 MPa, σ2 = 15 MPa
permissible compressive stress in pin material (c) σ1 = 9 MPa, σ2 = - 12 MPa
is 50 MPa, then the suitable diameter of the pin (d) σ2 = 5 MPa, σ2 = 18.5 MPa
according to distortion energy theory will be
(a) 20 mm (b) 75 mm 30. Ans: (a)
(c) 45 mm (d) 39 mm Sol:
σx + σy
+ c σ x σ y m cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ

σn = 2 2
29. Ans: (d)
Sol: Shear force = F = 25 × 103 N Given σx = 8 MPa,
Shear force = τxy θ = 45o,
F 25 # 10 3 4 # 25 # 10 3 σn = 2 MPa,
= A = ≠ = MPa
# d2 ≠d 2 τxy = 3 MPa
Compressive force = P = (-) 41 × 103 N 8 + σy
+ c 8 σ y m cos 90 o + 3 sin 90 o

Compressive stress 2 2
P - 41 # 10 3 - 4 # 41 # 10 3
= σx = - A 8 + σy
= π =
πd 3
MPa 2= + 3
# d2 2
Permissible stress = Syc = 50 MPa σy = - 10 MPa
According to distortion energy theory
S yc = _σ x i + 3τ2xy σx + σy
c σ x σ y m + τ2xy

2 2

σ1 = 2 ! 2
d4 n d 4 # 25 # 103 n
# 41 # 103 2 2

b 8 + 10 l + 32
− 2
50 =
+ 3
≠d2 = 8 10 !
2 2
10 3
50 = 1642 + 3 # 1002 =− 1 ! 90
10 3
d2 = π # 50 26896 + 30000 σ1 = 8.48 MPa, σ2 = -10.48 MPa
d = 1518.614 ⇒ d = 38.96 mm ≃ 39 mm

31. A cantilever beam of length ‘L’ with uniform

30. At a point in a stressed body the state of stress
cross section and flexural rigidity EI is loaded
on two planes 45o apart is as shown in the figure
with UDL of intensity w/m over the entire
below. Determine the two principal stresses and
length. The maximum vertical deflection of the
their values are (σ1 & σ2)
beam is given by

(a) 4 EI (b) 8 EI
(c) 24 EI (d) 16 EI
45o 3MPs
14 KPWD - AE 2019

31. Ans: (b) 33. The resultant of the distributed loading on the
Sol: cantilever shown in figure will be:
A 1.5

M/EI Diagram
(a) 2.4 kN (b) 0.6 kN
(c) 3.0 kN (d) 1.2 kN
Moment area method :
y B - y oA = Ax 33. Ans: (d)
yB = c 3 L 2EI mc 4 L m
1 WL2 3 1.5KN/m 1/2

A 1.5 m
WL 4
2.5 m 0.9KN/m
yB = 8EI 4m

32. A Mohr’s circle reduces to a point when the 1/2

body is subjected to ↑ΣFy = 0

(a) equal and opposite axial stresses on two
R A - c 2 # 1.5 # 2.5 m + c 2 # 1.5 # 0.9 m = 0
mutually perpendicular planes, the planes 1 1
being free of shear.
(b) pure shear RA - 1.875 + 0.675 = 0
(c) equal axial stresses on two mutually RA = 1.2 kN
perpendicular planes, the planes being free
of shear 34. Poisson’s ratio of an isotropic material cannot
(d) uniaxial stress only be more than
(a) 0.50 (b) 0.33
32. Ans: (c) (c) 1.00 (d) 0.40
Sol: Under hydrostatic condition Mohr’s circle
becomes a point circle. 34. Ans: (a)
Sol: 0 ≤ µ ≤ 0.5 → Isotropic materials

35. A simply supported beam with rectangular

cross-section is subjected to a central
concentrated load. If the width and depht of the
beam are doubled then the deflection at centre
of the beam will be reduced to
(a) 25% (b) 6.25%
(c) 50% (d) 12.5%
15 KPWD - AE 2019

35. Ans: (b) 36. Ans: (d)

Sol: Sol:
Case: 1
W 40kN
A C B d
l/2 l/2
1m 1.5m 2m 0.5m

Case: 2
w = dx
40 - 10 30
w= 2 = 2 = 15 kN/m
A B 2d
l/2 l/2
37. A Prismatic beam of length ‘L’ is simply
supported at ends and carries a UDL of intensity
Deflection (y) α 1I w/m over its entire length. It is then propped at
its centre to neutralize the deflection. The net
bd 3 bending moment at its centre will be
y 2 I1 12 1
^2bh^2d h3 16
ay =I = =
1 2
12 (a) 24 (b) WL

y 1 # WL WL
∴ y 2 = 16 100% = 6.2 5 % (c) 32 (d) 8

36. The SFD of a beam is shown in figure, then the 37. Ans: (c)
UDL of the beam per metre run is: Sol: w/m

l/2 l/2
60KN _. y c iUDL = _-y c iR " Compatibility condition

5wL4 R c L3
384EI 48EI
1.5m 1.5m 2m 0.5m

⇒ R c = 5wL
(a) 30 kN (b) 7.5 kN RA + RC + RB = WL
(c) 45 kN (d) 15 kN 2RA + RC = WL
(∵ Due to symmetry RA = RB)
& R A = 16
16 KPWD - AE 2019

B.M @ C = R A c L
m - c wL mc L m
2 4 FBC sin 60o = FBA sin 60o
= c 3 16
wL mc L m - wL2
2 8 ∑H=0
wL2 - wL2 - wL2 FBC cos 60 o + 5 + FAB F cos 60 o = 0

= 332 8 = 32 2 FBC cos 60o = - 5

M C = 32 = 32 _ Hogi
wL2 WL
∴ (∵ wl = W) 5
FBC =− 2 # cos 60 o
38. Force in the member BC, put the 5 N weight at = - 5 kN [compression]
point B of the truss shown is
39. A propped cantilever beam of span ‘l’ is loaded
B 5N with uniformly distributed load of intensity
w/m over the entire length. Bending moment at
fixed end will be

(a) 12 (b) 8
(c) 24 (d) 2
A 60o 60o C
39. Ans: (b)
(a) 2.88 N compressive (b) 5 N tensile Sol: w/m
(c) 5 N compressive (d) zero
MA l
38. Ans: (c) RB
_. y B iUDL = _-y B iR " Compatibility condition
60o 60o B

w, 4 R B ,
RB = 8

B.M @ A = R B ^ , h - w2,

A 60o 60o C

= c3w , m^ , h - w,2
At joint B: 8 2
∑V = 0 3 w,2 w,2 w,2
= 8 - 2 =- 8
B 5N
∴ B.M @ fixed end A = w8, _Hog i
o 2

17 KPWD - AE 2019
18 KPWD - AE 2019

40. Flexural stress developed in a material is 43. Hook’s law applied to

(a) only torsional (a) Orthotropic materials
(b) only compressive (b) Anisotropic materials
(c) combination of tensile and compressive (c) All of these
stresses (d) Isotropic materials
(d) only tensile
43. Ans: (d)
40. Ans: (c)
Sol: Combination of tensile and compressive 44. The volumetric modulus of elasticity is known
stresses → Flexural stress as
(a) Proof modulus
41. In a strain hardening material (b) 3-dimensional modulus
(a) there is a linear stress-strain relation (c) None of these
(b) plastic flow takes place at some level (d) Bulk modulus
(c) stiffening effect is felt at some stage
(d) rigid action is seen before failure 44. Ans: (d)

41. Ans: (c) 45. The ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain
Sol: Stiffening effect is felt at some stage of an isotropic material under uniaxial tension
is :
42. The shear force diagram of a beam is shown in (a) Variable (b) Always a constant
below figure is the type or beam belongs to: (c) none of these (d) Sometimes a constant

5KN 45. Ans: (b)


46. Poisson’s ratio for an idealistic isotropic
material is
1m 1.5m 2m 0.5m (a) 0.50 (b) 0.25
(c) 1.00 (d) 0.33
(a) over hanging (b) cantilever
(c) propped (d) fixed 46. Ans: (a)
Sol: µ = 0.50
42. Ans: (a)
Sol: 5kN
47. The shape of influence line diagram for
30kN maximum bending moment in a simply
supported beam is
1m 1.5m 2m 0.5m
(a) parabolic (b) circular
1m 1.5m 2m 0.5 m
(c) triangular (d) rectangular
Over hang beam
7.5 kN/m
10 kN 5 kN
Loading diagram
19 KPWD - AE 2019

47. Ans: (a) 49. In a plane, resultant stress is inclined at an angle

Sol: w/m
of 45o to the plane. If the normal stress is 100
N/mm2, the shear stress on the plane is
(a) 86.6 N/mm2 (b) 71.5 N/mm2
Parabolic (c) 123 N/mm2 (d) 100 N/mm2

Parabola 49. Ans: (d)

Sol: Obliquity = φ = 45o
σ = 100
tan φ = c σ
48. Which one of the following represents the τ
correct influence line for bending moment at tan 45 o = 100
point ‘C’ for the beams shown in figure? τ = 100 tan (45o) = 100 N/mm2

3m 6m 2m 50. A city has to treat 5.2 m2/ min of raw water daily.
Flocculants are to be removed by coagulation.
Experimental column analysis indicates that,
(a) A C B
an overflow of 0.3 mm/s will produce effective
D removal at a depth of 3.5 m in sedimentation
basin. The resultant surface area for selling is
(b) A C B D
(a) 388.89 m2 (b) 255.50 m2
(c) 300.89 m2 (d) 288.89 m2

(c) 50. Ans: (d)

A C Sol: Q = 5.2 m3/min
Vo = 0.3 mm/s; A=?
H = 3.5 m
A= V
A C o
B D 5.2
A= = 288.89 m2
0.3 # 10 -3 # 60
48. Ans: (d)
51. The 3-day BOD of municipal sewage is 75
Sol: C B
A D mg/L & rate constant (base e ) is 0.345/day.
3m 6m 2m
Estimate the BOD remaining in the municipal
sewage after 10 days
(a) 2.69 mg/L (b) 3.69 mg/L
B D (c) 3.90 mg/L (d) 4.69 mg/L
20 KPWD - AE 2019

51. Ans: (b) 55. The Hazen-William formula to calculate the

Sol: (BOD).3 = 75 mg/l flow velocity in pipe is
k = 0.345/day (a) V = 0.85 CH R0.63 S0.54
(BOD)ṯ = L [1 − e−kt] (b) V = 0.65 CH R0.63 S0.54
75 = L [1 − e−0.345 × 3] (c) V = 0.85 CH R0.54 S0.63
L = 116.32 mg/l (d) V = 0.65 CH R0.54 S0.63
(BOD)10 = L[1 − e−kt]
= 116.32 [1 − e−0345×10] 55. Ans: (a)
BOD10 = 112.63 mg/l Sol: V = 0.85 CHR0.63S0.54
Remaining BOD = 116.32 − 112.63
= 3.69 mg/l 56. The metal ion responsible for the disinfection
process is
52. High COD/BOD in waste water represents (a) Silver (b) Lead
(a) Presence of Cl2 gas (c) Mercury (d) Chromium
(b) High biodegradable waste water
(c) Presence of CH4 & H2 S 56. Ans: (a)
(d) Low biodegradable waste water Sol: Disinfection → Silver → Electro process

52. Ans: (d) 57. In coagulation process, the water to be treated is

Sol: COD Higher rules represent waste water 28800 ×103 L/d (Density = 1 g/cc & kinematic
contains less amount of biodegradable organs viscoisty = 10-6 m2/s). The mixing process
matter requires a velocity gradient of 900 s-2 to blend
35 mg/L of Alum with a detention time of 2
53. Which one of the follwoing is not a desalination minutes. The power input required for rapid
process? mixing is
(a) Addition of CuSO4 (b) Electro analysis (a) 324 kW (b) 32.4 kW
(c) Demineralization (d) Reverse Osmosis (c) 3124 kW (d) 32400 kW

53. Ans: (a) 57. Ans: (b)

Sol: Addition of CuSO4 Sol: Q = 28800 × 103 l/day = 288000 m3/day
ρw = 1g/ = 1000 kg/m3
54. A completely oxidised waste water contains γ = 10−6 m2/s G = 900 35 mg/l
nitrogen in the form of Dt = 2 m/m
(a) Nitrite Nitrogen P=?
(b)Ammonium Nitrogen G= µ#V
(c) Nitrate Nitrogen P
900 =
(d) Organic Nitrogen 10 -6 # 28800 # 2 # 60
P = 27993.9 watts
P = 27.99 kW
54. Ans: (c)
Nearest answer 32.4 kW
Sol: Complete oxidised waste water → Nitrates
21 KPWD - AE 2019
22 KPWD - AE 2019

58. If the waste water is discharged into the river 61. Ans: (d)
& if mixes with the river water completely. The Sol: Methanogloinema → Blue baby discase →
following data is available: Nitrates
(i) DO & discharge of Waste water = 3 mg/L
& 1.5 m3/s 62. What will be H+ ion concentration of the
(ii) DO & discharge of River water = 7.5 mg/L solution having a pH value of 5.1 ?
& 6.5 m3/s (a) 8.94 × 10-6 mol/L (b) 10.94 × 10-6 mol/L
Assuming temperature of the mixture as 20 oC. (c) 7.94 × 10-6 mol /L (d) 9.94 × 10-6 mol/L
The resulting DO of the mixture is
(a) 6.65 Mg/L (b) 8.56 Mg/L 62. Ans:(c)
(c) 7.65 Mg/L (d) 5.56 Mg/L Sol: pH = 5.1
pH = log
58. Ans: (a)
Sol: QR = 6.5 m3/s DOR = 7.5 mg/l 5.1 = log +
Qs = 1.5 m3/s DOs = 3 mg/l HT = 7.94 × 10−6 mol/l

^Q R # DO Rh + ^Q s # DO sh
DO mix = = 6.66 mg /- 63. The detention time provided in the primary
QR + Qs
sedimentation tank for the treatment of
59. Which among the following sewage treatment municipal waste water
method has the problem of ponding, fly and (a) 45 minutes (b) 15 minutes
odour nuisance? (c) 240 minutes (d) 30 minutes
(a) Extended aeration process
63. Ans: (a)
(b) Trickling filter
Sol: 1 to 2 hours detention time
(c) Advance oxidation process
(d) Upflow anaerobic sludge Blanket
64. Which of the following hardness causing
element can be removed by boiling?
59. Ans: (b)
(a) CaPO4 (b) CaHCO3
Sol: Trickling filter
(c) Ca(OH)2 (d) CaSO4
60. Among the following air pollutants, which one 64. Ans: (b)
is the secondary air pollutant? Sol: By boiling temporary hardness can be
(a) NO (b) O3 (c) SO2 (d) Soot removed CaHCO3 - Bicarbonate.

60. Ans: (b) 65. The ratio of flow through period to the detention
Sol: Ozone O3 period in settling tank is called
(a) Displacement efficiency
61. Mathamoglobinemia disease is caused by water (b) Loading efficiency
contaminated with access of (c) Theoretical efficiency
(a) Sulphites (b) Sulphates (d) Settling efficiency
(c) Ammonia (d) Nitrates
23 KPWD - AE 2019

65. Ans:(a) 69. 100% hardness removal in water can be

Sol: achieved by
Flow through period
Displacement efficeincy = Detention period (a) Base exchange process
(b) Soda - lime process
66. Fluorides in contaminated water is effectively (c) Addition of excess alum & lime
removed by (d) Addition of excess lime
(a) Activated Silica
(b) Granular activated carbon 69. Ans: (a)
(c) Activated Alumina Sol: Zeolite or Base exchange process brings
(d) Powdered activated carbon hardness to zero

66. Ans: (c) 70. The aeration time in the aeration tank of
Sol: Activated Alumina activated sludge process is
(a) 6 - 10 hours
67. Addition of calcium oxychloride to the water (b) 0.5 - 1 hours
does not remove (c) 15 - 20 hours
(a) Organic matter (d) 2 - 4 hours
(b) Ammonia
(c) Oxygen content in water 70. Ans: (d)
(d) Biochemical oxygen demand Sol: Dt = 4 to 8 hr

67. Ans: (c) 71. For roads the permeability criteria for
Sol: Oxygen content in water subsurface drainage shall be

D of filter
68. A municipal sewage of 5 ml is added to the (a) D of15 foundation > 5
300 ml of distilled water. The initial DO of the
D of filter
sample was 8 mg/L, after 5 days of incubation (b) D of15foundation < 5
the DO of the sample was 3 mg/L. The BOD of
D of filter
the sample is (c) D of15 foundation < 5
(a) 300 mg/L (b) 3 mg/L
D of filter
(c) 3000 mg/L (d) 30 mg/L (d) D of15 foundation > 5

68. Ans: (a)

D ]filterg
71. Ans: (d)
Sol: Vs = 5 ml, Sol: Permeability ratio = 15 ] g > 5
D15 soil
Vs + Vw = 300 ml,
D15 ]filterg
D85 ]soilg
V +V 300 Piping ratio = <5
D.F = s V w = 5 = 60

DOi = 8 mg/l ; DO8 = 3 mg/l

(BOD)5 = (DOi − DOf) D.F
= (8 − 3) 60= 300 mg/l
24 KPWD - AE 2019
25 KPWD - AE 2019

72. Seal coat for roads are provided in ordered to 75. Ans: (c)
have Sol: Bleeding / fatty surface effected area can be
(a) Camber taken case by small size, clean, angular sand
(b) Required grade / small aggregates can be applied over surface
(c) Even surface {sand bolting/ binding}
(d) Impervious layer
76. Longitudinal rut in roads are formed due to
72. Ans: (d) (a) Heavy rainfall
Sol: Main purpose of seal coat is to seal the voids to (b) Pneumatic traffic
avoid percolation of water into bottom layers. (c) Combined action of Iron wheeled &
pneumatic traffic
73. The gravel road section shown in figure below (d) Heavy axle loads
is called as
76. Ans: (c) (or) (d)
Sol: Reasons for longitudinal ruts
(1) Higher proportion of heavy axle loads
(2) Channelized traffic in larger extent
(a) Macadam type (b) Trench type (3) Heavy bullock cart traffic.
(c) Rigid type (d) Feather type
77. In Bituminous road constructions pneumatic
73. Ans: (b) roller is used to compact
(a) Bituminous macadam
74. Length of a vehicle affects (b) Surface dressing
(a) Clearance under the bridge (c) Premix carpet
(b) Length of the road (d) Bituminous concrete
(c) Width of the road
(d) Minimum turning radius 77. Ans: (d)
Sol: Pneumatic Rollers:
74. Ans: (d) Number of tyres will be placed parallel to each
Sol: Length of a vehicle will affect other & closed to each other for getting uniform
(1) turning radius of vehicle compaction by rolling.
(2) off tracking Applications: Intermediate Rolling of
(3) extra widening required bituminous concrete, non-plastic sits, Silty
75. ‘Bleeding’ in a road can be controlled by using:
(a) Hard rolling 78. Surcharge weights in CBR test is used to
(b) Stone dust (a) Simulate the efrfect of overlying pavement
(c) Heated stone-chips (b) Increase the density of sample
(d) Metal (c) Make the piston to penetrate the soil vertical
(d) Simulate natural moisture condition
26 KPWD - AE 2019
27 KPWD - AE 2019

78. Ans: (a) 82. Effective system of sub-surface drainage

Sol: For soaked CBR test, mould is kept immersed depends on:
in water for 4 days. while immersed a weight, (a) Road elevation only
equivalent to the expected surcharge on (b) Soil profile and position of water table
subgrade by the pavement is loaded on the (c) Soil profile only
sample. (d) Soil profile and road elevation

79. The lag distance is the distance travelled for a 82. Ans: (b)
vehicle during Sol: Subsurface drainage system based on soil
(a) Perception time (b) Total reaction time profile & position of water table.
(c) Emotion time (d) Volition time
83. Benkleman beam deflection method is adopted
79. Ans: (b) to design
Sol: Lag dist: Distance travelled by vehicle during (a) Rigid overlay on flexible pavements
total reaction time / lag time / perception - (b) Flexible overlay on flexible pavements
break reaction time. (c) Rigid overlay on rigid pavements
(d) Flexible overlay on rigid pavements
80. For highway survey, Tangent clinometer is
used in 83. Ans: (b)
(a) Detailed survey Sol: Benkleman beam deflection method is adopted
(b) soil survey for flexible overlay over flexible pavement.
(c) Preliminary survey Based on corrected deflection (measured using
(d) Reconnaissance survey test) thickness of overlay will be estimated.

80. Ans: (d) 84. Assuming an acceleration of 0.53 m/sec2, the

Sol: In reconnaissance survey we use chain / tape, safe OSD for the Highway with a Design speed
compass, barometer, abney level & tangent of 100 kmph
clinometer. (a) 750 m (b) 350 m
(c) 950 m (d) 550 m
81. As per IRC the maximum Axle load shall not
exceed 84. Ans: (a)
(a) 8000 kg (b) 7500 kg Sol: Given acceleration, a = 0.53 m/s2; let l = 6.1m
(c) 7000 kg (d) 8160 kg Design speed, VA = 100 kmph = VC ;
let t = 2 sec
81. Ans: (d) 100
ν A = 3.6 = 27.8 m/s = ν C
Sol: As per IRC, maximum permissible single
axle load limit should not exceed 8160 kg & let νB = νA - 4.5 = 27.8 - 4.5 = 23.3 m/s
maximum tandem axle load is specified as 14.5 Spacing S = 0.7 νB + l
tonnes. = 0.7 × 23.3 + 6.1 = 22.41 m
28 KPWD - AE 2019

4S = 4 # 22.41
Overtaking time , T = a 0.5 3 87. As per IRC, OSD = 300 m is safe if the speed
of the vehicle is
T = 13.005 ≈ 13 sec
(a) 60 kmph (b) 45 kmph
OSD = d1 + d2 + d3
(c) 90 kmph (d) 30 kmph
= ]ν B tg + b νT + 2 aT2 l + (νCT)
(or) 87. Ans: (a)
= (νBt)+ (νBT + 2S) + (νCT) Sol: OSD = 300 m
= (23.3 × 2) + (23.3 × 13 + 2 × 22.41) + as per IRC 73, OSD for various speeds is
(27.8 × 13) V(kmph) 40 50 60 65 80 100
OSD = 755.72 m ≈ 750 m OSD(m) 165 235 300 340 470 640

85. For a design speed of 80 kmph on a highway 88. Camber is to be provided for a road surface in
having downward gradient of 2%, the stopping order to:
sight distance is, if reaction time is 2.5 sec and (a) drain out rain water
f = 0.35. (b) counter balance centrifugal force
(a) 142 m (b) 231 m (c) allow vehicle to move without disruption
(c) 241 m (d) 132 m (d) reduce frictional force

85. Ans: (d) 88. Ans: (a)

Sol: ν = 3.6 = 22.22 m/s ; Sol: Main purpose of camber is to drain off the rain
N = 2% = 0.02 (-ve) water from carriage way towards shoulder &
t = 2.5 sec ; f = 0.35 side drains.
SSD = νt + ^
2g f − Nh 89. Weight of the vehicle affects the design of
= 22.22 # 2.5 + 22.22 (a) Permissible Speed
2 # 9.81 ^0.35 − 0.02h (b) Camber & Gradient
= 131.81 m ≈ 132 m (c) Cross Drainage Works
(d) Pavement Thickness & Gradient
86. Limiting gradient for road in plain terrain shall
be 89. Ans: (d)
(a) 1 in 20 (b) 1 in 15 Sol: Weight of vehicle influences thickness of
(c) 1 in 30 (d) 1 in 25 pavment selection of gradient.

86. Ans: (a) 90. Reflection cracking generally occurs in

Sol: For plains rolling terrain (a) Rigid pavement
Ruling Gradient = 3.3% = 1/30 (b) Flexible pavement
Limiting Gradient = 5% = 1/20 (c) Bituminous overlay over C.C. pavement
Exceptional Gradient = 6.7% = 1/50 (d) WBM roads
29 KPWD - AE 2019

90. Ans: (c) 92. A certain network path is as shown in the figure,
Sol: Reflection cracking: the expected time and standard deviation will
- Sympathetic cracks over joints & cracks in be respectively
the pavement underneath 3-5-10
6 7
- These are due to joints & cracks in the
16 4-9-11 18

pavement layer underneath
- Occurs generally for bituminous overlay 6-
over Rigid (cc) base slab
(a) 20 and 1.50
Bituminous cc base slab (b) 20 and 1.93
overlay (c) 15 and 1.65
(d) 30 and 1.62

92. Ans: (b)

Sol: Expected time of the net work
= Sum of each activity expected time

= b 3 + 4 # 5 + 10 l + ]0 g + b 3 + 4 # 6 + 9 l + b 4 + 4 # 9 + 11 l
6 6 6
91. Rate of use of a particular building material = 5.5 + 0 + 6 + 8.5 = 20
from stores is 30 units per year. The cost of each
unit is Rs. 120, Cost of carrying inventory is Standard deviation of net work
18% per year. It depends on the average stock. = variance of network
Cost of placing & receiving an order is Rs. 50.
The annual inventory carrying cost per unit will Variance of net 10 m/s = sum of variance of
be each activity
(a) Rs. 21.60
= b 10 − 3 l + ]0 g + b 9 − 3 l + b 11 − 4 l
2 2 2
(b) Rs. 26.80
6 6 6
(c) Rs. 80.70
=b7 + 0 + ]1 2 + b 7
2 2
(d) Rs. 36.20
6 6

91. Ans: (a) = 49 + 1 + 49 = 1.361 + 1 + 1.361

36 36
Sol: D = 30 units/years
C = Rs. 1200/unit = 3.722
Co = Rs 50/- ∴ Standard deviation = 3.722 = 1.93
Annual Inventory carrying cost/unit/(year)
CI = C × I = 120 × 0.18 = Rs 21.6
CI = Rs 21.6/unit/year
30 KPWD - AE 2019
31 KPWD - AE 2019

93. As per the central limit theorem, which one of = (0.75)10+1

the following is false: = (0.75)11
(a) Variance of the project duration = sum = 0.042
of the variances of the critical activities
duration 96. A square bar of side 4 cm and length 100 cm
(b) The probability distribution for the is subjected to an axial load P. The same bar is
project duration tends to follow normal then used as a cantilever beam and subjected to
distribution an end load P. The ratio of the strain energies
(c) Standard deviation of the project duration stored in the bar in the second case to that
= Sum of the standard deviation of the stored in the first case is
critical activities time duration (a) 10000 (b) 16
(d) Expected project duration = Sum of all the (c) 2500 (d) 400
expected duration for the critical activities.

93. Ans: (c) 96. Ans: (c)

Sol: Case I:
94. For the normal curve, Kurtosis is
(a) 2.6 (b) 10 P 4 cm
(c) 3.5 (d) 3 l = 100 cm
4 cm

94. Ans: (d)

P2 ,
U axial bar = 2AE
95. In a multilevel parking building 30 cars arrive
per day. Average time for stay is 36 minutes Case II:
from the point of view of operation research
probability that queue size exceeds 10 will be x
(a) 0.10 (b) 0.38 4 cm
(c) 0.52 (d) 0.26
l = 100 cm x 4 cm

95. Ans: (*) ,

M2x dx
Sol: Arrival rate (τ) = 30 cars/day U Cantilever = # 2EI

24 hrs/d ay # ^1hr = 6 0 min h ^Px h2 dx P2 , 3


Service rate ^µh = 36 min /car = # 2EI = 6EI


cP , m
24 # 60 =
2 3

36 40 cars/d ay
U 6EI ,2 # A
` Ucantilever = = 3I
c P, m
axial bar
Utilization factor (ρ) = τ/µ = 30/40 = 0.75 2AE
Probability that (more than 10 cars)
# 100 # 4 # 4
in the queue = (ρ)n+1 = 100 = 2500
3 # 12
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33 KPWD - AE 2019

97. The state of stress at a point in a strained element 99. Ans: (b)
is shown in the figure below. The maximum Sol: IDLERS are provided in conveying system
tensile stress in the element will be to provide support and avoiding slackness of

100. A tractor weighs 12.5 tonnes and is operating

along a 2 percent upgrade and the rolling
resistance is 45 kg/tonne. If the maximum rim
pull in the first gear of a tractor while towing
a load is 6300 kg pull available for towing the
10N/mm2 load is
(a) 10 N/mm2 (b) 20 N/mm2 (a) 5515 kg (b) 3975 kg
(c) zero (d) 10 2 N/mm2 (c) 3820 kg (d) 4380 kg

97. Ans: (a) 100. Ans: (a)

Sol: Sol: Rolling Resistance (R) = 45 × 12.5 = 562.5
10N/mm2 Assumed 1% grade resistance = 8.9 kg/ton
(mostly standard 9 to 10 kg/ton)

Up grade resistance
(g) = +^2% # 8 .9 kg/ton h # 12.5
10N/mm2 = +222.5 kg
τ max = τ = 10 N/mm2 Total Resistance = 562.5 + 222.5 = 785 kg
Under pure shear condition,
σmax = τmax = 10 N/mm2 00

98. Scaffolding has to be provided for a building on

the side of a busy street. Which of the following
is more suitable?
To R +

(a) Mason’s (b) Gantries


(c) none of these (d) Needle R

98. Ans: (d) ∴ Pull available = 6300 − 785 = 5515 kg

99. In the construction industry IDLERS are

(a) excavating equipments
(b) used to provide supports for belt conveyor
(c) used in hoes
(d) dumping equipments
34 KPWD - AE 2019

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