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‘THE TAKING OF SIANDABHAIR Part 5: Appen New monster (unofficial) MOUNTAIN HAG FREQUENCY: Very Rare No, APPEARING: 13 Ac: 7 wv. 15" HO: a5 SIN LAIR 65% TREASURE TYPE: RST “AT 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: by weapon type SA see below SD: see below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 5% INTELLIGENCE Average-High ‘ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil Size ™ PSIONIC ABILITY: nil ‘Aitack/Defence modes: pil LEVEL/xp VALUE: V1/650+6/ho s The Mountain Hag is a relative of the Sea Hag, inhabiting mountains and dismal rocky wastes. The lair of the Mountain Hag is typically @ cave in a mountainside. Like all other Hags, they hate beauty and goodness, and when they come out of their caves itis always to commit some act of evil ‘The appearance of a Mountain Hag is so hideous as to require any character of less than 5th level to save vs magic or lose 1-10 strength points for 1-8 turns; Clerics and Paladins are allowed a bonus to this saving throw equal to their level The Mountain Hag fights using filthy, jagged and rusty dagger (D 1-4), which has a 75% chance of carrying a disease (treat as, chronic, severe, affecting blood and gastro-intestinal organs — see Dungeon Masters Guide p14). However, a Mountain Hag will rely whenever possible on followers and on her magical abilities, fighting hand-to-hand only as a last resort to clear a path for her escape. 28 a’ VN A le Ge Vey § A g iG pa 2 INS A y ‘A Mountain Hag can fly, 1/day, paralyse (as a wand of paralysation) by touch, 3 times/day, and cause darkness, 3 times/day. She can use magic-user scrolls as a 10th level thief, and can also speak with animals at will. There is a 30% chance thata Mountain Hag will have a familiar, of atype determined as {or the first level magic-user spell find fami A Mountain Hag may call down 2 terrible curse on one victim, ‘who must save vs magic or lose 1-4 constitution points, and must make all subsequent saving throws vs poison or disease at -2 while the curse is in effect. Any wound sustained during this periodwill heal at half the normalrate, and has a 25% chance of becoming infected. The curse lasts for one lunar month or until the vietim dies or receives a remove curse spell, A Mountain Hag may only have one curse in effect at any given time. Finally, Mountain Hags are immune to poison and disease, and make all saving throws against mind- influencing spells at +2. IMAGINE magazine, Avgust 1983 Horses ‘There are three types of horse available; light riding horses, asin the Players Handbook, which will panic under ab- normal stimuli (presence of monsters, fights, etc), cavalry horses (as the PHB warhorses, light medium and heavy, tained to stand still while the rider fights, fr to fight no matter what the rider is doing, according tocommand, and unlike ly to panic in the same way as a riding horse would), and the very rare full warhorse (see next column). Whenever such @ horse encounters a situation itdoes not like, it hasa chance of bolting. As an alternative to the percent- ‘age chances of this given in the Monster Manual, you might like to try the follow: ing. To avoid having the horse bolt, the Fider must make a saving throw of 17+ on. 420, modified by: +2 per 5 points total Str/Dex of rider +1 per point of the horse’s stability +3 for Horse Combat proficiency +1 for teamster/freighter secondary skill -2if there's a fight nearby, or if it ‘smells a normal carnivore 4 if there is a fabulous beast visible or it sees a large carnivore 6 if in the middle of a fight, or if itis already bolting 8 if there is a large monster (such as ‘a dragon) nearby 10 if struck by missiles, spells, or (if not 2 cavalry or war horse) hand weapons “12if the rider is fighting @ large monster The stability of the horse should be determined secretly by the DM when the horse is obtained. Normal riding horses have a stability of 1-6, cavalry horses 6-9, (d475), and full warhorses are always stability 10. Ifthe horse bolts the rider may falloff. The chance is decided by Strength, Dexterity, and a saving throw on a d20: Str + Dex Total Saving Throw 6-10 14 115 13 16:20 12 21-25 " 26-30 10 31-35 9 36-40" 8 41-45" 7 48 (ie 18/00 + 18)" 6 * For each ten points of exceptional strongth, add one point to the Str/Dex total The saving throw for characters with Horse Combat proficiency is at +4, and a character with Horse Combat specializ ation is at +6. If cavaliers fail this roll, they still have their special 85% + 1% per level chance of staying on board. Chris Felton MAGIN: agate Feary 196 New Monster (unofficial) Full Warhorse FREQUENCY: Very rare No APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 7 MOVE: 715” HIT DICE: 5+3 % IN LAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: Nil No of ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE: 1-10/1-10/1-4 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Wil SPECIAL DEFENCES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil INTELLIGENCE: Animal ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L PSIONIC ABILITY: Wil Attack/Defence Modes: Nil LEVEL/XP VALUE: 1V/160 + 6 per hit point The full warhorse is the natural mount of the mounted fighter — though very few ‘ever have the chance to own one. They are the result of the finest stock selection ‘and breeding between ordinary heavy horses, so rare that barely one foal in five hundred bred in such a way will be a young full warhorse. Very few horse- breeders have acquired the skill and knowledge to improve on those odds, and such men and women become very rich. indeed, serving great princes and kings There are those who sell these powerful mounts to anyone who has the requisite influence and wealth to obtain one. The price of a full warhorse obtained in sucha way is never less than 1500gp, and can be more in times of war or civil unrest In addition, the warhorse must then be trained to work with its new owner. This takes at least six weeks of intensive work, and again, the opportunities are very rare. Most trainers capable of such work are already in the service of wealthy masters, {and the few prepared to be hired for such work will demand 1800gp for a six week ‘Once trained, the full warhorse will recognize only one rider. It will resist anyone who attempts to mount it, lead it away or whatever, even if it recognizes the person as a friend of its owner. In practice, most player characters who ‘manage to obtain one of these steeds will be cavaliers who perform some great service to their patron — provided the patron can afford the price, or have a ‘stockbreeder on their staff. Training might be included in the reward. Often, 2 cavalier can be persuaded to accept a full ‘warhorse, fully trained, in exchange for a reward or a ‘gift’ of twice the value. If an ‘opportunity occurs, a cavalier should be prepared to do almost anything to obtain ‘When its owner digs, a surviving full warhorse can only be retrained 10% of the time. There is a further 15% chance that it will go wild, attacking all creatures it meets, until its inevitable demise. In the remaining 78% of casas, the warhorse merely lapses into the deepest despair, dying 1-8 days after the loss of its rider Similar risks are run when an owner voluntarily abandons a warhorse for any period longer than a month. In such circumstances there is a 50% chance per month that the horse will pine away. Accavalier who wishes to pass on his full ‘warhorse, or tosellit, will find its loyalty a hindrance. Most knowledgeable horse- dealers will pay only a fraction of the price (150gp), Warhorses can only be retrained in 25% of cases, and both buyer andseller must be involved in the process, which will take 10 weeks, A trainer will be required as well, at a cost of 4000gp, the money being due regardless of whether fF not the retraining is successful. 15 CANOPIC SHADE New Monster (unofficial) FREQUENCY: Rare No.APPEARIN! Usually 2 (one of each type, see below) ARMOUR CLASS: Not applicable MOVE: Instantaneous (up to 10 feet) HIT DICE: 146 % IN LAIR 100% TREASURE TYPE: Nil # ATTACKS: Nil DAMAGE/ATTACK: Nil SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: Tota/ INTELLIGENCE: None ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: Not applicable PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defence modes: Nil 4/100 xp + 2xp per hit point. LEVEL/xp VALUE These non-corporeal entities may be thought of as fragments of ‘an undead creature. They are created when the brain and heart ‘of a corpse are removed to be interred separately in containers, known as canopic jars. Any undead creature which arises from this corpse will be sundered into three parts. The first will be one of the usual kinds of undead. This will develop from the main corpse and will have all the usual attributes except that, lacking a brain, it will be on: intelligent and, lacking a heart, will be fearless even to the extent of being resistant to the turning effect of clerics. Clerics (and Paladins) affect them as if they were 3 levels below their actual level. Therefore, clerics of levels 1—3 cannot affect these undead. The other two fragments, which arise from the brain and heart, are known as canopic shades. These shades are quite separate from the main undead and remain inside their canopic jars until a living being comes within 10 feet. When this occurs the shade ‘will move instantaneously from the jar into the creature's body and there try to fulfil its one desir, to become free of the earthly plane by killing the creature and finding rest along with it, The ability of a character to resist the attack depends on two of its ability scores; intelligence and wisdom in the case of a shade Which arises from the brain, and strength and constitution in the case of the shade from the heart. Brief Encounters are short scenarios, designed to be inserted into any campaign, either to introduce some new element into the game, such as a new monster, spell or magic item, or just as an entertaining diversion along the way. Could you write a Brief Encounter for IMAGINE magazine? Why not give it-a try? BEL 2 TE = See ase ee ‘Tho only thing which can prevent a canopie shade from entering a characteris a protection from evil spell or otherwise). Failing this, the shade will automatically gain entry and begin to attack the creature from within, Each round that the shade is within the character the DM should subtract d8 x d6 (i.e. d8 multiplied ‘by d6) from the current total of the character's two appropriate ability scores and apply the results as follows: Total of abilitios minus 8 x d6 is: Result 01035 Shade takes one hit point of damage 110-12 Character loses d4 points (temporarily) from one randomly determined ability 1310-34 Character loses one point (permanently) from one randomly determined ability If any of the character's ability scores falls below 3 (including temporary effects), it willbe fatal ithe victim dies the shade will ass away with it and not attack any other character. Canopic shades will always attack until destroyed (reduced to zero hit points) or until the vietim dies Avictim managing to destroy a shade will gain one point on one randomly determined ability score. New Monster (unofficial) MARSH DRAGON (Draco Fatalus Plagues) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOUR CLASS: 3 MOVE: 6"/18"//9" HIT DICE: 5-7 % IN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: ERT # ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3/2-24 SPECIAL ATTACKS: SPECIAL DEFENCES: Breath weapon + spit Immunity to all diseases MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Average to genius ‘Neutral Evil (25 feet long) PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defence modes: Nil CHANCE OF: Speaking: 10% Magic use: 95% (if the dragon can speak) Sleeping: 70% LEVEL/xp VALUE: Ml and up/Variable Marsh dragons favour fetid habitats such as swamps or dank subterranean lairs. They are thoroughly evil and take great pleasure in causing mayhem, especially to any nearby human or demi-human populace. Like all dragons they are highly avaricious, It is believed that they are the result of @ union between Tiamat and Anthraxus, These creatures prefer a solitary existence, therefore an encounter with such a dragon is 75% likely to be with a single individual. This reclusive behaviour results in the deterioration of their ability to speak. Only a few still practise the art and the majority of these as a result of their preoccupation with magic. ‘Such dragons that are able to employ spells can utilize a ‘maximum of 8 spells. Their acquisition over the course of the dragon's life is as follows: \Very young: 1st level spell Young: 2nd level spell Sub-adult: 3rd lovel spell Young adult: 1st level spell Adult: 2nd level spell Old: 3rd level spell Very old: 4th level spell Ancient: Sth level spell The dragon's breath weapon is of a specialized form: itbreathes forth a yellowish cloud some 5” long, 4” wide and 2” high, which is riddled with pestilence. A save vs. Breath is allowed with the following modifications due to the victim's constitution rating: 35 2 69-1 10-12 0 13-15 +41 16 42 17:43 1B 4 Failure indicates that the victim has contracted a disease (determine randomly). The affliction will always be acute in 12 ae Wien ie = he i terms of occurrence, with ie severity boing equel to the ragon's age category (1-8) Tobe cured uf the disease requires theinterventionafcleried levels above the age category ofthe Gragon. This immediate contraction of a dseose (through 9 massive onslaught of thousands of pathogens in the victim's Body) means damage wil accrue, depending upon the severity ofthedisease. Amild form wilcause 7, of the Gregor’ tote hit points in damage, severe will esuitin Ys of thedragon's totathit Points in damage, while a termina form wil have the victim Suffering tho ful ftal of the dragon's hit point in damage, Of Course, if save is made then only half ofthe damag willbe sitfored In addition to the draconian monster's breath weapon (usable twice per day), itcan spit once per day (must roll to hit) against a single target at a maximum range of 6”. As well as being a mild acid (1 point of damage per age category, half ifa save vs. Poison is made}, the spittle will result in a parasitic infection (no save due to its extreme virulence). The actual type of infection is randomly determined although — as with the breath weapon — the severity is determined by the age of the dragon, Ifthe marsh dragon is forced into physical combat it will attack with two webbed fore-claws and a vicious bite. Description: These reptiles are yellow in colour, although this, can vary between localities, producing a range from orange- yellow to greenish-yellow. its basic physical appearance is that, of a somewhat squat dragon with a thick powerful tail, webbed claws and short stumpy, but powerful wings. Unlike most dragons, its hide is not covered in horny projections, but has more of a warty complexion on a grand scale! Due to their preference for swamps and its frequent behaviour of hiding (90%) in mud, when first encountered th2y often appear to be black in colour. In fact, among the other dragons. they seem to tolerate black dragons, probably because of the latter's tendency towards neutral evil and choice of habitat. ‘Mark Davies IMAGINE magasing Jone 18 N. The Faerie Hill The Faeries of Ti Nan Og dwell in halls beneath one ofthe island's hls Ifthe adventurers manage to lift the curse placed upon Fintan by the {geries — and the revenant does not manage tokill him — they may see hhim leave hs tower and make towards the faerie hill ‘Although the entrance tothe faerie halls only becomes generally visible by moonlight, it may be found by walking round the base of the hill 13. times in an anti-clockwise direction. it will thon appear as a stone doorway Iet into the southern side of the hill, Fintan will given the ‘opportunity, walk — almost jog — around the hill and then go into the faerie halls If the revenant has not already caught him, It will do the ‘same. Should the adventurers not see the method of finding the ‘entrance, a ranger will have no trouble in fellowing the tracks as they circle the hil Anyone standing on the hill will be able to hear faint sounds of merriment from below — actually listening a groundevel will make the ‘sounds louder. but no clearer. ‘The entrance to the faerie halls will appear when night falls — and ‘warm, inviting lights willbe seen behind the door. The sounds of revolry willbe much clearer. Should he adventurers attemptte enter the halls, they willbe made weleome— as mainlanders who have nally accepted the faeries original invitation, Anyadventurors who accopt this offer are ffectively rapped withinthe re halls. Time does nat run concurrently beneath the hill and any ..e spent there is the equivalentof 100.300 years, Any character who leaves the faorieshas this imaaddedto hiscurrentage, Asaocult, the ‘of possible drawacks to taking up tho are never let, all will be well, andthe character's may continue to live normally — endlessly enjoying the hospitality of the faerie fok the adventurers are foolish enough to attack the faeries, they will be fought by the entire population beneath the hill — including Fintan (should he still be alive) and the 200 or so villagers (see OMG pa8, ‘Typical inhabitants) 30 faarios: AC 5; MV 18" HD 1; hp S each; WAT 1; Dby weapon ype: SA Spells, +1 weaponry; SD Limited weapon and speilimmunity; MR 5%; xp 97 each; $ S; New monster - see Part 3. 1 faorio knight: AC 4; MV 18"; HD 2; hp 11; #AT1; D by weapon type; SA. ‘Spells,e2 weaponry; SD Limited weapon and spellimmunity; MR 5%: xp 1B6 each; S S; New monster - see Part 3. 1 faerie marchioness: AC3; MV 18" HD 3;hp 16; #AT1;D by weapon. type; SA Spells, +3 weaponry SD Limited weapon and spell immunity MR 8% xp 238; S S; New monster -se0 Part 3. _ae Sinking of the Isle ‘After spending 1412436 hours above the waves, Ti Nan Og will once more vanish inte the depths. Botoreit does £0, however, the mist will begin to gather, firstly at the ‘water's edge and then spread iniand, The mist will take buttwo turnsto over the whole island — and once it is covered it will sink. Once beneath the waves it will vanish totally — searching the bottom of the bay will nat reveal its location. ‘Anyone eaught on the island will be dragged down as it sinks. They will {drown in3 melee rounds uniess they have some form of escape from tho ‘ocean's effects (eg 2 helm of underwater action, a ring:of water walking etc)or they have taken refuge in one f the island's buildings or ‘withthe faeries. they will automatically fall into tempor Nan Og again appears above the waves — after 2410 + 30 years. ‘Those who have taken refuge with the faeries will not suffer any ill- effects when the island sinks. They wil, of course, be rapped beneath the faerie hill CREDITS Design: Chris Barlow Development: Mike Brunton ‘Art. Mark O’Dell Cartography: Paul Ruiz IMAGINE magecne August 1966 TIR NAN OG Part 3 - New monsters All the monsters given below are unofical AUGHISKY (Water-horse) FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: f or 2 ARMOUR CLASS: 3 MOVE: 78° HITDICE: 6+4 SeIN LAIR: Nit TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO.OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Drowning SPECIAL DEFENCES: See below MAGICRESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Very ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil (neutral evil) SIE: L PSIONIC ABILITY: Wit ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil/nil LEVEL/XP VALUE. V1/650-8 por hit point ‘The lish aughisl pronounced Aphis), or water-horse, fell water ie that appears in the guise of a handsome hore tie usually clove toa body of water of some description. When first encountered, the aughisky appears almost eager to be ridden, and if anyone is brave — or foolhardy — enough to climb on its back, it makes @ spendid mount, but it must never be allowed sight, sound or smell ofthe soa, Should it catch sight of, smell or hear the sea, it will immediately rush Into the water, taking its rider with it, Once in the sea, twill throw off ts rider and attack in an effortto devour him orher. Anyone whois cerried into the sea by the aughiski will drown in 3 melee rounds unless they ean reach the surface (wimsming or treading water precludes any form fof attack if armour is worn), Like many feeries, the aughisk’ is vl ‘and magical weapons dono de mmind-influencing and water-based spells, and cold-based attacks do only half damage. Fire-based attacks cause full damage, Each Uisge and Cabyll-ushtey: The each uisge (same pronunciation) and cabyll-ushtey are, respectively, the Highland and Manx versions of, the same creature. They difer only in their ferocity, as they will not wait tosee, hear or smell the sea before carrying victims into the depths and attacking tham. The Manx cabyll-ushtey is also rumoured to attack ‘domostic livestock that wander near the shore. ‘The each uisge:has the ability to appear in human guise, which it ‘occasionally does in order to 'spy out the land’ before selecting a likely victim to approaeh in horse-form. 31 THR NAN 0G BIRCH TREE SPIRIT FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 7 ARMOUR CLASS: 1 or 7 MOVE: 3” HIT DICE: 547 GRIN LAIR: 100% TREASURE TYPE. Wil NO. OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 hit point SPECIAL ATTACKS: Incanity SPECIAL DEFENCES: Spel! and weapon immunity MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Low ALIGNMENT: Neutral evi) SIZE: M PSIONIC ABILITY: Wil ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Nil/nil LEVEL/XP VALUE: V/46546 per hit point A birch tree spirit appears as an amorphous white cloud. smelling slightly of new, green wood. It attacks with a pseudopod with whieh it attempts to touch the forehead of a victim. A successful ‘to hit’ roll indicates that it has done so, and the victim must save vs Spells or become insane (eee DMG p83). The victim also develops a whit, leat- shaped mark upon hisor her forehead, The insanity andthe mark persist Until the victim receives a remove curse spel White in cous form, a birch tree spritcannot move more than 6" away from the wooden object/tree to which itis bound. Ii spells, has an Armour Class of 1 and may nly behitby silver or magical ‘weapons, However, itmay be ‘turned’ bya druid, Thedruid is treated as ‘an equivalent level ceri, and the birch tree sprit as the equivalent of ‘turned, it will return to the object/tree to which itis bound. is then ‘much more vulnerable to attack is Armour Class drops to 7, andit may be struck by any type of weapon. Fire-based attacks do double damat ‘and a warp wood spell will eause 1d4 points of damage per level of the easter. Itremains immune to the effects ofall other spells. Birch tree spirits are bound into the service of druids or magic users specialising in planteraft by either a hold plant or charm plant spell. will never have any treasure ofits own, only what it has boen given to Watch over. Because they are always guardians, they are never encountered as wandering monsters. 32 FAERIE FREQUENCY: Rare NO, APPEARING: 1-100 ARMOUR CLASS: Variable MOVE: 18” HITDICE: 1-447 SIN LAIR: 50% TREASURE TYPE: A, S.T NO, OF ATTACKS: 7 DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells ‘SPECIAL DEFENCES: Spell and weapon immunity MAGIC RESISTANCE: 5% INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional-genius ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral evil) SIE: $(4" toll PSIONIC ABILITY: Mi ‘Attack/Defence Modes: Wil/nil LEVEL/XP VALUE: THD: 1/9241 per hit point 2HD: Ml/13442 per hit point SHO: 1V/190+3 per hit point AD: V/360+8 per hit point Faerie, also called the Little People or Woe Folk, aroa widely divergent group of creatures. Those described here are realy ‘generic’ faeries, having some — but not all — of the abilities that these creatures are capable of displaying, they ere use Tet spells, preferring instead 10 torment their victims with Cantrips (see IMAGINE™ magazines 8 & 9). For every 20 faeries encountered, one will be a member oftheir lessor nobility (2D), and the equivalentof a 7th level magic user or illusionist. 10th lovel magic usr or illusionist will be a member of the groater nobility (4+1HO), and the equivalent of a 18th level magic user ilusionist, He or she will be accompanied by a retinue of 1-4 7th le ‘magie user/illusionist equivalents Because oftheir magical abilities, faeries prefer nottofight—butcan do 50 when forced into battle. They wear silver armour appropriate to their station, ranging from chainmailtofull suitsofplatemail, andusoa ‘wide variety of weapons, with combat bonuses ranging rom +1 to +4 They are invulnerable to all ming: influencing spolls, and magical and silver weapons do but 1 point of damage when they hit. iron weapons. ause normal damage. Oue to thelr sorcerous nature, faeries cannot stand the sight of clerics of good alignment, and will avoid contact with ‘such pooplo, even to the extont of flocing Faeries arean extremely proud folk, and will remember any lur or harm done to them — and punish torment those they consider guilty, evento death. However, they are not totally evil, merely fickle —andifneedbe, vengeful — to those they encounter. But they are also be generous to those who aid them. Any gifts or rewards they give will often bo two ‘edged — items which bring good fortune tothe possessor providing that Certain conditions are never violated, in which ease the good fortune is replaced by bad fortune of equal magnitude ‘to manipulate time. Visitors to faerie halls anddwellings do not age while they are there, and years may pass inthe outside world. However, once a mortal leaves. faerie hal, the full burden ef the years that have been spent ‘outside’ time is imposed — ‘typically period of 20-200 years, often killing the person the process death by simple old age IMAGINE mapa August 1964 Frankenstein's monster was galvanized into activity. Dunean Idaho as a Tleilaxu ¢ghola, (from Frank Herbert's Duneseries), had life re-established through the secret arts of the Tleilaxu guild. One of the most. famous golems of legend, the giant, bull headed, bronze Talos, was placed on the island of Crete by the greek gad Zeus to act as guardian. Not all such creatures are found in human form. In Tanith Lee's. Death's Master, Lyles, the handmaiden ‘of Lord Death, lives with a blue enamel ddog that acts as her servant and has the gift of speech. What do all these creatures have in common? Well, they all represent the Creation of an animate being from in ‘animate matter, usually through the use ‘of magic. Of course not all ‘golems’ need to be such monumental achievements. ‘The basic concept is seen behind the tale of Goethe's Sorcerer's Apprentice, a5 well as favourites like Pinocchio and The Wizard of O2. The emphasisinfiction and in the D&D games is that the ‘golem’ is Created almost inevitably in the image of man, but should this be the case? 2 What's ina Name? The word golem appears in the Hebrew language and occurs in the Old Testament (Psalm 139,16), where itmeans.ahuman being that is incompletely formed. It also appears in the Talmud (the body of Jewish law and legend) describing ‘Adam's body prior to life and conscious. hess. It is not until much later in history that the word became synonymous with the end product of magical procedures involved in creating a ‘living being Golem Evolution Since golem originated as a Hebrew ‘word, what of the Jewish legends? As reported by Grimm in his Journal for Hermits (1408), the golem is @ thing constructed of mud or clay. Itseems that such beings were mostly, but not ex clusively, in the guise of man. Such manufactured creatures were inarticulate save a rare few, but all could understand limited speech, in the form of commands They were used as servants, although The golem — = an expansion of ' Se they were not allowed to wander. A drawback of such retainers was the uncanny property of the golem to grow larger each day! Every golem had inscribed upon its forehead the wordemeth meaning ‘truth’ To deactivate a golem, and thus changeit back into its elementary components, ‘emeth had to be transformed into meth, Which means ‘he is dead’. Such a switch in words was not always a simple procedure One unfortunate creator itseemed, let his golem grow out of hand so that when he came to deactivate his ‘art work’, he found the golem had grown too tall for him to reach the creature's forehead Therefore, he commanded the golem to remove his shoes, and while it was bending down the man rushed in and altered the wording successfully; unluck: ily he was crushed by the weight of clay that fell on top of him Around the 12th century the idea of the ‘golem made its first showing in the Sefer {MAGINE magecine Osan 194 Yersirah or Book of Creation’. Asaresult, the Hasidim of Germany (Jewish mystics) became exponents of the mystical rites required to create a golem. Inall probabil ity, regardless ofits ‘magical nature’, the ceremony was essentially a symbolic event. However, awareness of these rituals inoreased, with exaggerated and incorrect interpretations being expressed in the form of folklore and legend which became widespread during the 15th century. With the growth of such myths, earlier tales of reanimating the dead and the manufacturing of homonculi were being ascribed to the golem of legend Initially, the epitome of a ‘living being’ created by magic, the golem was per ceived exclusively in the mould of man. In addition it was constrained by the ruling that ‘the creation of a golem involves itra-powerful spells and elemental forces’. If this view is held then where do the homonculus (MM), necrophidius (FF) or stone guardian (MM2) come into IMAGINE mage Oct 1964 picture? All are animated beings, but each lacks one or more of the basic ingredients of the ‘true’ golem. What follows is a general classification system for DMs to adapt when designing magic. ally created protegés for their favourite spell casters. The first distinction to be made is a broad division between Reinstated and Created animation Reinstated Animation This category contains these monsters that are the result of a corpse having its vitality’ reinstated through magic. It is ot created, since that which is animated already existed as a living whole. Crea tures that fall under this heading are mostly different forms of non-independ. ent undead, such as skeletons, zombies ‘and zombie monsters (MM2), but not julu zombies (MM2) or yellow musk zombies (FF). The special case of the ghola in the Dune series is @ good, if not a highly sophisticated, example. Created Animation Beings animated in this manner are usually in the form af man (anthropo: morphic), already known as Golems, or beast theriomorphic), which Ihave term ed Totems. It is possible however, to produce animate ‘non-living’ beings, for ‘example a witch's broom, This last group, which has been neglected to a large degree in the past, | have titled Hylem, short for hylomorphic animation. Thus created animation falls under 3 basic headings with all having their ‘true’ forms (ie resulting from ultra powerful spells, ‘and elemental forces}, plus those that do ‘not hold with all such requirements. For game purposes there is litle difference and therefore | will largely ignore this distinction. Isuggest that DMs make note for future reference in case such @ division proves useful as, for example, the effects of a rod of smiting, Ingeneral hylems, totems and golems are created a5 either guardians or menial assistants to spell casters, They under take all commands given by their maker, although they usually lack intelligence Most are formed by (in}famous magicians or divinely favoured clerics. Their duties ‘and creation can be very specific at times 2, for example, when constructed in the name ofa specific deity (see iron cabra FF; see below black widow), Hylems These are objects that are animated, but are not in the form of living creatures. Hylems are seen with an ephemeral existence amongst a number of spells like: animate object (cleric), animate rock (druid), wizard's eye (magic user) and the magic user Bigby's hand spells Furthermore, this animation is also present in a number of magic items, namely: broom of animated attack broom of flying, carpet of flying, oun stones, Quaal’s feather tokens (fan; ship), magical ropes and even a sword of. dancing; not to mention artifacts! On top of all this there is even a monster, the Gale duhr(MM2), which has the ability to create temporary hylems. It seems that hylems are classed as magic items rather than monsters. With most examples this is very plausible, but what of those that can be given limited commands, specific toa situation, and act upon them accord- ingly. One such hylomorphic being is the gem hylem: (Note: In all the monsters in this article, Stats are given for both the D&D and AD&D games. Where different trom Advanced figures, Basic stats are given in bold. Notes for both games follow the stats) Gem Hylem Frequency Very rare No. Appearing 1 Armour Class 2 Move 78°/18" (MC:A) 240 (80') Hit Dice 8 9% In Lair Ni Treasure Type Nil Attacks 1 Damage/Attack 2-20 Special Attacks Spells Special Defences +2 or better weapon to hit Magic Resistance 40% Intelligence Semi- Alignment Neutral Size (2-6 inches) Psionic Ability Mi Attack/Defence modes wit Level/xp Value vu/1920 1200 Save As. Fightor: 18 Morale 12 Advanced: The makers of gem hylems are exclusively illusionists of atleast 14th level. They take 1 month to create, costing 26,000gp in the process. The illusionist, assuming there is no magical tome available to enable a shortcut tobe taken, needs to cast the follawing spells: major creation, light, fear, confusion, maze, demi-shadow magic and alter reality. Like their cousins, they understand and obey all commands given by their creator. twill, gem hylems can once per round use the following abilities: light, fear, confusion and maze; as a 10th level illusionist. In. addition, the hylem can attack once per round with a lighting strike (no save) for 2-20 damage; ithas range of 6”. Only hit by +2 or better weapons, but blunt weapons cause double damage. On destroying (deactiv ating) the hylem a 5,000gp gem will be left in its place, Basic: The OM should follow existing campaign rules for the creation of golems. The gem hylem can, once per round, use the following abilities: light, charm person and confusion. Attacks and other notes as above. Description: These animated beings appear as perfect examples of their gem type, though they are found constantly spinning furiously in the air. 3 Totems This group holds e greater potential for DMs to be inventive, dealing with anim- ations in the form of beasts. Transient examples as seen in spells are few, but include: sticks to snakes (cleric) and live oak (druid); simulacrum (magic user) is an example that is permanent in effect. ‘As with hylems, there are corresponding magical items, for example, the figurines of wonderous power or Quaal’s feather token (bird). Also there exist monsters that possess related powers which can induce temporary theriomorphic anim. ation (see treant MM; algoid FF). Perm- anently animated theriomorphie beings are not particularly numerous in the bestiaries (see homonculus; iron cobra ‘and necrophidius). To begin altering this discrepancy I have outlined two totems that | found entertaining as a DM, Rock Totem Advanced: These are fashioned from rock in the guise of the animal chosen by the creator. They can only be constructed by name-level Druids, unless a magical tome is employed. These totems are slightly unusual in the fact that they are intelligent, can think for themselves and are capabie of speech. They are totally loyal to their maker. ‘The type of animal sculpted can be anything from the range which the druid himself can shape change into, It takes 1 ‘month to construct such a totem and Fequires the following spelis to be cast detect poison, shape rock, animate rock, commune with nature and incarnate. The only material cost incurred by the druidis the needof 2 jewels (worth 5,000gp each) for the eyes. Totems communicate in both common anddruidic tongue. They possess average intelligence and wisdom, so that the finished totem mimics the chosen animal inall attributes excluding mentality. Ifthe creator concentrates upon his totem while itis within 20" he will beable to see through its eyes. All rock totems can detect poison; as a 6th level druid, ‘Acrock totem can only be hit by +3 or better weapons. Furthermore, only a limited retinue of spells can actually affect them: rock to mud will destroy the totem if it fails its save vs. spell, while stone to flesh change its armour class to that of the mimicked animal. For example, ifthe druid hadcreated a rock totem inthe form of a stag (MM), thensthe armour class change would be from 2 to 7. This change is permanent unless the magic is dispelled or reversed, All rock. totems save as 12th level druids, Basic: As above (using campaign rules for the creation of the totem), except that, passwallisthe only spell that will destroy it. Also, the rock totem can neutralize poison three times a month, Black Widow Advanced: This totem is specifically constructed by noble drow (FF), who honour Lolth (FF) as their patron deity. Its creation is unusual because it requires 4 —— ee Frequency No. appearing Armour Class Move Hit Dice in lair Treasure Type 4 Attacks Damage/Attack Special Attacks Special Defences Magic Resistance Intelligence Alignment Size Psionic ability Attack/Defence modes Level/xp value Save As: Morale: Rock Black Widow Very rare Very rare 1 1 zi 6 Variable 24"/15" 150° (50') Variable 7 Nil Nit Nil Nil Variable 1 1-10 Variable Variable Poison See below See below See below See below Average Average Neutral Neutral Variable S(2' diameter} Nil Nit Nit Nit Variable viis1415 850 Cleric: 9 Fighter: 5 12 12 ee ee cooperation between a male drow magic User and a female drow cleric. The former needs to be of at least 12th level, whi the cleric must have attained 11th level First a black opal and a ruby, worth at least 5,000gp each, must be sought. When obtained, they are then crafted into a black spider with @ red cross central on its abdomen. This is then followed by the casting of the spells from both cleric and mage. The mage spells required are: web and reincarnation; while the cleric per forms bless, prayer, poison, commune and animate object It takes 2 months to fabricate and costs 30,000gp overall The totem can only be successfully controlled by the female cleric involved in its making. All others, including the assisting magic user, require a specific trigger word or action detailed by the cleric, to be able to bypass the spider without difficulty. The Black Widow can cast once per round. over a range of 5", @ normal strength web spell not requiring support) ata single opponent; cast at 12th level of ability. To determine whether the target hhas been hit by the spider, the totem needs to roll ‘to hit’ If the black widow attacks a webbed victim, the spider will automatically hit. The creature's bite does 1-10 damage andcontainsa virulent poison, resulting in a save at 4. ‘A +2 weapon or better is needed to Score 2 successful hit on this creature and the only spell that affects the black widow is neutralize poison which will deactivate the totem’s poison for 1 turn (if it fails its save). Basic: The black widow totem is the creation of chaotic elves. Other details as. above, Golems The only example of anthropomorphic animation in the form of a spell is the magic user's permanent simulacrum spell. However, this group is very well represented in the AD&D monster tomes, such as the true golems, caryatid column (FF), scarecrow (FF) and stone guardian. ‘The golem has been well documented in the past and reflects the keen interest in anthropomorphic creations. | wonder if Shelly's Frankenstein would have been {as successful if the monster had been a patch-work cat or dog? Anyhow, | follow the trend of emphasising the golem asthe ‘most challenging group of createdbeings with this a mixed choice of new ones Bone Golem Advanced: In appearance this golem is like a skeleton. Itcan be created only by a rnon-good cleric of 19th level or higher, unless @ magical tome is utilised, The necessary ingredients are the appro: priate bones to allow the construction of a complete, whole skeleton, which then has the following spells cast upon it: prayer, curse, commune, animate objects, and wither. The minimum costs, '50,000gp, plus 100,000gp for religious rites and appropriate sacrifices. On com= pletion, the bone golem will undertake any commands given by its master. The creature can only be hit by piercing or edged weaponsif they are +3 orbetter, even then they will cause normal damage to the golem. Fire altacks that would ‘normally result in 23 points of damage or more, will effectively slow the golem for the next 1-4 rounds. If holy water is used against the creature successfully, it will hold the monster for 2-8 segments, but unholy water will restore 2-8 lost hit points. It is not possible to turn a bone golem, although itis equal toa ‘special”in terms of a mace of disruption. In combat, the golem attacks with a raking claw for 1-20 points of damage. Concurrent with the damage, the victim must save vs spell or suffer a withering of the portion of the body hit: it removes all flesh and leaves just the bone. Ifthe head fr torso of the victim is affected in this way then automatic death will result Other portions will operate normally; a fighter with a skeletal hand can still hold and wield @ weapon. Each such atiack also results in the permanent loss of 1 point of constitution. To recover from either effect requires a cleric of at least 18th level to administer regenerate or restoration. Only one afflictedareaof the body or lost point can be restored with the casting of a single spell. Therefore a character with both hands withered needs 2 regenerate spells to be completely cured, along with 2 restoration spells for lost constitution, Basic: See the Expert Rulebook, p50. Bronze Golem Advanced: This is a specialised form of iron golem and requires a magic user of 18th level or higher; a magical tome could be used by one of lower level. First 2 specially crafted bronze cast of a hollow sphere (1" diameter) has a ruby worth at least 50,000gp placed inside through the use of the spell vanish, Next, enchant an item, wizard lock and maze spells are ‘cast upon the sphere. The mage should then use 2 polymorph any object spell 10 transform the sphere into a miniature statue ofa man. The finishing touch tothe preparations is the casting of a sympathy ‘spell. All this isin special readinesstothe ‘summoning of an individually identified para elemental (Magma), which must be 16HD. The little bronze statue is the trigger item for a trap the soul spell; the creature is brought to this plane using an. ‘ensnarement spell andis ordered to pick up the statue! Additional cost, other than ‘the ruby is 200,000gp; it takes 6 months to complete the construction. After trapping the magma para element al, additional spells need to be cast upon the bronze figure: burning hands, geas and wish. The golem thus created is certainly a durable servant and guardian! Iecan strike with its fists in combat for 2.20 damage. If the golem obtains a ‘to hit’ score 5 greater than required, it ‘means that it can clench its fist around a small or medium sized opponent, result- ing ina further 20 points of damage from fire (no save). In subsequent rounds the golem can keep hold of his victim (unlikely Unless commanded specifically to do so}. Inthis case, damage from crushing (2-20) and fire (20) will automatically accrue. Furthermore, all those within 10’ of the bronze golem will be under the effects of ‘a heat metal spell. A bronze golem can not only do 1 point of structural damage, but itean also hurl rocks for 1-12 damage over a range of 16”. ‘Abronze golem can only be struck by +3 or better weapons. They are also vulner- able to a knock spelt if itis aimed at the area between heel and ankle of either foot. The knock spell needs to combat the wizard lock of the maker. A more surprising weakness is that they are not immune to poison. If a successful attempt is made at removing the bronze pins in either foot, the imprisoned para elemental will immediately be set free. There is only a 10% chance that it wll turn on the party, for its real desire is to get revenge on the ‘mage who imprisonedit. 1-3 rounds after itvacates the golem the latter will topple forwards or backwards (50% chance) Anyone unlucky enough to be under it at the time will be instantly killed, As with iron golems, magical fire attacks repair damage on a 1 hit point to 1 hit point basis. Cold based attacks such as cone of cold, ice storm and Otiluke’s freezing sphere will slow the golem for 4 rounds. Basic: See the Expert Rulebook, p60. Rag Golem Advanced: Unlike others of its kind the ag golem does not rely upon sheer force aS a means to an end. A mere 6 inches tall, itis constructed of whatever house- hold rags the magic user finds handy at the time. Consequently, the cost of pro- Bone Bronze Rag Sand Wood Frequency Very rare Very rare Very rare Very rare Very rare No, appearing 1 7 7 7 1 ‘Armour class, Ei o 10 4 o Move 12" y 18" 30'(10}) 10” 90'(30') 12" ‘ Hit Dice to tus’) palieveia) the we Ors) aut?) Sin lair Nil it wil Nit Nil Treasure type Nil Mil Nit wit Nit # Attacks 1 2 Nit 1 2 Damage attack 1.20 2.20 wit 3.12 216 Special Attacks Wither Clench fist Cantrins Sleep See below Special Defences Seebelow Seebelow — Seebelow —Seebelow See below Magic Resistance Seebelow Seebelow Seebelow — Seebelow See below Inteligence ‘Non Non- See below ‘Non Non Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Size M L(2a'y ‘S(6') Ley 1/16") Psionic Ability wit ‘Nil ‘Nit ‘Nit wit ‘Attack/Defence mode wit Nil it it Nit Level/xp value vmaz30.——«X/25,650 18 up/62 6 IX/11,100 2300 1x/7630 Save As: The Bone. Gronte and Wood golem hove stenty eon Fighter, 7 Fighter: 5 Moraie ‘ted the B60 Expert St 12 12 IMAGINE maga Oar 1904 ducing a rag golem can be as littl as 1,000gp. Once a vaguely humanoid shape hhas been made the following spells must be cast: tongues, anti-magie shell, geas, teleport without error, polymorph any ‘object and wish The newly-produced golem is physically fully developed, but mentally possesses only 1 point of intelligence. It gains 2 further point for each subsequent week of animation until the mage’s own intelli gence score is reached. Until then, the ‘mage must be engaged with its upbring. ing, to the exclusion of other activities, any break in the process will result in deactivation of the litte fellow. ‘On gaining its final intelligence point the ragamutfin can perform the following at will: limited telepathy with the magic user (3" range), teleport (no error), speak and comprehend any spoken language. Rolated to the last ability is the golem’s full literacy in normal and magical script The rag golem has a perfect memory and knows everything its master has seen fit to teach it, including spells (from cantrips to 9th level spells). Thus a rag golem often serves as a walking spell book. Provided it is within its telepathic range, the mage can re-learn any spell in its memory (normal time required), Subject to the maximum permitted by intelligence, level and magic. However, although the golem holds all its maker's spells, itself is powerless to use any except for the cantrips. The golem can ‘ast any cantrip memorised at will Like its larger brethren, the rag golem is immune to most magical attacks, apart from spells cast by its creator and the various Bigoy's hand spells. On top of this, these little monsters are immune to physical attack, be it due to weapon. fire, acid or whatever. Fortunately for the ‘magic user, they are completely loyal required the golem will use its own initiative to achieve its master's ends. 6 Over time it will develop its own personal- ity, invariably humorous and mischievous, ‘often: mimicking the idiosyncrasies and foibles of its creator. Even $0, the golem will never behave in adeleterious manner towards its maker No matter how its Personality develops the golem’s align- ‘ment remains neutral Ifits master dies, arag golem will set off alone into the big world. As a source of spells such a wandering rag golem is a prize find. However, it is now freelance it must be enticed into cooperation. A ‘rogue’ rag golem will work with a magic User they find worthy, but not for him! Basic: As above. The rag golem can only be damaged by spells cast by its creator. It has no magical ability of its own, Sand Golem Advanced: A sand golem can only be created by a 16th leval chaotic evi cleric, of one greater in levels (unless working from a magical tome). The material components for this creation are the bodies of a sandling (MM2) and a sand- man (FF), which must be emulsified in the life fluids of a dune stalker (FF). After the production of the emulsion the following spells must be cast: command, curse prayer, commune, animate objects and resurrection. The materials for this Procedure cost 30,000gp, while the cost ‘of the accompanying ceremonies is a minimum of 10,000gp, ‘After creation the sand golem is under the total control of the cleric that made it. Itis usually employed as a guard of some: precious item(s) or unholy place. tis well built for such a job since the golem can only be successfully struck with +2 or better blunt weapons, edged or piercing arms need to be +3 or better and even then will only inflict half the weapon, ‘damage plus its bonus, Strength bonuses ‘only apply to the blunt weapons. Further- more, sand golems are immune to all forms of magic unless they are water- based, the latter form of attack will slow the creature for as many rounds equal to the level of the spell. Its own offensive capabilities rely on its ability tohit an opponent. Striking with its fist it causes 3-12 points of damage to be suffered. In addition, the victim must save vs spell or fall into a catatonic sleep Those that fail their save will remain asleep for 3 turns no matter what is done to them. After this time, there is a 10% chance per round, ifan attempt is made to ‘wake them, of the sleepers being revived, If no such attempt is made then the victims will not wake of their own accord and will slowly fade and die. Basic: As above, Wood Golem Advanced: These are powerful creations, produced by druids of 13th level or higher. Of course a lesser druid could manufacture one with the aid of a ‘magical tome. Their construction begins with the druid choosing a suitable sapling It is best if a treant (MM) is enlisted as adviser in this venture, since the latter's perfect knowledge of the properties of all trees and saplings under his care will ensure total success. Of course there must be 2 very valid reason for such action or else the treant will flatly refuse to help and may even actively hinder the druid’s actions. ifthe druid ‘goes italone then there is a 1% chance per year of 2 boggart (MM2) which is ready to meta- ‘morphose into a will-o-wisp (MM), enter- ing the golem in preparation for its upation. Its usual choice are the sentient types of plant life, such as young treants oreventhe hangman tree(MM2}), Undersuch possession the golem acts in a most chaoticevil manner for 2-5 months, atthe tend of this period the golem ‘dies’ as the boggart leaves as a fully fledged adult, In either case, once a sapling has been selected the following spells must then be cast by the druid: entangle, plant growth, controltemperature 10’ radius, Protection from lightning, live oak, ‘commune with nature, reineamate and transmute metal to wood. There is little cost to this procedure since most of what is required is all around the druid To be able to hit a wood golem a +3 or better weapon is needed unless an axe is wielded, in which case only a+1 weapon is required, Blunt weapons cause only half damage when a successful hit is attained. As with others of its kind, the wood golem is very resilient when faced with magical attacks. Warp wood, if the golem fails its sava, will cause it to strike at -2 for 2-8 rounds. Hold plant will slow the golem for 1-8 rounds, but turn wood will have no effect, Inmelee, each time it hitsan opponent, if inflicts 2-16 points worth of damage and has the power to transmute metal to wood. This s also the case for any metal thet touches the golem. Asa further aid against its foes, the golem also can cast an entangle spell once every turn. If necessary the golem can cause 1 point of structural damage. In the introduction | made the point that the emphasisin the past seemed tobe on an anthropomorphic approach to anima- tion, | have not deviated from this line in this article. Most encounters will quite often be best served by incorporating a golem as the formidable servant to be confronted, but this need not always be the case. Some gods for example, only ‘materialise in animal form; should not their clerics produce @ totem in their honour (see Raven; American Indian mythos; DDG), rather than a golem? The D&D game revolves around diversity and this should be expressed within @ species of monster as well as between such groupings. Under the influence of @ DM's inventive mind, the ramifications ‘can be endless, touching on magical items, ideas for adventures and even stimulus for further expanding the art of animation, Basie: See the Expert Rulebook, p50. hs Mark Davios Rag golem co-written with Derrick Norton UAGINE maponne Ober 184 The Vampire Revamped Derrick Norton takes a (not-too-close) look at a savoury monster Vampire: (n) reanimated corpse that leaves its grave to suck the blood of sleepers Given the above dictionary definition itis surprising to recall that for the AD&D vampire no mention is made of any blood. sucking trait. This is a sorry state of affairs; the bite of the vampire is as much an integral part of the monster as is the breath-weapon of dragons. In thisarticlel will offer one interpretation of the vam- pire’s bite, plus information concerning nother previously unrepresented char- acteristic: that of having a loyal hench- man. These additions to the AD&D vam- pire are then complemented by a new (unofficial) range of ‘greater vampires’ that takes account of other undocument- ed aspects of the creature, both mytho- logical and cinematic. The Vampire’s Bite ‘A creature soafflicted to rise asa vampyr is cursed 10 a terrible existence. When newly risen, each day is filled with torment during rest itis taunted with dreams of its former life, and when active itis driven to take blood, since itisonly during the act of drinking fresh blood that the creature's misery 18 mitigated. Yet in time an in- dividual can come to master its blood-lust ‘and from then on it is doubly-dangerous, for it possesses, in general, both a desire and cunning unequalled amongst rational beings. Vecna’s Book of the UnDead As correctly noted by Vecna, a vampire is first forced, and later tempted, to drink blood if itis briefly to escape from pain. While a vampire has matchless capacity for blood it prefers to imbibe it slowly in ‘order to prolong the pleasure. Obviously any victim of this activity must either be charmed, asleep or bound before the vampire strikes. Since the bite of a vampire is highly narcotic, sleeping vic- tims only rarely wake up: 1% chance per level. If the victim is under the vampire’s charm it cannot resist the command to expose its neck... Having bitten its prey the vampire then. proceeds to suck blood at the rate of 1 pint per turn. Although the creature will die before all the blood has been removed the vampire is able to suck the corpse dry. Unlike a vampire’s hand attack the bite does not drain life-levels, only blood. 2 Contrary to popular belief the body of a creature killed in this way does not automatically rise as a vampire. It takes time for the contagious agenttoinfectthe body completely, and dark damp condi tions are also needed. Consequently a vampire can only form if the body is buried within 3 days, and even then the chance is just 1%. itis a common tactic ‘among old vampires to hide the bodies of their prey. Not only does this reduce the chance of discovery, it also helps to prevent any rise in the undead population. When found, bodies are often seen to be ‘somewhat eaten; this was once thought tobe the work of vampires — but itis now known that ghouls actively follow a ‘vampire so as to gain a free meall ‘On rare occasions a victim of a vam- pire’s bite may live to tell the tale However, this is a mixed blessing since the probability that the creature has contracted vampirism is much greater. Depending on the amount of blood lost the victim suffers as follows. drained of blood (at least 1 pint per night) on 3 successive nights will automatically die by the endof the 3rd night, only torise as a vampire at the next sundown. In ‘other cases the victim will take some 3- 12 days to transform. As the time draws near he or she will become progressively more vampiricin behaviour, although the victim will find its actions clouded with amnesia, Just before the change the creature will seek out a dark place in which to hide from sunlight, since it is here that itwill die at dawn in ‘readiness’ torise as a vampire at dusk. Note that itis quite possible for a creature to be bitten while asleep, and not know about its pre- dicament apart from a general tiredness similar to a heavy cold. Even use of a mirror will fail to reflect the puncture ‘marks; they can only be seen by others! Strange as it may seem a vampire does not drain blood from all-and-sundry. Irrespective ofits previous race a vampire will, f given a choice, take human blood above other types. The full order of TABLE 1: EFFECTS OF BLOOD-LOSS ON A SURVIVING VICTIM PERCENTAGE OF' ‘BLOOD LOST 1-15 16-30 31-45 46 - 60 61-75 76+ (in pints) gonons Notes "Tocalculate th for every 18 lbs weight HUMAN EQUIVALENT EFFECT? DURATION (days) tiredness: 1-3 slightly weak 2-6 rly weak 3.9 ‘mild disease’ see DMG ‘severe disease’ see OMG death = ppreximate volume of blood in an individual, use the ratio of 1 pint 2 The DM should adjudicate the results of ‘weakness’ as appropriate; reducing ‘damage done, increasing the chance of spell failure and so on. Blood-loss also dictates the likelihood that the victim will become a vampire, with a check to be made each time the individual is drained partially of blood and survives. To calculate the chance, divide the amount of blood lost by 2: thus human/oid losing 40% of its blood has a 20% chance of turning into a vampir This value is halved again if a LG holy symbol and/or LG holy water is applied to the wound within 1 round of the attack. Such treatment will inflict 2-7 points of damage, and unless @ successful “system shock roll is made the victim will also be unconscious for 2-5 rounds. In any event a sleeping creature partially preference isas follows: human, half-orc, ‘giant-class creatures’, halfling, gnome, mammal, half ian, dwarf, ‘warm- blooded monsters’, elf. A vampire will ever willingly drink blood from cold- or non-red-blooded creatures. itis interest- ing tanote that those races least favoured by vampires (dwarf and elf) are also those with few (if any) legends concerning the monster's activities. DM's note: itis suggested that a normal vampire be awarded a further 400 points onto its experience value to take account of the blood-draining ability, which greatly enhances the danger characters face. [IMAGINE magacingJamsry 185 The Vampire's Henchman ‘Forget not the vampire’s minions, Many charmed servants wil it have, and one will be especially favoured. In’ loyalty this Servant is without equal, and to ignore him 1s fo court disaster. Unnaturally strong in both mind and body this ‘henchman’ may go where his master cannot, and by dark and secret deeds achieves much to protect hhis lord and harm his enemies.’ Van Helsing Guide to Vampire Hunting NCAGINE magacng Jamar 1985 The standard cinematic and literary henchman is at odds with the monster's mythological description. Apart from ‘other undead, only rats, bats and wolves habitually associate with the vampire. However, so ingrained is the fantasy expectation of a loyal minion that it takes little imagination to accept the notion, To obtain this exceptional servant a vampire must first finda willing human or demi-human of CE alignment that actual- Iylikes the idea: a vampire may not charm or otherwise command a creature into service. The vampire may threaten the individual with death (or worse) should the offer be refused, and the individual will then have to decide whether death is preferable to service! Apart from align- ment considerations the selected person can follow any class, and since the vampire can only have one such servant it is normal for only powerful and intelligent individuals to be chosen. Once both have agreed, the pact is sealed with blood; the servant drinking a small amount of the vampire’s unholy fluid. As might be ‘expected, the rewards for such an evil alliance are high indeed, 1 The henchman immediately becomes immune tonormal and silver weapons Immunity is also gained with respect todisease and the servantregenerates at the rate of 2 hit points per round, though severed limbs cannot be regrown. 2. Although in appearance the hench- man is (slowly) affected by age, he does not suffer the detrimental effects ‘of growing old. Thus, unless slain, the individual is virtually immortal, How- ever, this ‘stasis’ extends to preventing any further rise in level from experi- ence. The henchman does not require sleep and needs only small amountsof food and water. His stamina is many times greater than normal: any task made difficult by its repetition can be performed for days on end. 3 On drinking the vampire’s blood, the henchman is imbued with an’ un- breakable sense of loyalty, and is incapable of acting in conflict with his master. Indeed over the years sincere bond of friendship may develop. In practice it is simply not possible to control the henchman’s mind either directly (eg psionic domination), or indirectly (eg charm), 4.As the years of service lengthen the henchman gradually increases in power. Every 1O years" the henchman gradually gains a cumulative 1% ab- solute resistance to hold, sleep and paralysis magic, plus a similar resist- ‘ance to poison. For every 50 years* of service the henchman’s strength in- ‘creases to the next category: 18/91 10 18/00 to 19 and so on. Race and sex do not limit this progression but the ‘maximum value is 24 * These values are based on the human life span. For other races consider 1 year tobe 1% of the average life-span, Mf and when the vampire is slain, the henchman (if alive) has a period of grace before these powers are lost and age catches up. This periodis one day for each year of service. During that time the henchman will do everything possible to bring the master back, or failing that, to punish those responsible, 3 TABLE 2: THE FIVE GREATER VAMPIRES. Greater Vampires It is a fair comment to make that above ‘medium levels of play, a vampire, though dangerous, is no longer deadly. Bearing in mind its unique weaknesses (eg its attitude to the presentation of a mirror) the vampire asa race isin danger of being overshadowed by other powerful mon- sters. Yet like dragons the vampire is one of the classic creatures to face, and it seems a shame that the monster is not represented at high levels of play. Good DMing can mitigate this, but even so, ina straight fight a vampire is more frustrat- ing than fatal. Rather than substantially alter the AD&D vampire, a new hierarchy of ‘greater vampires’ is given. It is suggested that a normal vampire ascends to ‘greater’ status after 999 years of unlife, with promotion to the next level after a similar period and so on. Except where noted otherwise a greater vampire should be treated as per MMt Notes on Table 2 In frequency all greater vampires aro ‘very rare’. Unless commanded by some evil entity ‘they ae only ever encountered singly. Allhave 1 attack per round for the damage shown: as ‘normal this attack wil drain 2 levels. respect ive of tile a greater vampire can only produce, by dreining, half-strength vampires as per MM1. Alla ‘They are turned as a ‘special’ on the cleric undead matrix. * Blood Drain Any greater vampirecan drink blood as described in ths article. In addition, @ ‘greater vampire has the ability to suck blood ‘apidly during combat, making this an effective tack form. This bite attack can be used at the ' option in place of the hand attack during ‘surprise’ situations; that is, when Creature is surprised by the vampire. At other times the bite can only occur ifthe vampire has rolled a hand ‘to hit’ value 5 places better than required. The monster then gains an immed late ‘to hit’ roll for the bite (with no DEX or shield considerations on AC). this bite succeeds the vampire proceeds quickly to drain the opponent of blood. For any one bite the actual amount taken (in pints) depends on the vampire's ttle and is the value shown, Obviously in combst a vampire ignores any ‘thoughts of blood-type preference. The effects ‘of this very sudden loss in blood are different ‘rom those produced by the previously de- ‘seribed gradual decrease (see Teble 3). Te LORD ARCH-LORD PRINCELING PRINCE ARCH-PRINCE ac re 3 4 5 Move 18"/24" 24"/30"-90"/36"_—36"742" 42" 48" HITDICE 105 127 149 16411 1813 %IN LAIR 20% 15% 10%, 5% 1% ‘TREASURE w wy z vz u DAMAGE 1-86 1.1047 1128 2461 ate SPECIAL ATTACKS 'BLOOD-DRAIN Vpint pins pints 4 pints S pints 2CHARM, ‘mammal nil monster vil mass SHOUD person ri ‘animal nil ‘monster ‘SUMMON Wi v v vi vu SPECIAL DEFENSES SWEAPON PLUS, 4 2 2 43 8 REGENERATE 4 5 6 7 8 IMMUNITY (magic) cold nil pettitication hit polymorph SIMMUNITY (turning) ni garlic ‘mirrors seebelow see below size ze 78" ae ee" 2 STRENGTH 19/00 19 21 23 25 EXPERIENCE VALUE 7000+14 10850+16 13950'18 16850:20 24500-25 For example: @ human suffering 50% blood loss would lose 9 points each in STR, DEX and ‘CON, wouldnot beable toattackby weapon or by spell, and could only move at a stagger. OF course allthese penaltios would be extratothe image and drain affects caused by the initial hhand attack that gripped the human so as to facilitate the bite! {tis important to note that the decrease in ability points loss; they are not drained as such, Thus its possible for negative values to result and the Victim to remain alive. However, #f and when CON falls below 3, the individual must make = ‘systom-shock’ roll based on original conetitut- jon) or else dia. If CON falls to zer0 or below ‘another checkis required; thechance this time ‘being 20%. In any event an individual with @ Negative CON value immediately becomes lunconscious. Lost ability points are ragained with restat the rate of2 points per day foreach affected characteristic. Alternatively, « heal spell will restore values to their original ‘umber. ‘Any human/oid creature bitten by this “combat-drain’ has a chance of becoming ‘vampire as described previously under ‘partial blood-drain’ * Charm The powers seen in Table 2 are ‘gained cumulatively; aPrinceling of Varnpires being able to charm mammal and monster. They are in addition to the standard charm person attack. Each ie usable once per night ‘and any effect is broken at dawn. To employ, the vampire must make @ 1 second somatic TABLE 3: EFFECTS OF RAPID BLOOD LOSS PERCENTAGE OF —_EFFECTS ON EFFECTS ON BLOODLOST STR, DEX&CON — MOVEMENT 1418, nil ‘no charge possible 18-30 4 fast trot max 31-45, 3 walk max 46-60 9 ‘can only stagger” 61-75 5 ‘can only craw 76+ oath death Notes * Vietim cannot attack or cast spells; may only defend ** Vietim cannot attack, cast spells or defend 4 ‘onsture; for other details sae spells of same ame. As per DMG, a grester vampire can ‘mentally communicate with, and control, its charmee(s) 2 Hold Those powersaregained cumulatively ‘and each type can be used once per night, any effect being broken at dawn. To employ, the vampire must speak the command to ‘stop’ it is not necessary that the target(s) hear or understand the vampire inorder tobe affected For other details see spells of same name, Summon In addition to the summoning Powers described in the MM1 a. greater vampire can. once per night, summon monsters of level according to title. Such Creatures will never be of good alignment and can be commanded mentally by the vamp ‘See spell for othor details Weapon Plus The magical weapon bonus needed to atfect the vamp * Regenerate The value given is the number of hit points per round. ? Magical Immunities These are gained cumulatively and are in addition to those described in MM "Turning Immunities As a greater vempice gets older it becomes progressively more Fosistant to the standard methods of defence. ‘These immunities are gained cumulatively: Princeling being immune to either garlic or mirrors. presented, such items would wither ‘or crack. Inaddtion, aPrince of Vampires has @ Certain resistance to clerical ‘turning’, being Lnatfoctod by the actions of any evil cleric Likewise an Arch-Prince is additionally resist. ant tothe turning power of any neutral cleric. ‘These very powerful undead are simply too svi to be swayed by other evil (or, for an Arch Prine, neutral) force. This immunity also extonds to certain uses of a LG holy symbol ita ‘Greater vampire is immune to turning by & Cleric ofa particular alignment then it wil also bbe immune to other characters of that align ment that try to keep it at bay by presenting @ {LG holy symboll Thus only good-ligned clerics have a chance of turning the most powerful Greater vampires, and only good-aligned actors can keep one at bay by use of a LG symbol AAGINE magedne Jamar 185 Greater Vampire Powers A greater vampire may, in one segment, change form to a wolf or bat. In the new form the vampire loses all special attacks all defensive powers, as well ing AC and Movement Rate. In wolf-form the vampire also retains its strength and may employ a bite attack for the damage appropriate totitle. Of course this bite can neither suck blood, drain levels nor inflict vampirism. These shape-changed forms are much used by greater vampires in order toroam ‘about the countryside without discovery. Very often the monster deliberately kills tures while in wolf-formsothat other unexplained disappearances will be attributed to the ‘rogue wolf’ and not the actions of a more deadly enemy! A greater vampire is also capable, in one round, of changing form tothat of any human or demi-human norm of desired ‘age. sex and appearance. Unlike the Previous power the vampire's clothing and belongings remain as normal Although the vampire's voice is also altered, the new facial appearance will always, in some subtle respect, resemble the vampire's own; the type of similarity ‘one can recognise after the fact has been. pointed out... In the new state the vampire again loses all special attacks, but apart from AC and Movement, retains its defensive powers. The vampire still has its own strength and can attack once per round for a base damage according to size plus the damage bonus due to strength. In any altered form a greater vampire does not leave a reflection and moves with the silence associated with the un- dead. The monster can only ingest fresh blood or small amounts of raw meat. Normal and giant-sized animals will sense something amiss in the vampire’s presence, but will not attack nor othe ‘wise indicate that itis the vampire that is making them nervous. Only if physical ‘contact occurs will the animal realise the source of its unease. ‘greater vampire can change between forms as desired, eg from vampire to bat togaseous. In any form ithas the ability to ‘see’ the life-form of creatures up to a distance of 12". Even ‘elemental’ life- forces can be detected, as can the absence of life generated by other un- dead. Only animated (eg golems) and ‘magically protected creatures cannot bo s0’seen’; thus the various forms of invisi- bility are useless unless combined with such powers as an amulet of proof vs detection and location. Inaddition, greater vampires also poss- ess supernatural sense of small as well as an excellent sense of hearing (treat as equivalent to an owl). From scent alone the vampire can recognise race, sex, etc, plus the presence of armour and other ‘Such factors. Even the presence of magic and its type can be picked up, and if provided with a fairly recent scent of a Creature the vampire may even know alignment, In true-form only, a greater vampire also has the following powers: When desired, and in any event when overtly stressed, the monster can exude a foul stench that wil affect all creaturas within a 3" radius as the stench of a hast. Apart from holy water the stench will also spoil food and drink. A greater vampire continually radiates foar that affects creatures as below (no saving throw) 12" radius: all normal and giant-sized animals become agitated 6" radius: as above, plus untrained animals will attempt to flee 9" radius: as above, plus trained animals also attempt to fl Obviously, rats, bats and wolves are immune to these effects as are non- intelligent animals, and those animals tunder the vampire’s control. In human-kind the vampire is especially feared: any zero-level human that gazes upon the vampire’s true face will be turned permanently insane (no save) 75% catatonia, 25% suicidal mania, Once per turn a greater vampire can breath forth a noxious vapour of cone dimensions 3" long, 1” high and 2” base diameter. Creatures within this area are automatically infeoted with a random disease, and must also save versus poison or else be helpless with nausea for 1-4 rounds. The area of this breath attack remains highly infectious for a few days afterwards. Once per round a greater vampire can: cause sleep as a spell (5 times per night), knock as spell, hold portal as spell (which will remain held for as long as the vampire stays within 6” and for 2-5 rounds afterwards; such held portals ean still be broken down or dispelled as normal, Finally | leave the last word to the most famous vampire hunter of all: Dr Van Helsing. Speaking of a certain vampire he said, was he no common man; for in that time, and for centuries after, he was spoken of as the cleverest and most cunning of the sons of the ‘land beyond the forest”. That mighty brain and iron resolution went with him to his grave, and are even now arrayed against us. Dracula by Bram Stoker Good hunting! w rick Norton Ask your local games retailer for GANGRUSTERS" game or contact TSR UK Limited, The (Cambridge CBLAAD. KS tetephoncoas3212517 3A Hae Te THE “WARLORD” GAMES SHOP We now stock * IRREGULAR MINIATURES: SIEGE EQUIPMENT * INTEGRAL TERRAIN * PLATOON 20 FIGURES * GALLIA 25mm BUILDINGS, swells Dungeons & Dragons * Traveller and most RPGs end supplements. Wer Games * Science Fiction Games * Citadel Figures * Torchight Fantasy Products * Rule Books * Daveo Microtanks ca LEIGH-ON-SEA (_ ta. sourenn 73308 ear eereaeeee 818 LONDON ROAD, New Monsters FREQUENCY: Very rare Very rare No APPEARING. 1 1 ARMOUR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 15" HIT DICE: 6 44 9% IN LAIR: nil nil TREASURE TYPE il nil No of ATTACKS. 1 2 DAMAGE 3-18 (lance}/ 1-8/1-8/1-3 2-9 (sword) SPECIAL ATTACKS Fear none SPECIAL DEFENCES +2 or better weapon to hit MAGIC RESISTANCE — Immune to charm, sleep. hold or cold based attacks ‘magic or silver weapons to hit Immune to charm, sleep, hold or cold based attacks INTELLIGENCE Very Animal ALIGNMENT LE NE SIZE m L Headless Horsemen are the spirits of cavalrymen whohave diedin Violent circumstances — normally beheaded. Very often they wer Cavaliers ornablemen inilfe,andretain a sense of purpose into afterlife. ‘They are normally encountered on readways, heralded by the sound of approaching horses that will cause fear in all creatures of animal intelligence. The horseman will appear sa figure swathed in mist, 0 that the missing head cannot be detected from distance. Once within twenty yards, this abnormality will be visible, and all who see it must save vs magic of suffer the effects ofa fear spel ‘Most headless horseman are encountered riding pell-mell, as if to fufil some urgent mission, These will only attack in satf-defence. Others, vio take upon themselves the specific purpose of guarding a place or bject, will offer single combat by word oF action, charging with the lance and then using @ sword in melee. They will never attack a cleric, ‘except in self-defence, and may be turned as a spectre Very rare 1 ° 18" 10 nil nil 2 2.12/2-12 fear, insanity, +7 or better weapons to hit 80% Exceptional LE] M Revenant-Magnas are the spirits of innocents slain in an evil fashion. Unlike ordinary revenants, they may nly arise from the body of persons too weak to defend themselves in fe: a child, or an adult with Strength of less than 8. Once reborn, they are enormously strong and fare driven by an insane desire for revenge — no trace of their former ‘Innocence will remain. As with a normal revenant, they will pursue the individual(s} who slew them, never resting, and never erring in thei ‘pursuit. They willignore al those in their path, unless they seek to halt their pursuit but all characters that see them must save vs spells or be driven insane. (One last diabolical wwist separates these creatures from the normal revanant; their need for revenge is such that, should their quarry be Slain by someone else, they will pursus the slayer with equal vigour itis possible fra ‘chain’ of responsibility 0 be built up, ane fr the re ‘ragna to finally achieve its purpose on an entirely blameless i New Magic Item Bell of Peace: This small delicate item is made ct clear glass and gold leafed, and is normally stored in a padded box made of ash. In the long distant past, these Items were relatively common in Polinore, keeping the nations from war, until a weakness was discovered which pervertedits use. Basically, when chimed, the bell has. range of sixty feet, andall within hearing distance must save vs Spellsor drop their weeponsfor d6 turns the effect isnegatedby any attack) Itmay be chimad once a week Since the note is mak cannot be silenced by any physical means, although it will not penetrate the circle ofa silence spell. Thus its use as an insirument (of maintaining the peace was destroyed, atthe siege of Cannartha, 2 {Youth approached the lines of the Theceratic Knights, and tolled the ball, while his fellows from the city sat within the radius of their Cleries’ magic. The Cannarthans then sallied forth, and the army of the TheoeraticPrincipalities was routed, xp value 3,000; gp value 25,000; Creation method: bell cast by ‘expartlass-smith, decorated by goldsmith (cost 12, 7509p). Enchant ‘an ter, charm, ciairaudience, permanency cast during proce New Magic Item Shield of assassin detection: A very common item among the nobility and rulers of Pelinore, the shield appears to be plain White — it cannot be painted or decorated in any way. It acts a8 4 shield +1, +4 vs normal missiles, and offers. two additional protections to the owner. First, should an assassin approach within ten feet, the shieldwil turnbright red, andwill ryan alarm. Insuch circumstances it wil also automatically parry the first strike of an {ssassin. ts second protection is that once per year the owner may ask it whois the most likely person to seek his or her life; the shield will answer aceurately. Many a plot in its very infancy has been ‘evesled in this way. The existence ofthis tem and its widespread luse makes the class of assassin largely powerless — but it has a flaw It an assassin of his minions can sprinkle unholy water upon the shield, tbecomes useless for 2610 days, and will act as a cursed shield (AC 10) during that time, xp value 800; gp value 8,000; Creation Process: common shielé ‘hameled white (normal cost x40} enchant an item, detect evi ‘magic mouth, protection /normal missiles, wish, and permanency, IMAGINE mapasing Feary 1985 New Monster Armour Class: 0 or variable Hit Dice: 8** Move: 180’ (60') or variable Attacks: 1 touch or weapon Damage: insanity, ability drain or by weapon No. Appearing: 7 Save As: Magic User 8 Morale: 77 Treasure Type: nil Alignment: C XP Value: 1750 The Gebbeth is an insubstantial malevolent spirit that can only be released into the worldas, the result of powerful and misguided magic. When a magic user casts a summoning spell of some type, a spell involving any of the Planes or an animate dead spell, there is a 1% chance that a Gabbeth will be accidentally involved, In its insubstantial form a Gebbeth attacks by touch. if it strikes its victim — and that vietim has an intelligence of 10 or less — the Gebbeth enters the Vietim’s mind, gaining total control of the victim's body in the process. Ifthe attack is successful the Gebbeth ‘makes itself at home’ and hen israised to 18 as the creature's natural wiliness takes command. The victim is entitled toa saving throw vs magic. wands, and ifthis is successful the Gebbeth cannot attack again that day. Once in a body, the Gebbeth can use all the abilities and skills that its victim had before it took over. including any weapon handling skills and spells that were memorisedatthe time of the initial attack. It can only memorise half the original number of spells of a victim, eg a Gebbeth-Warlock could only memorise 3 spells at any one time. The Gebbeth-body does not need food (butdoes require water, although ifit doesn'teat it will become, gaunt and cadaverous, Gebbeth in possession of a body can still attack, but it can now: restrain itself so as to cause less damage to a target. Each successful touch drains 1 point of Intelligence or Constitution Editorial Butchery: Piccies 32 from its target — when either of these drops to zero the victim dies. If these attacks are spread over a period of days or months —as is likely because the Gebbeth takes a positive delight in {tormenting its victims if it has the chance — the victim will also suffer from some form of insanity, usually an irrational fear of ‘some item connected with the Gebbeth. The Gebbeth uses t’ ability to weaken a foe before attempting to possess his or her body, Gebbeths can only be hit by magical weaponry. They are not undead and cannot be turned by a cleric. AGebbeth has one particular ‘ability’ thatis more terrifying than ‘any other. In times of stress — when wounded, for example —there is a 1 in 6 chance that the creature's features will start to fade. The process takes 3 rounds in total, at the end of which the face will be completely blank. Anyone witnessing such a change should save vs spells or suffer the effects of a blight spell due to the unnerving prospect of an opponent's features altering without apparent reason, Mike Brunton Pete Young Paul Ruiz IMAGINE: magacing Fray 195 Sa MONSTERS ay MMA 414A AC aby Graeme Da The folklore of the Philippine Islands contains a number of new and in- teresting monster types, which are treated here for the AD&D® game. Since the Philippines is an area with ‘a number of native languages, the same monster may appear with slight variations under a number of different names; most of the local names are given for those treated here, andfora more complete survey, the reader is recommended to Maximo D Ramos Creatures of Philippine Lower Myth- ology (University of Philippines Press, 1971), Demons Filipino demons seem tobe creatures of highly magical nature rather than inhabit ants of another plane. Many of them live in large trees, and they are rarely perni cious or evil, content for the most part to frighten away those who intrude on their territories or fail to treat them with due respect, and only killing when greatly enraged. They are great pranksters, All Filipino demons can become invisible ‘twill, and each has a personal charm or jewel which is the source of its strength Hf this can be won from the demon by wit, or force, it will give the bearer the same strength (typically in the region 1821-23, — the DM may select according to the power of the demon or roll on d6). Bright sunlight banishes them. While the DM might rule that Fil demons should be turnable on ‘Special’ line of the clerics vs undead matrix, they do not seem tobe deterred by holy symbols, and some actually delight in collecting numbers of them from frightened villagers. 2 AGTA (Demon) Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 7 Armour Class: 3 Move: 12” Hit Dice: 8 % in Lair: 90% Treasure Type: No of Attacks: 2 Damage/ Attack Special Attacks: Special Defences: size change Magic Resistance: standard Intelligence: average-very Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: variable Psionie Ability: nil Attack/Defence Modes: ni! variable size change, fear Lvl/xpvalue: Agta: VI/1450+ 10/hp 7 Kapre: VII/1900 + 10/hp The Agta, Bawo or Ungo appears as a muscular, black-skinned humanoid, and can vary its size instantly between 1ftand about 30ft.Itis generally about 10-12ftin height, which may be its natural size As it increases in size, it becomes stronger, as follows: when it shrinks to ‘ft, ithas 2hp, attacks as a 1HD monster and causes 104 damage on a successful hit. It can enlarge itself to a maximum height equal to half its maximum hit points (as rolled on 848) in feet, iean Agta with 54hp can reach a maximum height of 271t. For every foot ofits height, it will have 2hp, and for every Aft of its height it attacks as a monster of 1HD and cause 1d4 damage. Thus, at 1-Aftit attacks as a 11HD monster and causes 144 damage, at 5-Bft it attacks as a 2HD monster for 244 damage, and so on, up to a maximum of BHD and a4 damage ‘Agia live in large trees, particularly favouring banyans and mangroves, and resent any interference with their trees. They attack with two fists, and on a successful double attack can rend as a Carnivorous Ape (Monster Manual), causing additional damage as for two successful fist attacks Another type of Agta is the Kapre oF Pugot, which has a shapechange ability In addition to the Agta's size change. Its favourite forms are those of a dark cat, dog of boat which has fiery eyes and breathes blue-green fire, a pure white fowl, or a headless and often mutilated corpse. Inthis last form itwill caper along, singing merrily to itself and eating by pushing food into its bubbling neck stump. Characters of less than 4th level Who seeit in this form must savevs spells or flee. ageing Apa 195 BATIBAT (Demon) Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 7 Armour Class: 4 Move: 712" Hit Dice: 6 %in Lair: 80% Treasure Type: No of Attacks: 2 Damage/Attack: Special Attacks: Special Defences: none Magic Resistance: standard Intelligence: fow-average Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: L (8-10ft) Psionic Ability: nif Attack/Defence Modes: nil Lvi/xp Value: V/ 475 + 6/hp 2-12 ride ‘The Batibatisa relative of the Agta and Pugot, but does not have their shape- ‘changing abilities. Its a derk-skinned humanoid, 8-10ft tall and broad enough to fill a doorway as it enters, | The only magical ability it possesses is | the ability to ride a sleeping victim in the same manner as a Night Hag (Monster Manual), although it will ‘only dothis under great provocation. In the one story where this occurs, the Batibat attacks members of a family which owns a large post — all that remains of its home tree, which it still inhabits. Itis notknown what happens tothe souls of those ridden to death by a Batibat Both forms of this demon can also emit a great roar once per turn, which causes fear as the spell unless the appropriate saving throw is made. (One favourite trick of the Pugotisto rush between the legs of an unwary traveller initsboar form, increase its sizeandcarry Its vietim off, never to be seen again IMAGINE mapas, Apis TIKBALANG (Demon) Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 1 Armour Class: 1 Move: 12"/18” Hit Dice: 6 % in Lair: 20% Treasure Type: /+#A+U No of Attacks: 3 or 2 Damage/Attack: feet 1-8, claws 1-4, bite 1-8 Special Attacks: see below Special Defences: see below Magic Resistance: 10% Intelligence: very Alignment: Chaotic Evil Size: M (6-7ft) Psionic Ability: nil Attack/Defence Modes: nif Lul/xp value: VII/ 1275 + 6/hp The Tikbalang, Binangunan or Tulung is ‘one of the most feared of Filipino demons, It is humanoid in appearance, tall and gaunt, with a horse's head armed with sharp teeth. Its straight black hair flows down over its shoulders, and its horse like legs end in strong taloned feet. It is, however, an adroit shapechanger, and commonly takes the form of an old ‘man. It enjoys misleading travellers into the bamboo thicket where it lairs, usually in a small hut. Depending on its mood. it will then devour its victims or turn invisible and enjoy the spectacle as they try to find their way out. When a Tikbalang leads a victim into its thicket, it can cast over the victim a glamer similar to that caused by a maze spell — the victim will be trapped for the same length of time, although the effect does not include travel to another plane, ‘Apart from these abilities, the Tikbalang can fly at will by walking on air, and can cause blindness, disease and insanity ‘once each per day. It can use 2 word of recall once per day, vanishing in a cloud of dust and falling stones similar in effect to the hailstone type of ice storm, which causes 146 damage to any within 10ft of the spot it vacates (saving throw halves damage). In its natural form, it can also roar once per turn, causing fear as the spell unless the appropriate saving throw is made. 5% of Tikbalangs can also immolate in the same way as a Type VI Demon (Monster Manual), the flames ‘causing 346 damage to any within range. If forced into hand-to-hand combat, the Tikbalang will assume its natural form, and can attack either with two claws and a bite or with its two talons. ‘The Tikbalang may be forced to surrender its charm if it can be ridden like a horse until exhausted. The stone is a rounded pebble which glows like ahot coal, andno Tikbalang stone confers less than 20 strength; some may also confer other of the Tikbalang’s abilities. Tikbalangs have immense strength, and if pressed throw rocks as a Stone Giant (Monster Manual) (oF uproot trees to use as weapons. Tikbalangs sometimes have great wealth, and are particularly enthusiastic collect- ors of holy symbols and other religious items, sometimes extorting them from villagers along with other valuables on a protection-racket basis LAM LEIA LAN ASWANG Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 7 Armour Class: 4 Move: 12"/18" Hit Dice: 5 % in Lair: see below Treasure Type: nil No of Attacks: 2 Damage/Attack: 7-3 Special Attacks: see below Special Defences: see below Magic Resistance: standard Intelligence: average-very Alignment: Chaotic Evil Size: M(5-6ft) Psionic Ability: nif Attack/Defence Modes: nil Lvl/xpvalue: Aswang: V/435 +5/hp Balbal: V/360 + 5/hp ‘The Aswang, Mangalok or Boroka has the appearance of a normal human woman, and indeed exists as such by day, often living @ normal village Wife. At night, however, she takes on her true nature becoming a humanoid monster with & hag-like appearance, strong nails and a very long threadlike tongue. She may also shapechange at will tothe form of ahuge hight-bird with the head of a woman. The Aswang can sense death in the same way as the Segben, ata distance of upto ‘mile, and will sit on the roof of a house Where the corpse lies, sucking out its blood and organs through her long tongue. The tongue may be extended up to 12ft in length, and has a sharp point, but isso fine as to be indetectable 90% of the time, except to individuals with the ability to see invisible, She will attack the living in the same way, piercing the jugular vein with her tongue as the victim sleeps, and draining blood at the rate of ‘np per round. Her saliva contains a local anaesthetic, which requires sleeping victims to save vs poison or continue to sleep through the attack. When fully gorged (having taken blood equal to half ner original hit points) the Aswang's humanoid form appears swollen as if with an advanced pregnancy. and her movement rate is halved, The Aswang is particularly vulnerable at this time, and takes great care not to be seen. The Aswang will only fight if she cannot flee. She uses her strong nails or the talons of her avian formin self-defence, a successful hit causing 1-3 points of damage in either case, ‘A human may become an Aswang in one of four ways: i) by the application of a magical ointment compounded of chicken dropping dis solved in coconut oil and mixed with human flesh and blood, along with certain other magical operations: ii) the daughters of an Aswang will inherit her condition, il) the kiss of a dying Aswang will pass on her condition to one willing initiate; iv) an Aswang may force her condition upon another by lacing their food with human flesh or with her own saliva The ointment is the secret of the trans- formation ability, normally hidden about the house in a stoppered bamboo tube or clay jar, it is used every night to effect the transformation, Human form may be regained by exposure to sunlight, or by washing off the ointment in fresh water. The Aswang is repelled by salt, vinegar and certain spices in the same way as a MANSALAUAN Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 1-12 Armour Class: 7 Move: 4"/18 Hit Dice: 147 % in Lair: 20% Treasure Type: nil No of Attacks: 2 Damage/Attack Special Attacks, Special Defences: see below Magic Resistance: standard Intelligence: animal Alignment: Neutral(eviltendencies) Size: S Psionic Ability: if Attack/Defence Modes: nif Lvi/xp value; 11/44 + 2/hp 1-4/1-4 see below The Mansalauan is a flying creature sharing the characteristics of both hawk and bat, It has @ reptilian head with glowing gemlike eyes, while its tail is long and fine, like a woman's hair. In addition to its wings it has a monkey-like pair of hands, anda strong pair of talons the size of human feet, 4 ls main attack is with its sharp tongue, which it can shoot forth from its mouth with great speed. It normally attacks in the same manner as a Stirge (Monster Manual) seizing a victim in its hands and claws and piercing the neck or abdomen with its tongue. A separate attack roll is needed for the tongue, but this is made at +4 f the claw attack has been successful. Once attached, the Mansalauan drains 1-4 hit points of blood from its vietim per round until itiskilled or disladged, or until it has taken an amount of blood equal to its own hit points, at which time it will fly off, goraed It can use one or both talons to defend itself when attached 10 a victim, holding on with its hands only; each claw inflicts 1-4 points of damage on a successful hit, but for each round of such defence the Mansalauan has a cumulative 5% chance of falling or being knocked from its victim IMAGINE magacine Apa 1985 Vampire is repelled by garlic. Although the Aswang has certain vampiric tenden cies, itis not classified as Undead and is. not vulnerable to holy symbols or other religious objects. The Iqui is the rarer male Aswang, The Balbal is a variant form of Aswang. It is a forest-dweller, and does not change form, always appearing as a gaunt humanoid figure with very loose skin, which it can use to glide for distances of up to 60ft after the manner of a fiying squirrel, Its tongue is thicker andstronger than that of an Aswang, and its modus operandi is to use its tongue to lift a ‘corpse through a hole inthe thatch which it has made with its strong nails. The corpse is then taken back intotheforestio be devoured. In all other respects, the Balbal is identical to the Aswang. Frequency: very rare No Appearing: 7-6 Armour Class: 7 Move: 15” Hit Dice: 4 x %in Lair: 20% Treasure Type: nif No of Attacks: 20r 3/2 Damage/Attack: hooves 1-4, tusks 1-10 Special Attacks: nif Special Defences: nif Magic Resistance: standard Intelligence: animal Alignment: Neutral Size: L & Psionie Ability: nil Aitack/Defence Modes: nif Lvl/xp value: Ml/ 85 + 4/hp UAGINE maga Ap 985 afer SEGBEN Frequency: very rare \S No Appearing: 1-3 ‘Armour Class: 7 Move: 18" Hit Dice: 2+2 % in Lair: 10% Treasure Type: nil No of Attacks: 1 or 2 Damage/Attack: hooves 1 bite 1-4 + special Special Attacks: see below Special Defences: Magic Resistance: Intelligence: low Alignment: Chaotic Evil Size: S(3ft at shoulder) Psionic Ability: nil Attack/Defence Modes: nil Lvl/xp value: M/ 120 + 3/hp. 3, “| standard The Segben is similar in appearance to-# hornless goat, with glowing eyes and large ears. It exudes a sickening chernel smell which requires eny character com ing within 5ft of the beast to save vs Poison or attack at -1 for 2-8 turns through nausea Segben are destroyed by sunlight, and generally hide in the darkest recesses of the forest until dusk, when they appear lunderthe floor of ahouse where someone lies gravely ill or dying. They can sense the smell of death at a distance of up toa mile, and will seize any opportunity to make off with an unguarded corpse. They are not known to frequent graveyards, however, apparently preferring to move in immediately after death, see below fli Fised at thelr feast Segben will usually flee, fighting only if cornered or if the odds are heavily in their favour. They can attack by lashing out with their small forehooves, but their most feared attack istheir bite —ifthey successfully bite any Vietim, or even his shadow, the victim must make a System Shock roll or die immediately. Although they have a number of ghoulish characteristics, Segben are not Undead and are not affected by holy symbols or the like, eS, Da j Wl I iN These ferocious beasts are described as having a bovine body with a shaggy coat like a yak. They have no horns, but their jaws are equipped with two sets of huge boarlike tusks, one pointing upwards and the other downwards. Mantabungal are forest-dwellers, and appear to be similar to wild boars in their habits. They are extremely aggressive, and will attack on sight, Their main weapon is their tusks, with which they can attack three times in two melee rounds; they have been known to engage two opponents at once, attacking each alternately. They can also lash out with their forehooves, but not while fighting with their tusks. They are some: times thought of as demons, but have no personal charms nor any of the typical abilities of other Filipino demons, this reputation may have arisen asa result of their ferocity 5 Other Monsters The descriptions given above are for some of the more distinctive Filipino monsters; the folklore of the Philippine Islands contains several other creatures which can be equated more or less precisely with European counterparts Aghoy, Encante, Mangmangki Mahomanay, Palasekan andTahamaling ‘are some of the local names given to a race of creatures almost identical to the Sylvan Elf (MM), Their physical appear ‘ance is the same as Tolkien's Elves, and their activities are the same as those of British Elves or Faerie, although they dress like ordinary Filipino villagers. Calanget, Lampong, Lupa, Matanda and Tianak are beings similar to Dwarves and Gnomes (MM). Their underground dwell ings are usually guarded by large termite mounds, and they are reputedly very ‘wealthy, although their gifts of gold and gems t6 humans frequently turn into dung or pebbles after a short time, They have the power to ruin crops if offended The Catao and Ughoy are the Merfolk (MM) of the Philippines. Being partly fish and partly mammal, they attack those ‘who eat fish or meat, and they have the charm ability of Nixies(MM), They gener- ally drag victims underwater to drown, buthave been knownto become enamaur: fed of charismatic humans, kidnapping them and casting water breathing on them in the same way as Nixies, Several types of Giant and Ogre also inhabit the Philippines. The Bannog is a giant bird similar to a Roc (MM), and the Ikugan is a giant monkey, but the others. are similar to Hill and Stone Giants (MM) ‘and the Mountain Giant (FF). Filipino Ogres are, for the most part, identical to their European cousins (MM); their names. include Kumeo, Sir‘ing, Ta-awi, and Tarabusao. The Busao is a Cyclops type, and the Dato-Busao, or King Busao, hes fa forehead horn, The Kurita has two or three pairs of arms. Some Filipino Ogres have the ability to shapechange into human or animal form. Strangely, the Indian Garuda (Deities & Demigods — now Legends and Lore) is known in the Philippines, but has the habits of a bloodthirsty Ogre Certain types of Aswang, qui and Boroka {see above). as wollas the Manananggal seem to be identical to the Penanggalan of indonesia (FF) they may be related, but the description of the Aswang given above deliberately excludes the separ- able head characteristic of the Penang galan, since the Aswangisalmost always 8 normal human with the ability 10 transform, rather thanan Undead monster taking possession of a headless body Since a great number of Filipino monsters have the ability to shapechange into animal form, its difficult to tell whether there are creatures which can be des. ceribed as Lycanthropes (MM), although the Malakat and an unnamed beast from Apayao do appear to be European-style werewolves. The latter may even be a Jackalwere (MM) or something similar, Since it has a doglike smell even when in human form. At any rate, an iron knife with which one was attacked passed through its body without causing it any harm’ Lestly, the Philippines abound with witches and wise-women, who, lke their European counterparts, can cause and cure all kinds of diseases and ailments and assume the form of various animals. There arealsoa few unique and extremely powerful monsters, which seem to be an attempt by the natives to explain solar and lunar eclipses. The Minokawa or Baua isa huge bird, the Baconaua is an immense shark, and the Mamelu or Marcupo is a huge snake, all of which swallow the sun or moon from time to time, but are persuaded to release it by the noise and music made by the Filipinos at the festival af each eclipse. #5 Graeme Davis, Coming soon: next in the series of our culture specials ™NORSE IMAGINE magering Api 1985 New Monster (Unofficial) “TAUMET ~*~ FREQUENCY: Unique NoAPPEARING: 1 ARMOUR CLASS: Variable MOVE: 3"/18" HIT DICE: Variable S6INLAIR: Nil TREASURE TYPE: il No OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: Variable SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, spells SPECIAL DEFENCES: Variable MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: Genius ALIGNMENT: Variable Evil SIZE: S-L PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defence Modes: Mi//Nil LEVEL/XP VALUE: | X/18760+25hp The Taumet is a magically-created dragon construct, made from five relics whose origins are lost in the mists of time according to the instructions in a book of unknown authorship, called the Taumet Codex. ‘Once the process of creating the Taumet has begun, it takes 13 melee lop into the completo Taumet. During this time, the wearer ofthe relics is used as the basis of the Taumet's body, dying in the process. The Taumet takes some of the wearer's memories and alignment during its growth, always remaining evil, but taking the Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic attitude ofits ‘parent. While the transform: ation takes place, the Taumet can attack and be attacked, a it grows in ower and size Round AC HD Damage sa/sD 18205 1 1A/-4/1-6 Immune to atacks causing loss than 4 points of damage 384 33 1-6/4-6/1-8 —_Immuneto Tst level spells, +1 ‘or better weapons to hit 5R6 1 5 1-6/1-6/2-12 _Non-edged weapons cause half damage 7 0 7 1-6/1-6/2:16 Breath weapon usable, +2 oF better weapons to hit 8-1 9 1-6/1-6/3-18 Immune to 2nd level spelis ‘and attacks causing lees than B points of damage #3 bottor woapons to hit Immune to 3rd level spells 8 2011 1:8/-873-20 10-3 13: 1-8/1-8/3-30 114 18 1-10/1-10/3.36) ‘causing less than 12 points ‘of damage Immune to 4th level spells and damage from rnon-edged weapons ‘+4 better weapons to hit 12-8 17 1-10/1-10/4-40 13-6 18 1:12/1-12/5-50 Ifthe Taumet suffers more than 40 points of damage ina single round ‘during this period of growth, the process will be halted for that round, {and in the early stages this will b sufficient to cause the Taumet to isassociate into its component relic. Like all normal dragons, the Taumet has a set number of hitpoints per hit dice, but this depends on the original wearer ofthe relics Weare hp/HD MU or tusionist ‘4ho. Thief, assassin bhp Cleric, monk, druid Bhp. Fighter, ranger, paladin 10hp {MAGINE magocng Agu S085 eesti tei ‘The Taumet can breath 3 times per day, but can choose wh: takes; either as ablack, blue, green, red or whita dragon, Once thas the use of spells it ean cast, once per day, those spells that the relics know atthe time of the transformation or 8x Tst, 8 2nd, 8x 3rd, 4x 4th, 4x 5th and 2 x 6th level spells as though it were a 13th level magie user. lfthe Taumetis reduced to zero hitpoints, twill notbe ki todisassoca utforced into its component raics and the withered remains ofthe 10 prevent the Taumet reforming around ‘another wearer, ‘The bane of the Taumet is the Wyrmhorn, When this horn is sounded in 60’ of the construct it must make @ saving throw at -7 0 death magic or dissociate ino its component relics. A successful saving throw still means thatthe Taumet has taken 8-80 points of damage, but {simmune tothe effects ofthe Wyrmhorn until the next sunrise. The DM. will have to decide how best to place the Wyrmhorn in the campaign. The Taumet Codex ‘This tome has, over the course of the centuries since it was written, been badly mistreated, burnt and partially destroye remaining pieces of the Codex, now bound into a concerned withthe truth ofthe Taumet, describe the ‘The last stained and partial section of the Codexconcerne the creation of ‘the Taumet, and is lite more than @ phonetic speech {in an Lunintlligible, forgotten tongue) to be read out in the presence of the ‘wearer of the relies. tupon the World and all its kindred, Dungeon Masters using the D&D gamo rules should note that the Taumet can be used as a variation on the drolem given on p31 of the Dungeon Masters Companion in the Companion Set. 37

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