Guage The Verbal Expression. Special of Sentences and 3. Are
Guage The Verbal Expression. Special of Sentences and 3. Are
Guage The Verbal Expression. Special of Sentences and 3. Are
14. Use the present perfect for actions which have not
been done or finished.
Example s: ,Mis~ Reyes has been waiting for you for
almost three hours.
What have you been doing?
Parts of speech describe. the mechanic s / structure of
the language .
The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, prepositi on, conjuncti on and interjecti on.
NOUNS - TIH•se an· n:1rn Ps of pt>nmnR, pl nl:r-~, Lln n gs :i nd
<.•ve nt s .
J; x<1111ples: en gin~<:>r, d 1air, C hriKt.m nK, (~u ia p o
Kinds of Noun s
1. Proper nouns are s p0cific or defini tr names of pC' r -
sons, places and things.
l\1aria ·Thercsa, Engineer Zulue ta , Ne w Yl' ur,
Rizal P~rk
2. Co1nmon nouns are general na1ne::; of person s , places
or things and written in small letters.
street, boy, teacher, pupil, horse, man
;1. Collective nouns denote group· of persons or objects.
public, team, crowd, jury, clergy, herd, c1udience,
flock,band ~.
·use a plural verb when it refers to the person or things
in the collection.
4. M·ass nouns - cannot be counted or indefinitely divis-
ible substances.
sand, sugar, hair, stars, air; water, happiness
5. Concrete nouns exist in the physical world and de-
note something material and non-abstract.
flower, stone, bottle, table, ball
6. Abstract nouns refer to ideas and feelings.
love, affection, freedom, faith, honesty, reverence,
dread, euphoria
Number of nouns
Singular - refers to one noun
Plural - refers to two or more nouns
Rules in forming the plural of nouns
1. Most nouns form ·the plural by si1nply adding S to the
singular for1n.
Exa In p l \ ::;. 1 + S _ vi
n •. g-· rl rh-; , pupi I - pupils , fruit - fruits
L n
-6. Nouns ending in o preced ed by a conso nant add es.
I Exa,n ples: · cargo - cargo es, hero ·- heroe s,
mango - mango es
7. Nouns plural in form but singul ar in 1nean ing.
Exa,np_les: statist ics, economics, 1nathe1natics, politic s,
physic s, news, mump s, measl es, civics
When used as a subjec t they requir e singu lar verbs.
Cases of Noun s
1. No~in ativ~ - used as the subjec t, noun of addre ss,
predic ate noun or appos itive.
· Exa,n ples: Carm elita looks beaut iful in her pink
· The winne r in the spelli ng contes t is Fran-
Atty. Cruz, the new instru ctor in Poli ti-
cal Scienc e delive rs his lectur e very well. ·
2. Objec tive - used as a direct object , indire ct .o bject or
object of th~ prepo sition .
Exa.,n ples: The stude nts playin g chess.
v V Mr't'< t H t:N ~ I V t Kt: V lt:VVER
Pronouns are substitutes or use9- in place for a wide va-
riety of nouns.
Exalliples: she, he, they, those, who, what
Verbs express action of state c:>f being, maybe inflected for
tense, aspect, voice, mood, and show argument with subject or
Exa,nples: are, feel, explain .
Forms of Verb
1. The base-forin - explain, feel, walk
2. The S-form third person singular - explains, feels, ·
3. The ing-form or present parti~iples - explaining, feel-
ing, walking
Kinds of Verb
1. Regular verbs form their past tense·by adding d or ed
to the simple form. ·
Base-fonn S -/orm Present Pasl Past
of t he verb of th e urrb JJarl ,:ciple Participle
(Jn' person s1:iigular) (,:ng-form)
w alk walk s wa lkin g walked w a lke d
Jump 1u1nps Jumping jumped jumped
e rase erases erasing erased erase d
2. Irregular verbs forn1 their past tense and past parti-.
ciple in several ways.
Base-For,n Past Tense Past Participle
come ca me came
break broke broken
shrink shrank shrunk
3. Linking verbs are used to join the subject with a word
in the predicate which relates to the subject. The be
\ form -of the verb (am, is, are, was, were) is the most
commonly used linking verb. Others are seem, smell,
appear, feel, become.
Examples of linking verbs:
1. Her favorite fruit is mango.
2. She looks beautiful in pink.
3. Prof. Santos became a celebrity.
Past form of some irregular verb.
Simple forrn Past for,n Past participle
sink sa nk sunk
.ring rang rung
drive drove driven
choose chose chosen
hide hid hidden
shrink shrank shrunk
-shake s hook shaken
swear swore sworn
wear wore worn
'It, n se i:-; a c at,e go ry of v(:• rh inll l·c·t l(ln 1'p<·ci fy in g t im(• c1nd
Adjectives are words that describe, limit or modify nouns
and pronouns.
Exa.rnples: beautiful, ·wann, sweet, short, pink, inter-
esting, wise
J\d jec t i vc'~ an RW<.'r t h v qu e
s tio n s "W ha t ki nd ?" "H ow
n1an y?'' "Which one?"
U se s of Ad je ct iv es
l. i\ nottn modifie r iR us ua lly
pl aced di re ctly be for e th e
no un it describes .
J~:,...:c un pl e: Sh e is an in tel lig en
t lawyer.
2. A pr ed ic ate ad jec tiv e follows
a lin ki ng ve rb an d m od i-
fies th e subject.
Exa.,nples: M ar ja is cheerful.
Th e sto ry se em s ,:nteresting.
3. An ar tic le or no un m ar ke r ar
e ot he r na m es for th es e
ad jec tiv es : a, an, an d th e
Exa.,nples: Th e ne w stu de nt is a
va led ict or ian .
M iss Cr uz wa s gi ve n an ap pl e.
The st ud en t is aw ar de d a gold m
ed al for
hi s ac ad em ic pe rfo rm an ce .
. Ad ve rb s modify a ve rb , an ad
jec tiv e, or an ot he r ad ve rb .
Ad ve rb s ty pi ca lly ex pr es s tim e,
place, 1n an ne r an d de gr ee .
Ad ve rb s sho.uld no t be us ed to mo
dify no un s.
· .- . Exa,nples: very, slowly, fri en
dl y, no,v, quickly, we ll
·K in ds of A dv er bs
1. Ad ve rb of n1 an ne r (ho\v)
Exa.rnple:· Th e stu de nt sp ok e flu en tly .
2. Ad ve rb of tim e (w he n)
·Exa,nples: M rs. Sa nt os is co mi ng
ne xt we ek .
Sh e co ul d no t sle ep we ll lat ely .
It ra in ed ha rd la st we ek .
I 3. · Ad ve rb of pl ac e (w he re )
Example: The cnncert will bt· in the auditorium .
Conjunctio ns connect words or group of word s, phrases,
clauses and sentences.
Examples: and, or, yet, but, therefore, however,
so that
Preposition s show the relation between a word and a
noun or pronoun that follows and indicates:
1. place and position - in, at, across, be hind, below
2. direction and m9tion - about, toward, around,
3. time - at, since, until, during, before, after
Preposition s are used before nouns or adjectives to form
phrases funct1oni:ng as modifier of verbs, nouns or adjectives.
Interjectio.r ts ·express emotion and usually end with an
exclamatio n point. It is a grammatica lly autonomou s word
or expression conveying emotion .
.Examples: hurray! Ouch! Hey! Good grief!
· 5. Not only the chemistry room but also the physics room
_ _ big.
a. was . c. are
b. is d. were ·
6. •Not only Nilo but also her sisters _ _ to attend the
concert at the park.
·a . intends c. intend
b. has intended d. had intended
b. we r e d. wa s
b. were d. are
12. -Everyone _ _ proud of the new school uniform.
a. seems c. seem
b. seemed · d. has seem
13. The audience _ __,;___
thrilled with the melodious voice of
the singer.
a. was C. 18
b .. were d. are
14. Somebody in the class _ _ been cheating.
a. had c. has
b. have .d. is
15. Luisito has sturdy muscles, _ _ ?
a. is he c. doesn't he
b. hasn't he d .. did he
16. The Justice Committee should decide now toter-
minate the case this week or not. --
a. whether c. neither
b. therefore d. at least
17. Who - - t hat book on 1ny t able?
a. lay8 c. h a d Ja id
b. la id d. has la id
18. Aling tlosefa does not know what to do when r-; h 8 found
out that she was running out _ _ food.
a . of c. on
b. in d. with
23. Of all the contesta nts none __·_ a better alternate than
Francisc o.
a . .has been C. 1S
b. is being d. ·are
quill' t iring.
a . 4lo wa lk b ri· ~ kl y c. walk a in1le~s ly
b. eru s h d . to ru s h
30. The nasce nt mark ets in Tugu ig City is n1us hroom de-
velop ment .
a. begin ning to form c. in economic degre e
b. begin ning to leave . d. simu ltane ous sellin g
t:n~l ish
K ey to cor r ectio n
1. d 6. C 11. a 16. a 2] . C
2. b 7. a 12. a 17. b 22. b
3. a 8. a 13. a 18. a 23. C
4 .. b 9. a 14. C 19. b 24. d
5. b 10 . b 15. b 20. b 25. C
Ke·y to Corr ectio n
l. C 11. C 21. b
2. d 12. e ">2
.... . a
3. a 13. a ')3 • a
:..i '
4. a 14. b 24. C
5. C 15. a 25. a
6. b 16. b 26. C
7. . a 17. q 27. a
8. ·a 18. C 28. a
9. a 19. b 29. b
10~ a' 20 . a 30. a