Guage The Verbal Expression. Special of Sentences and 3. Are

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Bas ic Con cep ts of Lan gua ge

Lan gua ge is the exp ress jon of thou gh l s and feel ings
I. thro ugh voc al sou nds and wri tten sym bols . In any lan-
guage the basj c el~m ent is soun d. l t 1s a p a rt1c u lar
1nanner of verbal exp ress ion.
2. Every lang uag e has its · own stru ctu re with spe cial
forms. The se stru ctur es _con sist of lett ers, syll able s,
words, clau ses, sent enc es and par agr aph s.
3. Cla rity, relevance, unit y and coh eren ce are the basit;
cha ract eris tics in spe ?kin g and wri bng .
4. Lan gua ge lear nin g is cha ract eriz ed by arti stic and
functional skil ls.
5. A com mun icat ion art enc omp asse s a wid e ran ge of
school and social ·acti viti es desi gne d to help lear ner s
become knowledgeable abo ut lang uag e so tha t the y
can use this tool effectively in vari ous occas1ons/dif-
fere nt situ atio ns.
6. Lan gua ge as a body of wor ds is inte rwo ven with all
phr ase s of thin king , spe akin g, wri ting and eve ry as-
pec t of the lear ning process.
7. Lan gua ge is socially lear ned behavior, a 1ne ans of com-
. mun icat ion betw een indi vidu als.
8. Lan gua ge is syst ema tic and has .pat tern ed stru ctur e
in all levels and lear ned beh avio r

Rul es on Agr eem ent of Sub ject a~d Ver b

1. Use 8-fo rms or sing ular pre sen t tens e of the verbs in
defi ning con cep ts. A sin gul ar sub ject agr ees with a
sing ular· verb.
Exa ,npl es: Thi s _book con tain s inte rest ing stor ies.
. Tho se books con tain inte rest ing stor ies.
2. Som e nou ns suc h as econo1nics, phy sics , 1na them at-
·.. , ,· v i· •·s
I C~ . C '--' •
po l itic:-. ' n1 u m f) H, mc.•a s Jc~, 8 tati ~tic~ a nd
new:-; a rc µJ ural in fo rrn hu t Hing ul ar i n m ea n ing. W h e n
uAPd :l s a :-; ubject t h<.! vc r h i~ s ingu.l a r.
J,;_,·01111Jl(': Ph ys ic:~ Hec m H to be t h e \Vate rl oo o f
P e dro.
;L l'vlost inde fini te nouns , pronouns a nd a djectives t:1 uch
as each , e ve ry, any, one, anothe r, some body, a n y body,
nobody, eit her or neit her a r e singular and re quire a
sin gle verb.
Exa,nple: Eve rybody was prese nt in _the meeting.
4. l Jse a singular verb for collective noun ~ such as com-
mittee, jury, class, family, flock, band a nd herd de notes
I as a unit. Use a plural verb when· it refers to the
person or thing in t he collection.
Exa,nple: The audience was thrilled with the melo-
dious voice of Regine Velasquez.
5. Use either a singular or plural verb correspond-
ing to the meaning of nouns with words such a s part,
portion, number and plenty.
Exa,nples: The n-u,nber of prisoner.s wh_o esca ped
from. prison is still unaccounted for.
A nurnber of governors have been chosen
to attend the conference· on juete ng.
6. Use whom when it is referred to an object . .
Example: The doctor z.oho,n you . consulted 1s n1y
7. Use that with superlative· structures.
Exa,nple: That basketball player is the tallest ath-
lete that I have ever seen.
8. Use who in relative clauses that describe people.
. Exa.niple: The singer, who rendered a vocal ·solo, is a
finalist in a local singing contest.
9. Use that for people and which for things.
Exarnple s: The polo shirt that he is wearing co,nes
from ,Japan .
The l,00/1 uJ/iich he is reading i8 a vailable
in the library.
IO. /Use shall for suggestio ns or propositio ns.
Exa,nple: Shall l let your fath er come in?
11. U~e an - ·ing structur e after would you mind ....
Example: Would you mind having another outing
next month?
12. Adverbs of frequency. This often goes between the sub-
. ject and the verb.
· Exa,nple : l always sing during her birthday.

13. Use of subjuncti ve in advance structure s.

Exarnple: If I were you, I would take another course.
Our teachers reminded us that we should
attend classes regularly .

14. Use the present perfect for actions which have not
been done or finished.
Example s: ,Mis~ Reyes has been waiting for you for
almost three hours.
What have you been doing?

15. Use of the past perfect to express the past action.

Exarnple s: The· Commen cement Exercises had begun
before she arrived.
My teacher said that she had spoken to
my mother about my academic deficiency.

Parts of speech describe. the mechanic s / structure of
the language .
The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, prepositi on, conjuncti on and interjecti on.

NOUNS - TIH•se an· n:1rn Ps of pt>nmnR, pl nl:r-~, Lln n gs :i nd
<.•ve nt s .
J; x<1111ples: en gin~<:>r, d 1air, C hriKt.m nK, (~u ia p o

Kinds of Noun s
1. Proper nouns are s p0cific or defini tr names of pC' r -
sons, places and things.
l\1aria ·Thercsa, Engineer Zulue ta , Ne w Yl' ur,
Rizal P~rk
2. Co1nmon nouns are general na1ne::; of person s , places
or things and written in small letters.
street, boy, teacher, pupil, horse, man
;1. Collective nouns denote group· of persons or objects.
public, team, crowd, jury, clergy, herd, c1udience,
flock,band ~.
·use a plural verb when it refers to the person or things
in the collection.
4. M·ass nouns - cannot be counted or indefinitely divis-
ible substances.
sand, sugar, hair, stars, air; water, happiness
5. Concrete nouns exist in the physical world and de-
note something material and non-abstract.
flower, stone, bottle, table, ball
6. Abstract nouns refer to ideas and feelings.
love, affection, freedom, faith, honesty, reverence,
dread, euphoria

Number of nouns
Singular - refers to one noun
Plural - refers to two or more nouns
Rules in forming the plural of nouns
1. Most nouns form ·the plural by si1nply adding S to the
singular for1n.
Exa In p l \ ::;. 1 + S _ vi
n •. g-· rl rh-; , pupi I - pupils , fruit - fruits
L n

2 . Nouns e nding in r1 hi ss ing sound (s, ch, x or z) add cs.

Exa,n ples: box - boxes, churc h - church eH
~3. Nouns e nding inf or fe, change f to ve befor e a dding
Exa.,n ples: calf - calves , leaf - leaves , knife - knive s ·

4. Nouns endin g in y procee ded by a conso nant ~ound

chang e y to i and add es.
l!~xam.ples: city - cities , puppy - puppi es,
lady - ladies
5. Nouns ending in y after a vowel, add s.
Exarn ples:. alley - alleys , key - keys, valley - valley s

-6. Nouns ending in o preced ed by a conso nant add es.
I Exa,n ples: · cargo - cargo es, hero ·- heroe s,
mango - mango es
7. Nouns plural in form but singul ar in 1nean ing.
Exa,np_les: statist ics, economics, 1nathe1natics, politic s,
physic s, news, mump s, measl es, civics
When used as a subjec t they requir e singu lar verbs.
Cases of Noun s
1. No~in ativ~ - used as the subjec t, noun of addre ss,
predic ate noun or appos itive.
· Exa,n ples: Carm elita looks beaut iful in her pink
· The winne r in the spelli ng contes t is Fran-
Atty. Cruz, the new instru ctor in Poli ti-
cal Scienc e delive rs his lectur e very well. ·
2. Objec tive - used as a direct object , indire ct .o bject or
object of th~ prepo sition .
Exa.,n ples: The stude nts playin g chess.
v V Mr't'< t H t:N ~ I V t Kt: V lt:VVER


Luisito :-;e ~t Cris a hunch of lovely roses.

The concert wa8 h<•ld at the to,on plaza..
3. PosseHsive - used to show ownership or pol4S€!FH,ion.
For singular nouns add apostrophe and ~ ('r-,) for Hin-
gular possessive and for pluraJ nouns add apos trophe
Exa,nples: girl's - girls', teacher's - teachers'
For nouns that do not end with s, add ('s) to the plural
Examples: children'.s, men's
For proper nouns ending ins, x or z add an apostrophe.
Examples: Marites', Karl Marx', Mr. Lopez'

Pronouns are substitutes or use9- in place for a wide va-
riety of nouns.
Exalliples: she, he, they, those, who, what

Verbs express action of state c:>f being, maybe inflected for
tense, aspect, voice, mood, and show argument with subject or
Exa,nples: are, feel, explain .

Forms of Verb
1. The base-forin - explain, feel, walk
2. The S-form third person singular - explains, feels, ·
3. The ing-form or present parti~iples - explaining, feel-
ing, walking
Kinds of Verb
1. Regular verbs form their past tense·by adding d or ed
to the simple form. ·
Base-fonn S -/orm Present Pasl Past
of t he verb of th e urrb JJarl ,:ciple Participle
(Jn' person s1:iigular) (,:ng-form)
w alk walk s wa lkin g walked w a lke d
Jump 1u1nps Jumping jumped jumped
e rase erases erasing erased erase d
2. Irregular verbs forn1 their past tense and past parti-.
ciple in several ways.
Base-For,n Past Tense Past Participle
come ca me came
break broke broken
shrink shrank shrunk
3. Linking verbs are used to join the subject with a word
in the predicate which relates to the subject. The be
\ form -of the verb (am, is, are, was, were) is the most
commonly used linking verb. Others are seem, smell,
appear, feel, become.
Examples of linking verbs:
1. Her favorite fruit is mango.
2. She looks beautiful in pink.
3. Prof. Santos became a celebrity.
Past form of some irregular verb.
Simple forrn Past for,n Past participle
sink sa nk sunk
.ring rang rung
drive drove driven
choose chose chosen
hide hid hidden
shrink shrank shrunk
-shake s hook shaken
swear swore sworn
wear wore worn
'It, n se i:-; a c at,e go ry of v(:• rh inll l·c·t l(ln 1'p<·ci fy in g t im(• c1nd

Prese nt Te nse - /\ verb is in t he pruse nt te nse.:.

l. when the se nte nce e xp r es~<..• s H p (•nna n e n l action.
·E xa,nple: The sun ri se~ in t hP east .
2. it shows habitual action.
Excunple: Mario goes to school everyday.
3. it expresses an on-going action .
Exa.,nple: The bf,lsketball playe rs arc playing in t he
basketball·court now.
Past Tense - A verb-is in the past tense if it expresses a co m-
pleted action. It designates a tense or other verb forma-
tion that refers to events or states in ti1ne gone by.
Exa.,nples: The students transferred to the new build-
ing last week.
Claire gave her n1other a gift yesterday.
,Joselito delivered his speech on democracy
Future Tense - A verb is in the future tense if it expresses an
action that is yet to be done. It is a verb phrase using
the auxiliary verbs will/shall - plus the simple form of
the verb.
Exa,nples: Will you. see me in the library ton1orrow?
The studen~s will submit their tern1 papers
He shall come back.

Adjectives are words that describe, limit or modify nouns
and pronouns.
Exa.rnples: beautiful, ·wann, sweet, short, pink, inter-
esting, wise
J\d jec t i vc'~ an RW<.'r t h v qu e
s tio n s "W ha t ki nd ?" "H ow
n1an y?'' "Which one?"

U se s of Ad je ct iv es
l. i\ nottn modifie r iR us ua lly
pl aced di re ctly be for e th e
no un it describes .
J~:,...:c un pl e: Sh e is an in tel lig en
t lawyer.
2. A pr ed ic ate ad jec tiv e follows
a lin ki ng ve rb an d m od i-
fies th e subject.
Exa.,nples: M ar ja is cheerful.
Th e sto ry se em s ,:nteresting.
3. An ar tic le or no un m ar ke r ar
e ot he r na m es for th es e
ad jec tiv es : a, an, an d th e
Exa.,nples: Th e ne w stu de nt is a
va led ict or ian .
M iss Cr uz wa s gi ve n an ap pl e.
The st ud en t is aw ar de d a gold m
ed al for
hi s ac ad em ic pe rfo rm an ce .

. Ad ve rb s modify a ve rb , an ad
jec tiv e, or an ot he r ad ve rb .
Ad ve rb s ty pi ca lly ex pr es s tim e,
place, 1n an ne r an d de gr ee .
Ad ve rb s sho.uld no t be us ed to mo
dify no un s.
· .- . Exa,nples: very, slowly, fri en
dl y, no,v, quickly, we ll
·K in ds of A dv er bs
1. Ad ve rb of n1 an ne r (ho\v)
Exa.rnple:· Th e stu de nt sp ok e flu en tly .
2. Ad ve rb of tim e (w he n)
·Exa,nples: M rs. Sa nt os is co mi ng
ne xt we ek .
Sh e co ul d no t sle ep we ll lat ely .
It ra in ed ha rd la st we ek .

I 3. · Ad ve rb of pl ac e (w he re )

Example: The cnncert will bt· in the auditorium .

4. Adverb of frequency (how often)

Example: Her mother writt f4 to hC'r regularl y.

Conjunctio ns connect words or group of word s, phrases,
clauses and sentences.
Examples: and, or, yet, but, therefore, however,
so that

Preposition s show the relation between a word and a
noun or pronoun that follows and indicates:
1. place and position - in, at, across, be hind, below
2. direction and m9tion - about, toward, around,
3. time - at, since, until, during, before, after
Preposition s are used before nouns or adjectives to form
phrases funct1oni:ng as modifier of verbs, nouns or adjectives.

Interjectio.r ts ·express emotion and usually end with an
exclamatio n point. It is a grammatica lly autonomou s word
or expression conveying emotion .
.Examples: hurray! Ouch! Hey! Good grief!


adapt - means to adjust/chan ge or 1nake suitable to the en-
vironment ·· ·

adopt - means to take/choose as one's own

adept - means skillful, proficient, expert
Thr laborPrs can ada pt to cha ngi ng con diti ons cos ily.
1'hC' ,:llcgitirnate chi ld u;as ado pte d by a fore ign couple.
Correct practicr LDill rnake one an ade pt basli,etbal
pla yer .
adv ers e - me ans unf avo rab le, ant ago nis tic in pur pos
ave rse - me ans disl ikin g, hav ing a stro ng fee ling
of opp osi-
Mrs. Cru z took the adv ers e dec isio n pol itel y.
Sorne stud ent s are ave rse lo crit icis m by the ir cla ss-
aff ect - me ans to infl uen ce (verb)
eff ect - me ans an infl uen ce (no un)
eff ect - me ans to brin g abo ut (ve rb)
Good stu dy hab its niu st aff ect you r grades.
The effe ct of the hea vy rai ns is stil l bei ng felt.
Joi nin g spi ritu al retreat eff ect ed a trem end ous cha nge
,:,-1, his life.
all aro und - me ans all ove r a giv en are a
all- rou nd - me ans versatile, ada pte d for tur nin g eas
ily fro m
var iou s tas ks
1 he sold iers were line d up a kilo met er all aro un d.
The cha mp ion ,:n the oratorical con test s is an all -ro un
stu den t.
alt oge the r - me ans completely/entirely .
all tog eth er - me ans everybody or eve ryt hin g tog eth
Thi s wa s an alt oge the r different com put er {r~m the one
you len t rne.
The aud ien ce san g the song all tog eth er.
all ud e - me ans to ma ke a refe ren ce to
. elu de - me a~s to ·esc ape from or slip aw ay

To allude l o o proslilule i s u nfoir.

It is i,npostJ ihlc for thr Mf'./LF banchls lo elude the
A nn<'rl F'orces in th e j1uif.!lc o/ Basilun.

along side of - mean::; side by side wi t h

His er stood along side of h is son.
ascent - the movem ent upward fro1n a lower to a highe r
sta te or status
assent - 1neans approva l or to a gree, to concur
The ascent of Mr. R eyes to the preside n cy is d ifficult.
Congre ss ga ve its assent to the Preside nt :i; em ergency
berth - th~ space allotted to a ve.ssel at anchor or at a wharf
birth - means the act of being born
The ·big vessel was given a wide berth in Manila Bay .
Marites is a fortuna te lady from, birth.
better - means recover ing
well - means comple tely recover ed
· She is better now than he was three days ago.
In a feuJ day s, he will be well.
breath - an intake of air
breath e - the air inhaled and exhaled in respira tion
breadt h - the dimens ion of a plane or solid figure
It is i,nport ant that before you di ve in, take a deep
breath .
It is difficul t to breath e in a closed roo,n with smoke.
The breadt h of the lu,nber s.h ould be ,neasu red
correct ly.
decent - approp ri~te, confor-m ing to the recogni zed standa rd
of proprie ty.
descen t ·_ meanin g going down or a ncestry
[·: dissen t - to·disagree, to differ in opinion
lnfonn al orcas,:ons, decen t _clothe s shoul d he wo r n.
T'o desce nt on the sta,,:rs , it is carefu l lo 1outr.h you.r
She hclong s to a d,:stin guishe d desce nt.
To dissen t pohlel y is a sign of educa tion.
emer ge - means to rise out or come up
imme rge - to plung e into (also imn1e rse)
The sun emerg es fro,n behin d· the clouds.
The social u;orher imme rged herse lf fro,n the de-
press ed area.
perse cute - to 1nake life 1niser able throu gh oppre ssive treat-
prose cute - to :nstitu te a legal p'roce edings again st a per-
To perse cute a suspe cted cri,ni nal is to e,nplo y tor-
ture, a1-id other oppress£ve harassnierit.
To prose cute the crimi nals is one funct£on of the pros-
ecutin g attorney.
statio nary - stand ing still; not movin g
statio nery - writin g· paper ; writin g mater ials
11ie soldie rs are statio nary ii-I, the parade groun d.
The stude nts bough t statio nery· at ·the 1Vatio nal BooJ::,
Practical Exercises


Direction: ·Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The father, not the children _ _ going on a tour.

a. was c. were
b. are d • JS
2. The interest and the principal of her saving account
_ _ computed every month.
a. was been c. are
b. were been d. is
3. There _ _ reasons for her decision to change her mind.
a. were c. has been
b. had been d. was
4. He _ _. her teacher very much because of his
a. did impressed c. impress
b. impresses d. had impressed ·

· 5. Not only the chemistry room but also the physics room
_ _ big.
a. was . c. are
b. is d. were ·
6. •Not only Nilo but also her sisters _ _ to attend the
concert at the park.
·a . intends c. intend
b. has intended d. had intended

7. Economics as well as Literature _ _ my favorite

. c. are
a. IS
b. ·w as d. were ·
8. Either Marice I or her c a ss mA ~8
J w ___ Jo 1n 1ng· t h e
e xc urs ion.
a. a r c <.: . JS

b. we r e d. wa s

9. ( ,,I asses usua 11y _ _ in March.

a. end - c. is e nding
b. en d s d . e nded

10. Five hun d re d pesos _ _ too much for the Christmas

a. are c. was
b. is d. were

11. Everybody _ _ present in .the convocation yesterday.

a. was C. IS

b. were d. are
12. -Everyone _ _ proud of the new school uniform.
a. seems c. seem
b. seemed · d. has seem
13. The audience _ __,;___
thrilled with the melodious voice of
the singer.
a. was C. 18
b .. were d. are
14. Somebody in the class _ _ been cheating.
a. had c. has
b. have .d. is
15. Luisito has sturdy muscles, _ _ ?

a. is he c. doesn't he
b. hasn't he d .. did he
16. The Justice Committee should decide now toter-
minate the case this week or not. --
a. whether c. neither
b. therefore d. at least
17. Who - - t hat book on 1ny t able?
a. lay8 c. h a d Ja id
b. la id d. has la id

18. Aling tlosefa does not know what to do when r-; h 8 found
out that she was running out _ _ food.
a . of c. on
b. in d. with

19. Neither Jose or Carlos _ _ joining the field t rip.

a. are c. was
b. 1s d. were
20. Everyon e in the party _ _ getting along well with.eac h
a. was c. were
b. 1S d. are
21. _ _ the diapers of the baby been replaced?
a. Has c. Ilave
b. Has been d. Had been
22. - There is moral ground for governm ent officials and
employe es _ _ as models of integrity and honesty.
a. serve c. served
b. to serve d. will serve

23. Of all the contesta nts none __·_ a better alternate than
Francisc o.
a . .has been C. 1S
b. is being d. ·are

24. 'rhere _ _ reasonab le grounds for the jury's decisions .

a. had been c. was
b. has been d. were
.25. The doctor _ _ you consulte d is my uncle.
a. who c. w horn
b. that d. which
Dire ction : Enc ircle thL\ Jette r of' the bcf-il anH wt·r .

1. The re was pa ndC1 n1 onillD1 in thl' r1ud itoriu m bPfon~ ihc

prog ram ende d.
a. presenta tion c. upro ar
b. cont ent d. speech
2. She was acclai1ned the best stag e thes pia n.
a. pres ento r c. dire ctor
b. perf orm er d. actr ess
3. The judg e in a crim inal case mus t be circ ums pect in
eval uati ng the mer its of the case .
a. prud ent c. fa1niliar
b. awa re d. well -rou nded
4. Prom ises from poli ticia ns usua lly are paradoxic-al.
a. unfu lfill ed c. gran ted
b. ·diso rgan ized d. ans, vere d
5. It is not good to proc rast inat e thin gs that you can do
toda y.
a. put dow n · c. put off
b. put up d. put awa y
6. Mr. Rey es is a very h_a r_d wor king e1nployee, he does not
eng age in any extr aneo us activ ities .
a. soci alize d c. t.in1e-consu1ning
b._ irre leva nt · d. funn y
'1_. Car los belo ngs to an afflu ent fam ily in Pan 1pan ga .
. a. wea lthy c. relig ious
. · b. well -kno wn d .. gene rous
s: -The asce nt of Prof . Mar tine z to the pres ide ncy is
laud able .
a. adv anc eme nt c. nece ssar y
b: una ccep tabl e d. que stio nab le
9. His business has cphc n1e ra l profits.
a. short-lived c. big
b. flouri s h d. meage r

10. A street snack gave me a turista.

a. intestinal illness c. visa stamp
b. tour bus d. foot pain

11. The men1bers of the Board of Directo~s in a local bank

failed to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
a. money c . . trust
b. credit d. fraud
12. It is a joy to watch interest accrue in a time deposit in a
a. to erode c. accumulate
b. attribute d. manifest

13. High liquidity gives greater flexibility 1n bank

a. convertibility G- bankruptcy
b. instability d. spee_d _

14. The retiree depended on his monthly annuity for

a. loan c. withdrawal
b. fix payment d. law·s uit

15. The exemption from penalties, offered indemnity against

further loss.
a. protection c. failure
b. penalty d. risk

16. We learn the hard way why it is in1portant to diversify

our investments.
a. heighten c. amuse·
h. -give variety to d. to thin out
17. Ho me pol I t 1t·:11 :,n: dy~ t ~~ a nt1ci patP<.i the Li hera
l Pa r ty
rLL' h:l_t_:l<~.
a . coll a p Ht.' c . 1n e rgl' r
b. Hca n dal cl . H ur p rl Hl !

18. To bilk fore ign invest or s is des tru ctiv P cco

nom 1c
co1 npe titi o n .
-- - .
a : to but tres s c. che at
b. ded uct d . el udc
19. The re was no 1na gic.a l p a nac ea for th e com
p a ny, s
trou bles .
a . bon us c. monopoly
b. cur e-al l d. dec ept ion
20. It was rea lly a sho ddy bus ine ss pra ctice .
a. infe rior c. my ster iou s
b. ant iqu ate d d. unu sua l
21. Sul try Au gus t day s are her e aga in.
a. unh app y c. colorful
b .. swel~erin g d. sun ny
22. 'I1he hot el's lux urio us amb ian ce is rela xin g.
a. atm osp her e c. colorful
b. tem por ary place d. wa rmt h
23 . Bor aca y as a res ort has i1npress ive am eni ties.
a. use ful fea ture s c. pas sag ewa y
b. tax es· d. forn1 al
24. The que ue stre tch es four blo cks .
a. que stio n c~· wai ting line
b. side roa d · d. roa d ma p
25. He r agoraphobia ke.p t her housebound.
~--- fea r of pub lic places c. fea r of get ting los t ·
b. fea r of flyi ng d. fur ry ani ma ls
2G. rr,
t ra1· pst) 11 11 ove r t uwt 1 I·~ ><, I<i 11"'"' fo r :1 n.- ~ t a u r a n t is

quill' t iring.
a . 4lo wa lk b ri· ~ kl y c. walk a in1le~s ly
b. eru s h d . to ru s h

27 . fvl a ke s ure thf-l t you have cash for incide n tal:--..

8. 1nino r expen seH c. m c n1ent os
h. ~hart e ncoun ters d. forbid d e n c~ rry-o n s

28. The r o n t r nhR nd ,vaR sejze d by the police me n .

a . iJlega l goods c. money belt
b. musica l instr umen ts d. custo ms collec tor

29. The conci erge in the ~otel is ve ry polite .

a . head waite r c. wine speci alist
b. doork eeper · d. busboy

30. The nasce nt mark ets in Tugu ig City is n1us hroom de-
velop ment .
a. begin ning to form c. in economic degre e
b. begin ning to leave . d. simu ltane ous sellin g
t:n~l ish
K ey to cor r ectio n

1. d 6. C 11. a 16. a 2] . C
2. b 7. a 12. a 17. b 22. b
3. a 8. a 13. a 18. a 23. C
4 .. b 9. a 14. C 19. b 24. d
5. b 10 . b 15. b 20. b 25. C

Ke·y to Corr ectio n

l. C 11. C 21. b
2. d 12. e ">2
.... . a
3. a 13. a ')3 • a
:..i '

4. a 14. b 24. C
5. C 15. a 25. a
6. b 16. b 26. C
7. . a 17. q 27. a
8. ·a 18. C 28. a
9. a 19. b 29. b
10~ a' 20 . a 30. a

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