The 'geneva is one oft hE' simplest and least expensive of all intermittent mot ion mechanisms. Th'y are available on an offtho-shelf basis from several manufacturers, in a variety ofsizos. The 'Geneva maintains good. Control of its load at all times, since h is provid.f'd wit h. Loeking ring sur.fncC.
The 'geneva is one oft hE' simplest and least expensive of all intermittent mot ion mechanisms. Th'y are available on an offtho-shelf basis from several manufacturers, in a variety ofsizos. The 'Geneva maintains good. Control of its load at all times, since h is provid.f'd wit h. Loeking ring sur.fncC.
The 'geneva is one oft hE' simplest and least expensive of all intermittent mot ion mechanisms. Th'y are available on an offtho-shelf basis from several manufacturers, in a variety ofsizos. The 'Geneva maintains good. Control of its load at all times, since h is provid.f'd wit h. Loeking ring sur.fncC.
The 'geneva is one oft hE' simplest and least expensive of all intermittent mot ion mechanisms. Th'y are available on an offtho-shelf basis from several manufacturers, in a variety ofsizos. The 'Geneva maintains good. Control of its load at all times, since h is provid.f'd wit h. Loeking ring sur.fncC.
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Geneva Mechanisms
‘The Geneva is one of the earliest of all intermittent
motion mechanisms and when input is in the form
of continuous rotation, it is probably still the most
commonly used. Genevas are available on an off-
the-shel? busis from several munufaeturers, ina
variety of sizes. They are cheaper than eams or star
wheels and have adequate-to-good performance chat
eteristies, depending on load faetors and other
design requirements, Figure 9-1 shows « typical,
four-slot external Geneva,
Advantages of Genevas
Genevas may be the simplest and least expensive
of all intermittent motion mechanisms. As mentioned
before, they eome in a wide variety of sizes, ranging
from those used in instruments, to those used in
machine tools to index spindle eartiers weighing
several tons. They have good motion-eurve char-
eteristies compared to ratchets, but exhibit more
“jerk,” or instantaneous change in aeceleration, than
do better eam systems (the Gi you will re-
member, is 1 special type of eam system)
‘The Geneva maintains good control of its load at
all times, since it is provided with loeking ring sur-
faces, as shown in Fig. 91, to hold the oui put during
dwell periods. In addition, if properly sized to the
load, the Geneva generally exhibits very long life,
One machine tool manufacturcr told me that their
Genevas will last 20 years, indexing onee every fev
seconds, on a three-shift basis, driving a spindle
carrier weighing one ton, This particular Geneva
was about 18 inches in diameter
Disadvantages of Genevas
‘The Geneva is not @ versatile mechanism. It ean
be used to produce no less than three, and usually
no more than 18 dwells per revolution of the output
shait. Furthermore, onee the number of dwells has
been selected, the designer is well locked into 2 given
set of motion curves. ‘The ratio of dwell period to
motion period is also established once the number
of dwells por revolution has been selected. Also, all
Geneva acceleration eurves start and end with finite
acceleration and deceleration. ‘This means they pro-
duee jerk.
‘There are three types of Genevas: (1) external,
which is the most popular, and which is represented
by the doviee shown in Fig. 9-1; (2) internal, which
is also very common and is illustrated by Fig. 9
and (3) spherieal, Fig. 9-3, whieh is extremely rar
We will take 2 eloser look at some external and
internal Genevas later on, but will not spend more
time on the spherical type.
Genevas are also combined with a wide variety of
other mechanisms, such us four-bar linkages; cluteh
brake combinations; noneircular gears; cte., to modify
the motion curves and dwell-motion ratios obtained
from a pure Geneva. We will sec several different
examples of these later.
s of Gonevas128 GENEVA
drive pin
drive slot
Prveing eet of MACHINE DESION Mapai; De #1208,
Fig, 0-1, Four-slot external Genova,
Motion Curves
‘The motion curves for several external Genevas
are shown in Fig. 9-4; and for internal Genevas, in
Fig. 9-3. As can be scen, the two curve sets differ
quite drastieally in shape. Figure 9-6 shows the
motion curves for four-slot internal and external
Genevas superimposed for comparison.
ee input
jj drive pin
Drawing cowtiny of MACHINE DESIGN Magnan Dt 88,136
“ ieee
Fig. 9-2. Fourlot internal Geneva,
A few general comments can be made about these
motion curves,
1, For an external Geneva, the dwell period
always exceeds the motion period.
For an external Geneva, the dwell period
‘always lasts longer than the time required
for 180 degrees of motion of the input driver.
For an internal Geneva, the motion period
always exceeds the dwell period.
For an internal Geneva, the dwell period is
always shorter than the time required for
180 degrees of input.
oupal |
Drawine cnrey of MACHINE DESIGN Magasin; De. 8, 1286
of MACHINE DESIG: Dec 58 128%
Fig. 9-3. Four-lot spherieal Geneva,
5. For a spherical geneva, the dwell period
equals the motion period, and equals the
time required for exactly 180 degrees of input.
. The magnitude of peak acceleration and de-
cecleration, velocity, ete., obtained with #
Geneva, is « funetion of the number of slots
or dwells. This is true of all types.
As the ratio between the diameter of the wheel and
the diameter of the driver gots larger (more slots oF
dwell periods per revolution of the output), mai
mum accelerations and velocitics decrease (for #
given driver speed). This makes sense because the
indexing angle of the output decreases as the numbeT
of slots increases.che GENEVA MECHANISMS. 129
| ee Bl
| paste aE bs)
| ee Be
4 El st
4 t Be
Fig. 9-4. Motion curves for external Genevas with four, ex, and ten slots,
Fig. 0-5, Motion curves for internal Genevas with four, six, und ten slots,
time Time
Fig. 9-6. Comparison of the motion curves of internal and external Genevas with four slots,130 GENEVA MECHANISMS ch
direction of motion
= of pin
Fig. 9-7. The drive pin of the Geneva should enter the
slois in the deiven wheel along an are that i tangent to the
‘centerline of the slot, rather than along & line which deviates
from the slot centerline by some angle 3, ax shown here.
Miscellaneous Comment
Ina well-designed Geneva the drive pin will enter
the slots of the output wheel along an are that is
tangent to the eenterline of the slot, as shown in
Fig. 9-1. If the direction of motion of the pin
dovintes from the slot centerline by an angle A,
shown in Fig. 9-7, impact can result. This wil either
be a positive or negative impact (that is, it will
produce cither a positive or # negative torque on
the driver} depending upon whether the slot is at
some angle above the tangent line of the pin's
motion or at some angle below it, (Figure 9-7 shows
situation where the tangent line is below the pin's
motion line.)
Figure 9-8 shows the displacement curves that
result from three situations: the deviation (angle g)
is 5 degrees ar O degrees (tangent ). There dors not
seem to be much difference between these three
curves, each of which represents only the first few
degrees of motion of the output member rather than
the complete displacement curve, as per Fig. 9-4.
The velocity curves for these three situations, also
shown in Fig. 9-8, do not appear to have changed
much either,
If we now plot the acecleration curves, however,
we will find that we have introduced impaet when
the slot’s centerline was above or below the line
tangent {o the pin’s motion, This is beewuse the
angular velocity in cach ease starts at a finite positive
‘or negative value; and instantaneous change in ve~
locity: means an infinite acecteration which, in turn,
means impact. In practice, of course, a small
velocity would mean a relatively small impact (even
though theory says any instantaneous change means
aan infinite acceleration) and would eause no trouble
If the machine is operated at. high speeds, however,
or under heavy loads, or with elastic connections
between parts, even a small, sudden change in ve-
locity ean cause severe impact, stress, vibration, lost
motion, jamming, ete. Figure 9-9 shows the acceler-
ation eurves for the three situations.
As discussed in Chapter 5, a high-speed or heavily
loaded Geneva ean also get into difficulty if the pit
is not 8 good running fit in the slots in the output
P| /2" slot 5 below
| tangent
slot 5° above
~ tangent
| stot tangent ff
2 Yo stor 5: below
e tangent
TL time
Fig. 9-8, Displacement and velocity eurves of an external
Geneva hen the direction af motion of the drive pin 18
‘tangent to the slot; when the lot is 9 degrees above the
tangent line; and when it ic 5 degrees below it (the latter
situation ie shown in Fig. 9-7).cho
Wheel. Elasticity in the system may allow the pin to
chatter from one side of the slot to the other as it
Arives the wheel, producing a series of impacts which
can eause all sorts of trouble, (See Figs. 5-9 and
5-10 for the resultant motion curves.)
slot sr below /
rangent /
/b—slor above
4 engent
Fig. 0-9, Acceleration curves for tangent and 6 degrees
‘misaligned Hots,
Four sketches of external Genevas with five, six,
cight, and ten slots, respretively, are shown in Fig.
910. Notiee how the ratio between the diameter
of the driver and the diameter of the wheel decreases
(Af :
\ os)
Fig. 9-10. Fxternal Genevas with five, six, eight, and ten
slots, respectively,
as the number of slots increases. Notiee also, that
the indexing angle decreases.
‘Three internal Genevas with four, eight, and
twelve slots are illustrated in Fig. 9-11. Again, notice
how the ratio of driver diameter to output wheel
diameter decreases as the number of slots inereases.
Notice too, that the driver must be mounted on
cantilevered shaft in each case, whereas the external
Geneva of the previous illustration could have both
input and output members mounted on through
Fig. 9-11. Internal Geneyae with four, eight, and (welve slots,GENEVA MECHANISMS 133
Fig. 9-14. Fivestep Geneva mechanisim used in the indexing system of a large multiple-spindle machine tool,134 GENEVA MECHANISMS ane
long locking
Fig. 0-15, Siv-slot external Geneve used for light-duty
instrument applications
Fig. 9-16, Fourlot external Geneva with three-pin driver,
Fig. 9417, Four-slot Geneva driven by a two-pin driver,
Fig. 9-18, Chain-mounted drive pins with blocks for loek-
ing during dwells,
ane HTD
pe 4 ap eres
Xs Lean :
fr A
rowing ewren«/ PRODUCT ENGINEERING Sapna: Fone
Fig, 9-19, (Left) Beternal Geneva driven by a four-bar